Plain Truth 1968 (Prelim No 01) Jan_w

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  • 7/28/2019 Plain Truth 1968 (Prelim No 01) Jan_w


  • 7/28/2019 Plain Truth 1968 (Prelim No 01) Jan_w


    Wfat-our READERS SAYHurr icane" I have not even finished the com

    plete article on 'Hurricane Beulah ,' butam compelled to immediately congratulate your staff on the excellent,accurate reporting. You see, I live inthe area immediately concerned withthis disaster, and having ridden withmy husband (a construction materialsalesman, needed as soon as repa ir andrebuild ing started) , I did see moreof the actual cond itions than mostpeop le. \X'e were in the Por t Isabel,Padre Island, Brownsville, Ha rlingenarea, in just a few days, when dr ivingwas still a matter of detouring anddriving through water in many places.That is why I know the wonderfu l jobof report ing for the article in ThePLAIN T RUTH , I was there."

    Mrs. D. M. D .,San Juan , Texas

    Arab-Israeli Cr isis" I came home from work one day

    and sat down to read the dai ly newspaper. In it was an article un the thencurrent Israeli-Arab war. Wh en I hadfinished the article a thought struckme in the back of my mind . 'Hadn'tI read this somewhere before?' I beganthen, to look back at some of theliterature I had received from you inthe past. And sure enough! - I foundthe November 1966 issue of ThePLAIN TRUTH with its prophecy of thecoming crisis in Israel. I re-read thearticle and found, to my AMAZEMENT( !) , that it covered the newspape rart icle almost WORD FOR \X 'ORD!! Yourmagazine Hooped one (i f not all) ofth is nation 's greatest newspapers by noless than EIGHT MONTHS!"

    Michael E. McD.,Pocatello, Idaho

    Evolution"Before reading your articles on

    evolution, I was somewhat confusedabout what evolution really is. I' velearned more about evolution duringthe past year from your articles thanin any high school or college biologycourse I have taken . Being a scienceteacher, I really app reciate these ar-

    t ides because they have prevented mefrom passing on many false conceptionsthat evolutionists take for granted. Thereferences that you quote to disproveevolution have vividly impressed onmy mind how gu llible a person canreall y be when he does not retain Godin his knowledge. I'm thankful andalways will be for th is wonderfulknowledge God has allowed me toknow ."

    James S.,Dover , New Jersey

    " I heard your program over a localT . V. station the other night and Iwas thrilled to hear your timely message. 1 am a high school Biology teacher and have felt a great concern overthe lack of material to refute the tideof evolut ion that permeates our highschool textbooks. I fed our students donot want to believe the theory of evolution, but our homes, our schools,and yes, even our churches, arc doingsuch a ponr job of providing information that young peop le today have noreal choice of what to believe."

    Earl T. W., Jr .,Elkhart, Texas" My husband has always been skep

    tical of the teachings of the Bible. Hehas even gone so far as to work outhis own theory of what really happened. After reading some of yourpublicat ions, he is beginning to doubthis theory. For this I am very gratefulto you."

    Mr . F. W .,New Florence, Missouri

    " \'

  • 7/28/2019 Plain Truth 1968 (Prelim No 01) Jan_w


    January, 1968 Tb e PLAIN TRlITH

    In This Issue:What Our Readers

    Say Inside Fron t CoverPersonal From the Editor

    NO'l'oJPi Photo

    How To Prevent Sin . . . . . . . . . 8

    Radio log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15


    OUR COVERTh e gleaming Monument to SpaceExplorers towers over north Moscow.W ith in the foot of the Monumentis the Museum of Space Explorations,vis ited dail y by hundreds of Sovietcit izens. This giga nt ic monumentpro claims two messages: 1) thedramati c st rides Science has taken inthe last decad e, and 2) Science ismor e than eve r an instrument ofpolitical war fare .

    Prophecy Comes Alivein Today's World News . . . . 48

    The Unfin ished Revo/lJt;onPort 1/1 41

    Build Happiness IntoYour Life I 29

    Japan - Indu strialSupergiant 23

    Bible Story , . , . , . . . . ... . . . 33

    Short QuestionsFrom Our Readers 13

    W hy Foot-a nd -Mo uth Disea sePlagues Britain 18

    Science: SomethingSeriously Missing

    W hy Brita in is Now Labeled" An International Pauper u 9

    any other like it ? I th ink ncr !l ) - itdefin itely is paid circulation, being paidby others, and goes only tD those whosubscribe persona lly for the ir own subscriptions. Th is fact had to be established to th e satisfaction of thepostal authorit ies before we could begranted the second-class privilege. Andit is a privilege for which we of ThePLAIN TRUTH sta ff are very grateful,and you, as a reader ought to be, also.But how can I say that we do pay om:

    u'ay, even at this low-cost, second-classmailing rate ? Your copy of The PLAINTRUTH, now increased to 52 pages, islarger and heavier than the lette r )' 011can mail for a 6-cent postage stamp.And, pou nd for pound , and size forsize, we do pay a lower rate than theind ividual citizen maili ng first class apersonal letter.Yet we do pay our way!When you mail a let ter with a o-cent

    pDstage stamp by d ropp ing it in yourrural mailbox, or your corner mailboxin the city, a postman must drive by ina car or a truck to collect it. In a cityhe takes it to a station or substation.There other men must handle it. It mustbe canceled, then sorted, then, probablyby still another clerk , bund led withother mail addressed to the same townor city, then put into a mailbag, afterwhich, in most cities, it is taken bytruck or helicopte r to a central postalstat ion. Th ere the mailbag containingit is sorted with other bags, and takento the train or the plane.

    I f your rural mail carrier takes it toa small-town post office, it is there canceled, sorted, bundled, and put in amailbag. Then it may be taken by truckor train to the nearest city. There it mayhave to be sorted , rebundled, baggedagain , then taken to the train or theplane.In many cases, depending on location ,

    there may be several other steps. Yourfirst-class letter may need handling byas many as 20 men and carried sue-

    YOU HAVE noticed, of course, tha tthe price of a postage stamp hasgone up to 6 cents. T his new lawincreasing postal rates is important toboth you, and also to me as Editor ofThe PLAIN TRUTH.Did YDU read claims by propDnents

    of th is new posta l increase that largecircula tion magazines like The PLAINTRUTH are not paying their own waythrough the mails ? And especially amagazine like th is, pub lished by a Norc -profit institution ?The pub lisher of one of America's

    biggest magazines though t his readerswould be interested in knowing the facts- and I am sure our readers will beinterested. in knowing the plain truthabout how your letters are hand led,and how this magazine is transported ,through the United State s mail s.Of course, The PLAIN TRUTH, with

    about fou r mill ion readers, is publishedin three English-language edi tionsaround the world (plus French- andGerman-language editions) . Th e ed itionserving Britain, Europe and Af rica ispubl ished in our own print ing plant inW atford, England . Th e edition servingAustra lia, New Zea land, and Asia ispublished in No rth Sydney, in our ownplant . T he three ed it ions are identical,excep t for one page reserved for necessary local notices in the British and Australian edi tions.What I am exp laining to you here

    about mailing procedures app lies on ly tothe North American edition, but posta lmethods affecting the other ed itions arequite similar , if not identical.The truth is that, alth ough the United

    States Post Office Department hasgranted this magazine the lower-cost,second-class privileges, saving us thousands of dollars per year in postagebills, this does pa), i I I Oll 'nfi lay!Further , and more important, even

    though you cannot pay for your ownsubscription to this magazine ( is there

  • 7/28/2019 Plain Truth 1968 (Prelim No 01) Jan_w


    2cessively by as many as three or four carsand trucks or a helicopter. All theseman-hours cost the Post Office Department money_ You get a lot for 6 cent s!

    Now compare that to th e manner inwh ich your copy of The PLAIN TRUTHis handled.In the Administ ration Annex building

    at the Pasadena campus of AmbassadorCollege, your name and address is keptin a marvelous cylind er mechani sm inour latest-model, 360 IB:M computer.This is an almost miraculous electronicmarve l. But with a circulation of nearly1,200,0 00 names and add resses, it woul drequi re hun dr eds of additional fu ll-timeworkers to maintain such a subscriptionlist and keep it up to date, with out thiscomputer. It saves much time andmoney.Shortl y before we are ready to mail

    out your copy of The PLAIN TRUTHeach mon th, your name and address,together with a million oth ers, is printedon special paper tapes, four abreast, atlightn ing speed. These mail ing tapes arethen transferred to th e ma il ing room ofthe Ambassador College Press. T here,through the amazing Chesh ire mailerthese names and add resses are clippedoft and pasted on the back covers ofcopies of Tbe PLAIN TRUTH at the rateof 22,000 an hour.Thi s ultramodern, latest-model com

    pu ter , even before pr int ing your nameand addr ess on the tape, has sorted outyou r name, putting it togeth er withothers in your town and state. As thenames and add resses are pr inted on thesestrips of pape r tape, an imp ression ismade on the last name in each town orcity. This is done. now, at unbelievablespeed, prior to transferring the strips oftape to the mailing room in the Pressbuilding.W hen the finished cop ies of The

    PLAIN T RUTH roll off the giant , webfed, fou r-color magazine press, a largetrained staff goes to work . Th e threesignatures (sections ) of 16 pages each,and the covers are assemb led on a largecollator, which pu ts them together, wirestitches each copy, trims it to exact size,and sends the comp lete copies ou t at arate of several a second . T he finishedmagazines are next fed through theCheshire mailer, where each name andaddress is clipped off the address tapes,

    The PLAIN TRUTHand pasted on the back covers of therrugaaincs - 22 ,000 an hour. T hat'sspeed!As these cop ies are carried down a

    conveyer belt, those goi ng to each townor city are pulled out by workers. Theyare bundled by being placed on a string tying machine . Th ese mach ines rapidlywrap string aroun d and tie each bundletogether in a tight bowknot. In thecase of magazines going to cities ha'"inglocal postal zones, we actually sort outand bundle separately those going toeach local zone. T hen our own staffplaces them in mailbags in exactly thesame manner postal clerks sort and bag.ordinary first-class mai l in the postoffices, according to Z IP code.Finally these many truckloads of mail

    bags are transported to the PostO ffice:So you see, in the case of Tbe PLAIN

    TRUTH, all these many ste ps of handling mail to get it finally in to mailbagslabeled for the town or city to whi cheach bag is to go, is dane by HJ .'What the Post Office has lef t to do is

    to put the bags on the trains or planesand deliver them to their destinat ions.Th at is the reason the Post Office Department grants us the lower-cost.second-class postage rate. As we do alarge part of the Post Office work forthem, the cost to the Government of deIivcring your copy of The Pl.AIN TRUTHis g reatly red uced .

    Of course we do not do all of thePost Office Department' s work for it.T hey still have to deliver your maga 4zinc. Also, where a very few copiesgo to the same town , they st ill have tohandle it. However , the biggest itemof cost in almost any ente rprise is thatof human labor - and I suppose thatis naturally true of the postal service.And we do save the postal service agreat many man-hours.And so it is that alt hough we are

    granted the lower-rate second-classprivilege, saving us thousands of dollars I'(;'r year, l l 'e do pay 0 111' waJ.And if some of our readers are in

    clined to g ripe about having to pay 6cents postage for one letter , we shouldremember that the Post O ffice Department is really not a business. Nobodymakes any profit from the postagestamps we buy . The Post Office Depart-

    January, 1968ment has been losing large sums ofmoney - millions upon millions ofdoll ars . In other words, it actually costsmore than 6 cents for the governmentto collect your lett er, put it th rough allthese many transactions, and deliver itto the person to whom you have ad dressed it. And we all, as taxpayers,make up the difference in the taxes wepay.Actually, if Congress had not passed

    this bill raising postage rates, wewould have been paying the differenceanyway - in higher taxes.It may be interesting to our readers,

    also, to know that we are one of thelargest customers - and we may wellhe the very largest - of the PasadenaPost O ffice.In the r ear 1967 we received th rough

    the Pasadena Post O ffice from rad iolisteners and from PLAIN T RUTH readersthe staggering total of I , 601 ,963 letters.The mon th of July , 1967, brought249,734 letters.Our mailing departm ent in Pasadena

    mai led out , dur ing the month ofJune, 1967, more than 2,709,000p ieces of mail. Ou r Lett er Answer ingstaff, composed of orda ined minist ers,and graduate students, mailed outmany thousands of personal replies toanswer persona l questions from listenersand readers.Multiple TONS of impo r tant litera

    ture, making the Bible PLAIN, pouredfrom our pr inti ng presses. T ruckloadsrumbled to the Post O ffice da ily. Andthis was in Pasadena alone. O ur branchoffices in Aust ralia and in England werepr inting and mail ing out their quo tas,too .And now we arc lookin g forward to

    a 3 0 ~ f . > bigger year dur ing 1968. fo r 34years this great Work of God on earthhas cont inued to show an averageg rowth of 3 0 ~ i > per year . Today its impact is reach ing some 45 millions ofpeop le on all inhabited continentsevery week!

    SOI'I')'!Because of the pressure of hisma ny duties, Mr . Armstrong ",'as notable to compl ete Install ment 76 of

    the AUTOBIOGHAPHY before th isissue went to press.

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    Man has come a long way from Dr. Quack's pseudoscientificsurefire snake medicine of the Old West . Today it's heart trans-plants and Apollo in orbit! Scientific knowledge has doubled inonly a decade! But for all our advanced technology andvaunted scientific achievements something serious is lacking inscience. Here is the whole picture in true perspective!

    New York CitrDecember 28. 1967T fA DING scient ists in almost everyL n . ' i v a field have assembledin N ew York for the 134t h an

    nual meeting of the American Associat ion fo r the Ad van ceme nt of Science.

    From the scientific pulp it come amazing prophecies .Some tel l of th e str ange new scienti

    fic wo rld env isioned fo r us w ith in thenext 33 year s, a wo rld providing artificial organs, worn outs ide th e body,and 3-month vacations in Bermudaafte r a IS-minute trip by rocket ship.

    O th ers te ll of th e latest theories ofzoologists and biologis ts in trying tomake evolu tion appea r reasonable.

    Science DreamsThe progr"Jll alone took 346 finely

    printed pages in a paperback book !Ream s and reams of prepa red papers

    were submitted for pub lication thousands of classrooms across the nation will be humm ing wi th the new est doctrines fo r some time to come .

    Such well- kn own figures in th escien tific wo rld as D r. Herman Kahn,D irector o f the H udson Institute, andDr. AtheIstan Spilhaus, P resident ofthe Frank lin Institute, gave lectures,and held press con fe rences.

    I attended those press conferences,together with a f ull sta ff of researchersand writ ers, pl us pho tographers andtelevision crew .

    But amid all the scientific pro-nouncements - someth ing 6ft" wasmi ssing !

    Fo r example, in on e len gthy presscon ference, repor ters were given the

    by Gorner Ted Armstro ngout lin e of tomorrow's "exper iment alcity" by Dr. AtheIstat Sp ilha us.

    D r. Spi lhaus told o f his vision s of'vast numbers of such cities - eachbu ilt no closer th an lOO miles to anyheavily populated center and eachcontaining some quarter of a m ill ionin hab itants.

    To solve the vast and growing p roblems of U. S. cities, Dr . Spi lhau s saidit would take fift ), such cities just tohandle the increase of the next deca de ,a/one. He envisioned underground pa rking and transportation; semi-private,computer-d riven "coupes" to whiskpeopl e to and fro. H e talked of suchcities having no air pollution, no waterpollution - and of enabli ng th em tofind method s to reuse human andindustrial wastes.

    He cited the building of the W orldT rade Center in lower Manhattan as" rid iculou s" - referring to the alreadyst ifling cond it ion s of too many peop leand too many automob iles in a confin ed area.

    Dr. Sp ilh aus ' dream sou nds , in manyways, des irab le. He ta lked of beauty c-.of pa rks , streams, lakes, lawns, andopen spaces between bu ildi ngs andhomes. He added that to be a trueexperimental city th ere wou ld have tobe rep resen tative groups of jobless,criminals, and the like.

    But somehow, someth ing was te rribly MISSING in th e learned Doctor 'stal k.

    It seemed he had no actual, practi-cal, WORKABLE methods by whi ch suchcould be BUILT. WHERE th ey could be

    located , and SURVIVE in today's mod ern world of overcrowding , land dep let ion, and dwind ling resou rces. Hespoke of usi ng diff erent fuel s - o fsolving all th e terrible prob lems confro nti ng cities today - and yet gaveNO METH ODS for so lving such problems.

    Attending the same convention werespec ialists in DIFFEREN T fields.

    For example, D r. LaMon t C. Cole,p ro fesso r o f Ecology at Cornell. I interviewed Dr. Cole for future W ORLDT OMORROW prog rams, both on radioand television . D r. Cole presented apaper to the science writers entit led"Can the W ORLD SURVIVE?" He dea ltwith environmental po llu tion.

    In h is press confere nce, Dr . Coleexp lained how mankind is dumpingup to one-half MILLION different kindsof active (b iolog ical) chemical compounds into the sea ! H e explainedhow 70 pe rcent of all our oxygenneeds come from di atom s in th e sea,and how such unb rid led pollut ion ofthe sea is rap idly changing the t'er)'balance of life in the sea .

    U ps ett in g Nature's BalanceIn showing the " food chain " o f the

    "web of life" existing in th e sea, Dr .Co le expl ain ed how man psets th ebalance in natu re - ofte ntimes DRAS-TICALLY, wi thout realizing it.

    He gave the example of DDT,which has on ly known widespreadusag e since W orld W ar II. DDT anda whole family of ch lo rinat ed hydrocarbons, such as BHC, lindane, diel-

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    Top pho to , shows La Mont C. Cole (left) of CornellUniversity with Garner Ted Armstrong (right). Dr.Cole, an ecologist, spoke on the subject, " Can TheWorld Be Saved?" left, Dr. Herman Kahn of theHudson Institute, during press conference titled"The Next 33 Years." Bottom photo shows poneldiscussion on " Research in Birth Control andChanging Sex Behavior." Panel consists, from lef tto right, of Ira Reiss, University of Iowa; AilonShiloh, University of Pittsburgh; Paul Gebhard,Indiana University; an d Mary Calderone, ExecutiveDirector, Sex Information an d Educa tion Council ofthe United States.

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    January, 1968drin, and the like, are known to beresidual in the body's fat ty tissues.He showed how, just since the war

    years, every living creature has beenpolluted with DDT. He said experiments had proved DDT to be presentin the body fat of pengu ins, clear downin the Ant arctic, and in the fat ofwhales, roam ing the oceans ! DDT cancause liver ailments and other diseases- notably hepatitis.In speaking of air polluti on, D r.

    Cole cited the example of alarmedcitizens who had sued a large chemicalconcern for polluti ng the air with poisonous gases. It was proved the smokeand gas emitted from huge stackswould literally cause brick to gradu allydisintegrate - and yet, human lungswere being asked to breathe it .But the large company won thecase - by agreeing to bui ld higher

    stacks.D r. Cole cited the case of the Tol"re y

    Canyon - the tanker that ran afou l ofrocks, broke up , and deluged southernEng land with huge oil slicks - ruiningfavorite beach resorts.Had the T orrev Canyon been carry

    ing powerful pesticides, said Dr . Cole,it would have killed all the diatomsin the entirety of the N orth Sea thus literally causing OXYGEN STARVATION in Britain ! Should this havehappened - and the seas around Britain been rendered incapable of producing oxygen for the milli ons tobreathe - Dr. Cole said DISASTERwould have struck.I asked him what he mean' by

    "disaster." Did he mean people dropping dead by the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS - l i k e flies? He said that isexactly what he meant !

    Wit hout an OverviewNo ONE THERE HAD THE "OVER

    VI EW ." Each talk was dealing only inits own specific area. No one, forexample, PUT TOGETHER what Dr.Cole warned about with the Utopianideas of what Dr. Spilhaus HOPEDwould come. N o one had studied thePROBABILITIES of TRULY solving thehorrible problems of our growingmegalopolises of today.N o one had the OVERVIEW . No one

    Th e PLAIN TRUTHsaw the WHOLE PICTURE , in TRU E perspcctive.

    No one, that is, except those of uson the staff of The PLAIN TRUTH whowere busily collecting informat ion, con'ducting interviews, and taking photog raphs.Let me make it clearer.Dr. Herman Kahn. whose predictionswe have quoted at some length in the

    booklet, T he 117ollderf lll 117orld T 0 -morrow -s- IF hat it U7 i// be Like, talkedof the way the world will be, in thenext 33 years_ (Meaning up to aboutthe beg inning of the next century.)He described artificial organs, worn

    externally; cooking instantly and automatically, private helicopters, underground transport ation; three-month vacations , four-day weekends, higher salaries, much more leisure.He talked of a time when the true"gentleman" would return . H igher culture, with more cultural interests - suchas art, literature, music - occupying thetime of more and more people.. . . but wi th fewer Moral Pr inciplesHe said the world would become in

    creasingly sensate, and defined this asmeaning "empirical, tbis-worldty, secular, humanistic, pragmatic, utilitarian,contractua l, epicurean or hedonistic?In other words, far more libertine,

    more lustful, more unbridl ed, givingpassionate vent to human whims. Lessand less morality, less conscience, lessrestraint, fewer controls !As D r. Kahn talked, I became more

    incredulous.W as he really serious?It seems so.Not on ly serious - hut apparently

    beJiet 'il1g the world WOULD survive tobecome as he predicted.But "": as Dr. Kahn pointed out there were MANY major factors whichcould totally alter his predictions.First was, obviously, nuclear war.Then he had to add major economic

    disasters, the population explosion,famine, massive starvation, disease epidemics, food wars, and any othermethod by which the whole of thehuman family would be thrown intochaos.Specifically, Dr. Kahn was asked to

    describe what New York City would"look like" with in the next 33 years.He talked of all traffic prob lems

    solved . No sur face traffic - but all visitors ( there are probably upwards ofone -half million in New York at anygiven time) conveyed to midtown Manhattan via huge passenge r hel icoptersatop the buildings.He spoke of controlled air, water andfood . He talked as if ALL MAJOR PROBI.EMS WOUI.D BE SOLVED.But there was something terribly

    MISSING.For instance, when I mentioned to Dr.

    Kahn the already stifling problem ofair traffic controls - including KennedyAirpor t in New Yo rk with critical airtraffic problems; and the huge l pacelneeded for so MANY helicopters (whichcan operate only under VFR conditions- visual flight rules) ; and the impossibility of providing such spaces atop thebroad majority of N ew York 's build ingswhich certainly would not be replacedall that rapidly; and when I asked HOWso many hundr eds of thousands wouldbewhisked to thei r offices and shops, herep lied, " In huge passenger helicopters,carrying about 500 peop le, landing onea minute: '"One a minute ?" I asked, incredulous ."Well, perhaps one every (weminutes," he corrected.The utter imp racticability, the im

    pOSJibilit )' of literally accomp lishingsuch ob jectives did not seem to impressitself on the speaker.I asked Dr. Kahn whether his prog

    nostications had includ ed care/ III analt sisof the many potential disasters loomi ngahead ; including the shocking statementsof D r. Cole concerning environmentalpo llution, given at the same series ofmeetings.

    Dr . Kahn answered negatively. Hesaid his studies only took ex ;sti11K C011-dit ions and tried to follow certain predictable curves into the future . He emphasized that his stud ies were basedupon the past nin e hundr ed yearl, aswell as the changing present.Obviously, then, these rosy predictions

    (mixed with any number of horrendous ones) amounted on ly to so muchGUESSWORK- based on the belief thatman will, SOMEHOW, find a way out of

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    6the incredible morass of his WORLD -SHAK ING PROBLEMS of today.Th e predictions seemed to assume

    hlffndn nature would U ';11/ in the finalinning.The Doctors seemed to BELIEVE their

    theories - yet they adm itted there wereMANY sudden occurrences which couldrender them useless.Something was terribly MISSIN G!No one there had the OVERVIEW .

    No one seemed to SEE IT ALL - inprope r perspective.W hy ?

    The TRUE OVERV IEWWh at if I had asked, "But suppose

    Jesus Christ returns to earth, to setup His WORLDRULING Kingdom?""Suppose WORLD PEACE THROUGH LAWbecomes REA LITY ? Suppose ON E government succeeds? Suppose the KINGDOMOF G OD is set up ?"The snorts, chor tles, and guffaws

    would have echoed clear up the elevatorshaf ts!Derisive laughter"wou ld have greeted

    my ears."God?" "Christ? " "WORLD RULE?"

    the learned scientists might have replied- "why, this is a conference on SCIENCE- not comparative religion !"

    But when Dr. Spi lhaus talked of" importing crimina ls" to his experimental city so all elements of societywould be present ; or when Dr. Kahntalked of external artificial organs, noone laughed,Centuries ago, quite a DIFFERENT

    "p ress conference" was held .Jew s Christ was doing the talking.He spoke before more than a hundred

    of H is discip les about OUR WORLD,today,And His words were recorded. They

    have been preserved. They are AGA INbeing " reported" to the world, and arebeing reported HERE, in THIS ARTICLE!Christ was asked abou t the CLOSE OF

    AN AGE! He was asked about the "endof the .wORLD" (meaning, "Cosmos" of"society, system, culture, or civilization"not the earth itself) ,And Jesus Christ gave PRACTICAL

    answers.HIS prognostications HAVE BEEN HAp

    PENING! Every ONE of them.But first, WHAT was really missing

    The PLAIN TRUTHfrom these meetings with learned screntists , and \XBY?The MISSING ingredient was GOD!

    Why God Is MissingNot one of the hazy plan s of men for

    peace, for the very SALVATiON OF MAN KIND takes into account the CREATORRULER of this who le universe !God' s g reat PLAN for PEACE - forthe SAVING ALIVE of mankind is notkn own by the leaders of this worldtoday!

    God says, "The Iva}' of peace theyknow not ; and there is no judgment intheir goings. . ." (I saiah 59:8) ,An d. WHY do they not know the wa.l'

    to peace ? Simply because they haverejected the only CAUSE of peace and the only knowledge of the tmeoil/come of world events!God says, "And even as they did notlike to retain God in their knowledKe,God gave them over to a reprobatemind , , : ' (Romans 1:28) ," In their KNOWLEDGE" means in

    their educational systems, among theeducated or the leaders of the wor l d -and the backbone of education todayis SCIENCE.God Almighty does exist !God is the RULER , who is work ing

    out H is great purpose here below - andwho WILL bring this world PEACE atlast!Wh en one rejects the knowledge of

    God, of His great purpose being workedout here below, of the good news ofthe soon-corning world RULE of God,then he must hopelessly cast about likea blind man, groping fo r solutions andanswers to hideously monstrous problems, but never find ing any solutions!Th ese scient ists are educated men.

    Th ey are intelligen t men. Th ey aremen of fine minds, and, obviouslysincere in the ir convictions and beliefs.

    But they have rejected the onlySOU RCE of knowledge that would leadthem out of the morass of inextr icableproblems, and into the dear truth aboutthe future.

    World Government - th eOn ly H ope

    The greatest statesmen the world hasever pr oduced, amo ng them Sir W inston Churchill, have recognized the only

    January, 1968true HOPE alive for peace on earth atlast is the hop e of one world govern ment!By the score I could fill this article

    with quota t ions from such leaders asSir Anthony Eden, former PresidentsEisenhowe r and Kennedy, heads ofuniversities, Nobel Pri ze winning scient ists, chief justices, U Th ant, Secretary Gener al of the United Na t ions, anda host of others who would say, as ifwith one voice, " 117orld got'e l'1lmem isthe onl)' solution!"Leaders recogn ize this.Yet, paradoxicalJ)', they recognize

    world government in the hands of manwould be a nightmarish prelude to anuclear bomb World War III IThey are pe rplexed, They don't

    know where to turn .Th ey see the only solution - yet that

    solution looks 1M rossnu,u ! Yes, im -possible, in the hands of MAN!

    And that brings us again to that vitalmissing ingredient in the plans and the"knowledge" of th is world!Wo rld leaders see ONLY man - his

    hop es, plans, schemes and dreams forworld survival! They do no/ recognizeGOD!Summing up the feelings /o f many

    world leaders, an issue of the U. S.N CU '! and IY orld Report said recentlythose leaders see the only real solutionfor the iIIs of mankind lies in the intervention of a "strong hand from somewhere."Can you imagine it ?Can you believe your own eyes?Leaders KNOW man does not have

    the answer! Th ey KNO"" humankindis headed toward a series of nnbelieo-able disasters! Some of them have re-signed themselves to being blasted intooblivion in a nuclear bomb \X'orld \VarII I ! Some philosophers, sociologists,historians and others have open ly stated they see NO HOPE for man's survival !Yet God Almighty has opene d His

    Truth to a few who are fearlessly pro-claiming the GOOD NEWS that there isHOP E for th is world !That one group HAS the great missing

    ingredient that is lacking in all scienceand education !

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    January, 1968That one group has the OVERVIEW

    - the broad spectrum of the entirepicture!Presumptuous as it may sound to some

    few, and as preposterous as it may appear - there is, right 1IOU ', on th is earth- and you have somehow come incontact with it - a u'ork of A lmight)'God !God has commissioned HIs news

    casters, His prognosticators, HisWATCHMEN to warn this world of impending calamities because of whatMAN is doing - and on the other handto preach the GOOD NEWS to this worldof the happy, peaceful and wonderfu loutcome beyond!

    Christ' s N ews ConferenceNearly two thousand years ago, Jesus

    Christ held His OWN "news conference."Present were H is Disciples - scribes

    who iorote H is Words which have beenpreserved down to this day.Today it has come God 's t ime once

    again to proclaim the good news ofthe real solutions to this world's ills.And, true to what most world leaders

    have recognized, the answer is ONEWORLD GOVERNMENT! But, notknowing God, not retaining God intheir knowledge, and not seeing thevery logical and beautiful PLAN ofGod , these same world leaders have notremotely suspected HO \X' any worldgovernmen t could successfully RULEthis earth, and bring it peace, at last !But Jesus Christ of Nazareth pro

    claims a world-ruling government,taken ON I of the hands of man. Jesuswas asked what would be the signsalong the way of His impending returnto set up the world-ruling governmentof God. (See Matthew 24.)He answered by talking first of reli

    gious confusion. (Many sections ofScripture talk of growing ecurnenisrn,the emergence of a super-religiousfigure to proclaim himself God, and anincreasing trend toward church uni ty!)Christ then explained how we would

    be living in a time of "wars and rumors of wars" with great empires andkingdoms vying for world rule !Hard on the heels of a time of war,

    The PLAIN TRUTIIwith only brief resting periods In between rounds of WORLD 'X 'AR, Christsaid we would enter a period ofdrosgbt, famine and increasing earth 11fakes and natural disasters]Down through the past three decades

    and more, The PLAIN TRUTH magazine has carefully catalogued each oneof these, with articles substantiating andcorroborating these remarkable prophecies of Jesus Christ - showing howvividly and remarkably accurate theyarc, and how we are, believe it or not,living in the very time He predictednearly two thousand years ago !Christ said that except a super

    natural intervention would occur (yes,that "strong hand from some place"that a leading news magazine mentioned!) no human flesh could besaved alive! (Matthew 24: 21-22.)At these meetings for the American

    Association of the Advancement ofScience were some few scient ists whowarned of brain-defying DISASTERS inthe futur e.Other scientists talked in rosy-hued

    terms of the emergence of virtualUtopia, but admit their plans do nottake into account the warnings ofdisaster f rom other scientists, just asserious-minded as themselves!But not ONE of these men havetaken into account the glorious GOOD

    NEWS of the real solution! And thatsolut ion is the onl), intelligent answer,it is the only POSSIB LE way out forhumankind - it is what is SURE tohappen!Today, we know there are more

    than fitie separate methods by whichmankind can literally annihilate himself !Living under the shadow of the"bomb" we oftentimes forget such

    growing problems as the manufactu reof almost unbelievably powerful chemical and biological substances whichcould annihilate humankind - thegrowing environmental pollution ofour seas, lakes, rivers and streams, ourlands and foodstuffs, and even the veryair we breathe, which could virtuallymean human annihilation!But these things are with us, daily.Jesus said they would be!

    7It is not just "happenstance," or some

    strange "accident," that makes theprophecies of Jesus Christ of Na zarethstand so starkly ful filled before yourvery eyes at this moment !Proph ecies Being Fulfilled NOWBut just PRIOR to the truly ho....if y

    ing outbreak of worldwide CALAMITOUS events, described in the Bibleas "t he great tribulation." Jesus Christsaid the GOOD NEWS of the comingKingdom of God would be preachedin all the world, as a WITNESS and "thenshall the end come" (Matthew 24:14).And a part of that prophecy is being

    fulfilled before your very eyes thisinstant!Somehow, J OII ba t.e come in con/act

    with the very I f?ork of God which JesusChrist predicted would be active on thisearth at this time!We, of The WORLD TOMORROW

    program both on radio and television,of this PLA IN TRUTH magazine, andthe many books, booklets, and articleson various subjects concerning this wonderful GOOD NEWS which Jesus brought,are your WATCHMEN to proclaim theimpending disasters which are going tost rike mankind, and which are SUREand also to proclaim the good news toyou and to anyone who will listen orread that there IS a way out - that thereis hope of a solution in the years justahead!

    I f you want to see the step-by-stepsolutions, including the particular andspecific solutions to such problems as thepopulation explosion, growing droughtand famine, mounting race riots andcrime in our cities, and to read, in onesitting, a colorful, fully illustrated booklet which truly gives you the OVERVIEW,then write for our free booklet, ent itledT he If?ond e'-! I" 117orid TomorrowW hat /1 W ill be Lik e!In it, many lead ing scientists are

    quoted, among them Dr. Herman Kahnwhom I was able to speak to in NewYork City, government leaders, scientists and military men. THEIR plans forpeace are presented and analyzed.Th e WHOLE PICTURE is given. And

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    8then, you' ll see the STEP-flY-STEP SOLU-TIONS !You'll see a PREVIEW of the very

    K INGDOM OF GOD in ACTION - li ving,governing, ruling, bring ing PEACE toth is earth!In that booklet is a "could-be" news

    paper - p rojecting forwa rd into the

    The PLAIN TRUTHbeginning years of PEACE on this earth;humorous, heartwarming, encouragingth is "could-be" newspaper shows thekind of news we SHOULD be reading !

    I f you haven 't read this exciting booklet - then write for it immedi ately ! It 'sf ree, of course.Keep reading The P LAIN TRUTH !

    January, 196RSEE , each month, how many more questions you've always wondered about areanswered ! Listen to EV ERY W ORLDT OM ORROW program you can. ST U DY .THINK . C OM PAR E. f ind out whetherthis is the very W ORK O F GOD} or justthe ideas of a hand ful of men !Your life is at stake.

    HOW TO PREVENT SINby He rber t W. Armstron g

    D o YOU real ize that if it is wrongto do a certain th ing, it is wrongto harbor THOUGHTS of thatth ing in your mind ?

    "All have sinned ," says the Scripture.What is sin , anyway?Satan ought to know - and he is the

    invisible influence who sways the courseof thi s world . Hollywood is consideredby many as the world 's mecca of sin. Onthe newsstands in Hollywood may befound a very worldly booklet, writtenin a very light , "breezy," and sati ricalvein, titled "How to Sin in Hollywood ."It gives a very world ly definition of sin- perhaps the definition of the veryDevil who devotes his time to ent icingpeople into it. The definition is expressive, and not far from the truth. H ereit is : "Sin is Ihi11kinf!. Ihollf!.h ll youought not to be th ink ing about thingsyou ought not to be do ing while youare thinking that kind of th oughtJ."God's definition is: "Sin is the trans

    gression of the law" ( I John 3:4 ) . Th elaw of " LOVE," as defined by the TenCommandments. Jesus said : "Th atwhich cometh out of the man, thatdefilcth the man. For from within, outof the heart of men, proceed evilthough tJ! adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness [violationsof the law - the Ten Commandments) . . ." (Mark 7 :20.22) ."Au . have sinned," says the Scrip

    hue. And what man - especially whatChristian , is there who has not time andagain experienced the strugg le againstsin described by the Apostle Paul ?"What I would, that do I nut; but whatI hate , that I do , . , For the good thatI would I do not : but the evil which I

    would not , that I do." Wh o is therewho has not LOST that strugg le, perhapsmany times ?

    Of course no man, of himself , canlive above sin. "W ith men it is impossible," said Jesus, "but with God allthings are possible." And Paul continues (Rom. 8 ) to show that the onlyDELIVERAN CE from this "body of death "is th rough Jesus Christ, and the indwelling power of God's Holy Spirit - "that the RIGHT EOUSNESS of the lawmight be fulfilled in us, who walk notafter the flesh, but after the Spirit ofGod, they are the sons of God ."Yes, but we have OU R part in it, too.

    And it all centers in the MI ND.R EPEN TAN CE of sin means, literally,to change one' s mind in respect to sin.H we repent , and accept Jesus Christ as

    Saviour, the promise is we SHALL receive the gif t of the Holy Spirit . . . "andbe renewed in the Spir it of )' Oll Y mind"(Eph. 4 :23) - the presence of theHoly Spirit is the REN EWIN G of themind .How does sin actually happen ?

    " . . . every man is templed, when he isdrawn away of his own lust ( desire],and enticed. Th en when lust [ the desireIN THE MIND ] hath conceived, itbringeth forth sin : and sin, when it isfinished, bringeth forth death" (J amesl : l 4 ] ) ) .

    Th e T EM PTATION is in the mind.When you think about the thing thattempts you - let your mind dwell onit - turn it over in your mind whether it be a desire to GO some place,to DO something, or to HAVE somethingyou know is wrong - that thinkingabont it finally conceives - leads to ac-tion - and breeds SIN . You finally DO

    1953 by Ambo n ado r Call ege

    the th ing you kept thin king about,wanting to do. I f you keep thinkingabout it, after a while you' ll be UNABLEto resist it. T hat's why you've lost somany of these struggles against sin-you kept th in king about it, desir ing it,wanting it.Th e way to prevent sin is to let God's

    Spirit fill the mind . "Set your affectionon thi ngs above, not on th ings on theearth" (Col. 3:2 ).The way to put a th ing OU T of the

    mind is to put an opposite thought INthe mind . So often I have noticed parents of babies strive so hard to "shush"up the baby when it is crying in church .Th ere's something in the baby's mindthat is causing its crying or fretting . Justsaying "shush !" or commanding thebaby to stop fussing doesn't usually getvery goo d results. We have raised fourchildren, and long ago I learned the trickof quieting the baby by f!.elling its mindon Jomething else, Instead of commanding it to stop crying, attr act its attentionwith some new object - get it interestedin playing with that object (I haveof ten used my fountain pen with excellent results) - and before yOll knowit the child will forget all about its crying.Try using this same method on your

    self. But instead of material or worldlythings, a mature person should use self discipl ine and set his mind on spiritualthings. Open your Bible. Put the studyof some Jpiritllal subject in your mind.Next time you are tempted, try it. Prayover it. Ask God to help you. Sec howrapidly you beg in to win the victoryover temptation and sin, and how marvelous will be your sp iritual and CHARACTE R growth.

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    Why Britain Is Now labeled"AN INTERNATIONAL PAUPER"

    November 1967 will go down in history as a very black monthfor Britain! First, De Gaulle blackballed Britain's second bid toenter the Common Market! Then, with equal suddenness, thepound sterling was devalued. Britons, now unsure of theirfuture, ask: How will it all end?

    by Raymond F. McNairLondon. EnglandB RITAIN HAS J UST met its greatesttrag edy since Dunkirk. Her economy nearly collapsed. The nation stood less than two days frominternational bankruptcy.Th e painful 14.3% devaluation ofBritain's pound sterling was followed

    by yet another massive standby loan($1.4 billion ) from the InternationalMonetary Fund.Devaluation and De Gaulle's chilly

    veto of British appl ication to enter theEEC have left this proud peoplefrustrated, dis illusioned, resentful,shocked.

    Britain - a Pauper?Why did De Gau lle again veto Brit ain's second bid for Common Marketmembership ? The answer is simple.The General does not want " the

    sick man of Europe" in the thrivingCommon Market. Th e Six don 't wantan international pauper" in theirprosperous Club. Let Britain turn fromher economic waywardness and proveshe can live within her means - thenlet her seek admittance into Europe'sexclusive Club!It is not only Continentals wholook upon Britain as "an international

    charity case" - " the sick man ofEurope." Most Britons themselves nowfreely confess all is not well with thei reconomy!But why should such a debacle have

    happened - and to Great Britain ofall nations?Eng land 's Imperial Greatness

    We need, for a moment, to back offand survey the events which rocketedBritain into the posit ion of the world 's

    g reatest trad ing nation. And whichhave, with even greater speed, suddenly transfo rmed her from theworld's mightiest, wealthiest , Imperialpower to "an international pauper" !How is it possible for such a

    wealthy, renowned, Imperial power tobe so quickly stripped of her position,influence and wealth ? How could Britannia, Mistress of the Seven Seas, become an impoverished second-ratepower - with hat in hand, standingon the doorstep of the Continentalnations, begging for successive loans- begging to be admitted into theCommon Market ?It' s time you learned. You need to

    understand the little-known facts aboutthe unparalleled rise to wealth andglory of Great Britain - and why thisonce g reat and proud people havetaken such an ignominious .plunge intoan economic limbo.Few realize that Britain's Imperial

    greatness and subsequent national de-cline were prop hesied millennia ago !(Write for the proof in the free book,The U. S. and British Commonweeltbin Prophecy.)In the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, Britain wrestled with such mari

    time nations as Spain, Portugal, andFrance. She was victorious in herstruggle for supremacy over the world'sseas. Virtually everyth ing which sheset her hand to do turned out well.She triumphed and prospered overher enemies.Her Imperial power and influence

    seemed to be virtually unlimited. Britann ia ruled the waves. Her energe ticsailors, soldiers, explorers, merchantsand bankers spread themselves over

    the globe and colonized one fourth ofthe ent ire earth.

    While her sailors ruled the seas, hersoldiers manned the forts guarding themajor strategic gateways of the wholeearth . Britain gained a stranglehold onmost of the strategic areas ofthe world . Long ago, God Almightypromised that our people would possess these vital sea gates of the Genti les(Gen. 22:17) .

    Britain Dominated WorldT rade !

    In the wake of Britain's worldwidedominance, her merchants and bankerssoon dominated the war/d' s commerceand banking. London became the hub ofthe world's largest, mightiest Empire the financial center of the world. Britainrode high on the crest of unprecedentedprosperity, power and glory.Then - World War I struck! Brit

    ain suffered heavily in men andmaterials in that bloodbath. The Kaiserwas defeated, but Britain had beenhurt badly.After World War I, Britain picked

    herself up and began to rebuild heroverseas investments, She again beganto prosper.But, once again another terrible war

    - World War II - was unleashedupon an unsuspecting and unpreparedEurope. Britain's pride of power madeher stand up against the Nazi onbehalf of the smaller, weaker nationsof Europe. Herr Hitler was notified thatwar would ensue if he didn 't keephands off Britain's allies, Poland andFrance.But Hitler was spoiling for a fight.During the nightmarish years of

    struggle which followed, Britain was

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    Keyrlon_ ' ' 'ofoBrita in 's Prime Minister Wilson onthe da y he announced the poundsterling ha d no other choice butbe devalued from $2 .80 to $2.40.

    too weak to prevent Hi tler's rape andplunder of much of Europe.In her Island home, Britain had to

    weather the repeated waves of N aziaerial bombardmen ts which wereplanned to break the back of Britishindu stry and pride. In the end theallies crushed the Ge rman armies,blasted their cities and reduced Hitler'sglorious Third Reich to smou lderingruins.Germany lay tota lly prost rate.But Britain staggered from the bat

    tlefield badly bleeding . She had againsuffered terribly in men and in materialassets. She had entered the 1914 warwith foreign holdings of 4,000 million (about 16 billion) . But sheemerged from World W ar II badlybattered - and a net capital DEBTOR !

    Why Britain Is in th e RedDuring World W ar II Great Britain

    had to sell much of her ooerseesinvestme nts in order to finance herhuge war effort.Many Amer icans find it difficult to

    unde rstand just how hard hit Britainreally was by Wo rld W ar II . Americawasn' t bombed during the war likeBritain. And America didn 't enter the

    The PLAIN TRUTHwar unti l two years after Britain declared war on the Axis Powers.In many ways America seemed to

    prosper and thr ive du ring World WarII. She was able to build up herindustrial capacity, while many of theindustrial nations of the world hadmuch of their industry dest royed ordismantl ed in the war. This gaveAmerica a great advantage over otherindustrial nations.Britain emerged from World War II

    deeply in debt - with a very shakyeconomy.It would take severe belt-tightening

    and plenty of the Dunkirk-like spiritapplied to her economics, in order forBritain again to get back on her feet.Th is Britain was determined to do !Britain's postwar Labour Govern

    ment applied str ict monetary control s.Wartime rationing and other stringentGovernment measures were appliedbut to no avail.Her sick economy just didn't re

    spond to treatme nt .So in 1949 Britain's Labour Gov-

    ernment, headed by Prime Minister Atlee, deoalned the pound from$4 .03 to $2.80. The bitter pill ofdevalu ation would , it was hoped, cureBritain of her economic malady.But it soon became apparent thatshe was once again being assailed by

    financial problems. Her stubborn economic sickness just wouldn't go away.And incred ible as it may seem, thiseconomic "sickness" was prophesiedlong ago in Hosea :>: 13.

    " Export or D ie !"Financial wizards were summoned

    to try and find a solution to Britain'schronic economic illnesses. They pokedand probed and finally came up withthe formul a for British survival : "Export or die!"A g laring neon sign appea red in

    London' s Piccadilly Circus : "Exportsgo "p, or Britain goes down !"But what happened ? Britain's ex-

    ports didn' t go liP - so down wentthe SIGN !Britain possesses only four natural

    resources in quantity: wool, iron ore,coal and natu ral gas (o nly recentlydiscovered ) . Britain is not a largenation (compared with America, Cana-

    January. 1968da, Australia, the USSR) . She lackssufficient agr irultural land s or materialsto have a built -in, self-contained prosperity.

    I f she is to prosper, she must be agreat exporting nation. Britain's explorers. Drake, Hawkins and Raleighrecognized th is fad. They were interested primarily in one thing TRADE!Even before the Industrial Revolu

    tion began, England set the pattern for avigorous import-export trade. Her sonsfound ed thr iving colonies. A lucrativetrade soon flowed between these Imperial colonies and G reat Britain.

    The Industrial Revolution servedonly to solidify England 's position asa major Jrading nation. Once the diewas cast England had to rely heavilyupon her import -export trade for hervery survival.

    The Industrial Revolution siphonedmuch of Britain 's labour force fromthe farms into her burgeoning Factories. England soon became known as"t he workshop of the world" ! Herqual ity-manufa ctured goods and commodities were exported to every cornerof the world , and in exchange, she received a lucrative return which wasbad ly needed to buy imports - mostlyin the form of foodstuffs and raw materials.It looked to the rest of the envious

    nations that Britain had a perfect setup . England could draw upon theunl imited resources of her far-flungcolonies and possessions for raw materials. She would use these in the manufacture of quality prod ucts which shecould , in tu rn, sell back (export) to thecolon ies and to the whole world .

    England was sitting pretty - seeming ly impregnable.

    The Trade GapIt may come as a shock to many to

    learn that Britain has almost alwayshad a balance-of-payments defieit a trade gap. There were, between1800 and 1966, just six years in whichBritain had a trade snrplns. Du ring160 of these 166 years Bri tain actuallyhad a trade (export-import) deficit.Yet Britain prospe red ! Why?Consider these facts :When Britain finally defeated Na-

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    J anuary, 1968poleon in 1815, her imp orts were 71.3mill ion, while her exporlJ amounted toonly 68.4 million. W hen England declared war on Germany in 1914 , Britainhad an annual visible trade deficit of155 million. And when she enteredWorld War II in 1939, her annualtrade deficit was 300 million.

    In fact Britain's visible trade deficitran between 50 and 100 million ayear in the d osing decades of thel yth century - when England aloneproduced one third of the world's manIIfaclllred goods, and carried on 40%of the world's trade!

    During all of these "deficit" years,England survived and prospered. Buthow ? How could she prosper withsucb an a111111al trade deficit?

    Vital "Invisible Exports"Th e simple answer is that Britain'ssales of actual MERCHANDISE only comprise 00% of the total transactionswhich make up her in ternational trade.

    Where does the remaining 40% ofher international trade come from ? Itcomes from her " invisible t rade" from the sale of her SERVICES: banking, insurance, brokerage, merchanting,shipping, foreign investments.

    England's world-renowned insurance companies, banks, her gold andsilver markets, her charter and jointstock companies all came into being tomanage the colossal traffic in servicesand foreign investment that naturallygrew up in Britain's colonies.

    How, then, has Britain been able tobridge the chronic trade gap whichshe has had down through the centuries ? How could she make up for herheavy balance-of-payments deficit?

    She overcame this deficit by theprofits from her SERVICES - her"invisible exports," or "invisibletrade."

    In 1820 a visible deficit of 7 .1million was met from an invisibleIIIrplllJ of 18.6 million . In 1920 thefigures were - 167 million visibledeficit, compared to a 212.7 millioninvisibl e surplus. And in 1966 thevisible deficit was 138 miJlion, whereas the invisible surp lus was 549 million!

    Retnrus on overseas investmentaccounted for 30% of the "visible

    The PLAIN TRUTHimport" bill in 1914; but they coveredonly 8% in t966.

    What, then, has really gone wrongwith Britain's budget ? \Vhy can't shepay her way in the world ? Why is shenow constan tly plagued with chronicbalance-of-payment deficits ? Why a bigannual trade gap? What causes Britainto keep going , hat in hand, to Europe'sCentra l Bankers for continuous loans tobolster up the pound ?

    Living on Bor rowed Money!Wh en Brita in emerged from World

    War II, she was no longer a majorpower. She was reduced to the statusof a debtor nation during World \VarII.Yet afte r World War II , Britainsti ll looked upon herself as a majorpower. She valiantly tried to fulfilthat role. She was called upon to contribute heavily to the dejense of thefree world - often far beyond hermeans. And she has continually had toassist financially many of the emerging nation s - her former colonies.

    In 1939 governm ent expenditureabroad amounted to only 6 million.But by 1966, government expenditurehad skyrocketed to 472 mill ion nearly 80 times the 1939 figure. Thi shas all proved to be an unbearable burden even for the peop le of the Dunkirkspirit.

    In June, 1966, Britain's influentialQuint in Hogg, M. P. asked : "Butwhere is our national pride? Where isour self -respect? JP'e are LIVINGON CREDIT - on borrowed mone)' and we do not seem to care. Thehistory of the last two years has beenone long series of stepping-stones tonational bankrllplcy.

    ' N ovember 1964 , September 1965,and now June 1966 - each newex cess of borrotring - each new dra fton other people's generosity and credit,hailed as a masterpiece of financialgenius, each the signal for a new relapse into national somnolence, Howlong can it go on? "

    Mr. Hogg then added : "We [Britons] plead poverty . . . but u' e haveple11lY of money' when it comes tospending on ourselves - on televisionsets, on motor can , on washingmachines, on holidays in Spain, on

    11BETT ING and Bingo, on drink andtobacco, on pop singers even . . . WELFARE or subsidizing the railways."A nation that does not think andplan higher than WE LFARE will notsurvive as a nation even to enjoywelfare."

    Mr. Quintin Hogg put his finger onpart of Britain's problem. Britain hasnot been paying her way in the world.She has been living beyond her means.The recent devaluation of sterlingfrom $2.80 to $2.40 is tragic proof ofthis.

    God 's Word promised that our people, nationally speaking, would ' notneed to borrow - if we kept Hiscommandments (Deut. 28:9-13). "Ifthou shalt keep the commandmen ts ofthe Lord thy God (verse 9) . . . thoushalt lend unto many nations, and thoushalt not borrow" (ve rse 12) . But ourpeopl e have rebelled against the TenCommandments. Covetousness, lying,stealing, adultery, murder - and everyother vice are being tolerated. It' s nowonder Britain is in economic bondage! Laziness

    Another hindrance to Britain's economic recovery has been a widespreadnational attitude of indolence. As farback as July, 1965, Prince Philipwarned : "The fact is, the wolf [meaning Britain's creditors} really is atthe door and looking uncommonlyhungry."

    Britons must learn 10 WORK HARDERand EXPORT MORE.

    But can any British Governmentrouse the people of Britain to roll uptheir sleeves and really go to work ?Prime Minister Wilson has tried , byexhorting Britons to work harder hut to no avail. He has repeated lysaid that it is "sheer . . . laziness"which is the cause of much of Britain'seconomic plight.

    An article in The SlInda)' Times ofJune, 1966 made a startling revelationregarding Britain's inabi lity to exportmore goods at competit ive prices.

    "All of this information points tothe same thing, which is that Britain,for any given similar unit of output (whether it be of goods or services) requires between ONE -AND-ONEHALF and FOUR times as many uo rleers

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    12as art' required by most of the otheradvanced economic nations."It went on to say: " For several

    years most of the advanced nationshave been enjoying rates of economicgrowth TWO TO FOUR TIMES higherthan Britain's."

    During the per iod 1960-l 966 British prodllctivit)' gcew only 18% compared to West Ge rmany's 29% , Italy's40 % . Increased productiuity is vital ifBritain is ever to get moving again !Can you now see why Britain has

    been pricing herself out of the world'smarkets?On numerous occasions I have re

    pealedly witnessed the indolent, apathetic attitude of too many of Britain'slabourers. It is an exasperating thingto have to get something done. A taskwill inva riably take two or th ree timeslonger than is necessary. Tea breaks,smoke breaks, restrictive practices, halfheart ed effort , featherbedd ing are causing British labou r to be about thehighest-pr iced labour in the world .This is seriously cripp ling the nation' sability to successfu lly compete in today' s eutrhroat, competitive world markets.Can Britain really blame De Gaulle

    for not wanting her in the CommonMarket befo re she sets her economichouse in order?I know Britons who dep lore the

    indolence which they see is so prevalent in British labour. But they nolonger comp rise the majority !

    Why Br ita in H ad to DevalueBy devaluing the pound by 14.3%

    Britain knew she would gain an advantage in the world expo rt trade. Herexports will now be cheaper abroad ,and this will encourage fo reigners tobuy more Brit ish goods.But benefits of deva luation will

    prove to be very telllporar)' - unlessBritain makes the most of her temporary trading advantage.Foreign products (imports) will

    now cost more in Britain. This willmean that Briton s will tend to "buyBritish" and th is in turn will strengthen the pound.Secondly, Britain hoped that pound

    devaluat ion would enable her to gether chronically wobbly economy back on

    The PLAIN TRUTHits feet - so she could reapp l), f or adminion into the Common Market.

    Danger s of DevaluationMoney wizards in Britain and 10

    the U. S. feared that devaluation ofthe pound might have drastic effectsupon the dol lar. It has been said that"while the poun d was suffering frompneumonia, the dollar was alreadysniffing."

    After the pound was devalued, ittook diligence to keep the V_S. dollarsound. President Johnson and seven ofEurope's Central Bankers publiclyreaffirmed their faith in the U. S. dollar, thereby dampening recent panic.They pledged to support the presentprice of gold at $35 .00 an ounce .For the moment at least, American,

    Brit ish and Cont inental bankers havebeen able to thwart De Gau lle's attempt to bring down the dollar.But nobody feels too confide nt that

    the V. S. dollar will forever be able toweathe r the fierce tides of speculationwh ich are bound to continue to assailit in the months immed iately ahead.A day of reckoning will surely come

    - and that day is not far in the future.The U. S. is a rich and powerful

    nation, but its gold reserves of littlemore than 12 billion are not inexhaustib le. Foreign nations have claimsagainst V_S. gold totalling about $29billion. We cannot go on this wayforever.

    Why God Keeps the DollarSrrong

    What would happen if these foreignnat ions should make a run on thedollar?For tuna tely for the U. S., most of

    the Continenta l bankers are not nou :going along with the plan to drain theV. S. of as much gold as possible.

    God Almighty has a pucpose inkeeping the dolla r strong. It is throughthe V_ S_ dollar that about 90% ofGod 's worldwide Work is financed .W hen the Almighty God has completed His Work (the work of preaching Christ's gospel to all the world Matthew 24 :14) then the dollar willcollapse !But, first, the peoples of the V.S.,

    January, 1968Britain and the Commonwealth mustbe warned of the dangers now justahead - warned of the folly of man'sway which will finally culminate in ahorrifying World W ar III.The people of America and Bcitain,

    now more than ever, need to be alertedto the perils of the times in which welive!

    Wfat- ourREADERS SAY[Cont inued from inside front cover)

    white and can influence some peopleif he sets his mind to it . I thi nk thebasic reason fo r your attitude is thatyou refuse to entertain the thoughtthat the Bible is not LOI% LITERA LLYtrue ."Since the early Christians knew

    nothing of science and were thousandsof years av.:ay from the understandingof it, the Adam and Eve story was asimple and beautiful way of explaining thei r beg innings. It is the same asother parables in the Bible. How do}'OU decide which ones to take literally,and which are only stories ?"

    p_ McK.,Kew, Victoria The real reasons we reiusr to accept

    eoolntion are ver)' carefJlIl)', tborougb Iy and scientifically set forth in eachissue . And as to who is willing tosneer at truth and believe in [antasies - maybe you'd better check intothe many admissi ons ue have shownfrom evo lutionists in these pages again .And, [m tber, we're not at all convinceda "good debater" can "prove" black isu-bite, Jl7e prove th e opposit e; thatu'hite is white, and black is black.And, stil l [nrtber - )'OM dogmati cassertion Jhat Adam and Eve were0111)' a simple sto ry is N OT PRO OF- but jm J simple human assertion. Inth ese pages we gite PROOFS - 1I0tall -encompassing, unproved, dogmatic"s tatements:""I wou ld also like to thank you for

    your most ref reshing and original magazine. It certainly provides me withfood for thought. When I showed oneof your articles on evolution to a

  • 7/28/2019 Plain Truth 1968 (Prelim No 01) Jan_w


    January , 1968 The PLAIN TRUTH 13biologist friend, he remarked that heonly believed in evolution because thealternative would be too much of ablow to his scientific view of things !"

    D. M. P.,Beds., England

    Hooray .' An honest manl At least heknows he's prejudiced,"I wish to express my appreciation

    of the excellent articles in The PLAINTRUTH on the subject of 'Evolution:The illustrations, too, are superb. If youshould ever publish this series of articles in book form 1 would certainlylike to obtain one. There is certainlyroom on the book shelf in our localH igh School for such a book: '

    Frank W. B.,Woolsthorpe, Victoria

    cinnati, Ohio. I believe Garner TedArmstrong to be the most interestingand honest analyst and messenger Ihave ever heard," W_ L M.,

    Churubusco, Indiana"For sometime now your broadcasts

    have stimulated within me some realknock-down drag-out arguments. 1 feelthe time has come when I should readsome of your literature and either convince myself that I should stop arguingwith you and start listening or to stoplistening and arguing,"

    E. J. R.,Liberty, Missouri


    Makes News Understandable"I am now a housewife of two

    adopted children, and never had abrilliant mind, or too much schooling.So, therefore I never paid much mindto politics or the newspapers, becausehonestly 1 could not understand muchof anything. When I accidently put onthe radio and started to listen to youlast night, I stood still for your entireprogram. I was completely transfixedas you held my attent ion, and I couldunderstand every word you said andwith the sincerity you said it."

    Mrs. John Z.,Jackson Heights, New York

    John H. C ,MonticelIo, New York

    HERE are the Bible answers toquestions which can be answered briefly in a short space. Send in yourquestions. While we cannot promise that all questions will find spacefor answer in this department, we shall try to answer all that are vitaland in the general interest of our readers.

    High Priest - Christ sent the HolySpirit to fill and empower His Apostlesand His CHURCH.Jesus had said : " I will build my

    CHURCH." And He did!The WORK OF GOD was started in

    and through the individual personalhuman body of Jesus Christ, He hadsaid that He could do nothing OF HIM SELF - it was the power of God'sHoly Spirit dwelling ill Him that didthe WORK. Now that SAME POWERentered into the COLLECTIVE BODY ofdisciples, forming the New TestamentChurch of God.Thus this Church became the BODY

    OF CHR IST , Its number one commission is to carry on THE WORK OF GOD- that is, proclaim to the worldChrist's Gospel of the Kingdom ofGod. In other words, the GO OD NEWSof the WORLD TOMORROW - Christ's


    The \'(lORK OF GOD, proclaiming tothe whole world the good news of theKINGDOM OF GOD, was started by oneman - Jesus Christ.Jesus chose and called His disciples.

    The word "disciple" means a studentor learner. For 3Y2 years, He taughtthem God's Message - the Gospel the GOOD NEWS of the WORLD TO-MORROW,After His death for the sins of the

    world, His resurrection to make possible eternal life for us, and His ascension, to the throne of the universe- where He has since remained as our

    ]. R. C, California

    "Explain, if you will, the parable of the ten vi rgi ns - five ofwhom were wise - and five foolish."

    N eed: Law and Order" I am a school teacher in high schooland I am deeply concerned over the

    lack of respect present children havefor anything or anybody. I picked upyour broadcast on WRVA, and it makesa lot of good old-fashioned, commonsense that we seldom see demonstratedtoday:'

    Que Cover"Several people in South Texas have

    called my attention to the cover ofyour November issue which shows apicture of the flood in Reynosa, Mexico,but your caption reads: 'Flood in SouthTexas' . . ."

    W. D . Whalen, Pres., ValIeyChamber of Commerce,

    McAlIen, Texas The aerial view on our N ovembercover [ocmes on Reynosa, Mexico, withflooded Sostb Texas ill the hackgrolilldacross the surging Rio Grande river.The caption "Flood in South Texas" onthe cover was intended to draw U. S.readers' attention to the lead article,rather tben specifically label aile ofmany cities hit by the hurricane and itsaftermath.

    "I am a policeman and rarely missone of your broadcasts during my tourof duty in the patrol car . . . . I receiveyour broadcast over WLW from Cin-

  • 7/28/2019 Plain Truth 1968 (Prelim No 01) Jan_w


    14WORLD GOVERNMENT, replacing roday'sworld , inv isibly governed by Satan .The early New Testament Church,

    surcharged with the mighty POWER of"God's Spi rit, mu sh roomed and multip lied in growt h and power. Its influence was soon felt.Jesus had told H is disciples He was

    going to heaven, but would returnagain as sup reme world RULER toestablish the Kingdom of God. Theyexpected this to occur "ery soon - intheir lifetime. It was because theythought that the Kingdom of Godshould IMM EDIATELY appear th at Jesus gave them the parable ofthe pound s (Loke 19:11-27) . Evenafter His resurrection, they expectedJesus to set up His Kingdom immediately (Acts l :6 ) . But He went toheaven .A whole l o-yea r time cycle went by.Then anot her 19 years.For two 19-year time cycles they

    had proclaimed Chr ist's Message and had expected Hi s imminent retu rn - in tbeir generation! T hey hadgrown discouraged . Their patience wasexhausted. Then (70 A. D.) , came theinvasion and siege of Jerusalem. Th etrue di scip les in Palestine had fled tothe north, d isorganized . Th ei r Messiahhad not come to establish H is RULE.They had lost patience. They were discouraged .THEY WENT TO SLEE P ON THE JOB

    of p roclaim ing Christ's GOSPEL! TheMESSAGE of the coming GOVERNM ENTOF GOD, with Christ as returningKING, to bring us PEACE in the worldtomorrow, was no longer being pro-claimed in an organ ized manner to thewhole wo rld!This, Christ Himself had foretold in

    His parable of the Ten Virgin s (Matthew 25) , These virgins, of course, represented Hi s CHURCH. They had expected Christ's return as conqueringKING, even in 3 1 A. D. , the very yearthe Church was actua lly founded !(Acts 1:6.)In th is parable of Ma tthew 25, Jesu s

    expl ained , prophet ically in advance,that when the returning Christ " tarried" - deldyed H is com ing beyondtheir erroneous expectation - "t heyall slumbered and slept."Th e WHOLE CHURCH OF GOD WENT

    The PLAIN TRUTHTO SLEEP ON THE Jo n assigned to it !For more than ISY2 long centuries thatvital Gospel Message of coming WORLDGOVERNMENT was nut proclaimed, inorganized power , to the world .But Jesus also had decl ared , prophet i

    cally: "This Gnspel of the Kingdomshall he preached [ and published Mark 13:10) in all the world for awitn ess unto all nation s; and thensha ll th e end [ of this world's civilization ) come" (Mat. 24 :14) . This proclamation was to be the SIGN of H iscoming !Just as God had allotted two 19-year

    time cycles at the begiJwing of thisN ew T estamen t era fo r th e proclaimingof HIS Gospel, so He has decreed forits worldwide proclamat ion til theclose of the age - preparing the wayfor H is retu rn!The first week in 1934 that SAMEGospel of the K ingdom sta rted goingonce agai n to the world . Christ hadOPENED TilE MIGHTY DOOR of radioand the printing pr ess.The "midnight hour " had struck!

    The LOUD CRY began booming out,th und ering to the wo rld, "Christ issoon COM ING to RULE ALL NATIONS ONEARTH FOR A THOUSAND YEARS!" Th eK INGDOM OF GOD was on ce again being proclaimed! Th e CHURCH hadaroused from its slumber!Read again the prophecy of the

    virgins : " \V hile the Bridegroom tarried, they all [ the whole Church)slombered and slept. And at midnightthere was a cry made, 'BEHOLD, THEBRIDEGROOM COMETH; GO YE OUT TO" EET I I I " ' " (Mat. 25:5-6) .

    The \'(fORK OF GOD had undergonean awakening! On ce agai n it was active.

    But notice ! Th e par abl e continues:"Then all those virgins arose, andtrimmed their lamps. An d the foolishsaid unto the wise, G ive us of your oil ,for our lamps arc gone out [or, goingou t - see marg in ] : ' The five foolishvirgins possessed lamps but took nooil. That is they had the Word ofGod, the Bible, to light their path, butwere no t filled wit h the Holy Spirit( symbolized by oil) to give them spiritua l unders tanding either of the Bible,or of the gospel, o r of the times. inwhich they live !

    Ja nuary, 1968T his was the sta te of the five foolish

    virgins who thought them selves to beGod 's people when th e m idnight cryarose. They were spi ritually dead, hav ing no o il left - having quenched theHoly Spirit of God!

    ow turn to the brief prophetichistory o f the true Church in Revelation2 and 3. The very last of these sevensuccessive Churches is to be the selfsufficient, lukewarm, Laod icean group .But just be fo re it is the Church

    which carries this end-time vital Message! It is small. It is weak. But it isfaithful, as few have been, with GOD'S\'YORD! It rises at the time Danielprophesied , when "knowledge shall beincreased" (Dan. 12:4) .

    But thi s Church, carrying God's message to the wo rld, is preceded byano ther Church era. T hat One is pictured as spiritually asleep and dead(Rev. 3: 1-3) - foolish virgins. Butamong them are a few - wise virgins- who sha ll walk with Ch rist (verse4) . The y heeded the midnight cry.Is it any wonder, then , that SATAN

    is now aroused to sway those he canlead. into persecuti ng and opposingGod 's Work?Remember, prophecy is DUAL , Th ere

    is a fo rmer, and a latt er fulfi llmen t ofmost prophecies. The first " FAMINE OFHEARING THE \VORD OF THE LORD"has ended . But th e time is soon coming - probably at the end of thesecond 19 year time cycle of th is \'(fork- when th e voices of God 's servantssha ll be st illed - the pr int ing pre ssesstopped ! Th en will come the greattribulation , and the terri ble p ay o f theLord with its supe rnatural p lagues onthe devil 's coho rts ! For 32 yearsthere shall tlgain be a FAMINE OFHEARING TUE WO RD OF THE LORD(Amos 8 :1L) - exce pt for the voicesof God's two witn esses (Rev. 11) .Then comes the resurrection . "And

    they that were ready" - the wisevirgins - "went in with Him (JesusChrist) to the marriage" (Mat. 25:10).And the ot hers were shut out ! To themJesus said: " I know you not. "

    "Watch therefore," Jesus concluded," for ye know ne ither the day nor thehour whe rein the Son of man cometh"(verse 13) .

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    January, 1968 The PLAIN TRUTH

    RAD 10 LOG15

    MAJOR STATIONSEa stWOR - Ne w York - 710 kc., [1 :30p.m . Sun.W HN - New Yor k - 1050 kc., 9 a.m.Sun.\VHAM - Roches ter - 1180 kc., 10:30a.m. Sun.\,\' \,\' VA - w heeling, W. Va. - 1170kc., 98 .7 FM, 10:30 a.m. , 8:30 p.m.Sun., 5 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. Mon- Fr i.\VRKO - Boston - 680 kc., 98.5 FM,6 :30 a.m. Sun.W IBG - Ph ilad elph ia - 990 kc.. 94.1FM, 12:30 p .m. Sun.WBAL - Baltimore - 1090 kc., 8:30a.m . Sun.\'

  • 7/28/2019 Plain Truth 1968 (Prelim No 01) Jan_w


    16 The PLAIN TRUTH

    RAD IO LOGJanuary, 1968

    \'(' IBW' - Topeka, Ka ns. - 580 kc.,9 a.m. Sun., 9:30 p.m. Mon-Sar.KFDI - \'Vichita, Kan s. - 1070 kc., 10a.m . Sun., 10 p.m. Men-Sat.KFH -W ichita, Kans. - 1330 kc., 100.39 :30 n.m. Sun. , 6:30 p.rn . Mon..Sat .KBEA - Miss ion, Kans. - 1480 kc., 7p.m. daily.KGGF - Coffeyvil le, Kans. - 690 kc.,6 p.m. daily .KUPK - Garden City, Kans. - 1050kc., 97.3 FM, 1 p.m . daily.*KXXX - Cui by, Kans. - 790 kc.,11:30 a.m. Sun., 8:30 a.m. Mon .-Sat .\XMT-Ceda r Rapids - 6 00 kc., 11:30a.m . Sun.KMA-She nandoah, la. - 9 60 kc. 8;30p.m. daily.*\VOC - Davenport, la. - 1420 kc., 9p.m. Sun., 10 p.m. Mon-Sar.KGLO - Mason City, la. - 1300 kc.,7:30 p.m . Sun., 6:30 p.m . Men-Sa t.

    KQRS - Minneapolis - 1440 kc ., 92.5FM, 10 a.m. Sun., 6:30 a.m. Mon.SatWEBC -Dulu th , Minn.- 5 60 kc ., 6:30p.m. daily."'\X';\t IL - Milwaukee, Wis. - 1290kc., 8 a.m. Sun. 7 a.m. Mon-Sar.\XNFL - Green Bay - 1440 kc., 5p.m. Sun., 6:30 p .m. Men-Sat.\VSA U - Wa usau, Wis . - 550 kc., 7p.m. Sun., 7:05 p.m . Men-Sat.WCOW - Sparta, Wis. - 1290 kc., 10a.m. Sun., 6:30 a.m. Mon-Sar.KFYR - Bismarck, N . Oak . - SSO kc.,7 p.m. dai ly.So ut h

    KCTA - Corpus Chr isti, Tex. - 1030kc., 2 p.m . Sun., 12:30 p.m . Mon ..Fei., 4:30 p .m. Sa t.KEES - G ladewater, Tex. - 1430 kc.,12 noon daily.KTBB - Tyler, Tex. - 600 kc., 12 noondai ly.KMAC - San Antonio - 630 kc., 9a.m. Sun., 7:15 a.m. Men- Sat.KTBC - Austin - 590 kc., 9:30 a.m.Sun., 5:30 a.m. Men- Sat.XEWG - EI Paso - 1240 kc., 9 a .m.Sun. (i n Spa nish) .KTLU - Rusk, Tex . - 1580 kc., 1 p.m.Sun.KGNC -AmariIl0 -710 kc.9 p.m. da ily.KWFT - \'

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    Ja nuary, 1968 The PLAIN TRUTH 17


    8:30 Tues., 10:15 Wed ., 8:15 Tb urs.,10:45 Fr i., all p.m. times.2AY - Albu ry, NSW - 1490 kc., 5:30a.m. & 9 p .rn . Men-Sat.2GN - Goulburn, NSW - 1380 kc.,8:30 p.m. Mort-Sat .2GZ - Orange, NSW - 990 kc., 8:45p.m. Sun., 9:05 p.m. Mon.-Fri.2HD - Newcastle, NSW - 1140 kc.,5 a.m . & 10:30 p.m. Sun., 5 a.m. &9 p.m . Mon.-Fri.2LM - Lismore, N SW - 900 kc., 8:30p.m. M en-Sat .3XY - Melbourne, Vic. - 1420 kc.,10:30 p.m. Sun., 10 p.m. Mon.-FrL3BA - Ballarat, Vic. - 1320 kc., 9:30p.m. Sun-Th ur s., 4: 30 p.m. Fri .3MA-Mildu ra, Vic.-1470 kc., 9 p.m.Mon.-Fri., 10 p.m. Sat.4BK - Brisbane-BOO kc., 9:30 p.m.Sun., 10:15 p.m. Mon.-Thurs ., 10:30p.m. Fri .4CA - Cairns, Qld . - 1010 kc., 9:30p.m. Sun.-Fri.6KG - Kalgoorf ie, WA - 980 kc., 10p.m. Mon-Sar.GPM - Perth , WA - 1000 kc., 10 p.m.Sun ., 10:15 p.m. Mon .cEri.7HT - Hoba rt, T as. - 1080 kc., 7:30p.m. Sun- Fri.7SD - Scottsdale, Tas. - 540 kc., 9:30p.m. Sun., 9 p.m. Mon-Fri .

    LATIN AMERICAl n E,lgli s!J -RADIO AN TILLES - Montserrat, W .I. - 930 kc., 6:30 p.m . daily.RADIO BARBADOS - Pine Hill,Barbados - 780 kc., 10:30 a.m . Sun"9:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri . 11 a.m. Sat.RADIO SURINAM - Paramartbov c-620 kc., Betw een 7 and 8:30 p.rn.or N oon and 1:00 p.m. dail y.RAD IO RED IFFUSJON - Bridgetown ,Barbados- 9: 30 a.m . Sat. & Sun.,10:20 a.m. Mon-Fri.*RAD IO GUARDIAN , Trinidad- 6:15p.m. Sun ., 10 p.m. Men-Sat.HOC21 - Panama City - 1115 kc.;HP5A - Panama City - 1170 kc.;HOK - Colon, Pa nama - 640 kc.;HP5K - Colon, Panama - 6005 kc. -7 p.m. Sun.RADIO BELIZE (British Ho nduras)- 834 kc., 3:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri .

    In French -4VBM - Port au Prince, Haiti - 1430kc., 7:45 p.m. Wed.4VGM - Port au Prince, Haiti - 6165kc. 7:45 p.m. Wed.RADI O CARAIBES - St. Lucia, W. I.- 840 kc., 6:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri .

    I n Spa"ish -XESM c-- Mex ico 12. D.F. - 1470 kc.,9 a.m. Sun.\, "IAC - San Juan. Puerto Rico - 740kc., J02.5 FM, 10 a .m . Sun .RADIO ANTILLES-Montserrat, W. I.- 930 kc., 9 p.m. Wed .RADIO LA CRONICA - Lima, Peru- 1320 kc., 7 p.m. Sun.RADIO COMUNEROS - Asuncion,Paraguay- 970 kc., 8:30 p.m. Th urs .RADIO ESPECTADOR CX14 -Montevideo, Uruguay - 810 kc., 2 p.m.Wed .RADIO CARVE- CXI6, 850 kc., CXA13. 6156 kc.-Montevideo, Uruguay- 3:30 p.m. Sat. us

    1380 kc.;960 kc.;1540 kc.:1220 kc.;1460 kc.,Fri.

    3rd Network,ASIAformosa

    RADIO TAIWAN "TheB.C.C." -BED23 Ta ichungBED55 TaipeiBED78 Tainan CityBED79 Kaohs iun gBED82 Ch iayi- 18:00 T .S.T. wed.,

    ' nd la and CeylonMALDIVE ISLANDS - 90 m. ( 3329kc.) , also 61 m. band. 10 p.m. Sun .,9 :30 p.rn. Men-Sat.Philipp ine IslandsDZAQ - Manila - 620 kc., 8:30 p.m.daily.DZAL - Legaspi City - 1230 kc., 8p.m . dai ly.DZGH - Sorsogon - 1480 kc., 8 p.m.dail y.DZWJ-lucena Ci ty-1 170 kc., 12noon Sun ., 7 a.m. Men-Sat .DZRB - N a ga City - 750 kc., 9 p.m.Sun .DZR I - Dagupan City - 1040 kc., 9p.m. Sun .DZYA - Angeles City - 1400 kc., 8:30p.m. daily.DZYB - Baguio City - 670 kc., 8:30p.m. dail y.DYBC - Cebu City - 660 kc., 8:30p.m. daily.DYCB - Cebu City - 570 kc., 9 :30p.rn. Frl .DYHF - Ilo ilo City - 910 kc., 8:30p.m. dail y.DYKR - Kalibo - 1480 kc., 8 p.m .dail y except Tues. 7 p.m.DXAW -Davao Ci ty - 640 kc., 9 p.m.Sun.DXMB -Malaybalay - 6 10 kc. 7 p.m.daily. AFRICA

    RADIO LOURENCO MARQUES, MOZAMBIQUE - 3301 kc. (92 m.) ,4925 kc. (60 m.) , 10 p.m. Mon .,W ed., Sat., 10:30 p.m. Tues., Tb urs.,Fri .\VNBS - Lagos - 602 kc., 8:30 p.m.dai ly.WNBS - Ibadan - 656 kc., 3380 kc.,6 185 kc. 9500 kc., 8:30 p.m. dail y.ENBC - Enu gu, N igeri a - 620 kc.5:30 p.m. daily.AUSTRALIA t

    2KY - Sydney, NSW - 1020 kc.. 5a.m. Sun .-Fri ., 9 :40 Sun., 10:15 Mon.,

    GuamRADIO GUAM - KUAM - 6 10 kc., 6p.m. Sun. OkinawaRADI O OKINAWA - KSBK - 880kc., 12:06 p.m. Sun .BangkokHSAAA - Bangkok, Thailand - 600kc., 9:30 a.m. Sun ., 10:05 p.m. Mon.Sat.

    I" German -RADIO LUX EMBOURG - 49 m. (6090kc.) shor twave, 208 m. ( 1439 kc.)medium wave, 6:05 a.m. Sun., 5:00am. Mon., Tues., Fri.MIDDLE EASTI" English -HASHEMIT E Broadcastin g Service,Amman, Jordan- 42 m. (7160 kc.)sho r twav e, 2 p.m., 31.48 m. (9530kc.) , 351 m. (855 kc.) medi um wave,8 p.m. dail y.

    CKLB- Oshawa. Ont .- 1350 kc., 10:30p.m. Sun., 9 :05 p.m , Mon.-Sat.CHLa - St. Th omas. Onto- 680 kc.,2:30 p.m. Sun ., 6 a.m. Men-Sat.CHYR - Leamington , Onto- 710 kc.,6:30 p.m . da ily.CKSO - Sud bury, On to-790 kc., 5:30p.m. Sun., 6 a.m. Men-Sat .CKCY - Sault Ste . Mar ie, On to- 920kc., 6:30 p .m. daily.CJNR - Elliott Lake , Onto- 730 kc.,6:30 p.m. daily.CjNR - Blind River, Ont. - 730 kc.,6:30 p.m . da ily.*Cj LX - Fort \Vill iam, Ont o - 800kc., 6:25 p.m. Sun ., 7:3 0 p.m. Mon ..Sat .CKY - W inn i peg, Man. - 580 kc., 7a.m. Sun., 5:30 a.m. Mon-Sar.CKDM - Dauphin, Man. - 730 kc.,6 :30 p.m. daily.I - Regina, Sask . - 980 kc., 8:30p.m. da ily.

    CJGX - Yorkton, Sask . - 940 kc., 8:30p.m . daily.CJN B - Nor th Ban leford, Sask. - 1050kc., 2:30 p.m. da ily, 6:30 p.m . Sun.,7:30 p.m . Moo.-Sar .( KBI - Prince Albert, Sask . - 900 kc.,2 p.m. Sun., 7:30 p.m. Mon .-Fri .,8 p.m . Sat .CKSA - Lloydminster, Sask.-Al ta . 1080 kc., 7 p.m. dail y.CHED - Edm onton, Alta . - 630 kc.,9 :30 a.m. Sun ., 5:30 a.m. Men-Sat .CFeW - Camrose, Aha. - 790 kc.,2:30 p.m. Sun. , 8:30 p.m. Men-Sat .CJDV - D rumheller, Aha. - 9 10 kc.,10:30 a.m. Sun. 6 a.m. Men-Sat .CKYL - Peace River, Aha . - 610 kc.,5 p.m. Sun ., 6 a.m. Mon-Sar.CJVI - Vi ctoria. B. C. - 900 kc., 6a.m. Men-Sat .CKLG - Vancouver , B. C. - 7 30 kc.99.3 FM, 7:30 a.m. Sun ., 6 a.m.Me n- Sat . AM. 6:30 a.m. Mon.-Fr i.FM.In Frn lCh -CFMB - Montreal - 1410 kc., 5 p.m.Sat., Sun.CKJL - St. Jerome, Qu e. - 900 kc.,10:30 a.m. Sun.CKBt - Marane, Que. - 1250 kc.,10:45 a.m. Sa t., Sun.BERMUDAZBM 1 - Hamil ton - 1235 kc., 8 p.m.Sun.ZBM 2 - Hamil ton - 1340 kc., 2:30p.m. Men-Sat .ZFB 1 - RADIO BERMUDA - 950kc. 1:30 p.m. daily.

    EUROPEI n Englis h -MANX RADIO - 188 m. ( 1594 kc.)medi um wave, 2:45, 7:45 p.m. Sun.,10:30 a.m., 7:30 p.m. Mon-Sat.; 89mc. VHF 7:45 p.m. Sun., 7:30 p.m.Mon .-Sat.[ ' I French -RADIO LUXEMBOURG - 1293 m.,5:30 a.rn. Mon., 5:15 a.m. Tues., Fri.,5:10 a.m. Thurs.EUROPE No . ON E-Felsbe rg en Sarre,Germany - 182 kc. (1 64 7 m.) , 1a.m., 6 a.m. Sun., 5:45 a.m. Wed .,Sat.t For comple te Australian Radio Log,wri te to the Editor.

  • 7/28/2019 Plain Truth 1968 (Prelim No 01) Jan_w


    wIlY Foot-and-MouthDisease Plagues BritainCheshire . EnglandBRITA IN has suffered the worstepidemic of foot-and-mouth disease in its history. England'sFinancial Times describes it as "theworst disaster of any kind to have befallen the farming community in livingmemory,""It' s just like the war," commented

    one fanner recently on a TV programme. "We don't know what is goingto happen next ."

    Living in a State of SiegeMany hund reds of farmers and their

    families are living today in a state ofsiege, hoping to stop the spread of thedreaded disease to their animals. Others,because the disease has already been confirmed on their farms, live in completeisolation . All deliveries are left at thefarm entrance. No one on these farmsis allowed out, no outsider in. Th eironly contact with the outside world is bytelephone.Children stay away from schooL Localfunctions arc cancelled . Farm marketsare empty. Village life in the areasaffected has virtually come to a standstill. One farmer said to us, " It' s almosta relief when it is confirmed on yourown farm - there is no more uncertainty ."

    Person al LossTravelling through some of the areas

    affected, one is struck by the "quietness"in the air.A red, stark, notice catches the eye:"Foot-end-Mouth Disease, Yo/, are !lOWentering al l inf ected area."Across the road lay a "pad" of heav

    ily disinfected straw. All cars enteringor leaving, cross this " front line" in thebattle against the disease.You pass a farm. Another red sign on

    the gate. Thi s seemed to stand out more- here is a personal loss.

    "Poot-and-iHo/fth Disease. N o Admittance."Th e only movements were from a few

    by David R. Bedford and Colin Sutcliffesparrows fly ing around. No lowing ofcatt le. No bleating of sheep. Not eventhe bark of a dog , Only a deathly hushprevailed. The whole farm seemed deserted, but the family was around somewhere.

    Here were some acres which a fewdays previously had been full of life now everything was different !Barn and stall doors stood open; some

    slightly creaking in the wind, as ifmoaning the loss. The drying-out process begins - and the long wait beforerestocking - a wait of six months, ormore, in some cases.

    At another farm a lone horse raiseshis head and walks towards the road asone dr ives by - almost as though he toofeels lonely and wants some companionship.

    Two fields away from the horse(u naffected by the disease) was a greatmound of earth about six feet highand 50 yards long. Thi s was a telltale sign without looking for any notice !Another mass burial.Stopp ing the car by the roadside

    you see three huge lorries full of solidfuel pass by. "There's someone wholikes to save by buying in quantity,"you think?About a mile along the road they stop.In front of the lorries a bulldozer

    was being unloaded . No questions hadto be asked! A policeman stood by thegate. Men were dressing themselveswith waterproof clothing. All wasquiet, except for the movement ofhumans. Ano ther man's herd had beenslaughtered ! ,- 'Soon ' the blades of the bulldozer

    would rip into the earth - the groundover which the animals probably lessthan twelve hours earlier were walking.Next, the fuel tumbled into the hugegaping trench carved by the bulldozer,The dead beasts then burnt as the fuelwas fired. Th e funeral pyre completed,the bulldozer would cover the remains

    with the soil previously removed. Asight for the farmer to look at for along time to come !Some of these herds have taken

    twelve, fifteen, or more years to build.A quar ter of a life-time's work goneovernight. Animals known by name,have almost been "one of the family."But what is foot -and-mouth disease?

    And why does it strike "advanced"agr icultural countries?

    The Sto ry BehindFoo t-and -Mouth Di seaseGoing out one morning a farmer

    finds a ten-month-old animal lyingdown with sweat oozing from its body.Th e beast is making a "ghastly suckingsound" with its tongue hanging out.Another farmer sees a badly limping

    animal. Both have foot-and-mouthdisease. Ironically this is not a killerdisease! It is a crippling disease. Anyanimals recovering give a much decreased milk yield. Th ey are very unlikely to produce healthy young again.

    Foot-and-mouth disease is spread byseven major types of viruses. Theseviruses are so different that an animalwith immunity against one would notnecessarily be immune against another.The one causing the present problems

    is type Ovt , It is particu larly virulent,Th is virus has had no set pattern .

    It has been known to jump to farms50 miles from any known infected area.Other times it suddenly doub les backon non-affected farms in areas previously hit. It has been described like thefall-ou t from a nuclear bomb, or assnowflakes dropping around the countryside.The first outb reak occurred in Llany

    blodwell, Shropshire, on October 25th.In less than four weeks the slaughtertoll passed any known previous yearlyrecord.Th is has been the MOST "E XPLOSIVE"

    OUTBREAK since the introduction of thestamping-out' policy in 1892, The pre-

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    Janua ry, 1968 The PLAIN TRUTH 19

    Shropshire Sta r PhotoFune ra l pyre of des troyed animals in ar ea whe re burial is impracticab le. Note the animals' feetand leg s protruding into the a ir through the clou ds of smoke .VIOUS record was in 1960 when 42, 100animals were slaughtered in five weeks.In the first five weeks of th is epidemicover FIVE TIMES AS }' lANY had beenkilled.In the House of Commons on Mon

    day, 4th December, the Minister ofAgriculture said, "it has taken on thecharacter of an explosion. /I Earl ier hestated, "the epidemic is one of thegtaz,.'t:'st tbis centnry."

    Bri tish