THE RESURRECTION IN CHRISTIAN SPIRITUAL. ITY ACCORDING TO THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS by Sist.er M. Louise Follmar, B.A. of The Franc1scan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School, Marquette university in Partial Fulfillmetlt of · the Re- quirements for the De,ree of Master of Arts Milwaukee, Wi.sconsin July, 1965 I

of - Marquette UniversityTheology now beqan to assume it.s proper role as the founda-tion of the spirl tual li fEt. Theologians such as Matthias Scheeben, who died in lS88,a:n.Ci other

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    Sist.er M. Louise Follmar, B.A.


    The Franc1scan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration

    A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School, Marquette university in

    Partial Fulfillmetlt of ·the Re-quirements for the De,ree

    of Master of Arts

    Milwaukee, Wi.sconsin July, 1965


  • /


    The myst~ry of theJ'esturrection of Christ-had a

    powerful in.fluanoe on the lives of the early Christ.ians.

    For them, the resurrection put an end to the wretched

    pessimism whioh had chaJl'acterized the ideas propagAted


    by some of the Gret,ak t.hinltell's. Christ. haa risen and was

    now constantly among them as their hope and their seGurilzy.

    Darkness and death were changed into light. and life. The

    resurreotion was t.heir assurance that the Father loved

    meI\ and t.hat He bad brougbt them t.o new , life in His Son.

    'Because, of their awaranese! of the risen Christ, j$Y

    permeated. the early Christians I lives even in the midst. of

    persecution. 1

    In later centuries, however, the awareness of the

    resurrection dimmed, particularly in the centuries

    following the. Counter-Reformation, because the spirituality

    of the latter movement .eema to have over-emphasized the

    humanity of Christ, separating His passion and death from

    His resurraation. In the ninet.eenth C$ntuxy, likewise,

    on account. of the aufferin9 Cjf the Church under the

    reign of t.he Absolute Monarchs and during the French

    . lJamea Walsh, S.3., "Introduction," The Way, 4 (April, 1961), pp. 87-88.

  • 2

    Revolution, sound theology no long-er fed spiritmality.

    The way was Open for the disease ot Jansenism. At this /

    time, al.se. England's bouJ:geoissociety had become rather

    puritanioal as seen in some of the wliit,lng:s of the era.

    Novels 0 .£ this age spoke of a religion which was a jC)yless

    affair, in which punishment. was meted out by God for the

    least transgression. As a result, joy was obliterated

    and purit.anical conduct reigned as the nona for "holiness."

    Fearing the least mOral failure, Christ-ians refrain$d

    from receivin9' the Eucharist, and eentered their devotion

    on Cbrist's presence in the Blessed Saerruoont and on Uis

    pllssion . 2

    As the ninet.eenth centUJY progressed, noticeable

    changes were evident in the concept of spiritual! ty.

    Theology now beqan to assume it.s proper role as the founda-

    tion of the spirl tual li fEt. Theologians such as Matthias

    Scheeben, who died in lS88,a:n.Ci other men of genius, such

    as Abbe Huvel1,n, the direetor of Charles de P'oueauld, and

    Cal"dinal Ne'WJl\an inVigorated the thought of the time.

    Seneeben explained. the unien 0t Chri8tians with one an.other

    and with Ch~i8t as their head whose proper aotion 1s the

    Eucharistic Sacrifice. Holy Communion bec;an to be viewed

    as the culmination of this corporat.e act, .and the Blessed

    Sacrament was joined more closely ·to the Mass. In the

    preceding centuries, the passion and death had maintained

    2 Ibid., p. 85.

  • a central position in the Mass an'a in spirituality, I blAt. the realization was qradually dawnin.g tha.t this

    aspect was only c>ne side of the Mass. Certainly I Christ


    suffere·d and died , but the offering of the Son would have

    availed nothinq, if the Father had not accepted the sac-

    rifice. By raising Christ. from the dead, the !'ather

    maaiiest.ed His acoept.ance of ~e offed.ng_ It.is the risen

    Christ. who is t.he g'lorious viet-l.m in. the Mass and this

    presence of t.he ri$en Christ i. the hope of the Christian

    and the fount, cd his joy. Now" in the present generation,

    the depths of the meaninq of the resurrect.ion in mM's life " " ' , 3 is being progressively plumbed.

    In this thes4,s, t will attempt. to show the impact. of

    the r-esurreetlon on the spirituality of the Christian

    according to the Secolld Epis.tle o~ Saint. Paul 110 the

    Corinthians. Much has bejjUl written ciu!'r~ntly on t:he $plrit-

    u,ali~y of the Christ.ian in view of the resurrect.ion, but

    t.his topic has not been developed US1n9 only the Second

    Epistle to the Corinthians asa S0ur~ ,. To accomplish

    this purpose, I will diseuss the' meMinCJ of "in Christ ff

    as founa in this Epistl",. I will then pz:ese-nt man's life

    " in Christ" which 1s a J:esult of the resurrection according'

    to the th.mes of sonship and apostle.hip.

    3Martin 1'>' Aroy, S.J., "Modem Spirituality, " 'lbe Wal.' 1 (Jan· •. , 1961), ~p. 2-4. ' -

  • 4



    In his epistles Paul spedifically uses the formula

    "in Chl'ist " one hundred and s ixty four times. 4 There are othe·l!' passag9.s in which this meanin'IJ is implied, but the pre-

    cise terminology is lacking_ Although "in Chrilit ¥I is used

    Il'epeatedly by paul, it CUUUlot be interpreted the same in

    every instanoe ; henee, the various interpretat.ions of paul's

    unique fo~ula will be $xamined, .s they ate found 1n five basic texts of the Second Epistie to the Corinthians , in order to ascertal'1.n Paul's teachin9 on the spit:! t.ua1i tY of i!he

    Ch~!stianand its relation t.o the resurrection of Christ.

    Paul states:

    It I must boast - it 1s nGt inde.d expedient to do so -but I will aome t.o visions and r.~elations of the Lo·rd. I know a man in Chriet. who fourteen years ago - whether in. the body I do not know " or out of the body I do not know, God knows - 81.ldla one was caught. up to the third hea'Ven. (2 Cor. 12 : i - 2)

    In this :text, according to pra~5 and Gr08souw6 , "1n Christ"

    can be interp~ted ~8 meaning acting in a Chrl.tian way, or

    as indioatint a type of rel.ation between Christ and t.he fa! t.h-

    ful which the term, Cbristian, could' l'eplaoe. This intar-

    4Fernand . Prat, S.J., The 'rheol..29.l. of Saint ~.~1 t translated by John L .• Steddard, II , IWesimInst!er l Newman Press, 1950), .p. 391 .

    5Ibid., p. 3!U.

    6Willlam K.Grosaouw, In Christ, translated by Martin Schoenberg, o.s.e. , (Westminster: 'Newman Pres., 1952), p. 93.

  • s

    pret.ation doe$ not , howover I S~etnt¢ do justic~ to .. in (

    Christ'll i'll$ used. bIt l1aul in ,thl$ te::d~ .~ thQl19'h it d.oee pain.t

    to t.h~ reality. What. btrat lne4nS by acting in at, Christ.ian

    mlltnnet; is quest.ionable since a ~r.()n ~.nnQt t:ruly !let like

    a Christian unless h~ live'S wtthcbr:ist as the prinsiple of

    his life. C(u:tainly ~ tbi~ relation8hip could be .indicated by

    th.e Wot~d.l Ch,:d$tl!an # befi:iluae a persondo(ls not live " in

    Cbri&\ JI' u.n.less het by l!)l!q.)t.l8,m, is .. Cbd.stian. It seems,

    t.herefore,. that t.net'o' ~$ n() difference bat\'/t)en a Cbristian

    and a man who 1!v6,ae l,!.f:llI ~ ill. ehd .. 9t., t> if the meaning o·f

    Christian 18 understood in ita full eilJnlfio&tl¢e. conccmin9

    t.his truth, C~rfauM aptly rema.rk.s ~

    Among th.0$e formu.las th~ OM which intereats us th~~st in COM.!lcbion witili the id.'8 of tiu) Chu~,. is ttl. oon.oept. of 1.ife in Chr1.t~ It alone phvld~s us wi.t.h what emotlnt. to a no-t'1 tdt16 for t:ha Cht'!stia:n. Whereas oth$:t"~ ar-:~ und()l r ' the, law of HQse$1 ChrJ.flJti4nsare iT in CI-\risf.i.. \~ Paul ~ould h~vG used ttl" adjecd.ve ltChrlst.iu" in f:hesame WAY Cis he uaed ~h. e"lthets !l:noly" , #feitbful" and (;,cal1Qd~' I 'had it; nQ·il h!2en for th~) faat. that! thil1 t! t.le ha.d beeninvsl'l'ted by tb$ afualnies of the name. On th$: oth.er band} that.ho.o10gy of th~ 91it Qf Gotl 1 .Q£ ~rac() ,~nd; ()t juatiae J did not Ja)rovida 8. chal'a.oter!s:tio WOi\'d t.o

  • 6

    tari.or r.elation with Christ, but on a profound communion (

    with Him hy which Oh9 i 's incorporated in the pe.rson of ~rist.

    This phrase, furt.hermore, designates the Chu;cch in itsmya-

    tical being and in its social being. 8 The thought of Bon-

    sirven appea:rsvery si9nific.ant ina discussion o .f "in

    Christ I" but all his cQnolu$.ions are net. discernible in a

    curso·ry reading of 2 Cor. 12:2 . Upon refleetion it seem$

    that if "in Christ, " as employed in this text, .is equivalent

    to the word, Christian, various consequences can be derived.

    Paul states that he knows a man "in Clarist" and then proceeds

    to oxplain the ~xperi.enceot this man . '1'1118 simple statement

    seems to indicat~ that the person is aC'bristian, which im-

    plies tllat. he has rec~i ved the s.aerament of bapt.ism, in which

    be begins to share tme life of Christ. Bysharinq Christ I s

    life, the baptized person is tmited to all others who share

    this same life • 'these persons are tbe members, of the Church

    which Bonsirven desaribes b-y the word, mystical. The eh·utch

    is .a visible society, also. Hence, tthe man "in Christ," of

    whom Paul speaks I can be discened by exterior signs, which

    Bonsirven describes as the soclal being of the Chul'ch.

    Another interpretation of the "in Christ" of 2 Cor.

    12 : 2 is presented by Richardson9 who suqge.sts that this is

    ~--~~~~--~------.~--•. ~--~~.~~--I

    . 8Jostaph Bonsirven I S.J. I L 'F,1y~,ile ~ ~!.,!!t (Ilarts:' Aubl.er, 19".6), p. 242.

    9A1an lli.cbardson, An. Introduc;tion t.o tbe Theolo9Y of the New Testament, (London r ScM presl, 1951f) ~l p. 250. ----

  • 7

    the only text in which "in Christ" indicates mysticism, since I

    . Paul is speaki.ng in this passage of a mystio.l experience.

    It is necessary, however , to d iscriminate' betwa &n t he mys -

    tioal union o f ChriGt and a pers on andrnyst i cal experience . 10

    I t see.ms t.ha t. Paul t i n :'. CGlI r . 12 :1 - 2 , indicates a union of

    be ing and life with Christ by hi s words: " I know a man in

    ehJ:'ist. .. It see ms, 1:00. that thL·seondi tioD i s a p re-

    requisit.E! for thfi) state' in which • person can ' be p ropa-r l y

    called a mystic, but. if, as Wikenhauser remarks, mys t icism

    . includes ftlQN than myst.1oalexpGri.ence , there are Qthe r

    Pauline passages whioh indicate mystioism.

    '--~----'----~----~----- '-~-------~"~' --~- ---------.--------

    : . lOct. AlfrEld W1kenbause,r, Pa_u,.ine, ~lst:lo.iS~, (Frel:.burg : Herder Co. , 1960), pp. 104-105~ Speakl.ngon myst.icism, Wlkenh4luser states : -To beq:in with,. thEl name mysticilism can ana sh()Uld b. applied to the objectl ve relat.ion-ship which Baptism brinqs about .• tor it c.reate. Ii union of being and life between Christ and man. The essence of mys-ticism is the establishment otsuc:'b an illl1'iledlate fel1ow$hip between GGd ana man, and since it is the saerament which establishes the ,relation,ship" ie 1s best deseribed as sacra-mental mystieism. Tbe word myst.icl.sm has a. QonventiQnal meaninq which appears when we speak of t he Mystical Body of Christ, or describe Baptism as a mystical death and resur-rection. Whellwe use tabe word tnYst.i.eism here i.n that sense, we must note oat:$fully that it refers to the objective and divine side of the unio~ with Christ. which Paul teaches • • • • There is a see

  • 8

    ,. tun_It U"ct ot 'the word, lIlyetlcal, 1n re-f

    lat1,Oft _0 leo.... 1.h 1"'2 .... pre.flliate' by OQir'll\Ut w.~ ....... e. that the nlatiot'\ _twen el'u:l.t. and tbe Ch dAti an may he

    .oall,.a iQy.fJt:1c«1'1 :bu~ 'be 1.81.ts furtbe..t' tlUlt ehd.,st.lans 4e

    not toxm .. l1W'strical a.l'iat. 11 at., 'nt.~.t.t10. of the tegt _ .... valid, aio.:Ce bo uI.sayetie.l t.o._ aome,tb1nq

    aleh 1. nott Hal. a. 1n.Lt._ that Ch .. " .. U... beloftg to tll& real 019-1118. of 'the person ot Old.at.

    Pa.\ll;.·. teaeb.lnq,.&coortllnq teAl'lem t I,mplle8 tl'UAt {me

    ebd.attan 1a 1:'O'a11y united to the riAA a~i.t •• Gn. com ...

    plete: p$RO:n. to aDo'cbel" in .. h&l ad ptll'tlOAill '\\aiM. 10,

    tbi" union t.b. Chr-1etd,.. is eo ~1.t.11 ~.pena.nt oa Cbt;;i .• ~

    that •• $10M 1. t:luldl:rect,1nq torce~. He state. I~

    '1'bl,. uftt,on 1 ... _d._.nt!a! Qontao~ _1.'1 ,a. dYAdio taen .. tJ.f.t(n~Uon bet" ••• the :laithful andtb* bodyebaJiQ.d with ~rj • ,. • ~llf • . that 1. Job the body 1:HIteomes tfuiI· life otthc> •• WhO aft it. "Mir. • • ,. " s •• ., in ~'

  • 9

    t,he individual Chri.stian and Christ he contributes a clear insi

  • 10

    In ~hi. atato ae 1.&1."&Y8 joined to If!*, body tbe Chul'dh .• (

    When. parson" therefore, becomes a Chri8tian he i8 not /

    united to Chri.at in tsol.at.lon, bu.t ,,, unit.ed to all whO'

    areCbristlans. Sine& a per30n by bapt13m 1s unitG~ to

    Ch:rillt. an"tb .• Church" a i!fhole new manner Gf, livin, i.ill··

    velved wblch will be ~lseulJse4 in later ehagtGl'8.

    In th$: same ~pbJtlG'atllr.mtlrk.: It nut. thanks be to

    Oodw1'1o alwaya loads us in trluftiph b t Cbl:'lst. JostiS .. • ~ ~

    (2 Cor. 2.1t) M,o,.tl"y assumes tbat the !nter,r0·t&i:1Qn 0f th .•

    verb intbi$. te:!tt is dOllb'tful ~ Be thinks 1 however" that the

    notion of G-QQ le·ading- n.1e ape.tle In triumph as if lfllAaul who was &ware c;t man' s

    dep~ndenos on ~d.~ The plltatSe 'tt ln Christ t " 4ccortin9 tG hl:m,

    p.revent8 'the m!sAme.ratandio.g that this r&lat.iQn 1& Mr~11

    external. 14 liOaley·. contribution 18 helpful in polnt.lnq to

    .I.um'. 4epenssn-Cle on Clu:'lst f and the rela.Uotleh1p whiM is

    interi()r, not; mer$ly exterior. The te:kt , h

  • 11

    According to W.ikenhause:t, t.he Ch1!i~tian t as evid$nced

    in 2 Cor. 2 tl.4 I workl3 "in Christ" due tpa mfs.tical l:'¢ litiQn-

    ship with Christ . He expl :ains the meani tlg of t his typo of


    • • . tha- work of the imprisonment is something wnioh Vs wi thdl'C!Wfi .frelln the natural spnol7e ; it does not belong to the merely natura:l plane ; for the pe:;'$ons concerned are mysti

  • 12

    Either the strong "mystical " meaning comes first, so that the passages pointed out above are corruptions and j weakenings of this sense, or at a given moment a more mystical significance is added to the general formula. 17

    By mystical Cerfaux means life communicated by Christ. It

    seems, therefore, that his interpretation does not do justice

    to 2 Cor. 2 : 14, since even if the passage does reflect a

    relationship based on faith, faith its·elf involves more than a

    mere rational assent . By faith a person gives himself over

    to Christ, which gift. is certainly an initiation into the

    sharing of Christ ' s life. If, as Cerfaux states, 2 Cor. 2 ~ 14

    indicates merely a relationship of preaching and teaching, how

    could the persons be led in triumph unless they had accepted

    the message and begun to live with Christ's life? The f01 -

    lowing contributions lend support to a stronger interpretation

    of the "in Christ" of 2 Cor. 2 : 14.

    Stanley, in his interpretation of t.his passage, states :

    ItThe ultimate source of man's redemption is traced back I in

    Pauline soteriolo9Y, to God the Father •••• "18 Parallel

    to the thought: of Stanley is the opinion of Spicq who com-

    ments that far from being lost, the believer is turned by the

    gift of God to triumph. In otlher words, the initiative of

    man's salvation is from God. In the same chapter, though

    17I bid., p . 213. ~

    18David Michael Stanley, S.30; Christ's Resurrection In .~auline Soteriology, (Rome : E Ponti HCio Instl tuto Bibllco, 1961), p. 141. In lootnote 57 t Stanley remarks : "It is· to be noted (with Plummer) that nowhere in the Pauline writings is God said to be reconciled with men, nor is the verb i It. 4.. d x£ C1~c:/..(, ever used by Paul. 1f

  • 13

    not in th~ interpretation of 2 cor. 2~14, Spicq spaaks of (

    the Fatber as the source of th~ efficacy of red\eroption .. I

    since He sent His son to accomplish thof.) work of salvatlon. 19

    'l'he3e b rief ,CQ)trlIDonts of Stanley and Spicq dese rve further

    elaboration. ~ CQr. 2 ~ 1;1 states that God leads men in

    triumph i n Christ. Since the persona a rc being 1e13 td-·

    Ulllphant.ly in Christ, they can be call1!c1 Chris tians I that is I

    thsy arG; united to Christ and t.0 His body t.he Church as dis-

    cus sed previously. The f ,e,ct that God dOes the le1;1.ding in

    Christ indieates that the b ,d.tiative tel:: t .ne triumphal pro-

    cession is in a person other t.han Christ. Stanley st.ate s

    that 2 Cor. 2 ~ H :reveals the rat.her as tho source of this

    proce.$sion. His thought seems justifiable , s!nee the Gl'ee~ , J:i \

    wox-a employed in the text is t7e 0 S , whioh is the "lOrd

    used :Cor the 'ather. This intcrpr.,tation seam.s valid, fur-

    t.hermor~ , since the S~'n , bein(l a rflcciver, can do only the

    work whieh the Father giMes HiTa 'tile) 16k>. Sinee t h e l at.t.e r is

    true I the na.'~\1re of a ~rson in Christ. 1$ desoribed as

    :t'6cepttve, that is! he cannot le~d him.self in t;dumph . hut

    must rely on Gad t s act.ion , God' l\ leading him. Spicq expl,ains

    that the very leading' o~ persona in triumph re~Teal.s the pos-

    sibllityof salvation· and is the basis ff)r hope. 20 This

    explanat.ion of the text seems to be a valuable idea for a

    study of the Christian' 3 !lpirittlality, since ,. if the Father

    .. _ .. __ ------ - .. -.~ ..... ~ ... --_ ... .... ; "" _ ... . '_ "_"'''9; • . _'~ .. _ _ __ ... __ ... ~ .... ~_.~ ..... _ _ ~_ .. _." ... ... _ .... _ _ __ , ~.""_...__,....4 '.'~~;O'._~ ............. ""'_~_

    19Ceslaus Spicq r O,P" Vie MQrale etTrinit~ Saiate salon Saint. Paul, IAatio Divin4:--r9;'~w'(Paris: "LesEdiUoos duCerf, ' 1§5~p. 29.

  • 14

    ha. free.ly bt1l~\m lea.din,CiI$. penoR.., thai: a0t:ion l!'Gv8als aie (

    low. ';1:'..& love~, mol:'4'lover I iB the 30ur~ of. · hope I oocau4e

    tb$ l¥atb~r lov(!l.s in..tini te ly al'!ld e-ares for tnttl$.e whom Ue


    lU.n~ tllis p'roo~setQn is .. tri;~hal paSS$fJ(& in

    Chd.se t C2Cor~ 2 :14) t .hf! t'e$urreetlonll1.Jf (!bri:at;' i3 l~li.tI.

    It was only by dy1.n9 to a lUniteci '\'rl.aMf#r otexl.st.in

    t)aL'Jsingow.t'tc ria$1) 11£'

  • 15

    spreads has its source in the union of his soul with 24 . /

    Chd,st. The same idea 1s expressed by Pe·ifer who believes

    t.hat Paul is delendinC] bimself as an apostle, .since beth,

    united to Christ. he teaohes His meli'saqe. 25 The remarks ()l

    wikanhaus4r and Peifer are vit .. al, because they indioate the

    truth that the person "in Christ" i ,8 so cgoverned by Christ

    that his very words are lntluenoed by this relationship as

    Paul states, It . • • with sincerity ,as coming from God.1 we.

    preaeh in Christ in God' s presence. '" (2 Cor. 2 : 17) This

    aspect of tthe Ch:d.stian life has extensive effects , as wll1


    be explored in chapter thhe ., but it will suffice to oite the

    opinion of Filson in this regar4... Since the apostle is linked

    to ~hrist, it is tbeopinion of Filson that the foundation of

    the Gospel is really in Christ. and not in the · apo$tle 's

    limited resources, since he is instlftlcient of hims.lf to

    bfltara message which can cause dire results. The sufficiency

    fo·r this awesome J;'esponaib11i ty r •• ul.ts from the apoat.le 'a

    uni'on with Christ. 26 .

    CerfauK,on the contrary, regards tnis t&xt in the

    same manner as 2 Cor. 2:14: "in Christ" does not indicate

    24 ..... Mikenhauser, !I?_ ci!., p. 28.

    25Claude Peife%'# 0.8.B., The First !!!! Second Eei.tles ot St. Paul to 'the Corinthians, (Collegeville : Liturgical fiess, IJfo) -;-p:-19. .. . .

    . 26FlaYd Filson, nTh,. .SC!tc~nd BRistle ~o , the Corintha.bs," The ~e!preter's BI'61" 10, (New""York , 1953), pp. 300-301.

  • 16

    any connect.ion of a "realistic or lQ'P.l fiat\U'(h . 27 If, by /

    local Cerf'aux mdans Christ as some type of form r he would be

    correct in denying- t.his interpretation of the ·text. He does

    not ( though 1 seem to say '-that he means by local. A r~al

    relati.on b$tween Christ and the Christian, hGwevell' , cloes

    seem to -be intended ., since Paul could have uSed other >vords

    w'hichwouid imply that the apostlE! is a. mel'e instrument, but,

    instead, stresses that in view of the vital relationship the

    apostles' \fords are ,l1dncere because they come from God.

    (2 Cor. 2 : 17)

    In the first two te)!ts discussed in the preceding

    pa~es, it was explained that. Chri:stian could be used as a

    t.i tIe replacing the phrase Ii in Chri st. I' This title implies

    that the person is in union with Christ riilen and with the

    Church. 'Fhe person, furthermo)te, whQ lives thus , is con-

    stantly beinq led in triumph bY' continuaU,y dying and rising

    with Christ. 2 Cor. 2 :17 tostifies that the Christian, since

    he is IEid by the Fathor in Christ., bears the true messaqe of

    God. Indeed, it oan beeaid that Christ Himself is bearing

    the message since the apostle is in union with Christ and

    Christ;, who is constantly present with him , acts through

    him ..

    In another passaqe of Second COrinthians which refers

    to the elltire process of salvation, Paul-stat.es: "For ('70d

    was truly in Christ., reconciling t.~e world tQ himself • . • tt

    '-- -".- ~--.....-...-----27 ~ . -. Carfaux, !eo ~!., p. 212.

  • (2 Cor. 5 : 19) Schnackenburg olaims that in t his instance !


    Paul uses the phrase "in Chtist'lt to indioate Christ's role

    as the instrument of God' s \i;'0rk of salvation as :m.ani fested

    in hietory.28 A simil.ar i~a is presented by Wikenhauser

    who asserts that in this text there is no mystical reference

    in the usa of tlin Christ" because the formula denotee the

    completion of redemption by GOi:l tn Christ. It seems sig-

    nifioant to him, furthermore, that. -in Christ" instead of

    "by Chr,ist" emphasizes that Christ was the plaoe ",here God

    was pr~sent working the salvation 01 men . 29 :soth Schnacken-

    burg and WiltenhauSar., therefo:r;-e, indioate the redemption as

    having its source in the Fat.her. Wikenhau.ser's contribution

    is ~d

  • 19

    the initiat.ive in atonem~nt comes frsm Gotfland was effaot,eq.

    through t he death 1':,[ Christ. 30 He comments f 11rtnerl I

    Christ.' s wor k,. in saving us t h ro'Ugh his dee:th and res ut;'rection, was at. the s area tirne the work 0 f God. not on l y heotiluse G

    Schnackeml:rux\j I tr11}(lenhl!u$(l\'r and Cerfaux assert ,

    t here.f.ore r that the wQl'k of redempt.ion is not a mat.terof

    $atlsfyinq the ~athe:t since the rec0nciliation originates

    i n Ged. This inte r preta:Hon a·f t.he Pauline passage

    2 Cor. 5 : 19 set)ms j~st.ified I s ince Paul states that ,God

    w.as re-eonciling mat'" to hilnself. Thus, it seems that. God

    is doing the reconciling rath'Sr t h an man . 11an, who h ad

    been created in the ill1aq,e of God t sinned andt.he.reby di3 -

    rupted t:.heord-ctr establishe d by God. .~>tan I by himsalf " was

    unable to remedy h is miserable condition. God I hOlJ.re"ver, did

    re-Eistablish Qrder. C~rfa.u~ e 'l,aims t hat God 'WGt'ked s?lh·atd.on

    "in Christ" because Christ 1s (;00, and~ therefore, is one

    30tuqian C. rfaux t Chris:t. !n.. ~ 1heolo9X ~ Sai!!t Paul, translates by Geoffrey Webb and AdrIan Walkel" ,(New York : Herder, 1962), p . 139.

    31I b' 4 ~ ~') · ~ l . . l.U • . , pp • .,"'\ - .7.

  • 19

    principle of. act! vi ty wit]) Him I ailPat;ll ehse.rves : "God

    was truly in Christ ¥ • • • " . (2 Cor. 5 : 19) It seams, h"i7~'

    ever, that the te*t polnts, also , to t he ltU'l tEl l' life o f tbe

    Trinity_ As God the Father. i s thE) sourc~ of divine life in

    t he Trini ty and the Set! i s tot~11y t'ecept:iv.e , $ 0 the Father

    is likewise the source of the W'ot'k of salvation l because the

    Son can dQ only that wh.ich is qi Yen tii re by 'll.heFathEur. ;Paul

    SeenlS to bring this fa·ct. out by saying t hat God \"(3.8 r econ':"

    c1 ling the \V'orld t.o Hi msel f in ChI: 1st: I not that Ch rist v!.8s

    1'eoon.0111n9 the \'lOrl d to God .•

    It is at this point that the t houqht of Stanley ,

    Filson and Ruby is i mportant . St.enley st.rElsses t hat, tor

    Pau;l.. t he reconciliation meant that "God has e·ntrustod him

    (Christ) with t he con:tinuance of the rec1empt.ive work ... 32 and

    stat:es t hat tIt e myst.ery o f th·~ r~surroct.i¢n (}~telrs into the

    continua."loe o f the reconciliat.ion, th()ugh h.e does not ex"

    plain this in reference to the text unde r oonsides;-ation.

    According to Filson, 2 Cor. 5l14 ~·19 is t he heart of the Gospel

    since it presents the basie insight: of the Christian faith ,

    namely ., C.od

  • 20

    cillation. A more specific view of the role of the reaur-l

    rectlonin reoonciliat!on is contributed by Ruby who asserts that 2 Cor. 5: 19 r il'l COnn.fH::tionwi th the preced1nq

    verse(v~ 18) I reveals that the strength of the sacriflce

    of the cross 11ve~ on actively in tbe glorifie4 Christ. 34

    H~, too, does note:::-::pl ain .hQW this happens. The i ,de as

    preset.ted by these scht,l&.t"s bear further explanation in

    order to understand the signifioance of t he z:asurrection.

    TO accofaplish the work of salvat.ion the Son beo~e

    man. By the vary fact of 'the IrAcarnation .. Chdst was a

    link bEltwaen God and the h'Wl'lanrace, but, since Chdst had

    an integral human nature , He had to rat::.ify His son.ship on

    the "personal level of consciousness~ love and deci sion. It

    i s in the a€knowle4g:~nlent of ais Father by IUS sacrificial

    self-oblatioi1l, that: Christ united Iilan to (;oil. In this act,

    Christ completely ~naunced. the Ufe of the world and set:

    Himself It.side to b(~ the lite of men. This sacrificial

    oblati·on, manifested in the passion and death of Chtist.,

    would not: ot i 'sel f , however, h~ve 9ufttced t:osave man. 35

    :tn t.he resurrection, the r.ther expressed His accept~noe of

    the Son f s otferin,., ci!l\}sinq Christ to be !"aieed beYOD.a the

    li.mited context of life and to become a lite-qiv!nq prin-

    J4Joeeph Huhy t S .J . I Mis..!!q~e.! ~~j~e~~!. ~~; Johall.ui,gua:, (Pa:ds i Oeselee G.$ :3rower, J,946), p . le~

    35Cf • 2 Cor. 5;14- 15.

  • oi1'1e. The risen Christ, remains fixed in this inner

    offering of Himself to th3 Father. Th e essence of Uia

    sacrificial oblation, therefore , continues. 36



    '£'0 tea ch t he CQ;dnthl.~t15 the e lifact r:a sllH:ing i n

    Chri s t 'from t he r!Os llt'rc ction, Pa~l states ; " 'i.\lQ 'N t he Lord

    i s the spirit . . II ( 2 001'. :3 ; 1 7) Ind~ad , as Durrt'1all

    indi(~ltttes" t h is statement does not me'an t.h at Chris'l; and

    t he Holy Spirit are one Parson ., but rather ,. '!that Christ is

    saneti,fi¢d €:te rru~lly. 37 A:lniot statal;> tu"lat c.~rist. in Hi s

    r ia ell state balc.n Y's so completely t.o the Father that He as

    man is a l.ife·-g i'tting principle" since He eXereisesthe

    ;f\ll.lness ofdivl.nc power. 38 'rQ say that Christ is a.

    $pi~i~ is not to negate the fact that His ~isen body is

    materi.al " but rat.her to assert tha/t; He, as man, is now

    life""glving because tie is oompletely filla-a with the Holy

    Spirit's livin\l pO\fer. AOCOZ'(.ll.llg' to Wiitenhauser, Paul

    ,- ..... ------, ~,.,.-.... ~.~-...... ,- - -'-36 f ,. X. Dut"t'WGll. , C.BS.It., {~ ~he .. ~d&ero.inJ. £!lrJ.st,

    (lQe.w York . Sheed and Ward, 1963), pp. 5 .... '7. !.1aflY of t hese id.eas were drawn , alsQ , from una note.s taken in t.he ~!:.~~ ~.!~~ Sa~rantents. presented by Bernar" Cooke, S . J' . , Oct ~Dec. , 1964. ' 'cl. 2 Cor. 3 : 17 .

    31F • x. DuZ'rwell. C.S5.R., 11'11. ReS\\l,~rect1on, (New Y01:K : Sheed and Ward, 1960), ' pp . l02 '~lQ3."'-6UriwiI·1 states; " fThe Lord is a spir.it J: he is the whole life ... gJ.ving reality of heaven ; in him i'esides the fullnes~ of everything that put s an end to tthe rule Qf the Law • • • Christ is spirit, realit.y , truth .. it is he who ~:i.ves hist.ory it.s m.eaning and it.s fulfi l mel)t; (2 COil!'. iii. 14·-16), becauee he himself is wholly $aturatec1 by th.e goly Spiri~. a$ is so filled by him that he is transfe rmed into his shining qloX'Y and his power of l.ife., and beCi:omes in his turn a principle of U. fe and, glory . • • I't .

    38praI]9ois Amiot., !os. 14~~! ~ttr~-!!e_B !! Sain~. P!ul , (Paris : Les Editions duCerf, 1959), p ~ 224. ' '

  • does not mean that. the 910r10u8 ,Christ i. the ...

    forml ••• ,spit-it wblcth ,..rmeat •• eftrytbinq, but. Christ ,/

    and the Spirit a1!'e 4lquated tn regard t.o the work ~bich

    they do in soule. Christ o(!)mt'ltW'l!cat •• the Spirit: aad

    throuqh Ithe Spirit wor.ka in M1\.. tn til!. maruuu:, Ch.'t'i9t

    1$ a I1f .... ,givifl9: Spirlt.19 ~48ic.l1y" a1.10£ 'Che above


    schol.ars an tryt,B9 to .Kplain ~1~a.eM,., that. Christ; as

    mu bee .... 'hbU .• hed in ~r .n48G oOlSld sftd the

    Spirit.. To, ,it., tbatCh:rl,at. beca •• 111 .... qivinq spirit does not. dony ttU.lt 4. Godll. wa. al".va capableQ,f 9'1 vin

  • l3

    l.t was $t.&ted ohov~ tha~the tl.s.t1 Christ is a 1..1 .. '.-·

    «Q'i'ving $,p1ri t .,41 It1s preeisilly in t.hia JrQle 01. life~ / c;.iwr that. Chl'.iot. Qontiuual.1.1 It'tlde$Q)s man, ain;Q&;.l .He 111 ft)r-

    liu!&r tlXQd at. t Ct.e poil.'lt. of o tf0X'inQ' nir.n$~lfito the 'rat-he%'

    Md b~t.n9' aa.t:c.p't ed b~' 81M. 4l Slnea- Chtiet is f i'Ked in

    t "ll is QfferizJft by tb® rEHJur~·~ac.l(}7t 9 He i~ f!l>t'.!)·wl." t ht!

    (;>ourc~ of th~'i) Jted~4m0,cl uU>1!an ItIl~i$t.0n()~ ·of ,mauJidnd . ~'€, 1'11

    eOtltltlual.ly ootl,t\l\lllioil'ltl ng' ilo r.~tlthil) ld.t'e 'ttbieib l.s 'f!i~'l.,

    ~"h~n 0 pGrfJOl1 is bal?ti%ad b ra e~t.~ rjJ int-o thGmysutalty 'Of

    r$(~'mptl'i:).il and b~:;ins to .1iVG 'With Cbd$t ' I? VGry lit~ ..

  • 24

    thellt 41'\1 man is in c.,'?ri.$t f ha 1 ••. rae"oreature • .~

    • •

    (2 Cor. $ f17, It i "s t..''1ie p!UI8.aCJe which ,18 central fot: -'

    tanderstancU.D9 of the Christian l1le. It. 15 .1~o tine text

    of Second Corintl:d.ans on "tb!$h .scholars be.ve ooneentrated

    the! r s t ully ot It in Christ. ",.

    tflt$rpnt,1n~ 2 Co~. 5 d 1, Dele.8mann f a PX'~te,!ljtlAnt;

    $cnolar # explains tl:l.a.t Cbriflt 1. atyt)e of .pat1al fonn

    ill wM.oh the Ch1:'1etisJ:'l, dWGlls # GOMwbata. tn •. n atlMSphEUre,

    or as a. bird 11ws in the 4iJ;'. 44 ru\~ lntesp"t,«~i~n.

    however t< distorts tn. Wlderstandinq of the ChrlaUM f. re.1e1!:io!'lsbil;) toehrist. a.n;el ... ms uDtenable I' beeausee the

    Ch r!8!bie.tl is not in Chrlet as in S'~thin~ ollt."lde of h im-

    self, b:tlt , rather I' sh.r.&S't:hri!Jt 's' ri;ae.n l1fe.. Huby


    44.1\. not.~n; ~l! 1\!'!!~!st.~...!"J",~!. !.~~!l!. "in, Cbt'l.st:& "e8\l, ~ (Ha.rburt' r Ie91r~ i-firi "lena",e vas taken from th,u,i:'WQl'l f !!l! !!?t\lr:~~!t~,~!!, . p.. let. . Du~rw.ll stat.$8 l itA .. oe.t .... nn: favour. t1he lie. im4t tn. Ch~i1l·t: in St. ''',1,11' s l!tili>-dtakea a corttaln spatial torm. 1-1k •• sort at outs,reeCS power Wbi~b ta. Cnristian. en'ters loe • .lly.Cor-tainly the pr:6,POalt.iQD 'in' sll.94i1eate 'the nctionof a prftS-.noe I but itl. DO" • local one. '1luere are CcIlS~. wh~u:.'e any visual J::epre"ettta:1dcm Qf our presence in, Christ 1a im-po.sibl. t wh,," the ... al.i tty i squi teoutaid... the SiP.ttl. a1 o'rd~u: and ~yon4 tbe reJul:b Q.t, iaqinat.Lon" ·fte ,no1d,on of a i flutd ChS'J .. a

  • 25

    olaims; that. thoufh the phrase $UfJ9 •• ts A sphero in

    which a person li"s~ all tIlp~tlal 14eas must: be ('U,.oarded

    -sinee Christ 1sa, petrtftl>na'l b~1nCJ! tb.~rd risen and

    9101"1£1ed . 45 t"..omment.la41 on thi •• arne not.tQnef Cbrl&t: as

    ft, spb&,m in whloha ":r:soa lives- • whol~ new tOA' of

    eusf;enc&" beoaltGe he .is .,nl1vene4 by a new »rincipl e

    which .1" 01 1'1,st;." l'>llr~U ~ltpl.in8! "It is • /Sphere of

    e"i$tan~$ tn ®:leh ~an '$J whO],,, :bel_, 1.$ t.akon 'lP by a new

    principle ". " ~ • ~ ahd further t, "Chrlllt bAS t-ak;tltn us up

    1,nt9 himself ; our pres.nee in him J.$ _ i d0ll-t.tf.:loation in

    t;hi! or"er Qf "baitH} " .46 DurNell·. tndicatiQ'B r;z.f tI1Ml' $ new

    mftnniln' of ~xlst.:eDee is in accord with th.pn~vlous ~lM.'"

    tlo:n ¢)f J'$df!ln1ltion , sbice I' by ba.!#t.!am ~ a ptJrlllollb~"il'ls ~

    I!lha~ in Chnst' 8 11.& which is a li!ee,t l1oruahlp. MAn

    now liwHJ a nm~ o"i$t~nc-e tn which he 1,$ r.:c> lctll'l..tn::a sl«ve

    but: a 90n f beQAUMChrist J whc is the Son, is the: $O"t"~

    of ht. n~ ute ..

    It. hAS bettn preae1Qted that the passAp 2 eQr~ 5 $1'

    l:ndlca-t-."thtt tmiO;"'A ~t Ch.rlct; a. .. ,d t:he d'ld.B,tie.. !t 1$

    l\~Qe.8,a.qr to det'.!'rmiu$ wbat t:'{!)ft 'Of 'ani-on that ia. nuby

    .tat;~e that; ~ wh,olo ((t~r1nG of lIa1'11 ,,111 clU't~.1 the

    fortnul" "'in Christ" l'athf.!'lI' th.U! the formula, tllU$lnat~.tn~


    .5uuby , ~" !!!. ,f p~ 14. 46SUnw&11 t ~ ~~uz:reqtlc!!, p. 210.

  • t he doc'trine. He .xplalnB th-atz '.ul bas twc) .u.~ •• lve

    aspect. i n bis " re.entatlon fi t Obr1#t.1.&. 11fe,: jua·tifl!

    eatl0lt r the moment a man puses trM'l a. state of SlB t o

    4ivln. trtendehltn eantillcetion, the 4evelopwtnt .of the

    divine U.f. re.lved. lly taitb 1ft.. l'iu.~l .fl .• ,d , but.


    faith, for PaUl ; 14 .ome_hing very :riCh whlob includes aU

    of mn, not: jus .. bis UaN'J.lt.aadinc;. Prtmarily,faitb 18

    complt6,e .. sent. t.o Christ. eLcb encomp.sJ". hoP4\ and. love

    81n.,. it .gp~ •••• the ant1ft co .... peratlon of human aotivity

    1n ttl. divine worl\ol salvation ,. '.fbi .• falth ••• u.,. acon-crote tom in b-.ptl.~ 1n wbich '. ,P'!t'8on ls united to t he

    10r111.4 Chriat,..'l'hroulJh tbis \tnion the. f:Rit. of 'eb.l'lat-s

    d.a~ can tJ.ow to • man # and: by ~.i.'Acrlll!'ilmt theo14 ma.

    who wa. 'UbdiU' tbe domination .of aina.verB h.ls connections.

    ay dying 1n this maAl'N!U;, tine .an d,... at tbe 8atne time to

    • new ltf. 1n wbicb. be b •• a nat.u. capab,l. of 8:xpandtn~l itl

    .. glorio:U8 r.suft,ctton d\le to the new pd.nciple (ilf U.f8 .

    Th.is •• ¥ 'p.rlnoipl. which anim.t.. ~h. baptl •• d petraen 1.

    Christ. Huby .mph •• i... that this 1e not. III !Mre moral union of two pea •• on., in whbJb •••• ttl.1 11 ... bie own U.fe ,.

    thou;h be iaon. with the oth.'~ penon in thougbt 1m4 de-

    sIre. bthe,r, Cbria't; actually ·8hl.ru ate, own life with

    the bapt1 •• d l!*rtion", !"b.ts co_\:Jl\lcation 01 l1fe neaes-

    .8rily .1mpU •• ,. the 041 ",.l •• t;,lo.n of the man 'lltbo 18 tho

    ftc1p1ent. ,.1:.0_ the, •• .haria" is GGd. Chr-lat ,and the bapt.ized flioweftl' ,. 40 bot me~ to d'l. .Kt.At. of "au81n,q

    a 10 •• of identity_ Man- ,s 1.4.f. 1. 110t an addition to

  • Christ. I G, but rathfU! ~11l .18 ChlC'ist:t $ I 91nc41 Be 1s t.he . ( sub,ect. of t.he U.t-e.'? Like 1)urr:vellt Uuby a.eonn tha~

    th.. person "" lnChriei.i r• by ~.pt.!.'.m 11vtla ~n «ud.$t~nC!Q in

    'whlchChrlat is th. prill1~1ple. It is evil!'lent t.hat he is

    ~rappli.~l)J with th$ problem of how ~bi$ lite is lj)Osaible

    Md ~1u!lt. to eall this fom o,f ~xi5tence . &1n(:'$ or.'ainary

    tr.()t1~s of unl~ e~ !net:lmp.t'~:bly l 'S'SI tham tills ~"~'tery ..

    :!:luby t tmouih/ expla!inc$ well~ht.1t in ~ rAtl emat.ion of

    which 1'.u1 a~akg J' the ~'li£Qn

  • lS

    to be bimsEtlf. 49 It. is quetltiQnable, tfhat .1alElVla~ means by (

    . ,:

    "$uper~.fla . 'i!' but he doe5 cont.ribut.e tlle. ide.. that , in

    tb..ie w:lien 111th Clnd.fJt 1 t~ person· l'ep.lain& hime-elt to

    wblc.'i'l rea11qr .bears witness.

    t'aklnq 'the t'eduJ:l!'ect.in'h of Christ- as tJ'lb bdL. tor

    t.he re~lityo;1. l,tvLnv in Christ , t.Utd.6IA Cerf\!t\m 0}',,"t~la1ns

    that man is .• JU)W cnat;\u;e now· ~· .1nc. bJ; is tt:anatormed as

    an .ant:.1clpat1on of hi$ OWl) !tOsur~~t:iOth Cb.rist.'s r8$\\r-

    rtlct.ien was 'the fir.t. Iftst..n~ of the, ahu'ingof divine .

    lif • .• SO . ny bapt.1.m~, manhe91il. ~p.at;tt¢ip&t.e in Ckrist.' 8

    rison 1.if. an4 :1.catl~ht. up 1nf:.he moV$me.t\i'ii 'toward the.

    P'8J;'Ous·ia. 'lbe lif.which he h •• recd.ftd ia of the sa.me.

    nat.,." as the lit. which the :d.8Qn. CJu:iat 11vo. I and thus

    is crae.tad a \Ui.ique nlaUonablp betwon Cbriat and tll$

    Chd.:at::1arh 51 cerfaux Indtc.at •• I man-ever" th.t the eS$en""

    tia.l mystaz:y of th.ta t'e14t:iol\sh1p e •• be e:kplainodonly

    by ¢au.ali.tv .inC(! Clu-lat. 1. th •• ou:ree (\t tb8 Ouristian·s

    U.fe. Tbel! f. of th. CJu1stlan and ¢briat Are ident1fi.a.

    1'b.is means .imply that Cbrlst.*s life., in virtue of 11'!..,

    X'eaurrectJ.on, c:on4ti~ut.e. ttho Cbrlet:lan'a 111., ilhot,Wb

    Christ alway. Nu!n$ t.he persott Q.f Ch;:tat.. n.1Il oQDcludes,.

    . 49r.~ Malew., "'L'i,li" corps du Chd .• t.," P4eb.fC~' des $CileQses. ~l{lJi.\t ••• , 3l f (19., ) ,. J,h 64 ~ 'th1s. %e:re~iiic(,-was t.Aken fio.5uli~11 ,~ a..\l[.-e:~~i,Of?:" p.. 21.3 ..

    SOCf. 2eo.:t'~ 5 ~ lS""'11.

    Sleerlaux, Chri.8t, in, the Theol!.1%. .f$a.lnt.'aul,. pp .. 317- 320. . , .. ,.. - - . , . . -- .... --

  • therefore, tbat. -to be " new olt'eatun .inchr!."" mean. to (

    'be 1n the Cbr1.atlan. atau... • state in Which the Qhristd,,m

    lives a life, infl_ftc:etl by the ri.e» Chri.t "til it.s prin""

    c1p18. 52 Cel'faua t too, .trl VIla to explain tnemysterious

    UaiGA betlwen Chr1.t and tbe Oud.atlan ad aMB thIG

    valuable 1".1g:bt. that Ohrla' 1e tl,. caus. ef th.' Chrls-tlaa". U". tbnu9'b th. re4empt:lvemyat.exy.. Be titus

    111ust.rat •• the C61!ftlatioA betcveen .1 Col:" S t l '1 and 19 .•


    xt. 1. tlna-nt It'OJl 1:bo 10"90·1n9 pag.. ttbatfJiobolara,

    have bet •• aerlvlllg to floa an e.

  • 30

    thlln has been a grow1agqueattonin·9 !Vb.thex- or not to be

    Ii.t.n Christ,'" •• IUacuaae,d above, 18 .. ,Mystioal ident.l- /

    Itcation wit.h Christ. Cerfaux claiN that we .y apeak of

    tho relati.Qn.hip betw •• n Chri.t ad the bapt.i •• d pelt.Qn

    4. .. mystical 14en,t:ifieat:iotl by wldoh tAU shal'es 1n th.

    11 te of' the tiua Chriat, provided we R.l.i~El that. the

    words ,. u.. a" inAdequate to d •• qr~ 'this ,lnef'abl ..

    ~.t:.Q' tn wbi

  • 31

    isties it Tllouqb the tom.1t m.nner ofspeakln9 is, ftIO"r~ . . r

    prevalent. , bot.h a" .expre •• ione or upect.s ·of tbG same "

    iileta thlJllt

  • 32

    wived,_ (

    Paul. ~1"e-tlVUrt&;,e,$ not think. of phy&ical betnif

    \11 th Christ" l'lor of !(td bein9 undeJ: the infl..uen·~ ',of Chrlst

    as ' under an i:rnpl)t:sonel ~r. A$ "lk~nh"\t'.e" e~~lains ~

    If~n Pau.l'fl tdn~ ,. to k in, Christ mellfut being- unoo~ the

    power ~ !:n~ltlenee of t beperi'Jonal ~r:1,$t. .... S9.,be ,re is

    00 fua·ion' ~f th~ ~,"onaU.tiasC)fehd,ct 04 th(t Chriat,lan 1

    !:mtthe ,l"lsen On~i$t l' u A. liv1.n9 parson " is .pr.$$$nt i n

    tbGChd.stian to 11ltl._tl~ him i n o:;'d.er that he m1(Jb't.

    d$v{tlop a ~~. Cbrl$ttan lit • .,

    , ,b, c.ppos inl 1'.rte\t 1$ " resentJ.lel by Weitls , who ; basS-ftC;

    1113 tboU9:b.t on ifN~/ ' t be LQrd is tho spirit .. y • D UCOr .•

    3 ~ 1 " think. ~bat tbu p$;rH1l in Chtltat 1$ ~orbed ~ ...

    pletelyin a ~st.ic.,l un-ion. in whICh flhe peuQ-ll lo •• ,s hi.a


  • tlt.l~" mystical ~ applied to thie union 8i9'nltl"uJ nQt:h.ln,,, r

    .ineo the word, myst:J.cal t tnGa:n.8 see:ret. ~o say the man /

    In. Christ '" l1vus in Ris atmosphli!l're ,t undor His irtfl\l$ftco t

    he 1."e-marks, 18 ~o t.reat thetwd.on as A q'WllQtion 4)f place

    an!! thing instead 'Of per$OtHJ wbo -Ill'6 pr0.8Qntt an~ sharin~' ..

    Ind«ed, tlhe r",laM,ons ot love between tfllO persona a.re

    similar t.oa dvaU.1ng: plltQo, .. foJ: the boln9 loved lives


    in t.he onewbo love.s .him ~ec.Q:e bi. thought.s ara o f hiro .

    ThiBdwelU.nq ", of ODe in $Dothe!!', h0W8ver f is an the. fa(bral

    level wh!le. 'the UJ)!on of Chd.s,t and the, Cbriat14n 1$ on t.he

    level of! bein, and on. the mral level. It ia mtlch !J!Ora

    lhan a r.la~lGn of knowlea,e end love in whieb Qne would be

    cent.red on au:lat" fo,r it. i.e an orilani.e alu'1 vital relation

    sprinqin9 from lnM~ration tnt.. Chd .• t.. ,.be femula,

    the.tore, eqnuJ ••• the re.-lity itl wbich the Christ.ian

    4Jxlau Jlupemat\lral1y onl.y 1t be 1. ftlat.ed to Christ #

    hold •• l1 ~.t. he is fftln\Chri.~#and doe. DOt. oonaider

    him •• lf a:pan f~om Cl'u:ia'. Fr_ bap'tlh1,; ~. 108,. of hi.

    own .t>ao!;ut:e autonomy eba_rector! .. s t.he CbrlatiQ, sine.,

    Christ ,not. he t i. tne source of hia lit. and tb. quia o·f

    hie .eta. 6'lsp1.~ aoea not thlM ~ha:t tb .. vordi,myatJ.eal,

    1 ... 9004 d •• dript1oil of, the unity ~t;W!en Christ anJl the

    Chri.t.1an# but, my.ticall •• u •• d. in thi. regar4,does

    n,ot mean Nrely Ment. Rather f it. 1s us.d to 11\&

  • 34

    S-pioq '$ thQu,,,ht, hOWever I HeIT'.Ji to Hav.lid 1n.tet-/

    p1'$taUon Gf l 'COl". $ ~ 1'. 9l.tl'd.lal' tc) $(';hcl •• 1J p.r-eviOu1f12

    cited ~ and ellphaeia$$ .. gdl" t.hat bh~ ~la·el(')n$.hip ,l:m""

    t\""1l Christ. andttu,~ Cb·dstd.an 1$ '. :r.elat1oultltlp itl whi.Cb

    the Chl'istiu J:iec~.Lve:a j)4tW' life and 11v~$ 89 a new

    oreature. It ts a ·M\f 11f@. since, by init.iaUGn intc

    Clud.st. t · a pG:t'lIJona.--eoot.ws Cllr1s1: ~9 U.'.an', tll$ ,r~ 'fQr$ t i8

    t!llt0n int¢' the life of the 'r'd.1l1'tY6 wbJ.ch indioat.&s that

    the Chr1st1a.ra ha3 t'~.la.tions wlth GQd wllloh 90 beyon.d ttlGOe

    ot cre:at.u.re to era.tot.. It 18th. t;&lat.-ion of a '~Ot1 to hi.

    Pa:ther ·in wh1d1thClll'tt 1$/1 mutual ~id.,cf)n ,and gmn.tin'$

    ff.'1 •. tndsh1p ,.

    t.fa."l was allte&dy .fA c.reature l' but 2 Colt. 5 z 11 assert.

    tha.t ho 18 In.dtIl new .. tbat ia t be e~d.Gt .... man in a dif-

    ferent ruuu'lert t sinee the riQl9nCb:riat slu&.ftSl 'w1 tha hap'"

    t.l~~d pe~aonr'l.!$ 'own lite o ,f son.hip. 'lhU$A' the i.llMI'I!n

    Cb:tlst tI bas be:u)o ohang'G)d ontQ101g1cally from tha (!:Qndi t10n

    of boln'l) Mftly aorea'tUl'e (i)f ~it int~ttte s·ttlt.'Sl of l>t!lnq

    a son 'Of Sod.. Since be 1.1 W$ lna uuion \d t 'tl Ch:r.i$t $0

    !ntit!la~o that. be live. b7Cbri.~ f " vert life t the ebristian f

    then, 18 ,it per1Joo wh~· bt)ars 'bh~ Hordo! God, Cb l'i$t to ito all

    whQre 1l~ ~.trotfl,. !lhB Christi .. ", i $.. 'there tOA I an apostle ..

    !:n thischa1)t$:r the five· teX~$ to\lRd in the ~'Gcmd

    lnpi.tl(i to the Corint.bi.ans which contain tM phra·ae "in

    Christ"bave MenlUscu8.H(f t ift f'>l!'Mr to •• CiMJrt.ain the

    spirituality of t..."t. ptu:son who 1,9 1I

  • concluded from tbis analyeia that tM Path$r is t1he

    source of ~e redtl':mt>ttiw \Wold; ,~b,l00 wam 3;QCOmpU"shtld in /

    the Sou Chrl.!!J't!c f who., .tn Ot'tkHl~ t.b~t: H\") mi£fhtl b~ thfll prin·"

    ciplc of man · .6 life.!:i.ad t.() rj.~s o'u't:, C)f a lird.t.d c(mt;e~t

    Qf e.xlstenc!~ by C};o.atb1nto a r~.$"n U .t4'.1J. In t.b9 ~HMu,a

    niQ.nt:. of hep~ism ~ ,the nHn Cbd.at ocrot1Un.ic~tQs 1'Tt.$ 11fe


    of aOllsnip to.: tb!Sl~'r$on l!U'l~ idti'Ulti ties ,nim3~1 f wi 1:...'1 the

    baptl~h,d to $u¢in all eKt~nt 'that. ,a. 19 thaprinclpla of tbe indi v1eh141' 11 lif~. 'I'b~bllPti~$d pel'Gon,tb:.rl!for~ , b~Hlrs

    Christ. -ao thd!w(;l::-ld. In hiM ~~n can ~ec'tmt~r Chri$t. .

    'l''Aa apirituallt1 of t'h~Chdstd,~ 1.,t.h,e~fQr$ , o:rian:tat.e4

    by theae two ba$i

  • '6



    Inob.~'Pt.,r~nQ 1 tr,las statfrr1nth!«.f';s, \ftU he d1s:~.nn';$$d . An

    analysis o't: tl\;e oMic p&e$.~!ls which d~fine th~ :ap1,dt-

    ualitly ~f' the Cht"'iff'~tana6 • ~O{:l will f :0110-,, .

    ~a\ll.t.t&s in hi$ q.r:*fltd.ng:

    • • ~ ~re(!~ b$ t:Q yOtd tm-d poe" from Q(D(1: ,OU;t" rather "and fn>m the tordJesu.s Cbriut.. al •• lled be the GGd and Pathet ·Qf our :tA::lt4 Je6U$ Christ, th.$ "ather. of me,reie$ and t;hs God of all ~OtnfGtI't~ • • .. . (2 Cor. 1:2- 4)

    lltAnl.ey f in eOt!i1~uu'\t .it\t* on t.llis seript'llt'al t~t j iStat-es

    that ttl. beU.&! in the fa~rhood of GGe, llllthOttqh lr,l!!n-

    e1or-tsd only Ol\oe 1n the ~arlY' kerygma, "as • . $p~~ial11

    t ,l'$ lUHu;

  • I by tlut 1!atlter o.f Hie son in Paul . In ellis instanc~ t

    Paul Z'e¢Ogn1~~d Christ. risen as the Son 01 ~d and

    simultaneously was a"'are of tbe JMtherbood of God, whien


    mwlation was beyond ~aull8 kcncwledge from the 01d'1'esta-

    ment.62 'paul statiaa that grace and pe.a0eproeeed from

    God t.he Fatber. Stanley jusd.fiably .ess 9':r .aee and peace

    as sUnll'lulrif:in9 t:ne wort of li'ed.em;ptlon an~ as' bavinq theh:

    oriqin ira tile F.th~.u:. Whia i.evident if the work of sal-

    'Vation is cC)llsi.deu:-ed." It was ,di_ou ••• d pnviously that as

    a :result of sin r.ulln .lCist~d in a ehAo'tie state , 8 state

    in wbiCh there wae dieorde.r betvoc man .rul GGd . man and

    tIlant and man anG nat:UlM!. '!'ben was, therefortt r a laok of

    paaqe preoithlly bee.aU8fJJ man bad !'GfUMd 9'race - God· s love.

    The re4empt ion t by Which peace was netored, (uri9'tnated

    'WiththePftthQr6 3 since the Son , .5 h.s bee.n said ; (Z/!4.."d$ only what tne I'atbel"qt ... alm to u. (lrace • . net peace .umJI'Iari~,e the work of redemption sincomo , wben be h.as

    entered into the redemption t.hl"cuqh sacrament/. aece.pt.s the

    love of the. three 4ivlne 'ersons. As he advll.nces inU.vin9

    the •• oratt!ent.al ttcrtion ,. he acknQW1.d9'.~ the 'ath.t: by

    11,,1n9 as :a 1I01S. Hia peace lies in thi . manner of exist.ence

    .Jinee be tnen, is fulf.illin~ wltat h~ wa,. meant to be.

    For ce,r fa:Ulf, the, " •• "age indicates the con~d$t.ncy

    ~f Paul .in 4!"BtLnquiablng betwe.1\ God t1'1. 'ather and Christ .

    ~"'~___ PI ! _'

    '2~Ut.1\1.y, !R.. !!!., pp:. 255- 256. ~3Cf . 2 Cor. S t19 ..

  • This nWll'lar ot! .ad4rae.slng ('~a was ~mplO:1.d in: t.he salu't$i-

    t1onan.1'0 pers~ncr or ~

    fi4CartaUl!! •. £:1!!:tt !!'t. ~, ~~l,~R 2! !.~!D.!. ~!I Pl." . 473 -'414.

    65ri1:Bo.n , ~.o1t .• , tip. 279 '''U~ij. ,

  • :39

    It is i n the ackt'1;Ot11eclfJ;f$rn.!'nt or thl:?,i Fatt'u,n: ruld by th~

    livin!J of hilfl (.'

  • 40

    rl?~tpU v1ty Q t t.he :;;o.n - t:J~~ flon ;t'e~ai W$ .all from the

    1'~t.~p,r.69 Tht.l$ f ~md:t'wn p,.o!n't& out:, ~ ..,:tt:~l .;)l~nt ln, /

    tili0: U.fa Qf the (!hd.$ni.ru\ ~. ~ ~(·m. gtJ,Ul con~it!tJnt..ly

    c~lls the merciful, f'~t.h~.lr bl~sa.ad" ~eal1~~l h·"" t.X'ust$b~

    :His m~r~~ and i$ cr~'\ian to wl"Ha'~~l1~%:' thlil 1!'ath~?t 1·~n{1s. This

    t3:1Jstaltd op&'nn~ss 11>.\ h~lJ1e; fer t\ Clu:-1mt1an .!}e,zliI'u,s-a· the

    P",'tl'hiUt carrnot fo!t'tt'o lU.S lov~ o:n ,a 1?~~sun. It th~ pe~s:on,.

    tu.r~h~l!'mot~:l t t!'aceiV'Gst1'~ 'V'at'!'i(lr'i1 l.m/G" It. .La :t.o~ t .r"..Jly

    eftGot.i Vii! tn 1'its 11 fa Ut11a$S hiiit f:' l'ruOt:s 'tlch!a leve to '\11v~

    b i n< '>lhatt',l'ttl.!lit 1\\1 nt\de.~HH).ry. 10 The !;!Qplic~thm& of th,hil

    .tat,ittllGnt. win bo ·d:t ~.'H;~1J9aaj l. otwt ~

    Vt"Ott this l'a~lln{) t~~t ~ " h{1J!()!(}~a 1 it aee£tg eriu.Qllt

    t lUlt the ~~l'nonwho llvM} ..,:t l)Chr1st.~ is a son of th.ft

    1!'at;~er atn~ be sI;uilr~"4 t;b:tt lile .of t}\~ tls~n CiHdst which

    1$ n life f 40na111.,1'.. 1'~1tl ttutth s~'1tmld 111uminltt the

    C.h r.-httal,ts :U.ftl , but in rt11i.t' :f:hat.lt.'Will huVt! th1g

    e t' te4t I' tb~ propor tmeJt1!,e;.tat)d!n~ ~ff~tb~t' and $¢.n U\ust bo

    g't'~cp~d .. 11 h~ :m:hlUnd~r9tan·d'S f~tlrerbooe. tho. c~:lri$tian t

    i m,te ad Cit livln9 in j'f)Y I ,~~~? and ,t~O~O)1\ 1 '41111. il;tl.at

    1 n .Q state of f~ar . 1'&\%1 olarifie-d ~ in tile t1,Jxt Qnetn:

    ccnsld-t'iatiQn , the r~alit:y of GQd/$ f~tha .d,n9' Qf. m~n. 'liM


  • ~ l

    ~SPCQt.s ,. llQn~r.$ ~ '"al";J~~ ~lld r€dtli\~ ;tith utt:Q;t l~ft'' it~JittlJ of ti.'1Oi;;l}p.iatl.", \,lhioh

  • that-th. Olria,ti,aft 91fts thenlU;.'S ,SinQe it: i. in \hi.

    _"''lsi. on that. he comos In. direct. .Clout."t wi.th the l'edeem1n"

    pro ••• , het-unk. foX' the 91ft of the :Path.,X'·., love


    Which, t.b%'Ou~ the re4eapti.ol\ .c~ll.JMl:d b:r Christ t

    enabl.. him -to be, a 80n. '2$ ,1". thank. tor iz:he ,1 It.

    pn8\IPpo ••• , a pov.rty of spint wh1. nCO'~l •• s .. n.ed

    u.dl. I tberafoft~. .,:1111n;to $C_l~t I and tn. 8,t!tc of (IlCCilttp'"

    hen_which lm,U .•• .• &tel_ton to l1". acc.r4in9 t6the


    in 2 aor. ad).. 'au1 .... ~8" 10hz; YQU. know th.

    9racloua.". •• of o.urtoOrcliJ •• us Chris" - bow'~ belnq ricb .,

    he bee_. poor tor your $ ake.,. tb.t by hi.. 'PO .. rey' you ln1q1'1t lM~.. "lob.· A:eco,rdinq to tlurCWll11, .... Y th.'.et of

    U.vln9 tbJ.. 11f81

  • 43

    riches Re br1nqa t.o lola.. In t.hi. QUe ttl .• *' r .10h.5" .tttlply

    the tb.i:nga of Coa whlch 14'.111 be be.towed en Qn, while I

    poverty ft.lqaifie. th..t:ate of mck1.nd prior to tbe

    Nd.ell!ption~17 Cturiet.,aa Son lnthe ~r!nlty; is tho

    J:'$celverot the, iU:vU .. n1'fture, the ifbe!ni;J l'h:h li ;,r.f 'aul~

    But the SOil, as both t'h.1t'~ll and CIU·'Q~ .x:pl~i8 I t;:o~k

    U,poi'l bluel.f the poverty of man,. •• tat. in w~l(:1!J. u~ woulcl

    "' n_pt.!ve/. tlCt#t of ricbes t but. of the. lot. of ei:nful man -

    flutfer-tag. iJ'he SGn wa$ poor" poor 1n order to enabl.e .nan

    to ahaft in the riche. of the 41 vine ",atllQ by belru} sons ;

    ., Paul · , •• y. , -He 1)e,eame poor far YOUlr llilkea, that by his

    poverty you mt9ht :become rich. -

    Stulat_v tfl~.rprets -:beoalH' poor'" as "farring I Ylot

    merely to tlle J.Bca~a'tion of the ton ~but to It!. e.ntire

    U.t. a! autter1ng thm1Jqb which muri._ bestowed ttlctms on

    _til. ae elai .. , tur~.rmor., .t.hat. ~ et.a:t .. nt Implies

    tAo pa •• over my.tery throufh wh.lcb the Son: _pt,"ed Rim-

    "elf in ,ora-r ~, p ••• !-o d..en l1fe, the S'late :in vhiC!b Se

    QQuld fl_, tim .. lf ·ulit. to melh 78 Tbe int,erpret&'t.lo1'1

    of 8t.ule? see.. DIG.... pematr.at.1:a.9 than ·the. prece41n9 ft .. • plMattlon • . , .:!ace be indlcat.e., U. pt:OOG •• by whtob man

    1. enablet1t.o h081vel:'iC)he. 4 ~.ul ••• te,s tba:t CIl'd.at

    ~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~ .. ~~~ 77ce.taux,1' ~hti.t h , .~ !~.~a !!, '-!.:-... !,!!!t p . 165 .. '.L 1 ' . i 14-Stoan, ey t '!2- ~, t .. ., p. . ~.

  • 44

    beG:a:nto poQr in QXlit:):t:' ,t bat Wln m.tght 00 r10h. But I a,s

    Stanley Et~p,lAlns" tbe becoming pOOr wean' t. a I.ltat.i.c ~v&nt,

    but. • nality wtUeb gradually A ,vea,led its many am~'\Got

    as the Son continually rec-eive.d t.hat which the $!atht.u!' 'lOW

    aim to the point. iliJf cOf'6l)lete entt'u$t.!nq of fll mh·lf to the

    Fatl)Q:f t:bl'*l)\1qb ~ Qxpe.ricme& of dea~h to Iri.s.&n U,f(t-,

    "Mil ~ .stabl.ishod in power Be, coUld b4$t()t1t the :ricb~:8 IJ) f

    11,1'& on all men ...

    X1Jlt$rpntln9 2 C~r.. ,819 tDeClOurt.~ay .~la1as 'that I

    forPa\al, hAOUi\mmentl 1$ oeftt.r.l to 10.. Sl~ Cbris,t:

    (\ospol1-.,4 J'J1.l1\self wl.unt.aX'!l.y# th$ CbrleUanmust l!~ oil

    11fe of total PO~J'ty 0.., 'spl~lt: wbich U In.epa~ahl. t.-om t.:.."l$ ,complete aecotwpl.1.ifb1n9of ones.if •• i t WAS wi 1m Chr1st

    in Hi$ pAeltOV8t' my.toq'., 79 Willl~ 2 c. .... 8:9 40-•• not 9~Qiflca:lly state thAt. whiGh 9Q,oourtra:y finds in the. text,

    bJ.$ tho~h,t.eem J.n .accra with Paul' $',,,lnce Christ di d

    b6.~ poex f~e.l.y beeAU •• of low wbich .imp110s a re-

    ,nounoing Qf the glory which vas pmporly nta. Tb·J'O\lth Hi.

    poverty of spl¥'l't" the Scmt •• m., became .tully Kimselt

    and thu was •• t ,abluhed in power. De_un-ray« '$ ~ell\2l1:'ks

    on ~ Cht::1ati.". ~\dl'9 f\urt;h.~ eqlJanat;ion..lt 8"_ thJat the Cl'u:iatdan :mu.t 'live b poverty ·of' spirit pl"$cLM1.y

    btt4auae be lifts ~tA Chd.at* .$ a "n lO 'l'~ l1ve .a a lion nqulns "1nq OPQO, re;eept:l"e to theF.ther'. will , wt'ttch

    • .,.,,, ) i '~ 'II*''' ; .J •

    '9 Albert:. lltteourtray t l1-P4nounc;ement at Amour d_Sol selon S.11\~ Paul jilt Nc~V..!lil; _~e 'l1:l.~191~~ ~ 1. , (tfS2) " pp.. al-22 . - . ' •... -- .. j • . "

  • 4S

    tmplie$ bel11c;1 ~t'~ By I1v1n9 'htG 100ship c.ompletely I

    the ehriutl.n, like tlbri8t. t beeQUiGUii fluiy liho be iu f j

    that is, he l$aoree~ ,d:,eh , d,il~ to cd.vanc$s ti:> thtl point

    of et.ernal 91011""

    A .final in~erp:mtAt.t()n of I Cbr.. ft .: 9 ill prcBen~~;d

    by 1:luhywbo eloims tn4't tnt! t$H:t anow. tIlat. a Chdlltian

    mU3~ be dOmt'I'll$'elrdla,~tod to !\18bmt.b~u;'& a~ Ch$':1.$~ W&B\

    te ~ .. eo no :tllUU .. 'Il(i t.&xt Wldl3r eon.ide.tat.lol.\ d()6EJ not state tlU$ i~ .. aXl'l'n'Htly t but it. •• ~ to 00. '* valid int~rpret..aUon I .!a_til. seft is: fl pe,l'SOU whO bas rGctbi wd

    the rath.r's lc.ave. Love, bow.ver~ t ... dynaIde 9iftt that

    i. I l ,t cannot jUfft; be .t:$croiVed am1 po.a •••• d, but bat

    be ~i ven in tum. 91 7.he seals n:lfpo,xu,o tt':>th$ rat.h"r'.

    love i. the acing' or !lis will whiGh, pdm.Ad.ly t is to lewe .

    'fhe son, tberefonlC fulfill_wnat bQ i. by beinq a b:ret.."lel!'

    to anon ,,.

    SuaaarJ.f!ifl9 toha implicat.l

  • 46

    growing' i s a l;Geil!ivinq. 'rbo latt.ar t~ tnt.1) beoa~8e the

    Christian ls :u;()t. capablo of · adva.n~in9 bY' bimself 1 bu't /

    mu~t trust. c()mplbt.el.y in. what is &:m.Q to him. .M Chris t. f #

    r e CGptlvit,y icV'C)l.vltd $uffeJ'.in9~ eo I . t¢o # tthe Ch:d.st1an

    who is a eon 1n tUm # will find an authentic QXp'rftss1on of

    his l"ueeptiv1t.y tn thepat't.idi.:pat.1e>n. in the Butfed .. nga of

    eh~ist~ Since· t.."'le Ch.risU$ll 1a a 1:eceive·t', 0von t be WJr:y

    sutforlnqe heenduros will, not. _ :those Ob"0&11.1 but. 'tbo ••

    which t:he f'.tbo,t' 91:'v4!le.. S1ft_ the :ratbel: 10V$$ completely r-

    he . ll\\lS~ send $u£ffJltil\g'$~. te~ati-On. and triels in order

    to aeoCM:nplish 'hhe bes·tfor !{j,s aon~ 8a Tbro\l~ ·the g:i.tt. ot

    ~in tll$ Cflr i.stian c,an gJ:'OW t;o be fUlly who 'h.a 1~, but

    this x8aul t doe$; M ,t nec.e.s ,!U\:t'U.y hal?P4tn. s1nQ4 tht') son in

    patn ia apablt) 01 ¢'$t)t:$rin1'3 on. :e1tl:uu\' of two poles. g.

    ca con~ntUt.te().n the J'athe,r" 1;n· whtcn eAa_ ~ ho opens e d

    espandg,." f.\U()'\~i.n.g toh~ B.t.;t"8tl9'tt. of the rtaen aUS'i,9t: t.o

    i nwdau bi. I$O~ ... $3 'rrno .on ,moreovur I 1. Gl~o capabl.e

    ()t ~n'erinqM $~l f and. by tbis concont.rati.onbOCOlll09

    slild.v.£tle~ 1n 11lJ1lRlf ~ Th. aoluti'Otl of this pfl:radox of

    s:utterlb9 ilea i n t.llQ fait-hand hof>e of tbason. "b~ risen

    Clnd.!rt., .i n 'Whom hf8 11"':$, haG already lJut'fe", a-nd 1.

    p"ft.nt."U~-b bl~ abarifl"il Ri. visi.ol'l of U.fe an

  • 47

    h.e i!!Jthrotlgh 1Hlffe.l"i1'1g .• '.

    In re1ation to ehfll sufte,riu\l of the Christ.ian, "",,1

    B'tate4 1

    And h$ hae .,1dto." 'itMy qraoe i .s ·.'d!ficient for thee, fol' atrerult.b 1. ma4eperfec:,t 1ft weMMS.,. n Gladly ~ the~fof'$ , :t +'#4.1.1 ,1eJ')i' in It.f infb:mitie:s I t...'1at the $t.n~9'tb 'Of Chri'ec n'lltl'" "el,l ' inlntt "Wb.re:fQrt) I am s.t--tat~ied r for 'Chx-iS\i '$ 8 'ak$ t with i 1'\f1 rmi t1e$ # witb 1n&ults~ \!litb .har~hll\$llwith per •• aution •. with c!U.streu~ •• $ • 'S'or wMn 1: .!n weak" thetl I am tlit:r.etlg. (2 Cor. 12 : 9-,16)

    Dultr'Well .~.t.ifJ)S that strange para.dOlCttS ab0unf l r. this pas-


  • 2 Cor .. 12 t.g·",:U} in t.he li~bt. of ~h3 $;p08tf:Jli!lte. aay:1!l"1

    that prior to this t.im the ·Co~j.htbian$ were · aware of

    tbe weakness of Paul ... but U~ th~ r'lltur«¥ ·t.hGY wo-u.ld btt

    CQtlsci these ]j:Ir.oi>ge L'tl1s.trulee$tb~

    power of CliU."ist ;flowed in Ire.test .ftt;,.undMCtIl to bitt!.88 A

    aimila~ vi$ti Q1! 't..he te,xt is prlasen'tA)i.1 by Petfer who st.ates:

    tnat Paul can d-rAW joy '%!OJ:! hi. ver:y Sltft().r1ngll, ~ca\la.

    any painoI' t:.rial \,hiel'l displays hie wealiJl0.$$ d.m~lQnao"sly

    et:\pnM!ze.s that tbeatreng:th C" Cb.rillt ~perato8 wi ~hl11

    him. It £Ioti\ illterpret.atio(4S s.eem va.lid ain'C{J they al'1

    .: " - "1111 .-.....-

    97Stm\ley, 2£.pi~ .H p. 146.

    88wtkenbau •• t, !l!. !!1H p. 156" #39 if I. . 10 ' Pe . or. !E..~~~. ¥ p. . l.

  • a ~.i teratioll of '~u\l· athouqnt 111 different t E)rmino10QY.

    Thert) 3e~1\\3 , h.Qw~\rBt'" t.o be &I:'lottnur aBl'ee-t to I

    1 Cor . 12 dt ..,lO -...rhJ.o.h l'e l atQG wllto the son.bip of t he

    ChJ'ist1~t\ J thQ~h $l(oqet etJ do not. I!xp11citllly inter:?ret

    tl\~ text 1n t his ~~ru1ru-,;r. t~!th hi. words Fa.nl &apra$s~'a

    his ~a-o~to whidh 1$ .Q; plCrb tilu"Y .Ara¢lt~:tistiQ ·u f. t he; $(.\~

    ~::r~" ' , -Fj ~~~


    90Cf.. U(lHl~ 1 Itol .s~in ~ $ .::1., ~ l. S~lxnG!~ ~Gt :av~e nO\Ul' f '''' Ch~let'!:~ ., 1.1 ("'~onu~ry t 1'64:) i pp. 6 ""2 ~ ; ttOr tb!& Old 'l'e.tarMit--b.~~-()'Un4 Qf p,eaee.. In the Old 'l'e9t~nt , tine reace 1 t.b'C! B~ll1re~ of tnti't:t\lln$e. i .!$ p~.en.tt'!!i .~ ttl! ~ 9ift t>t Go(l which cu, depart frem, • ~r.~n .1nee it. e.epcnd«; on tl'!i'll! ' $ . U.be'rt.y of a¢~pt.iniJ love: ¢It'rej$ct:i~9 it. by s in. Tbe biblical. _fid ah.l(')l\ Sltpn8ses the CIO'ndiUon Qf a 'man wM H .V$"o ¢rde;~'Jd ~:tlll!!t~nlO~ w1 t'l Co-d , ~n ~t.tt! e%'tH,til!>n. 1"hispe.aee "8.039",,"6, In the. ttme of the p*t1'tarchfJ an.4 .in the ye~H -foU.ow~ 'WMn ee.rthly ~ ... ~ si:(~rn1t!~~ t.~a't. mtmWb U.vinq in the p:roper Rl.~!on to (k)d,; .. " evid$netld i n. J.brM.~"t\, n Rt! died ~t i!; ~~ ,old. "~!'!, ~n. \'l)le mp J e.fbu: a luU. 'lifo • .. .. " • (G!Uh lSI ff.H 1 Ab:rabem 11v$d in petwQ and hap.opin •• s beoe~,~ be ""..:ta! t.l~tul to' God.

    sertpt.ure t'elat'ea "h., in ,the Old 're8t:$M.nt #' tarn! bad ~atea with ot.!l~X"nlt;!~~fI who God, baYln~ ~eoen th4 tideU.ty of His people to ffia=lStends t stc.ruqglea !n their f :e.vc.t" • . IfOMf)f YO"'l 11'uts ·to fl1~t a 't."'$us"nd I b'lcause i't i. the ~, 'l"Our 604, hlnt!1elf whQ fights lei' feu " as he prom.t!;ed yOl.ti . "l"akt! q!ft'~t. Q'1.l~,f 'b,OWftWlt 1 to lov~ the .!,e-rd your God~POr if you ever DaMon hi!:'! (lAC:. ally ycult'$elv.'uJ tdtll tl!0 ~ant. of the,ffe tUlt.ion19 WhUe thlty ~urv!w~,tI'.ffl"t' YU: by tnt.emarrying alld tn·'te.r:mt-nq:U.I\, with theuh know fot c:.rt.lntb&t.th.lIJ 'Ar-'d J your God, will U(J lon~t" d.rive th .... se .l)ationa out. Of 'your".Y·o·j/f (80$,. 23: 10"'1') When tbe ~opl. Qt Yt\~~b Yen faithful ad 11"4 witJl a ~banq:6)d b •• rt, Y~hwfth!l1·.~e a.n. alilene. of pea co with 'Ulertt. "'S' w111 ~ake a eOV'eJllUlt of! pe&09 wi til 'them. .tid rid: tho; f:O'Unt!.'tY of rawn0\Ul I:u .. _t.e. t.hAt (ihey .6Y (tve!l aflOUJ!e.ly tntbe a ••• rt ·an~ file*,)) tnthe f~·Jt.·st'ih ~ (~. 14 t 25) niB ~.i!~ of Y~h ... web 1e· un1f •• ~.4 by a ... clwelltn,q with. ·them. ttl .. myst.dou.s mMner. (~'1 .• 3' t 261 "rhe '~4~ of Y .. 'lw~h ¥ (!~Qeted by YUs pl'e",u::e. culminated in eh:e:-i-at., at Wbos-ebtrth peaee 1$ p~.leJ._~ J ud wbo lstlbr; to.ld Ul!'J A'!')O!lJ'tlf&e .~ ';.hD q~, ... mencemel1t of Bl& p.$.$o"r ~ "'Pe.ceI leave with you t my pea~ :t ,1'lM to you , n,(tJ\: .•• thee world ,1"10. dft I '71vnt:Q Y(I)U.

  • \.


    who i. contl(;!J'lt to f acei VEl only wh.s .t. the Ji'athe:r gives . (

    1>8u1 receives infirmit.ie.s t insults, bardsbips, f>Ell'$eoutt6ns

    and dlstres'Qs~91 He, therefore, suffers an.d is aware of

    weakness. ':fhi-spain ,however I do • • ncU; frus t.rate him, as

    1.8 eviderrt by his w.(;)1;"QS ~ "'Gladly r thexoefor$ , r wil l glory

    in my i nfilmlities • Wheref'Ol:'e I an'i 6a\tisfi~a ·for

    Chr!$t~s sake , wit.h hard$hips • • • ~1«2eor~ 12 :9- 10)

    These $tate_nt.t~" Sf;$tn ,to ' ~;

  • Sl

    tbe Israel.ltes. 95

    Another P.ul:ttu~ to"t which ".,scribes the _f)di,t~n of tbe 8On, !n (:brist. is t ., % am flU:ed witb, com'or~. t

    oV$rtlov witb j01' I.e, 411 our tNubl .... r. (2 Cor. '1 , 14,

    This t.xt" • ., .11 as tht)~t.h.rp ... a9.UJ ecnt,ai»inq ret ....

    ,eren04t# to 'Paul,' .joy , 96 a,re &.1'.9ar48,4 by.at; eHi16tes,

    .inc. th4t)" are prob-ably 1ul.gnil:lc.ant in «tOapa:l!J"soSil wi,th

    _re 1.mponot pfiu,.sagos.. 8Gn,sirvon, hQW8~o.r I b .. 1e~lY ex'"

    pre •••• bl. opinion that joy i •• :abare of gra. an« with

    pea.-oe 1. a partlcl'patlon in the dlviae ,attributes to 9"

    'l'hou,b brief, 9On.i~"n f s opinion 1 •• ignlflcant. in relat:lon

    toth., Phcedlnt te:J:t ~.mj.1l9 tb. ""a. of Paul in pAin ,;

    because be indicatea tba:t joy and 9*-. ant alU,Gd to 9'l"aeo .. If 9t'a..ce' 18 ClOns1deJ»ti .e the aeaept,._ of the t:ransfomiA9

    lovaott.h.'.~r by WhicG • pe,non btcome$ • son in

    Clu:lfJt.98 , thea the, relation between ,rae., pea" and joy 1.

    ev14.n~ t a1aee 1t 8, JIG"- liv •• hi a, .ell.blp be 1s at. pea. w.htch .)(pr'..... 1 t.Nlt in 'or . Aeoordinq _ , ~o't. t Paul re:!ot.a .t.aya t.ven, 1n 8utfe,d.nq# beoau •• be 1s ifI'in

    ."" 5"'" '( .~

    9Sef~ P"~l .• ltou ... ~,S .J_ #, -t..e Sources del. n coJu:tll.tlon., ;it ~liri.ttl;!., 11 (.)'«1\., .. 1964" , pp •. 31-$. , for an_al.y .• t. ontieprineipl .. ., truepe4a.. Though Roust.anq 40.8 1lOt. ·conaetlt on Sa_Ad Co.-lnth! •• , eome ot hi.. 14e.a, •• r:ve4 •• auaa.ktroun4 fort the thought ,re.ented in th1. p&,per.

    teet • . 2 Cor. 1 ~ 2 ,h 'dO, l',!f: ll.

    91&on..irveJ\,u'~V_IJ.,1.: ~ '.\1·1# p.288.

    ' t'et .. . 2 COl!. 5 117 ..

  • 52

    Chd.st" and 100k.s fotw·ard to et.e'Jmity.99 Paul "8 own wo~ds

    lJhow' t.hat be is ¢ CJn. 15 111) .

  • Amiot a.a!'!ul t .O l:lisCGlm CGl'Hctly the J!'eesofl fo.t:' hi.

    'Qy,be.cau$e 1f '.,.al 1$ "in Christ," it .t. "eCfluse hQ ha~

    .cCGpte.i{ the :J1athex: 's love\G:l witb this . 'eC'Ut:lty lie


    can (1enI.J'anitly .ntau.t8 tbG£luffurlng. wi'ell 'thQ !'athe~

    ue~1t. in order to r:r.eaeh euum31 lito. 't'he eon 1i\l'62 in

    ,th~ joy of Oltrt.!~1;1dG " tl\*:ref~~* b'lcat.'la:a of Gc4~3 iJtmu9th

    whicb will n~ve~ l,ail. H)2 ~a real! :les. tncnr$Oil~n' i t.hat bls'

    part 1,5 to continuQ tQ ~ open, to t 'XU&t. cOf).plet~ly.f nl)t

    ia bim •• 1 f 'f bu't in t).e:i'athor. 1'03 Xu tbl,sPGv~rty of

    s¢rt t, t'hif)Qt t.&)t ~~llnspar;en¢1, tl'Ut, \1.011 acecei,1tl'J qat, is

    'iJivQ w1·tb tr.tnql3111iy whltlb. ~r: •••• s, itoaetf 11\ JGY.

    Atinu tOKt 4efiuinttbe, sp!rit,ua.11ty of 1::bc seQ is ;r

    .. .. .. WMre th'O Spbr1t of t:.ha Lord is" there is f~$ilJ(1Qm", ~~ ' .. (2 Cor" • ~ 1 ') 'In 'tb$ op1nlol\ i!d WU.nbau.il~ f 2 CGr.. 3. t 17

    ~11el!l 'that the ~I'tl _d thti Spirit are not: identical in

    Paul'. 'thoUCJht,,104 Ttle tut could be i.nt.o~reted in this

    tUUll'ler, sin_ '.u1 ,doe_ not &taf!Eltl!lat th. t.o.%i4. Is tba

    Spirit:. ~ but t.tMl' * t.h«t 't.t;. .. Bpi-tit tact the to%~.. Th18

    eo.uld imply thAt; tbe Spit'it is son:t by the loor4..

  • 54

    otthe vivifying' Splr:tt)'O'S Xn tU:!l'ther mferance,s to the

    t a)tt;, be $~atsfl) t.ba.t · Ptlul implies tbat; Chriat and th.e

    Spit'it ar-e on. in $ft.nctityin, Il persoo. 106 Ifb ••• views

    Bee-In p1'OblSbl" aln.~Paul (1M$ say that. the, SpirJ.t. is of . .


    the Lard wicb meana 'that. tho Lord 1. so_how re1.4t4.\td to

    the work of the Spi.t'i t ,. thOu9b ltb.-"ltt\doe*, not d:hl'Gotly

    .say )~. It ' \11.$ 'discusse4 " rtWlously '1 ltoww!:. that wh$o

    Christ. was e,.tahU.shed in, power" n • . ,' 4$ mQ f ~~ld then

    sen4 ti)rtb th. Spirit to· acccm,plisll in 80\11. 1:h. W6n of

    salvatioD. '_~a~a~ the Spirit ,18 .ent. by the Fat.her and

    th(t Son .!' tlo can be gl.d,lQd tmQ Spid,t, o.f the tori.. 51noo

    tho noly Spirit, furthermore, bC'in9. Chlr'is't,it s work t:&

    fru1~iol1 1» 80ul*. it ~an be said t,ba;\ Ch-ristand the

    Spirit are Oft. in GUoUfylng a, per_on.

    8:o1tber Wik.nb.user! not' Sbuley ~la!R wby l.tberty

    ia t.it. f~\\it of ~" $p!.:lt.·. , ..... n,", but. the latter con-

    cept isimpo.:tumt in ,a a"lAdy t, son.hlp . Accordil'l9 t.o

    (3recm P.l'o.perl.01 , Paul wrot41 the text fortba Jew. antt .

    w~s .. tt.emptinq to ohow that! three ._acJea aH involv.d in

    tbeir con.raion ~ 1) tluty are converted "to 'lZh6 Holy sptr:it f

    2) the _11 i.nmo_d MeatIQ t:hey : ••• C1urlat f\d.ll1Uft'f

    an~ l!epl..41n, the 01,d'f •• tfUl!ent ~ 3, they recel va U.berty

    105 .... . ' l' . .. 1'" . '1" .-", .. an e7l.. !Il0 ~. I P ~oL" *

    l.O'lb14., W;, 116 i 134 .t 164 t :ne f tIS. - . It)7t;b'.ch 'ltOap611', 0.8.1. .. ", ~2 COl". 3.~17 ana. the Pauline

    DGetrlne ot

  • 55

    from the Spiri,t ud no longer 11_ accordln~ to the

    l Gtt.r of tit. law. R$.811d.ng tlla.t. the; JE)'Wf!; tIGre Oo,d'. /

    chosenpeopl-e en:d WB1I:$ -trying' to fulfill. their ~;1d((! of t.'le

    .(IWWl'lant , :ra'\.lt ~$b ... dto ¢i)xpl$in that theywl$re r~jQ(;It\Jd

    b1!fCtIlU90 , 1nst:&44~f M00pt1nt1 earis~~ t:bey pl'~·te"~4 t;o

    put tbel3< ¢d'ntiMa·(tg of b~:d.n~ just,l '.t~! i~ th,

    thoal1h-t o~nnot. be dGl'iwd $t~ly t~m 2 Cor. 3!17109 t

    there tc 11 val~able ins19ht. int.o 'tnQ !'O&Gon whll t.h13

    ffplrit'" prOMnOlll is a.0 j uat1fl e(1 and l tln1s t JrfJ -

    matiled s lave. to tnB xdnut.e pre$crtpttons ot tlleMosaio

    Law. Cliri,$t ~ aa has b"ll .ltpta-tne4, 1):&\$8&d over to tbQ

    rattler itl er~r: that men ltll,bt . ,hare tfl$ lite of .g-on.hig

    an-d, lili.Nby, be. rede$1!lea _ Chr1,,\, 1\OW estab llsb.ed in

    power I ,senda lU.s ,Spld.t to o!"iu-:8.tein _n 4l$ that they will

    live thl6!r aonabip.10' As. pe~aOl\ 9J:OW$ 11'1 livin~ u a

    so.n , he ha1in~1l pn~ftt\ud."ly tiM n\e&:l11nq of hetne; a per ....

    son. Woe_ on.l,y deeive. TO t'tieQ:lCtant tbat, be H.v'C'lS U

    .. I'ftCfj i vel' . ,~a.pin, notlllft.q an4 011n9in9 to J)oti\l.nq I hut

    ,4ocftptinq wh4tew:t' the: I'et~ • .t' \l1 ...... ; lul t. int.rio,r1:y frelt.«

    _~~~~~.....,..~_ ~ I J; i1~

    lotet .. ~.16o , 2 Cor~ 3 ~6.-

    10?,2 Cor. 3 ~ 17.

  • Paul 5eene t'O ~~pn.H}t'}thi.$ )!e~ep:'i:Uvi;i! at.ti'tuCl$ and ,oot'res-

    pollding fJ;e~dQl',l by his aaeeptant'!fa of ~\1£fe~1ng and dieu,pL

    pOintMhel l O with eq,uan1.faity.


    -rb,(.u:aa.re' j b(i)'ltievt!3!' ~

  • 51

    10v8 whioflCl,m make aferson &$:on. It the love of

    tho Fa:f-.he~ has been !,ieee1ve,d, th~ Holy Spirit .. who is th'

    e;gpress:Lon ott.h~ lov~ of the. rather and thu SO~ , h39

    ho>ell s-lv.a+n tQ th~ bnpt.h$d. 114 TQ the ta~t,.enttll~t the

    son obey. the Spirit who prompt1J hl'mti;O lift 'btttcl1y tor

    th~l 'atMl' , he is unomun:,ra!.nedby any lw f ngcept the

    law of low ~ bQ(ut\l$$ t.he. laws yhlch pro~ed from t~f)

    J'at.'1el" do not: 11:mlt:' hiro t since h,~ wanbfJ t-~ ~~resa his

    lov.e .11S Ito is. ther&tO'l:'e I obaylu~ his $'\1.7\ wl11 to lo"tl"e.

    ~ha !!lOll.' sob..,tU.~n~ ie not ,. th$.n#th. w.~rt.$OM labor of

    tb$ slave ,b\tt th~ ~ltpt'~ss1on @f ],ove * 116

    'to 'tbis ehapt.er. the s ,ptl'itueU.'ty of the Cnriat1.1:n as

    til 8!)n: hu been f.'ti.ISW.S$Gel: aooordll'19 t.O 51x te*'ts.. !t h,,"s

    })eon explained tb«t the taC>-n by his ftq natun is ,8 re -

    e«iWI! , sine.- he re:eeiWl$ .U, tnat 1\. 1. t~ th«t '!"aither,.

    uie pr:o'peJl' responne 't() th.e ".t-.l\e,X'·" 94fnerQ$1ty ts ~rat:$.t"ltd,e

    wbidi , howev.r t pr:f!suP:POfMs .. pove~y of. .pid,t:; 1n order

    that the 1IOU beopcm t$ what th. Fatber g1.V~I.. filince h

  • .$8



    In chal'teX' o.ne· it was st..ted that the pcu'son who i .a

    baptized .h_"s Christ's lite and" therefore, bears Christ

    to all whom be meets. The Cbt-iatlan, is, then , an a.'POstle.

    In tbis chapter the aspeot.s of ,a Clu:i.t.ian'a life as an

    apO.'le will be ,dls(russed according tQ lour t.exts of the

    Second Ep111'tle to the corinthiU8.

    Pa.ul _tate. ~

    aut thanks ~ to God _110 alway. leads U8 in\d.wnpb in abrist .1 •• us .# manif •• tirug tbrouqh us t.ne odor ot His 'knowled.ge in ever:y place,. Porve are the fraqran(!tt of Christ tor God ,;allJte .s regards tbose who are •• ftd aM tho.. who are l08t 1

  • 59

    pa$Saqa i.ndicatos ~ba't the fragrance Is mantfest.ed: tbto\l9h

    the apost.le and Paul. sta.e •• that. t:,b. odor is that f:)t I

    knowl.d~ • An OPPO,ln9 view seems to be presented by

    Amiot who claims that tb4 preachers ot the Gospel are the

    good o4or. 11El "his interpret,at.1o'A, though eontrIJry to

    th~ ,nee,d1ng op.intbn J seeM j.ust! fiad since ~ l.n v ~ IS I

    it is 1Jt6t.&d iUlat. the apolStl1'1 i ;9the frafJ%'.an~ of Clu:1·s ·t.

    t'n. two a.s,pec>\ts of the tf!~dt se.m:to lMit

  • 60

    eltplains tme .ffeets which flow froB) the prea,¢binq of

    the Goape.l.. Justa. God's 1u$tice, Yhich sbines in the /

    risen Christ, is victorlthe o8,pao!ty to respond ..

  • 61

    Durrtlell ana Prosp6J! S,"ln to eort"ect1y int$rp~t Pa\.11 , s

    words on the double e,t£ect. ~tth. fraqr4noe ... -either men I

    accept: the Good 1-1ewsand live l or oj.cit Ltand advance

    towar4 &:atl\. Paul, in v . 16, st.at.es t.hat tJie oaor ·of

    Christ:. leed8 some to deilthand $orneto ltte. Tbese

    .8cllolars I how.,wer, seem to thit'L'I(. that th& traqrenoe of

    Christ whicb hM the double ~ffect. i" the p%'fUleM.nq of th .•

    GQ13pel. This opinion aeems just.! liable s,in~ Paul, in

    2 Cor. 2 ~ 11 1 states 1cllat; t.he apostle , .reachos the Word of

    God .. It:. 1s evident tha.t. men bave to knoVt about Cbx-ist to

    aoeapt llim, l:n.:1t:. it a.altuS 'tJUIt. ithepreachiaq of the Good

    News ,Qr ~h-e Sl)l!'ead o f the 'fraql".a.ncQ of Christ, invo.lves

    n8.oessarily !that Itlftn 00 brOlll}ht. int.o ecnt.actW'ith the love

    of Cbl'ist through t.h!) apostle. " If a person aceept.sthie

    love he beg:if;l$ t.o Ii V~ a$ a 90n. "in Christ." The g.i "Iring

    o·f lov~ is; therefore t tl\.toffering'ot tran.stormat:ion ,

    ~oau'G as it perSO.l1 liveG his sonship, he is ~ol'de1ted:,

    tran.torme(!~ 122 The apostle, therefore , a.emn to manif •• t

    Christ ., also# by 10v1_9 people witbCbd . .st's YeJ:y love ..

    CO'rfaux'$ eom!t.ont.$ lU'O vahtable in ·this re"ard"

    Accordlng- to him, wben Paul .peaks ·of reoeivlng his mis ...

    aian as an apo.t.le b~ \uses the word "ehriat" . ae

    r4'lmarks : " 'The o\M);Jileetiolil wi thtihe cibjeo. of t.haMe-

    safe is hardly S"rt; 'the Cbrl$tt 1. the person whO' bean

    12.2Cf. 2 Cor. 5:17.

  • 62

    thi3 title or t.his nalne . ft 123 This lnt~r:p"tat:ion coul d

    point to the fact th,at the man "in CbristG preaches I

    Christ by hLs vert Uving_

    'rho idea ot God,' s' 11Dadinq .. person i n t.riumph 'lin

    Christ '" was discussed inehaptet' one in re9ard to an in-

    dtivldual pe~son. Another facati 1$ now ~dded ... God not

    only leads the particular Cbri.stlu t.o etemalqlory i but

    i n the very p rocessof sanot:ltyin9 that person leads h i m

    in bringU9 the fllessl19'eof Christ to ot.her men ! i n oxner

    tbatthe body ,of Christ is 9raduelly b.uilt up t ,o t..'Il~

    definitive trl~h of the Parous!a. It is ohvious that t he

    aPQ9tl. 1. not the dause of. t he buildinq proces* J but. is,

    t he instrW'll4nt tbrou,qh ,"mom God man! fest s His mf.UUla9'$ f since

    ' ,aul state's t natOed ,d",. t he, lead l ,ft9 . (v. 1.4) 'rh$

    reality that the pro,cess i8 directed toward God fa 9'lory is

    empha81~ed in v . lS. The apostle. then, 4oe8 noe sp~&.d

    himself eO QtheX'$ , nor dcea he draw· men to himself.

    Rather, he IIMifests Christ. to men, in order tbat they will

    be drawn to the Pather;. 51.nee the knowledq_ and love which

    the apostle brtngs ttl) me. bas st;lCl!b ..,.sou .tfeots p it. 1.

    imperative that theapcstle •• ploy all his h.uttlan resouiltces

    in order that the mes.aq. ", the love" be hCflived . He must .

    thel:$fore, mani.fest the gentlc;nGs8, the .ar.th ~ tbe rElaep'"

    tlvity Met the. .compassion ot Christ 80 that .n1l111be

    encouraged to a.ee.pt Christ..

    12leerfa\u,; { Cb,r~ .. t .~ ~ !.heolou; ·21 8aiA' ,t~ul; , p . 492.

  • '3

    AAOtl\$1' Pau.1ift$ ~.EUtt ('.oneerniD9 the a,p0stleS"n1p is:

    But we carry this t:t(tasl:tl~e in vessele of clay te show! that the abundaneElQ! the power is God's and n()\ out::s. In .11 thin,s we sutfer t.ribulation , but ~eare not di.i1rEls •• d ~ 'we are Gore presaed, but: ~ are not de8~.1ttJt"H we endure persO¢l

  • 64

    In tbe opinion ot tfontagu.~f2 CQr.4:7- 10 s hows ~~ . .' r

    ' o;.f.~at thl\l apOStlfil hAS atrength to preaeh thl! Good N/:lws, .:

    yet, at 'the dame time , be is weak. His ver:y weak;nes B,

    however I is employod b y God to ~Mife,st ,His own power.l~S

    Aceordin9' to W.lsh , tha apostle realizes the nature of

    the tl'euutte he bears in proportiQn as he 1s awara ~f the

    defeeta in the traqile Vessel which be is. Being aware

    of hlmsel t "he expects only fail \Ire 8tld weaknes8 i but hopes

    oon,tldently in the -divine power witbin bim, even to the

    point of rejoioing in his weaknaeQ so that the di trine

    powc;Ut ean have f1)11 plAY .. 126 Both Monta~ . '$ and Wa leh· s

    views on 2 Cor. 4 ~ 1-10 seems, justified since Pa.ul does

    state t.hat he is weak and yet $,'trong by God · 8 power , and

    he seems tc) rejoice in his very wollkneas, • . !'nee he e vidently

    ollqhts in liat1n9 his tdals, emphas1zin9 8 t\SR 'time that

    be ia upbeld .. 127

    Sp!c:q claims 'that Paul 18 not attemptinq to depict

    the inslqniticahGe Qf the apostl. # .ince the 1:r .. gila VAses

    Of anclent dayswet:e often exquisi.t.ely tieear.ted. lie I

    moreover I' does not think that P • . ul intended to shew the

    couraCJeou8 .tren~tb of the &pe.t.le due to th. divine power

    within him, b~t, iRsteaiL wished to .xnpba.ize the weak-

    ness of the minister. whom God upholds. Thouqh this

    p l. A f~ ~~

    125Montaque f On. oit.. " p. 16L -~ ~

    126Jame,8 Waleh , S"J. t '!'ISpint"al St.u,in.a f Cl 1~ •. Wal' 1. {.:tan '. f 1961) , 1' . 45. .

    127ct .. 2 Cot'. 12!9- 10.

  • 65

    metapnor I in olass!a~l U58AJJe, wa.s employtt,d to describe

    the soul in t.he body I bel'e . according to Sp ieq I it should!

    be extended to human nat-lire as awhole,Spieq seems to

    eorr6oUy see tlhe apostolie state aeone ot slt;ni;ficalnce .

    while those in it a~e weak. WllO\lg'h paul , ill. t h i s

    pa.898IiJEI " ('1S. 8- 9)

  • 66

    It is the opin!en of Stanley tbat Paul 0onsi~ers his (

    vocation as an apoatle'l in tts aspect of suffering I as a'

    reply tQ an lUt9Ulil$nt eoncetning hi.$ previo\1s words about

    ~e elCalted character of the apostleship. He asserts

    that Paul l ill 2 CQr. 447-9; contrast.., by 'USih\J roe'taphors,

    the boldin90f su,Pernaeur,al tr~aa'Ure. and the precarieus

    stat.e of t:he poss.S90';. In v~ 10 he abatHions themetapllo.rs

    in faVQ.t" of a present.ation of 'tbe Apostleship, in the light

    olthe apolll1!.le's mystical. ({nion, with Chriet. , as. e. dy.i.nq

    and rising 'With Chd.6t.. The apoa,t,le beArs hi$ a1iff~:ri)1q$

    for t;hG sake cf elld.at and. this endow$ thenl ".d~.tl1 aspeoial

    POWtlJ" tor the avostl~$hip. Stanley thinks ,furthermore I

    tha~ this t.~)ft 1$ (Jn~, of the ~$rliedt\ i>aut1ne p ass8.fttes

    contrall:tift9 de.thand U. ve. The life of.,tesus probably

    retfl1':S to tJte evid4!fnc$ Citf t.be power oft,he .risen Christ. in

    Paul·. apost.olic 1,lbors.ll9 Pa.ul, a.St.anley at.at. •• ; doe.

    cont.rast. tba valuable treaaURS which tho apostle h~old.

    wi tIl the 8'Uf'Etri'nfs. of the apoatle8hi.p. (118. 1 .... 10)

    Stanley ,as dlscu, .. d above I see.. 'myst.ical pr~s.n~ation

    of t.he lit. of the &!X'etle in v. 10... In el'taptAr on,e tb..

    81Y8,1.::.1 unieft betwe.n Christ ana ~he ChristiM It.$ dis"'" cu,s.4. It wa. Elxplained" t.b.en, tbat: tha Cblei9.t.i

  • 67

    '$'t!i.ffere,d, so must t.he Christ.iaA inorClfU;' that h~ may

    trul.y teflect. t..lte 11:fe of Christ. St&nlfry "s vlev Se~ms, /

    therefor¢J to be valid. 2 COf'. 4 : 7 ..... 10 .SS(lluat;o ~Xl')~BS f'

    81lio , the, receptivity oftl.he apoat..lt\l.Il'he Chl.~isUan

    enjoys a.onship which t as disel.l$sed in chapter two , :tQ-~

    suI ta from t.he adee'ptanc~ of lova. In 2 Cor. 2 : 14~ 16 it

    wag e~lain1ad t:batthe masaago whieh the apos,tle bears is

    t ile knowleQ9'a and 10'y,e oit Christ.. 2' Cor. II ~ 7- 10 relates

    thQ notion of ·s~le,t' al).d be

    set aside as a tral'usforminq influenc~ for tillln .. 111 SQ

    t.oo, with tbe apostle of Christ. In th.e daill{ dying

    w}:d.eh the apost.Io su .• fen. th$ t:riu."Ilphant ~#,u· of t!l($

    ____ _ .~ __ ~ . ... .-. "'.0, ....................

    130Cf. 2 Cor. ld~-l'O; 12!9- 10.

    lllCf . 2eor.. 3 z 17"

  • 68

    rissn Christ ~~aoda:~ thtlS taJiablin9 t he apQstle 4 s labors

    to fructify arla to give .lew lif~ 'to t.he whole omlmmnity j ¢£ the Chu)Zcll.1. 3z Ie. isl tmecol'let.ant. dying and risinq

    with Christ: ~M.ah re$t11ta in t.he d.elleloptMlnt oftbG

    apo~~tolic crientati-Qn given t-O a p.$'rson in baptism. !n

    suffet'in9, h'('Wl~v~r, t.h~ apost.le :t'~c~iv$s enduralH,e t since,

    mani,.fEu:~tL'V3 11.1.$ graciousness and 90otil:neSG t tne 'f'athQI' COln""

    forts. Theecmfo'rt, too, 1s ror ot;hers ehrC)'I;t\fh the

    apo$tl~. Pain and oomfQrt unite the apo$ltle: to all th.ose

    Iflho st.d!;fe,~" because ette oo:osol t';l'~l0nS h~ l:taQei \res in .01$

    tinlaof f)ai:n enilbl e him toconsQl~ h1.$ b't~thl:'

  • t;9-

    that God q.i '\feS ,ra~a 2:0 th-at tn$. person may h ti,r,e tb.e ~ . . ~

    ~ans for 9'000 woJ;'k$ t th\lrefore, i:t'ltpoLying that g'ratt implIes , fu~themore. that the

    9'raeos Which the ChrisU.tI.1a receiV!!H!I a r e not for h!me&lf

    alone F bat A~ Oe$t;owt'.d 1!l order that. he tdqbt. bd t'l9 the

    1,ov€I of Christ to others ...

    bl .anl)tner. t,~~t 'Pat1l states i

    ~.';>",""" ___ lo· ...... ·_ .. _~~~_~~ •• ~ ____ ..

    135Moata9u4!I" !£ .. ,,1~., p. 17.

    1 36,MQ:dey, !la,' !?!~., p. 526, b.

  • POI.' the loft of Christ: lmpels us I beeause we have ~ome to the (»I)clualon that. ;.ln~ ell. (lied fer alL


    therefore, all diedJ and -t.hat Christ died for all, / in order that they who are alive may live no longer for themselves! but for him whe died tor t.hem ana rQse aqain. (2 Cor. 5 :14-15)

    Durrwel.luaerts tllat this passage ls stgftifiC8ilt in

    sbovin,} tbat bo·th thec!ee:th end the resurrection of Christ

    oper.ate fo·r oUr:' redemption, tho\lqh .a..m bas a different

    role " Christ died - therefore, tho .. who an in Him are

    also cSe.a,d, dead to the lite u,oot'din

  • 11

    Christ for men as the motive fo'lt li.i$ ~dell'1pti ve work ~

    t.lkeDurrwell, he emphasi zt.'ts ·that. ~h. Clurlstian J1ln I

    Cbri,st1!i dies to ,a natux:-al ~de of livlnq for solf and: d .• $$

    w11th Christ. t.o a new s\lperna1:;uzral life. He concludes I

    the·refoX'El , that · '!'he Christ.ian elEi.teace aprin9s both

    ontoloqicaU.y ana. in praet.ice h:QltI thedouhleac:t by whicb

    Cbrist redeemea us, his death an'd resurrection. {fIla

    Stanley ,(b'awa tile valuable. c:onalu8iQA from this Pauline

    t.ext thattbe Christian Ute Ql\tologi.cally (fomes from

    Christ'. 4 •• th and ,...surr9ctd.on.. Aocordlnq to Paul ~ it

    W4S beeaun ehrist died and 1'08. that Christians can die

    and 11_ fo!' !U.m. In otb,$r w~rds, aoco.rding to a previous

    theo~091cal e1q)lanation Gt the death emd t"GHiturre:ot1on,

    Christ could not. be the pritleiple of the lite or all men

    until Be nad pe •• ed oute! a lbdted context of livinq.139

    Stanley claims, a180, that the Chr18~ian life in practice

    flows from the death and resut'rec1d,cl1 0-1 Christ. In 2 Cor.

    S ~ U-15 t Paul atate. that Chri.,t 4i.4 in order that those

    -.rho an allve in !tim may lift no lon9ttrfor th4iunselve#. Dy

    baptism a person diea andr-lses to a new lite in Christ,

    but this mmd1tion fluat b9 ra.d,fied in daily U.vinq, that

    i. t the P4t'Pcm who b.a. ontologieaily died and ri •• nto a

    n.e.w life llusttcoru!Jtantly re,nOWlce a -.elf1·ab way of life

    and JlIU8t.Cl\OClJ8e t.o 1i ve a8 a son.. Thls faet is import.ent.

    138StaAley, op. cit . , p .. 139. - - -

    139Cf. 2 Cor. 3 111.

  • 72

    for thQ apost,leship'.. By baptism a penon is orientated

    I to b rLoq CbJ:'ist' S .love to tnGtl ., blllt he does lllDt auto-

    mat.ieally alway$ do so. If the Cbd.stian oloses h i rllSelf

    instead of openinq in love ~ it he chooses to l1V'e according:

    t ot-he fl$sh# i.nsteadef as a so.n ; if h$ 'views roaU.ty 'witb

    self- centered 'Vi,sten r instead of Chri5lt ... ~eared vision, h_

    who is ontoloqieal.ly an ~postle dH.S violence tQ vb.t h0


    tor Wiltenhauser.

    " • • the Maninq 01. v. 14 i.. that: »aul' 5J aeU.ens dQ .not 8prinCJ froms'elli.ab motives; he ia mowd :by the myst.erious power of the love Of Christ , which alone ab&p4ls his oonduct.th1s power dad .... from an aetual slt.uationat the pr .... n't, mc»nent ... name,ly f that · -themany" ,paJtt.tolpate til the death of the one ehriG·t. 'Of course he 1. tldllkinq of the pdt event ef Christ. 'a death on the Cross ~ but tbe past. even.t 1. here and now pl'odueinfj ita effect on hJ;.a soul .. Paul is moved and qo .... 4 by a pl'es.nti pewer Which 1s: 4esorlbed a. t.he - .chad.ty of cturiat" u ~tl.i"'l power derives from his mystical union witih CbZ'iat. 140

    'Phe,t Pa-ul·. actiiQns de no't .,rin·q t.rOll: •• 1 fish reaSOns ,

    but rather from the leve of Cbri-at. .. ems to b6 an accurate

    interpnt.et.ion of v. 14 in whien PaGl S"Y8 tbat. b* i.

    driv.t\ by th. 1.98 of Christ. A ,few phra.es later, he

    insists that. tho •• alive in Christ should not. It .. for

    theme. 1 vea, but for Ch,d.at. Wikefthau •• r, however ;e-tat. ••

    that t.he power whicm drive. Paul flcnr8 from participation

    in the d.ath of Christwbieb, thoufjn in tihe past" 1'1''0-

    duces its effect on hi. 80ul now !Meau •• he 1. mysUeally

    - 41~ " ~ 'OJ........,

    l'Ot~!k.nbauJJer I ·~.¢lt., p. 36.

  • united to Christ.. '1'his staten1ent seems questionable,

    since Paul, in 2 Cor. 5; 14-15, se$1!lstQ liM, as. Durr-

    .ell end Stanl&y pointed out" the U .fe Q·f the Chriat.i.an



    t o the deat.h and h110 resurrection of Christ.. A person could

    askWikenhauser what of the I,laat .ven~ could be opera ....

    tive on the Chri8'tiaft f s 80tl1. 11Ihouqh th .. PftuU.lle tEU«t;

    does no, discuss ent. fact f it .,&_8 l'uacesslu:y teall\l..de. brie.fly to this idea. Christ. f a death i. an event of tae

    past. but tJiat whieh was mottt ess.nt.ial in Ria pas8inq t.o

    the Fatther wu fIis inner attitude of bft.d.nq Himself, of

    aettin; Himself aside ail b&l o11qinq to the Father. Christ. ,

    nOWt 1a, d .•• n and, as !lriS.fi, 1s fixed in offering Himself to

    the "ath.r. The ~&mpt.ivemyat.ry, therefore i continues.

    M~n , nOW', cru come in 'ceont.a"it. ",i ththis lIYstery and b$

    transto,.,.d byahld.at's radeertd.ng loft.. flaey, th.:n, bear

    t.his love to • . n and .1HI.ble the.e p4JZ'8GJU; to participate in

    the ~y1n9 ani! ,,18in

  • 7.

    l.ncarnation God became IMn t, b\\t.the !n:oamationdid. not

    involve a less.ning of Godnclti an 'obU te

  • 7S

    U.trlted , a love in wh1¢h .ach is proIJent te tllQ Qtll~r,

    .revealing Hlms~l! totally AS ' NIIh 1s # l d(enti fyi .1l9 with t.he I

    other I yet; pem ttln

  • 16

    \then be .f3t;:rt~a f "'For t.he love, o.f Chri st.. i mpels, us + • .. ~

    (leor. 5 : 14) I

    Ch;tist.' s love j' mca:eove~ I tJti$cCi1ttpl@te . It wa3 a

    l ova wbich entzou\p4ssed man. t;t()ul &nd body. Ch~i$t had

    e~'aas1Gn en the mtlltitude $~fflbrini1 ironl l~ek IQffoo4·,

    on the widOw ef Nailll wee~inl!J for the les$ of. a b"l oved

    son" on Mary qrievin$ for b.i\u: 'lut0ther , on the blindi, the

    lame # thG Qeaf * the dumb • Chrl$t.\:I~nt about as kl br otl'uu :

    to dl # lovin.9 Qia.eh i n hiot.r)t;(tli ty • &ecaUih! Clu:iat

    loved men thus, when 8e.: cured a man I $ bO

  • 71

    sev,ere in ord~r to tlttain t.hlf} ~reate.t b$·n~fi t tor the

    one loved .. :£;vet! wt.e:n tJ16re is pain f ho