One Hundred Early American Paintings

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  • 8/12/2019 One Hundred Early American Paintings


    One Hundred Early American Paintings

    Source: Fine Arts Journal, Vol. 37, No. 1 (Jan., 1919), pp. 41-42Published by:Stable URL:

    Accessed: 16/06/2014 09:16

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  • 8/12/2019 One Hundred Early American Paintings


    a .00 10'0o 0 0gl 0D 0oI 0 0" 0M0000M . 0NO0 0IM 0MO WNO K0 0MO0 0X0 0oK 0 0 0Ko0 obO0K. I . a(00o

    CRICHTON BROS.of LondonGOLDSMITHS and SILVERSMITHSB ~~~~BYnnM ws ,t~~~' 'MIUuRJE? In Chicago: 622, S. Michigan Avenue f~~~~~~In Neow York: El36, Fifth AvenueIn London: 22, Old Bond Street000 ? LD ENGLISH SILVER TEA AND COFFEE SER00 ItJ VICES and single pieces from importanto English Collections acquired by the LondonHouse and forwarded to our New York and ChicagoGalleries, are sold at London prices, being free of00 duty. REPRODUCTIONS in*hand-wrought silvergo are offered at moderate prices. The Reproductions00 are limited -in many instances bu.t one of an important piece or service comes to theUnited States.

    All goods purchased of Crichton Bros.00 . are delivered express charges pre- 0paid throughout the United States. S0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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    One Hundred Early AmericanPa i n t i n g s

    IN a recently ublishedvolumeeintitled,"One Hundred Early American Paintillgs," which has just been issued by the

    E_lhrichGalleries, New York, we have abook which will be of universal interest notonly to the students of eairly Americanpainting but to all students of Americana.The hundred paintings,splendidly illustrated in this handsomely botund volume areall pictures which have passed through thelhanids of the Ehrich Galleries; many ofthlem have gone tomuseums or importantpriNrate collectionis. A few of the picturesare still in their possession. Of particulariniterest to the serious student is the list ofartists in the back part of this volume, giving the dates of birth and death of some 250

    artists, the largest anid miost coml)lete listof its kind to date.The selectionfor reprodtuctionncltudesa group. of pictures which are truly representative of the artists included in the book.The portrait by BenjamiinlWest in the possession of the Cliicago Art Institute is oneof his finest wvorks. It is a pictturewvortlhof almost any artist of his time. Benjamiin\West,as iswell known, wras born inAmierica, Nvent to Englanid, there became presi(lent of the Royal Academy and Nvasverv

    muclh appreciated in his day. Almiiost all oftheAmerican painter-swvhowvent toLondonto study vere befriendedl and ta-uglhtbyhiim. Another interesting plhase of his artis the "Return fromi the Promised Land"

    This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 09:16:43 AMAll use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions
  • 8/12/2019 One Hundred Early American Paintings


    Illlliiiiillllilllliiiillllliiiiilllliiiiilllliiiiilllliiiiilll'ARL1' AllaIERICHAAFAIATTIATGS

    Dealers in "Old Masters" Exclusively707FIFTH AVE. at 55th Street EW YORK

    -nS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~BABARA.,C, i)l(ISS 01' ClWViiAND)- 1Y SIRt PET]ER ILELY (II168()168SlZE, OF CANVAS 47V"x 40(

    "A sieetofit will defyyouto p-itout of bu Csinss'-A loxozKimba11.W1~ATER COLO R paper always maeans 'Whatm n""t me and a hot pressed sheet of itwill standany%thingnd defyyou toput it ut of butsiness. I know,for 've enjoyed using it and it's a good. reliablefriend."To ask me what think nd know-about 'Whatman'is like asking me what I know about 'Sterling' orwhether 2x2=4. They are in the same category. I'vebeen brought up toknow that all three re proved factsin theirdifferent ines and all three can be dependedun o n. To advertise'Whatman' it is onlynecessary to write aneulogy on water-colorpaper.

    DRAWING APERS-for a century nd a halt the preferredpaper ofmnsterand student alike.Get-st your dealer's-the kind thatwill best bringotityouir echnilue.H. REEVE ANGEL & CO., Inc., 7.11 SpruceSt.,NewYorkSole lmporters or theUnited Statesand Canada

    owined bly the 1-lackleyGallery of Fiine Airts,Muskegon. Michi. Twvo of the interestingearlier pictuires rielresenited aare the portraitof Theodlor-e Atkinson bv1y-3lacklburil,wnedlljy the \Vorcester- .A\rt uluseumi nd the portrait of Lady W/Villianislid Child by RalphE4 rl in theMetrol)olitan -Museumn f Art,N e\vYork City. Cliarles W/Villson eale isrepresented by the liand(somie l)ortrait ofCommodore Niclholsoni, an unusually filneexamlple. John Singleton Copley, wlhop.)tinted milany)' inlter estilig l)ortraits in Bostoli and later established himiiwself in E'nuglan, iS reselste(I 1))bthe splendid lpailltillng f Baron New\haven. Thomias Sully,\VIloseactivity laste(l so long inAmiiericanl)aiiitinig, is \well represelited by ten illustrations in the book, of whiCih we liavechioseni the filnepainting of Mrs. I ingenl inthleArt finstittite, hicago, and the clialinig sketch of I-\uitSabina." Besides the

    wvell-kno\wnpainters ther-e re a number ofthe lesser-kn-iowni mell, whose wvorks are interestinio from11he hlistorical poinlt of viewas \wvells the artistic; amonig these \we iiaymention NIlathier rown, Ezrca Amies, 'Daniiel D)ickinson, Asher l1ro\n Durand, J-ohlclkstein, etc., etc.Tlhe initerest in Early- Aimericanl paintershas nlo dotubt beenl considerably stimllEtiatedby- the E'hlrich G(alleries who hlave (lul-iiigthe l)ast twenty years given mian)y exhibit:ions of examples by tilese interestiio' artists. It is surl)rising that it has taken the

    American 1)ublic so miiany yeal-s to al)l)recite the importance of these earl pallinter-sand the place whIiich tlheyoccuppy in the hiistory anid development o f our couiitrv'.Whliflemany of the early artists stutidied

    abr-oad anid were very milulch ililutieniced bythe Einglislh iSth Centtur-y painters, tlheylhave remiiaineddistilnctl)yAmerican aniidarein nio senise imitator-s or copyists of thieirbetter-known Eu ropean conitemiiporaries.

    NEWCOMB, MACKLIN CO., NorthwestCorner State and Kinzie Streets, ChicagoPicture Frames. Headquarters for correctPicture Framing, Restoring and Regilding.Phone Cent. 5215.

    This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 09:16:43 AM

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