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Phonics and Reading

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+, + • ~ -. T- • ....-.

~t:I + .

" 'Le~! :PPhonics and Reading

Table of Contents

The Alphabet

Letters Hig h in the Sky. .. . ...

Short e

. 2, 3 Get the Net . . . 18

All Mixed Up , . . . 19

Beginning Consonants

Toy Factory .

What Do You See in the Sea~

Off to School

Swinging in the Jungle

Long a

. 5 Tinker Bell', Magic

6 Jone in the Rain



7Long i

Ending Consonants Rhyme Time.. .22

It's Circus Time. . . . . 8, 9 Snow White and the Apple. . . 23

Short a Long u

. . 10 Magic for 'u' .

.... 11 Mowgli and Baloo, Too.

. .. 24

. . _ 25

Short on Words .

A Magic Lamp.

Short i

My Friends and 'i' . . . . 12

Make It and Match It.. . _ . . . 13

Long 0

A Rose for Belle. . 26

off They Go! . .. . _ 27

Short u

Snug as 0 Bug ..

Just Juggling

.. 14

. 15

Long e

Too Sleepy to Help . . .... 28

..... 29ime for Teo ..

Short 0

Hippity Hop.

Going on a Walk .

. .. _ 16

.. 17

Helping Your Child at Home. . . .. 30

Answer Key _31,32


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r T T 10 I

• + '+.'" + ••'. . +. ,Letters Highin the Sky Name


The re d le tte rs of the alphabe t are

vowels. A ll of the othe r le tte rs

are consonants.

A laddin and P rince ss Jasm ine are

high in the sky. He lp them Fillin

the m issing le tte rs of the alphabe t.W rite one le tte r on e ach line .

A B- 1.


D E2.----------





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+ + .'.

. ..,...1 '" . .. . "r"










T U---------


V X.--------~-


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.• .. . t .. t •• T

+. • + .•+

Toy Factory

1. k------n



3. k-------ocet


Help Andy pick out some toys to pla

with. Name each toy and write the

missing letter on the line that standsfor the beginning sound.

4. _

- - - - - - - o r s e

Beginning ConsonantsToy srory 2 © Dlsne'{/Pil:F.J1

Original Toy S tory Blemerus © D

All rights. reservac .

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+ . T 1'. lit ..,

+ • +

Do You See-------------------------

in the Sea?Help Ariel name things at the bottom

of the sea. Write the letter that

stands for the beginning sound ofeach object. Then circle the two

pictures with names that begin with

the same sound.







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+.y ...+ .. . . -t .. + •• ++. +.

Off to SchoolName

It's Pinocchio's first day of school. See what

needs to take with him. Cut out the lefters at

bottom of the page. Glue the letters to finish

name of each school supply.



Doney 4. ~ Dlue


m r

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. . +. + •• 1 " "

+, • +


the Jungle Name

Tarzan likes to swing from vines in

the jungle. Look at each picture

below. Circle the letter that standsfor the beginning sound of each

picture name.

2. 3.

f •I

© Burroughs and Disney



r b


p 5

Beginning Consonants+ ••

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+ + . ' 1 ' .+ •. - + + ... +• + •

It's Circus TimeName

Come see what's under the cir

tent! Say the name of each pic

Write the letter that stands for

ending sound of each picture


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• +. ++

+ •




© D i s n e y



Ending Consonants

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.. + •.• ... + ..... _,..

. + .

hort on WordsName

Read each sentence about the Seven Dwarfs. Choose the word that make

the most sense. Write it below the sentence.

1.Dopey wears a purple

fan cap ham

2. Sleepy wants to take

sat man nap

3. Bashful wears a big

can hat mat

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.- o f - . . -1-. iii -y

+ + •+,... • +.

A Magic Lamp

Lamp has the short a sound. Read the

short a words in the box. Find and circle

each short a word in the puzzle. Thenwrite each word at the bottom of the page.

lamp can had

nap bag ran

I a m p r c

b 0 t q 5 a

e n b a 9 n

h d f

.k- I

X P r a n

1. 2.



4. 5. 6.

© D i s n e y _151.-

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f T •• .++. + •. -+

• My Friends

and Ii' Name

The word big has a short isound. Circle the characters' names that have

the short isound.

1. Pooh




3. Rabbit


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• ., .. .~ . .•+ . + .Make It and

Match ItCircle the word that makes the

most sense.

1. Ariel and

Sebastian ---

on a rock.



2 -. Ariel loves to




3. Flounder is a




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, T ' ,+. , , + . . . . . . . + ••

. +.

Snug as a Bug

Francis is a bug. Bug has the short u sound.

This sound is usually made by the letter u.

See how many words you can rhyme with the

word bug. Use the consonants and consonant

blend to make the words.

t h piIII







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• T • T •

+ .+ •. + ......

+ t. • +,

Just Juggling

Slim likes to juggle. Help Slim unscramble

the leiters to make the short uwords.Write each word on a line. Thewords in

the box will help you.

Example: u d b bud

cup hutsun




u p c

u th3.


u n s


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'. + •• +' .·+~+.o+.+ +. +.

Hippity HopName

Thumper loves to hop. Hop has the short 0sound.

This sound is usually made by the letter o.

See how many words you can rhyme with the

word hop. Use the consonants and consonant

blends to make the words.

t m p st\

f l



-op -op

. 0 + . . +© D i s

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t . . . +. + •• -y-

. +.Going on a


Pongo and Perdita

take a walk.

Circle the word that makes the

most sense.

1. Pongo runs to the .

3. Perdita and Pongo like this _

mop not spot

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. + ........+•• - r -" • +,

.+ Get the NetName

Let's go Fishing! Just don't catch Sebastian! Say the name of each picture.

If the picture name has the sound of short e like net, draw a line from th

picture to the net.

. .. .

. .

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+, +. . T . y 1


All Mixed Up

He lp! A ll the le tte rs got m ixe d up. He lp

Tinke r B e ll unscram ble the le tte rs to m ake

short ewords. W rite e ach word on a line .The words in the box will he l'p you.

Example: e b I I bell

bed red geten

e rd







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'. +'·+o+.+.OT+ 0 +

.+ . Tinker Bel l 'sMagic Name

A long vowel sound says its name. One way to make a short vowel long

to add an eat the end. Help Tinker Bell use her magic to change these s

a words into long a words. Then draw pictures to show the new words.

1 .cap -------

2·can 3. tap

_ • . 1 . \ . • . •

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• + •.. . +.+."-r. + .

Jane in the Rain

Jane and rain are long a words

that rhyme. Look at the phrases

below. Use words in the box tocomplete each phrase by writing a

rhyming long a word on the line.

Then draw a picture of the word.

pail lake cape


n ape with a


A tail ina



A snake in a

© Burroughs and Disney ••. ],1.'._

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.• ·· _- +. + •• ,

+ • +

.+ ·Rhyme TimeName

Belle is writing a poem. Help her make words

that rhyme. Use the consonants given to make

rhyming words that have a long isound.






------ .-Ine



© Dis

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. . . . . . . . y

. + ,

Snow White

and the AppleChoose the word thot makes sense.

Then write the word on the line.

Snow W hite

is tak ing a

The app le is

r id e r ip e b ik e


P r ince com e in

---------------- ~

mime pine time

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.• + . • . +. + • • 'T"• • +

Magic for ·~u'

3. r=ler


The word blue has the long u

sound. Help the Blue Fairy use he

magic to make other words using

the long u sound.

Then draw a picture that shows

the word.

2. f I - - - - - te

_; .1 .1 .414© D i s n

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+ . • - +. +-. • T... • +'Mowgli and

8aloo, TooFind and circle the long uwords in

the puzzle. Here's a clue-look for

the letters in blue. Thenwrite each

word on a line.

f r u

o m

u d u

t 9

b e

v s u





c b

I u e

k w•I . t





5. 6.

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, T ~ T -.• + .+. +. + • •

+ ~ • + .

. A Rose for BelleName

Read the words in the box. They all

have the long 0sound, like in the

word rose. Look at each picture and

write its name to complete the puzzle.

Write one letter in each box.

boat snow rose bow

1. 2.










_ • • 1 . [ . • . •

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+ +.' + . - +. """"• ...,...

. +.Off They Go!


o has the long 0sound. Help Belle find the right word. Look at the words

them out loud. Choose the one that makes the most sense.

2 The Be ast

le ft Be lle a

rob rose nose

Be lle is

re ad ing a

not vote note

Be lle wants

to go

home hose hole

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! - T • " T " -

• + '+ •. + .+ ••• + • +

.+ . Too Sleepy

to HelpSleepy has the long e sound. Long

e is spelled ee or ea. Sleepy is too

sleepy to help, so you will need to

Jrace an ee or an ea in the words

below. Then draw a picture of each





2. b


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+ • +. + •• - r -+.. • +.

Time for Tea

The letters ee and ea stand for the

long e sound. Trace these letters to

complete the long eword on eachteapot. Then read the words aloud.





© Disney

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. . . ; + . . .

+1Helping Your Child at Home

Reading and Phonics

Helping your child learn how to recognise letters and sounds is an important Firsts

in teaching him or her how to read. Once your child understands t!,at the sounds in

words can be represented with letters, he or she will be able to begin to sound out an

read words. It is also important for your child to practice writing letters and words.

Correctly forming letters and learning how to spell phonetic words will give your chil

solid skill foundation. Here are some suggestions for helping your child learn how to

read, write, and spell.

-Go on an alphabet hunt. Help your child find every letter of the alphabet in books,

magazines, and newspapers in your home.

-Have your child name each family member. Ask your child what leiter each name

begins with .

• Play 'What's Cooking?' Help your child read the labels on Food products. Ask him

her to name the vowel sound in each word. For example, eggs begins wit!, short

- Help your child make a list of words that he or she can read independently. Use a

large sheet of paper so you can odd new words to it each day. Hang the list in a

handy spot so your child can practice reading the words to you often.

·Praise your child's efforts ... and reward them with a sticker!

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+ + 0 + • . .'T'+. +.

Pages2 and 3 Page 4

1. C 6. P 1. t

2. 7. S 2. c

3. H 8. W 3. r

4. K 9. Z 4

5. N

Page 5 Page 6 Page 7

b 1. m 1.

2 2. r 2. z

3. p 3 b 3. b

4. c 4. 9 4.

5. b 5.

C ircle the boot 6. 5

an d the boH le .

Pages8 and 9 Page 10

7. r 1. cop

2. r B . 2 nap

3. 3 hat. n

4. m 10. 9

5. n 11 r


Page 11

1. lamp C . . : . . b - - , : = - - - = : m : _ _ f : (J2 can lJ3. had

e r,; (b a g) n

h C O d) f I k

" ~ I (r a n

Page 12 Page

4. nop

5 bag

6 ran

2. 1. si t

3. 2 . swi

5. 3. ~ sh


Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18

tug bug top 1. log

rug 2. cup mop 2. on

hu g 3. h U I pop 3. spot

mug 4. su n stop

plug R op

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+ + . . .+ •

. . . .+ . +.

Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24

1. red cape cape 1 . pie 1. bi te 1. m u lli e

2. ge t 2. cone 2. poil tie 2. r ipe 2. flu t

3. b e d 3. tape 3. lake 2. vine 3 lime 3. r u I enine

A. len l ine 4. 9 I uf ine

Page 25

1 . fruit



4. tube

5. suit

6 glue

f r u i t

I 0 ~ a u

u d u c b

t I(g I u e

0b e k w

Page 26 Page 27

Across: 1. no",

1. rose 2. rose

3. bow 3. hom e


2. snow

3. boat

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The Disney Learning series offers ,1 unique educational approach to teaching essential

skills to your child. The full-colour workbooks use a delightful Disney or Disney/Pixar

character on every page to motivate young children and create exciting lessons!

~. funtastic'

First published in Australia by Funtnstic Limited, 200S

s o o \ :Vcllingmn Road, Rowvil le

Vicrnria 317H, Australia

Ph: 61 J 957~ so u F~l.-';:61 3"95764048


Emulh p(l"li~hjn~@ftlntastk,co1l).au

CopyriJ;lhl © 2llQ5 Disn(!y

Cnryrighr © 2005 Dtsnev/Pixar

, . . . . J l ri):l:hl;,~ J'l·~l!rwJ"

Printed nnd bound in M,llaysia

109 S 7 (5 5 4 3 1

Disne8 learning includes,

• re ading', rnathe ma-lcs. language ,

witi ng, and fine motor skills

• a delightful Disney or Disnev/Pixar

character on every page

• reward sticke rs

• parent resources

ITEM CODE: 88791

ISBN 174150230-6

9781741 502305