ON THE 100th ANNIVERSARY OF THE DIRTH OF V. I. LENIN In accordance with the plan for preparation for the 1O0th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin, guided by the resolutions of the 23rd Party Congress and those of the plenums of the Central Committee of the CPSU for all possible acceleration of technical progress, as well as the resolutions of the third plenum of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Medical Workers, and the College of the Ministry of the Medical Industry, it was decided to conduct an All-Union social exam- ination of the introduction of new technology, increasing the mechanical level of production and the quality of mamffactured articles, developed by the scientific research and design and planning organizations and manufactured by the enterprises of the Ministry of the Medical Industry, this examination will be conducted jointly with the Ministry of Health of the USSR, the D. I. Mendeleev All-Union Chemical Society, and the All-Union Medical-TechnicalSociety. The Presidium of the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Medical Workers and the College of the Ministry of the Medical Industry call upon the groups of the enterprises, sovk- hozes, and organizations to participate actively in the examination and thereby accelerate the development of the medical industry in accordance with the resolutions of the Fourth Session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, ~On the State of Medical Aid to the Population and Measure- ments for the Improvement of Public Health in the USSR," and the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR, ~Measures for the Further Improvement of Public Health and the Development of Medical Science. ~ RESOLUTION on conducting an All-Union social examination of the introduction of new technology, increas- ing the level of production and quality of manufactured articles in the medical industry. I. Tasks of the Examination The All-Union social examination is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Lenin and is directed toward increasing the creative initiative and activity of scientists, engineering and technical workers, working in andservicing the enterprises and sovkhozes, scientific research and design and plann- ing organizations of the medical industry for the fulfillment of the tasks defined by the resolutions of the 23rd Party Congress, for all possible development, utilization, and introduction into production of the new- est achievements of science and technology, raising the technical level and quality of production for the most complete possible provision of the public health agencies and population of the country with high-qua- lity modern drugs and articles of medical technology, for prophylaxis, diagnosis, and treatment. The republican, district, regional, Moscow City, factory, local, and workers committees of the Trade Union of Medical Workers, primary organizations and branch sections of the scientific and technical or- ganizations, all the workers at the enterprises and organizations of the medical industry should participate directly in fulfilling the plans for the development of new technology, the most rapid possible introduction into production of the achievements of science and technology, and further improvement of the quality of production and strengthening of the technology discipline. In the course of the social examination, the republican, district, regional, Moscow City, factory, local, andworkers committees of the Trade Union of Medical Workers, the primary organizations of the D. L Mendeleev All-Union Chemical Society and the Medico-Technical society will have the following aims: a) at the enterprises and in the sovkhozes- prompt fulfillment of the plans for new technology, the discovery of supplementary reserves of technical progress, the development and implementation of mea- sures for increasing the technical level of production, the development of the technology of production and development of new types of products, the taking of measures to bring the quality of manu- Translated from Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, No. I~ ppo 3-6, January, 1969.

On the 100th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Lenin

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Page 1: On the 100th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Lenin


In accordance with the plan for p repa ra t ion for the 1O0th a n n i v e r s a r y of the b i r th of V . I . Lenin, guided by the reso lu t ions of the 23rd P a r t y Congress and those of the plenums of the Cent ra l Commi t t ee of the CPSU for all poss ib le acce le ra t ion of technical p r o g r e s s , as well as the reso lu t ions of the third plenum of the All-Union Cent ra l Council of Trade Unions, the P re s id ium of the Cent ra l Commi t t ee of the Trade Union of Medical Worke r s , and the College of the Minis t ry of the Medical Industry, it was decided to conduct an All-Union socia l e x a m - ination of the introduction of new technology, inc reas ing the mechanica l level of production and the qual i ty of mamffac tured a r t i c l e s , developed by the scient i f ic r e s e a r c h and design and planning organiza t ions and manufac tured by the e n t e r p r i s e s of the Min is t ry of the Medical Industry, this examinat ion will be conducted joint ly with the Min is t ry of Health of the USSR, the D. I. Mendeleev All-Union Chemical Society, and the All-Union Medica l -Techn ica lSoc ie ty . The P r e s i d i u m of the Cent ra l Commi t t ee of the Trade Union of Medical Worker s and the College of the Min is t ry of the Medical Industry cal l upon the groups of the e n t e r p r i s e s , sovk- hozes, and organiza t ions to par t ic ipa te ac t ive ly in the examinat ion and the reby a c c e l e r a t e the development of the medica l indus t ry in accordance with the reso lu t ions of the Four th Sess ion of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, ~On the State of Medical Aid to the Populat ion and M e a s u r e - ments for the I m p r o v e m e n t of Public Health in the USSR," and the reso lu t ion of the Cent ra l Commi t t ee of the CPSU and the Council of Minis te rs of the USSR, ~Measures for the Fu r the r I m p r o v e m e n t of Public Health and the Development of Medical Science. ~


on conducting an All-Union social examination of the introduction of new technology, increas- ing the level of production and quality of manufactured articles in the medical industry.

I. Tasks o f the Examination

The All-Union social examination is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Lenin and is directed toward increasing the creative initiative and activity of scientists, engineering and technical workers, working in andservicing the enterprises and sovkhozes, scientific research and design and plann- ing organizations of the medical industry for the fulfillment of the tasks defined by the resolutions of the 23rd Party Congress, for all possible development, utilization, and introduction into production of the new- est achievements of science and technology, raising the technical level and quality of production for the most complete possible provision of the public health agencies and population of the country with high-qua- lity modern drugs and articles of medical technology, for prophylaxis, diagnosis, and treatment.

The republican, district, regional, Moscow City, factory, local, and workers committees of the Trade Union of Medical Workers, primary organizations and branch sections of the scientific and technical or- ganizations, all the workers at the enterprises and organizations of the medical industry should participate directly in fulfilling the plans for the development of new technology, the most rapid possible introduction into production of the achievements of science and technology, and further improvement of the quality of production and strengthening of the technology discipline.

In the course of the social examination, the republican, district, regional, Moscow City, factory, local, andworkers committees of the Trade Union of Medical Workers, the primary organizations of the D. L Mendeleev All-Union Chemical Society and the Medico-Technical society will have the following aims:

a) at the enterprises and in the sovkhozes- prompt fulfillment of the plans for new technology, the discovery of supplementary reserves of technical progress, the development and implementation of mea- sures for increasing the technical level of production, the development of the technology of production and development of new types of products, the taking of measures to bring the quality of manu-

Translated from Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, No. I~ ppo 3-6, January, 1969.

Page 2: On the 100th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Lenin

factured products up to the level of the best domestic and foreign samples, increasing labor efficiency, saving material resources , and also improving the scientific organization of production and working condi- tions;

b) in the scientific research and design and planning organizat ions- the discovery and implementa- tion of measures for increasing the efficiency of scientific research and design and planning work, their performance within the established periods and at a high scientific and technical level, the most rapid pos- sible introduction into production of completed scientific research and design and planning work, and the rendering of practical aid to the enterprises for further technical progress.

I I . O r g a n i z a t i o n of t h e E x a m i n a t i o n

The All-Union social examination of the introduction of new technology, increasing the technical level of production and quality of manufactured articles, is being organized by the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Medical Workers and the Ministry of the Medical Industry, jointly with the Ministry of Health of the USSR, the D. I. Mendeleev All-Union Chemical Society, and the Medico-Technical Society during the period from January I to December 31, 1969.

All the enterprises and sovkhozes, the scientific research and design and planning organizations of the medical industry are participating in the examination.

Central, regional, and local (at the enterprises, in the sovkhozes, in the scientific research and de- sign and planning organizations) compositions, including representatives of the corresponding committees of the Trade Union of Medical Workers, the public health organizations, scientific and technical societies, councils of the All-Union Society of Inventors andRationalizers, supervisory scientific and engineering workers, and industrial innovators, are being set up to carry out the social examination.

The supervisory center of the examination, the Central Commission, is designated by a joint reso- lution of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Medical Workers and the College of the Ministry of the Medical Industry.

The compositions of the republican, district, regional, and local commissions are confirmed by the resolutions of the corresponding committees of the Trade Union of Medical Workers.

At the enterprises and in the organizations, the commissions for the examination and factory, local, and workers trade union committees are enlisting social organizations, creative groups, and leaders in in- dustry in conducting the examination, and are also conducting mass propaganda work among the workers of the enterprises, explaining the tasks of the examination, utilizing all available facilities for this purpose: clubs, red corners, technical offices, circulars and billboards, radio, posters, store windows, etc.

During the period of the examination, the trade union committees, together with the supervisors of the enterprises and organizations and the councils of the All-Union Society of Inventors and Rationalizers and the scientific and TechnicalOrganizations, will organize the work of commissions for the examination and will render aid to them in their daily work.

The commissions, jointly with the supervisory personnel of the enterprises, sovkhozes, and organi- zations, will consider the means of fulfillment of the plans for the new technology, the scientific and techni- cal organizations, measures for increasing the technical level of production and quality of products, will exert control over the prompt consideration and introduction of proposals, will take measures to eliminate detected shortcomings, and will report each quarter the results of the examination, organizing a treatment of the course of the examination in print.

The accounts of the results of the social examination should characterize:

1. The fulfillment of the plans for the new technology according to divisions:

a) scientific research and experimental design work;

b) production of new types of industrial products;

c) introduction of advanced technology, mechanization and automation of industrial processes and automated control systems.

2. The fulfillment of the plan for organizational-technical measures for increasing the technical level of production and the quality of production.

Page 3: On the 100th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Lenin

3. The fulf i l lment of the plan with r e s p e c t to the basic t echnico-economic indices dowering the cost of all the products manufac tured , saving raw m a t e r i a l s , prof i t f r o m the rea l iza t ion of production, fulfilling the plans for a s s o r t m e n t , export , and labor eff iciency).

4. Technical level and quali ty of manufac tured products .

5. Study of the functional p r o p e r t i e s of a r t i c l e s , increas ing the per iods of guaran tee of sui tabi l i ty and re l iab i l i ty of manufac tured products . Amount and content of adver t i s ing .

6. Technical d i rec t ion of inventions and ra t ional iza t ion with r e s p e c t to the improvemen t of produc- tion and inc reas ing the quality, re l iabi l i ty , and durabi l i ty of a r t i c l e s , the number of inventions and ra t ion - a t i z e r s ' p roposa l s submit ted, r e c o m m e n d e d for introduction,and introduced into production, and the econo- mic effect f r o m the introduction of invenlions and r a t i o n a l i z e r s ' p roposa l s into production.

7. The uti l izat ion of scient i f ic and technical informat ion, the introduction of new State s t andards , pha rmacopoe i a a r t i c l e s , and other documents of technical s tandards , inc reas ing the r e q u i r e m e n t s for qua- l i ty of production.

The account should t r e a t the par t ic ipat ion of socia l organiza t ions and scient i f ic and technical soc ie - t i e s in the examination~

I I I . S u m m a r y of t h e R e s u l t s o f t h e E x a m i n a t i o n

The examinat ion c o m m i s s i o n s of the e n t e r p r i s e s , sovkhozes , and organiza t ions will s u m m a r i z e the r e su l t s of the examinat ion for the f i r s t qua r t e r , f i r s t half year~ nine months, and yea r , and, co r r e spond ing - ly before Apr i l 15, July 15, October 15, 1969, and J anua ry 15, 1970, will p r e sen t m a t e r i a l s in two copies to the republ ican, d i s t r ic t , reg iona l (according to affiliation) c o m m i s s i o n s and one copy to the main indus- t r i a l admin is t ra t ions .

The republ ican, d i s t r i c t , and regional c o m m i s s i o n s will cons ider the r e su l t s of the examinat ion and p resen t m a t e r i a l s (in two copies) to the Cent ra l Commiss ion by May 10, August 10, November 10, 1969, and F e b r u a r y 10, 1970, r e spec t ive ly .

The Cen t ra l C o m m i s s i o n for the examinat ion will s u m m a r i z e the final r e su l t s of the examinat ion be - fore March 10, 1970, will de te rmine the winners in the examinat ion, and will introduce the i r reso lu t ions for cons idera t ion at the P r e s i d i u m of the Cent ra l Commi t t ee of the Trade Union of Medical Worker s and the College of the Min i s t ry of the Medical Indust ry of the USSR will cons ider the r e su l t s of the examinat ion and de t e rmine the winners .

The Cent ra l Commi t t ee of the Trade Union of Medical Worker s and the Min is t ry of the Medical Indus- t r y o f the USSR will award m o n e t a r y p r i ze s and honora ry ce r t i f i ca t e s for the bes t complex of o rgan iza - t ional and technical m e a s u r e s ensur ing a s y s t e m a t i c i nc rea se in the technical level of production, high qua- lity, re l iabi l i ty , and durabi l i ty uf product ion with m a x i m u m sa t i s fac t ion of the r e q u i r e m e n t s to the winning group of e n t e r p r i s e s and organiza t ions .

Ten p r i z e s have been es tab l i shed fo r awarding to the g roups of e n t e r p r i s e s , sovkhozes , and scient i f ic r e s e a r c h and des ign and planning organiza t ions winning the All-Union socia l examinat ion, including:

two f i r s t p r i z e s - 1000 rubles each; th ree second p r i ze s - 800 rub les each; f ive th i rd p r i z e s - 500 rub les each.

Ten incentive p r i zes of 100 rub les each have been es tab l i shed for r eward ing the bes t ac t iv is t s in the organiza t ion and p e r f o r m a n c e of the examinat ion .

The m o n e t a r y p r i z e s will be used by the e n t e r p r i s e s and organiza t ions for r eward ing w o r k e r s who par t ic ipa ted ac t ive ly in the examinat ion, as well as for the acquisi t ion of objects for col lect ive use.

The Edi tor ia l Board of the Kh imiko - f a rma t sev t i ehesk i i Zhurnal r eques t par t ic ipants in the examina - tion to r e g u l a r l y submit m a t e r i a l s to the journal for publication in o rde r to publicize advanced exper ience and acquaint the groups at the e n t e r p r i s e s , sovkhozes , scientif ic r e s e a r c h and design and planning o rgan i - zat ions of the c h e m i c o - p h a r m a c e u t i c a l indus t ry with the cou r se of the socia l examinat ion for the in t roduc- tion of new technology, increas ing the technical level of product ion and qual i ty of manufac tured a r t i c l e s .