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Numerical modelling of corneal biomechanical behaviour

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Numerical modelling of corneal biomechanicalbehaviourAhmed Elsheikh a & Defu Wang aa Division of Civil Engineering, University of Dundee, Dundee, DD1 4HN, UKVersion of record first published: 10 Mar 2011.

To cite this article: Ahmed Elsheikh & Defu Wang (2007): Numerical modelling of corneal biomechanical behaviour, ComputerMethods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 10:2, 85-95

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Page 2: Numerical modelling of corneal biomechanical behaviour

Numerical modelling of corneal biomechanical behaviour†


Division of Civil Engineering, University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 4HN, UK

(Received 25 September 2005; in final form 15 August 2006)

Numerical modelling based on finite element analysis is used to represent the biomechanical behaviourof the cornea. The construction details of the model including the discretisation method, the meshdensity, the thickness distribution, the topography idealisation, the boundary conditions and thematerial properties, are optimised to improve efficiency. Factors which are found to have a considerableeffect on model accuracy are considered and those with effect below a certain low threshold are ignoredto reduce cost of analysis. The model is validated against laboratory tests involving pressure inflation ofcorneal trephinates while monitoring their behaviour. To illustrate the potential of the validated modelin studying corneal biomechanics, its use in modelling Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT) isbriefly described. In studying GAT, the model is able to accurately trace the behaviour of the corneaunder tonometric pressure and monitor the gap closure and the progress of deformation to the point ofapplanation.

Keywords: Biomechanical behaviour; Intraocular pressure; Cornea; Numerical modelling

1. Introduction

The transparent cornea forms part of the outermost ocular

tunic. It provides a tough protective envelope for the

ocular contents and helps give the eye its general shape.

The anterior corneal surface accounts for over two-thirds

of the optical power of the eye. This important role can be

defined in terms of corneal shape, regularity and clarity,

and is a function of its refractive index. The cornea’s

contribution to ocular image formation can be degraded by

abnormalities in shape, by diseases and the effects of

surgery. The ability to predict the corneal response

brought on by disease and surgery, as well as intra-ocular

pressure (IOP) elevation, is of great clinical importance.

To this end, attempts have been made to numerically

model the mechanical behaviour of the cornea. Buzard

(1992) and Bryant and McDonnell (1996) developed a

finite element model in which corneas were modelled

using 2D axi-symmetric elements. Their work confirmed

the effectiveness of numerical modelling in corneal

biomechanics, but was unable to model asymmetrical

effects such as disease or injury. A more detailed 3D

model was used by Pinsky and Datye (1991) to predict the

immediate change in corneal topography following

refractive surgery. This model was based on a linear

elastic behaviour pattern despite the strong evidence

confirming the visco-elastic, nonlinear material behaviour.

Similar assumptions were adopted by Velinsky and Bryant

(1992) who produced a structural model of the whole eye

to determine the number and depth of cuts in surgical

operations to correct myopia. Their work showed how

finite element modelling could be customised so that the

process becomes patient specific using clinically

measured data.

The research presented in this paper is an attempt to

improve the accuracy and reliability of numerical

predictive modelling, which has clear potential in corneal

studies. The research attempts to improve accuracy by

approaching real life conditions and through validation

against laboratory test results. However, there is

appreciation of the complex structure of the cornea at

both the micro and macro levels, which potentially could

lead to prohibitively expensive models.

For this reason, a study has been conducted to evaluate

the importance of parameters, which could have an effect

on the model accuracy. These parameters include the

thickness distribution, connection with the sclera, material

properties, topography and the composite nature of the

cornea. Factors, which are found important, have been

considered in the model construction and those with an

Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering

ISSN 1025-5842 print/ISSN 1476-8259 online q 2007 Taylor & Francis


DOI: 10.1080/10255840600976013

†Financial support—European Commission

*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering,Vol. 10, No. 2, April 2007, 85–95




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Page 3: Numerical modelling of corneal biomechanical behaviour

effect below a certain low threshold are ignored. The

density of the finite element mesh and the discretisation

method are also considered.

The research starts with testing corneal trephinates

(buttons) under IOP elevations to evaluate the stress–

strain behaviour of the corneal tissue. The results are used

to validate the numerical model and guide the optimisation

process described in this paper. The research has so far

concentrated on porcine corneas because of their close

similarity with human corneas in structure and constitutive

relationship (Zeng et al. 2001), and because of their

availability. Once this step of the research is completed,

the main findings will be validated for human corneas.

2. Experimental programme

The experimental programme involved testing ten

trephinate porcine corneas under inflation conditions, i.e.

using a gradually elevated IOP. The specimens were

obtained from a local abattoir and were no more than 4 h

post mortem when tested. The ten trephinate specimens,

which included the cornea and a narrow ring of

surrounding scleral tissue, were mechanically separated

from the rest of the eye globe using a sharp cutting tool,

then mounted onto a specially designed test rig to provide

watertight edge fixity for the specimens along their ring of

scleral tissue. Care was taken to avoid damage to the

epithelium or endothelium in spite of their reported small

contribution to corneal biomechanics (Greene 1978).

The specimens were subjected to a gradually increasing

posterior pressure caused by a column of saline water to

simulate the effect of elevated IOP. In the meantime, a

laser (Keyence, CCD laser displacement sensor, LK

series) was used to continually monitor the displacement

at the apex of the cornea. The data related to the applied

pressure and the corresponding apical displacement was

automatically recorded for later analysis. Mechanical

clamps and cyano-acrylate glue were used to ensure a

good seal along the edge of the specimens. The specimens

were coated with mineral oil to prevent loss of hydration

and any subsequent changes in dimensions and mechan-

ical performance. All corneas were subjected to a

gradually increasing posterior pressure up to a maximum

value of 14 kPa (105mmHg). This pressure was above the

level at which the corneas entered a stage of stable

behaviour that was expected to continue until bursting

(Shin et al. 1997, Voorhies 2003).

The tests reported in this paper are part of an

experimental study conducted to evaluate the corneal

material properties, especially the stress–strain relation-

ship. This work was preceded by a review of available

literature in which it became evident that there was some

considerable disagreement regarding the form of s–1

curve that could be used in numerical modelling

(Anderson 2005). The testing programme was, therefore,

conducted to enable the development of reliable material

properties that could be counted on to produce accurate

numerical models.

The results in figure 1 show the pressure apical rise

relationships obtained for a representative selection of the

inflation tests. The results show a long phase of linear

behaviour followed by gradual stiffening at about

0.004Nmm22 (30mmHg). Based on the results of earlier

studies on the corneal microstructure (Woo et al. 1972,

Hjortdal 1993, 1998) and what has been found in current

laboratory testing, it is suggested to divide the stress–

strain relationship into two distinctive phases: a matrix

regulated phase with low stiffness followed by a collagen

regulated phase with a much higher stiffness.

Mathematical analysis based on shell theory has been

used to derive the material constitutive relationship from

the pressure-apical rise experimental results. The analysis

considers both in-plane and out-of-plane stiffness

components, and assumes that the cornea can be

approximated as a homogenous spherical structure (Vito

et al. 1989). Details of the analysis procedure can be found

in an earlier publication (Anderson et al. 2004). The final

equation relating the internal pressure, p, to the apical rise,

r, is:

r ¼p·R2

2Etð1 2 nÞ 1 2 e2bgcosðbgÞ

� �; ð1Þ

where R is the radius of the corneal median surface, t the

average thickness, n Poisson’s ratio taken as 0.49 based on

the assumption that the cornea behaves as an almost

incompressible body (Bryant and McDonnell 1996), g

half the central angle of curvature, g ¼ sin21ðRi=RÞ, Ri

the radius of the corneo-scleral intersection and

b ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiR=t

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi3ð1 2 n2Þ4


Equation (1) is used for each set of p–r data, and the

corresponding (instantaneous) Young’s modulus, E, is

obtained. The strain at this level of loading is then

obtained using the relationship (Anderson et al. 2004):

1f ¼1

EtðNf 2 nNuÞ; ð2Þ

Figure 1. Pressure apical rise relationships of a selection of inflationtests.

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Page 4: Numerical modelling of corneal biomechanical behaviour

where Nf ¼ ðp·RÞ=2 and Nu ¼ ððp·RÞ=2Þ2 ðððp·RÞ=2Þ �

ð1 2 nÞe2bg{cosbg}Þ: Therefore,

1f ¼pR

2Etð1 2 nÞ 1 þ n e2bgcosbg

� �: ð3Þ

The corresponding stress is obtained using:

s ¼ 1E: ð4Þ

The results for each of the ten inflation tests have been

analysed using this procedure and the average stress–

strain curve obtained is shown in figure 2.

3. Model construction

The complexity of the structure and form of the cornea at

both the micro and macro levels presented a particular

challenge during the development of the numerical

models. On one hand, there was a desire to simulate the

real structure of the cornea in order to improve accuracy,

but on the other there was a practical requirement to

simplify the models and keep them at a reasonable level of

complexity to reduce cost. In order to strike the best

balance between cost and accuracy, a study was conducted

to identify the effect of individual parameters on the

models’ results. The parameters that were found to have a

small or a negligible effect (with an effect on results below

1%) were not considered in the final construction of the


The parameters considered in the study are the

thickness distribution, the boundary conditions along

the edge of the cornea, the material properties and the

corneal topography. The density of the finite element mesh

and the cornea discretisation method are also considered.

The following discussion considers the effect of these

parameters one by one.

3.1 Discretisation method

The corneal geometric form makes it reasonable to build

the numerical model using layers of shell and/or solid

elements with each layer containing elements arranged in

circular rings. Our modelling efforts started with the

discretisation technique adopted in earlier studies and

illustrated in figure 3(a). As this approach uses a constant

number of elements per ring, regardless of the size of the

ring, the elements included in the inner-most ring are

usually unacceptably shaped with the tip angles being too

small. For example, in the model shown in figure 3(a), 40

elements are used per ring and as a result, the angle at the

element tips at the corneal centre is 98—well below the 308

considered minimum for ensuring a high accuracy of

results (Hibbitt, Karlsson and Sorensen, Inc. 2005). For

this reason, another discretisation approach based on the

form of skeletal diamatic domes has been adopted

(Nooshin and Tomatsuri 1995), see figure 3(b). In this

case, the number of elements per ring is proportional to the

meridian distance between the ring and the corneal centre.

As a result, the minimum angles in all elements remain

within the 30–608 range.

3.2 Mesh density

Increasing the density of finite element meshes normally

means two effects: better accuracy and higher analysis

Figure 2. Stress strain relationship of corneal tissue as obtainedexperimentally.

Figure 3. Discretisation methods: (a) old meshing technique; (b) new meshing technique.

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Page 5: Numerical modelling of corneal biomechanical behaviour

cost due to the larger number of nodes and hence number

of equilibrium equations. The trend of improved accuracy

with denser meshes typically continues up to a certain

limit, beyond which the benefit of using denser meshes

diminishes. The study presented in this section is intended

to determine this limit. Two variables are considered in the

study; the number of elements per layer and the number of

layers. See figure 4 for a description of the terminology

used in model construction including ring, layer and


Figure 5 shows the load apical rise predictions for a

cornea under two separate loading conditions: an IOP and

an inward concentric point load. The predictions are

obtained using one-layer models employing 54, 150, 294,

486 and 2,400 six-noded solid elements. All models have

6 segments and have 3, 5, 7, 9 and 20 rings, respectively.

Figure 5 shows that models with 3 element rings were too

rough to produce reliable results. It also shows that the

predictions have not changed much with meshes using

more than 7 element rings. Increasing the mesh density

from 294 to 486 elements results in a maximum change in

predictions of 0.9% and would, therefore, be difficult to

justify considering the associated increase in analysis cost.

Varying the number of layers has also been attempted.

Models with 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 layers, each containing 294

solid elements are used, and the results obtained are shown

in figure 6. The results show that under IOP, increasing the

number of layers beyond 2 results in a negligible change in

model predictions (,0.3% on average). Under a point

load, using more layers continues to produce notable

changes in results until the model with 6 layers. Increasing

the number of layers from 6 to 8 produces an average

change in predictions below 0.5%.

3.3 Boundary conditions along the corneo-scleralconnection

Awhole-eye model incorporating both the cornea and the

sclera would undoubtedly provide a better representation

of the actual state of the cornea than a model of the cornea

alone. However, a whole-eye model is clearly more

expensive to develop and run. A compromise could be

reached if the cornea-only model could be formed such

that the boundary conditions along its edge are made

representative of the effect of the connection with the

sclera. This is done in appreciation that the sclera,

although stiffer than the cornea, should not be expected to

provide the cornea with supports that are prevented from

both translation and rotation. In reality, the sclera will

deform under pressure and this deformation will affect the

corneal behaviour.

A study has been carried out to find a reasonable

approximation of the corneal edge supports. The approach

considers the edge nodes of the corneal model to be

attached to roller supports in an inclined direction as

shown in figure 7(a). This approach is similar to that

Figure 4. Numerical model with 2 layers of solid elements arranged in 6 segments and 12 rings—Total number of elements is 144 elements per segmentper layer £ 6 segments £ 2 layers ¼ 1728. Available in colour online.

Figure 5. Behaviour predictions using numerical models with different densities: (a) under IOP; (b) under concentric point load.

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Page 6: Numerical modelling of corneal biomechanical behaviour

adopted by Orssengo and Pye (1999). The angle of support

orientation, u, is changed between 15 and 608, and the

predictions of the model with different support orien-

tations are presented in figure 7(b) and compared with the

results of a whole-eye model. The comparisons show that

a support orientation of 238 provides the best match with

the whole-eye model with an average difference of 0.7%.

With these inclined supports, the cornea-only model

would be expected to approximate the whole-eye model

and be suitable for applications where the focus is only on

corneal behaviour.

3.4 Material properties

The stress strain behaviour of corneal tissue as obtained in

the laboratory tests and reported above is highly nonlinear.

However, attempts have been made before to consider

only the initial low stiffness of the material in order to

simplify the numerical model and reduce the cost of

analysis. The effect of this simplification has been

assessed by comparing the load-rise predictions of the

model once assuming a linear behaviour and another

considering the nonlinear behaviour observed in labora-

tory tests, see figure 8. The nonlinear behaviour is

incorporated using a hyper-elastic material model

available in Abaqus based on Ogden’s strain energy

function (Ogden 1984):





lai1 þ lai2 þ lai3 2 3� �





J el 2 1� �2i


where li are the principal stretches, is a material parameter

and ui, ai, and Di are temperature dependent material

Figure 6. Behaviour predictions using numerical models with different numbers of element layers: (a) under IOP; (b) under concentric point load.

Figure 7. Behaviour predictions obtained using models with roller edge supports with a variable orientation: (a) schematic view; (b) behaviourunder IOP.

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Page 7: Numerical modelling of corneal biomechanical behaviour

parameters. As can be seen in figure 8, considering only

the initial material stiffness leads to a behaviour under IOP

that is quite different from that observed experimentally.

Similarly, the model experiences a significant change in

behaviour under point loads when the simplified material

model is used.

3.5 Thickness distribution

Corneal thickness varies from a minimum at the centre to a

maximum along the limbus. In modelling terms, it is

easier to assume a constant thickness than to consider the

actual thickness variation. The effect of this simplification

on the modelling accuracy is illustrated using the example

shown in figure 9. In this figure, the predictions using a

model with a variable thickness (0.670mm along the edge

and 0.520mm at the centre) are compared with those of

two constant-thickness models with t ¼ 0.520mm and

t ¼ 0.595mm, respectively. Note that while 0.520mm is

equal to the central corneal thickness (CCT) in the first

model, 0.595mm is the average thickness. All models are

built using 588 solid elements arranged in 2 layers and 7

element rings per layer. The results show that the model

with variable thickness produces intermediate results

between the two models with constant thickness. The

difference between the variable thickness model and the

other two is sufficiently high to justify the need for

considering the actual thickness variation in model

construction, especially in studying cases under point


Figure 8. Behaviour predictions obtained using two corneal representations employing a nonlinear material model and an elastic material model: (a)behaviour under IOP; (b) behaviour under a concentric point load.

Figure 9. Behaviour predictions obtained using three models with different thickness representations: (a) three models; (b) behaviour under IOP; (c)behaviour under a concentric point load.

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Page 8: Numerical modelling of corneal biomechanical behaviour

3.6 Corneal topography

The corneo-scleral intersection is oval (elliptical) with the

temporal–nasal diameter (DT – N) approximately 10%

larger than the inferior–superior diameter (DI – S). This

gives rise to a corneal topography which is not purely

spherical. The effect of assuming a spherical form on the

model predictions is assessed by building two models: one

with the topography described above where DT –

N ¼ 11.7 mm and DI – S ¼ 10.6 mm, and one with a purely

spherical topography with D ¼ 0.5 (DT – S þ DI – S) ¼

11.15 mm. The two models are subjected to IOP

elevations and concentric point loads. Both models have

588 solid elements arranged in 7 element rings and 2

layers. The behaviour comparisons are shown in figure 10.

The difference between the two model predictions is

below 1% in both cases suggesting that the cornea could

be approximated as a spherical object without any

significant effect on accuracy.

3.7 Optimised model construction

The study discussed above helped quantify the influence

of different parameters on the results of numerical

modelling. The results obtained suggest that certain

parameters have a notable effect on model predictions and,

therefore, need to be considered in model construction.

These parameters include the thickness distribution, the

boundary conditions along the limbus and the nonlinear

material properties. Approximating the corneal topogra-

phy as a pure spherical object produces a negligible effect

and could, therefore, be adopted in model construction.

These findings have been adopted in building the models

used in the remainder of this paper. Models subjected to

uniform pressure, such as IOP, have at least 588 solid

elements arranged in 2 layers and 7 rings per layer and are

meshed using the new discretisation method that

maintains element internal angles within acceptable

limits. In cases under non-uniform loads, such as point

loads and tonometry loads, the number of element layers is

increased to 6, with the subsequent increase in the

minimum number of elements to 1,764.

4. Results

The optimised numerical model has been validated against

the laboratory inflation test results, then used to provide

further insight into the behaviour of the tested specimens.

As an example of the potential applications of the model,

it has been used to simulate Goldmann applanation

tonometry (GAT). Further applications are currently

underway and will be published in future papers.

4.1 Validation of numerical model

The numerical model has been used to simulate the

inflation laboratory tests described above. For each

specimen, the dimensions measured experimentally and

the average material properties given in figure 2 are used.

The pressure rise predictions are then compared against

the laboratory observations, see for example figure 11. The

comparisons show that the model predictions closely

match the laboratory observations with average differ-

ences remaining below 4%.

Figure 10. Behaviour predictions obtained using two models employing different topography representations: (a) behaviour under IOP; (b) behaviourunder a concentric point load.

Figure 11. Behaviour of inflation test specimens as obtainednumerically and experimentally.

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Page 9: Numerical modelling of corneal biomechanical behaviour

4.2 Further insight into experimental behaviour

Having validated the model using pressure rise data, it can

be used to describe the performance of the trephinate

specimens tested in this research to a level of detail

impossible to achieve with laboratory tests. The

information obtained includes the distribution of displace-

ment, stress and strain over the surface area of the cornea.

Examples of the output of the model for a typical

trephinate specimen under two levels of IOP (0.002 and

0.014Nmm22 or 15 and 105mmHg) are given in

figure 12. Note for instance how the model displacements

are smallest near the supported edge nodes and highest at

the centre, as would be expected. On the other hand, the

peripheral corneal region experiences the highest values of

first principal strains and stresses, although the variation

between different zones remains within low limits.

4.3 Modelling of Goldmann applanation tonometry

Tonometry is a procedure to measure the IOP of the eye.

Ophthalmologists use IOP measurements to diagnose a

number of conditions including hyphema (trauma and

inflation of the iris) and glaucoma, the second most

common cause of irreversible blindness in the world

(Wilson and Kass 2002). The most common tonometry

technique is the GAT which makes a pseudo-static

measurement of the force required to flatten a fixed area of

the central cornea with 3.06mm diameter and uses this

force to estimate the value of IOP (Goldmann and Schmidt

1961, Feltgen et al. 2001). The procedure ignores the

natural variations in corneal dimensions, mainly the

thickness and radius, and as a result it can not accurately

eliminate the effects of corneal structural resistance from

its IOP estimations (Tonnu et al. 2005).

A study is being carried out by the authors to derive

correction factors that can eliminate the effect of

dimension variations. The study uses the numerical

model developed in this research in a parametric

investigation covering the practical range of thickness

and radius variation. As this study concerns the human

cornea, the modulus of elasticity is taken as 0.0229 £ IOP

according to Orssengo and Pye (1999). Only the case with

CCT ¼ 0.520mm, limbal thickness ¼ 0.670mm and

R ¼ 7.80 mm (collectively called the calibration dimen-

sions) is discussed here, mainly to demonstrate the

potential of numerical modelling in studying corneal

behaviour. The full parametric study will be covered in a

future publication.

In this work, a corneal model with 17,424 solid

elements arranged in 6 layers and 22 rings is used. This

large number of elements has been necessary to model the

concentrated effect of tonometry and to create a fine mesh

at the contact area with the tonometer, see figure 13. The

tonometer model, which has a 3.06mm diameter, uses

similar six-noded solid elements. The anterior surface of

the cornea and the posterior surface of the tonometer are

Figure 12. Displacement, stress and strain distributions of an inflationtest specimen: (a) displacement under IOP ¼ 0.002Nmm22; (b) stressunder IOP ¼ 0.002Nmm22; (c) strain under IOP ¼ 0.002Nmm22; (d)displacement under IOP ¼ 0.014 Nmm22; (e) stress underIOP ¼ 0.014 Nmm22; (f) strain under IOP ¼ 0.014 Nmm22—Displacement range: red ¼ 0.670mm, blue ¼ 0.00, stress range:red ¼ 0.266 Nmm22, blue ¼ 0.00, strain range: red ¼ 0.130,blue ¼ 0.00.

Figure 13. Stress distribution during the analysis: (a) followingapplication of IOP ¼ 0.002Nmm22; (b) following full applanation—view without tonometer; (c) following full applanation—view withtonometer—Contours are drawn on model with original undeformedgeometry—Stress range: red ¼ 0.09Nmm22, blue ¼ 0.00.

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Page 10: Numerical modelling of corneal biomechanical behaviour

described in the analysis as contact surfaces to prevent

over-closure of the gap between them. The edge supports

of the cornea are roller supports set at 238 to the limbal

plane in order to represent the effect of connection with

the sclera as discussed above.

The analysis starts with subjecting the corneal model to

an IOP with a predetermined value (0.002Nmm22 ¼ 15

mmHg), acting as uniform pressure on the internal faces of

the internal layer of solid elements. After inflation under

full IOP, the model is subjected to contact pressure from

the tonometer, which is pushed gradually and concen-

trically against the cornea until complete applanation is

achieved. The stress distributions recorded during this

process are shown in figure 13. Notice how the tonometer

affects mainly the stress values at and around the contact

area, but has little effect elsewhere.

The closure of the gap between the tonometer and the

corneal anterior surface is continuously monitored during

the analysis to determine the point at which applanation

has occurred. Figure 14 shows the progress of gap closure

over five stages of the analysis, the last of which represents

the point of full applanation.

The contact stress distribution between the tonometer

and the corneal anterior surface is also monitored during

the progress of applanation. It has been interesting to

observe how the maximum values of contact stress change

location with the progress of applanation, see figure 15. At

the start, the stress is highest at the centre of the tonometer

as this is where the contact is initiated. Then as

applanation progresses, the area of highest contact stress

shifts away from the centre and finally locates at

approximately half the tonometer radius at full


At applanation, the force required to push the tonometer

model to this point is divided by the contact area to obtain

the external pressure. This pressure is produced in actual

tonometry by two effects, one is the tonometry pressure

(referred to as Goldmann IOP or IOPG) and the other is

the effect of surface tension. The value of surface tension

is taken as 0.0455Nm21 from work carried out by Mr

Figure 14. Closure of gap between the tonometer and the corneal anterior surface over five stages of analysis—the last stage marks the full applanationpoint—Contours are drawn on model with original undeformed geometry—Gap width range: red ¼ 0.150mm, blue ¼ 0.00.

Figure 15. Distribution of contact pressure on the tonometer surface with the progress of applanation—Contours are drawn on model with originalundeformed geometry—Contact stress range: red ¼ 0.0045Nmm22, blue ¼ 0.00.

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Page 11: Numerical modelling of corneal biomechanical behaviour

David Pye of the University of New South Wales. This

value, which is not yet published, is slightly less than that

for water, 0.0728Nm21.

The surface tension acts along the edgeof the contact area.

Therefore, its effect on the IOPG calculations is determined

by multiplying the surface tension by the tonometer

perimeter (2 £ 1.53p) and dividing it by the contact area

(1.532p). The resulting pressure is subtracted from the

previously calculated external pressure to calculate IOPG. In

the analysis, the true intra-ocular pressure (IOPT) applied is

0.002 N mm22 (15mmHg) and the external pressure is

determined as 0.002074 N mm22. The effect of surface

tension is 0.0455 £ 1023 £ (2 £ 1.53p)/(1.532p) ¼

0.000059 Nm m22. Therefore, IOPG ¼ 0.002074

2 0.000059 ¼ 0.002015 Nm m22 ¼ 15.11 mmHg. This

gives a correction factor ¼ 15.11/15 ¼ 1.007. This value

is close to 1.0, which is expected with the calibration

dimensions. As stated in Goldmann and Schmidt (1961),

Ehlers et al. (1975) and Whitacre et al. (1993), at these

dimensions, the effects of surface tension and corneal

structural resistance cancel each other out, leading to the

tonometry estimate, IOPG, being equal to the true intra-

ocular pressure, IOPT.

5. Discussion

Numerical modelling of the cornea is used to determine its

biomechanical properties and predict its performance

when subjected to external effects such as disease, surgery

or injury, and internal effects including IOP elevation.

Modelling should approach real life conditions if it is to

produce accurate and reliable performance predictions.

However, there is a limit in sophistication beyond which

the model becomes difficult to build and expensive to run

and analyse. A parametric study has been conducted to

determine the parameters that have a notable effect on

model predictions and should therefore be incorporated in

model construction. Other parameters that have a

negligible influence on model predictions can be safely

ignored. Parameters that belong to the first group include

the thickness variation between the centre and the limbus,

the connection with the sclera and the nonlinear material

properties. On the other hand, the cornea’s topography can

be approximated as a pure spherical object without a

notable effect on results. Following the study, the model

has been successfully validated against the laboratory

inflation test results.

The numerical model has been used to provide further

insight into the behaviour of the inflation test specimens.

The distributions of deformation, stress and strain point at

the areas where the structural demands are high. This level

of detailed information would be useful in understanding

the corneal biomechanical response to various effects such

as corrective surgery, contact lenses or sports impact.

Numerical modelling can also be useful in simulating

clinical procedures. An example is provided on the

modelling of GAT and the results obtained in the specific

case with the calibration dimensions matches the

expectation with a correction factor close to 1.

Besides the ability to simulate real life conditions and to

provide detailed insight into behaviour, numerical

modelling has the potential to reduce need for animal

tests, which are becoming increasingly limited on both

ethical and legal grounds.


This research was conducted as part of a project on the use

of tissue engineering to construct an artificial cornea

funded by the European Commission.


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