May 2009 Pharmaceutical Sector

Pharmaceutical Sector - INVEST IN COLOMBIA Sector.pdf · Uribe. Source: DNP, Central Bank ... sales to the local market. 9. ... pharmaceutical market . Laboratory sales and profits

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May 2009

Pharmaceutical Sector

1) Where are we coming from?

2) What are we doing?

3) Pharmaceutical market and policies of this sector


The country has been growing steadier and faster than the Latin American


GDP Growth: Colombia (2000 – 2008) %

Source: DANE (National Accounts), DNP, EIU (Market Indicators & Forecasts)Note: * Forecast DNP

Last update March 16

Forecasts2009 2010

Col L.A. Col L.A.

Latin Focus 2.1 1.1 3.0 2.9

EIU -1.0 -1.2 1.5 1.7

IMF 3.5 3.2 5.0 4.1

President Uribe



Striking performance in FDI, Exports and foreign visitors

President Uribe

Source: DNP, Central Bank (Banco de la República)

Note: * Forecast

2002/2008 Increases







US Million

US Million

Million of visitors

Important results in social indicators

Source: DNP, Estimates MERPD- ENH and ECH

Unemployment  Rate  fell by 4.2 points. 02/08

President Uribe

Note: * Forecast

Poverty fell by 13 points

Income Distribution GINI (0= equitable distribution; 1=high concentration of income)


Market Confidence: recovering our investment grade (soon)

Risk Analysis Agency

Debt in Foreign Currency

2003 2008 Outlook


Moody’s Ba2 Ba1

Fitch BB BB+

Source: Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, Fitch


March 22 de 2007


Security has improved along with sustained economic growth

The recipe is simple: Democratic Security = Confidence = Investment = Growth

In 2008‐Investment as 

proportion of GDP went to 30%

‐ GDP grew 3,5%‐Murders continue 

to go down


Three main Colombian´s cities safer than Washington D.C.

Homicides per 100.000 inhabitants per year 2007




Source: Min. of Defense

Violence Levels are decreasing dramatically

President Uribe



2002/2008 decreases

Market Confidence


1) Where are we coming from?

2) What are we doing?

3) Pharmaceutical market and policies of this sector


Trade agenda: Preferential access to 1.2 billion consumers

From preferential access to 233 million consumers in 2002 to access to 1,200 million consumers in 2010





Investment Agreement Agenda:19 BIT´s with 42 countries, and 21 DAT´s

with 23 countriesDouble Taxation Agreements (DTA) – Investment Agreements

(BIT)Both instruments will be available to all commercial partners



Two years in a row as the first reformer in Latin

America (2009)


improved 26

positions in two years!

Second most “business friendly” country in Latin America Doing Business


Country Ranking 2007


Chile 28 40

Colombia 79 53México 43 56

Perú 65 62

El Salvador 71 72

Panamá 81 81

República Dominicana 117 97

Argentina 101 113

Costa Rica 105 117

Brazil 121 125

Ecuador 123 136

Venezuela 164 174Source: Top reformers report. World Bank 14

Presentation Notes
Colombia escaló 13 posiciones en el ranking de la facilidad para hacer negocios, y se ubico segundo en América Latina.

The most competitive FTZ’s in Latin America: 15% income tax and allows

sales to the local market

15% corporate income tax

No import duties

No VAT tax

Benefit from international agreements

Can also sell in domestic market

Investment in millions And Direct JobsUS$ 29.81 150


Investment in millions And Direct JobsUS$ 1.99 – 9.14 500


Investment in millions Or Direct JobsUS$ 14.91 500

Agrobusiness Biofuels investment or employment



56 Free Trade Zones

Number of Approved Free Trade Zones

New FTZs in Figures

Total new Investment (USD Million) 4,668

Total new Direct Jobs 39,620

Colombia offers legal stability contracts to guarantee investment


Investments over USD 1,500,000

Investor pays 1% premium based on the amount of theinvestment.



Up to 20 years maximum.



41 legal stability contracts,February 2009


1) Where are we coming from?

2) What are we doing?

3) Pharmaceutical market and policies of this sector


Health Expenditure is increasing per Colombian (2002-2008)

Source: Economist Intelligence Unit

Presentation Notes
Esta política permite que cada colombiano reciba más recursos para salud.

Source: Economist Intelligence Unit

Colombia has the 3rd largest health expenditure as percentage of the GDP in Latin America

Presentation Notes
- Colombia in one of the biggest market in the Region, ahead of countries like Chile and Mexico.

Colombia has the largest Public expenditure in Latin America

Source: World Competitiveness Year Book 2008, IMD

Presentation Notes
- La estructura de la política de salud de Colombia es la razón del por qué Colombia es el país con mayor gasto público en salud en Latinoamérica.

Colombia ranks second in Latin-American infrastructure (2008)

Source: World Competitiveness Year Book 2008, IMD

Presentation Notes
- Colombia tiene una infraestructura que los inversionistas pueden aprovechar para mejorar sus negocios.

Increase in both laboratory sales and profits reflect the potential of the

pharmaceutical market Laboratory sales and profits in Colombia 2002-

2007(US$ million)

Source: BPR Associate

Disease (2006) Cases Rates

Malaria (rate per 100,000 habitants of population at risk of malaria)

108,432 1,089.84

Dengue (rate per 100,000 habitants of puopulation at risk of dengue)

38,271 171.87

Tuberculosis (per 100,000 habitants) 10,696 24.64

Tubercolosis con basiloscopia positiva 7,648 17.62

VIH/SIDA (Per 100.000 habitants) 3,548 8.17

Sifilis congénita (per 1,000 live births) 1,420 2.00

Lepra(Prevalence per 10,000 habitants) 931 0.21

Tos ferina (per 100.000 under 5 yeras old) 204 4.73

Meningitis per haemophilus influenzae (per 100,000 habitants)

20 0.05

Fiebre amarilla (per 100,000 habitants) 5 0.01

Tétanos neonatal ( per 1,000 live births) 4 0.01

Rabia humana (Per 100,000 habitants) 2 0.00

Source: World Health Organization, Pan American Health Organization, Ministry of Social Protection

Main Colombian Diseases

Colombian environmental laws and compliance do not hinder the competitiveness of business

Following Law 788 of 2002:

100% exemption from the income tax for companies that develop new drugs in Colombia,supported by Colciencias a government entity .

A deduct tax income of 125% of the value of the investment in scientific or technologicaldevelopment in the taxable period that took place.

Source: World Competitiveness Year Book 2008, IMD

Source: World Competitiveness Year Book 2008, IMD

Intellectual property rights are adequately enforced in Colombia


Colombian economy ready to receive investment

Colombian business environment supported by oneof the best legal system in Latin America.

Investors receive too many incentives to invest inColombia.

Colombia pay for innovation in science andtechnological, even more if this innovation is made indrugs for humans.

Pharmaceutical sector is growing, which shows agreat opportunity to invest in this sector.

Colombia has one of the best health system in LatinAmerica


• In the last few years, Colombia has experienced a marked improvement in its macroeconomic performance, internal security and stability for businesses. As a result social indicators have improved dramatically.

• Colombia has achieved a solid structural growth, based on an increase in the investment rate and higher productivity levels.

• The country has guaranteed its external funding for 2009 trough multilateral institutions such as IADB, WB and CAF.



• Colombia is aggressively negotiating trade and investment agreements expanding its markets and becoming more attractive to investors.

• The Colombian Government is committed to generating the most favorable conditions for domestic and foreign investment instruments such as the free-trade zones regime and legal stability contracts.


Investment Promotion Agency: www.proexport.com.co/invest