The candidate confirms that the work submitted is their own and the appropriate credit has been given where reference has been made to the work of others. I understand that failure to attribute material which is obtained from another source may be considered as plagiarism. (Signature of student) ___________________________________________ Pathfinding in an Entity Cluttered 3D Virtual Environment Matt Hall BSc Computing 2004/2005

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The candidate confirms that the work submitted is their own and the appropriate credit has been given where reference has been made to the work of others. I understand that failure to attribute material which is obtained from another source may be considered as plagiarism. (Signature of student) ___________________________________________

Pathfinding in an Entity Cluttered 3D Virtual

Environment Matt Hall

BSc Computing 2004/2005

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall



This report explores the history of pathfinding, and the implementation and consequences of

pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment. The main focus is on pathfinding, particularly

the A* pathfinding algorithm, as well as the environment which the pathfinding is conducted on.

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall



Many thanks to my supervisor Professor D.C. Hogg, for giving me countless ideas for improving my

project, and to my assessor Dr R.A. Ruddle for giving me useful feedback and suggestions at the

Demo Session.

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall



1. Introduction - 1

1.1. Aim of the Project - 1

1.2. Requirements of the Project - 1

2. Design & Research - 2

2.1. The History of Pathfinding - 2

2.2. Terms Used in Pathfinding - 3

2.3. Existing Solutions to the problem - 4

2.4. Representing the Problem in a Virtual Environment - 5

2.5. Improving the Partition - 7

2.6. Search Techniques - 8

2.6.1. Breadth-First Search - 8

2.6.2. Depth-First Search - 9

2.6.3. Best-First Search - 10

2.6.4. A* Algorithm - 11

2.7. Graphical APIs - 13

2.8. Programming Languages - 14

2.9. Design Methodology - 15

2.10. Project Schedule - 16

3. Implementation - 17

3.1. Prototype - 17

3.1.1. Stage 1 (Graphics) - 17

3.1.2. Stage 2 (Pathfinding Algorithm) - 18

3.1.3. Stage 3 (Scale of the Environment) - 18

3.2. Final Project - 19

3.2.1. Version History - 20

3.2.2. Input Code - 21

3.2.3. Quadtree Implementation - 22

3.2.4. Searchtree Implementation - 24

3.2.5. Pathfinding Code - 26

3.2.6. Rendering Code - 27 Textures Used - 27 Models Used - 28

3.2.7. Graph Code - 29

3.3. Post Demo Session - 30

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


4. Evaluation - 31

4.1. Evaluation against the Minimum Requirements - 31

4.2. Evaluation against the Possible Extensions - 34

4.3. Comparison with Existing Solutions - 35

4.4. Changes in the Schedule - 37

4.5. Conclusion - 38

5. References - 39

6. Appendices - 41

6.1. Appendix A - Reflection - 41

6.2. Appendix B - Borrowed Code - 41

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


1 - Introduction

Pathfinding is essentially finding a path between two locations, in a given subspace. It is essentially

an Artificial Intelligence (AI) problem, since the problem is easy for a human to understand and solve,

but much more difficult for a logical machine to determine.

1.1 - Aim of the Project

The aim of this project is to design, implement and analyse the efficiency of a path-finding algorithm

in an entity populated 3D virtual environment.

1.2 - Requirements of the Project

There are 5 minimum requirements for the project. These are:

• To assess the current state of pathfinding technology in programs, researching into the history and

various uses of pathfinding.

• To design a 3D graphical entity populated environment system, complete with a pathfinding algorithm

which the entities use to navigate the environment. The user will be able to view the entities and the

environment in real time.

• To implement and produce the 3D virtual environment system, using the research and design of the

system in previous stages.

• To run a series of tests on the system and analyse the pathfinding algorithm compared to previous

iterations of the algorithm, using those test results to attempt to improve upon the algorithm for this

problem space.

• To evaluate on the effectiveness of the pathfinding algorithm, and the comparison between these agents

and how a real-life agent may move in the same circumstance.

The project involves producing a 3D graphical environment, which has obstacles and agents who

find paths around the environment. As well as these minimum requirements, there are several

extensions which could be pursued:

• Continue increasing the amount of entities pathfinding simultaneously, and comment on any problems

encountered by this, and possible solutions.

• Let the 3D terrain affect the pathfinding algorithm by placing a cost on travelling up-hill.

• Extend the user’s controls by allowing the user to navigate the world by zooming in/out, rotating, or the

ability to click on entities.

• Improve the graphics engine by creating more detailed landscapes, and other graphical outputs such as

the current status of entities.

• Allow communication between the entities, so they can pass on pathfinding results to one another to

avoid repetitive tasks.

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


2 - Design & Research

As dictated by the first requirement of the project, research into the current state of pathfinding

technology and general pathfinding theory was conducted.

2.1 - The History of Pathfinding

Pathfinding is like any other Artificial Intelligence problem that has to be solved. Predominately the

problem is “Find the shortest path from A to B”, but other forms of pathfinding issues also exist,

such as “Find any path from A to B” or “Find a path from A to B via C”. All these pathfinding

problems basically equate to the same problem; a Search problem. Graph search problems in

particular date all the way back to 1736, with Leonhard Euler’s Königsburg Bridges, where Euler

proved it was impossible for someone to walk across Königsburg’s 7 bridges without travelling over

the same bridge more than once, and return to the same place that you started.

Another famous historical problem is the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP), where a salesman

wishes to visit a specified number of cities, one at a time. The salesman cannot visit the same city

twice, and must visit all of the cities using the cheapest solution (i.e. the solution where the

salesman travels the least distance overall). In 1954, George Dantzig et al calculated the solution to

49 cities, and over the years as computational power has increased, so have the number of cities

that have been calculated (24,978 cities by D. Applegate et al in 2004).

Pathfinding is used in many forms in a variety of different programs. In Route Generation programs

such as AutoRoute 2005 (Microsoft, 2004), pathfinding is used to find the shortest path from one

real world location to another on a 2 dimensional map. In Computer Games, pathfinding is

extensively used by A.I. opponents to traverse around virtual obstacles and across virtual worlds to

reach the player, for example Half-Life 2 (Valve Software, 2004). Half-Life 2’s artificial intelligence

for instance uses both nodes placed by the level designer, and short pathfinding for travelling

around dynamic obstacles. In computer networking, algorithms can map a network and send

packets down the shortest path found, by applying costs to each of the routers on the network,

depending on how busy those routers are. These algorithms help to solve the problem of keeping

the network congestion to a minimum.

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


2.2 - Terms Used in Pathfinding

Pathfinding is usually always thought of as being conducted in a Search Tree (Poole et al, 1998,

p.114). In a search tree, there are several key terms which describe different parts of the search

tree. A Branch refers to a section of the search tree, which is made up of several nodes. Any

particular branch contains a ‘parent’ node (the stem of the branch), and children nodes (the other

nodes attached directly/indirectly to the parent node. A Node is a point where two or more lines

meet it (i.e. a sort of junction). In project terms, a node refers to a single square in the tile based

environment. The Root refers to the highest Node in the tree.

Root Node



Figure 1 - Example Search Tree

There are several other phrases used when conducting searches. When we speak of the Cost in

pathfinding terms, we refer to the time to get from one node to another. The cost can be anything

from being derived from the distance between the two nodes, to a uniform cost. The term Heuristic

has several different meanings, which have developed over the years that AI has been around.

According to Norvig, R (1995. p.94), Heuristics has meant everything from “the study of methods for

discovering and inventing problem solving techniques”, to “the opposite of algorithmic”. For this

report, the definition of heuristic will mean “a function that provides an estimate of solution cost”.

This means that a heuristic algorithm must be able to work out an estimation of the solution in

relation to the start, as a limiter to the search algorithm.

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


2.3 - Existing Pathfinding Solutions

There are many pathfinding algorithm programs available on the internet. The majority of those

available are developed using JavaScript, and can be run directly from the websites. Figure 2

(Pulkkinen, A. 2004) and figure 3 (Doe, J H. 2004) shows examples of these programs. They both

show a clear visual representation of what the final path is for the entity, by colouring the tiles which

the entity would travel along to reach the destination.

Figure 2 (Left) - A JavaScript program showing an A* algorithm in action

Figure 3 (Right) - A different A* JavaScript program in action

However, the level of quality of these programs varies between websites. The majority of them,

although showing the final path, do not show the steps in how to do so (such as the tiles which have

been checked by the algorithm). Virtually all of the pathfinding algorithms also only deal with one

entity, while this project focuses primarily on the problem of multiple entities pathfinding in the same

problem space at the same time. The speed at which these programs find a path also varies, with

some being taking up to 10 seconds, while others complete the problem in only 2 seconds.

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


2.4 - Representing the Problem in a Virtual Environment

There are several steps to achieve pathfinding in a virtual environment. The virtual environment

must first be partitioned, where each section of the environment corresponds to a node which the

pathfinding algorithm can use to navigate. This, as suggested by Poole et al (1998, p.114); “forms

an appropriate level of abstraction”, which makes it easier for pathfinding to take place, since a tree

structure is simpler to navigate than an open area. Heuristics will secondly determine how each

node is rated in importance to the solution (e.g. a node far away from the start and goal will receive

a very low rating). Finally, one must choose the most effective search algorithm for the job at hand.

Partitioning the virtual environment is vital for being able to achieve pathfinding, and can be done in

several different ways. It can be partitioned as a Grid (or Tile); a uniform splitting process down to

the lowest level where the smallest obstacle takes up one tile. The degrees of freedom that the

entities can enjoy must also be decided, either the 4-way adjacency, where the entity can only

move forward, backwards, left or right, or alternatively an entity would be allowed to travel in any of

the 8 directions (diagonally or straight movements), which would cut down on the distance the entity

would have to travel. The figure below shows an example of a grid based world, containing an



Figure 4 - Tile Based world with graph overlay

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


Another partitioning type includes Polygon partitioning, where each surface polygon is a node. This

proves easier to create more realistic looking virtual obstacles, since there is not an ordered tile

structure (obstacles can be of any geometrical shape rather than a square). However, polygon

partition requires the cost of each link to be calculated, which is a costly process if there are a large

number of links (in grid partitioning each cost is uniform). It can also leads to the problem that if

there is a large polygon, applying only one node to the large polygon area means that detail in the

graph is lost, which makes it harder to path-find to a specific location within the large polygon. The

figure below shows an example of a grid based world, containing an obstacle. Note that the bottom

left node, due to its large size, has lost some detail in the graph overlay, compared to the bottom

right nodes, which are densely packed and so offer a good level of detail.


Figure 5 - Polygon Based world with graph overlay

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


2.5 - Improving the Partition

In a small virtual environment, it is okay to split the world into tiles, as there are not many nodes to

search. However, as the search space increases, uniform sized tiles begin to be a limitation. For

example, in a 1024x1024 tiled world, there would be over a million nodes, which would make

searching take a considerable time to complete (1024 x 1024 = 1,048,576). Therefore, something

needs to be done to limit the numbers of nodes. One way of doing this is by the use of Quadtrees,

by merging tiles which have no obstacles or entities together.

Figure 6 - An example of a Quadtree

Quadtree splitting and joining allows a dynamic representation of the map that is also efficient when

it comes to pathfinding. Merging tiles together means that there are fewer tiles for the search

algorithm to search through, which means that the pathfinding runs faster. Unfortunately, there is a

down side to this, when it comes to the precision of the paths which are calculated. As some

squares are larger than others (because they have merged together) this limits where the entities

can move to, resulting in a more jagged path as it attempts to travel to the middle of each square in


Figure 7 (Left) - Quadtree splitting

Figure 8 (Right) - Accompanying Searchtree

The path of the entity is severely affected by the splitting, as it rates the large node a lot lower than

going around it, because of the attached cost of such a large square.

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


2.6 – Search Techniques

There are a number of search algorithms that can be adopted for use in pathfinding from A to B.

The major search techniques are discussed in the following few pages.

2.6.1 - Breadth-First Search

Level 0



Figure 9 - Breadth-First Search

A Breadth-First search (Norvig, R. 1995. p.74) searches all the root nodes of the previous nodes

before deepening the search another level. This way, relatively shallow solutions (i.e. close goals)

can be found quickly. However, deeper solutions take longer to discover than the depth-first

search. They also use a lot of memory, as each level the algorithm progresses, the nodes that are

to be checked increase exponentially. It may also only find a local solution, rather than the optimal

solution, unless an exhaustive search is conducted of the entire search tree. The figure above

shows a breadth-first search in action, where it searches each node on the level before working

on the next level. In the example it is currently working through level 3, and has one more node

left to complete before moving onto level 4.

A way to find the optimal solution is to modify the breadth-first search into a Uniform Cost search.

This expands the lowest cost node before expanding the other ones in the level, totalling up the

cost of the branch. This way, if the algorithm finds a branch that leads to a goal, it knows a limit to

place upon the other branches’ costs, and if the other branches have higher costs and have not

found the goal, that means that the branch with the goal is the optimal solution.

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


2.6.2 - Depth-First Search

Figure 10 - Depth-First Search

A Depth-First search (Norvig, 1995, p.77) expands nodes towards the deepest levels of the

search tree. This search does well when the solution is located quite far down the search tree.

However, one of the problems with depth-first is that if it makes a mistake and takes the wrong

path early on in the tree, it may take a lot longer to recover and go on the right track. Figure 2

shows an example depth-first search, where it searches down the left most branch nodes first,

before working its way to the right of the search tree.

There are a couple of modifications to counter this, as described by Norvig (1995) as being

‘Depth-Limited’ search, and ‘Iterative deepening search’. Depth-Limited (p.78) does exactly as

the title suggests; it limits how deep that the search algorithm is allowed to search before giving

up on that branch and pursuing another one. This has the advantage of if it sets off on a wrong

branch which could in theory be of infinite deepness, it will be able to search along a different

branch of the tree if it reaches the limit of the search instead of continuing indefinitely. Iterative

Deepening (p.79) searches for the solution in an ever-increasing depth limit, similarly to a

Breadth-First search, but without the large memory usage.

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


2.6.3 - Best-First search

133 away from the goal


Figure 11 - Best-First search

A Best-First search (Norvig, 1995, p.92) expands the nodes which appear to be the best choice

(i.e. the closest node to the solution, or the lowest cost solution). An example of a Best-First

search is called a Greedy Search, (p.93) named so because it attempts to take the largest

‘chunk’ out of the remaining distance to the solution by choosing the node which gets the closest

to the solution in the short term (not necessarily the best solution in the entire search space). This

leads to problems where dead-ends are involved, as if a dead-end exists that is closer to the

solution than another node which leads round to the solution, the greedy search will always

choose the shortest path, not knowing it leads to a dead end. Even worse, if the search algorithm

doesn’t remember which nodes it has checked, it would endlessly cycle back and forth between

the dead end and it’s neighbour. The figure above shows an example of a Best-First greedy

search, with the algorithm simply picking the closest node to the goal at each choice.


133 167

96 76

0 56

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


2.6.4 - A* Algorithm

The A* (A Star) pathfinding algorithm is the combination of a best-first search’s efficiency and the

uniform-cost search’s completeness, as described by Norvig (1995, p.96). It was first presented

by Hart et al in 1968, and it finds the shortest, most complete path in any graph. The input of the

A* Algorithm are the start and end points; as long as it knows where to start and where to finish, it

can work out a path if there is one. The basics of the A* algorithm are that for each node of the

search tree, it calculates that node’s Goal cost (the cost to get from the starting node to this

particular node), the Heuristic (the estimated cost to get from this particular node to the goal) and

the Fitness (the sum of the goal and the heuristic, basically assigning a cost value to this path).

There are two other parts of the A* Algorithm; the Open and Closed lists. The Open list holds all

the nodes which have not yet been expanded by the algorithm (i.e. the possible options left

available to the pathfinder), and the Closed list holds all the nodes which have been expanded

already (some nodes may be part of the path, while others are expanded paths which may have

led to dead ends. The Closed list is used so the algorithm knows where it has searched so far, so

it doesn’t loop between two nodes. To better explain the algorithm, below is the pseudo-code of

the A* algorithm, adapted from Matthew’s code (Rabin, S, 2002, p.106):

Get the Start Node and assign Goal, Heuristic & Fitness values to it

Add the Starting Node to the Open list

Work out the Best Node from the current Open list:

If the Best Node is the Goal Node - Quit (a path has been found)

If the Open List is empty - Quit (no nodes left to search – no path)

For each Neighbour of the current Best Node:

Assign Goal, Heuristic & Fitness values to the current Neighbour

If the current Neighbour is on the Open or Closed lists:

If Path is more efficient - Update the Path

Else - Add the current Neighbour to the Open list

Repeat for each Neighbour


The algorithm starts by putting the starting node into the open list. It then takes the starting node,

since it is the best node (there are no other nodes currently), and find’s the best node’s

neighbours. For each neighbour, it works out that particular neighbour’s fitness, goal and heuristic

values, and then adds it to the Open list if it is not already on the Open list (unless it is more

efficient, meaning it has a lower fitness) or on the Closed list (the algorithm has looked at that

node before). It then researches the entire Open list for the next Best node (which may be either a

neighbour of the last Best node or an entirely different node if the current path is no longer viable

(e.g. it hits a dead end)).

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


The costs of the nodes and the heuristic determination are very important for the algorithm, and

depend entirely upon how the environment is structured. Should they be inaccurate, the

weightings of the nodes become discrepant, resulting in the algorithm producing inaccurate paths.

There are many different versions of the A* Algorithm, because it is so flexible in applying it to

whatever problem you have (since it can backtrack and search along another path if it gets stuck

along a current path). One hybrid of the algorithm include the IDA* (Iterative Deepening A*), as

described by Norvig, R (1995, p.106). The IDA algorithm can pick up where the A* algorithm fails

in terms of its overuse of memory (with having to remember all the Open and Closed lists until the

end). This iterative deepening cuts memory usage, and so the IDA* performs well in many

circumstances except when the search domain becomes more complex, such as the TSP

(Travelling Salesperson Problem). On the other end of the spectrum, the SMA* (Simplified

Memory Bounded A*) search, also described by Norvig, R (1995, p.107), is designed to use as

much memory as it is allocated (and therefore in theory it can work where the IDA* fails due to

lack of memory). When it runs out of memory, it discards a node, which is known as a ‘forgotten

node’ (node with the highest cost to the goal). This gives the advantage of being able to work in a

variety of situations where memory may be restricted (for other programs & processes for


Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


2.7 - Graphical APIs

A graphical Application Programming Interface is used to generate the front end of a program in

either 2D or 3D. In this case, the graphical API must be able to support 3D, as the project aims to

construct a 3D Virtual Environment. Below are two options which have been considered as suitable

APIs, as discussed by Roy, P. (2002).

• OpenGL was developed by Silicon Graphics in 1992, and is described by OpenGL (2004) as

‘the premier environment for developing portable, interactive 2D and 3D graphics applications’.

Advantages include it’s portability to both UNIX and Windows operating systems, as well as

being a recognised industry standard. It is also a popular choice, meaning that there are many

books and tutorials available for programming in OpenGL.

• Direct3D was developed by Microsoft as a move to get developers to produce programs for

Windows rather than simply DOS. Several iterations of Direct3D came out before industry

accepted the API, and today a majority of computer games are built using Direct3D, due to its

advanced rendering techniques.

For the project I decided on using OpenGL. The reasoning behind this is that the project must be

portable since it will be developed on a windows machine at home, and brought into University for

the demo session. Being a popular choice for academics for 3D rendering means that the many

tutorials available will ease the implementation so in theory not too many problems should arise that

cannot be researched and dealt with. Direct3D has some advanced rendering techniques that are

faster and more superior to OpenGL’s, but this project does not have a need for a fancy graphical

display, just a functional useable one since this project focuses on AI pathfinding.

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


2.8 - Programming Languages

Deciding on which programming language to use depends upon what the requirements of the

project. For example, Java (which runs in a virtual machine to ensure compatibility with a variety of

operating systems), because of the fact it runs in a virtual machine and has to be decoded as such

to work on the current machine, runs slower than compiled C++ code. So in this case it is a choice

between interoperability, or faster runtime code.

Since this project will be using OpenGL as the graphical API, C++ immediately springs to mind, due

to the lasting connection between the two languages through the years, and the large number of

OpenGL tutorials available which are coded in C++. The programming language C# was considered,

but after initial research it was discovered that only unofficial support of OpenGL is found in C#.

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


2.9 - Design Methodology

The project will be designed and implemented by using the Iterative Waterfall Cycle (Bennet et al,

1999), which means that the project will employ a feedback at each stage of the system (see

diagram below). This ensures that the project is constantly evolving to meet problems which arise

while analysis, design, implementation and testing take place.



Figure 12 - The Iterative Waterfall cycle

As part of this iterative development cycle, Prototypes with specific objectives will be written to

identify potential problems with parts of the program. Failure to specify the objectives of the

prototype results in “an ill-focused and unstructured activity producing poorly designed software”

(Bennet et al, 1999). As the prototype develops and improves through feedback, the end result is a

clear idea for the final project implementation. There are of course disadvantages to prototyping,

one being the time it takes to produce a prototype. It can be argued however that the time taken

prototyping saves time re-implementing sections of the final program due to an error which would

have been picked up by a prototype earlier in development.





Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


2.10 - Project Schedule

The schedule has been designed to take into account the holiday periods and the exam period after

Christmas. The figure below shows the schedule, slightly altered from the Mid-Term report schedule.

2004 2005

November December January February March April

01 08 15 22 29 06 13 20 27 03 10 17 24 31 07 14 21 28 07 14 21 28 04 11 18 25






Figure 13 - Mid-Term Schedule of the Project

Research will be conducted during the month of November to ensure that information about

pathfinding is obtained, so design and implementation of the prototype can take place. After the

exams in January, design and implementation of the prototype will take place, before completing

the final year report.


Mid-Term Report


Final Report

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


3 - Implementation

As the aim of the project is to produce a 3D virtual environment with pathfinding, a program was

needed to succeed this aim.

3.1 - Prototype

The aim of the prototype was to identify any potential pitfalls which could plague the final

implementation. It also allowed mock screenshots to be built to give an idea of what the final

implementation would look like. It was conducted in two stages.

3.1.1 - Stage 1 (Graphics)

The aim of this prototype stage was to produce the 3D environment in which the entities operated.

The environment could be rotated around the middle point. The image on the right shows the

completed graphics stage. The entities and obstacles were loaded from text files, to allow a

greater degree of freedom to take place without having to re-compile the code each time an

obstacle was moved.

Figure 14 - First screenshot of the 3D virtual environment

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


3.1.2 - Stage 2 (Pathfinding Algorithm)

This stage aimed to implement a pathfinding algorithm. The simplest pathfinding algorithm, the

Depth-First algorithm, was used to calculate a path between an entity, and the entities’ goal. The

pathfinding algorithm itself was very crude and slow, and on areas larger than 16x16 squares

would simply take too long to complete. It did however give a good idea of how the final

implementation would operate. Figure 15 shows the pathfinding algorithm successfully finding a

path for the Red Entity from its starting location to a node which was designated the goal (the

bottom node on figure 15).

Figure 15 (Left) - Depth-First search in action

Figure 16 (Right) - A close-up of the red agent at the start of his path

3.1.3 - Stage 3 (Scale of the Environment)

The final stage explored the size of the environment which could be created, more specifically

determining the maximum size that was realistically possible. A virtual environment the size of

4096x4096 squares was rendered, but this was only when the environment was sparse with

obstacles. It was concluded that a smaller number would be far more realistic.

Figure 17 - Scale that the environment engine could render (4096x4096 squares), and a close-up of a section to show the

size of the environment.

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


3.2 - Final Project

The final project was produced via the use of an iterative waterfall cycle. Various parts of the final

project, as shown in the diagram below (Figure 18) are discussed in more detail over the next few


Figure 18 - UML Activity Diagram of the program running

Main Main Program Loop

Graph Draws graph showing results of pathfinding

Render Handles OpenGL

drawing calls

Pathfinder Holds pathfinding


Input Deals with input from keyboard & mouse

Quadtree Holds Quadtree and

Searchtree algorithms

Loader Loads entity details

from a text file

Libraries Holds libraries used by

the program

Classes Holds classes used by

the program

Entity text file


Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


3.2.1 - Version history

The final project was implemented iteratively. During the implementation, for backup reasons if

new features were added to the latest version I would move onto the next version number.

Various parts of the final project are discussed in more detail over the next few pages. Below

shows the different versions of the Final Project:

v0.1 This version loaded the entities and obstacles from text files.

v0.2 The Quadtree and Searchtree was implemented.

v0.5 The Breadth-First search algorithm was implemented. Unfortunately it

is slow and inefficient, but it finds a path in a small environment.

v0.6 The Breadth-First search algorithm was improved, but it is still


v0.7 The A* algorithm was implemented, and implemented code which allowed

the entities to follow their paths in real time.

v0.8 The textures were vastly improved (they were brightened and


The 'Large Rock' Obstacle was added to the program.

Shadows were added to all the objects in the environment, for added


v0.81 After discovering a bug in the A* algorithm, the A* algorithm was


v0.82 A bug in the Quadtree not redisplaying properly was fixed.

v0.83 Another bug in the A* algorithm was fixed.

A graphical representation of the entities’ goal (a 2D diamond) was

added so the user can understand what is going on better.

v0.84 A third problem discovered in the pathfinding was fixed.

The user can pick up and move any obstacle, and the Quadtree and

Searchtree automatically redisplay themselves.

v0.85 The graphical representation of the entities’ goal was improved (3D

short cylinder).

The user can pick up and move the entities as well as any obstacle.

The Obstacles are now randomly generated (they were loaded from text

file before).

v0.86 Implemented a simple graph which outputs the results of the


v0.90 Pre-Demo version. Code comments were overhauled. Readme written.

Graph graphics were improved

Breadth-First algorithm was removed (as it was too inefficient to cope

with the environment).

v1.0 Post-Demo version. Display List implemented.

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


3.2.2 - Input Code

Originally, input was purely using the keyboard, since only the viewpoint could be rotated and

zoomed. However, as the project developed, mouse selection was needed to be able to adapt the

environment in real time (move the agents and obstacles around). This was going to be done by

the use of a right-click menu, which would allow the user to add or remove objects, as well as left-

clicking the mouse and holding the button to move the selected object around the environment.

However, the code proved inflexible and I was unable to successfully pass information from the

right-click menu to the selected object in order to move it, so the menu was taken out and

replaced with a command-based interfaced which allowed the addition of objects. The project also

allows graphical options to be toggled on or off, including the Quadtree, Searchtree, and

calculated paths. Below shows the keyboard controls for the inputs, taken from the readme.


W - Move forward

S - Move backwards

A - Strafe Left

D - Strafe Right

T - Raise Camera view

G - Lower Camera view

Q - Rotate Scene Left

E - Rotate Scene Right

Graphical Options:

J - Toggle pathfinding results graph.

I - Toggle Quadtree

O - Toggle Search Tree

P - Toggle display Path

M - Move entities

H - Add an obstacle (console)

Del - delete an object (while one is selected)

Esc - Quit

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


3.2.3 - Quadtree Implementation

The Quadtree is used to calculate the Search Tree graph easier, by splitting the environment into

Areas. Originally, an external code was going to be used, so more focus could be placed on the

pathfinding side of the project, but after having difficulties in obtaining the Open Source code, the

Quadtree code was written by me. Below is the pseudo-code for the Quadtree code that was


Erase previous Quadtree

Create 2D vector of lowest level, adding Obstacles and Entities to it

While not finished

Set as finished

For each Area

If Area contains Entities or Obstacles and is not at lowest level

Set finished to false (in case further iterations needed)

Split Area (by building 4 more Areas and discarding the old Area)

Repeat for each area


The Quadtree code starts by adding all the obstacles and entities to a 2D matrix, which is

essentially the lowest level of detail. It then creates an area which encompasses the entire area.

With this matrix, it enters a recursive check to see if there is an obstacle or entity inside the

environment (which there will be on the first iteration). If it finds an obstacle or entity, it splits the

area into 4 areas and deletes the original area (the larger one). It then checks each of those 4

areas for obstacles or entities. It carries on until it reaches the lowest level (1x1 squares), where

only one entity or obstacle can be contained in that area. The areas are stored in a dynamic

vector, which is handy for adding the new areas. The Quadtree is represented by the Area Class.

Below is the code for the Area class code:

Figure 19 (Left) - Area class code

Figure 20 (Right) - Dimensions of the Area

class Area




bool obstacle;

float x1,y1,x2,y2;




x1, y1

x2, y2

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


The Area class code, the Area() is the constructor which builds the empty Area to begin with.

The obstacle boolean stores if the area contains an obstacle (which is decided at the start of

the program, and each time the user moves an object around the environment). Finally the

x1,y1,x2 and y2 floating point numbers refer to the real locations of the bottom left and top right

co-ordinates of this particular area. All of the Area objects are stored in a standard vector called

Quadtree, and their unique id is their position within this vector.

The Quadtree runs every time an obstacle or entity is moved, because if any objects move in the

scene, the Search Tree graph needs to be recalculated to take that into account, and thus the

Quadtree needs to be recalculated for the Search Tree. The Quadtree code is very fast due to the

simplicity of the code. It uses what is known as the Top Down, or Divide & Conquer approach.

The image below shows the Quadtree splitting in the project. Note that squares which contain an

object (tree, rock) have been broken down to their lowest level, while sparse areas (the left most

area) haven’

Figure 21 - Environment with Quadtree Splitting

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


3.2.4 - Searchtree Implementation

The Search Tree is used by the pathfinding algorithm to calculate a path through the virtual

environment. It uses the Quadtree to calculate which areas are neighbours of which other areas.

Below is the pseudo-code for the Search Tree calculation. Note the complexity of the algorithm,

nested in several for loops:

For each area

For each neighbour of the current area

For the length of the current area

For each other area

If a neighbour of the neighbour is found, build a link

For the width of the current area

For each other area

If a neighbour of the neighbour is found, build a link



For each area that the search tree searches in, it finds the neighbour of the current area by

running checks along the edges of the area to see if there are any other areas which have the

same borders. The diagram below explains the algorithm:

Figure 22 – Diagram showing the borders checked to see if the area that we are checking (number 4 in this case) borders with any other area. In this particular example, the area 4 actually borders with all the other areas.

Area we are currently


3 2

4 5


6 7

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


If the Searchtree finds a link between two particular areas, it builds a Link object, and stores it in

a standard vector called SearchTree. The figure below shows the code for the Link class. In the

code, node1 and node2 integers refer to the two Area’s position within their vector (i.e. their

unique ID). The cost integer refers to how much it costs to travel between these two particular

nodes, which is determined by the Search Tree calculations.

Figure 23 (Left) - Link class code

Figure 24 (Right) - Graphical representation of one link between Node1 and Node2, with a cost of ‘2’

Below is a screenshot of the Search Tree rendering in real time. The circles are the nodes (each

Area is a node), and the lines connecting the circles are the links.

Figure 25 - The Searchtree uses the Quadtree’s areas to calculate itself

class Link




int node1, node2;

int cost;





Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


3.2.5 - Pathfinding Code

The pathfinding code holds the entire A* algorithm implementation. The algorithm itself stores the

parts of the path as a vector of AStarNodes. The id integer refers to the unique id of the area

which this node represents, while the parented integer holds the id of the node’s parent node

(the node before itself). This allows code to piece together the path after the algorithm finishes

choosing the nodes which the path occupies. Finally, the f, g and h integers refer to the node’s

unique fitness, goal and heuristic values, that are needed by the A* algorithm. The figure below

(Left) shows the AStarNode class. The cost of a particular node’s heuristic is calculated by

Pythagoras theory (Right).

Figure 26 (Left) - The AStarNode Class

Figure 27 (Right) - Calculating the estimated heuristic between the current node and the goal

The main problems in implementing the pathfinding code originated from bugs when calculating

the Heuristic, Fitness and Goal values. The figure below on the left (Figure 28) shows the

pathfinding algorithm incorrectly assigning these values to the node circled in red, thus making

the pathfinding algorithm believe that the other node was a better choice, even though the first is

closer to the goal.

Figure 28 (Left) - Pathfinding with an incorrect heuristic, resulting in an inefficient path

Figure 29 (Right) - Incorrect sorting of the nodes after pathfinding them, resulting in a strange path

class AStarNode




int id;

int parentid;

int f,g,h;


Current Node

Goal Node




Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


3.2.6 – Rendering Code

The rendering code holds the graphics and displays the loaded textures on the models. - Textures Used

Most of the textures were originally photos, with the exception of the Grass and the Entity

textures. All the textures where edited using Paint Shop Pro (Jasc Software). All the textures

are 256x256 pixels in measurement, kept small to ensure that loading times are minimal. All the

images are in bitmap (BMP) format. There are two types of Grass texture (with and without

borders), so that the user can either have Quadtrees on (where the borders are shown), or off

(where there are no borders and just a repeating grass texture).

Tree Trunk Tree Leaves Grass (With No Border)

Grass (With Black Border) Rock Entity (Base Texture)

Figure 30 - Textures used in the 3D virtual environment

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall

28 - Models Used

All of the models are hard-coded into the program, and are called by their relevant function

names (e.g. DrawEntity(), etc ). They call three OpenGL primitives (gluSphere(),

gluCylinder() & gluDisk()) to draw themselves. The shadows are simple dark

gluDisk()’s with a grass texture applied to them. The cylinders were kept to 8 sided to

improve rendering speeds at larger environments, rather than a smoother amount of sides (e.g.

32 sided). The rocks are deliberately low sided cylinders to give them a jagged look, like rocks

should have (rather than smooth). A lot of time was spent on making the obstacles and entities

more aesthetically pleasing.

Small Rock Obstacle (2x2) Large Rock Obstacle (4x4) Tree Obstacle (1x1)

Figure 31 – Obstacles created for the 3D graphical environment

The entities are coloured according to their RGB value, specified in the file Entities.txt. This

allows a greater degree of flexibility, as virtually any colour can be chosen. The text file also

allows the entities to be placed at specific positions in the environment at the start (although

they can be moved around the environment by mouse when the program is running).

Agent (Yellow) Agent’s Goal (Yellow)

Figure 32 – Entities created for the 3D graphical environment

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


3.2.7 – Graph Code

The graph class was only started near the end of the project. Certain pieces of data are collected

when pathfinding is completed, and stored in a Results vector, which is called by the graph code,

which outputs the graph onscreen. The diagram below shows the class that stored the results.

The algorithm integer held which type of algorithm was used (to allow more algorithms to be

used in the future). The integer length held how long the path that was calculated was, in nodes,

and the floating point number timetaken stored how long it took to calculate the path.

Figure 33 - The Results Class

When the user presses the graph key, the graph code collects the results from the pathfinding

algorithm, sorts it into order, and then shows the graph screen, which shows a simple graph of

how the time taken to calculate the Searchtree increases as the number of nodes increases.

Figure 29 shows the graph code running.

Figure 34 - Results of the pathfinding algorithm outputted by the Graph code.

X-Axis shows the length of the paths vs. the Y-Axis time taken.

The dots on the graph represent the individual results.

class Result




int algorithm;

int length;

float timetaken;


Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


3.3 - Post Demo Session

During the demo session, my assessor was shown the features of the project. It was noted that in

largely populated areas, the Frames per Second (FPS) would reduce considerably, resulting in

jerky movement when the camera was moved around the scene or the agents moved about their


The FPS problem was solved by the use of Display Lists. According to the OpenGL Red Book

(Davis, T et al, 1994), a Display List is “…a group of OpenGL commands that have been stored for

later execution” (Chapter 4). This means that objects can be pre-processed before the program

enters the refresh loop, so that when the objects are called it takes a fraction of the time to render

as it has already been processed. In this project, the obstacles, entities, and the Search Tree were

placed in a Display List, due to the potential problems that these on a large/complex scale would

result in. The average rendering speed was doubled by implementing Display Lists of the objects in

the scene (see figures 30 and 31 below). This particular scenario was benchmarked on a size

128x128 environment with 1000 randomly populated objects and 8 entities. The FPS counter was

an external program called Fraps (www.fraps.com).

Figure 35 (Left) - The Demo version, with an FPS of 17 Figure 36 (Right) - Afterwards with the implemented display list, and an FPS of 36

As well as the slowdown in larger environments, the assessor also noted that on occasion the

pathfinding would perform incorrectly (i.e. it would not find the shortest path). This was due to an

error in the heuristics calculation of the pathfinding.

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


4 - Evaluation

The best way to evaluate a project is to compare it with the minimum requirements of the project, to

ascertain if they have been met. In addition to this, As well as this, the possible enhancements of the

project can be evaluated against to see where the project surpassed the minimum requirements.

4.1 – Evaluation against the Minimum Requirements

• To assess the current state of pathfinding technology in programs, researching into the

history and various uses of pathfinding.

The Design and Research section of this report outlines the research conducted into the history

and uses of pathfinding. Additionally, the Existing Pathfinding Programs shows some uses of

pathfinding in academic terms, detailing how the pathfinding is conducted.

• To design a 3D graphical entity populated environment system, complete with a

pathfinding algorithm which the entities use to navigate the environment. The user will be

able to view the entities and the environment in real time.

The 3D virtual environment was first designed using a prototype to ensure it was viable. After the

prototype reached its full potential, the final program was designed, and implemented.

• To implement and produce the 3D virtual environment system, using the research and

design of the system in previous stages.

The final program was written using the 3D graphical API OpenGL. Entities occupy the

environment, ranging from static entities (obstacles) to dynamic entities (agents). The pathfinding

algorithm used was the A* algorithm. The environment was viewable in real time, and the agents

could move in real time. Diagrams throughout this report show the 3D virtual environment system

running. The screenshot below shows an agent moving along their path.

Figure 37 - Yellow agent moving along its path to its goal in the distance

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


• To run a series of tests on the system and analyse the pathfinding algorithm compared to

previous iterations of the algorithm, using those test results to attempt to improve upon

the algorithm for this problem space.

During the development cycle, various types of pathfinding algorithm were used. In the prototype,

the Best-First algorithm was used as pathfinding. This was an inefficient pathfinding algorithm, as

it was neither the most optimal, nor is complete. In the final implementation, the A* algorithm was

implemented. This is far more complete, and more importantly optimal. During the final project

implementation, the A* algorithm was improved several times, by improving the Heuristic for the


• To evaluate on the effectiveness of the pathfinding algorithm, and the comparison between

these agents and how a real-life agent may move in the same circumstance.

Agents in this simplified virtual world have a few similarities with people finding paths. A person

who has an overall view of a maze could navigate it as easily as the A* algorithm can find a path,

and often decide in advance what route to take through a particular set of obstacles. However,

there are also several differences between virtual agents and real life people pathfinding. The

agents in this project can decide on a route faster than real life counterparts, especially in large

scale environments. As well as this, due to the splitting of the virtual environment, the path has to

be generalised in several places, which results in unsmooth paths, while a real life agent will take

into account their current location, and avoid other agents by sub-consciously calculating where

they will be, and changing their direction so they do not bump into them. The effectiveness of the

pathfinding algorithm is discussed in the testing section (4.3). On the next page is a screenshot of

an agent who has discovered a path through the maze. Note that the path contains many corners

and straight lines, while a real-life agent would walk around these obstacles in a more curved


Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


Figure 38 - Complex paths can be determined in a matter of milliseconds. Here, a

Yellow agent successfully finds a path through a set up maze

Generally the longer the path, the longer it takes to calculate the path. This is supported by Figure

29 in the Graph Code section (3.2.7), which shows a rough increase of time as the number of

nodes in the path increase.

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


4.2 – Evaluation against the Possible Extensions

Although the minimum requirements were all fully realised, some of these possible extensions were

not, and thus could be used as possible improvements to the project.

• Continue increasing the amount of entities pathfinding simultaneously, and comment on

any problems encountered by this, and possible solutions.

When the amount of entities is increased, it has detrimental effects on the program. As well as the

slowdown in graphically rendering more entities, the pathfinding calculation time becomes more of

an issue as more and more entities call the pathfinding code. To combat this problem, entities

could remember their pathfinding results, so that if another entity wanted to travel along the same

path, the entity could be given the pathfinding result, which would mean that the path wouldn’t

have to be recalculated again, saving computational time.

• Let the 3D terrain affect the pathfinding algorithm by placing a cost on travelling up-hill.

Unfortunately this possible extension was placed lower on the list of things to do, and there was

no time to implement this.

• Extend the user’s controls by allowing the user to navigate the world by zooming in/out,

rotating, or the ability to click on entities.

A simple set of input keys were assigned to allowing the user to navigate the world by rotating the

environment about it’s central point, as well as raising or lowering the environment (effectively

zooming in and out). The user can click on entities to move them around to different locations.

• Improve the graphics engine by creating more detailed landscapes, and other graphical

outputs such as the current status of entities.

The final implementation shows several graphical improvements over the prototype. The textures

and models were improved to give additional eye-candy to the user. Graphical output of entity

status was not implemented.

• Allow communication between the entities, so they can pass on pathfinding results to one

another to avoid repetitive tasks.

This was not implemented, but would be an interesting topic to pursue had more time been


Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


4.3 - Comparison with Existing Solutions

Testing of the pathfinding algorithm was conducted to determine the computational speed of the

algorithm. The tests were conducted along-side existing solutions as a comparison. Unfortunately,

Pulkkinen’s A* solution (Pulkkinen, 2004) was unable to allow the construction of user-designed

worlds, so had to be removed from the testing process. Pulkkinen’s solution did however offer a fast

pathfinding time of under a second in its environment, which is about 100x50 squares large. This is

about the same time to compute as this project’s pathfinding algorithm in a 128x128 square

environment. Doe’s Astar algorithm doesn’t support multiple agents pathfinding, so a test with

multiple agents had to be left out, as no comparison could be found.

Test 1

This test determines how long it takes for a straight line to be calculated in a small empty environment (16x16)

3D Pathfinding Engine

Time taken – 0 seconds

Doe’s Astar Pathfinding Engine

Time taken – 4.72 seconds

Test 2

This test determines how long it takes for a more complex maze to be calculated in a small environment (16x16)

3D Pathfinding Engine

Time taken – 0.016 seconds

Doe’s Astar Pathfinding Engine

Time taken – 10.82 seconds

The tests show that the A* algorithm produced for this project is immensely fast, able to calculate

paths in a very short amount of time. On test 1, the project A* algorithm scored a time of 0 seconds.

This was due to the limitations in the time.h header, which unfortunately doesn’t record timers

which are less than approximately 0.015 seconds. However, it completed faster than the stopwatch

could be started and stopped, so it was probably around the 0.01 second mark. Doe’s Astar

algorithm scores 4.72 seconds, which was recorded using a stopwatch as no timer is present in his

program. Test 2 shows that the project A* algorithm can deal with more complex situations in a

lightning-fast speed, while Doe’s Astar algorithm takes 10 seconds to calculate the same path.

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


Things to note are that the project algorithm is searching in a smaller graph than Doe’s Astar

Pathfinding algorithm, due to the project’s Quadtree calculations, which is one reason for the fast

calculation of the path. Although purely speculation, a reason why Doe’s pathfinding takes so long

is possibly more to do with the Java code than the algorithm itself, as Doe’s algorithm is embedded

on a webpage. However at the end of the day, this project does combine the speed of Pulkkinen’s

algorithm with the versatility of Doe’s pathfinding system in allowing custom mazes to be created.

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


4.4 - Changes in the Schedule

Overall, the schedule remained fairly similar to the schedule which was reported on the Mid-term

report. The exception was that the schedule had failed to take into account the ongoing testing

needed for the iterative waterfall cycle. The prototype took far longer to implement that originally

thought, as did the final project, but the prototype did help the final year project to be implemented

at a faster pace, which was its saving grace.

2004 2005

November December January February March April

01 08 15 22 29 06 13 20 27 03 10 17 24 31 07 14 21 28 07 14 21 28 04 11 18 25






2004 2005

November December January February March April

01 08 15 22 29 06 13 20 27 03 10 17 24 31 07 14 21 28 07 14 21 28 04 11 18 25






Figure 39 (Top) - Mid-Term Schedule of the Project Figure 40 (Bottom) - Actual Schedule of the Project

Implementation was the primary cause for slowdown in the project schedule. This was due to the

unexpected additions to the program that were required, an example being having to learn and

implement standard vectors for holding the Searchtree, as the C++ array cannot handle 2000+

elements in a single array. Additional problems were discovered such as the many bugs in the A*

algorithm which only showed on run-time, requiring time to locate and fix each bug. This was why

testing and implementation ran alongside one another for the duration. The slowdown of

implementation also led to a delay in writing the Final Report.


Mid-Term Report


Final Report


Mid-Term Report


Final Report

Final Project

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


4.5 - Conclusion

Since all of the project’s minimum requirements have been met, it can certainly be said that the

project has been a success. A 3D virtual environment has been created that allows the placement

of obstacles and agents. The agents themselves can also freely conduct pathfinding around the

environment, avoiding obstacles and reaching their goal. All the objects in the environment can be

moved by the user by clicking and dragging.

However, not all of the extensions have been implemented, which means that there is possible

future work for this project. Being able to click on agents to review their status was something that

could have been used to allow the user to have a greater understanding of pathfinding, by seeing

what they are ‘thinking’ at any moment in time. The user control system, although stable enough to

offer the user a degree of freedom, does not offer the full degrees of freedom that a camera that

was controlled by mouse movement could offer. The 3D virtual environment could have been more

impressive with realistic 3D terrain instead of essentially a 2 dimensional world in a 3D virtual space.

If more time was available, the graph could have been implemented more efficiently.

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


6 - References

• Bennet, S. McRobb, S. & Farmer, R. (1999) Object Oriented System Analysis and Design using

UML. McGraw-Hill Publishing

• Davis, T. Neider, J. & Woo, M. (1994) The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Release 1 (a.k.a.

‘The Red Book’). Addison-Wesley Publishing Company

• Doe, J H. (2004) A* Pathfinding Algorithm [Online]. [Accessed 8th Dec 2004]. Available from

World Wide Web: <http://www.premise.org/main/astar/>

• Manley, K. (2003) Pathfinding: From A* To LPA. [Online]. [Accessed 24th Nov 2004]. Available

from World Wide Web:


• Norvig, R. (1995) Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach. London: Prentice-Hall

International (UK). p. 92-117.

• OpenGL (2004) [Online] [Accessed 20th April 2005] Available from World Wide Web:


• Patel, A J. (2004) Amit’s Thoughts on Path-Finding and A-Star [Online]. [Accessed 24th Nov

2004]. Available from World Wide Web:


• Poole, D. Mackworth, A. Goebel, R. (1998) Computational Intelligence - a logical approach.

New York: Oxford University Press, Inc.

• Pulkkinen, A. (2004) Pathfinding Using A* Algorithm [Online]. [Accessed 8th Dec 2004].

Available from World Wide Web: <http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/apipulkk/astar>

• Rabin, S. (2002) AI Game Programming Wisdom. Massachusetts: Charles River Media, Inc. p.


• Reese, B. Stout, B. (1999) Finding a Pathfinder. [Online]. [Accessed 22th Nov 2004], p. 69-71.

Available from World Wide Web: <http://home1.stofanet.dk/breese/aaai99.pdf>

• Rich, E. Knight, K. (1991) Artificial Intelligence. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 63-98.

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


• Roy, P. (2002) Direct3D vs. OpenGL: Which API to Use When, Where, and Why [Online]

[Accessed 25th Nov 2004] Available from World Wide Web:


• TSP Bibliography (2004) [Online]. [Accessed 30th Nov 2004]. Available from World Wide Web:


• Valve Software. (2004) Half-Life 2 [Online] [Accessed 06th Dec 2004] Available from World

Wide Web: <http://www.steampowered.com>

• Wright, R S Jr. Lipchak, B. OpenGL Super Bible 3rd Edition. Indiana: Sams Publishing.

Pathfinding in an entity cluttered 3D virtual environment Matt Hall


7 - Appendices

7.1 - Appendix A - Reflection

I originally chose to do a project on AI pathfinding because I had no prior experience in

implementing a pathfinding algorithm, and wished to learn to better prepare myself for future work. I

was initially discouraged when I started to run into problems while trying to implement one of the

most basic of pathfinding algorithms (the Depth-First algorithm) for my prototype. AI pathfinding

algorithms are strange in that they are easy to follow and understand, but much harder to actually

implement unless you are fluent in the programming language. However, through sheer

determination I finally implemented the basic algorithm, followed by the A* algorithm and everything

fell into place. This is one of the most difficult projects I’ve had to do to date, but the rewards have

far outweighed the problems as I have learnt so much.

On hindsight I would have preferred to implement a more detailed 3D graphical engine, with the

height of the terrain affecting the path (i.e. going uphill is more of a cost), rather than being tied up

with the improvement of the search graph by applying Quadtree splitting to it. That in itself was a

very worthwhile part of the project as again I had no prior experience on how to actually code half

the things that have been coded for this project. Overall I am extremely pleased with myself for what

I have written in the time-scale allowed, and what I have learnt, particularly the coding.

The main advice that I would offer to students about to start their final year project is to organise

and plan, allowing plenty of time to deal with unexpected situations (especially while programming).

It sounds obvious, but to get a clear idea of what you wish to do with your project is paramount to a

successful project. Most importantly is to not get into the habit of putting off working on your project

– the more work you do now, the less you have to do when the report is due in less than 24 hours

time! When there is a gap in the coursework, do a little of the final year project because trust me, it

will help in the end.

7.2 – Appendix B - Borrowed Code

The texture loading code was borrowed and heavily adapted from Nehe’s OpenGL tutorials, which

can be found online at: <http://nehe.gamedev.net/data/lessons/lesson.asp?lesson=06> [26th April

2005]. It was borrowed because the focus of this project was not primarily on

the background workings of the system, such as texture loading. Additionally,

it would have been a waste to spend time implementing texture loading

when an ideal solution is freely available.