Pkb14 Affan Hafidz Tugas1

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  • 8/20/2019 Pkb14 Affan Hafidz Tugas1


     Application of Learning Styles Adaptivity in Mobile Learning Environments

    Application of Learning Styles Adaptivity in Mobile

    Learning Environments

    Oleh : Kinshuk, Taiyu Lin


    Availability of advanced mobile technologies, such as high bandwidth

    infrastructure, wireless technologies, and handheld devices, have started to extend e

    learning towards mobile learning !mlearning" !Sharples, #$$$"% &his phenomenon

    fits well with the new paradigm 'anytime, anywhere computing( !Lehner and

     )*se+abel, #$$#"% owever, the development of mlearning is still at rather early

    stage and many issues have yet to be resolved% One of these issues is the potential of 

    individuali-ation of learning process for the learners%

    &his paper explores how to improve learning process by adapting course

    content presentation to student learning styles in multiplatform environments such

    as ./ and .0A% A framewor+ has been developed to comprehensively model

    student1s learning styles and present the appropriate sub2ect matter, including thecontent, format, media type, and so on, to suit individual student% &he wor+ is based

    on the 3elderSilverman Learning Style &heory% &he framewor+ uses traditional

    webbased intelligent tutorial architecture, with two additional components:

    4learning style analysis module1 and 4access device analysis module1% &he learning

    style analysis module ta+es care of modeling student learning style and

    communicates with student model, whereas the access device analysis module

    identifies the access device profile and provides the information to tutorial module%

    &he tutorial module creates the suitable content, based on the student model

    !including individual learning styles" and access device profile, and presents to the


    5ased on the framewor+, a prototype for the domain of .. programmingcourse has been developed% 6ith this system, students are able to learning ..

     programming with course content that matches their own learning style and the

    device used to access the content% A formative evaluation is planned to assess the

    student satisfaction, learning efficiency, and effectiveness of the system while

     providing various presentations of the same content to different users on different



    Availability of advanced mobile

    technologies, such as high bandwidth

    infrastructure, wireless technologies, and

    handheld devices, have started to extend e

    learning towards mobile learning !m

    learning" !Sharples, #$$$"% &his

     phenomenon fits well with the new paradigm

    'anytime, anywhere computing( !Lehner 

    and )*se+abel, #$$#"% owever, the

    development of mlearning is still at rather 

    early stage and many issues have yet to beresolved% One of these issues is the potential

    of individuali-ation of learning process for 

    the learners%

    7n past decades, researchers from

    different disciplines have intended to define

    and classify learning styles that help teacher 


  • 8/20/2019 Pkb14 Affan Hafidz Tugas1


     )ama 8urnal% 9olume $ nomor $ &ahun #$;, $#;

    to improve their individuali-ed teaching%

    &here are many learning style theories used

    today and the learning style theories have

     been applied in educational environment

    widely% 3or example, the &heory into

    .ractice 0atabase !&7., #$$

  • 8/20/2019 Pkb14 Affan Hafidz Tugas1


     Application of Learning Styles Adaptivity in Mobile Learning Environments

     practical approach to establish the

    dominant learning style of each


    o &he results of 7LS can be lin+ed

    easily to adaptive environments

    (.aredes and odrigue-, #$$#"%


    7t is most appropriate and feasible to be implemented for hypermedia

    courseware !/arver and oward,


    &his theory categori-es an

    individual1s preferred learning style by a

    sliding scale of five dimensions:  sensing-

    intuitive, visual-verbal, inductive-deductive,

    activereflective and  sequential-global 

    !3elder and Silverman, ?BB 3elder, ??

  • 8/20/2019 Pkb14 Affan Hafidz Tugas1




     Tutoring Module

    Communication Mechanism



    User Interface Module (PC or


    Learning styleanalysis

    Access deiceanalysis

     )ama 8urnal% 9olume $ nomor $ &ahun #$;, $#;

    these styles, and there is respective course

    material for each style% 6hen student first

    time enter the system, the course content is

    delivered to student randomly% &hen the

    system monitors student1s learning process

    and base on student1s evaluation to update

    student1s learning styles !auditory, visual,tactile or a combination of them"% According

    to student1s latest learning styles, the system

     provides the suitable course content% &he

    learning styles supported by the system are

    not based on any educational learning style

    theory, so its learning styles are more or less

    li+e preference%

    Adaptive /ourseware Environment

    !A/E" !Specht and Oppermann, ??B"

     provides certain mechanism to adapt to

    student1s learning styles% 6hen a studentstarts to use a new courseware, the student

    are as+ed for their learning strategies, such

    as learning by example, reading texts, or 

    learning by doing% 5ased on the learning

    model, the domain model and the

     pedagogical model, the presentation

    component selects appropriate learning units

    and generates individual hypermedia

    documents for student% 7n strict learning

    style theory in education, its supporting

    learning styles may be classified into student


    &he 6ebbased system created by

    .aredes and odrJgue-  !#$$#" uses

    3elderSilverman Learning Style &heory and

    7ndex of Learning Styles to assess student1s

    learning styles% &hen the assessment result is

    used to automatically adapt 6ebbased

    educational systems1 content seFuencing for 

    student% owever, the system only supports

    two dimensions of four dimensions in the

    3elderSilverman Learning Style &heory%

    0ifferent systems have various ways

    to collect student1s learning styles, such as

    interview, Fuestionnaire, and monitor 

    student1s behaviour% owever, an important

     point that has to be +ept in mind is to get a

    useful student1s learning style actually is a

     psychological test process that specially

    designed, and not by a simple interview

    !5rusilovs+y, #$$"%

    All of these systems are ./ based systems%

    &hey do not support the mobile

    environments, which are emerging very fastand need to be further explored% &he aim of 

    the paper is to explore how to support

    individual study in mobile environments%


    O$ T'E S#STEM

    &he highlevel architecture uses traditional

    webbased intelligent tutorial architecture,

    with two additional components: 4learning

    style analysis module1 and 4access device

    analysis module1% !figure"%

    3igure : the high level architecture of the


  • 8/20/2019 Pkb14 Affan Hafidz Tugas1


     Application of Learning Styles Adaptivity in Mobile Learning Environments

    &he learning style analysis module ta+es

    care of modeling student learning style and

    communicates with student model, whereas

    the access device analysis module identifies

    the access device profile and provides the

    information to tutorial module% &he tutorial

    module creates the suitable content, based onthe student model !including individual

    learning styles" and access device profile,

    and presents to the student%


    &his section discusses how toimplement the prototype based on the above


    Adaptation in mobile learning


    &he adaptation in mobile learning

    environments implicates that it has to

    consider the individual learner and theaccess device% 7n the prototype, the access

    devices are ./ or .0A%

    Adaptation to student1 learning styles:

    &he framewor+ is able to adapt to individual

    student learning style by providing a default

    learning style adaptation and individual

    learning style adaptation%

    &he default learning style adaptation:

    the system populates student learning style

    with a default learning style if student selects

    not to ta+e the learning style assessment

    Table : default !references for mild 

     !references of learning st"le dimensions

     process% 5ased on validation of 

    3elderSoloman1s 7ndex of Leaning Styles

    that more students are active, sensing,

    seFuential, and visual than reflective,

    intuitive, verbal and global!9anKwanenberg, et al%, #$$ Kywno, #$$

  • 8/20/2019 Pkb14 Affan Hafidz Tugas1


     )ama 8urnal% 9olume $ nomor $ &ahun #$;, $#;

    tutorial module% 5ased on the student1s

    learning style and hisGher access device, the

    system will present the course content


    T,e control flo-s in t,e system

    3rom the figure , the control flows

    in the initial accessing the system are: a"

    after a student logs into the system

    successfully, it provides two options !default

    learning style and ta+e the learning style

    assessment" for the student% b" 7f the student

    selects the default style, the system

     populates the student learning style in

    student model with the default style!activeGsensingGvisualGseFuential"%

    Otherwise, the system provides the 7ndex of 

    Learning Style Fuestionnaire for the student%

    After the student finishes the Fuestions and

    submits the answers, the system analyses the

    student1s learning style and populates hisGher 

    student model%

    3rom then, the tutoring module will

    combine the student1s leaning style

    information and the information of access

    device provided by access device analysis

    module, and serve the student with course

    content according to hisGher learning style

    and access device%

    Classification of st.dent learning styles

    and t,eir implementation r.les

    5ased on 3elderSilverman Learning

    Style &heory, classification of student

    learning styles and their implementation

    rules are defined%

    5ecause the system signs

    corresponding default preferences for those

    mild preferences of leaning style dimensions

    and treats the moderate and strong

     preference as the same, there are ; types of 

    combination of leaning style dimensions%

    &hey are:

    • activeGsensingGvisualGseFuential

    • activeGsensingGvisualGglobal

    • activeGsensingGverbalGseFuential

    • activeGsensingGverbalGglobal

    • activeGintuitiveGvisualGseFuential

    • activeGintuitiveGvisualGglobal

    • activeGintuitiveGverbalGseFuential

    • activeGintuitiveGverbalGglobal

    • reflectiveGsensingGvisualGseFuential

    • reflectiveGsensingGvisualGglobal

    • reflectiveGsensingGverbalGseFuential

    • reflectiveGsensingGverbalGglobal

    • reflectiveGintuitiveGvisualGseFuential

    • reflectiveGintuitiveGvisualGglobal

    • reflectiveGintuitiveGverbalGseFuential

    • reflectiveGintuitiveGverbalGglobal

    &hese different types of learning

    styles are respectively implemented by the

    combination of the following B elements%

    &he implementation rules for each element

    are discussed as follows%

    Active: study in groups to discussing,

    guess possible Fuestion and answer 

    them, find ways to do something with

    learning concepts :

    • .roviding discussion area

    • eminding student to guess several possible


    eflective: thin+ about Fuietly before

    going ahead stop periodically to review

  • 8/20/2019 Pkb14 Affan Hafidz Tugas1


     Application of Learning Styles Adaptivity in Mobile Learning Environments

    what have been learning, writing

    summaries :

    • &hin+ before going ahead

    • Stop periodically to review what

    have been learning

    • 6riting summaries

    Sensing: facts, example following by

    the exposition, handon wor+, practical

    material :

    • Example first and following by the


    • andon wor+, such as practicing in

    the applying environment

    7ntuitive/  abstract, concept, theory,

    exposition before example :

    • Exposition first and following by the


    • More concept and abstract

    9isual: picture, graphs, diagram, flow

    chart, schematics, demonstration,

    concepts map, color notes, slides with

    multimedia :

    • More picture, graphs, diagram

    • Animation demonstration

    • /olor important concepts

    9erbal: text, and audio

    • text

    • Audio

    SeFuential: Step by step logically to

     present material, outline the material in

    order :

    • Step by step to present material

    • /onstrict lin+s

    Dlobal: Large picture before detail, large

     2ump, context of the sub2ect :

    • Dive big picture of the course

    • .rovide all the lin+s


    ; types of learning styles and their 

    corresponding implementation rules have

     been finali-ed% 7n the next section, the design

    and implementation of the prototype are

     presented in details%

    &he classification of student learning

    styles and their implementation rules

    reFuested for implementing the 3elder and

    Silverman learning style theory have been

    identified and discussed% 7n the following

    section, the prototype that implements the

    3elder and Silverman learning style theory is


    Implementation of t,e prototype

    &he prototype uses the ..

     programming tutorials material as course

    content% Students1 profiles including the

    learning style are stored in a MySL

    database% &he prototype is developed by

    using ML technologies, .., Apache web


    &o dynamically identify the access

    device, a simple http header string

    identification techniFue is used% Since the

    .0A is limited at the si-e of screen and the

    resource, it is not capable of displaying

    multimedia as rich as ./% &herefore, two

    sets of course content are developed for ./

     based and .0A based%

    &he figure # is the page that student

    can select the default learning style or ta+ingthe leaning style assessment from ./s% 7f the

    student selects the course area directly, the

    system will populate the student model with

    the default learning style and bring the

    student to the course content according to

    the learning style%


  • 8/20/2019 Pkb14 Affan Hafidz Tugas1


     )ama 8urnal% 9olume $ nomor $ &ahun #$;, $#;

     Figure : a screens#ot t#at student can select 

    to go straig#t to course or ta$e t#e


    &he figure < is a lesson for the

    learning style

    activeGsensingGvisualGseFuential% 7t provides

    the example at the begging of the lesson !if the lesson has example"%

    Student can enter the group discussion area

    anytime through the menu H discussion area%

    &he lesson is presented step by step with few

    lin+s that student can 2ump% According to the

    visual, the lesson is presented with picture

    and highlighting the important concepts%

     Figure %: a screens#ot of a lesson for leaning 

     st"le active&sensing&visual&sequential


    7n this paper, we presented a

    mechanism to fully model student1s learning

    styles and fully adapt the course content to

    individual learning style, based on the

    3elderSilverman learning style theory, and

    the access device% A prototype for ..

     programming course was developed to

    demonstrate the mechanism% Students can

     perform study with course content that

    nicely match their own learning style and

    their access devices !./ or .0A"% 5yadapting the course content to the student1s

    individual learning style and access device,

    we expect students are able to learning more

    efficiently and more effectively%

     )ext step, we are going to conduct an

    evaluation on the prototype to assess the

    learning efficiency and effectiveness of this



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  • 8/20/2019 Pkb14 Affan Hafidz Tugas1


     Application of Learning Styles Adaptivity in Mobile Learning Environments

    T#roug# "!ermedia Course/are

    and ncor!oration of tudent 

     earning t"les, 7EEE &ransactions

    on Education, vol% C#, no% , ???,

     pp% olb, 0% 3ry, % !?@="% &owards an

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  • 8/20/2019 Pkb14 Affan Hafidz Tugas1
