Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT Deliverable D 3.1.3 Report on national results of survey IPA PP1 CCI BL - Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Banja Luka Region Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA) www.interreg-danube.eu/ecoinn-danube [email protected]

Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · [email protected] WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

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Page 1: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Partner national results of survey of needs


Deliverable D 3.1.3 Report on national results of survey


CCI BL - Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Banja Luka Region

Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA) www.interreg-danube.eu/ecoinn-danube [email protected]

Page 2: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge

ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs

DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3 Report on national results of survey

Project number DTP1-1291-1.1

Title of the project Eco-innovately connected Danube Region (EcoInn Danube)

Version 1.0

Author CCI BL

Project Partner IPA PP1 – CCI BL

Country Bosnia and Herzegovina

Date 7th August 2017

Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................. 3

2. Fact Sheet ................................................................................................................................................................. 4

3. RESULTS OF SURVEY ................................................................................................................................................. 5

3.1 Description of participants ................................................................................................................................ 5

3.2 Results analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 5

3.2.1 1st category: Private companies ................................................................................................................ 6

3.2.2 2nd category: Research Institutions ......................................................................................................... 13

3.2.3 3rd category – Public authorities ............................................................................................................. 19

3.2.4 4th category – General public, civil organizations and consumers .......................................................... 24

4. Main Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................... 31

ANNEXES ......................................................................................................................................................................... 32

Page 3: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3


The process of stakeholder analysis carried out in the Danube region on the level of 13 project partners, presents the foundation to the development of the common transnational strategy and a transnational action plan for implementing capacity development and advancing market uptake of eco innovation. The survey was developed for needs of the project "Eco-innovatively connected Danube Region - EcoInn Danube", which is implemented within the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme. The information obtained was used solely for the purpose of research, and participants’ opinions and suggestion will be used to improve the existing status of eco-innovation in the Danube region.

Involving key stakeholders (by mapping and analysis, identifying their requirements, level of interest and influence) in the process of designing and structuring a common way forward will be beneficial in terms of facilitating quality data collection, providing perspectives on what can be considered credible, high quality and useful evaluation findings as well as making sense of all the collected data.

To understand and consider the perspectives, concerns and priorities of relevant stakeholders is the foundation for developing the procedure of engagement focused on bringing about a substantial change in perception and activity which it influences, in this case, an improvement of the state of the art of eco innovation in the wider Danube region.

To reach the projects main objective, which is to enhance the cooperation of innovation actors, it is necessary to gain insight on potential barriers, challenges and opportunities on advancing eco innovation, with respect to the subjective experiences and perspectives of the individuals, organizations according to their type or industry sectors.

After the deadline for submittion of the surveys, all surveys were evaluated and the report on the survey is presented below.

Page 4: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

2. Fact Sheet Tool used Questionnaire/survey – online via

https://www.1ka.si/a/127892?language=41 Stakeholders meetings

DATE OF THE SURVEY 15th May – 9th June 2017





Geographical scope/Region Bosnia and Herzegovina

Page 5: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3


3.1 Description of participants

Questions were targeted to 4 main target groups: SMEs, Research Institutions, Public sector and General public and NGOs and each target group had specifically tailored survey, which were surveying the needs among the target groups to collect the most important information by each group. Altogether we had 109 participants, 55 participants from general public and civil organizations, 16 from private companies, 24 from public institutions and 14 from research institutions.

Each of the four stakeholder categories have unique requirements and expectations and are thus addressed separately with tailored to fit questionnaires addressing specifics of each group.

Type of entities in sample are presented in next graph:

Graph 1 – Type of entity in sample

3.2 Results analysis

The survey consisted mostly of close-ended questions, which limited the answers of the respondents to response options provided on the questionnaire. Close-ended questions in the survey were either dichotomous questions (e.g. yes or no) or multiple-choice questions (e.g. single and multiple answer questions with the “other” answer option, rating scales questions, like scales questions and matrix questions). A small share of open-ended questions required respondents to type their answer into a comment box and did not provide specific pre-set answer options. To obtain pertinent data for the follow up analysis it was decided to make all the questions within the survey mandatory (eliminating un-answered questions because of skipping pages). Participants had to answer 107 questions presented in 50 pages. The survey was designed for 4 specific target groups: private companies (as producers and users of eco-

1 (Private company (as producers and

users of eco-innovation) )


2 (Research and development institutions )

13%3 (Public

authorities (institutions) )


4 (General public, NGO-s &

consumer )50%

Page 6: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

innovation), research and development institutions, public authorities (institutions) and general public, NGO-s & consumers. The survey was structured as completely anonymous, apart from the final request for a contact e-mail address at the end.

3.2.1 1st category: Private companies

In first part of the questionnaire for companies, information about sector, experience, size and market orientation were collected. 16 responses from the private companies have been received but only 10 were processed.

Among 10 companies, 2 of them are involved in IT and different sectors had 1 representatives: furniture sales, marketing agency, education, energy efficiency, biomass and ecology, construction, shoe making, manufacturing paper products.

The companies are established from 1996 till 2016, and average number of employees is 29 – from 3 to 160 employees.

Information on what markets are focused products can be found in graph below:

Graph 2 – In what markets are focused products

Next section of questionnaire was used so we could obtain information about companies understanding of the concept of eco innovation and their role in specific business processes and whether the enterprise is developing and producing or using existing products and services derived from eco-innovation.

The results were not quite positive, since only 10% are fully familiar with the concept, 20% quite, 30% moderate and 40% little, as can be seen in graph bellow:

Placement of the company is focused on the

domestic market


Placement of the company is focused solely

on the international


Placement of the company is focused on the domestic and

foreign markets50%

Page 7: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Graph 3 - To what extent are you familiar with the concept of "eco-innovation"?

From 10 of companies, 6 of them stated that eco innovation can moderate help to improve their businesses. Only 2 think that eco innovation can fully help.

Graph 4 - how can eco-innovation help improve your business?





Not at all0%

Very little10%




Page 8: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Graph 5 - Is your company a beneficiary (user of eco-innovative products/services) or producer/provider?

While 60% of companies declared that they are beneficiaries of eco innovative products, 40% think that their company is, at the scale from 1 to 5, on a point 4 considering how innovative company is.

Graph 6 - How innovative is your company?

According to respondents from the private sector, half of the respondents stated that the most prominent demand for eco-innovation existed in the areas of improving services, improving technologies and processes and improving waste management. A less evident need for eco innovation was documented for the areas improving product needs and improving relationship with the market. Respondents did not see the area of improving logistics and distribution amongst the biggest to require eco innovation. The visual representation of the findings is illustrated in graph 7.





Page 9: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Graph 7 - In which of the following categories is the need for eco-innovation most evident from your company perspective?

While 60% of the companies (6 out of 10) stated that they have applied an eco-innovation to theirs businesses in the last three years, they stated that the innovation were in the field of products (60%), services (40%), working processes (100%) and technologies (20%) and also were the result of internal research and development (40%), influence of mayor clients (40%), consultants (40%), universities (20%), internal research (20%) and stuff training (20%).

Graph 8 - Has the company applied an eco-innovation to your business in the last three years?


4 4

65 5 5 5







Page 10: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

56% of the companies invest in the activities of development and usage of eco innovations but only 11% provide some kind of incentives for eco-innovation amongst employees.

Also, the fact that 44% of the companies find to have low level of the companies association with scientific research institutions in terms of eco innovation is quite worrying. That cooperation is in the area shown in graph 10.

Graph 9 - To what extent and how the company is associated with scientific research institutions in terms of eco-innovation?

Graph 10 – Area of cooperation

As far as quality standards, 33% of companies stated that they apply Quality management (ISO 9001), while 22% stated that they apply Environmental management (ISO 14001).

1 - Low level of cooperation





5 - High level of cooperation


Training, professional

training, seminars, lectures, education


Improvements and innovation of: product, work

processes, production

technology, etc33%

Introduction of standards of

production and quality


Page 11: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Graph 11 - Which problems dominantly restrict the development of eco-innovations?

As seen in graph above, main problem which restrict the development of eco innovations is lack of knowledge about the process of eco innovation. Also, more than half (56%) of the companies is not a member of a business association, ecological cluster or similar. The fact that 78% of the companies stated that there is no developed cross-border and/or regional cooperation network with related companies gives us a picture of purely developed cross-border and regional cooperation.

Graph 12 - s there a developed cross-border and/or regional cooperation network with related companies?

Public funds are mostly needed in segments increasing awareness about eco innovation (56%), support of research and development of eco-innovations (also 56%), the selection and training of specialized human resources (56%), the connection between research and business (TT) (22%), Implementation of a green production (22%) and monitoring of relevant technological capabilities (11%).

The lack of funds22%

Lack of knowledge about the

process of eco innovations


Underdevelopment of

departments for research

and development


Non-supportive business


Law regulations11%

Insufficient implementation of eco operational standards




Page 12: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Graph 13 shows how companies have evaluated the impact of eco innovation to their business performances form grade 1 – lowest impact through 5 – the greatest impact. Options to grade the influence were:

1. Income from sale of quality products and services 2. Cost structure 3. The number of jobs 4. Positioning in the market 5. Company organization 6. Management 7. Internal business processes 8. Skills and knowledge of employees 9. Shareholder value 10. Customer satisfaction 11. Impact on society











Y … 2 4CO




RE 2 4TH





JOBS 2 4







KET 2 4






ION 2 4



ENT 2 4








ES 2 4SK







F … 2 4SH





E 2 4CU






N 2 4IM





Y 2 4

Graph 13 - Evaluate the impact of eco-innovation to your business performances (1-lowest impact; 5 - the greatest impact):

Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA) www.interreg-danube.eu/ecoinn-danube [email protected]

Page 13: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

3.2.2 2nd category: Research Institutions

Research institutions which fulfilled questionnaire, were consisted of institutions dealing with education, research and development, agriculture and development of SMEs. Among 14 institutions that approached to the questionnaires, 3 of them have more than 1000 employees and others vary from 2 to 100. Average number of employees is 215.

Interestingly, only 7% of questioned are fully familiar with the concept of eco innovation, as can be seen in graph 14, and 50% think that sustainable development and ecology present are an important part of the formal education curricula (graph 15).

Graph 14 - To what extent are you familiar with the concept of "eco-innovation"?

Graph 15 - Does sustainable development and ecology present an important part of the formal education curricula?





Not at all7%

Very little14%


Quite important


Very important14%

Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA) www.interreg-danube.eu/ecoinn-danube [email protected]

Page 14: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

While 71% of institutions stated that they have experience in supporting eco innovation, 50 % of them directly provide support in eco innovation. The types of support which they offer, can be found on graph below. They were supporting, in last three years, enterprises and producers of eco innovation in different fields, shown in graph 17.

Graph 16 - What type of support do you offer concerning the eco-innovation?

Graph 17 - Supported enterprises and producers In the last three years

One fact that needs to be noted is that out of 14 institutions, 6 stated that they directly provide support in eco-innovation, 12 gave answers which kind of support they provide and which kind of enterprises and producers they supported.

Concerning the way institutions provide support for the implementation of eco-innovation, 3 provide on their own, 4 in cooperation with other companies and 5 in cooperation with scientific research institutions. As for the location and establishment the first contact with companies or individuals developing eco-innovative products or service, 45% achieved that through personal contacts, 27% through technology transfer offices and through tenders, business associations and other 9% each.




















Page 15: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

The structure of work of research institutions involved in this activity can be seen on next graph. As expected, almost half are in training, seminar and education.

Graph 18 – What activities are in work of R&D institutions?

Most of the institutions consider that their support on introduction of eco-innovation contributed to companies moderate. Only 1 institution consider to have strong impact.

Graph 19 - How much your support on introduction of eco-innovation contributes to companies and manufacturers to the improvement of their business?

Graph 20 shows evaluation of factors by their impact on the development of eco-innovation. The factors are:

1. Introduction of environmental standards 2. Market Liberalization 3. Foreign investments 4. IT 5. The network of research centers and universities 6. Development Agencies 7. Chambers of commerce 8. Competitiveness 9. EU Projects

Development of feasibility


Testing and prototyping


Study and support during the implementation of eco-


Training, seminar,



Not at all9%

Very little9%



Very much9%

Page 16: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

10. Research and development activity of the company

Graph 20 - Evaluate factors by their impact on the development of eco-innovation: (1-least significant effect; 5 - the greatest impact)

Concerning main drivers of eco-innovation amongst clients, answers varied as can be seen in graph bellow.

Graph 21 - What are the main drivers of eco-innovation amongst your clients (companies)?

Grading the cooperation with companies in terms of eco-innovations, research institutions stated that main challenges are lack of knowledge about the role and scope of innovation-supporting and environmental institutions (67%), lack of clients training (companies and manufacturers (44%), funding of "R & D" projects (22%) and the low collection rate on the basis of "R & D" projects, poor communication and delivery of internal documents (11%).

On a scale from 1 to 5, where 5 is the highest impact, 56% of institutions stated that impact of managements support during work on eco-innovation in companies is at level 4 (graph below).












F … 2 4






ON 2 4





ENTS 2 4 IT 2 4







CH … 2 4





CIES 2 4






CE 2 4





S 2 4



CTS 2 4







T … 2 4

2 2













Page 17: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Graph 22 - Rate the impact of managements support during work on eco-innovation in companies? (1-lowest impact; 5 - the greatest impact)

78% stated that so-called consultation process in their work, which involves improving the ability of companies and manufacturers to independently create and introduce eco-innovation, is periodically present, while 22% stated that is significantly present. Counselling support tools and techniques that they use in their work with clients are presented below:

Graph 23 - What are the basic counselling support tools and techniques that you use in your work with clients?

The level of transfer of knowledge between experts from the region is quite high, 89% but membership in a business association, Environmental Cluster, etc. is below half, 44%.

Graph 24 shows the current status of eco-innovative projects that institutions are working on or have worked on in the past:












1 2 3 4 5

Internal methods

(programs and projects


Consulting tools based on

scientific analysis


System of standards

quality creative workshops



Page 18: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Graph 24 - What is the current status of eco-innovative projects you`re working on or have worked on in the past?

From six optional answers considering main barriers/obstacles regarding the use of public funds for financing of eco-innovations, three of them got the most of the picks - Complicated administrative and tendering procedures – 38%, strained public budgets – 38% and lack of support for the development of eco-innovation – 25%. Other options - Lack of knowledge of tender procedures, lack of transparency of sources of funding and limited human resource capacity were not opted.

By respondents’ opinions, the companies they work with either have no strategy of eco-innovation or it is necessary to enforce eco-innovation as part of their company strategy. Also, all respondents believe that companies are familiar with the laws related to ecology and are aligned with them, to the necessary extent.

From aspect of clients provision of resources for the costs arising from amendments to standards, regulations and laws in the field of quality and environmental protection, 75% institutions involved in questionnaire stated that resources are required and ensured only when there is a conflict with existing standards and laws, and 25% stated that amendments to standards and regulations are continually monitored, resources are provided for the implementation of expected modifications.

Analytical and experimental

critical function and/or

characteristic proof of concept


Component and/or

breadboard validation in laboratory


Component and/or

breadboard validation in

relevant environment


System prototype

demonstration in an

operational environment


Actual system proven through

successful operation


Page 19: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

3.2.3 3rd category – Public authorities

Public authorities which participated in survey activity are next institutions:

- National Authorities - Regional Authority - Local Authorities - Public Enterprise - Development Agencies - Chambers of Commerce

In total, 22 institutions are involved, with average number of 173 employees in range from 1 – 1000 employees.

As expected, 43% in this category had little knowledge on the concept of eco-innovation while 57% stated that their institutions do not have experience in supporting eco-innovation. In case of direct provision of support in eco-innovation, 76% stated negative. Most of the support offered concerning eco-innovation are in field of advisory services.

Graph 25 - Support of enterprises and producers of eco-innovation in the last three years

In graph 25 is shown the section of support to the enterprises and producers of eco-innovation in last three years. Section other provided us with next answers: all of the above, none.

As for cooperation in providing support for the introduction of eco-innovation, 74% stated that they provide support in coordination with other institutions. It is interesting to observe that none of them stated that they provide support in cooperation with scientific institutes.

Concerning the status of legislation on eco-innovation in country/region, 15% stated that it exists, 11% that is in place, 53% state that legislation for supporting EE, RES and recycling of raw materials is in place, 21% think that legislation exists but is not appropriately implemented nor enforced and none of them think that legislation exists and is enforced. 89% think that amendment of existing legislation is necessary.

In case of simplification of financing of eco-innovation, 67% stated that it can be quite possible. None of them think that it is very possible.

Respondents have quite low opinion when it comes to their support provided in helping the advancement of green production, increase the energy efficiency and use of renewable energy, as can be seen in graph 26.


Work processes16%



Page 20: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Graph 26 - In your opinion, did the support you provide help the advancement of green production, increase the energy efficiency and use of renewable energy?

Concerning factors according to their impact on eco- innovation up-take, respondents had an opportunity to assess the impact on next categories:

- Implemented ecological standards - Improvement of green production - Increasing energy efficiency - The use of renewable energy - Access to foreign investment - Cooperation with research centers and universities - Cooperation with the development agencies - Cooperation with chambers of commerce - Participation in EU projects

Assessment can be observed on graph 27, on next page.







0 0

Page 21: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Graph 27 - Evaluate factors according to their impact on eco- innovation up-take (1-the smallest impact; 5 – the highest impact)

Main challenges in respondent’s work with companies in terms of eco-innovation are:

- Lack of knowledge about the role and scope of innovation-support and environmental institutions – 43% - Lack of knowledge on competition´s ecological innovations and improvements – 29% - Ambiguity and misinterpretation of legislation – 21% - Lack of clients knowledge – 14%

Poor communication and delivery of internal documents is not challenge at all, according to respondent






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7% 7%


21%21% 21%
















14%14% 14%7%




Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA) www.interreg-danube.eu/ecoinn-danube [email protected]

Page 22: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Respondents stated that mostly periodically is present the so-called consultation process in your work, which involves improving the ability of companies and manufacturers to independently create and introduce eco-innovation (graph 28).

Graph 28 - How often is present the so-called consultation process in your work, which involves improving the ability of companies and manufacturers to independently create and introduce eco-innovation?

Graph 29 - What are the basic counselling support tools and techniques that you use in your work with clients?

When talking about the basic counselling support tools and techniques in use in work with clients, internal methods are present in half of the answers from respondents. Second tool is tools based upon scientific analysis. TQM and reengineering was not opted at all.

As for the interest of clients for the work with eco-innovation, mostly the smallest interest is represented (36%). Transfer of knowledge between experts from other regions, by respondent’s answers, is in ratio 57/43, in favor of positive answer.

According to answers, current status of eco-innovative projects currently under implementation is at the low level (graph 30).




























Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA) www.interreg-danube.eu/ecoinn-danube [email protected]

Page 23: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Graph 30 - What is to you the current status of eco-innovative projects participating in the financing? (or What is to you the current status of eco-innovative projects currently under implementation?

In order to determine what are the main barriers/obstacles regarding the use of public funds for financing of eco-innovations, respondents were given predefined answers. The most positive answers were given to lack of support for the development of eco-innovation – 43%, limited human resource capacity – 36% and strained public budgets – 29%.

How clients provide resources for the costs arising from amendments to standards, regulations and laws in the field of quality and environmental protection is presented in graph 31 below:

Graph 31 - How your clients provide resources for the costs arising from amendments to standards, regulations and laws in the field of quality and environmental protection?

On the level of concepts, ideas

in the development of thinking about


Preparation of the test process and /

or product, the test preparations eco innovations


Implementation of the eco-innovation


Monitoring, troubleshooting and preparing

for the development of

new models0%

Our clients are not willing to provide funds (or to invest finances) for such


Resources are required and

ensured only when there is a conflict

with existing standards and laws


Amendments to standards and regulations are

continually monitored, resources are provided for

the implementation of expected modifications


Page 24: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

3.2.4 4th category – General public, civil organizations and consumers

Out of 55 respondents, 36 are individual persons and 19 work in civil organizations. Educational level can be analyzed in graph 32.

Graph 32 – Educational structure

Most of the respondents are employed – 92%, 5% is unemployed and 3% retired. Answers on the question on to what extent are they familiar with the concept of eco-innovation, is more dispersed than in cases of previous categories.

Graph 33 - To what extent are you familiar with the concept of "eco-innovation"?

Respondents stated, on topic what is important when they choose a product or service, that in 70% is overall quality, 47% price, 40% functionality, 38% origin, 36% environment (product/service is eco-friendly), 34% after purchase service and 9 % brand.

Eco-friendly product or service is considered quite important in 47% of the answers. All percentages can be seen on graph 34.

Primary school0%

Secondary school



High School58%

Master or doctorate






Page 25: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Graph 34 - How important is that the product/service is eco-friendly?

In case of presence and frequency of promotion and awareness raising about ecology, energy efficiency, sustainability, and similar in the public, most of the respondents stated that is Present only as an accompanying element in promotion of products / services for the purpose of positioning in the market (graph 35).

Graph 35 - Is promotion and awareness raising about ecology, energy efficiency, sustainability and similar present and frequent in the public?

What is worrying is that only 26% of respondents have you ever been, or are presently involved in any activity concerning innovation. That is very low percentage, especially today, when innovations are part of our lives in general. In this percentage of positive answers, activities are:

- Projects promoting eco – innovations, - Development of the products, - Promotion, - Energy efficiency, - Support to innovators, - Creation of new technologies, - Development of innovation activities.

Not at all4%

Very little4%


Quite important


Very important32%

It`s not present at all19%

Present only as an accompanying element in promotion of products / services for the purpose of positioning in the market


Always present6%

Page 26: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Their opinions about the impact of incentives that affect the development of eco-innovation can be observed at graph 36 bellow.

Graph 36 - Assess the impact of incentives that affect the development of eco-innovation (1-the smallest impact; 5-the biggest impact)









4% 4%


































Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA) www.interreg-danube.eu/ecoinn-danube [email protected]

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The demand for eco-innovation in respondent's local/national environment is, in case of 63% of the answers, very little, while 24% think that there are a lot of possibilities in that area. Option not at all has been chosen by 14% of respondents.

Next key issue addressed by questionnaire concerns governmental support (national, regional and local) for the development and introduction of eco-innovation. Most of the answers are weak support and moderate. The structure of the answers is shown below.

Graph 37 - How strong is governmental support (national, regional and local) for the development and introduction of eco-innovation?

Respondents stated, in 78% of the answers, that they do not know any company in their environment commercializing an eco-innovative product/service.

When asked in which areas have the greatest potential to introduce eco innovation, respondents gave answers shown in graph 38. Possible answers were at the scale from 1 – small potential to 5 - great potential:

- Traffic, - Agriculture, - Tourism, - Energy, - Mining, - Heavy industry, - Light industry, - Trade, - Services, - Construction, - IT.

No support at all


Weak support45%



Very strong2%

Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA) www.interreg-danube.eu/ecoinn-danube [email protected]

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Graph 38 - Which areas have the greatest potential to introduce eco innovation (1 – small potential; 5 - great potential)































Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA) www.interreg-danube.eu/ecoinn-danube [email protected]

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Media is very effective in increasing awareness on the importance of eco-innovation, according to respondents. Their opinion about the types of different media can be observed in graph 39.

Graph 39 - How effective are media in increasing awareness on the importance of eco-innovation (1-not important at all; 5-very important)


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6% 6%








4% 2%10%









4% 2%











Page 30: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

More than half of respondents, 55%, stated that organizations/companies in country are little successful in implementing of eco-innovation. 39% opted for moderate and 6% for not at all option. None stated quite and very successful options.

Concerning the level of importance of branding of eco-innovation, answers can be analyzed on graph 40, bellow.

Graph 40 - How much is branding of eco-innovation important?











0% 2%10%



Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA) www.interreg-danube.eu/ecoinn-danube [email protected]

Page 31: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

4. Main Conclusions As mentioned at the beginning of this report, 109 questionnaires were completed in total, out of approx. 450 requests sent to 4 different stakeholder groups. The requests were send over email, over social networks and directly through personal contacts. The success ratio was the best in cases of social networks and personal contacts. One of the conclusions, as for the technical aspect of the questionnaires, is that there should be as less questions as possible, because respondents tend to loose interests towards the end and become impatient. Having in mind that people usually resist in participation in the survey, communication with stakeholder groups needs to be at the highest level in order to realize tasks like this. Interest gained through the communication needs to be maintained through different instruments, especially different kind of approach to stakeholders.

1st category – Private companies: main obstacle in reaching this category dues to a fact that companies do not have sufficient time to deal with anything but their businesses. Only 15% of all responses came from this category. Next conclusions arise:

- Low level of familiarization of the concept of eco-innovation, - As a result of latter conclusion, most of the companies believe that eco-innovation can only moderate help to

improve the businesses, - Low level of the companies association with scientific research institutions in terms of eco-innovation, - Only 11% of incentives for eco-innovation amongst employees, - Lack of funds, knowledge and non-supportive businesses environment are major limitations for eco-

innovation development.

2nd category – Research institutions: stakeholders from this field, 14 research institutions, are not fully familiar with the concept of eco-innovation – only 7%. Also, only 1 institution consider that that their support to introduction of eco-innovation to companies is at the highest level. Most of them think that it is moderate. Overall, they all aware of the importance and they are engaged in eco-innovative activities.

Considering main obstacles regarding the use of public funds for financing of eco-innovation activities, three obstacles were recognized:

- Complicated administrative and tendering procedures, - Strained public budgets, - Lack of the support for development of eco-innovation.

3rd category – Public authorities: although this stakeholder group is of key importance, they were hard to locate and motivate to fulfill the questionnaire. Altogether, 24 participants pointed at next problems and issues:

- Legislation on eco-innovation is obsolete and needs to be amended, - Low support of the advancement of green production, increase of the energy efficiency and use of renewable

energy, - Companies lack of knowledge about the role and scope of innovation-support and environmental institutions, - Low level of eco-innovative projects, - Lack of the support for the development of eco-innovation in terms of public funds.

4th category – general public, civil organizations and consumers: as expected, most of the participants were from this category – 55. Interestingly, only 26% were involved in activities concerning innovation and 78% do not know any company in in their environment commercializing and eco-innovative products or services. Branding is quite important for eco-innovations.

Overall, we should assume that in Bosnia and Herzegovina an overall awareness for the environmental and sustainability topics is not at the satisfactory level. The results show that improvements are needed in many areas, spanning from effective communication of all aspects connected to the topic to an easier and clearer access to public funding and amendment of the law.

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language Jezik Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Slovenščina) 0 0% 0% 0% 2 (English) 0 0% 0% 0% 3 (Hrvatski) 0 0% 0% 0% 4 (Srpski - latinica) 0 0% 0% 0% 5 (Czech) 0 0% 0% 0% 6 (Bulgarian) 0 0% 0% 0% 7 (Bosanski) 109 100% 100% 100% 8 (Hungarian) 0 0% 0% 100% 9 (Slovak) 0 0% 0% 100% 10 (Slovenščina) 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 109 100% 100%

Q1 Type of entity:

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

1 (Private company (as producers and users of eco-innovation) ) 16 15% 15% 15%

2 (Research and development institutions ) 14 13% 13% 28% 3 (Public authorities (institutions) ) 24 22% 22% 50% 4 (General public, NGO-s & consumer ) 55 50% 50% 100%

Valid Valid 109 100% 100%

Q101 Which organization contacted you for this survey?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

1 (Economica - Institute for Economic Research (Austria)) 0 0% 0% 0%

2 (Bwcon (Germany)) 0 0% 0% 0% Valid Valid 0 0% 100%

Q102 Která organizace Vás kontaktovala s žádostí o vyplnění tohoto dotazníku?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

1 (BIC Brno - Business and Innovation Centre) 0 0% 0% 0%

2 (BUT - Brno University of Technology) 0 0% 0% 0% Valid Valid 0 0% 100%

Q103 Melyik szervezet kereste meg Önt a kérdőívvel?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Digitális Jólét Nonprofit) 0 0% 0% 0%

2 (SMVKA - Entrepreneurs’ Centre of Somogy County Foundation) 0 0% 0% 0%

Valid Valid 0 0% 100%

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Q104 Ktorá organizácia Vás kontaktovala so žiadosťou o vyplnenie tohto dotazníka?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

1 (SCSTI - Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information) 0 0% 0% 0%

2 (CUSP - Comenius University in Bratislava, Science Park) 0 0% 0% 0%

Valid Valid 0 0% 100%

Q2 Ime podjetja, naslov, pravna oblika, kontaktna oseba.

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Q2a_1

2 2% 100% 100% Valid Valid 2 2% 100%

Q2b_1 2 2% 100% 100%

Valid Valid 2 2% 100% Q2c_1

2 2% 100% 100% Valid Valid 2 2% 100%

Q2d_1 2 2% 100% 100%

Valid Valid 2 2% 100%

Q3 Identification of sector: what kind of activities is engaged in the company (indicate which products is the business core)?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative prodaja namjestaja 1 1% 10% 10% marketinska agencija 1 1% 10% 20% edukacija 1 1% 10% 30% energetski efikasnost 1 1% 10% 40% biomasa i ekologija 1 1% 10% 50% it sektor 2 2% 20% 70% završni radovi u građevinarstvu 1 1% 10% 80% izrada donjih dijelova obuce 1 1% 10% 90% proizvodnja proizvoda od papira i kartona 1 1% 10% 100%

Valid Valid 10 9% 100%

Q4 What year was the company founded?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1996 1 1% 10% 10% 2004 1 1% 10% 20% 2007 1 1% 10% 30% 2008 1 1% 10% 40% 2009 1 1% 10% 50% 2010 3 3% 30% 80% 2013 1 1% 10% 90% 2016 1 1% 10% 100%

Valid Valid 10 9% 100%

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Q5 What is the number of employees Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 3 1 1% 10% 10% 5 3 3% 30% 40% 9 1 1% 10% 50% 12 1 1% 10% 60% 13 1 1% 10% 70% 30 1 1% 10% 80% 52 1 1% 10% 90% 160 1 1% 10% 100%

Valid Valid 10 9% 100%

Q6 In what markets are focused products of the company (how significant is export activity)?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

1 (Placement of the company is focused on the domestic market ) 2 2% 20% 20%

2 (Placement of the company is focused solely on the international market) 3 3% 30% 50%

3 (Placement of the company is focused on the domestic and foreign markets) 5 5% 50% 100%

Valid Valid 10 9% 100%

Q96 Please indicate orientation on markets:

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Q96a % on domestic

50 1 1% 20% 20% 60 1 1% 20% 40% 90 3 3% 60% 100%

Valid Valid 5 5% 100% Q96b % on foreign markets

10 3 3% 60% 60% 40 1 1% 20% 80% 50 1 1% 20% 100%

Valid Valid 5 5% 100%

Q7 To what extent are you familiar with the concept of "eco-innovation"?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Little) 4 4% 40% 40% 2 (Moderate) 3 3% 30% 70% 3 (Quite) 2 2% 20% 90% 4 (Fully) 1 1% 10% 100%

Valid Valid 10 9% 100%

Q8 In your opinion, how can eco-innovation help improve your business?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Not at all) 0 0% 0% 0% 2 (Very little) 1 1% 10% 10%

Page 35: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

3 (Moderate) 6 6% 60% 70% 4 (Quite) 1 1% 10% 80% 5 (Fully) 2 2% 20% 100%

Valid Valid 10 9% 100%

Q9 Is your company a beneficiary (user of eco-innovative products/services) or producer/provider?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Beneficiary) 6 6% 60% 60% 2 (Producer/provider) 4 4% 40% 100%

Valid Valid 10 9% 100%

Q10 How innovative is your company?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (1 - Low level of innovativeness) 1 1% 10% 10% 2 0 0% 0% 10% 3 3 3% 30% 40% 4 4 4% 40% 80% 5 (5 - High level of innovativeness ) 2 2% 20% 100%

Valid Valid 10 9% 100%

Q11 In which of the following categories is the need for eco-inovation most evident from your company perspective?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Q11a Improving product needs

0 6 6% 60% 60% 1 4 4% 40% 100%

Valid Valid 10 9% 100% Q11b Improving services

0 4 4% 40% 40% 1 6 6% 60% 100%

Valid Valid 10 9% 100% Q11c Improving technology and processes

0 5 5% 50% 50% 1 5 5% 50% 100%

Valid Valid 10 9% 100% Q11d Improving waste management

0 5 5% 50% 50% 1 5 5% 50% 100%

Valid Valid 10 9% 100% Q11e Improving the relationship with the market

0 8 7% 80% 80% 1 2 2% 20% 100%

Valid Valid 10 9% 100% Q11f Improving logistics and distribution

0 9 8% 90% 90% 1 1 1% 10% 100%

Valid Valid 10 9% 100% Q11g Other:

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0 10 9% 100% 100% 1 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 10 9% 100%

Q11g_text Q11 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Q12 Has the company applied an eco-innovation to your business in the last three years?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Yes) 6 6% 60% 60% 2 (No) 4 4% 40% 100%

Valid Valid 10 9% 100%

Q13 They were in the field of:

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Q13a Products

0 2 2% 40% 40% 1 3 3% 60% 100%

Valid Valid 5 5% 100% Q13b Services

0 3 3% 60% 60% 1 2 2% 40% 100%

Valid Valid 5 5% 100% Q13c Working processes

0 5 5% 100% 100% 1 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 5 5% 100% Q13d Technologies

0 4 4% 80% 80% 1 1 1% 20% 100%

Valid Valid 5 5% 100% Q13e Relations with the market

0 5 5% 100% 100% 1 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 5 5% 100% Q13f Waste management

0 5 5% 100% 100% 1 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 5 5% 100% Q13g Logistics and distribution

0 5 5% 100% 100% 1 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 5 5% 100% Q13h New business models

0 5 5% 100% 100% 1 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 5 5% 100%

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Q13i Other:

0 5 5% 100% 100% 1 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 5 5% 100%

Q13i_text Q13 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Q14 They were the result of:

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Q14a Internal research and development

0 3 3% 60% 60% 1 2 2% 40% 100%

Valid Valid 5 5% 100% Q14b Influence of major clients

0 3 3% 60% 60% 1 2 2% 40% 100%

Valid Valid 5 5% 100% Q14c Influence of competitors

0 5 5% 100% 100% 1 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 5 5% 100% Q14d Consultants

0 3 3% 60% 60% 1 2 2% 40% 100%

Valid Valid 5 5% 100% Q14e Researching center

0 4 4% 80% 80% 1 1 1% 20% 100%

Valid Valid 5 5% 100% Q14f Universities

0 4 4% 80% 80% 1 1 1% 20% 100%

Valid Valid 5 5% 100% Q14g Internal research

0 4 4% 80% 80% 1 1 1% 20% 100%

Valid Valid 5 5% 100% Q14h Staff training

0 4 4% 80% 80% 1 1 1% 20% 100%

Valid Valid 5 5% 100%

Q98 Does the company invest in these activities?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Yes) 5 5% 56% 56% 2 (No) 4 4% 44% 100%

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Valid Valid 9 8% 100%


Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Q15a_1

10 1 1% 20% 20% 20 1 1% 20% 40% 15 1 1% 20% 60% 1 2 2% 40% 100%

Valid Valid 5 5% 100% Q15b_1

0 1 1% 20% 20% 1 1 1% 20% 40% 2 2 2% 40% 80% 8 1 1% 20% 100%

Valid Valid 5 5% 100%

Q16 Does your company provide some kind of incentives for eco-innovation amongst employees?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Yes) 1 1% 11% 11% 2 (No) 8 7% 89% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q17 What types of incentives do you offer?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Q17a Financial incentive

0 1 1% 100% 100% 1 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 1 1% 100% Q17b Direct recognition by superior’s managers

0 1 1% 100% 100% 1 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 1 1% 100%

Q17c Established prize for innovation at the enterprise level

0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 1% 100% 100%

Valid Valid 1 1% 100%


Providing opportunities for employees to use for free all available capacity of the company to develop and test their own ideas

0 1 1% 100% 100% 1 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 1 1% 100%

Q17e Providing administrative support for funding from external (public) sources

0 1 1% 100% 100%

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1 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 1 1% 100% Q17f Other types of stimulation, please specify:

0 1 1% 100% 100% 1 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 1 1% 100%

Q17f_text Q17 (Other types of stimulation, please specify: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Q18 To what extent and how the company is associated with scientific research institutions in terms of eco-innovation?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (1 - Low level of cooperation) 4 4% 44% 44% 2 1 1% 11% 56% 3 2 2% 22% 78% 4 2 2% 22% 100% 5 (5 - High level of cooperation ) 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q19 Cooperation is (for the most part) in the area of:

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

1 (Training, professional training, seminars, lectures, education) 3 3% 33% 33%

2 (Improvements and innovation of: product, work processes, production technology, etc) 3 3% 33% 67%

3 (Introduction of standards of production and quality ) 3 3% 33% 100%

4 (Other:) 0 0% 0% 100% Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q19_4_text Q19 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Q20 The relevance of eco-innovation used/ produced?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Local) 3 3% 33% 33% 2 (Regional) 1 1% 11% 44% 3 (National) 1 1% 11% 56% 4 (EU) 3 3% 33% 89% 5 (Global) 1 1% 11% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q21 Did you applied quality standards and which ones? Certification (quality, environmental management, organic farming, etc.)

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Quality management (ISO 9001) ) 3 3% 33% 33%

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2 (Environmental management (ISO 14001) ) 2 2% 22% 56%

3 (EFQM Excellence model) 0 0% 0% 56% 4 (Organic farming) 0 0% 0% 56% 5 (Other:) 0 0% 0% 56% -97 (-97 Invalid) 4 4% 44% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q21_5_text Q21 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative -97 (-97 Invalid) 4 4% 100% 100%

Valid Valid 4 4% 100%

Q22 Which problems dominantly restrict the development of eco-innovations?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (The lack of funds) 2 2% 22% 22%

2 (Lack of knowledge about the process of eco innovations ) 4 4% 44% 67%

3 (Underdevelopment of departments for research and development ) 0 0% 0% 67%

4 (Non-supportive business environment ) 2 2% 22% 89% 5 (Law regulations) 1 1% 11% 100%

6 (Insufficient implementation of eco operational standards ) 0 0% 0% 100%

7 (Other:) 0 0% 0% 100% Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q22_7_text Q22 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Q23 Is the company a member of a business association, ecological cluster or similar?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Yes) 4 4% 44% 44% 2 (No) 5 5% 56% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q24 Is there a developed cross-border and/or regional cooperation network with related companies mentioned in previous question?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Yes) 2 2% 22% 22% 2 (No) 7 6% 78% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q25 Please specify domain in which cooperation is achieved?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Q25a Trade

0 2 2% 100% 100% 1 0 0% 0% 100%

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Valid Valid 2 2% 100% Q25b Distribution

0 1 1% 50% 50% 1 1 1% 50% 100%

Valid Valid 2 2% 100% Q25c Manufacturing

0 1 1% 50% 50% 1 1 1% 50% 100%

Valid Valid 2 2% 100% Q25d Technology

0 2 2% 100% 100% 1 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 2 2% 100% Q25e Other:

0 2 2% 100% 100% 1 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 2 2% 100%

Q25e_text Q25 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Q26 In which segment is the support of public funds most needed?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Q26a Implementation of a green production

0 7 6% 78% 78% 1 2 2% 22% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q26b Increasing awareness about eco innovation

0 4 4% 44% 44% 1 5 5% 56% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q26c Support of research and development of eco-innovations

0 4 4% 44% 44% 1 5 5% 56% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q26d The selection and training of specialized human resources

0 4 4% 44% 44% 1 5 5% 56% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q26e Monitoring of relevant technological capabilities

0 8 7% 89% 89% 1 1 1% 11% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q26f The connection between research and business (TT)

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0 7 6% 78% 78% 1 2 2% 22% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q26g Promoting the environmental enterprise

0 7 6% 78% 78% 1 2 2% 22% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q26h Other:

0 9 8% 100% 100% 1 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q26h_text Q26 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Q27 Evaluate the impact of eco-innovation to your business performances (1-lowest impact; 5 - the greatest impact):

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Q27a Income from sale of quality products and services

1 (1 - Lowest impact) 1 1% 11% 11% 2 1 1% 11% 22% 3 3 3% 33% 56% 4 2 2% 22% 78% 5 (5 - The greatest impact) 2 2% 22% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q27b Cost structure

1 (1 - Lowest impact) 1 1% 11% 11% 2 2 2% 22% 33% 3 6 6% 67% 100% 4 0 0% 0% 100% 5 (5 - The greatest impact) 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q27c The number of jobs

1 (1 - Lowest impact) 2 2% 22% 22% 2 4 4% 44% 67% 3 2 2% 22% 89% 4 1 1% 11% 100% 5 (5 - The greatest impact) 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q27d Positioning in the market

1 (1 - Lowest impact) 2 2% 22% 22% 2 3 3% 33% 56% 3 2 2% 22% 78% 4 1 1% 11% 89% 5 (5 - The greatest impact) 1 1% 11% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q27e Company organization

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1 (1 - Lowest impact) 3 3% 33% 33% 2 0 0% 0% 33% 3 5 5% 56% 89% 4 1 1% 11% 100% 5 (5 - The greatest impact) 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q27f Management

1 (1 - Lowest impact) 4 4% 44% 44% 2 1 1% 11% 56% 3 3 3% 33% 89% 4 1 1% 11% 100% 5 (5 - The greatest impact) 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q27g Internal business processes

1 (1 - Lowest impact) 1 1% 11% 11% 2 3 3% 33% 44% 3 5 5% 56% 100% 4 0 0% 0% 100% 5 (5 - The greatest impact) 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q27h Skills and knowledge of employees

1 (1 - Lowest impact) 1 1% 11% 11% 2 1 1% 11% 22% 3 4 4% 44% 67% 4 1 1% 11% 78% 5 (5 - The greatest impact) 2 2% 22% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q27i Shareholder value

1 (1 - Lowest impact) 3 3% 33% 33% 2 4 4% 44% 78% 3 1 1% 11% 89% 4 1 1% 11% 100% 5 (5 - The greatest impact) 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q27j Customer satisfaction

1 (1 - Lowest impact) 1 1% 11% 11% 2 0 0% 0% 11% 3 4 4% 44% 56% 4 3 3% 33% 89% 5 (5 - The greatest impact) 1 1% 11% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q27k Impact on society

1 (1 - Lowest impact) 2 2% 22% 22% 2 1 1% 11% 33% 3 1 1% 11% 44% 4 2 2% 22% 67% 5 (5 - The greatest impact) 3 3% 33% 100%

Page 44: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q28 Ime podjetja, naslov, pravna oblika, kontaktna oseba.

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Q28a_1 Q28b_1 Q28c_1 Q28d_1

Q29 Identification of sector: what kind of activities is your institutions dealing with?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative obrazovanje 3 3% 21% 21% obrazovanje i nir 1 1% 7% 29% onladinsko orgaanizovanje 1 1% 7% 36% obrazovanje, istraživanje i razvoj 1 1% 7% 43% poljoprivreda 1 1% 7% 50% visoko obrazovanje 3 3% 21% 71% obrazovna i naučno-istraživačka 1 1% 7% 79% obrazovanje, istrazivanje i razvoj 1 1% 7% 86% obrazovno-naučna 1 1% 7% 93% razvoj srednjih i malih preduzeca 1 1% 7% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Q30 What is the number of employees?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 2 1 1% 7% 7% 3 1 1% 7% 14% 18 1 1% 7% 21% 20 1 1% 7% 29% 35 1 1% 7% 36% 40 1 1% 7% 43% 49 1 1% 7% 50% 50 1 1% 7% 57% 51 1 1% 7% 64% 69 1 1% 7% 71% 100 1 1% 7% 79% 1200 2 2% 14% 93% 1380 1 1% 7% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Q31 To what extent are you familiar with the concept of "eco-innovation"?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Little) 4 4% 29% 29% 2 (Moderate ) 3 3% 21% 50% 3 (Quite) 6 6% 43% 93% 4 (Fully) 1 1% 7% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Page 45: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Q32 Does sustainable development and ecology present an important part of the formal education curricula? Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Not at all) 1 1% 7% 7% 2 (Very little ) 2 2% 14% 21% 3 (Moderate) 2 2% 14% 36% 4 (Quite important) 7 6% 50% 86% 5 (Very important) 2 2% 14% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Q33 Does your institution have experience in supporting eco-innovation?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Yes) 10 9% 71% 71% 2 (No) 4 4% 29% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Q34 Does your institution directly provide support in eco-innovation?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Yes) 6 6% 50% 50% 2 (No) 6 6% 50% 100%

Valid Valid 12 11% 100%

Q35 What type of support do you offer concerning the eco-innovation?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Research, development and prototyping ) 1 1% 8% 8% 2 (Testing) 2 2% 17% 25% 3 (Advisory) 0 0% 0% 25% 4 (Educational) 6 6% 50% 75% 5 (Financial) 1 1% 8% 83% 6 (Institutional) 0 0% 0% 83% 7 (Other:) 2 2% 17% 100%

Valid Valid 12 11% 100%

Q35_7_text Q35 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative ne obezb. 1 1% 100% 100%

Valid Valid 1 1% 100%

Q36 In the last three years, you were supporting enterprises and producers of eco-innovation in:

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Products) 3 3% 25% 25% 2 (Services) 2 2% 17% 42% 3 (Work process) 0 0% 0% 42% 4 (Technology) 5 5% 42% 83% 5 (Other:) 2 2% 17% 100%

Valid Valid 12 11% 100%

Page 46: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Q36_5_text Q36 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative nismo 1 1% 100% 100%

Valid Valid 1 1% 100%

Q37 Your institution provides support for the implementation of eco-innovation:

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (On your own) 3 3% 25% 25% 2 (In cooperation with other companies ) 4 4% 33% 58%

3 (In cooperation with scientific research institutions ) 5 5% 42% 100%

Valid Valid 12 11% 100%

Q38 How do you locate and establish first contact with companies or individuals developing eco-innovative products or service?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Personal contacts) 5 5% 45% 45% 2 (Technology transfer office) 3 3% 27% 73% 3 (Tenders) 1 1% 9% 82% 4 (Business associations) 1 1% 9% 91% 5 (Other:) 1 1% 9% 100%

Valid Valid 11 10% 100%

Q38_5_text Q38 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Q39 Your work includes:

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Development of feasibility studies ) 1 1% 9% 9% 2 (Product design) 0 0% 0% 9% 3 (Testing and prototyping) 3 3% 27% 36% 4 (Market research) 0 0% 0% 36%

5 (Study and support during the implementation of eco-innovation ) 2 2% 18% 55%

6 (Training, seminar, education) 4 4% 36% 91% 7 (Other:) 1 1% 9% 100%

Valid Valid 11 10% 100%

Q39_7_text Q39 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Q40 How much your support on introduction of eco-innovation contributes to companies and manufacturers to the improvement of their business?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Not at all) 1 1% 9% 9% 2 (Very little) 1 1% 9% 18% 3 (Moderately) 6 6% 55% 73% 4 (Quite) 2 2% 18% 91%

Page 47: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

5 (Very much) 1 1% 9% 100%

Valid Valid 11 10% 100%

Q41 Evaluate factors by their impact on the development of eco-innovation: (1-least significant effect; 5 - the greatest impact)

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Q41a Introduction of environmental standards

1 (1 - Least significant effect) 0 0% 0% 0% 2 0 0% 0% 0% 3 1 1% 11% 11% 4 3 3% 33% 44% 5 (5 - The greatest impact) 5 5% 56% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q41b Market Liberalization

1 (1 - Least significant effect) 1 1% 11% 11% 2 1 1% 11% 22% 3 3 3% 33% 56% 4 4 4% 44% 100% 5 (5 - The greatest impact) 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q41c Foreign investments

1 (1 - Least significant effect) 0 0% 0% 0% 2 0 0% 0% 0% 3 3 3% 33% 33% 4 5 5% 56% 89% 5 (5 - The greatest impact) 1 1% 11% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q41d IT

1 (1 - Least significant effect) 0 0% 0% 0% 2 0 0% 0% 0% 3 2 2% 22% 22% 4 5 5% 56% 78% 5 (5 - The greatest impact) 2 2% 22% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q41e The network of research centres and universities

1 (1 - Least significant effect) 0 0% 0% 0% 2 0 0% 0% 0% 3 1 1% 11% 11% 4 4 4% 44% 56% 5 (5 - The greatest impact) 4 4% 44% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q41f Development Agencies

1 (1 - Least significant effect) 0 0% 0% 0% 2 2 2% 22% 22% 3 0 0% 0% 22% 4 5 5% 56% 78%

Page 48: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

5 (5 - The greatest impact) 2 2% 22% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q41g Chambers of commerce

1 (1 - Least significant effect) 0 0% 0% 0% 2 1 1% 11% 11% 3 4 4% 44% 56% 4 3 3% 33% 89% 5 (5 - The greatest impact) 1 1% 11% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q41h Competitiveness

1 (1 - Least significant effect) 0 0% 0% 0% 2 0 0% 0% 0% 3 2 2% 22% 22% 4 4 4% 44% 67% 5 (5 - The greatest impact) 3 3% 33% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q41i EU Projects

1 (1 - Least significant effect) 0 0% 0% 0% 2 0 0% 0% 0% 3 1 1% 11% 11% 4 4 4% 44% 56% 5 (5 - The greatest impact) 4 4% 44% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q41j Research and development activity of the company

1 (1 - Least significant effect) 0 0% 0% 0% 2 0 0% 0% 0% 3 0 0% 0% 0% 4 5 5% 56% 56% 5 (5 - The greatest impact) 4 4% 44% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q42 What are the main drivers of eco-innovation amongst your clients (companies)?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

1 (Models that have been seen by your customers elsewhere ) 0 0% 0% 0%

2 (The need to respond to business and environmental challenges ) 2 2% 22% 22%

3 (New policy: strategy / program ) 2 2% 22% 44% 4 (Availability of limited resources ) 1 1% 11% 56% 5 (Increased public awareness) 2 2% 22% 78% 6 (Technological progress) 1 1% 11% 89% 7 (Eco products are a niche market ) 0 0% 0% 89% 8 (Other:) 1 1% 11% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q42_8_text Q42 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Page 49: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Q43 What are the main challenges in your work with companies in terms of eco-innovation: Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative


Lack of knowledge about the role and scope of innovation-supporting and environmental institutions

0 3 3% 33% 33% 1 6 6% 67% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q43b Poor communication and delivery of internal documents

0 8 7% 89% 89% 1 1 1% 11% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q43c Lack of clients training (companies and manufacturers)

0 5 5% 56% 56% 1 4 4% 44% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q43d The low collection rate on the basis of "R & D" projects

0 8 7% 89% 89% 1 1 1% 11% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q43e Funding of "R & D" projects

0 7 6% 78% 78% 1 2 2% 22% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100% Q43f Other:

0 8 7% 89% 89% 1 1 1% 11% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q43f_text Q43 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Q44 Rate the impact of managements support during work on eco-innovation in companies? (1-lowest impact; 5 - the greatest impact)

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 0 0% 0% 0% 2 1 1% 11% 11% 3 2 2% 22% 33% 4 5 5% 56% 89% 5 1 1% 11% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q45 How often is present the so-called consultation process in your work, which involves improving the ability of companies and manufacturers to independently create and introduce eco-innovation:

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Page 50: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

1 (Significantly) 2 2% 22% 22% 2 (Periodically) 7 6% 78% 100% 3 (Never) 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q46 What are the basic counselling support tools and techniques that you use in your work with clients:

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

1 (Internal methods (programs and projects) ) 4 4% 44% 44%

2 (Consulting tools based on scientific analysis ) 2 2% 22% 67%

3 (System of standards quality creative workshops ) 2 2% 22% 89%

4 (TQM, reengineering) 0 0% 0% 89% 5 (Other:) 1 1% 11% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q46_5_text Q46 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Q47 Does your work include transfer of knowledge between experts from other regions?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Yes) 8 7% 89% 89% 2 (No) 1 1% 11% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q48 Is your institution a member of a business association, Environmental Cluster, etc.?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Yes) 4 4% 44% 44% 2 (No) 5 5% 56% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Q49 What is the current status of eco-innovative projects you`re working on or have worked on in the past?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

1 (Analytical and experimental critical function and/or characteristic proof of concept ) 1 1% 11% 11%

2 (Component and/or breadboard validation in laboratory environment ) 2 2% 22% 33%

3 (Component and/or breadboard validation in relevant environment ) 2 2% 22% 56%

4 (System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment ) 0 0% 0% 56%

5 (System prototype demonstration in an operational environment ) 1 1% 11% 67%

6 (Actual system completed and qualified through test and demonstration ) 0 0% 0% 67%

7 (Actual system proven through successful operation ) 3 3% 33% 100%

Valid Valid 9 8% 100%

Page 51: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Q51 What are the main barriers/obstacles regarding the use of public funds for financing of eco-innovations? Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Lack of knowledge of tender procedures ) 0 0% 0% 0%

2 (Lack of transparency of sources of funding ) 0 0% 0% 0%

3 (Lack of support for the development of eco-innovation ) 2 2% 25% 25%

4 (Complicated administrative and tendering procedures ) 3 3% 38% 63%

5 (Strained public budgets) 3 3% 38% 100% 6 (Limited human resource capacity ) 0 0% 0% 100% 7 (Other:) 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 8 7% 100%

Q51_7_text Q51 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Q52 Do companies you work with usually elaborate strategies on eco-innovation and do you provide support in this regard?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (They have no strategy of eco-innovation ) 4 4% 50% 50%

2 (It is necessary to enforce eco-innovation as part of their company strategy ) 4 4% 50% 100%

3 (They have a strategy of eco-innovation which is understood by their management ) 0 0% 0% 100%

4 (The strategy of eco-innovation is an integral part of the overall strategy of the company and there a clear picture ) 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 8 7% 100%

Q53 Evaluate the environmental impact of the company’s (your clients) activities.

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

1 (Companies does not deal with the environmental impacts of its activities ) 0 0% 0% 0%

2 (Companies are familiar with the laws related to ecology and are aligned with them, to the necessary extent ) 8 7% 100% 100%

3 (An Enterprises is certified according to ISO-14000 ) 0 0% 0% 100%

4 (Businesses are certified according to ISO-14000 and form an image of environmentally friendly company ) 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 8 7% 100%

Q54 How your clients provide resources for the costs arising from amendments to standards, regulations and laws in the field of quality and environmental protection?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

1 (Our clients are not willing to provide funds for such activities ) 0 0% 0% 0%

Page 52: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

2 (Resources are required and ensured only when there is a conflict with existing standards and laws ) 6 6% 75% 75%

3 (Amendments to standards and regulations are continually monitored, resources are provided for the implementation of expected modifications) 2 2% 25% 100%

Valid Valid 8 7% 100%

Q55 Ime podjetja, naslov, pravna oblika, kontaktna oseba.

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Q55a_1 Q55b_1 Q55c_1 Q55d_1

Q56 Sector identification:

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (National Authority) 4 4% 18% 18% 2 (Regional Authority) 1 1% 5% 23% 3 (Local Authority) 9 8% 41% 64% 4 (Public Enterprise ) 1 1% 5% 68% 5 (Development Agency) 2 2% 9% 77% 6 (Chamber of Commerce) 3 3% 14% 91% 7 (Other:) 2 2% 9% 100%

Valid Valid 22 20% 100%

Q56_7_text Q56 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative akcionarsko društvo 1 1% 50% 50% fond 1 1% 50% 100%

Valid Valid 2 2% 100%

Q57 What is the number of employees?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 1 1% 5% 5% 4 1 1% 5% 9% 6 1 1% 5% 14% 7 1 1% 5% 18% 14 1 1% 5% 23% 21 1 1% 5% 27% 23 1 1% 5% 32% 25 2 2% 9% 41% 30 3 3% 14% 55% 33 1 1% 5% 59% 50 1 1% 5% 64% 80 1 1% 5% 68% 82 1 1% 5% 73%

Page 53: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

127 1 1% 5% 77% 400 1 1% 5% 82% 500 1 1% 5% 86% 600 1 1% 5% 91% 800 1 1% 5% 95% 1000 1 1% 5% 100%

Valid Valid 22 20% 100%

Q58 To what extent are you familiar with the concept of "eco-innovation"?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Little) 9 8% 43% 43% 2 (Moderate) 5 5% 24% 67% 3 (Quite) 6 6% 29% 95% 4 (Fully) 1 1% 5% 100%

Valid Valid 21 19% 100%

Q59 Does your institution have experience in supporting eco-innovation?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Yes) 9 8% 43% 43% 2 (No) 12 11% 57% 100%

Valid Valid 21 19% 100%

Q60 Does your institution directly provide support in eco-innovation?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Yes) 5 5% 24% 24% 2 (No) 16 15% 76% 100%

Valid Valid 21 19% 100%

Q61 What type of support do you offer concerning the eco-innovation?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Advisory) 7 6% 37% 37% 2 (Educational) 2 2% 11% 47% 3 (Financial) 2 2% 11% 58% 4 (Institucional) 2 2% 11% 68% 5 (Other:) 6 6% 32% 100%

Valid Valid 19 17% 100%

Q61_5_text Q61 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative nista od navedenog 1 1% 33% 33% kroz projekte 1 1% 33% 67% ne nudimo 1 1% 33% 100%

Valid Valid 3 3% 100%

Q62 In the last three years, you were supporting enterprises and producers of eco-innovation in:

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Products) 1 1% 5% 5%

Page 54: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

2 (Services) 0 0% 0% 5% 3 (Work processes) 3 3% 16% 21% 4 (Technology) 7 6% 37% 58% 5 (Other:) 8 7% 42% 100%

Valid Valid 19 17% 100%

Q62_5_text Q62 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative svega navedenog 1 1% 25% 25% nismo podrzali 1 1% 25% 50% nista od ponuđenog 1 1% 25% 75% nije bilo podrske za ovaj vid msp 1 1% 25% 100%

Valid Valid 4 4% 100%

Q63 Your institution provides support for the introduction of eco-innovation:

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (On your own) 1 1% 5% 5% 2 (In coordination with other institutions ) 14 13% 74% 79%

3 (In cooperation with business enterprises ) 1 1% 5% 84% 4 (In cooperation with scientific institutes ) 0 0% 0% 84% 5 (Other:) 3 3% 16% 100%

Valid Valid 19 17% 100%

Q63_5_text Q63 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Q64 What is the status of legislation on eco-innovation in your country/region?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Q64a No legislation exists

0 16 15% 84% 84% 1 3 3% 16% 100%

Valid Valid 19 17% 100%

Q64b Legislation for supporting innovation in place

0 17 16% 89% 89% 1 2 2% 11% 100%

Valid Valid 19 17% 100%

Q64c Legislation for supporting EE, RES and recycling of raw materials in place

0 9 8% 47% 47% 1 10 9% 53% 100%

Valid Valid 19 17% 100%

Q64d Legislation exists but is not appropriately implemented nor enforced

0 15 14% 79% 79% 1 4 4% 21% 100%

Valid Valid 19 17% 100%

Page 55: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Q64e Legislation exists and is enforced

0 19 17% 100% 100% 1 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 19 17% 100%

Q65 Is an amendment of existing legislation necessary?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Yes) 16 15% 89% 89% 2 (No) 2 2% 11% 100%

Valid Valid 18 17% 100%

Q66 In your opinion is it possible to simplify financing of eco-innovation?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Not possible) 1 1% 6% 6% 2 (Little possible) 0 0% 0% 6% 3 (Moderate possible) 5 5% 28% 33% 4 (Quite possible) 12 11% 67% 100% 5 (Very possible) 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 18 17% 100%

Q67 In your opinion, did the support you provide help the advancement of green production, increase the energy efficiency and use of renewable energy?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Didn't help) 4 4% 22% 22% 2 (Little helped) 6 6% 33% 56% 3 (Moderate helped) 8 7% 44% 100% 4 (Quite helped) 0 0% 0% 100% 5 (Very helped) 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 18 17% 100%

Q68 Evaluate factors according to their impact on eco- innovation up-take (1-the smallest impact; 5 – the highest impact):

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Q68a Implemented ecological standards

1 (1 - The smallest impact) 1 1% 7% 7% 2 4 4% 29% 36% 3 3 3% 21% 57% 4 4 4% 29% 86% 5 (5 - The highest impact) 2 2% 14% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100% Q68b Improvement of green production

1 (1 - The smallest impact) 1 1% 7% 7% 2 3 3% 21% 29% 3 4 4% 29% 57% 4 5 5% 36% 93% 5 (5 - The highest impact) 1 1% 7% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Page 56: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Q68c Increasing energy efficiency

1 (1 - The smallest impact) 1 1% 7% 7% 2 3 3% 21% 29% 3 4 4% 29% 57% 4 3 3% 21% 79% 5 (5 - The highest impact) 3 3% 21% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100% Q68d The use of renewable energy

1 (1 - The smallest impact) 3 3% 21% 21% 2 1 1% 7% 29% 3 3 3% 21% 50% 4 4 4% 29% 79% 5 (5 - The highest impact) 3 3% 21% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100% Q68e Access to foreign investment

1 (1 - The smallest impact) 1 1% 7% 7% 2 3 3% 21% 29% 3 5 5% 36% 64% 4 5 5% 36% 100% 5 (5 - The highest impact) 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Q68f Cooperation with research centres and universities

1 (1 - The smallest impact) 2 2% 14% 14% 2 2 2% 14% 29% 3 5 5% 36% 64% 4 2 2% 14% 79% 5 (5 - The highest impact) 3 3% 21% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100% Q68g Cooperation with the development agencies

1 (1 - The smallest impact) 1 1% 7% 7% 2 2 2% 14% 21% 3 7 6% 50% 71% 4 2 2% 14% 86% 5 (5 - The highest impact) 2 2% 14% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100% Q68h Cooperation with chambers of commerce

1 (1 - The smallest impact) 3 3% 21% 21% 2 2 2% 14% 36% 3 5 5% 36% 71% 4 2 2% 14% 86% 5 (5 - The highest impact) 2 2% 14% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100% Q68i Participation in EU projects

1 (1 - The smallest impact) 2 2% 14% 14% 2 1 1% 7% 21% 3 3 3% 21% 43%

Page 57: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

4 6 6% 43% 86% 5 (5 - The highest impact) 2 2% 14% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Q69 What are the main challenges in your work with companies in terms of eco-innovation

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative


Lack of knowledge about the role and scope of innovation-support and environmental institutions

0 8 7% 57% 57% 1 6 6% 43% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Q69b Poor communication and delivery of internal documents

0 14 13% 100% 100% 1 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100% Q69c Lack of clients knowledge

0 12 11% 86% 86% 1 2 2% 14% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Q69d Ambiguity and misinterpretation of legislation

0 11 10% 79% 79% 1 3 3% 21% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Q69e Lack of knowledge on competition´s ecological innovations and improvements

0 10 9% 71% 71% 1 4 4% 29% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100% Q69f Other:

0 12 11% 86% 86% 1 2 2% 14% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Q69f_text Q69 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative sve navedeno 1 1% 100% 100%

Valid Valid 1 1% 100%

Q70 How often is present the so-called consultation process in your work, which involves improving the ability of companies and manufacturers to independently create and introduce eco-innovation?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Significantly) 0 0% 0% 0% 2 (Periodically) 11 10% 79% 79% 3 (Never) 3 3% 21% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Page 58: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

Q71 What are the basic counselling support tools and techniques that you use in your work with clients? Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

1 (Internal methods (programs and projects) according the clients' needs ) 7 6% 50% 50%

2 (Consulting tools based upon scientific analysis ) 2 2% 14% 64%

3 (System quality standards, creative workshops ) 4 4% 29% 93%

4 (TQM, reengineering) 0 0% 0% 93% 5 (Other:) 1 1% 7% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Q71_5_text Q71 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Q72 Evaluate the interest of your client for the work on eco-innovation? (1-smallest interest; 5 – highest interest)

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 5 5% 36% 36% 2 2 2% 14% 50% 3 5 5% 36% 86% 4 2 2% 14% 100% 5 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Q73 Does your work include transfer of knowledge between experts from other regions?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Yes) 8 7% 57% 57% 2 (No) 6 6% 43% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Q74 What is to you the current status of eco-innovative projects participating in the financing? (or What is to you the current status of eco-innovative projects currently under implementation?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

1 (On the level of concepts, ideas in the development of thinking about innovation ) 10 9% 71% 71%

2 (Preparation of the test process and / or product, the test preparations eco innovations (pre-stage) ) 3 3% 21% 93%

3 (Implementation of the eco-innovation ) 1 1% 7% 100%

4 (Monitoring, troubleshooting and preparing for the development of new models ) 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Q75 What are the main barriers/obstacles regarding the use of public funds for financing of eco-innovations?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Q75a Lack of knowledge of tender procedures

0 13 12% 93% 93%

Page 59: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

1 1 1% 7% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100% Q75b Lack of transparency of sources of funding

0 12 11% 86% 86% 1 2 2% 14% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Q75c Lack of support for the development of eco-innovation

0 8 7% 57% 57% 1 6 6% 43% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Q75d Complicated administrative and tendering procedures

0 14 13% 100% 100% 1 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100% Q75e Strained public budgets

0 10 9% 71% 71% 1 4 4% 29% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100% Q75f Limited human resource capacity

0 9 8% 64% 64% 1 5 5% 36% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100% Q75g Other:

0 13 12% 93% 93% 1 1 1% 7% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Q75g_text Q75 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative sve po malo 1 1% 100% 100%

Valid Valid 1 1% 100%

Q76 Evaluate the impact of the activities of your clients at the promotion of green production, increasing energy efficiency and consumption of renewable energy:

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

1 (Our clients are not involved in the improvement of green production, increasing energy efficiency and consumption of renewable energy sources) 7 6% 50% 50%

2 (Our clients are familiar with the laws related to ecology/energy and are aligned with them at the necessary extent ) 6 6% 43% 93%

3 (Our clients are leaders in promotion of green production, increasing energy efficiency and consumption of renewable energy ) 1 1% 7% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

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Q77 How your clients provide resources for the costs arising from amendments to standards, regulations and laws in the field of quality and environmental protection?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

1 (Our clients are not willing to provide funds (or to invest finances) for such activities) 4 4% 29% 29%

2 (Resources are required and ensured only when there is a conflict with existing standards and laws ) 8 7% 57% 86%

3 (Amendments to standards and regulations are continually monitored, resources are provided for the implementation of expected modifications) 2 2% 14% 100%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Q78 You are:

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Individual person) 36 33% 65% 65% 2 (Civil organisations) 19 17% 35% 100%

Valid Valid 55 50% 100%

Q79 Level of education:

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Primary school) 0 0% 0% 0% 2 (Secondary school) 1 1% 3% 3% 3 (College) 2 2% 6% 8% 4 (High School) 21 19% 58% 67% 5 (Master or doctorate) 12 11% 33% 100%

Valid Valid 36 33% 100%

XDS2a4 Employment status:

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Employed) 33 30% 92% 92% 2 (Unemployed) 2 2% 6% 97% 3 (Student) 0 0% 0% 97% 4 (Retired) 1 1% 3% 100%

Valid Valid 36 33% 100%

Q80 Ime podjetja, naslov, pravna oblika, kontaktna oseba.

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Q80a_1 Q80b_1 Q80c_1 Q80d_1

Q81 Identification of sector: what kind of activities is your institutions dealing with?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative podrška privredi 1 1% 6% 6%

Page 61: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

podrska privredi 1 1% 6% 12% business organizacija 1 1% 6% 18% privredna komora 2 2% 12% 29% obrazovanje 2 2% 12% 41% podrška privrednim društvima, usluge 1 1% 6% 47% edukacija 1 1% 6% 53% asocijacija 1 1% 6% 59% zaštita od grada 1 1% 6% 65% kultura 1 1% 6% 71% podrška poslovanju 1 1% 6% 76% unapredjenje privrednog ambijenta 1 1% 6% 82% nvo 1 1% 6% 88% inovatorska djelatnost 1 1% 6% 94% organizovanje inovatora u rs 1 1% 6% 100%

Valid Valid 17 16% 100%

Q82 To what extent are you familiar with the concept of "eco-innovation"?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Little) 13 12% 25% 25% 2 (Moderate) 21 19% 40% 64% 3 (Quite) 18 17% 34% 98% 4 (Fully) 1 1% 2% 100%

Valid Valid 53 49% 100%

Q83 What is most important when you choose a product or service?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Q83a Price

0 28 26% 53% 53% 1 25 23% 47% 100%

Valid Valid 53 49% 100% Q83b Functionality

0 32 29% 60% 60% 1 21 19% 40% 100%

Valid Valid 53 49% 100% Q83c Brand

0 48 44% 91% 91% 1 5 5% 9% 100%

Valid Valid 53 49% 100% Q83d Overall quality

0 16 15% 30% 30% 1 37 34% 70% 100%

Valid Valid 53 49% 100%

Q83e After purchase service (warranty, repair, customer service etc.)

0 35 32% 66% 66% 1 18 17% 34% 100%

Valid Valid 53 49% 100%

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Q83f Origin (local, national product/service)

0 33 30% 62% 62% 1 20 18% 38% 100%

Valid Valid 53 49% 100%

Q83g Environment (product/service is eco-friendly)

0 34 31% 64% 64% 1 19 17% 36% 100%

Valid Valid 53 49% 100%

Q84 How important is that the product/service is eco-friendly?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Not at all) 2 2% 4% 4% 2 (Very little) 2 2% 4% 8% 3 (Moderate) 7 6% 13% 21% 4 (Quite important) 25 23% 47% 68% 5 (Very important) 17 16% 32% 100%

Valid Valid 53 49% 100%

Q85 Is promotion and awareness raising about ecology, energy efficiency, sustainability and similar present and frequent in the public?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (It`s not present at all) 10 9% 19% 19%

2 (Present only as an accompanying element in promotion of products / services for the purpose of positioning in the market ) 40 37% 75% 94%

3 (Always present) 3 3% 6% 100% Valid Valid 53 49% 100%

Q86 Have you ever been, or are presently involved in any activity concerning innovation?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Yes) 14 13% 26% 26% 2 (No) 39 36% 74% 100%

Valid Valid 53 49% 100%

Q99 Specify in which activity are you involved concerning innovation:

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative projekat koji promoviše eko inovacije 1 1% 7% 7%

usaidov projekt koji se ticao inovacija u tehnologiji 1 1% 7% 14%

razvoj proizvoda/usluga zasnovanih na inovacijama 1 1% 7% 21%

promociju 1 1% 7% 29% razvoj novih prehrambenih proizvoda 1 1% 7% 36% energetska efikasnost 1 1% 7% 43% stručna podrška inovatorima 1 1% 7% 50% kreiranje inovativnog proizvoda 1 1% 7% 57% nove tehnologije u zaštiti od grada 1 1% 7% 64%

Page 63: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

projekte podrske inovacijama 1 1% 7% 71%

inovacije na polju tehnologija u smislu aplikacije za alarmiranje u vanrednim situacijama 1 1% 7% 79%

organizaciju inovatora republike srpske 1 1% 7% 86% razvoj inovatorske djelatnosti u rs 1 1% 7% 93%

Valid Valid 14 13% 100%

Q87 Assess the impact of incentives that affect the development of eco-innovation (1-the smallest impact; 5-the biggest impact)

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Q87a Introduction of ecological standards

1 (1 - the smallest impact) 5 5% 10% 10% 2 5 5% 10% 20% 3 20 18% 39% 59% 4 12 11% 24% 82% 5 (5 - the biggest impact) 9 8% 18% 100%

Valid Valid 51 47% 100% Q87b Liberalization of market

1 (1 - the smallest impact) 4 4% 8% 8% 2 11 10% 22% 29% 3 18 17% 35% 65% 4 16 15% 31% 96% 5 (5 - the biggest impact) 2 2% 4% 100%

Valid Valid 51 47% 100% Q87c Foreign investments

1 (1 - the smallest impact) 2 2% 4% 4% 2 7 6% 14% 18% 3 13 12% 25% 43% 4 21 19% 41% 84% 5 (5 - the biggest impact) 8 7% 16% 100%

Valid Valid 51 47% 100% Q87d Information technology

1 (1 - the smallest impact) 1 1% 2% 2% 2 2 2% 4% 6% 3 18 17% 35% 41% 4 19 17% 37% 78% 5 (5 - the biggest impact) 11 10% 22% 100%

Valid Valid 51 47% 100%

Q87e The network of research centres and universities

1 (1 - the smallest impact) 1 1% 2% 2% 2 2 2% 4% 6% 3 16 15% 31% 37% 4 21 19% 41% 78% 5 (5 - the biggest impact) 11 10% 22% 100%

Valid Valid 51 47% 100% Q87f Development agencies

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1 (1 - the smallest impact) 2 2% 4% 4% 2 11 10% 22% 25% 3 17 16% 33% 59% 4 16 15% 31% 90% 5 (5 - the biggest impact) 5 5% 10% 100%

Valid Valid 51 47% 100% Q87g Chamber of commerce

1 (1 - the smallest impact) 3 3% 6% 6% 2 3 3% 6% 12% 3 16 15% 31% 43% 4 20 18% 39% 82% 5 (5 - the biggest impact) 9 8% 18% 100%

Valid Valid 51 47% 100% Q87h Competition

1 (1 - the smallest impact) 2 2% 4% 4% 2 5 5% 10% 14% 3 14 13% 27% 41% 4 19 17% 37% 78% 5 (5 - the biggest impact) 11 10% 22% 100%

Valid Valid 51 47% 100% Q87i EU projects

1 (1 - the smallest impact) 1 1% 2% 2% 2 1 1% 2% 4% 3 12 11% 24% 27% 4 20 18% 39% 67% 5 (5 - the biggest impact) 17 16% 33% 100%

Valid Valid 51 47% 100% Q87j R&D of company

1 (1 - the smallest impact) 1 1% 2% 2% 2 8 7% 16% 18% 3 5 5% 10% 27% 4 22 20% 43% 71% 5 (5 - the biggest impact) 15 14% 29% 100%

Valid Valid 51 47% 100%

Q88 Is there any demand for eco-innovation in your local/national environment?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Not at all) 7 6% 14% 14% 2 (Very little) 32 29% 63% 76% 3 (Lot of possibillities) 12 11% 24% 100%

Valid Valid 51 47% 100%

Q89 How strong is governmental support (national, regional and local) for the development and introduction of eco-innovation?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (No support at all) 5 5% 10% 10% 2 (Weak support) 23 21% 45% 55%

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3 (Moderate) 19 17% 37% 92% 4 (Strong) 3 3% 6% 98% 5 (Very strong) 1 1% 2% 100%

Valid Valid 51 47% 100%

Q90 Do you know any company in your environment commercializing an eco-innovative product/service?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Yes) 11 10% 22% 22% 2 (No) 39 36% 78% 100%

Valid Valid 50 46% 100%

Q100 That company is:

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative zdrava logika 1 1% 9% 9% flamestick 1 1% 9% 18% entering 1 1% 9% 27% obnovljivi izvori energije 1 1% 9% 36% topling prnjavor 1 1% 9% 45% grad projekt d.o.o. banja luka 1 1% 9% 55% colorit 1 1% 9% 64% zen restoran 1 1% 9% 73% javni prijevoz pogon na plin 1 1% 9% 82% flamestik 1 1% 9% 91% nora plast 1 1% 9% 100%

Valid Valid 11 10% 100%

Q91 Which areas have the greatest potential to introduce eco innovation (1 – small potential; 5 - great potential)

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Q91a Traffic

1 (1 - small potential) 1 1% 2% 2% 2 5 5% 10% 12% 3 8 7% 16% 29% 4 16 15% 33% 61% 5 (5 - great potential) 19 17% 39% 100%

Valid Valid 49 45% 100% Q91b Agriculture

1 (1 - small potential) 0 0% 0% 0% 2 2 2% 4% 4% 3 4 4% 8% 12% 4 13 12% 27% 39% 5 (5 - great potential) 30 28% 61% 100%

Valid Valid 49 45% 100% Q91c Tourism

1 (1 - small potential) 0 0% 0% 0% 2 2 2% 4% 4% 3 11 10% 22% 27% 4 16 15% 33% 59%

Page 66: Partner national results of survey of needs REPORT · ecoinn.danube@cvtisr.sk WP3 Strategy for eco-knowledge ACTIVITY 3.1 Stakeholders map and surveying their needs DELIVEREBLE 3.1.3

5 (5 - great potential) 20 18% 41% 100%

Valid Valid 49 45% 100% Q91d Energy

1 (1 - small potential) 0 0% 0% 0% 2 2 2% 4% 4% 3 4 4% 8% 12% 4 13 12% 27% 39% 5 (5 - great potential) 30 28% 61% 100%

Valid Valid 49 45% 100% Q91e Mining

1 (1 - small potential) 0 0% 0% 0% 2 6 6% 12% 12% 3 14 13% 29% 41% 4 15 14% 31% 71% 5 (5 - great potential) 14 13% 29% 100%

Valid Valid 49 45% 100%


Heavy industry (black and non-ferrous metallurgy, machine and basic chemical industry)

1 (1 - small potential) 4 4% 8% 8% 2 5 5% 10% 18% 3 16 15% 33% 51% 4 12 11% 24% 76% 5 (5 - great potential) 12 11% 24% 100%

Valid Valid 49 45% 100% Q91g Light industry (textile, wood, food)

1 (1 - small potential) 1 1% 2% 2% 2 1 1% 2% 4% 3 17 16% 35% 39% 4 17 16% 35% 73% 5 (5 - great potential) 13 12% 27% 100%

Valid Valid 49 45% 100% Q91h Trade

1 (1 - small potential) 3 3% 6% 6% 2 8 7% 16% 22% 3 16 15% 33% 55% 4 14 13% 29% 84% 5 (5 - great potential) 8 7% 16% 100%

Valid Valid 49 45% 100% Q91i Services

1 (1 - small potential) 3 3% 6% 6% 2 6 6% 12% 18% 3 19 17% 39% 57% 4 16 15% 33% 90% 5 (5 - great potential) 5 5% 10% 100%

Valid Valid 49 45% 100% Q91j Construction

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1 (1 - small potential) 1 1% 2% 2% 2 1 1% 2% 4% 3 10 9% 20% 24% 4 20 18% 41% 65% 5 (5 - great potential) 17 16% 35% 100%

Valid Valid 49 45% 100% Q91k IT

1 (1 - small potential) 2 2% 4% 4% 2 1 1% 2% 6% 3 7 6% 14% 20% 4 19 17% 39% 59% 5 (5 - great potential) 20 18% 41% 100%

Valid Valid 49 45% 100%

Q92 How effective are media in increasing awareness on the importance of eco-innovation (1-not important at all; 5-very important)

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Q92a Tv

1 (1 - not important ) 3 3% 6% 6% 2 3 3% 6% 12% 3 8 7% 16% 29% 4 13 12% 27% 55% 5 (5 - very important) 22 20% 45% 100%

Valid Valid 49 45% 100% Q92b Radio

1 (1 - not important ) 6 6% 12% 12% 2 7 6% 14% 27% 3 15 14% 31% 57% 4 8 7% 16% 73% 5 (5 - very important) 13 12% 27% 100%

Valid Valid 49 45% 100% Q92c Digital media (internet)

1 (1 - not important ) 2 2% 4% 4% 2 1 1% 2% 6% 3 5 5% 10% 16% 4 12 11% 24% 41% 5 (5 - very important) 29 27% 59% 100%

Valid Valid 49 45% 100% Q92d Printed materials (flayers, brochures)

1 (1 - not important ) 5 5% 10% 10% 2 8 7% 16% 27% 3 19 17% 39% 65% 4 11 10% 22% 88% 5 (5 - very important) 6 6% 12% 100%

Valid Valid 49 45% 100% Q92e Scientific journals

1 (1 - not important ) 3 3% 6% 6%

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2 7 6% 14% 20% 3 13 12% 27% 47% 4 13 12% 27% 73% 5 (5 - very important) 13 12% 27% 100%

Valid Valid 49 45% 100% Q92f Social Media (facebook, twitter, etc.)

1 (1 - not important ) 2 2% 4% 4% 2 1 1% 2% 6% 3 9 8% 18% 24% 4 16 15% 33% 57% 5 (5 - very important) 21 19% 43% 100%

Valid Valid 49 45% 100% Q92g Scientific conferences

1 (1 - not important ) 2 2% 4% 4% 2 5 5% 10% 14% 3 14 13% 29% 43% 4 13 12% 27% 69% 5 (5 - very important) 15 14% 31% 100%

Valid Valid 49 45% 100% Q92h Other:

1 (1 - not important ) 2 2% 13% 13% 2 4 4% 25% 38% 3 2 2% 13% 50% 4 6 6% 38% 88% 5 (5 - very important) 2 2% 13% 100%

Valid Valid 16 15% 100%

Q92h_text Q92 (Other: ) Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative izložbe 1 1% 17% 17% izložbe i sl. 1 1% 17% 33% promocije po skolskim institucijama 1 1% 17% 50% promocije 1 1% 17% 67% akcije 1 1% 17% 83% obrazovni sistem 1 1% 17% 100%

Valid Valid 6 6% 100%

Q93 How much are organizations/companies in country successful in implementing of eco-innovation?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Not at all) 3 3% 6% 6% 2 (Little successful) 27 25% 55% 61% 3 (Moderate) 19 17% 39% 100% 4 (Quite successful) 0 0% 0% 100% 5 (Very successful ) 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 49 45% 100%

Q94 Have you recently participated in any other survey about the innovation of eco products/services?

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Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (I have never been contacted) 37 34% 76% 76% 2 (They contact me from time to time ) 12 11% 24% 100% 3 (Yes, they contact me regularly ) 0 0% 0% 100%

Valid Valid 49 45% 100%

Q95 How much is branding of eco-innovation important?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Not at all) 0 0% 0% 0% 2 (Very little) 1 1% 2% 2% 3 (Moderate) 5 5% 10% 12% 4 (Quite important) 26 24% 53% 65% 5 (Very important) 17 16% 35% 100%

Valid Valid 49 45% 100%

Q50 Thank you for taking the time to participate in the survey. Would you like to receive notifications about on-going and future project activities?

Answers Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative 1 (Yes) 34 31% 44% 44% 2 (No) 44 40% 56% 100%

Valid Valid 78 72% 100%