••• and Mope Choices in Electroless Nickell LDW- PHDS il er 5000 i a l ow (1-4% phos) el ectrol ni kel for high " as depo it ed" ha rdne . Unif orm, versatil e! U se on alloy t eel, cera mi , hundred of s ub trat e! uperior tability, and solde rabilit y. MI L-C-26074, AM -2 404 and AM -24 058. MID- PHDS HI - PHDS i/er 85 - mi-bnght; Ideal for high c orro Ion re is tan e with ex e ll ent dudilit . Pla t unlforml '; de po its on t eel, t ai nl ,a luminum, opper a llo) ,t itan ium, m agnesium ber yl lium Pa se the nitric a id t est. lit ec 85 u a n n- ulfur tabilizer . Test I tee perfor mance 011 your c omponents l C all the He aLba/h nswer Ne/work today to arran e procesSing. or for detail and d ocumcntahon 011 the ita pr ocesses (413) 543-3381 il ee 75 and ( pH-regula/ ed ) il er 95 - 101V co t per ml sq. ft ! ta bl e and pl at e-out r i tant. Cont amina ti on-tolera nt. 6- 1 0% pho phoru s; id eal over a luminum. Ni/ ee 9000 - Pla t es at a fast 0 .8-11 ml s/hour, depo iting a very bright coating on t ee I, P .o. Box 2978 copper, brass, al umi num and olher sub trat es. Except ional ha rdnesses as plat ed, with mid to l ow phosphorus c ont ent. Run the ease of a mid-phos , with hardness and wear equal to the finest low phos. pringfield, MA 01102 F ax: ( 41 3) 43-2 78 www.hea tba th. com C hicago ' DetrO it Circle 026 on reader information card formance with a variety of liquid coatings. The guns are designed 10 with Nordson's proprietary Cross- Cut and dome nozzles. Cross-Cut nozzles atomize coating materials at lower pressures, achieving a softer, more controllable spray that results in minimal overspray and improved transfer efficiency. The lightweight, durable guns are constrUGted of high-strength- engineered thermoplastic materi- als. The gun handle is ergonomi- cally designed and the swivel fit- ting at the base of the gun handle provides greater flexibility and operator comfort. Circle 422 on the reader service card .AIMT ....... Oakite Products Inc., Berkeley Heights, N.J. Oakite Gardostrip liquid paint stripper offers metal finishers and coaters a fast, safe, and effective option to stripping tenacious coat- ings, in sheets, from virtually all metals, including aluminum. Gar- dostrip, a unique blend of water, surface-active agents, nonhazard- ous solvents, activators, and in- hibitors, quickly removes paint films from most ferrous and non- ferrous metals in 30 minutes or less in most cases. The stripper operates at low temperatures (140-180°F) and strips most coat- ings in sheets for easy removal. Used full-strength in an immer- sion process, the stripper has no flash point and good rinsability. Free of chlorinated solvents and phenols, Gardostrip is biodegrad- able, worker-safe, and environ- mentally friendly. Circle 423 on the reeder service CIIrd V .... D ........ Serec Corp., Providence, R.I. Serec's complete line of environ- mentally safe, patented airless vapor degreasing systems thor- oughly clean and dry precision metal parts as small as O.OlO-in. I.D., while reclaiming and reusing up to 95% of solvents. Seree Air- less Vapor Degreasing Systems feature a closed-loop system that uses organic solvents in their va- por or liquid state to clean and fully dry metal surfaces. Elimi- nating fugitive emissions to <10 ppm upon opening the cleaning chamber, these custom systems provide control of every step of the cleaning process for complete Metal Finishing

Paint stripper

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Page 1: Paint stripper

••• and Mope Choices in Electroless Nickell LDW-PHDS iler 5000 i a low (1-4% phos) electrol ni kel for

high "as depo ited" hardne . Uniform, semi - brigh~ versatile! Use on alloy teel , cerami , hundred of sub trate ! uperior tability, and solderability. MIL-C-26074, AM -2404 and AM -24058.


HI-PHDS i/er 85 - mi-bnght; Ideal for high corro Ion

re istan e with ex ellent dudilit . Plat unlforml '; depo its on teel, tainl , aluminum, opper allo) , titanium, magnesium beryllium

Pa se the nitric a id test. litec 85 u a n n- ulfur tabilizer.

Test Itee performance 011 your componentsl Call the HeaLba/h nswer Ne/work today to arran e ~mple procesSing. or for detail and documcntahon 011 the ita processes

(413) 543-3381 ilee 75 and (pH-regula/ed) iler 95 - 101V

co t per ml sq.ft! table and plate-out r i tant. Contamination-tolerant. 6-10% pho phorus; ideal over aluminum.

Ni/ee 9000 - Plates at a fast 0.8- 11 mls/hour, depo iting a very bright coating on tee I,

~U~~J~~~~ P.o. Box 2978

copper, brass, aluminum and olher sub trates. Exceptional hardnesses as plated, with mid to low phosphorus content. Run ~ the ease of a mid-phos, with hardness and wear equal to the finest low phos.

pringfield, MA 01102 Fax: (41 3) 43-2 78 www.heatbath.com Chicago ' DetrOit •

Circle 026 on reader information card

formance with a variety of liquid coatings. The guns are designed


with Nordson's proprietary Cross­Cut and dome nozzles. Cross-Cut nozzles atomize coating materials at lower pressures, achieving a softer, more controllable spray that results in minimal overspray and improved transfer efficiency. The lightweight, durable guns are constrUGted of high-strength­engineered thermoplastic materi­als. The gun handle is ergonomi-

cally designed and the swivel fit­ting at the base of the gun handle provides greater flexibility and operator comfort. Circle 422 on the reader service card

.AIMT ....... Oakite Products Inc., Berkeley Heights, N.J.

Oakite Gardostrip liquid paint stripper offers metal finishers and coaters a fast, safe, and effective option to stripping tenacious coat­ings, in sheets, from virtually all metals, including aluminum. Gar­dostrip, a unique blend of water, surface-active agents, nonhazard­ous solvents, activators, and in­hibitors, quickly removes paint films from most ferrous and non­ferrous metals in 30 minutes or less in most cases. The stripper operates at low temperatures (140-180°F) and strips most coat­ings in sheets for easy removal. Used full-strength in an immer­sion process, the stripper has no flash point and good rinsability. Free of chlorinated solvents and phenols, Gardostrip is biodegrad­able, worker-safe, and environ­mentally friendly. Circle 423 on the reeder service CIIrd

V .... D ........ ~ Serec Corp., Providence, R.I.

Serec's complete line of environ­mentally safe, patented airless vapor degreasing systems thor­oughly clean and dry precision metal parts as small as O.OlO-in. I.D., while reclaiming and reusing up to 95% of solvents. Seree Air­less Vapor Degreasing Systems feature a closed-loop system that uses organic solvents in their va­por or liquid state to clean and fully dry metal surfaces. Elimi­nating fugitive emissions to <10 ppm upon opening the cleaning chamber, these custom systems provide control of every step of the cleaning process for complete

Metal Finishing