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On science journals in science journals 1980–1988

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Page 1: On science journals in science journals 1980–1988

Jointly published by Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford and Akaddmiai Kiad6, Budapest

Scientometrics, Vol. 46. No. 1 (1999) 171-212

Bibliography Section




Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, P. O. Box 1002, H-1245, Budapest (Hungary)

(Received June 9, 1999)

As its title suggests, items compiled in this bibliography are dealing with various aspects of the edition, publication, evaluation of science journals, and have been published in science (not in social science or other scholarly)journals. The scope is, thus, somewhat wider than just scientometrics in its orthodox sense. Beside the quantitative aspects (citation analysis - above all, impact factors) special attention has been paid to studies on the history of individual journals and of science journals in general, on the editorial peer-review process and on other aspects of editing a science journal. This bibliography is, therefore, thought to be of some interest to a wider audience than the research community of scientometrics, namely, to anyone involved in some way in the journal publication enterprise, whether as editor, reviewer, author or just as interested reader, i.e., to the whole scientific community.

The structure of the bibliography follows that of the previous ones in this Section. The items are arranged in the alphabetic order of the source journal. Each item has an identification number (preceded by a hashmark, #) to be used in the indexes.

The Author Index contains the names and initials of the authors (in alphabetical order) together with the identification number(s) of their contribution. No distinction has been made between first authored and co-authored items.

The Keyword Index contains a selected list of relevant words or phrases both as primary and as secondary terms, mainly those occurring in the titles. Identification numbers following the primary terms (set in boldface letters) relate to items having no matching secondary term in their title. Identification numbers after the secondary terms indicate items having both the primary and the secondary terms in their title.

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Page 2: On science journals in science journals 1980–1988


#001 AI Magazine Vol. 17 No. 2 (1996) 87-97 CHENG, C.H., HOLSAPPLE, C.W., LEE, A., Citation-Based Journal Rankings for AI Research - A Business Perspective

#002 A TLA - Alternatives to Laboratory Animals Vol. 25 No. 1 (1997) 67--69 UNGAR, K., A Bibliometric Evaluation of the Performance of ATLA

f1003 Academic Medicine Vol. 67 No. 12 (1992) 850-856 HALPERIN, E.C., ScoTr, J., GEORGE, S.L., Multiple Authorship in Two English-Language Journals in Radiation Ontology

#004 Academic Medicine Vol. 67 No. 12 (1992) 856-859 CLLI,I~, D.J., MACAULAY, A., Consistency Between Peer-Reviewers for a Clinical Specialty Journal

#005 Acta Medica Austriaca Vol. 22 No. 4 (1995) 81-82 HHT_ENBERGER, G., Value of the Impact Factor for Evaluation of the Quality of an Original Article

#006 Acta Medica Scandinavica Vol. 214 No. 1 (1983) 73-77 BOTTIGER, L.E., Reference Lists in Medical Journals - Language and Length

#007 Acta Neurochirurgica Vol. 1 t6 No. 2-4 (1992) 98-106 TROJANOWSKI, T., RABOW, I., RABOW, L., Neurosurgical Publications in European Journals

#008 Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica Vol. 71 No. 5 (1992) 327-328 BERGSJO, P., Medical Journals - Do They Have a Future? (Editorial)

#009 Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica Vol. 69 No. 3 (1998)221 RYDHOLM, A., Impact Factors (Editorial)

#010 Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica Vol. 69 No. 3 (1998)224-229 SEGLI~, P.O., Citation Rates and Journal Impact Factors Are Not Suitable for Evaluation of Research (Review)

#011 Acta Pharmacologica Sinica Vol. 11 No. 1 (1990) 93-96 LL C.J., KE, Y.H., YU, K.N., DU, G.H., WANG, J.R., ZHANG, H., ZHANG, H.S., Citation Analysis ofActa Pharmacologica Sinica 1984-1989 (Editorial)

#012 Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Vol. 79 No. 3 (1989) 245-247 BARRACLOUGH, B.M., NOYES, R., Language of Publication of Journal Articles on Suicide and Mental Disorders

#013 Acta Radiologica Vol. 34 No. 4 (1993) 316--320 MUSSURAKIS, S., Coauthorship Trends in the Leading Radiological Journals

#014 Addiction Vol. 92 No. 12 (1997) 1639-1648 ARClNIEGA, L.T., MILLER, W.R., Where to Publish - Some Considerations Among English-Language Addiction Journals

#015 Addiction Vol. 93 No. 9 (1998) 1434 BADAWY, A.A.B., Journals - Where to Publish - Some Considerations Among English-Language Addiction Journals (Letter)

#016 Advanced Materials Vol. 9 No. 7 (1997) 533+-182 GREC~RY, P., The ISI Journal Analysis Report Advanced Materials

#017 Advanced Materials Vol. 10 No. 1 (1998) 11+-1648 GREGORY, P., 1996 Citation Impact Factors

#018 Allergy Vol. 52 No. 11 (1997) 1050-1056 SEGLEN, P.O., Citations and Journal Impact Factors - Questionable Indicators of Research Quality (Review)

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#019 American Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol. 61 No. 5 (1979) 1136 ZIEMER, R.F., STAMOULIS, K.G., Editorship Location and Authorship Affiliation in the AAEA Journal (Meeting abstract)

#020 American Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol. 67 No. 2 (1985) 325-327 SIMPSON, J.R., S'I'EH.I~, J.T., Institutional Affiliation of Contributors to the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1973-83

#021 American Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol. 70 No. 2 (1988) 403-409 BER.OCK, R., POLOPOLUS, L., Ranking of Agricultural Economics Departments

- Influence of Regional Journals, Joint Authorship, and Self-Citations

#022 American Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol. 70 No. 5 (1988) 1212 GLENDENNING, R,, HALBRENDT, C., GEMPESAW, C., BLASE, M., Focus and Trends of the American Journal of Agricultural Economics- 1961-85 (Meeting abstract)

#023 American Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol. 78 No. 5 (1996) 1416 PERRY, G.M., Using Citations to Evaluate the Quality of Agricultural Economics Journals (Meeting abstract)

#024 American Journal of Cardiology Vol. 52 No. 10 (1983) 1290-1292 SPODICK, D.H., GOLDBERG, R.J., The Editors Correspondence - Analysis of Patterns Appearing in Selected Specialty and General Journals

#025 American Journal of Cardiology Vol. 53 No. 6 (1984) 862-869 ROBERTS, W.C., Comparison of Seven English-Language Cardiology Journals for 1983

#026 American Journal of Cardiology Vol. 75 No. 4 (1995) 315 HARTZLER, G.O., WIED AEN ERS, K., Which Medical Journals Are Most Frequently Copied in a Hospital Library? (Letter)

#027 American Journal of Cardiology Vol. 82 No. 10 (1998) 1309 ROBERTS, W.C., Long-Term Versus Short-Term Journal Impact Regarding the American Journal of Cardiology - Reply (Letter)

#028 American Journal of Cardiology Vol. 82 No. 10 (1998) 1309-1310 CHENG, T.O., Long-Term Versus Short-Term Journal Impact Regarding the American Journal of Cardiology (Letter)

#029 American Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 111 No. 2 (1980) 137-140 LAPORTE, R.E., CRESANTA, J.L., Research Trends in the American Journal of Epidemiology (Editorial)

#030 American Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 111 No. 2 (1980) 140-141 CoPy,'rOCK, G.W., Research Trends in the American Journal of Epidemiology - Reply (Editorial)

#031 American Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 134 No. 10 (1991) 104t-1050 SARTWELL, P.E., STARK, F., American Journal of Epidemiology - Its Evolution Since 1965 (Note)

#032 American Journal of Gastroenterology Vol. 91 No. 12 (1996) 2459--2460 Z ~ r I ~ A N , R.K., Editorial Review and the American Journal of Gastroenterology (Editorial)

#033 American Journal of Health - System Pharmacy Vol. 53 No. 13 (1996) 1530+-580 HASEGAWA, G.R., Indicators of Journal Quality or Value (Letter)

#034 American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy Vol. 46 No. 1 (1989) 126-128 THOMPSON, D.F., 15 Citation Classics from the American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (Note)

#035 American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Vol. 177 No. 4 (1997) 973-975 ROACH, V.J., LAU, T.K., KEE, W.D.N., The Quality of Citations in Major International Obstetrics and Gynecology Journals

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#036 American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Voi. 179 No. 3 (1998) 836 HOEFFEL, C., Comments on the Quality of Citations in Journals (Letter)

#037 American Journal of Ophthalmology Vol. l12No. 6 (1991) 723-725 NEWELL, F.W., The'American Journal of Ophthalmology- 1965-1991 (Editorial)

#038 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Vol. 79 No. 2 (1981) 219-222 WATSON, W.G., The Journal - A Record of Professional Transition and Progress (Editorial)

#039 American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Voi. 44 No. 2 (1980) 144-149 SMITH, M.C., A Quantitative Study of Publications and Citations in the American Journal of PharmaceutiCal Education Volumes 1-42

#040 American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Vol. 46 No. 2 (1982) 174-179 PEARSON, R.E., An Exploratory Study of Pharmacist and Physician Publication Patterns in Selected Journals, 1961-1979

#041 American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Vol. 50 No. 2 (1986) 127-134 GAG'NON, J.P., Ratings of Scholarly Journals in Five Pharmacy Disciplines

#042 American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Vol. 50 No. 3 (1986)287-289 MALONE, M.H., The Journal, 1975-1979 - A Former Editors Perspective (Editorial)

#043 American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Vol. 51 No. 3 (1987)307-311 PEARSON, R.E., A Study of Pharmacist and Physician Publication Patterns in Selected Journals. 2. A 10-Year Linear Growth - 1975-1984 (Note)

#044 American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Vol. 58 No. 3 (1994)284-289 SMITH, M.C., MCCAFFREY, D.J., Ratings of Journals in Pharmacy Administration

- A Modified Triangulation Study (Note) #045 American Journal of Physics

Vol. 51 No. 4 (1983) 302-303 BAUMAN, R.P., CLARK, R.B., VOSS, H., Reader Evaluation of the American Journal of Physics

#046 American Journal of Psychiatry Vol. 139 No. 3 (1982) 334-338 ROSENBLA'rr, A., KIRK, S.A., Keg, G., The Contribution of Women Authors to Psychiatric and Other Medical Journals, 1951- 1975 (Note)

#047 American Journal of Psychiatry Vol. 150 No. 1 (1993) 135-142 PINCUS, H.A., HENDERSON, B., BLACKWOOD, D., DIAL, T., Trends in Research in Two General Psychiatric Journals in 1969-1990 - Research on Research

#048 American Journal of Psychiatry Vol. 151 No. 6 (1994) 933-936 COX, B.J., WESSEL, I., NORTON, G.R., SWlNSON, R.P., Citation Patterns in Anxiety Disorders Research in 14 Journals-1990-1991 (Note)

#049 American Journal of Public Health Vol. 72 No. 10 (1982) 1103-1104 BAILAL J.C., Research Quality, Methodologic Rigor, Citation Counts, and Impact (Editorial)

#050 American Journal of Public Health Vol. 72 No. 10 (1982) 1119-1123 BRUEIL J.T., Methodological Rigor and Citation Frequency in Patient Compliance Literature

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#051 American Journal of Roentgenology Vol. 147 No. 5 (1986) 1055-1061 CHEW, F.S., The Scientific Literature in Diagnostic Radiology for American Readers - A Survey and Analysis of Journals, Papers, and Authors

#052 American Journal of Roentgenology Vol. 150No. 1 (1988) 19-21 BERK, R.N., Threats to the Quality of Peer-Reviewed Radiology Journals - Identification of the Problem and Possible Solutions (Editorial)

#053 American Journal of Roentgenology Vol. 150 No. 1 (1988)23-26 CHEW, F.S., Co-Authorship in Radiology Journals (Editorial)

#054 American Journal of Roentgenology Vol. 150 No. 2 (1988) 227-233 CHEW, F.S., AJR - The 50 Most Frequently Cited Papers in the Past 50 Years (Editorial)

#055 American Journal of Roentgenology Vol. 156 No. 3 (1991) 627--632 CHEW, F.S.~ Fate of Manuscripts Rejected for Publication in the AJR

#056 American Journal of Roentgenology Voi. 162 No. 3 (1994) 519--522 EIATER, A.D., CHEN, M.Y.M., The Internationalization of the American Journal of Roentgenology- 1980-1992

#057 American Journal of Roentgenology Vol. 163 No. 3 (1994) 719--723 HANSEN, M.E., MClNTIRE, D.D., Reference Citations in Radiology - Accuracy and Appropriateness of Use in Two Major Journals

#058 American Journal of Roentgenology Vol. 164 No. 4 (1995) 1007-1009 FRIEDMAN, D.P., Manuscript Peer-Review at the AIR - Facts, Figures, and Quality Assessment

#059 American Journal of Roentgenology Vol. 164 No. 6 (1995) 1323-1328 BERK, R.N., The American Journal of Roentgenology - Past, Present, and Future

#060 American Journal of Surgery Vol. 161 No. 2 (1991) 309--311 POIX, H.C., An Editors Perspective of the Future for Peer- Reviewed T~aditional Surgical Journals

#061 American Statistician Vol. 44 No. 3 (1990) 210-213 GIBBONS, J.D., United States Institutional Representation on Editorial Boards of United States Statistics Journals

#062 Anaesthesist Vol. 36No. 4 (1987) 187-189 BOTrCHER, S., SOtUH, F.T., Evaluation of Anesthesiology Journals Using Citation Analysis (Letter)

#063 Anae3thesist Vol. 46 No. 1 (1997) 1-2 LINDNER, U.K., OEI~, V., The Magic of the Impact Factor - Unmasking of a Phenomenon (Editorial)

#064 Anaesthesist Vol. 46 No. 10 (1997) 909 OES'IERN, H.J., PROBST, J., Application of the Impact Factor as a Measurement of Scientific Output - Decision of the Presidum of the German Society for Emergency Surgery, June 21, 1997 (Editorial)

#065 Analytical Chemistry Voi. 57 No. 8 (1985) A868 PETRISZZ1, J.M., Peer-Review in Analytical Chemistry (Editorial)

#066 Analytical Chemistry Voi. 66 No. 14 (1994) A747-A755 LESK, M.E., Electronic Chemical Journals

#067 Anesthesia and Analgesia Voi. 75 No. 1 (1992) 155-156 LEWIS, I.H., Peer-Reviewed Anesthesiology Journals and Research (Letter)

#068 Anesthesia and Analgesia Vol. 75 No. 1 (1992) 156 G ~ , N.M., Peer-Reviewed Anesthesiology Journals and Research - Reply (Letter)

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#069 Anesthesiology Vol. 53 No. 4 (1980) 346 FASSOULAKI, A., KANIARIS, P., MIHAS, T., A Survey of the Performances of Six Anesthesia Journals (Letter)

#070 Angewandte Chemic- International Edition in English Vol. 32 No. 2 (1993) 234-238 DANIEL, H.D., An Evaluation of the Peer-Review Process at Angewandte Chemic

#071 Annals of Internal Medicine Vol. 105 No. 2 (1986) 313-320 GARFIELD, E., Which Medical Journals Have the Greatest Impact?

#072 Annals of Internal Medicine Vol. 105 No. 6 (1986) 975-976 HOWELL, J.D., BLITZ, S., Which Journals Have the Greatest Impact? (Letter)

#073 Annals of Internal Medicine Vol. 112 No. 1 (1990) 70-72 GASTEL, B., WENG, Y.Q., Medical Journals in China

#074 Annals of Internal Medicine Vol. 113 No. 5 (1990) 398--402 BOOTH, C.C., The Origin and Growth of Medical Journals

#075 Annals of lnternal Medicine Vol. 113 No. 9 (1990) 724-728 HAYNES, R.B., Loose Connections Between Peer-Reviewed Clinical Journals and Clinical Practice

#076 Annals of Oncology Vol. 9 No. 2 (1998) 123 (~aqosw~ous) A Rise in Our Impact Factor (Note)

#077 Annals of Pharmacotherapy Vol. 26No. 7-8 (1992) 1017-1018 DOMINGUEZ, F.J., DURAN, J.A., Clinical Pharmacology in Two Scientific Medical Journals (Letter)

#078 "Annals of Pharmacatherapy Vol. 31 No. 4 (1997)423-428 TRAKAS, K., ADDIS, A., KRUK, D., BUI:~X, Y., ISKEDJIAN, M., EINARSON, T.R., Quality Assessment of Pharmacoeconomic Abstracts of Original Research Articles in Selected Journals

#079 Annals of Surgery Vol. 222 No. 3 (1995) 263-269 NAHRWOLD, D.L., PEREIRA, S.G., DUPUIS, J., United States Research Published in Major Surgical Journals Is Decreasing

#080 Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Vol. 49 No. 6 (1990) 423 BYWATERS, E.G.L., Rheumatological Journals (Letter)

#081 Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Vol. 50 No. 7 (1991) 512-516 BYWATERS, E.G.L., History of Books and Journals and Periodicals in Rheumatology (Editorial)

#082 Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek Journal of Microbiology Vol. 50 No. 5-6 (1984)425--432 FUO-tS, A., 50 Years Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek - Its History and Its Impact (Editorial)

#083 Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux Vol. 89No. 12 (1996) 1589-1590 PLOU1N, P.F., CHATFf ! ra'R, G., Impact Factor and Grantee - Foreword (Editorial)

#084 Archives of Dermatology Vol. 129 No. 9 (1993) 1121-1129 DUB1N, D., HAFNER, A.W., ARNDT, K.A., Citation Classics in Clinical Dermatological Journals - Citation Analysis, Btomedical Journals, and Landmark Articles, 1945-1990

#085 Archives of Dermatology Vol. 131 No. 9 (1995) 1059-1060 DUB1N, D.B., ARNDT, K.A., The Impact of Dermatology Journals

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#086 Archives of Neurology Vol. 39 No. I 1 (1982) 737 STUMPF, D.A., Polish Physicians and Journals (Letter)

#087 Archives of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery Vol. 117 No. 2 (1991) 164-170 ROSENFELD, R.M., Clinical Research in Otolaryngology Journals

#088 Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Vol. 73 No. 2 (1992) 126--132 K ~ K.V., A Bibliometric Analysis of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

#089 Archivos de Biologia y Medicina Experimentales Vol. 13 No. 2 (1980) 185-193 HERBSTAEDT, E., URETA, T., Chilean Biological Journals - A Plea for Lesser Amounts and Higher Quality

#090 Arthritis and Rheumatism Vol. 35 No. 9 (1992) $294 GOLDSMrrH, C.H., Rating Rheumatology Journals (Meeting abstract)

#091 Artificial Intelligence Vol. 59 No. 1-2 (1993) 5-20 BOBROW, D.G., Artificial Intelligence in Perspective - A Retrospective on 50 Volumes of the Artificial Intelligence Journal

# 092 Astrophysical Journal Vol. 455 No. 2 (1995) 407-411 ABT, H.A., Some Statistical Highlights of the Astrophysical Journal

#093 Australian Journal of Dairy Technology Vol. 41 No. 1 0986) 35-37 ADAMS, D.J., A Bibliometric Analysis of Literature Covered by the Australian Journal of Dairy Technology in 1983

#094 Australian Journal of Physics Vol. 39 No. 1 (1986) RI-R2 SMITH, T.F., ROBERTSON, R.P., Is the Aust. J. Phys. a National or International Journal? (Editorial)

#095 Australian Veterinary Journal Vol. 67 No. 7 (1990) N272 WHrIE, M.E., Sources of Information in Veterinary Journals (Letter)

#096 Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine Vol. 65 No. 12 (1994) 1145-I 148 MARBARGER, J.P., Publishing the Journal of the Aerospace Medical Association- 1929-1981 (Note)

#097 Behavioral and Brain Sciences Vol. 5 No. 2 (1982) 187-195 Pgl~xS, D.P., CECI, S.J., Peer-Review Practices of Psychological Journals

- The Fate of Accepted, Published Articles, Submitted Again

#098 Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft - Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics Vol. I00 No. 1 (1996) 1-8 SCHINDEWOLF, U., Retrospective and Thoughts on the Occasion of the 100th Volume of Our Journal (Editorial)

#099 Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research Vol. 29 No. 5 (1996) 555-561 LINARDI, P.M., COEI./-IO, P.M.Z., COSTA, H.M.A., The Impact Factor as a Criterion for the Quality of Scientific Production Is a Relative, Not Absolute, Measure

# 1 O0 British Dental Journal Vol. 172 No. 12 (1992) 453-456 MURRAY, J.J., The British Dental Journal - A Report on Its Activities 1986-1991

# 101 British Journal of Anaesthesia Voi. 76 No. 6 (1996) 753-754 SMrrH, G., Impact Factors in Anesthesia Journals (Editorial)

# 102 British Journal of Nutrition " Vol. 77 No. 2 (1997) 149--150 THURNI-IAM, D.I., Reviews in the British Journal of Nutrition (Editorial)

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# 103 British Journal of Psychiatry Vol. 138 No. Feb (1981) 182 BARRACLOUGH, B., Paper Length in the British Journal of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine (Letter)

# 104 British Journal of Psychiatry Vol. 159 No. Jul (1991) 33-36 ROLLIN, H.R., The Evolution of the British Journal of Psychiatry (Editorial)

# 105 British Journal of Psychiatry Vol. 170 No. Feb (1997) 109-112 HOWARD, L., WILKINSON, G., Impact Factors of Psychiatric Journals

# 106 British Journal of Psychiatry Vol. 171 No. Nov (1997) 452-456 MORLINO, M., LISANTI, F., GOGLu~Iq~INO, A., DEGIROLAMO, G., Publication Trends of Papers on Schizophrenia- A 15-Year Analysis of Three General Psychiatric Journals

# 107 British Journal of Psychiatry Vol. 172 No. Jun (1998) 457 HOWARD, L., WILKINSON, G., Impact Factors of Psychiatric Journals - The British Journal of Psychiatry Now Has the Highest Impact Factor of All Psychiatric Journals Outside the USA (Editorial)

# 108 British Journal of Rheumatology Vol. 23 No. 3 (1984) 164-165 HART, F.D., The British Rheumatological Journals (Editorial)

# 109 British Journal of Surgery Vol. 74No. 12 (1987) 1188 MATHIE, R.T., JAFFE, V., Publication Lag Times in Surgical Journals (Letter)

# 110 British Journal of Surgery Vol. 75 No. 2 (1988) 189 DUDLEY, H.A.F., Publication Lag Times in Surgical Journals (Letter)

# 111 British Journal of Surgery Vol. 78 No. g (1991) 1018 RUSSELL, R.C.G., THEE, B., The British Journal of Surgery- Facts and Figures (Editorial)

# 112 British Journal of Surgery Vol. 84 No. 7 (1997) 901-903 FARNDON, J.R., MURIE, J.A., JOHNSON, C.D., E ~ W , J.J., GUILLOU, P.J., The Referee Process of the British Journal of Surgery (Editorial)

# 113 British Medical Journal Vol. 285 No. 6349 (1982) 1204-1205 MCKEE, I., Medical Journals in the Market Place (Lette0

# 114 British Medical Journal Vol. 289 No. 6459 (1984) 1684-1685 SMITH, R., Medical Journals in the Third-World - Problems and Possibilities

# I 15 British Medical Journal Vol. 290 No. 6462 (1985) 160-161 WATERSTON, T., Medical Journals in the Third World (Letter)

# 116 British Medical.Journal Vol. 291 No. 6506 (1985) 1420:-1421 BUTCHER, P., DAVIS, H., How Accurate Are Quotations and References in Medical Journals (Letter)

# 117 British .Medical Journal Vol. 292 No. 6521 (1986) 646 MORGAN, P., Peer-Review in Medical Journals (Editorial)

# I 18 British Medical Journal Vol. 309 No. 6947 (1994) 74 SMITH, R., Chinese Medical Journals - Getting in Touch (Editorial)

# 119 British Medical Journal Vol. 313 No. 7054 (1996) 411-413 GARFIELD, E., How Can Impact Factors Be Improved?

# 120 British Medical Journal Vol. 313 No. 7069 (1996) 1400 WEST, R., Impact Factors Need to Be Improved (Letter)

# 121 British Medical Journal Vol. 314 No. 7079 (1997) 463 SMrrH, R., Journal Accused of Manipulating Impact Factor (Note)

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# 122 British Medical Journal Vol. 314 No. 7079 (1997) 498-502 SEGLEN, P.O., Why the Impact Factor of Journals Should Not Be Used for Evaluating Research?

# 123 Bulletin o f the American Meteorological Society Vol. 70 No. 11 (1989) 1449-1450 KEYSER, D., Publication Trends in American Meteorological Society Technical Journals (Letter)

# 124 Bulletin o f the American Meteorological Society Vol. 70No. 11 (1989) 1450 JOHNSON, R.H., SCHUBERT, W.H.; Publication Trends in American Meteorological Society Technical Journal - Response (Letter)

# 125 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society Vol. 70 No. 5 (1989) 476-479 JOHNSON, R.H., SCHUBERT, W.H., Publication Trends in American Meteorological Society Technical Journals

# 126 Canadian Field-Naturalist Vol. 95 No. 3 (1981) 236-240 TAYLOR, R., Is the Impact Factor a Meaningful Index for the Ranking of Scientific Research Journals?

# 127 Canadian Journal o f Agricultural Economics - Revue Canadienne d'Economie Rurale Vol. 39 No. 3 (1991) 503-513 HARPER, J.A., A Bibliometric Profile of the Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics (Review)

# 128 Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia - Journal Canadien d'Anesthesie Vol. 44 No. 4 (1997) 405-409 SMITH, A.F., An Analysis of Review Articles Published in Four Anesthesia Journals

# 129 Canadian Journal o f Plant Science Vol. 72 No. 2 (1992) 487-488 HARPER, J.A., Citation Accuracy in the Canadian Journal of Plant Science

# 130 Canadian Medical Association Journal Vol. 129 No. 6 (1983) 524 MORGAN, P.P., CMAJ's Citation Patterns (Letter)

#131 Canadian Medical Association Journal Vol. 129 No. 8 (1983) 793 MORGAN, P.P., French Articles in CMAJ (Letter)

# 132 Canadian MedicalAssociation Journal Vol. 133 No. 4 (1985) 261 WOODS, D., The Influence of Medical Journals (Editorial)

# 133 Canadian Medical Association Journal Vol. 138 No. 8 (1988) 685-686 ZLOTOGORSKI, A., ISRAELI, A., The Use of Textbooks in Evaluating the Impact of Medical Journals (Editorial)

# 134 Canadian Medical Association Journal Vol. 150No. 1 (1994)27 FLETCHER, S., &AL., Advertising in Medical Journals (Editorial)

# 135 Canadian Medical Association Journal Vol. 151 No. 1 (1994) 7 HUSTON, P., Advertising in Medical Journals (Editorial)

# 136 Canadian Medical Association Journal Vol. 159 No. 2 (1998) 129 (ANONYMOUS) CMAJ Is Canada's Most Cited Medical Journal (Note)

# 137 Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics Vol. 104 No. 2 (1998) 77-81 HECHT, F., HECI-IT, B.K., SANDBERG, A.A., The Journal Impact Factor - A Misnamed, Misleading, Misused Measure

# 138 Cardiovascular Research Vol. 33 No. 1 (1997) 1-7 OFrHOF, T., Sense and Nonsense About the Impact Factor

# 139 Chemical & Engineering News Vol. 65 No. 30 (1987) 66 WOOD, B.G., ACS Journal Prices - Some Pleasant Surprises (Note)

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# 140 Chemical & Engineering News Vol. 74 No. 38 (1996) 40--41 WILSON, E., Journal of PhJ/sical Chemistry on Top at 100 - From the ACS Meeting (Editorial)

# 141 Chemical Engineering Journal Vol. 69No. 3 (1998) 151+-18 SCHUBERT, A., The Profile of the Chemical Engineering Journal and Biochemical Engineering Journal as Reflected in Its Publications, References and Citations, 1983-1996

#142 Chemicke Listy Vol. 78 No. 10 (1984) 1065-1077 PAPOUSEK, D., Citation Analysis in Chemistry - Citation Impact of Papers and Journals, Current Trends in Research (Review)

# 143 Chemicke Listy Vol. 88 No. 10 (1994) 672-673 SVEC, F., Citation Analysis and Impact Factor (Discussion paper)

#144 Chemistry & lndustry Vol. No. 2 (1994) 64 SHAW, D.F., The Future of Chemistry Joumals (Editorial)

#145 Chemistry & Industry Vol. No. 6 (1995) 236 CHRISTENSEN, J., The Cost of Chemistry Journals (Editorial)

# 146 Chemistry & Industry Vol. No. 8 (1997) 288 REEDtlK, J., Inaccurate Impact Factors (Letter)

#147 Chest Vol. 91 No. 2 (1987) 252-255 ROBIN, E.D., BURKE, C.M., Peer-Review in Medical Journals (Review)

# 148 Chimia Vol. 52 No. 11 (1998) 664-667 CLARK, T., ROTH, H., The Journal of Molecular Modeling - Impact, Expectations and Experience

# 149 Chinese Medical Journal Vol. 100No. 6 (1987) 434-442 Cl-Ii~, B.X., A Centennial Review of the History of the Chinese Medical Journal (Review)

# 150 Chinese Medical Journal Vol. 107 No. 1 (1994) 5 FENG, C.H., Chinese Medical Journal - A Glimpse of the Past and the Present (Editorial)

#151 Chirurg Vol. 67 No. 4 (1996) 297-299 HERFARTH, C., SCHURMANN, G., German Journals of Clinical Medicine and the Impact Factor (Editorial)

# 152 Chirurg Vol. 68 No. 4 (1997) 290-292 HERFARTH, C., The Quality of a Journal (Editorial)

# 153 Clinical Chemistry Vol. 37 No. 2 (1991) 303-304 CAMI~, C., REIX)NDO, F.L., Bibliometries and Clinical Chemistry (Letter)

# 154 Clinical Chemistry Vol. 41 No. 9 (1995) 1325 BRUb~, D.E., Notes on Journal Citation Analyses (Editorial)

#155 Clinical Chemistry Vol. 43 No. 4 (1997) 702 BRUNS, D.E., Citations of Clinical Chemistry and the Future of Clinical Chemistry (Editorial)

# 156 Clinical Otolaryngology Vol. 9No. 6 (1984) 313 STELL, P.M., Impact Factor (Editorial)

# 157 Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Vol. 42No. 1 (1987) 1-9 PUDi~ K.S., MORGAN, J.P., Persuading by Citation - An Analysis of the References of 53 Published Reports of Phenylpropanolamines Clinical Toxicity (Editorial)

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# 158 Clinical Physiology Vol. 17 No. 4 (1997) 409-418 HANSEN, H.B., HENR/KSIS'q, J.H., How Well Does Journal Impact Work in the Assessment of Papers on Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine?

# t 59 Current Science Vol. 51 No. 1 (1982) 6-12 RAMASESHAN, S., Some Thoughts on Scientific Journals in India

# 160 Current Science Vol. 54 No. 5 (1985) 228 RAINA, R., Current Science - What It Cites and What Cites It (Note)

# 161 Current Science Vol. 58 No. 10 (1989) 539-540 NITYANANDA, R., A Broad-Based Discussion on Indian Science and Technology Journals (Editorial)

# 162 Current Science Vol. 63 No. 9-10 (1992) 529--534 RAMASESHAN, S., The Quality of Scientific Journals Published in India - Some Random Thoughts

# 163 Current Science Vol. 65 No. 11 (1993) 809-822 ARUNACHALAM, S., SINGH, U.N., SINHA, R., The Sleeping Dragon Wakes Up - A S cientometric Analysis of the Growth of Science and the Usage of Journals in China

# 164 Current Science Vol. 71 No. 6 (1996) 429 VASAN, S.S., Indian Journals - To Start or Scrap (Letter)

# 165 Current Science Vol. 73 No. 2 (1997) 101 V1JAYAN, M., Impact Factors - A Note of Caution (Letter)

# 166 Current Science Vol. 73 No. 6 (1997) 489 DEVI, P.U., Impact Factors (Letter)

# 167 Current Science Vol. 73 No. 8 (1997) 639--641 GARFIELD, E., A Statistically Valid Definition of Bias Is Needed to Determine Whether the Science Citation Index Discriminates Against Third- World Journals (Editorial)

# 168 Current Science Vol. 75 No. 3 (1998) 175 BALARAM, P., Citation Counting and Impact Factors (Editorial)

# 169 Current Science Vol. 75 No. 9 (1998) 871-872 JAGANNATHAN, N.R., Impact Factors (Letter)

# 170 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics Vol. 30 No. 1 (1980) 117-120 VLACHY, J., Citedness of Papers in the Czechoslovak Journal of Physics (Note)

# 171 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics Vol. 30 No. 2 (1980) 239-242 VLACHY, J., Citation Analysis of Europhysics Journals (Editorial)

# 172 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics Vol. 30 No. 4 (1980) 477-480 VLACHY, J., Citation Analysis of World Physics Journals

# 173 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics Vol. 31 No. 3 (1981)351-354 VLACHY, J., Publication and Citation Ranking of Physics Journals (Review)

# 174 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics Vol. 31 No. 4 (1981) 453-456 VLACHY, J., Refereeing and Rejection Patterns in Physics Journals

# 175 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics Vol. 33 No. 3 (1983) 361-364 VLACHY, J., Citation Image of the Czechoslovak Journal of Physics (Letter)

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# 176 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics Vol. 33 No. 4 (1983) 473-476 VLACHY, J., Publication Trends in the Czechoslovak Journal of Physics (Letter)

# 177 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics Vol. 33 No. 5 (1983) 585-592 VLACHY, J., Citation Rankings of Physics Journals (Letter)

# 178 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics Vol. 34 No. 3 (1984)267-270 ~/LACHY, J., Citation Aging of Physics Journals (Letter)

# 179 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics Vol. 34No. 11 (1984) 1273-1276 VLACHY, J., Citation of Papers in the Czechoslovak Journal of Physics (Letter)

# 180 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics Vol. 35 No. 2 (1985) 187-190 VLACHY, J., Trends in the Citation Impact of Physics Journals 1974-1983 (Letter)

# 181 CzechosloVak Journal of Physics Vol. 35 No. 4 (1985) 473-476 VLACHY, L, Physics Journals Typology, Citation Impact and Immediacy (Letter)

# 182 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics Vol. 35 No. 5 (1985) 589-592 VLACI-IY, J., Physics Journals Typology, Group Rankings by Citation and Immediacy (Letter)

# 183 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics Vol. 36No. 1 (1986) 121-125 SCHUBERT, A., GLANZEL, W., Mean Response Time - A New Indicator of Journal Citation Speed with Application to Physics Journals

# 184 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics Vol. 36No. 1 (1986) 157-162 TODOROV, R., Review Journals in Physics (Review)

# 185 Deep-Sea Research Part A - Oceanographic Research Papers Vol. 35 No. 5 (1988) 635-638 MILL1MAN, J.D., Trends in Oceanographic Journals - Deep-Sea Research at 35 Years (Editorial)

# 186 Dermatology Vol. 191 No. 4 (1995) 362 SAURAT, J.H., The Impact Factor of Dermatology (Editorial)

# 187 Diabetes Vol. 38 No. 6 (1989) 671-672 ROBERTSON, R.P., State of the Journal - The First 1000 Manuscripts (Editorial)

# 18~ East-African Medical Journal Vol. 60 No. 6 (1983) 357-359 HICKS, A., Diamond Jubilee of the East-African Medical Journal

# 189 Endocrine Reviews Vol. 18No. 1 (1997)3 CARON, M.G., Endocrine Reviews and the Peer-Review Process (Editorial)

# 190 Endocrinology Vol. 129 No. 1 (1991) 5-7 FISHER, D.A., Growth of the Endocrine Society Journals (Editorial)

# 191 Equine Veterinary Journal Vol. 21 No. 6 (1989) 393-394 ROSSDALE, P.D., EVE and EVJ - A Tale of Two Journals (Editorial)

# 192 European Heart Journal Vol. 17 No. 1 (1996) 35--42 DFAONG, J.W., SCHAPER, W., The International Rank Order of Clinical Cardiology

# 193 European Heart Journal Vol. 18 No. 10 (1997) 1680 DEIONG, J.W., SCHAPER, W., The Impact Factor (Letter)

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# 194 European Journal of Clinical Investigation Vol. 10 No. 6 (1980) 421-422 PERCYROBB, l.W., FINI.AYSON, N.D.C., OLIVER, M.F., The European Journal of Clinical Investigation - A Valediction (Editorial)

# 195 European Journal of Oral Sciences Vol. 106No. 1 (1998)525-526 LINDE, A., On the Pitfalls of Journal Ranking by Impact Factor (Editorial)

#196 European Journal of Public Health Vol. 8 No. 2 (1998) 102-104 ODOM, D., MCKEE, M., The European Journal of Public Health - From Infancy to Young Adulthood (Editorial)

# 197 European Polymer Journal Vol. 24 No. 6 (1988) R1-R2 BEVINGTON, J.C., European Polymer Journal - A Brief History (Editorial)

# 198 FASEB Journal Vol. 10 No. 9 (1996) 937 MARCHESl, V.T., Evolution of the FASEB Journal (Editorial)

# 199 Fertility and Sterility Vol. 35 No. 2 (1981) 126-130 BOBICK, J.E., Citation Data for Selected Journals in Reproductive Biology

#200 Fertility and Sterility Vol. 45 No. 6 (1986) 892-893 BARBIERI, R.U, Citation Analysis for the Journal, Fertility and Sterility (Letter)

#201 Food Science and Technology - Lebensmittel- Wissenschaft &Technologie Vol. 29 No. 8 (1996) 776-780 R ~ , M.W., Study on the Quality of Peer-Reviewed Articles Published in LWT

#202 Forensic Science International Vol. 62 No. 3 (1993) 173-178 JONES, A.W., The Impact of Forensic Science Journals (Editorial)

#203 Forensic Science International Vol. 66No. 3 (1994) 213-215 CHARIOT, P., DURIGON, M., The Impact of Forensic Science Journals CLette0

#204 Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Rt~ntgenstrahlen & Bildgebenden Verfahren Vol. 169 No. 3 (1998)220-226 GOLDER, W., The Impact Factor - A Critical Analysis (Review)

#205 Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der ROntgenstrahlen & Nuklearmedizin Vol. 147 No. 4 (1987) 467 FROMMHOLD, W., STAEHR, C., THURN, P., Ranking of the Leading Journals on Diagnostic Radiology (Editorial)

#206 Gastroenterologie Clinique et Biologique Vol. 18No. 1 (1994) 3-5 DEGRUTERE, C., Journalology and Biomedical Journals (Editorial)

#207 Ground Water Vol. 24 No. 2 (1986) 146-149 LEHR, J.H., Conference Proceedings vs the Refereed Journal - A Controversy in the Dissemination of Knowledge (Editorial)

#208 Haematologica Vol. 81 No. 6 (1996) 489-491 CA~OLA, M., Publish or Perish - Prospects for European Hematological Journals (Editorial)

#209 Heart & Lung Vol. 11 No. 1 (1982)65-68 FAGIN, C.M., The Quality of Nursing Journals as Rated by Deans of Nursing Schools

#210 Herpetologica Vol. 54 No. S (1998) $35-$42 WILSON, D.S., Patterns in Publishing in Three North-American Herpetological Journals - Gender Biases

#211 Histochemical Journal Vol. 16 No. 1 (1984) 1 POLAK, J.M., lmmunocytochemistry and the Histochemical Journal (Editorial)

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#212 Hortscience Vol. 18 No. 5 (1983) 643 SMOCK, R.M., An Evaluation of Papers in the Journal and Hortscience - One Opinion (Letter)

#213 Human Biology Vol. 70No. 1 (1998) 140-141 LASKER, G.W., Citations of Human Biology Journals in Human Biology Journals (Letter)

#214 Human Development Vol. 24 No. 5 (1981) 312-319 PEERY, J.C., ADAMS, G.R., Qualitative Ratings of Human Development Journals

#215 Human Reproduction Vol. 8 No. 7 (1993) 983-985 EDWARDS, R.G., VANSTEIRTEGHEM, A.C, RICHARDSON, M.J., Impact Factors --, More Misleading Than Ever (Editorial)

#216 Human Reproduction Vol. 9 No. 12 (1994) 2201 EDWARDS, R.G., VANSTE~TEGHEM, A.C., RICHARDSON, M.J., Impact Factors - The Record Put Straight (Editorial)

#217 Hypertension Vol. 6 No. I (1984) 1 HABER, E., DZAU, V.J., GRAHAM, R.M., ZUSMAN, R.M., Hypertension - The Evolution of a Scientific Journal (Editorial)

#218 Hypertension Vol. 8 No. 1 (1986) 1 HABEP~ E., The Continuing Evolution of a Scientific Journal (Editorial)

#219 1EEE Transactions on Neural Networks Vol. 7 No. 4 (1996) 801 MARKS, R.J., The Journal Citation Report - Testifying for Neural Networks (Editorial)

#220 1EEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Vol. 22 No. 6 (1992) 1245-1259 ~ , J.M., UICHANCO, C.C.N., IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Bibliographic Analysis and Policy Considerations

#221 Immunology Today Vol. 18No. I (1997)3 (ANONYMOUS) Immunology Citation - The Impact Factors (Editorial)

#222 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology Vol. 4No. 3 (1983) 137 Pmwrrz, S., Peer-Review in Nursing and Medical Journals (Letter)

#223 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology Vol. 4 No. 3 (1983) 137-138 NOH v_~ART, H.C., Peer-Review in Nursing and Medical Journals - Reply (Letter)

#224 lnorganica Chimica Acta Vol. 253 No. 2 (1996) 111-118 SCHUBERT, A., The Portrait of a Journal as Reflected in Its Publications, References and Citations - Inorganiea Chimica Acta, 1990-1994

#225 Inorganica Chimica Acta Voi. 266 No. 2 (1997) 125-133 SCHUBERT, A.P., SCHUBERT, G.A., Inorganica Chimica Acta - Its Publications, References and Citations - An Update for 1995- 1996

#226 lnterciencia Vol. 12No. 3 (1987) 124--134 VESSURI, H.M.C., The Peripheric Scientific Journal - The Case of Acta Cientifica Venezolana

#227 lnterciencia Vol. 23 No. 4 (1998) 196 DIPRI.%~, C.A., Financing a Scientific Journal (Editorial)

#228 Interciencia Vol. 23 No. 5 (1998) 265 LAUFER, M., The Survival of a Scientific Journal (Editorial)

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#229 Interciencia Vol. 23 No. 5 (1998) 293+-675 SALAZARVALLF.JO, S.I., CARRERA-PARRA, L.F., Biological Taxonomy, Impact Factor and Curricular Evaluation for the 21 st Century

#230 International Journal o f Gynecology & Obstetrics Vol. 28 No. 1 (1989) 1-3 S CIARRA, J.J., The International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics - Past, Present and Future (Editorial)

#231 International Journal o f lmmunopharmacology Vol. 1 No. 1 (1979) 1--4 M ~ , P.W., An Immunopharmaeology Journal - Reflections on Its Interdisciplinary and Historical Context (Editorial)

#232 International Journal o f Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery i Vol. 17 No. 2 (1988) 65 STOELINGA, P.J.W., How International ls the Journal? (Editorial)

#233 International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Vol. 26No. 2 (1997) 81 STOELINGA, P.J.W., The Rise and Fall of the Impact Factor (Editorial)

#234 International Journal of Sports Medicine Vol. 19 No. 2 (1998) 81 KUIPERS, H., SHERMAN, M., The Impact Factor, How Important Is It? (Editorial)

#235 Investigative Radiology Vol. 28 No. 8 (1993) 706-709 HUN'IER, T.B., MARCUS, D.S., W1TZKE, D.B., Radiologists Perception of Professional Journals

#236 Investigative Radiology Vol. 28 No. $3 (1993) S163-S164 HILLMAN, B.J., The Role of Radiologic Journals in Advancing Research

#237 Israel Journal of Medical Sciences Vol. 27 No. 2 (1991) 109-112 PUTIERMAN, C., LOSSOS, I.S., Author, Verify Your References - Or, the Accuracy of References in Israeli Medical Journals

#238 lzvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii Fizika Vol. 32 No. 4 (1989) 119-122 BODUR, D.M., KUTISHCHEVA, S.V., POIZNER, B.N., SKLYADNEVA, Y.K., Analysis of Books Quoted in Articles of the Journal Izvestia Vuzov Fizika in 1978-1987 (Editorial)

#239 JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association Vol. 252 No. 13 (1984) 1751 LUNDBERG, G.D., International Expansion of the Journal Continues (Editorial)

#240 JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association Vol. 257 No. 1 (1987) 52-59 GARFIELD, E., 100 Citation Classics from the Journal of the American Medical Association

#241 JAMA -Journal of the American Medical Association Vol. 259 No. 13 (1988) 1946 HE(MI', F., The Quality and Influence of JAMA (Letter)

#242 JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association Vol. 259 No. 13 (1988) 1946-1947 GARFIELD, E., The Quality and Influence of JAMA - Reply (Letter)

#243 JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association Vol. 263 No. 10 (1990) 1321-1322 KRONICK, D.A., Peer-Review in 18th-Century Scientific Journalism

#244 JAMA -Journal o f the American Medical Association Vol. 263 No. I0 (1990) 1323-1329 BURNHAM, J.C., The Evolution of Editorial Peer-Review

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#245 JAMA -Journal o f the American Medical Association Vol. 263 No. 10 (1990) 1330-1332 KNOLL, E., The Communities of Scientists and Journal Peer- Review

#246 JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association Vol. 263 No. 10 (1990) 1338-1340 YANKAUFA~ A., Who Are the Peer-Reviewers and How Much Do They Review?

#247 JAMA - Journal o f the American Medical Association VoL 263 No. 10 (1990) 1341-1343 LOCK, S., SMITH, J., What Do Peer-Reviewers Do?

#248 ,lAMA - Journal o f the American Medical Association Vol. 263 No. 10 (1990) 1344-1347 WFLLm:, A.C., Editorial Peer-Review in United States Medical Journals

#249 JAMA - Journal o f the American Medical Association Vol. 263 No. 10 (1990) 1348-1352 HARGENS, L.L., Variation in Journal Peer-Review Systems - Possible Causes and Consequences

#250 JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association Vol. 263 No. 10 (1990) 1353-1354 EVANS, J.T., NADJARI, H.I., BURCHELL, S.A., Quotational and Reference Accuracy in Surgical Journals - A Continuing Peer-Review Problem

#251 JAMA -Journal o f the American Medical Association Vol. 265 No. 20 (1991)2721-2723 FLANAGIN, A., THOMAS, I.G., LUNDBERG, G.D., JAMA as an International Public Health Journal - Transcending Geographic and Political Boundaries (Editorial)

#252 JAMA - Journal o f the American Medical Association Vol. 272 No. 2 (1994) 108--113 ROO-ION, P.A., GURWITZ, J.H., CHIIlNG, C.M., HAYES, J.A., CHALMERS, T.C., Evaluating the Quality of Articles Published in Journal Supplements Compared with the Quality of Those Published in the Parent Journal

#253 ,lAMA -Journal o f the American Medical Association

Vol. 272 No. 2 (1994) 129-132 ALTMAN, D.G., GOODMAN, S.N., Transfer of Technology from Statistical Journals to the Biomedical Literature - Past Trends and Future Predictions

#254 JAMA - Journal o f the American Medical Association Vol. 272 No. 2 (1994) 139-142 GILBERT, J.R., WILLIAMS, E.S., LUNDBERG, G.D., Is There Gender Bias in JAMA's Peer-Review Process

#255 JAMA -Journal o f the American Medical Association Vol. 272 No. 2 (1994) 147-149 LABAND, D.N., PIEWIE, M.J., A Citation Analysis of the Impact of Blinded Peer-Review

#256 JAMA - Journal o f the American Medical Association Vol. 272 No. 2 (1994) 152-153 SWEa]zt~, B.J., CUIZt~, D.J., How Well Does a Journals Peer-Review Process Function - A Survey of Authors Opinions

#257 JAMA - Journal o f the American Medical Association Vol. 272 No. 2 (1994) 154-156 SCHULMAN, K., SULMASY, D.P., RONEY, D., Ethics, Economics, and the Publication Policies of Major Medical Journals

#258 JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association Vol. 272 No. 2 (1994) 156--158 COLAIANNI, L.A., Peer-Review in Journals Indexed in Index Medicus

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#259 JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association Vol. 272 No. 2 (1994) 163-164 FRANK, E., Authors Criteria for Selecting Journals

#260 JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association Vol. 280 No. 3 (1998) 217-218 HOE/q, W.P., WALVOORT, H.C., OVERBEKE, A.J.P.M., What Are the Factors Determining Authorship and the Order of the Authors Names - A Study Among Authors of the Netherlands Tijdschrit~ Voor Geneeskunde (Dutch Journal of Medicine)

#261 JAMA -Journal of the American Medical Association Vol. 280 No. 3 (1998) 222-224 FLANAGIN, A., CAREY, L.A., FONTANAROSA, P.B., pHILLIPS, S.G., PACE, B.P., LUNDBERG, G.D., RENNIE, D., Prevalence of Articles with Honorary Authors and Ghost Authors in Peer-Reviewed Medical Journals

#262 JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association Vol. 280 No. 3 (1998) 286-287 GARROW, J., BISITERFflK~, M., MARSHALL, J., WILLIAMSON, A., The Reported Training and Experience of Editors-in-Chief of Specialist Clinical Medical Journals

#263 Journal American Water Works Association Vol. 89No. 6 (1997) 4 BENDIX, G.G., Journal Cited for Metric Misdemeanors (Letter)

#264 Journal fur Praktische Chemie - Chemiker- Zeitung Vol. 336 No. 2 (1994) 182-184 REMANE, H., WEISE, F., The Document on History of Chemistry - The Birth Certificate of the Journal Chemiker Zeitung

#265 Journal of Agricultural Economics VoL 47 No. 1 (1996) 109-114 BURTON, M., PHIMISTER, E., The Ranking of Agricultural Economics Journals

#266 Journal o f Agricultural Science Vol. 94 No. Feb (1980) 1-30 BELL, G.D.H., Journal of Agricultural Science 1905-1980- Historical Record (Editorial)

#267 Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Vol. 81 No. 6 (1988) 1080--1081 MIDDLETON, E., The Journal - 1983 to 1988 (Editorial)

#268 Journal of Analytical Chemistry Vol. 51 No. 1 (1996) 32-33 KOLESOV, G.M., On the History of the Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii (Journal of Analytical Chemistry)

#269 Journal o f Anatomy Vol. 150 No. Feb (1987) R9 MOFFAT, D.B., Journal of Anatomy- 100 Volumes, 1916-1987 (Editorial)

#270 Journal of Animal Ecology Vol. 62 No. 4 (1993) 599-605 SHORROCKS, B., Trends in the Journal of Animal Ecology - 1932- 92

#271 Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 25 No. 1-2 (1992) R5-R6 FIECHTER, A., 25 Volumes of the Journal of Biotechnology (Editorial)

#272 Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - British Volume Vol. 70 No. 2 (1988) 242-246 MORRIS, R.W., A Statistical Study of Papers in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (Br) 1984

#273 Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - British Volume Vol. 80B No. 1 (1998) 6-8 MOIR, J.S., S ~ , A.G., MAFFULIA, N., International Orthopedic Journals - A 15-Year Review (Review)

#274 Journal of Chemical Education Vol. 74No. 8 (1997) 877 MOORE, J.W., The Cost of Journals (Editorial)

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#275 Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences Vol. 33 No. 1 (1993) 164-173 BRAUN, T., G ~ , W., MACT~KA, H., ZSINDELY, S., Image of Analytical Chemistry as Reflected in the Analytical Abstracts Database - Journal Coverage, Concentration, and Dispersion of the Analytical Literature

#276 Journal of Child Neurology Vol. 13 No. 11 (1998) 560-569 BRUMBACK, R.A., Citation and Impact of the Journal of Child Neurology

#277 Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 66 No. 7 (1983) 1528-1535 SANJOSE, C., CASADO, E., Bibliometric Analysis of Cheese Literature Covered by the Food Science and Technology Abstracts in 1970 and 1980

#278 Journal of Dental Research Vol. 68 No. 3 (1989) 442-444 DOMS, C.A., A Survey of Reference Accuracy in Five National Dental Journals

#279 Journal of Dental Research Vol. 68 No. 10 (1989) 1469 DAWES, C., Does the JDR Play Favorites, How Good Is the Journal Anyway, and Should You Subscribe? (Editorial)

#280 Journal of Dermatological Science Vol. 18No. 1 (1998)U5 (ANONYMOUS) Impact Factor (Editorial)

#281 Journal of Environmental Engineering - ASCE Vol. 120 No. 5 (1994) 981-986 AMmTHARAJAH, A., Evaluation of the Joumal of Environmental Engineering (Editorial)

#282 Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health Vol. 50No. 6 (1996) 605 DONNA/q, S., Abortion, Breast Cancer, and Impact Factors - In This Number and the Last (Editorial)

#283 Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health Vol. 50 No. 6 (1996) 606-610 PORTA, M., The Bibliographic Impact Factor of the Institute for Scientific Information - How Relevant Is It Really for Public Health Journals? (Comments)

#284 Journal of Family Practice Vol. 16 No. 4 (1983) 812 GEYMAN, J.P., Citation Analysis of the Journal of Family Practice

#285 Journal of Family Practice Vol. 18 No. 1 (1984) 21-22 PELLEGRINO, E.D., Research in Family Practice as Reflected by the Journal of Family Practice (Editorial)

#286 Journal of Family Practice Vol. 18 No. 1 (1984)47-51 GEYMAN, J.P., BERG, A.O., The Journal of Family Practice - 1974-1983 - Analysis of an Evolving Literature Base (Review)

#287 Journal of Family Practice Vol. 22No. 1 (1986) 15-16 GEYMAN, J.P., Organizational Endorsements and the Journal of Family Practice (Editorial)

#288 Journal of Family Practice Vol. 28 No. 3 (1989) 301-304 GEYMAN, J.P., BERG, A.O., The Joumal of Family Practice 1974-1988 - Window to an Evolving Academic Discipline

#289 Journal of Forensic Sciences Vol. 30 No. 1 (1985) 269-278 SHAPIRO, J.Z., ANGI~,OS, S.A., An Evaluation of Criminalists Attitudes Toward the Journal of Forensic Sciences (Note)

#290 Journal of Forensic Sciences Vol. 43 No. 2 (1998) 439--444 JONES, A.W., Citation Trends and Practices in the Journal of Forensic Sciences as Documented by ISI Journal Citation Report (Editorial)

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#291 Journal of Forestry Vol. 87 No. 7 (1989) 17-19 BURNETT, G.W., HARRINGTON, LM.B., Measuring the International Content of the Journal of Forestry - Do the Contents of the Journal Adequately Reflect the International Responsibilities of the Society

#292 Journal of Great Lakes Research Vol. 20 No. 1 (1994) 317-326 BEDFORD, K.W., The Journal of Great-Lakes Research - An Evaluation upon the 20th Volume

#293 Journal of Hospital Infection Vol. 17No. 1 (1991) 1 ROGERS, T.R.F., The Journal of Hospital Infection in the 1990s (Editorial)

#294 Journal of Immunological Methods Vol. 216No. 1-2 (1998) 3 BOREK, F., Our Journal in Retrospect (Editorial)

#295 Journal of lnternal Medicine Vol. 229 No. 2 (1991) 109-111 SEGLEN, P:O., Citation Frequency and Journal Impact - Valid Indicators of Scientific Quality (Editorial)

#296 Journal of Internal Medicine Vol. 232 No. 3 (1992) 199-205 LO(X, S., Journalology - Evolution of Medical Journals and Some Current Problems

#297 Journal of Internal Medicine Vol. 232 No. 3 (1992) 207-213 RIIS, P., New Paradigms in Joumalology

#298 Journal of lnternal Medicine Vol. 243 No. 1 (1998) 1 HOLM, G., Journal of Internal Medicine - A Journal in Progress (Editorial)

#299 Journal of Investigative Dermatology Vol. 92 No. 4 (1989) SI42-S147 NORRIS, D.A., The 200 Most Cited Articles from the Journal of Investigative Dermatology"

#300 Journal of Investigative Dermatology Vol. 92 No. 4 (1989) S147-S148 NORRIS, D.A., The Scientific Citation [ndex and the Journal of Investigative Dermatology

#301 Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine Vol. l15No. 1 (1990)3 DANIEL, T.M., Reviewer Review Reviewed - Some Comments on Peer-Review in the Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine (Editorial)

#302 Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine Vol. 116 No. 6 (1990) 755-756 DANIEL, T.M., YOUNG, B.A., Landmark Articles and Citation Classics in the Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine (Editorial)

#303 Journal of Lipid Research Vol. 25 No. 13 (1984) 1425-1429 EDER, H.A., History of the Journal of Lipid Research (Review)

#304 Journal of Medical Education Vol. 57 No. 10 (1982) 797-799 MILLER, M.D., Citation Patterns of Articles Published in the Journal of Medical Education, 1970-1980 (Note)

#305 Journal of Medical Education Vol. 62 No. 1 (1987) 58--60 RAB1Nowrrz, H.K., Comparing the Number of Journals Available for Publication of Papers by Faculty Members in the Clinical Specialties (Letter)

#306 Journal of Microscopy - Oxford Vol. 155 No. Sep (1989) 249-266 BROCK, W.H., Patronage and Publishing - Journals of Microscopy 1839-1989

#307 Journal of Molecular Evolution Vol. 47 No. 3 (1998) 236--237 ZUCKERKANDL, E., The loumal and Its Field - A Case of Coevolution (Editorial)

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#308 Journal of Morphology Vol. 194 No. 3 (1987) 221-234 BENSON, K.R., The Journal of Morphology as Window and Mirror - Reflections and Glimpses on the Birth of American Biology

#309 Journal of Neurochemistry Vol. 61 No. 2 (1993) 780-786 CtJRT_ON, G., The History of Neurochemistry as Revealed by the Journal of Neuroehemistry

#310 Journal of Neurosurgery Vol. 80 No. 4 (1994) 762-766 ALEXANDER, E, Evolution of the Journal of Neurosurgery (Editorial)

#311 Journal of Neurosurgery Vol. 80 No. 5 (1994)939-940 SCHWARTZ, H.G., History of the Jouhaal of Neurosurgery, 1965- ! 980 (Review)

#312 Journal of Neurosurgery Vol. 81 No. 2,(1994) 317-321 LAWS, E.R., The Birlding Influence of the Journal of Neurosurgery on the Evolution of Neurosurgery

#313 Journal of Nuclear Cardiology Vol. 2 No. 4 (1995) 283-284 ZARET, B.L., Development and Maturation of the Journal (Editorial)

#314 Journal of Orthopaedic Research Vol. 13 No. 3 (1995) 307-308 BUCKWALTER, J.A., The Challenge of Success for the Journal of Orthopedic Research (Editorial)

#315 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Vol. 9I No. 2 (1985) 419-426 BRAUN, T., BtJJDOS6, E., LYON, W.S., The Impact of Some Research Published in the Journal of Radioanalytical Chemistry, 1968- 1981

#316 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry - Articles Vol. 163 No. 1 (1992)3-6 BRAUN, T., The Citation Impact of the Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (Editorial)

#317 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry - Letters Vol. 166No. 1 (1992) 1-6 BRAUN, T., The Citation Impact of the Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (Editorial)

#318 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Vol. 101 No. 3 (1996) 357-360 SPRING, J.D., GARSON, L.R., Electronic Publishing and the Journals of the American Chemical Society

#319 Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research Vol. 47 No. 1 (1988)23-27 MANORAMA, K., BHUTIANI, A., Strengthening the Coverage of Indian Scientific Journals

#320 Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research Vol. 47 No. 6 (1988) 307-314 A R U N A ~ , S., The Links Between Mainstream Science and Journals on the Periphery

#321 Journal of Scienti.fic & Industrial Research Vol. 47 No. 7 (1988) 359--367 ARUNA(14AI.AM, S., MANORAMA, K., The Status of Scientific Journals of India as Seen Through Science Citation Index

#322 Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research Vol. 52 No. 3 (1993) 133-150 SEN, S.K., CHAKRABORTY, S.K., Quality Control in Indian Science - A Study on Refereeing Systems of 26 Indian Journals

#323 Journal of Sedimentary Petrology Vol. 52 No. 2 (1982) 673 BODINE, M.W., Citation Analysis of Principal Sedimentology Journals (Discussion paper)

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#324 Journal of Studies on Alcohol Vol. 53 No. 5 (1992) 427-434 HOWARD, M.O., HOWARD, D.A., Citation Analysis of 541 Articles Published in Drug and Alcohol Journals- 1984-1988

#325 Journal of Studies on Alcohol Vol. 57 No. 1 (1996) 105-106 HOWARD, M.O., WALKER, R.D., Multiple Authorship - Trends over 50 Years in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol (Letter)

#326 Journal of Vascular Surgery Vol. 23 No. 6 (1996) 1069-1076 SZILAGY1, D.E., The Journal of Vascular Surgery - 1982 to 1990

#327 Journal of Veterinary lnternal Medicine Vol. 10 No. 6 (1996) 351-353 LEGENDRE, A.M., Reasons for Rejection of Manuscripts in the Journal (Editorial)

#328 Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Vol. 28 No. 6 (1993) 993-997 HOGAN, D.J., SAREL, D., CANAS, A., BELLMAN, B., EAGLSTEIN, W., HOCtAN, L.A., ~ , J . , An Analysis of Advertisements in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1980 and 1990

#329 Journal of the American Dental Association Vol. 101 No. 6 (1980) 919-922 MARTINOFF, J.T., LAWSON, E.S., SUNGKHOBOL, D., Clinical Research in Dental Institutions as Reported in Selected Dental Journals

#330 Journal of the American Dietetic Association Vol. 82 No. 6 (1983) 603-604 WAGSTAFF, M.A., The Journals Voice - 1946-1983 (Editorial)

#331 Journal of the American Dietetic Association Vol. 85 No. 1 (1985) 56--61 LANSING, P.S., SUMMERS, J.E., KNISELY, W.H., Analysis of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1967 to 1983

#332 Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Vol. 38 No. 3 (1990)261-262 MORLEY, J.E., Citations to Geriatric and Gerontological Journals (Editorial)

#333 Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Vol. 5 No. 5 (1998) 448-466 MORRIS, T.A., MCCAIN, K.W., The Structure of Medical lnformatics Journal Literature

#334 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association Vol. 190 No. 6 (1987) 623-626 VEENSTRA, R.J., A One-Year Journal Use Study in a Veterinary Medical Library

#335 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association Vol. 190 No. 9 (1987) 1098-1101 WHITE, M.E., An Analysis of Journal Citation Frequency in the Consultant Data-Base for Computer-Assisted Diagnosis

#336 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association Vol. 196 No. 12 (1990) 1931-1936 VEENSTRA, R.J., WRIGHT, J.C., Coverage of 60 Core Veterinary Medical Journals by 10 Indexing and Abstracting Tools

#337 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association Vol. 202 No. 3 (1993) 397-400 HINCHCLIFF, K.W., BRUCE, N.J., POWERS, J.D., KIPP, M.L., Accuracy of References and Quotations in Veterinary Journals

#338 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association Vol. 207 No. 1 (1995) 36--38 LEGENDRE, A.M., Peer-Review of Manuscripts for Biomedical Journals

#339 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association VoL 213 No. 8 (1998) 1091-1092 AUDIN, J.H., Prior Publication and Its Impact on the Journals Originality (Editorial)

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#340 Journal of the Geological Society of lndia Vol. 26No. 1 (1985) 10-15 NIJAGUNAPPA, R., NIJAGUNAPPA, P., Core Journals Used by Indian Geoscientists (1978-82)

#341 Journal of the National Cancer Institute Vol. 86No. 2 (1994) 89 NAGY, K., Most Frequently Cited Cancer Journals (Editorial)

#342 Journal of the National Cancer Institute Vol. 88 No. 2 (1996) 79 NAGY, K., JNCI Is Frequently Cited - Tops Other Primary Cancer Journals (Note)

#343 Journal of the National Cancer Institute Vol. 89No. 3 (1997) 260 CRESPO, G.G., Cigarette Advertisement Cites Journal (Letter)

#344 Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners Vol. 39 No. 323 (1989) 228-233 GRAY, D.P., The Emergence of the Discipline of General Practice, Its Literature, and the Contribution of the College Journal (Editorial)

#345 Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London Vol. 17 No. 2 (1983) 92 LO2K, S., Futurology and Medical Journals (Editorial)

#346 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Vol. 80No. 6 (1987) 396 ROLLIN, H.R., Journals of Psychological Medicine (Letter)

#347 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Vol. 81 No. 12 (1988) 686-688 MEDVEI, V.C., Wind of Change. 2. Medical Journals in Britain in 1988 (Editorial)

#348 Journals of Gerontology Vol. 39No. 1 (1984) 44--48 HOYER, W.J., ABRAHAMS, J.P., RASKIND, C.L., Research Practices in the Psychology of Aging - A Survey of Research Published in the Journal of Gerontology, 1975-1982

#349 Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedinenii Vol. No. 8 (1982) 1137-1141 KARAMURT~ S.G., RffZHKOV, S.A., The Journal Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds in the Light of Scientific Indexes (Editorial)

#350 Klinicheskaya Meditsma Vol. 71 No. 4 (1993) 66--68 KNOPOV, M.S., Problems of Field Surgery as Reflected in the Journal Klinicheskaya Meditsina (Editorial)

#351 Kosmicheskaya Biologiya i Aviakosmicheskaya Meditsina Vol. 20 No. 3 (1986) 93-95 ROZHKOV, S.A., KARAMURT_A, S.G., Comparison of Reference Cited by Authors of Papers Published in the Russian Journal Kosmicheskaya Biologiya i Aviakosmicheskaya Medizina and the English Journal Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine (Editorial)

#352 Lancet Vol. 2 No. 8313 (1982) 1473 TESTI, R., How International Are Medical Journals? (Letter)

#353 Lancet Vol. 2 No. 8567 (1987) 1102 (AnOm, MOOS) What's Your Impact? (Editorial)

#354 Lancet Vol. 1 No. 8584 (1988) 515 (ANONYMOUS) Peer-Review and the Lancet (Editorial)

#355 Lancet Vol. 1 No. 8585 (1988) 596 DOUGLASWILSON, I., Peer-Review and the Lancet (Letter)

#356 Lancet Vol. 2 No. 8656 (1989) 222 OLIVIER, C., CASSEYRE, P., VAYSSAIRAT, M., Future of French-Language Journals (Letter)

#357 Lancet Vol. 340 No. 8819 (1992) 613 WYATt, H.V., Indian Medical Journals (Letter)

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#358 Lancet Vol. 341 No. 8861 (1993) 1655 MANGLA, B., Indian Medical Journals (Editorial)

#359 Lancet Vol. 345 No. 8950 (1995) 662 HATHELD, C., OSTBYE, T., SORI, C., Sex of Editor in Medical Journals (Letter)

#360 Lancet Vol. 346 No. 8985 (1995) 1300-1301 BRODY, S., Impact Factor as the Best Operational Measure of Medical Journals (Letter)

#361 Lancet Vol. 346 No. 8979 (1995) 906 HANSSON, S, Impact Factor as a Misleading Tool in Evaluation of Medical Journals (Letter)

#362 Lancet Vol. 346 No. 8985 (1995) 1301 FOSTER, W.R., Impact Factor as the Best Operational Measure of Medical Journals (Letter)

#363 Lancet Vol. 347 NO. 9012 (1996) 1382-1386 ALTMAN, L.K, The Ingelfinger Rule, Embargoes, and Journal Peer-Review. 1.

#364 Lancet Vol. 347 No. 9013 (1996) 145%1463 ALTMAN, L.K., The Ingelflnger Rule, Embargoes, and Journal Peer-Review .2.

#365 Lancet Vol. 350 No. 9083 (1997) 1035 LOWY, C., Impact Factor Limits Funding (Letter)

#366 Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja Vol. 40 No. 9 (1985) 565-568 LOMNIEZI, B., Veterinary Periodicals - Review Article (Review)

#367 Magyar Kdraiai Foly6irat Vol. 99No. 7-8 (1993)301-315 BRAUN, T., GLANZEL, W., MACZELKA, H., ZSINDELY, S., Image of Analytical Chemistry as Reflected in the Analytical Abstracts Database - Journal Coverage, Concentration, and Dispersion of the Analytical Literature

#368 Marine Ecology- Progress Series Vol. 100 No. 1-2 (1993) 207-209 PUIX)VKIN, A.I., Citation Relationships among Marine Biology Journals and Those in Related Fields (Note)

#369 Medical Care VoL 29 No. 8 (1991) 755-765 BROOKS, C.H., WALKER, L.R., SZORADY, R., Rating Journals in Health Care Administration - The Perceptions of Program Chairpersons

#370 Medical Care Vol. 31 No. 6 (1993) 520-524 DAME, M.A., WOLINSKY, F.D., Rating Journals in Health Care Administration - The Use of Bibliometric Measures (Note)

#371 Medical Care Vol. 31 No. 11 (1993) 1057-1061 ARSON, J.S., KERSHAW, R., Rating Journals in Health Care Administration by the Textbook Citation Method (Note)

#372 Medical Care Vol. 32 No. 6 (1994) 650-652 BROOKS, C.H., Perceived Quality and Citation Rates of Health Care Administration Journals (Editorial)

#373 Medical Care Vol. 32 No. 6 (1994) 653--655 DAME, M.A, WOLINSKY, F.D., Reconciling Differences in Rating the Quality of Health Care Administration Journals Between Program Chairs Perceptions and Citation Counts

- Cutting Edge, Historical Seniority, Mainstream, Measurement Error, or Political Correctness (Editorial)

#374 Medical Journal of Australia Vol. 161 No. 5 (1994) 340-342 DUE, S.C., Early Medical Journals of Australia (Letter)

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#375 Medicina Clinica Vol. 98No. 1 (1992) 17-18 ROZMAN, C., FOZ, M., Medicina Cliniea in the Science Citation Index (Editorial)

#376 Medicina Clinica Vol. 98 No. 2 (1992) 76-77 BRAVO, R., FERREIRO, L., Impact Factor and Spanish Biomedical Journals (Letter)

#377 Medicina Clinica Vol. 99 No. 3 (1992) 96-99 BANOS, J.E., CASANOVAS, L., GUARDIOLA, E., BOSCH, F., Analysis of Spanish Biomedical Journals by Impact Factor

#378 Medicina Clinica Vol. 100 No. 6 (1993) 236 BRAVO, R., NOTARIO, P., Analysis of Spanish Biomedical Journal and the Impact Factor (Letter)

#379 Medicina Clinica Vol. 100 No. 6 (1993) 236-237 BANOS, J.E., CASANOVAS, L., GUARDIOLA, E., BOSCH, F., Analysis of Spanish Biomedical Journal and the Impact Factor (Letter)

#380 Medicina Clinica Vol. 102 No. 3 (1994) 104-112 PINERO, J.M.L., TERRADA, M.L., The Consumption of National and Foreign Scientific Information in Spanish Medical Journals - A New Repertory Study

#381 Medicina Clinica Vol. 103 No. 7 (1994) 246-251 ALEIXANDRE, R., SANCHEZ, J.V.G., TERRADA, M.L., PINERO, J.M.L., Analysis of the Consumption of Information in the Journal Medicina Clinica

#382 Medicina Clinica Vol. 104 No. 11 (1995) 423-425 CASARES, F.J.B., The Spanish Medical Journals on Specialities

#383 Medicina Clinica Vol. 106 No. 2 (1996) 51-59 BORDONS, M., BARRIGON, S., MENDEZ, A., Spanish Investigation in International Pharmacy and Pharmacology Journals from 1980-1989

#384 Medicina Cl inica Vol. 107 No. 8 (1996) 319 YUS, E.S., Please, Mind the Citations of Spanish Journals in Medicina Clinica (Letter)

#385 Medicina Clinica Vol. 107 No. 16 (1996) 608--613 NAVARRO, F.A., The Language of Medicine, Based on the Bibliographical References from the Original Articles Published in Midicina Clinica During 50 Years (1945-1995)

#386 Medicina Clinica Vol. 109 No. 13 (1997) 497-505 GOMEZ, I., COMA, L., MORILLO, F., CAMI, J., Medicina Clinica (1992-1993) Seen through the Science Citation Index

#387 Medicma Clinica Vol. 109 No. 13 (1997)506-511 PESTANA, A., Suitability of Medline for the Study of the Spanish Scientific Production in Biomedicine and Medical Sciences - A Comparative Appraisal with the Science Citation Index

#388 Medicina Clinica Vol. 109 No. 13 (1997) 512 ROZMAN, C., FO~, M., Biomedical Research in Spain and Medicina Clinica (Editorial)

#389 Medicine Vol. 64No. 4 (1985) 217-218 MCKUSICK, V.A., Medicine (1922- ) - Biography of a Medical Journal (Editorial)

#390 Methods of Information in Medicine Vol. 34 No. 4 (1995) 397-410 SITTIG, D.F., ~ - S I T r l G , J., A Quantitative Ranking of the Biomedical Informatics Serials

#391 Molecular Medicine Vol. 2 No. 3 (1996) 269-270 WARREN, K.S., Medical Journals and Molecular Medicine (Editorial)

#392 Nature Vol. 305 No. 5936 (1983) 664 AKERoYD, F.M., Journal Citations (Letter)

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#393 Nature Vol. 322 No. 6079 (1986) 489 BEARDSLEY, T., Technology Journals - Time to Learn Japanese (Editorial)

#394 Nature Vol. 343 No. 6255 (1990) 199 ANDERSON, A., Journal Citations - Japanese Papers Top the Charts (Editorial)

#395 Nature Vol. 346 No. 6283 (1990)405 COLES, P., Science Journals - Parlez Vous Francais? (Editorial)

#396 Nature Vol. 348 No. 6299 (1990) 367-368 BYNUM, W.F., Mirror of Medicine - A History of the British Medical Journal, by P.W.J. Bartrip (Book review)

#397 Nature Vol. 375 No. 6530 (1995) 345 MASOOD, E., Nature Heads ISI's Citations Survey (Editorial)

#398 Nature Vol. 375 No. 6534 (1995) 716 BELL, C., Worthy Journals (Letter)

#399 Nature Vol. 376 No. 6543 (1995) 720 MOTrA, G., Journal Impact Factors (Letter)

#400 Nature Vol. 376 No. 6543 (1995) 720 METCALFE, N.B., Journal Impact Factors (Letter)

#401 Nature Vol. 380 No. 6575 (1996) 578 SOROKIN, N.I., Impact Factors of Russian Journals (Letter)

#402 Nature Vol. 381 No. 6579 (1996) 186 MOED, H.F., VANLEEUWEN, T.N., Impact Factors Can Mislead (Letter)

#403 Nature Vol. 381 No. 6580 (1996) 271 BONATI, M.R., DRUSINI, A.G., Morgagni and the Impact Factor (Letter)

#404 Nature Vol. 390 No. 6660 (1997) 550 STEGMANN, J., How to Evaluate Journal Impact Factors (Letter)

#405 Nature Neuroscience Vol. 1 No. 8 (1998) 641-642 (ANONYMOUS) Citation Data - The Wrong Impact (Editorial)

#406 Neurology Vol. 33 No. 9 (1983) 1196-1198 SENERTH, K., Science Citation Index Gives Neurology High Rank (Review)

#407 New Journal of Chemistry Vol. 22 No. 8 (1998) 767-770 REEDIJK, J., Sense and Nonsense of Science Citation Analyses - Comments on the Monopoly Position of ISl and Citation Inaccuracies - Risks of Possible Misuse and Biased Citation and Impact Data (Lette0

#408 New-England Journal of Medicine Vol. 305 No. 7 (1981) 400-402

~BERRY, E.M., The Evolution of Scientific and Medical Journals (Editorial)

#409 New-England Journal of Medicine Vol. 305 No. 22 (1981) 1353-1354 TAEGTMEYER, H., Scientific Journals - Evaluation of Evolution (Letter)

#410 New-England Journal of Medicine Vol. 312 No. 23 (1985) 1521-1522 ALVARF2.DARDET, C., GASCON, E., MUR, P., NOLASCO, A., 10-Year Trends in the Journals Publications (Letter)

#411 New- York State Journal of Medicine Vol. 87 No. 11 (1987) 606-612 IMPERATO, P.J., Readership Survey of the New-York State Journal of Medicine (Editorial)

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#412 New- York State Journal of Medicine Vol. 89 No. 7 (1989) 403-414 IMPERATO, P.J., A History of the New-York Medical Journal

#413 New-Zealand Medical Journal Vol. 100No. 833 (1987) 620--621 ROBINSON, R.G., The New-Zealand Medical Journal 1887-1987 (Editorial)

#414 New-Zealand Medical Journal Vol. 100 No. 833 (1987)622 WRIGHTSTCI.AIR, R.E., The Early Years of the New-Zealand Medical Journal, 1887-1896 (Editorial)

#415 New-Zealand Medical Journal Vol. 100 No. 833 (1987)624 ROBINSON, R.G., The New-Zealand Medical Journal 1900 and Since (Editorial)

#416 Nuclear Engineering and Design Vol. 177 No. 1-3 (1997) 3-4 LAI-EY, R.T., The Impact of the Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design on Reactor Thermal Hydraulics Technology (Editorial)

#417 Nursing Research Vol. 29 No. 2 (1980) 93 NOt.AN, E.M., Institutional Sources of Articles Published in the American Journal of Nursing, Nursing Outlook, and Nursing Research (Letter)

#418 Nursing Research Vol. 34 No. 4 (1985) 204 GROUT, J.W., Institutional Sources of Articles Published in 13 Nursing Journals, 1978-1982 (Letter)

#419 Observatory Vol. 99 No. 1033 (1979) 220-222 PECKER, J.C., Literature References, Journal Abbreviations, and the IAU (Letter)

#420 Occupational and Environmental Medicine Vol. 53 No. 7 (1996)433-438 TAKAHASHI, K., HOSHUYAMA, T., IKEGAMI, K., ITOH, T., HIGASHI, T., OKUBO, T., A Bibliometric Study of the Trend in Articles Related to Epidemiology Published in Occupational Health Journals

#421 Occupational and Environmental Medicine Vol. 54 No. 5 (1997)357 SIZARET, A., KAUFFMANN, F., A Bibliometric Study of the Trend in Articles Related to Epidemiology Published in Occupational Health Journals (Letter)

#422 Occupational and Environmental Medicine Vol. 54 No. 5 (1997) 357-358 TAKAHASHI, K., HOSHUYAMA, T., 1TOH, T., HIGASHI, T., OKUBO, T., IKOGAMI, K., A Bibliometric Study of the Trend in Articles Related to Epidemiology Published in Occupational Health Journals - Reply (Letter)

#423 Oikos Vol. 72 No. 3 (1995) 440-443 STAT'ZNER, B., Scale Effects on Impact Factors of Scientific Journals - Ecology Compared to Other Fields (Note)

#424 Operations Research Vol. 42 No. 4 (1994) 577-588 REISMAN, A., KIRSCHNICK, F., The Devolution of OR/MS - Implications from a Statistical Content Analysis of Papers in Flagship Journals

#425 Operations Research Vol. 45 No. 2 (1997) 178-187 ORMEROD, R., KIOSSIS, I., OR/MS Publications - Extension of the Analysis of US Flagship Journals to the United Kingdom

#426 Ophthalmologe Vol. 94 No. 4 (1997)261-262 LINDNER, U.K.~OEI~, V., The Magic of the Impact Factor - Exposure of a Phenomenon (Editorial)

#427 Oral Oncology Vol. 34No. I (1998) R3 SCULLY, C., Oral Ontology in the Top 10 for Impact Factor and Advancing (Editorial)

#428 Pathologe Vol. 12No. 2 (1991) 98-101 BRUNNER, P., HAUB, K., HELM, M., German Journals Specializing in Pathology- Quantitative Analysis of Published Works from 1894 to 1989

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#429 Pathology Research and Practice Vol. 182No. 1 (1987) 1-5 GRUNDMANN, E., 1886-1986 - Beginning of a Second Century - A Journal Looking to Its Second Century (Editorial)

#430 Pediatric Neurosurgery Vol. 28 No. 3 (1998) 111-120 DIAS, M.S., Publication Patterns of the American Society of Pediatric Neurosurgeons - Is There Support Among Members for Peer-Reviewed Pediatric Neurosurgieal Journals?

#431 Pediatrics Vol. 102 No. 1 (1998) 186-190 BERGMAN, A.B., The Journal in 1947 and 1997 - A Dramatic Change

#432 Periodicum Biologorum Vol. 92 No. 2 (1990)229-236 MARICIC, S., Evaluating Yugoslav (Bio-Medical) Journals

#433 Pharmazie Vol. 43 No.12 (1988) 854 KERT,~SZ, BI, ZALAI, K., Situation of the Hungarian Pharmacy in Trommsdorffs Journal in 1795 (Editorial)

#434 Physical Therapy Vol. 66 No. 4 (1986) 540-541 BOHANNON, R.W., GIBSON, D.F., Citation Analysis of Physical Therapy- A Special Communication

#435 Physical Therapy Vol. 66 No. 8 (1986) 1275 BOHANNON, R.W., Journal Citation Reports (Letter)

#436 Physical Therapy Vol. 66 No. 6 (1986) 961-966 DEAN, E., DAVIES, J., Frequency of Citation and Reputational Assessment of Contributors in Physical Therapy

#437 Physical Therapy Vol. 69 No. 10 (1989) 795-796 ROTHSTEIN, J.M., The Journal - Past, Present, and Future (Editorial)

#438 Physics Today Vol. 35 No. 10 (1982) 43--47 KING, D.W., RODERER, N.K., Communication in Physics - The Use of Journals

#439 Physics Today Vol. 39 No. 12 (1986) 34-36 BARSCHALL, H.H., The Cost of Physics Journals

#440 Physics Today Vol. 41 No. 7 (1988) 56-59 BARSCHALL, H.H., The Cost-Effectiveness of Physics Journals

#441 Physics Today Vol. 42 No. 3 (1989) 15 B ~ L , H.H., Cost-Effectiveness of Physics Journals (Letter)

#442 Physics Today Vol. 48"No. 9 (1995) 124-125 ROTHMAN, S.J., Review of Peer-Review (Letter)

#443 Plant Cell and Environment Vol. 17 No. 9 (1994) 987 SMITH, H., ISI Journal Citations and Impact Factors for 1992 (Editorial)

#444 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Vol. 64 No. 2 (1979) 194-197 MCDOWELL, F., History of This Journal from 1967 to 1979

#445 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Vol. 90 No. 4 (1992) 717-722 DELLON, A.L., SCALLY, A.L., KUHI.EME1ER, K.V., Impact of the Journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

#446 Presse Medicale Vol. 24 No. 33 (1995) 1547-1551 NAVARRO, F.A., The Importance of English and French in Medicine, Based on the Bibliographical References from the Original Articles Published in La Presse Medicale from 1920 to 1995 (Editorial)

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#447 Psychological Medicine Vol. 19No. 1 (1989) 15-18 LLOYD, G.G., FLETCHER, A.E., Citation Trends of General Psychiatric Journals (Editorial)

#448 Psychological Medicine Vol. 22 No. 1 (1992) 15-25 SHEPHERD, M., Psychiatric Journals and the Evolution of Psychological Medicine

#449 Psychophysiolog), Vol. 33 No. 6 (1996) 629-636 SANCHEZHERNANDEZ, A., PEDRAJA, M.J., QUINONES-VIDAL, E., MARTINEZ-SANCHEZ, F., A Historic Quantitative Approach to Psychophysiological Research - The First Three Decades of the Journal Psychophysiology (1964- 1993) (Review)

#450 Psychosomatic Medicine Vol. 45 No. 5 (1983) 379-394 ROSE, R.M., What Are We Talking About and Who Listens? A Citation Analysis of Psychosomatic Medicine (Editorial)

#451 Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics Vol. 66 No. 1 (1997) 1-2 FAVA, G.A., The Journal's Progress (Editorial)

#452 Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics Vol. 67 No. 4-5 (1998) 194-201 KRIMSKY, S., ROTHENBERG, L.S., STOTr, P., KYLE, G., Scientific Journals and Their Authors Financial Interests - A Pilot Study

#453 Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics Voi. 50 No. Nov (1997) 497-498 STUART, J.T., Quarterly Joumal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 1947-1997 (Editorial)

#454 Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society Vol. 37 No. 4 (1996) 485--492 HUGHES, D.W., The Quarterly Journal, 1960-96 (Editorial)

#455 Radiochemical and Radioanalytical Letters Voi. 52 No. 6 (1982) 327-334 BRAUN, T., NAGYDIOsI-KOCSIS, G., The Publication Lapse of Papers in Radiochemical and Radioanalytical Letters

#456 Radiologe Vol. 38 No. 1 (1998) 1-2 LINDNER, U.K., OEI-~, V., The Magic of the Impact Factor - Unmasking of a Phenomenon (Editorial)

#457 Research Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation Vol. 61 No. 11-1 (1989) 1619

. LLrrl-tY, R.G., The Peer-Review Process and the Quality of the Research Journal (Editorial)

#458 Revista Medica de Chile Vol. 120 No. 10 (1992) 1177-1183 CAP, MONA, A.E., CURRUMILLA, J.C., Alcohol and Alcoholism - Papers Published in Chilean Journals (1950-1989)

#459 Revista Medica de Chile Vol. 125 No. 7 (1997) 775-780 KRAUSKOPF, M., A Scientometric Radiography of Revista Medica de Chile

#460 Revista Medica de Chile Vol. 126 No. 2 (1998) 135-138 REYES, H., The Impact Factor and the Impact of Medical Journals (Editorial)

#461 Revue du Praticien Vol. 30 No. 3~(1980) 2377 CASTAIGNE, P., Role of French Medical Journals (Editorial)

#462 Science Vol. 209 No. 4452 (1980) 57--60 WOLFLE, D., Science - A Memoir of the 1960s and 1970s

#463 Science Vol. 222 No. 4630 (1983) 1280 ABT, H.A., Growth of Scientific Journals (Letter)

#464 Science Vol. 237 No. 4811 (1987) 119 BOWEN, D.H.M., ACS Journals and Prices (Letter)

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#465 Science Vol. 237 No. 4811 (1987) 119 HOLDEN, C., ACS Journals and Prices - Response (Letter)

#466 Science Vol. 247 No. 4947 (1990) 1183 HOLDEN, C., Who Leads the (Ivy) League in Citation Impact? (Editorial)

#467 Science Vol. 248 No. 4958 (1990) 965 HOLDEN, C., Citation Impact on the Coast (Editorial)

#468 Search Vol. 11 No. 10 (1980)336-339 (~OmrMOUS) The Australian Journals of Scientific Research

#469 Search Vol. 12 No. 7 (1981) 204 BALOG, C., Author Affiliation of Papers in New-Zealand Agricultural Journals (Letter)

#470 Search Vol. 14 No. 1-2 (I983) 20-22 HAMMOND, L.S., Ranking the Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research in the Literature of Marine Science- An Analysis of Citations

#471 Search Vol. 14 No. 9-10 (1983) 269-271 OTrAWAY, E.M., HART, B.T., An Analysis of Australian Aquatic Science Research 1977-82 - Based on Publications in the Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research

#472 Search Vol. 18 No. 6 (1987) 303-306 JUDGE, P.J., Natural and Social Science Journals - A Situation Report from Australia and New- Zealand

#473 Seikagaku Vol. 54 No. 11 (1982) 1275-1277 YAMASHINA, I., World-Wide Status Concerning Publication of Biochemical Journals - A Report from CEBJ (Editorial)

#474 South African Journal of Science Vol. 82 No. 8 (1986) 401-402 POURIS, A., The South-African Journal of Science- A Bibliometrie Evaluation (Editorial)

#475 South African Journal of Science Vol. 94No. 4 (1998) t52 POURIS, A., South-African Scientific Journals - Do They Still Make an Impact? (Editorial)

#476 South African Medical Journal Vol. 71 No. 5 (1987) 319-320 BERNSTEIN, R.E., History of Medicine - The Transvaal Medical Journal, 1905-1913 (Editorial)

#477 Southern Medical Journal Vol. 76 No. 12 (1983) 1473-1476 HAYDEN, G.F., Clinical Research in the Southern Medical Journal - Current Trends

#478 Soviet Plant Physiology Vol. 26 No. 4 (1979) 681-703 VAKHMBTROV, D.B., Certain Tendencies in Soviet Plant Physiology from Analysis of Publications in the Journal Fiziologiya Rastenii for 1955-1976 (Attempt at Specific Scientometry)

#479 Stahl und Eisen Vol. 115 No. 9 (I995) 127"129 STEINVERSEN, R., GREIS, P., How Is the Journal Stahl und Eisen Judged by Its Readers?

#480 TRAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry Vol. 1 No. 12 (1982) 268-273 BUJDOSO, E., BRAUN, T., LYON, W.S., Information Flow in Analytical Journals

#481 TRAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry Vol. 9No. 6 (1990) 176-182 BRAUN, T., SCHUBERT, A., National Publication Productivities and Performance in Analytical Chemistry Core Journals, 1981-1985

#482 TRAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry Vol. 9 No. 3 (1990) 73-74 BRAUN, T., PALOS, A., The Accuracy and Completeness of Reference Citedin Selected Analytical Chemistry Journals

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#483 TRAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry Voi. 14 No. 10 (1995) 464--467 RZEPA, H.S., The Future of Electronic Journals in Chemistry (Editorial)

#484 TRAC- Trends in Analytical Chemistry Vol. 14 No. 3 (1995) 94-100 VALCARCEL, M., RIOS, A., The Evolution of Quality in Analytical Chemistry Journals

#485 TRAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry Vol. 16 No. 9 (1997) R4 (ANONYMOUS) Journal Impact Factors for 1996 (Editorial)

#486 Taxon Vol. 32 No. 3 (1983) 349-379 LEUSSINK, J.A., A Short History and Bibliographical Analysis of the Journal Flora (Regensburg) (Vol 1-71, 1818- 1888). 2. The Publication Dates

#487 Taxon Vol. 47 No. 2 (1998) 387-390 PLAZA, L.M., GONT.ALEZ-BUI~O, A., Research. Evaluation in Plant Science - The Different Connotations of Journal Impact Factor in Traditional and Emerging Disciplines

#488 Trends in Biochemical Sciences Vol. 14 No. 8 (1989) 326-327 SEGLEN, P.O., From Bad to Worse - Evaluation by Journal Impact (Letter)

#489 Trends in Ecology & Evolution Voi. 10 No. 5 (1995) 220 STATZNER, B., RESH, V.H., KOBZINA, N.G., Low Impact Factors of Ecology Journals - Don't Worry (Note)

#490 Trends in Ecology & Evolution Vol. 10 No. I 1 (1995) 461 METCA/avE, N.B., Serious Bias in Journal Impact Factors (Letter)

#491 Veterinary and Human Toxicology Vol. 22 No. 6 (1980) 429--430 OEHME, S.L., An Analysis of the Veterinary and Human Toxicology Journal (Letter)

#492 Veterinary and Human Toxicology Vol. 24 No. S (1982) 34--35 ROBERTSON, K.A., ROBERTSON, W.O., Journal Sources for Medical Toxicologists

#493 Veterinary and Human Toxicology Vol. 39No. 1 (1997) 53-54 ROBERTSON, W.O., Medical Journals in the 90s (Editorial)

#494 Wiener Klmische Wochenschrift Vol. 103 No. 11 (1991) 318-325 GARFIELD, E., A Citation Analysis of Austrian Medical Research and Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift

#495 X-Ray Spectrometry Vol. 23 No. 5 (1994) 229-235 STOEV, K.N., Study on Journal Distribution of Publications in the Field of X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis

#496 Zeitschrift far Physikalische Chemic- Leipzig Vol. 268 No. 3 (1987) 417--423 NIEDERSEN, U., The 100th Anniversary of the Zeitschrift far Physikalische Chemic - The Influence of a Journal in the Establishment of a Scientific Field

#497 Zeitschrift far Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychoanalyse Vol. 44 No. 4 (1998) 370--384 DFL'KER, O., B RAH1.ER, E., Quality Control and Bibliometric Features - Publications in Psychosomatic Medicine Examplified by the Zeitschrifl far Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychoanalyse

Author Index

ABRAHAMS, J.P. #348 ABq', H.A. #092, #463 ADAMS, D.J. #093

ADAMS, G.R. #214 ADDIS, A. #078 AKEROYD, F.M. #392

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ALEIXANDRE, R. fl381 ALEXANDER, E. #310 ALTMAN, D.G. #253 ALTMAN, L.K. #363, #364 ALVAREZ-DARDET, C. #410 AMIRTHARAJAH, A. #281 ANDERSON, A. #394 ANGELL, M. #134 ANGELOS, S.A. #289 ARCINIEGA, L.T. #014 ARNDT, K.A. #084, #085 ARUNACHALAM, S. #163, #320, #321 AUDIN, J.H. #339 BADAWY, A.A.B. #015 BAI1.AR, J.C. #049 BAIA, RAM, P. #168 BALOG, C. #469 BANOS, J.E. #377, #379 BARBIERI, R.L. #200 BARRACLOUGH, B. # 103 BARRACLOUGH, B.M. #012 BARRIGON, S. #383 BARSCHALL, H.H. #439, #440, #441 BAUMAN, R.P. #045 BEARDSLEY, T. #393 BEDFORD, K.W. #292 BEILOCK, R. #021 BELL, C. #398 BELL, G.D.H. #266 BELLMAN, B. #328 BENDIX, G.G. #263 BENSON, K.R. #308 BERG, A.O. #286, #288 BERGMAN, A.B. #431 BERGSJO, P. #008 BERK, R.N. #052, #059 BERNSTEIN, R.E. #476 BERRY, E.M. #408 BEVINGTON, J.C. #197 BHUTIANI, A. #319 BLACKWOOD, D. #047 BLASE, M. #022 BLITZ, S. #072 BOBICK, J.E. #199 BOBROW, D.G. #091 BOD1NE, M.W. #323 BODUR, D.M. #238 BOHANNON, R.W. #434, #435

BONATI, M.R. #403 BOOTH, C.C. #074 BORDONS, M. #383 BOREK, F. #294 BOSCH, F. #377, #379 BO1"rCHER, S. #062 BOTIIGER, L.E. #006 BOWEN, D.H.M. #464 BRAHLER, E. #497 BRAUN, T. #275, #315, #316, #317, #367, #455,

#480, #481, #482 BRAVO, R. #376, #378 BROCK, W.H. #306 BRODY, S. #360 BROOKS, C.H. #369, #372 BRUCE, N.J. #337 BRUER, J.T. #050 BRUMBACK, R.A. #276 BRUNNER, P. #428 BRUNS, D.E. #154, #155 BUCKWALTER, J.A. #314 BU~EK, Y. #078 BU.rDOSO, E. #315, #480 BURCHELL, S.A. #250 BURKE, C.M. #147 BURNETr, G.W. #291 BURNHAM, J.C. #244 BURTON, M. #265 BUTCHER, P. #116 B ~ , M. #262 BYNOM, W.F. #396 BYWATERS, E.G.L. #080, #081 CA~, J. #386 CAMPOS, C. #153 CANAS, A. #328 CAGEY, L.A. #261 CARMONA, A.E. #458 CARON, M.G. #189 CARRERA-PARRA, L.F. #229 CASADO, E. #277 CASANOVAS, L. #377, #379 CASARES, F.J.B. #382 CASE, K. #134 CASSEYRE, P. #356 CASTAIGNE, P. #461 CAZZOLA, M. #208 CELl, S.J. #097 CHAKRABORTY, S.K. #322

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CHAI3dERS, T.C. #252 CHARIOT, P. #203 CHAT~.~.IW'J~, G. #0"83 CHEN, B.X. #149 CHEN, M.Y.M. #056 CHENG, C.H. #001 Cl-ll~a3, T.O. #028 CHtKJNG, C.M. #252 CLEW, F.S. #051, #053, #054, #055 CHRISqENS~, J. #145 CLARK, R.B. #045 CLARK, T. #148 CLEVER, L.H. #134 COELHO, P.M.Z. #099 COLAIANNI, L.A. #134, #258 COLES, P. #395 COMA, L. #386 COMSI'CX~, G.W. #030 COSTA, H.M.A. #099 COX, B.J. #048 CRESANTA~ J.L. #029 CRESPO, G.G. #343 CULLEN, D.J. #004, #256 CURRUMII2.A, J.C: #458 C ~ , G." #309 DAME, M.A. #370, #373 DANIEL, H.D. #070 DANIEL, T.M. #301, #302 DAVIES, J. #436 DAVIS, H. #116 DAWES, C. #279 DEGIROLAMO, G. # 106 DEGRLrrERE, C. #206 DFAONG, J.W. #192, #193 DEAN, E. #436 DECKER, O. #497 DELLON, A.L. #445 DEVI, P.U. #166 DIPRISCO, C.A. #227 DIAL, T. #047 DIAS, M.S. #430 DOMINGUF_.Z, F.J. #077 DOMS, C.A. #278 DONNAN, S. #282 DOUGLAS-WIISON, I. #355 DRUSlNI, A.G. #403 DU, G.H. #011 DUB1N, D. #084

DUB1N, D.B. #085 D ~ , H.A.F. #110 DUE, S.C. #374 DUPU~, J. #079 DURAN, J.A. #077 DURIGON, M. #203 DZAU, V.J. #217 EAGLS3~F.aN, W. #328 EARNSHAW, J.J. #112 EDER, H.A. #303 EDWARDS, R.G. #215, #216 EINARSON, T.R. #078 EL~tER, A.D. #056 EVANS, J.T. #250 Fd.t3~I, C.M. #209 FARNDON, J.R. #112 FASSO.aA~, A. #069 FAVA, G.A. #451 FI~G, C.H. #150 FERREIRO, L. #376

A. #271 FINLAYSON, N.D.C. #194 FISTqER, D.A. #190 FLANAGIN, A. #251, #261 FLETCHER, A.E. #447 F ~ , R. #134 FLETCHER, S. #134 FONTANAROSA, P.B. #261 FO~lr.a~, W.R. #362 FOX, R. #134 FC~, M. #375, #388 FRANK, E. #259 FRII~MAN, D.P. #058 FROMMHOLD, W, #205 FUCHS, A. #082 GAGNON, J.P. #041 GARFIELD, E. #071, #119, #167, #240, #242, #494 GARROW, J. #262 GARSON, L.R. #318 GASCON, E. #410 GAS'IEL, B. #073 GEMPESAW, C. #022 GEORGE, S.L. #003 GEYMAN, J.P. #284, #286, #287, #288 GmBONS, J.D. #061 GIKSON, D.F. #434 GILBERT, J.R. #254 GLASS, R. #134

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GLENDENNING, R. #022 GIANZEL, W. #183, #275, #367 GOGLIETrlNO, A. #106 GOI.DBERG, R.J. #024 GOLDER, W. #204 GOLI~M1TH, C.H. #090 GOM~, I. #386 GONZALEZ-BUENO, A. #487 GOODMAN, S.N. #253 GRAHAM, R.M. #217 GRAY, D.P. #344 GREENE, N.M. #068 GREC_~RY, P. #016, #017 GREIS, P. #479 GROUT, J.W. #418 GRUNDMANN, E. #429 GUARDIOLA, E. #377, #379 GUILLOU, P.J. # 112 GURWIIZ, J.H. #252 HABER, E. #217, #218 i HAFNF~ A.W. #084 H A I ~ , C. #022 HALPERIN, E.C. #003 HAMMOND, L.S. #470 HANSEN, H.B. #158 HANSEN, M.E. #057 HANS.SON, S. #361 HARGENS, L.L. #249 HARPER, J.A. #127, #129 HARRINGTON, L.M.B. #291 HART, B.T. #471 HART, F.D. #108 HARqT:LER, G.O. #026 HASF.GAWA, G.R. #033 HATFIELD, C. #359 HAUB, K. #428 HAYDI~, G.F. #477 HAYES, J.A. #252 HAYNES, R.B. #075 HECHT, B.K. #137 HECHT, F. #137, #241 HELM, M. #428 HENDERSON, B. #047 HENRIKSEN, J.H. #158 HERBSTAEDT, E. #089 HERFARTH, C. #151, #152 HICKS, A. #188 HIGASHI, T. #420, #422

tJdlJ.MAN, B.J. #236 HINCHCI./FF, K.W. #337 HrrzENBERGER, G. #005 HOr.~rm~, C. #036 HOl~q, W.P. #260 HOGAN, D.J. #328 HOGAN, L.A. #328 HOI_DEN, C. #465, #466, #467 HOLM, G. #298 HO~APPLE, C.W. #001 HOSI-115YAMA, T. #420, #422 HOWARD, D.A. #324 HOWARD, L #105, #107 HOWARD, M.O. #324, #325 HOWELL, .I.D. #072 HOYER, W.J. #348 HUGHES, D.W. #454 HUNTER, T.B. #235 HUSTON, P. #135 IKEGAMI, K. #420 IKOGAMI, K. #422 IMPERATO, P.J. #411, #412 ISKEDJIAN, M. #078 ISRAELI, A. #133 ITOH, T. #420, #422 JAFFE, V. #109 JAGANNATHAN, N.R. #169 JOI-~ISON, C.D. #112 JOHNSON, R.H. #124, #125 JONES, A.W. #202, #290 JUIX~E, P.J. #472 KAAIAAS-SITI'IG, J. #390 KANIARIS, P. #069 KARAMISRT_A, S.G. #349, #351 KA~IRER, J.P, #134 K A Y , F. #421 KE, Y.H. #011 KEE, W.D.N. #035 KERSHAW, R. #371 KERTI~SZ, B. #433 KEYSER, D. #123 KING, D.W. #438 KIOSSIS, I. #425 Kn'P, M.L. #337 KIRK, S.A. #046 K/RSCHNICK, F. #424 KNISELY, W.H. #331 KNOLL, E. #245

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KNOPOV, M.S. #350 KOBZlNA, N.G. #489 KOLESOV, G.M. #268 KO~, G. #046 KRAMER, J. #328 KRAUSKOPF, M. #459 KRIMSKY, S. #452 KRONICK, D.A. #243 KRUK, D. #078 KUHLDMEtER, K.V. #088, #445 KUIPERS, H. #234 KUTISHCHEVA, S.V. #238 KYLE, G. #452 LABAND, D.N. #255 LAHEY, R.T. #416 LANSING, P.S. #331 LAPORTE, R.E. #029 LARSON, J.S. #371 LASKER, G.W. #213 LAU, T.K. #035 LAUFER, M. #228 LAWS, E.R. #312 LAWSON, E.S. #329 LEE, A. #001 LEGENDRE, A.M. #327, #338 LEHR, J.H. #207 LESK, M.E. #066 LEUSSINK, J.A. #486 LEWIS, I.H. #067 LI, C.J. #011 LINARDI, P.M. #099 LINDE, A. #195 LINDNER, U.K. #063, #426, #456 LISANTI, F. # 106 LLOYD, G.G. #447 LOCK, S. #247, #296, #345 LOMMCZl, B. #366 LOSSOS, I.S. #237 LOWY, C. #365 LUNDBERG, G.D. #'134, #239, #251, #254, #261 LUTHY, R.G. #457 LYON, W.S. #315, #480 MACAULAY, A. #004 MAr'Tin KA, H. #275, #367 MAFFULLI, N. #273 MALONE, M.H. #042 MANGLA, B. #358 MANORAMA, K. #319,#321

MARBARGER, J.P. #096 MARCHESi, V.T. #198 MARCUS, D.S. #235 MARICIC, S. #432 MARKS, R.J. #219 MARSHALL, J. #262 MARTINEZ-SANCHEZ, F. #449 MARTINOFF, J.T. #329 MASOOD, E. #397 MATHIE, R.T. #109 MCCAFFREY, D.J. #044 MCCAIN, K.W. #333 McDOWELL, F. #444 MCINTIRE, D.D. #057 McKEE, I. #113 MCKEE, M. #196 MCKUSlCK, V.A. #389 MEDVEI, V.C. #347 MENDEZ, A. #383 METCAI~E, N.B. #400, #490 MIDDI.ErON, E. #267 MIKAS, T. #069 MILLER, M.D. #304 MILLER, W.R. #014 MILLIMAN, J.D. #185 MOED, H.F. #402 MOFFAT, D.B. #269 MOIR, J.S. #273 MOORE, J.W. #274 MORGAN, J.P. #157 MORGAN, P. #117 MORGAN, P.P. #130, #131 MORH~, F. #386 MORLEY, J.E. #332 MORLINO, M. # 106 MORRIS, R.W. #272 MORRIS, T.A. #333 MOTrA, G. #399 M ~ , P.W. #231 MUR, P. #410 MURIE, J.A. #112 MURRAY, J.J. # 100 MUSSURAKIS, S. #013 NADJARI, H.I. #250 NAGY, K. #341, #342 NAGYDIOSI-KOCSIS, G. #455 NAHRWOLD, D.L. #079 NAVARRO, F.A. #385, #446

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NEWELL, F.W. #037 NIEDERSEN, U. #496 NUAGUNAPPA, P. #340 NUAGUNAPPA, R. fl340 NITYANANDA, R. #161 NOLAN, E.M. #417 NOLASCO, A. #410 NORRIS, D.A. #299, #300 NORTON, G.R. #048 NOTARIO, P. #378 N ~ A R T , H.C. #223 NOYES, R. #012 NYLENNA, M. #134 ODOM, D. #196 OEI~vl, V. #063, #426, #456 OEHME, S.L. #491 OF_STERN, H.J. #064 OKUBO, T. #420, #422 OLIVER, M.F. #194 OLIVIER, C. #356 OlrrHov, T. #138 ORMEROD, R. #425 OSTBYE, T. #359 OTI'AWAY, E.M. #471 OVERBEKE, A.J.P.M. #260 PACE, B.P. #261 PAPOUSEK, D. #142 PEARSON, R.E. #040, #043 PECKER, J.C. #419 PEDRAJA, M.J. #449 PEERY, J.C. #214 PELLEGRINO, E.D. fl285 PERCYROBB, I.W. #194 PEREIRA, S.G. #079 PERRY, G.M. #023 PESTANA, A. #387 PETERS, D.P. fl097 PETRUZZI, J.M. #065 PHILLIPS, S.G. #261 PHIMISTER, E. #265 PIE-I-IE, M.J. #255 PINCUS, H.A. #047 PINERO, J.M.L. #380, #381 Pmwrrz, S. #222 PLAZA, L.M. #487 PLOUIN, P.F. #083 POENER, B.N. #238 POLAK, J.M. #211

POLK, H.C. #060 POLOPOLUS, L. #021 PORTA, M. #283 POURIS, A. #474, #475 POWERS, J.D. #337 PROBST, J. #064 PUDER, K.S. #157 PUDOVION, A.I. #368 PtrrrERMAN, C. #237 PALOS, A. #482 QUINONF~-VIDAL, E. #449 RABINowrrz, HK. #305 RABOW, 1. #007 RABOW, L. #007 RAINA, R. #160 RAMASESHAN, S. #159, #162 RASKIND, C.L. #348 ~ , F.L. #153 REEDUK, J. #146, #407 REISMAN, A. #424 REMANE, H. #264 RENNIE, D. #261 RESH, V.H. #489 REYES, H. #460 RICHARDSON, M.J. #215, #216 RIB, P. #297 RIOt, A. #484 ROACH, V.J. #035 ROBERTS, W.C. #025, #027 ROBERTSON, K.A. #492 ROBERTSON, R.P. #094, #187 ROBERTSON, W.O. #492, #493 ROBIN, E.D. #147 ROBINSON, R.G. #134, #413, #415 ROCHON, P.A. #252 RODERER, N.K. #438 ROGERS, T.R.F. #293 ROLl,IN, H.R. #104, #346 RONEY, D. #257 R(~E, R.M. #450 ROSENBLATT, A. #046 ROSENFEI.D, R.M. #087 ROSSOALE, P.D. #191 ROTH, H. #148 ROTHENBERG, L.S. #452 ROTHMAN, S.J. #442 ROTHSTEIN, LM #437 ROZHKOV, S.A. #349, #351

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ROZMAN, C. #375, #388 R~, M.W. #201 RUSSELL, R.C.G. #III RYDHOLM, A. #009 RZEPA, H.S. #483 SAI.AZARVAIJ.T:.rO, S.l. #229 SAI~I-t~, J.V.G. #381 S~-HERNANDEZ, A. #449 SANDBERG, A.A. #137 SANJOSE, C. #277 SAREL, D. #328 SARTWELL, P.E. #031 SAURAT, J.H. #186 SCALLY, A.L. #445 SCHAPER, W. #192, #193 SCHINDEWOLF, U. #098 SCHUBERT, A. #141, #183, #224, #481 SCHUBERT, A.P. #225 SCHUBERT, G.A. #225 SCHUBERT, W.H. #124, #125 SO-tUH, F.T. #062 SCHULMAN, K. #257 SCHURMANN, G. #151 SCHWARTZ, H.G. #311 SCIARRA, 3.J. #230 SCOTT, J. #003 SCULLY, C. #427 SEGI..EN, P.O. #010, #018, #122, #295, #488 SEN, S.K. #322 SENERTH, K. #406 SHAPIRO, J.Z. #289 SHAW, D.F. #144 SI--II~HERD, M. #448 SHERMAN, M. #234 SHORROCKS, B. #270 SIMPSON, J.R. #020 SIN(a-I, U.N. # 163 SINHA, R. #163 SITrlG, D.F. #390 SIZAREr, A. #421 SKLYADNEVA, Y.K. #238 SMITH, A.F. # 128 SMrrH, G. #101 SMITH, H. #443 SMrrH, J. #134, #247 SMITH, M.C. #O39, #O44 SMITH, R. #I14,#I 18,#121,#134 SMrn-I, T.F. #094

SM(X~ R.M. #212 SORI, C. #359 SOROKIN, N.I. #401 SPODICK, D.H. #024 SPRING, J.D. #318 SQUIRES, B.P. #134 STAI~tR, C. #205 STAMOULIS, K.G. #019 STARK, F. #031 STA'I2NER, B. #423, #489 STEELE, J.T. #020 S'rEGMANN, J. #404 STFANVERSEN, R. #479 STELL, P.M. #156 STOI~ANGA, P.J.W. #232, #233 STOEV, K.N. #495 STOTr, P. #452 S'I'UART, J.T. #453 STUMPF, D.A. #086 SULMASY, D.P. #257 S ~ , J.E. #331 SUNGKHOBOL, D. #329 SUTHERLAND, A.G. #273 SVEC, F. #143 SWErI'ZER, B.J. #256 SWINSON, R.P. #048 SZlLAGYI, D.E. "#326 SZ0RADY, R. #369 TAEGrMEYER, H. #409 TAKAHASHI, K. #420, #422 TAYLOR, R. #126 TERRADA, M.L. #380, #381 TF.STI, R. #352 THEIS, B. #111 THOMAS, I.G. #251 THOMAS, L #134 T H e , D.F. #034 THURN, P. #205 THURNHAM, D.I. #102 TIEN, J.M. #220 TODOROV, R. #184 TRAKAS, K. #078 TROJANOWSKI, T. #007 UICHANCO, C.C.N. #220 UNGAR, K. 0002 U ~ A , T. #089 V ~ O V , D.B. #478 VAI.EARCEL, M. #484

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VANLEEUWEN, T.N. #402 VANS~TEGHEM, A.C..#215, #216 VASAN, S.S. #164 VAYSSAIRAT, M. #356 VEI~ISTRA, R.J. #334, #336 VESSURI, H.M.C. #226 VIJAYAN, M. #165 VLACHY, J. #170, #171, #172, #173, #174, #175,

#176, #177, #178, #179, #180, #181, #182 VOSS, H. #045 WAGSTAFF, M.A. #330 WALKER, L.R. #369 WALKER, R.D. #325 WALVOORT, H.C. #260 WANG, J.R. #011 WARREN, K.S. #391 WATERS'tON, T. #115 WATSON, W.G. #038 WEISE, F. #264 WEIIER, A.C. #248 Wt~,~3, Y.Q. #073 WESSFL, I. #048 WEST, R. #120 WHrlE, M.E~ #095, #335 WlEDERAENDERS, K. #026 WILKINSON, G. #105, #107 WILLIAMS, E.S. #254

WKLIAMSON, A. #262 WILSON, D.S. #210 WILSON, E. # 140 WFIZKE, D.B. #235 WOI.FLE, D. #462 WOLINSKY, F.D. #370, #373 WOOD, B.G. #139 WOODS, D. #132 WOOI~, P. #134 WRIGHT, J.C. #336 WRIGHT-STCLAIR, R.E. #414 WYATr, H.V. #357 YAMASHINA, I. #473 YANKAUER, A. #246 YOUNG, B.A. #302 YU, K.N. #011 YUS, E.S. #384 ZALAI, K. #433 ZARET, B.L. #313 Z~-rI'~a~MAN, R.K. #032 Z ~ , H . #011 ZHANG, H.S. #011 ZEMER, R.F. #019 Z ~ R S K I , A. #133 ZSINDELY, S. #275, #367 ZUCKERKANDL, E. #307

Addiction #014, #015 Advanced Materials #016 Agricultural Economics #020 Anatomy #269 Anesthesia #069 Artificial Intelligence #091 Astrophysics #092 Australia • Aquatic Science #471 • Medicine #374 • Physics #094 • Scientific Research #468

Author • Authorship Affiliation #019 • Co-Authorship in Radiology #053 • Criteria for Selecting Journals #259

K e y w o r d I n d e x

• Diagnostic Radiology #051 • Financial Interests #452 • Multiple Authorship #003 • Order of Authors' Names #260 • Women Authors #046

Bibliometries • Agricultural Economics # 127 • Cheese Literature #277 • Clinical Chemistry #153 • Dairy Technology #093 • Evaluation of the Performance #002 • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation #088 • South-Africa #474

Biochemistry #473 Biotechnology #271 Bone and Joint Surgery #272

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Cardiology #025 Chemistry • Analytical #275, #367, #480, #481, #482, #484 • Chemical Engineering #141 • Citation Analysis #142 • Clinical #153, #155 • Cost #145 • Electronic Journals #066, #318, #483 • Future #144 • Heterocyclic Compounds #349 • History #264, #268 • Peer-Review #065, #070 • Physical #140, #496 • Radioanalytical #315, #316, #317

Chile • Alcohol and Alcoholism #458 • Medicine #459

China • Growth # 163 • Medicine #073, #1i8, #150

Citation #263, #392, #397 • Accuracy #129 • Aging #178 • Anxiety Disorders Research #048 • Cigarette Advertisement #343 • Classics #034, #240, #302 • Clinical Chemistry #155 • Current Science #160 • Frequently Cited Journals #341, #342 • Frequently Cited Papers #054 • Gerontology #332 • Human Biology #213 • Investigative Dermatology #300 • Journal Citation Reports #435 • Marine Biology #368 • Medical Education #304 • Medicine #t36 • Most Cited Articles #299 • Neural Networks #219 • Patient Compliance Literature #050 • Patterns #130 • Pharmaceutical Education #039 • Physical Therapy #436 • Physics #170, #175, #178, #179, #183 • Reproductive Biology #199 • Science Citation Index #375, #386, #406 • Speed #183 • Third-World Journals #167

Citation Analysis #011, #062, # 154 • Analysis of References #157 • Austrian Medical Research #494 • Clinical Dermatology #084 • Computer-Assisted Diagnosis #335 • Drug and Alcohol #324 • Europhysics Journals #171 • Family Practice #284 • Fertility and Sterility #200 • Physical Therapy #434 • Physics Journals #172 • Psychosomatic Medicine #450 • Sedimentology #323

Clinical Specialties #305 Conference Proceedings #207 Cost #274 • Chemistry #145 • Physics #439

Cost-Effectiveness • Physics #440, #441

Cybernetics #220 Dental Research #100, #329 Dermatology #328 Development #313 Dietetics #331 Editor • Sex of, in Medical Journals #359

Editor's Correspondence #024 Editor's Perspective #042 • Surgery #060 Editor-in-Chief • Clinical Medicine #262

Editorial Board • Statistics #061

Editorial Peer-Review #244 • Medicine #248

Editorial Review • Gastroenterology #032

Editorship Location • Authorship Affiliation #019

Electronic Journal • Chemistry #066, #318, #483

Environmental Engineering #281 European Journals • Clinical Investigation # 194 • Europhysics Journals # 171 • Hematology #208 • Neurosurgical Pubiications #007

208 Scientometrics 46 (1999)

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• Polymer #197 • Public Health #196 Evolution • Analytical Chemistry #484 • Continuing #218 • Epidemiology #031 • Evaluation #409 • FASEB Journal #198 • Hypertension #217 • Medicine #296, #408 • Neurosurgery #310, #312 • Psychiatry #104, #448

Family Practice #285, #286, #287, #288 Financing #227 Forensic Sciences #289 French #356, #395 • CMAJ #131 • Medicine #446, #461

Gerontology #348 Great-Lakes Research #292 Growth #463 • China #163 • Endocrine Society #190 • Medicine #074 • Pharmacist and Physician Publication #043

History #444 • Agricultural Science #266 • Analytical Chemistry #268 • Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek #082 • Chemistry #264 • Chinese Medical Journal #149 • European Polymer Journal # 197 • Flora (Regensburg) #486 • Hungarian Pharmacy #433 • Lipid Research #303 • Medicine #396, #476 • Neurochemistry #309 • Neurosurgery #311 • New-York Medical Journal #412 • Psychophysiology #449 • Rheumatology #081

Hortseienee #212 Hospital Infection #293 Immunocytochemistry #211 Immunopharmacology #231 Impact #072, #353 • Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek #082 • Chemistry #142

• Child Neurology #276 • Clinical Physiology and Nuclear #158 • Dermatology #085 • Forensic Science #202, #203 • From Bad to Worse #488 • Long-Term Versus Short-Term #027, #028 • Medicine #071, #133 • Molecular Modeling #148 • Nuclear Engineering #416 • Physics #180, #181 • Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery #445 • Prior Publication #339 • Radioanalytical Chemistry #315 • Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry #316,

#317 • Research Quality #049 • Sense and Nonsense #407 • South-Africa #475 • Valid Indicators of Scientific Quality #295 • Who Leads the League? #466 • Wrong #405 • on the Coast #467

Impact Factor #009, #076, #083, #156, #166, #169, #193, #280, #282, #399, #400 • 1992 #443 • 1996 #017,#485 • A Critical Analysis #204 • A Misnamed, Misleading, Misused #137 • ANote of Caution #165 • Anesthesia #101 • Application as a Measurement of #064 • Biological Taxonomy #229 • Can Mislead #402 • Citation Analysis #143 • Citation Counting # 168 • Clinical Medicine #151 • Dermatology 0186 • Ecology #489

• How Important Is It? #234'

• How to Evaluate #404

• Immunology #221

• Improved #I 19, #120

• Inaccurate #146

• Limits Funding #365

• Magic #063, #426, #456

• Manipulating #121

• Meaningful Index for Ranking #126 • Medicine #460

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• More Misleading Than Ever #215 • Morgagni #403 • Not Suitable for Evaluation #010 • Oral Ontology #427 • Plant Science #487 • Psychiatry #105, #107 • Public Health #283 • Questionable Indicator #018 • Rise and Fall #233 • Russia #401 • Scale Effects #423 • Sense and Nonsense #138 • Serious Bias #490 • Should Not Be Used for Evaluation #122 • Spanish Biomedicine #376, #377, #378, #379

The Record Put Straight #216 • a Misleading Tool #361 • as a Criterion for the Quality of Research #099 • for Evaluation of Quality #005 • the Best Operationar Measure #360, #362 • the Pitfalls of Journal Ranking #195

India #164 • Gcoscientists #340 • Medicine "#357, #358 • Quality Control #322 • Scientific Journals #159, #319, #321 • Scientific Journals, Quality of # 162 • Technology Journals #161

International Journals #232 • Clinical Cardiology # 192 • Expansion #239 • Forestry #291 • Gynecology and Obstetrics #230

Medicine #352 • Obstetrics and Gynecology #035 • Orthopedy #273 • Pharmacy and Pharmacology #383 • Physics #094 • Public Health #251 • Roentgenology #056

Japan • Citations #394 • Technology #393

Journalology • Biomedicine #206 • Medicine #296 • New Paradigms #297


• Suicide and Mental Disorders #012 Mechanics and Applied Mathematics #453 Medicine #188, #389, #493

Advertising #134, #135 • Aerospace Medical Association #096 • Australia #374 • Austria #494 • Aviation, Space and Environmental Science #351 • Britain #347 • Canada #136 • Chile #459 • China #073, #150 • Chinese # 11 g • Citation Analysis #450 • Citation Classics #240, #302 • Citation Patterns #304 • Clinical Pharmacology #077 • Clinical Research #477 • Editors-in-Chief #262 • English and French #446 • Ethics, Economics, and Publication #257 • Evolution #408 • French #461 • Future #008 • Futurology #345 • Greatest Impact #071 • History #396, #412, #476 • History of the Chinese Medical Journal #149 • Honorary Authors and Ghost Authors #261 • Impact #133, #158 • Impact Factor #151, #360, #361, #362, #460 • India #357, #358 • Influence #132 • Internal Medicine #298 • International #352 • Israel #237 • Journal Use Study #334 • Journalology #296 • Medical Informatics #333 • Medical Toxicology #492 • Most Frequently Copied #026 • New-Zealand #413, #414, #415 • Order of the Authors' Names #260 • Origin and Growth #074 • Paper Length #103 • Peer-Review #I 17, #147, #222, #223, #248,

#258, #301 • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation #088

210 Scientometrics 46 (1999)

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• Psychiatry #448 • Psychological Medicine #346 • Quality Control and Bibliomctric #497 • Quotations and References # 116 • Readership Survey #411 • Refcranc¢ Lists #006 • Sex of Editor #359 • Spain #375, #380, #381, #382, #384, #385, #386,

#387, #388 • Third World #115 • Third-World #114

Veterinary Medicine #336 • Women Authors #046 • Yugoslavia #432 • in the Market Place #113

Microscopy #306 Molecular Medicine #391 Morphology #308 New-Zealand • Agriculture #469 • Medicine #413, #414, #415 • Natural and Social Science #472

Nursing #417, #418 Nutrition #102 Operation Research #424, #425 Ophthalmology #037 Orthopedic Research #314 Otolaryngology #087 Pathology #428 Peer Review #246, #247, #442, #457 • 18th-Century Scientific Journalism #243 • Analytical Chemistry #065 • Anesthesiology #067, #068 • Angewandte Chemic #070 • Authors' Opinions #256 • Biomedicine #338 • Blinded #255 • Clinical Journals #075 • Clinical Specialty Journal #004 • Communities of Scientists #245 • Endocrine Reviews # 189 • Evolution #244 • Gender Bias in JAMA #254 • Index Mcdicus #258 • Ingelfingcr Rule #363, #364 • LWT #201 • Laboratory and Clinical Medicine #301 • Lancet #354, #355

• Medicine # I 17, # 147, #248, #261 • Nursing and Medicine #222, #223 • PcdiatricNcurosurgcry #430 • Psychology #097 • Radiology #052 • Rroentgcnology #058 • Surgery #060, #250 • Variation #249 Pharmacist and Physician Publication #040 Physics #184, #438 • Citation Aging #178 • Citation Analysis #172 • Citation Impact #181 • Citation Rankings #177 • Citation Speed # 183 • Cost #439 • Cost-Effectiveness #440, #441 • Publication and Citation Ranking #173 • Ranking by Citation #182 • Refereeing and Rejection Patterns #174 • Trends in the Citation Impact #180

Plant Physiology #478 Poland • Physicians #086

Price • ACS Journals #139, #464, #465

Quality # 152 • Agricultural Economics #023 • Chile #089 • Health Care Administration #372 • Indicators #033 • JAMA #241, #242 • Journal Supplements #252 • Nursing #209 • Pharmacocconomic Abstracts #078 • Psychosomatic Medicine #497

Quality of Citations #036 • Obstetrics and Gynecology #035

Radioehemistry #455 Radiology #235, #236 Ranking • AI Journals #001 • Agricultural Economics #021, #265 • Biomedical Infotmatics Serials #390 • Diagnostic Radiology #205 • Marine Science #470 • Physics #173, #177, #182

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Rat ing • Health Care Administration #369, #370, #371,

#373 • Human Development #214 • Pharmacy #041 • Pharmacy Administration #044 • Rheumatology #090

Reader #479 Reader Evaluat ion #045 Readership Survey #411 Referee • British Journal of Surgery #112

Reference • Analytical Chemistry #482 • Aviation, Space and Environmental Science #351 • Chemical Engineering #141 • Dental Research #278 • Inorganiea Chimica Acta #224, #225 • Israeli Medicine #237 • Journal Abbreviations #419 • Medicina Clinica #385 • Medicine #006, #116 • Radiology #057 • Veterinary Research #337

Rejection • Physics #174 • Reasons #327 • Roentgenology #055

Review Article • Anesthesia # 128

Rheumatology #080, #108

Roentgenology #059 Sex/Gender • Herpetology #210 • o f Editor #359

Spain • Biomedical Research #388 • Biomedicine and Medical Sciences #387 • Medicina Clinica 0384 • Medicine 0380, #382 • Pharmacy and Pharmacology #383

Surgery #079, #109, #I I0, #111, #350 Survival #228 Trend #410 • Agricultural Economics #022 • Animal Ecology #270 • Clinical Research #477 • Coauthorship in Radiology #013 v Epidemiology #029, #030, #420, #421, #422 • Forensic Sciences #290 • Meteorological Society #123, #124, #125 • Oceanography #185 • Physics #176 • Psychiatry #047, #106, #447 • Statistics #253 • Studies on Alcohol #325

Vascular Surgery #326 Venezuela #226 Veter inary Periodicals #366 Veter inary Research #095 Veter inary and H u m a n Toxicology #491 X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis #495

212 Scientometrics 46 (1999)