Part 15. Let Us Go on to Perfection

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  • 8/9/2019 Part 15. Let Us Go on to Perfection.


    Christ the Antidote regarding Death


    Part 15.


    There is an elect. ''And to those whom He thusforeordained He a!so "a!!ed# $ those whom He "a!!edHe a!so %ustified &a"uitted made ri(hteous )uttin( them into ri(ht standin( with Himse!f *+ And those

    whom He %ustified He a!so (!orified ,raisin( them to a hea-en!. di(nit. $ "ondition or state of /ein(+''

    Rom 8:30. All references are fond in the Am!lified nless other"ise stated. ''E-en ,in His !o-e0 He

    "hose us ,a"tua!!. )i"1ed us out for Himse!f as His own0 in Christ /efore the foundation of the

    wor!d+++++++++For He foreordained us &destined us )!anned in !o-e for us* to /e ado)ted &re-ea!ed* as His

    own "hi!dren throu(h 2esus Christ in a""ordan"e with the )ur)ose of His wi!! ,/e"ause it )!eased Him

    $ was His 1ind intent+0''#o" $ecase some are chosen $efore others% does not mean that &e lo'es some

    a$o'e others. (or reasons n)no"n to man*% ha'ing to do "ith or !ast e+!eriences in or e+istence. ,t

    "old seem that some are in a !lace of% shall , sa* a 'higher readiness' than others. -ne of the

    reirements of/-#/&,Pis that "e are "illing to ha'e the attitde of the t"ent* for elders $e "illing

    to cast down our crowns before His throne. e ma* as)2 hat cro"ns The the cro"ns of or o"naccom!lishments% or the cro"ns of those things "hich are the most im!ortant to s% e'en orreligious

    thinking or e'en or crownsof or in part Holy Place accomplishments. -h than) 4od that it is &is lo'e

    is correcting s% to dra" s nearer to &imself% nearer to &is throne. (or &is ltimate aim is to $ring s to

    sch a high !lace that "e "ill share &is throne. ''He who o-er"omes &is -i"torious* I wi!! (rant him to sit

    /eside me on 3. throne as I!f o-er"ame &was -i"torious* $ sat down /eside 3. Father on His

    throne+'' Re' :61.


    #o" the "ord !erfection can seem to s an almost frightening "ord% $t the most comforting

    "onderfl trth is that or 4od /a'ior is not onl* a !erfect 4od% $t &e is also a 4od of !erfection%

    those "ho "old sa* other"ise do not% as *et% )no" &im. As "e come to the !lace that "e allo" the

    Christ to ta)e fll !ossession of or li'es% in other "ords that "e allo" 'his identity, to become our

    identity' there is no longer 7myself & Christ', ess stated that 'I and 3. Father are One' so &e as or

    elder $rother is $ringing s to the e+act same e+!erience% "hen "e too can sa* "ith or $rother Pal 4It is

    no !on(er I that !i-es /ut Christ that !i-es in me+5 Then "e too are entering into that !erfection% not onl*

    in or nderstanding% $t into the realit* of "hat actall* is alread* a fact "as accom!lished $oth on

    the cross in the resrrection% to go a little frther also too) !lace in the mind of 4od or the 'Godhead'

    earlier2 as far as 4od "as concerned this "as accom!lished from the fondation of the "orld "hich is

    attested $* the fact of the 'the !am/ s!ain from the foundation of the wor!d+' Re' 13:8. 9.


    -nce again there are three stages in or e+!erience% Passo'er the flesh understanding & it's activity,' &ol*

    Place the understanding & activity of the soul, The ;ost &ol* Place the understanding of the spirit & it's

    activity. The flfilment of this e+!erience in s is nothing short of !erfection 'His perfection, by His

    grace.' Please let me sa* this% "e "ill ne'er for"eor "a* into this e+!erience% it "ill come onl* in

    hmilit* $* the grace of 4od. , "old li)e s no" to to consider this 'erse. ''In those times man. sha!!

    rise u) a(ainst 1in( of the of the South &E(.)t* a!so the men of-io!en"e amon( .our own )eo)!e sha!!!ift themse!-es u) in order to fu!fi! the -isions ,of 6an+9 $ :0 /ut the. sha!! fai! $ fa!!+'' Dan 11:1. ,n

    this 'erse "e are told that some "ill tr* to $ring the 'isions that "e ha'e $een gi'en in Daniel to !ass

    otside of the grace of 4od. ''The ;in(dom of God is /ein( )rea"hed $ stri-es -io!ent!. to (o

    in ,wou!d for"e his own wa. rather than God's wa. into it0+''

  • 8/9/2019 Part 15. Let Us Go on to Perfection.


    Christ the Antidote regarding Death

    We must remember that in every plan that God has it re!uires His Divine intervention"

    ''And when the da. of Pente"ost hadFULL7"ome the. wereALLassem/!ed to(ether in ONE)!a"e


    A uotation from a Great Forerunner Geor(e Hawtin+

    Pentecost in any man's life should be one of the initial e!periences of his progress towards son"ship. #t

    should be the alpha & not the omega, the beginning rather than the end. Pentecost is really the earnest ofour inheritance$ it is not the inheritance itself. @!h.1:1. %he word here rendered, ()*%, in the Greek

    means$ a pledge, a part of the purchase money or property given in advance as security for the rest. +ong

    ago in #srael when one man bought a piece of land from another, the seller removed his shoe from his foot,

    filled it with the soil, & gave it to the buyer, signifying that the land was now his possession &

    inheritance. Rth.:B. %his shoe full of soil was called the earnest of the inheritance. %hat is what the

    baptism of the Holy *pirit really is. Pentecost is the earnest or a foretaste of a great inheritance to come.

    +et us not miss this fact, however. %he earnest of the inheritance contained in minute form the ualities of

    the inheritance, & on that glorious Pentecost about two thousand years ago there was an -P)

    H). %he sounds of a rushing mighty wind came from heaven. %ongues of fire came from heaven &

    filled the waiting believers. %hose assembled that glorious day had their spiritual senses awakened. %hey

    saw the heavenly fire$ they heard the heavenly wind as the Holy *pirit swept over them. %hey felt the glory


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    Christ the Antidote regarding Death

    through their mortal bodies until they staggered about as drunken men full of the wine of the heavenly

    Canaan. %hey were men transformed because they tasted of the blessing & the glory & the power of

    another world, a heavenly world, & the world of their heavenly citi/enship. s they walked in the glory of

    that earnest of their inheritance, nothing could stand before them. )othing could gainsay or resist them.

    %he shadow of Peter healed the sick. ngels descended from the glory world to open their prisons & set

    them free. Acts. 5:1. Dead "ere raised to life, demons scampered away to the nether regions, &multitudes were converted to Christ. ll this was but the beginning. #t is not the end. 0e do not need

    another Pentecost, which was the arnest of our inheritance. 0 12*% )-0 P-**** %H

    #)H(#%)C #%*+3""" our spiritual Canaan, our heavenly citi/enship.

    %he e!cellence of the realm of which we speak may seem to cast a shadow of doubt over our minds, for

    tradition has not taught us to e!pect these glories here & now as part of our inheritance, but has taught us

    rather to e!pect them after death in some far distant day. 4ut for the sake of faith & hope that maketh not

    ashamed, the word of God is replete with 1any 0itnesses of men & women who, while here on this earth,

    walked in the light of an -pen Heaven, having all their spiritual senses wide awake to see, hear, taste

    touch & feel & smell the effulgent glory of an open heaven.5 note.

    A Pre)ared Son

    ,n the da*s $efore the $irth of ;oses the ,sraelites had come into $ondage $elie'e it or not 4od had !t

    them there2 as also a similar thing had ha!!ened "hen the children of ,srael "ere ta)en ca!ti'e in the da*s

    of Daniel it "as the "ill of 4od. h* @'en a!art from the direct "ill of 4od% the ord tells s that

    'what we sow we rea)'% in the @ast the* ha'e a name that descri$es this almost to a T it is called 9AR;A.

    #o" it did not matter ho" mch ,srael )ic)ed $c)ed% sent @>mail messages to each other or "hate'er

    else% it "as not going to change the !lan of 4od one iota4-D CA/@D ,T 50 *ears "as the time on

    4od7s agenda. -ne good thing it did accom!lish thogh% it made them more 4od conscios in the

    !rescri$ed time of $ondage% man*% man* hors "ere s!ent in calling ot to 4od for deli'erance. 4odheard them e'en $efore the* "ere ta)en ca!ti'e the* "ere not going to $e deli'ered ntil God raised

    up His servant #ho He #as preparin$. #o" this;A#"as in their midst for some time hidden a"a*

    $eing !re!ared% most of ,srael "ere totall* na"are of the sitation. , re!eat ;-/T -( ,/RA@

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    Christ the Antidote regarding Death

    "anted to change one "ord of the a$o'e 'erses. (or in them there is an nderl*ing !rinci!le that a!!lies

    e'en to s toda*2 one is ATT,TD@ the other is trsting 4od in all sitations "ithot retaliation. ''For

    from Him $ throu(h Him $ to Him are a!! thin(s+'' Rom.11:3=a. ,n the largel* s!ercilios religiosit*

    "e find toda*% the* are sho"ing the same reasoning7s reactions of the most nchristian !eo!le of the

    "orld. ,n the last edition of 7(rom the Candlestic) to the Throne7 Part 101% "ritten $* or dear . Preston

    @$*. &e ma)es mention of en?amin >> The /on of the Right &and. hich re!resents the $right side of4od% the side "hich the o$edient sons e+!erience. &e also mentions the left hand of 4od% the "ord for left

    is smow! /TR-#4/ E800% meaning the dar1 side of 4od. #o" thisdar1 side is "hat &e re'ealed to

    ,srael% "hen &e actall* $roght a$ot their ca!tre. h* (or their e'ental good !rging2 all of the

    doings of 4od are done in lo'e% mch li)e a lo'ing natral father mst !erform at times to his $elo'ed son

    or daghter% sometimes as mch as it hrts the father% for the ftre "elfare of the child% correction mst

    $e meted ot. t at the time of correction all the offs!ring can see is a dar1 side of the father "hich can

    sometimes $e misinter!reted. e also can misinter!ret this dar1 side of 4od to $e e'il% as e'il is

    generally understood. t this is not soF The nderstanding of 'good & evil' to the a'erage mind is not

    ite all that "e ha'e ! to date !ercei'ed it seems that there is more *et to $e nco'ered than "hat "e

    ha'e heretofore nderstood.#o" if there is one thing that 4od is teaching s in all of this% it is fond in

    this ote% "hich "as "ritten $* a man "ho li'ed in the 1800s% after he had "ritten his translation of the

    "oman ta)en in adlter*%

    I te!! .ou men if .ou wou!d CENSURE not ti!! .ou are free from sin the wor!d wou!d soon for(et the

    meanin( of the wordACCUSE6+

    hilst "e are retrning evil for evil it is not doing one good thing for or character. e in this

    "onderfl contr* of Astralia% ha'e% in com!arison to the man* 7Third orld7 contries had it mch

    easier than most. -ne of or nic)names is 7The lc)* Contr*7 if an*one tries to change or "a* of

    sheel be right mateor lets thro" a sasage on the $ar$ie lets o!en a fe" cans lets dro"n ot or

    conscience% it "old $e met "ith%'to say the least'disa!!ro'al. #o" !lease do not read me "rongl* as ,lo'e this contr* , lo'e a $ar$ie the general -ssie, , lo'e to go to the sho!!ing centres

    ;cDonald7s "atch chat "ith the families the children% man* times , tr* to 'ie" them as ,

    $elie'e 4od "old 'ie" them. t the ma?orit* ha'e not onl* forgotten% $t ignored 4od &is sal'ation.

    e are in a 'er* similar sitation that ,srael "as in se'eral times in her !ast e+istence. The estion is. Do

    "e $elie'e that 4od lo'es s enogh to do something a$ot or letharg* com!lacenc* -ne thing that

    got m* attention *ears ago as a 'know it all' teenager% "as a $c)et of cold "ater% it not onl* got m*

    attention ic) smart% $t it also $roght me to m* senses% cased me to consider ite dee!l* m*

    $eha'ior attitde. Go ma* as) "hat are *o leading ! to ;* thoght is this% that sometimes

    "hether it $e a !erson or a #ation% if "e are in either s!irital $lindness% listlessness% re$ellion or

    dro"siness% or ha'e an attitde of 7sheel $e right mate7% it needs DRA/T,C ACT,-#. #o" "hen this 7drastic

    action7 is ta)en as in the case of ,srael it affected $oth the good the $ad2 Daniel his threecontem!oraries "ere inclded in the ca!tre !nishment "hat "as their reaction. Did the* re$el

    against the "ill of 4od in the sitation #o the* "ere of A 4--D ATT,TD@%$t also held fast to their

    !rinci!les. , $elie'e that the %Islamisation o& theWest%is a 'er* similar thing to "hat ha!!ened to ,srael.

    4od allo"ed them to "in most of their $attles &,mails to one another instead of$eing s!iritall* minded a$ot things. Considering the life of Pal "hat did he ha'e in mind "hen &e

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    Christ the Antidote regarding Death

    "rote ''For I ha-e !earned how to /e "ontent &satisfied to the )oint where I am not distur/ed or

    disuieted* in whatsoe-er state I am+'' Phil.: 11$. as it ?st in the &igh times -f corse notF This is all

    !art of trsting 4od. , $elie'e that 4od is right no" re'ealing &is !eft hand not onl* to the n$elie'ers $t

    also to the so called $elie'ers "ho are !rod lifted ! are not *et in ste! "ith "hat 4od is doing


    8eho!d I ma1e .ou as God to Pharaoh+@+.B:1.

    ''The Lord .our God wi!! raise u) for .ou a )ro)het &Pro)het* from the midst of .our /rethren !i1e me

    ,3oses0# to him .ou sha!! !isten+'' Det. 18:15. This not onl* a!!lied to or 6o not e-en the ta? "o!!e"tors do that> And if .ou (reet on!. .our

    /rethren what more than others are .ou doin(> 6o not e-en the Genti!es &the heathen* do that> 7ou

    therefore must 8E PERFECT ,(rowin( into "om)!ete maturit. of (od!iness in mind $ "hara"ter

    ha-in( rea"hed the )ro)er hei(ht of -irtue $ inte(rit.0 as .our hea-en!. father is )erfe"t+'' ;t.5:3>8.

    Do "e thin) that these 'Is!ami"'!eo!le are e+em!t from the lo'e of 4od Did an* of s lead an* of those

    "ho "ere in o!!osition to Christ $* o!!osing them "ith or natral emotions #-% #-% #-%it "as lo'e

    concern !ra*er% if an* of s are o!!osing "hat , am sa*ing% then "e are still #D@R T&@

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    Christ the Antidote regarding Death


    The $oo) of &a$a))) if loo)ed at closel* is an end time book as "ell as for the da* of the "riter. hen

    he tells s that the 'ision "e are going to loo) at% is *et for an a!!ointed time% it is as man* other

    !ro!hecies% it is a t"o fold one% one for then one for toda*% also "hen "e read. ,n cha!ter 6:. ''For the

    -ision is .et for an a))ointed time $ it hastens to the end ,fu!fi!ment0# it wi!! not de"ei-e or disa))oint+Thou(h it tarr. wait ,earnest!.0 for it it wi!! not /e /ehindhand on its a))ointed da.+'' This a!!lied not

    onl* to this 'erse 1. ''8ut ,the time is "omin( when0 the earth sha!! /e fi!!ed with the 1now!ed(e of the

    (!or. of the Lord as the waters "o-er the sea+'' $t also to "hat *o are ne+t% a$ot to read.

    Cha!.1:5>13.. ''Loo1 around ,.ou Ha/a11u1 re)!ied the Lord0 amon( the nations $ seeB And /e

    astonishedB AstoundedB For I am )uttin( into effe"t a wor1 in .our da.s ,su"h0 that .ou wou!d not

    /e!ie-e it if it were to!d .ou+ + For /eho!d I am rousin( u) the Cha!deans that /itter $ im)etuous

    nation who mar"h throu(h the /readth of the earth to ta1e )ossession of dwe!!in( )!a"es that do not

    /e!on( to them+ D+,The Cha!deans are terri/!e $ dreadfu!# their %usti"e $ di(nit. )ro"eed ,on!.0 from

    themse!-es+ 9+ Their horses a!so are swifter than !eo)ards $ are fier"er than the e-enin( wo!-es $

    their horsemen s)read themse!-es $ )ress on )roud!.# .es their horsemen "ame from afar# the. f!. !i1e

    an ea(!e that hastens to de-our+ :+ The. a!! "ome for -io!en"e# their fa"es turn ea(er!. forward $ the.

    (ather )risoners to(ether !i1e sand+ + The. s"off at 1in(s $ ru!ers are a derision to them+ The.

    ridi"u!e e-er. stron(ho!d for the. hea) u) dust ,for earth mounds0 $ ta1e it+ + Then the. swee) /.

    !i1e a wind $ )ass on $ the. !oad themse!-es with (ui!t ,as do a!! men0 whose own )ower is their (od+

    + Are not .ou from e-er!astin( O Lord m. God m. Ho!. One> 0 For I "onsider that the sufferin(s of this )resent time &this )resent !ife* are not


  • 8/9/2019 Part 15. Let Us Go on to Perfection.


    Christ the Antidote regarding Death

    worth /ein( "om)ared with the (!or. that is a/out to /e re-ea!ed to us $ in us $ for us $ "onferred on

    us+ For ,e-en the who!e0 "reation &a!! nature* waits e?)e"tant!. $ !on(s earnest!. for God's sons to /e

    made 1nown ,waits for the re-ea!in( the dis"!osin( of their son@shi)0++++++++That nature &"reation* itse!f

    wi!! /e set free from its /onda(e to de"a. $ "orru)tion ,$ (ain an entran"e0 into the (!orious freedom

    of God's "hi!dren+

  • 8/9/2019 Part 15. Let Us Go on to Perfection.


    Christ the Antidote regarding Death

    third realm understanding insist onfindin( our !ife in the leaven realm loo) for e+cses H whether it be

    scriptural or otherwise " "e "ill al"a*s find them% $t )no" this that the the fi'e foolish 'irgins had no "

    :;;< sold out "third realm -,< in them. ,nterestingl* the !ara$le of the &ive #ise ( the &ive &oolish is

    not no#' as "e ha'e al"a*s thoght in the Pentecostal "a* of thin)ing. ,t no" ta)es on a higher

    !erce!tion in the third le'el of nderstanding% also "e no" realise that if this is an end time !ara$le% it

    mst incor!orate the third realm conce!t. ,t ne'er ceases to amaIe me the e+cses that or mistakenidentity can di$ up"hen it "ants to !reser'e itself. e again re!eat the a$o'e 'erse this time from the

    Am!lified2 '' 'A!! sou!s are 3ine'+ @'en thogh it ma* seem acti'e or inacti'e to /F ,n the case of the 10

    'irgins the meaning is a higher one.

    ,n Re'.1:. ''These are the. who ha-e not defi!ed themse!-es /. re!ations with women for the. are

    ,)ure as0 -ir(ins+ These are the. who fo!!ow the !am/ where-er He (oes+ These are the. who ha-e /een

    ransomed &)ur"hased redeemed* from amon( men as the firstfruitsfor God $ the Lam/+''#o" in the

    case of the 10 'irgins% the* "ere all se!arated from the mainline "orldl* "a* of thin)ing% "ere also allin the '1ost Holy Place'"hich in itself as "e "ill see% "as 7not enou(h' to $e in the 5 "ise gro!+ These

    10 'irgins ''fo!!ow the Lam/ where-er He (oes''"hich "e "old eate "ith ''as man. as areLE6/.

    the s)irit of God the. are the son's of God'' #o" as "e !roceed )ee! "ell in mind that the "hole 10%

    "ere 'irgins.

    erse. 6. ''Fi-e of them were foo!ish &thou(ht!ess without forethou(ht* $ fi-e were &sensi/!e

    inte!!i(ent $ )rudent*+'' e "ill not ela$orate on this 'erse as it is ite !lain enogh.

    erse. 3. ''For when the foo!ish too1 their !am)s the. did not ta1e an.,ETRA0oi! with them+'' The*

    all needed oil $t in this end>time cha!ter 4od is a$ot to choose his @

  • 8/9/2019 Part 15. Let Us Go on to Perfection.


    Christ the Antidote regarding Death

    loo)ing at this 'erse in &e$. :8. ''8. this the Ho!. S)irit )oints out that the wa. into the ,true Ho!. of

    Ho!ies is not .et thrown o)en as !on( as the former ,the outer )ortion of the0 ta/erna"!e remains a

    re"o(nised institution $ is sti!! standin(+'' To !t it !lainl*% to $e !art of the fi'e "ise "e first of all need

    to come ot of the 'Holy Place' consciosness "hich is a 7God & #' consciosness into a oneness

    consciosness of 'I and m. Father ARE ONE' "hilst that do$le in part consciosness e+ists it "ill

    contine to hold s $ac). ''Let us (o on to )erfe"tion+'' The Christ consciosness as o!!osed to or o"nmind "hich is or 7;,/TA9@# ,D@#T,TG.7

    erse. . ''8ut the wise too1 f!as1s of oi! a!on( with them ,a!so0 with their !am)s+'' These had !lent* of

    'the s)irit of truth' oil% in other "ords @JTRA -,

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    Christ the Antidote regarding Death

    .ou0+'' -ne translation has )indl* stated thatHe did not know them intimately. e see another instance

    "here these e+act "ords "ere sed in ;t.B: 61>63. ''Not e-er. one who sa.s to me Lord Lord wi!!

    enter the 1in(dom of hea-en /ut he who does the wi!! of m. father And then wi!! I sa. to them o)en!. &)u/!i"!.* I NE=ER1new

    .ou# de)art from 3e .ou who a"t wi"1ed!. ,6ISREGAR6ING 3. "ommands0+'' , "old li)e to !resentfor *or consideration that some did not contine in the re'elation )no"ledge of di'ine Christ

    consciousness retained or re'erted to''the former ,the outer )ortion of the0 ta/erna"!e as a re"o(nised

    institution+'' &e$ :8$% or the mistaken identity the , and 4od duality consciousness.
