News from Northwest Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) January 2015 ~ Issue 1 TWO WORSHIP SERVICES We resume two worship services on Sunday, January 11, at 8:30am and 11:00am. PRAYERS * Please keep our youth and their leaders in your prayers as they “retreat” to Camp Christian January 3-4, 2015. (Revision to schedule: Youth Bells and Youth Choir will NOT meet on Sunday, January 11.) * Please keep Dave Strawser, our church custodian, in your prayers as he undergoes surgery on January 14. We welcome back Natalie Bickhart as temporary custodian to fill in for Dave during the month of January. Thank you to all who donated toward the CHRISTMAS OFFERING . To date $2,285. 00 has been collected toward our goal of $3,000. 00 . NWCC TOWN HALL FINANCE MEETING After each of the worship services on January 18, the Finance Council will host an open "Town Hall" format meeting to present 2014 year-end financial reports. “WELCOME TO 2015” PANCAKE BREAKFAST Let’s start 2015 with fluffy pancakes, sugary syrup, and friendly fellowship! Join with your church family in the Narthex on January 11 th at 9:45am to share in this breakfast together. THE FREE STORE AT CAMP CHRISTIAN was thrilled to receive the 69 packages (429 pair!) of underwear to help fill Christmas stockings and the 17 fleece blankets made by our youth. These contributions helped to brighten many lives during the Christmas season. Thank You!

News from Northwest Christian Church … from Northwest Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) January 2015 ~ Issue 1 TWO WORSHIP SERVICES We resume two worship services on Sunday,

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Page 1: News from Northwest Christian Church … from Northwest Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) January 2015 ~ Issue 1 TWO WORSHIP SERVICES We resume two worship services on Sunday,

News from Northwest Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) January 2015 ~ Issue 1

TWO WORSHIP SERVICES We resume two worship services

on Sunday, January 11, at

8:30am and 11:00am.


* Please keep our youth and their leaders in your

prayers as they “retreat” to Camp Christian

January 3-4, 2015.

(Revision to schedule: Youth Bells and Youth

Choir will NOT meet on Sunday, January 11.)

* Please keep Dave Strawser, our church

custodian, in your prayers as

he undergoes surgery on January 14.

We welcome back Natalie Bickhart as

temporary custodian to fill in for Dave

during the month of January.

Thank you to all who

donated toward the


To date $2,285.00 has been collected toward our goal of $3,000.00.


After each of the worship services on

January 18, the Finance Council will host an

open "Town Hall" format meeting to

present 2014 year-end financial reports.


Let’s start 2015 with fluffy pancakes,

sugary syrup, and friendly

fellowship! Join with your church

family in the Narthex on January

11th at 9:45am to share in this

breakfast together.


was thrilled to receive the 69 packages (429 pair!)

of underwear to help fill Christmas stockings and

the 17 fleece blankets made by our youth. These

contributions helped to brighten many lives

during the Christmas season. Thank You!

Page 2: News from Northwest Christian Church … from Northwest Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) January 2015 ~ Issue 1 TWO WORSHIP SERVICES We resume two worship services on Sunday,

From your ministers From your ministers From your ministers From your ministers

At a recent clergy meeting, we were privileged to learn more about current pastoral care in hospitals and

health care centers. Most of us have, in some way, experienced HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability

and Accountability Act.) Since the law took affect, the hospitals and retirement communities have been

prohibited from disclosing medical information. As a result, clergy are finding it difficult to learn when

one of the members of their congregation has been hospitalized or has died. At times this can result in

frustration, anger and even damaged relationships.

But there is a way we can ensure the continuation of our pastoral support during these times. Read on

to learn more:

What is HIPAA? The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 was

created to give patients greater control over who has access to their personal information.

Does HIPAA allow bulletins and newsletters to carry prayer requests? Can we still have a prayer or email prayer chain? Yes, as long as the information was not obtained

from a health care employee who had access to the patient’s information. Because of height-

ened awareness regarding privacy, it is still a good idea to ask someone what information he

or she wants included in prayer chains, printed materials and public prayers.

Why didn’t my pastor visit me in the hospital? HIPAA prevents hospitals and retirement

communities from contacting a patient’s congregation upon admission, unless prior consent has

been given. Even with prior consent, these wishes are often not communicated. The only way

to guarantee that clergy know about your hospitalization is to contact the congregation yourself.

What can I do to make sure that my congregation and other friends know about my hospitalization? Now is the time to share your wishes with your family and friends. Simply

tell them to contact your pastor whenever you are hospitalized—and to add your name to the

prayer list at church. Most clergy assume that you want a visit in either a hospital or retirement

community; they just need to know you are there!

With blessings in the new year of 2015,

Page 3: News from Northwest Christian Church … from Northwest Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) January 2015 ~ Issue 1 TWO WORSHIP SERVICES We resume two worship services on Sunday,

Ruth Circle

Tuesday, January 13 at 7pm in the gathering

room at NWCC. We will work on blankets for

the General Assembly child care area.

Esther Circle

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

at 12:30pm at MCL

Abigail Circle

January 26, 2015

All women are invited to attend!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

8:00am in Fellowship Hall. All men are

invited to join for breakfast & fellowship. There are 3 easy ways to earn money for Northwest Christian Church simply by shopping...

Giant Eagle ~ In addition to groceries, you can also purchase department store, movie theatre or

restaurant gift cards. Pick out your gift cards,

scan your card when paying and NWCC will

benefit from your purchase.

For NWCC to earn 5% on purchases at Giant

Eagle, you must first purchase Giant Eagle gift

cards from Keith Rose or stop by the church

office during the week. AND USE ORGANIZATION #81359. Kroger ~ designate NWCC to benefit from

your shopping by enrolling online using our

organization number (81359). NWCC

will receive a reward of about 5% of

your shopping receipt amount.

Amazon ~ click the Amazon link on the church

website and any purchases you make while on

this site will benefit NWCC in the amount of 5%.

NWCC Reward Programs

January 2015 Newsletter


The entire congregation is invited to:

The Eagle Court of Honor The Eagle Court of Honor The Eagle Court of Honor The Eagle Court of Honor

for Andy Lisakfor Andy Lisakfor Andy Lisakfor Andy Lisak

Sunday, January 11, 2015

2:00pm at

Northwest Christian Church


Michael Rogers is graduated from The Ohio

State University on Sunday, December 21, 2014

with a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies:

International Relations and Diplomacy.

Natalie Bickhart graduated from

Bowling Green State University on Saturday,

December 20, 2014 with a Bachelors Degree

in Biology and minors in Psychology and

General Science.

Ashley Neher graduates from Franklin

University on Sunday, January 11, 2015 with a

Masters Degree in Marketing.

Page 4: News from Northwest Christian Church … from Northwest Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) January 2015 ~ Issue 1 TWO WORSHIP SERVICES We resume two worship services on Sunday,


PANTRY welcomes

donations of: baby food/

formula/cereal, diapers (all sizes), rice,

flour, dog and cat food. Please leave any

donations in the shopping cart located in

the coat room off the narthex.

Visit the website for a list of all

pantry needs: www.nnemappantry.org

Dear Church Family...

The staff at Northwest Christian

thanks you for your generous

donations to our staff gifts.

What a blessing to serve such a

wonderful congregation!

Rev. Cindy, Pastor Jeff, Debbie,

Tracy, Dave and Michelle

On behalf of the Ministry Council and the

congregation, I would like to extend great

KUDOS to Jack Strawn and his elves for providing a marvelous and merry Chili

dinner with music and wonderful food

and entertainment.

It was a blessed way to

complete the day after the outstanding

Chalice Arts performance.

Becky Rogers, Ministry Cabinet Coordinator

I hope you enjoyed the Christmas Dinner as much as I

did. The Nurture Commission is really comprised of all

who intentionally act to nurture the spirit of and actions of

Christian love to those people around them at Northwest

Christian Church. All who attended the Christmas Dinner

seemed to reflect the purpose ofnurturing.

Thanks to Santa for giving treats to the children.

Thanks to the following people for providing and serving

chili: Gladys Davis, Corwin Kuhn, Bill Parsons,

Carole Strawn, Barbara Wheeler, and Sheri Lisak

for cooking hot dogs.

Thanks to the following people for keeping our beverage

available: Anthony and Kelley Femia, Caelin, Taylor,

and Becky Parsons, and Debbie Stephan.

Thanks to the following people for donating cookies:

Carolyn Abels, Glenda Argo, Kim Badgley, Shu-Lan

Cheng, Judy Embree, Patrice Fatig, Michelle Gibson,

Sheri Lisak, Pat Nichols, and Laura Thornton.

Thanks to the following people for donating salads and

dressings: Al and Cindy Adcock, Lori Beals, Jim Embree,

Annette Harden, Betty Hill, Bobbi Richards, Keith and

Rhonda Rose, Debbie Stephan, and Barbara Thomas.

Thanks to Dave Stephan for activating the sound system

so the prayer and announcements could be

communicated effectively.

Thanks to Pastor Jeff for offering a prayer for the meal.

Thanks to Al Adcock for leading us in singing “The Twelve Days of Christmas.”

Thanks to Rev. Cindy Adcock for playing the piano while we sang Christmas carols.

Thanks to all the many, many people, especially

Michael Rogers, Becky Parsons, and Betty Poling, who

made themselves available to help setup and clean up!

All of you helped to make this a very tasty, fun, and

praiseful Christmas Dinner.

Your friend in Christ,

Jack Strawn,

Nurture Commission Moderator

Page 5: News from Northwest Christian Church … from Northwest Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) January 2015 ~ Issue 1 TWO WORSHIP SERVICES We resume two worship services on Sunday,

God’s People on the Stewardship JourneyGod’s People on the Stewardship JourneyGod’s People on the Stewardship JourneyGod’s People on the Stewardship Journey

January 2015 Newsletter

In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds,

and I will show you my faith by my deeds. You believe that there is one God. Good!

Even the demons believe that—and shudder.

James 2:17-19

James gives us an interesting comparison between belief and works. They go hand in hand. Jews

and Muslims tend to emphasize good behavior; Christians often emphasize faith. But God says both

are equally important and should blend.

Without faith, our deeds frequently end up being like New Year’s resolutions. We get started on

something we decide would be beneficial, and have good intentions for keeping up with it. But it

soon falls by the wayside as our habits and fatigue take over. We have followed our own thinking

rather than God’s.

Without works, we can easily claim righteousness and debate with others about correct doctrine until

everyone is tired of arguing. Nothing good has happened. Wars have started over such things.

If we really want to do God’s will, we must develop both our character and our behavior according to

God’s leading. Otherwise, as humans we are likely to get out of balance on one side or the other -

leading to less than what God intends for us.


Carla Nuenke

Stewardship Moderator General Fund Balance



























Page 6: News from Northwest Christian Church … from Northwest Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) January 2015 ~ Issue 1 TWO WORSHIP SERVICES We resume two worship services on Sunday,

Thank you for the beautiful flower ar-Thank you for the beautiful flower ar-Thank you for the beautiful flower ar-Thank you for the beautiful flower ar-rangement, cards, and prayers during rangement, cards, and prayers during rangement, cards, and prayers during rangement, cards, and prayers during the time of my mother’s illness and the time of my mother’s illness and the time of my mother’s illness and the time of my mother’s illness and passing. She will be greatly missed by passing. She will be greatly missed by passing. She will be greatly missed by passing. She will be greatly missed by her family and friends, but we know her family and friends, but we know her family and friends, but we know her family and friends, but we know she is now in her heavenly home.she is now in her heavenly home.she is now in her heavenly home.she is now in her heavenly home.

Debbie Stephan & familyDebbie Stephan & familyDebbie Stephan & familyDebbie Stephan & family

A A A A BIGBIGBIGBIG thank you to all of you for your thank you to all of you for your thank you to all of you for your thank you to all of you for your support of the Community Christmas support of the Community Christmas support of the Community Christmas support of the Community Christmas Box Mission Project coordinated by Box Mission Project coordinated by Box Mission Project coordinated by Box Mission Project coordinated by Boulevard Presbyterian Church. Boulevard Presbyterian Church. Boulevard Presbyterian Church. Boulevard Presbyterian Church. Saturday, December 20, volunteers Saturday, December 20, volunteers Saturday, December 20, volunteers Saturday, December 20, volunteers filled 379 boxes with food. Several filled 379 boxes with food. Several filled 379 boxes with food. Several filled 379 boxes with food. Several volunteers were from NWCC. For volunteers were from NWCC. For volunteers were from NWCC. For volunteers were from NWCC. For families with children, each child will families with children, each child will families with children, each child will families with children, each child will receive an age appropriate wrapped receive an age appropriate wrapped receive an age appropriate wrapped receive an age appropriate wrapped giftgiftgiftgift————a total of 934 children.a total of 934 children.a total of 934 children.a total of 934 children.

----Boulevard Presbyterian ChurchBoulevard Presbyterian ChurchBoulevard Presbyterian ChurchBoulevard Presbyterian Church

Dear NNEMAP Supporter, Dear NNEMAP Supporter, Dear NNEMAP Supporter, Dear NNEMAP Supporter, The NNEMAP Food Pantry would The NNEMAP Food Pantry would The NNEMAP Food Pantry would The NNEMAP Food Pantry would like to thank you so much for your like to thank you so much for your like to thank you so much for your like to thank you so much for your continued support and recent generous continued support and recent generous continued support and recent generous continued support and recent generous donation of $800.donation of $800.donation of $800.donation of $800. We truly appreciate your recognizing We truly appreciate your recognizing We truly appreciate your recognizing We truly appreciate your recognizing the importance of helping the hungry the importance of helping the hungry the importance of helping the hungry the importance of helping the hungry and less fortunate members of our and less fortunate members of our and less fortunate members of our and less fortunate members of our community.community.community.community. Sincerely,Sincerely,Sincerely,Sincerely, James Brown, James Brown, James Brown, James Brown, TreasurerTreasurerTreasurerTreasurer

January 2015 Newsletter



Through my classes at Methodist Theological I have

become much more aware of issues of social

justice. Perhaps that is normal for a college campus.

In my Multicultural Diversity class, we were given an

assignment to go outside of our “comfort” zone and

experience something in a different culture.

One of my classmates, Angie Weber, allowed me to

ride along with her on one of her trips to homeless

camps here in downtown Columbus. I had no idea

the numbers and the environment some people

deal with on a daily basis for weeks, months

and some even years.

Angie has a passion for the homeless. She works

tirelessly with her partner, Ray, to feed, care and

assist the people of the streets of Columbus. We

have invited Angie and Ray to come tell us about

their mission. I would like to invite everyone to

come hear what they have to share about our

community and how they are able to reach out

and help our neighbors.

~ Becky Rogers, Seminary Student

The Outreach Commission is inviting everyone to hear

Angie on Tuesday night, January 27, at 7:00pm. We

will be providing a meal to share of chicken enchiladas,

fruit and brownies. Your donations will support Angie

and Ray's work with the homeless in the Franklinton

area. Please sign up for the meal, so that we can plan

accordingly. See their flyer included with this

newsletter! Let us know if there is another topic

that you would like to hear about with NWCC

in this way to educate, motivate, and guide

us regarding an issue.

Lori Beals, Outreach Commission Moderator

Page 7: News from Northwest Christian Church … from Northwest Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) January 2015 ~ Issue 1 TWO WORSHIP SERVICES We resume two worship services on Sunday,

Northwest Christian Church—1340 Fishinger Road, Columbus, OH 43221

Worship Hours: 8:30am and 11:00am / Summer Worship Hours (June-Aug) 10:00am

Sunday School—Adult and Youth 9:45am / Children’s Bible Zone (during Worship)

Office Hours: 9:00am-2:30pm Monday-Friday / Phone: 614-457-6290 / Website: www.northwestchristian.org

We apologize if we’ve missed your birthday or

anniversary. Please contact the office so we

can update our church records.

Thank you!!Thank you!!Thank you!!Thank you!!

1-1 Betty Hill

1-1 Frank McCaw

1-1 Tim Jameson

1-1 John Davis

1-2 Doug Harden

1-2 Tina Jameson

1-2 Jacob Badgeley

1-3 Bobbi Richards

1-5 Debbie Stephan

1-6 Chuck Gillespie

1-6 Caelin Parsons

1-16 Terry and Angela Roe

1-17 Clint and Amy Taylor

1-31 Lanny and Bev Rhodes

1-7 Cinda Rasor

1-12 Michiel Brongers

1-13 Jim Brown

1-19 Lisa Beaverson

1-23 Rob Steffy

1-23 Jonathan Wheeler

1-23 Cynthia Jackson

1-24 Laura Thornton

1-27 Becky Brown

1-28 PJ Roe

We express sympathy toWe express sympathy toWe express sympathy toWe express sympathy to…………

* Frank McCaw on the passing of his wife, Mary Jo, on December 4th.

A memorial service will be held at NWCC on Saturday, January 17, at 11:00am with calling hours one hour prior.

* Debbie Stephan on the passing of her mother, Fern Miller, on December 21st.

Services were held at Robertsville Christ Memorial in Robertsville, Ohio.

* Carla Nuenke on the passing of her brother-in-law, Norman Nuenke, on December 26 in Racine Wisconsin.

Page 8: News from Northwest Christian Church … from Northwest Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) January 2015 ~ Issue 1 TWO WORSHIP SERVICES We resume two worship services on Sunday,

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 New Years Day!

Office Closed


7:30pm HP Bible Study


Youth Choir Retreat

at Camp Christian


Youth Choir Retreat

at Camp Christian

11:00am Worship

No Youth Groups


11:00am Staff Meeting


9:30am English Class


10:00am Bible Study

(F. Hall)


6:45pm Chalice Ringers

7:30pm Chalice Choir


6:30pm District 9 Clergy

Epiphany Dinner

(St. Andrew CC)

7:30pm HP Bible Study



Men’s Breakfast

11 8:30am Worship

No Youth Choir

9:45am Pancake

Breakfast (Narthex)

11:00am Worship

3:30pm Chimes/Bells

4:00pm Youth Groups


11:00am Staff Meeting


9:30am English Class

7:00pm Ruth Circle

(Gathering Space)


10:00am Bible Study

(F. Hall)


6:45pm Chalice Ringers

7:30pm Chalice Choir


7:30pm HP Bible Study

17 9:00am-1:00pm

AGO Meeting


10:00am Visiting Hour

11:00am Mary Jo

McCaw Memorial



8:30am Worship

8:30am Youth Bells

9:00am Youth Choir

11:00am Worship

3:30pm Chimes/Bells

4:00pm Youth Groups

19 Martin Luther

King Jr. Day

Office Closed

6:00-10:00pm AGO

Meeting (Chapel)


9:30am English Class

12:30pm Esther Circle

(at MCL)

7:00-8:30pm Youth

Choir Rehearsal


10:00am Bible Study

(F. Hall)


6:45pm Chalice Ringers

7:30pm Chalice Choir


7:30pm HP Bible Study


25 8:30am Worship

8:30am Youth Bells

9:00am Youth Choir

11:00am Worship

3:30pm Chimes/Bells

4:00pm KOK Musical



11:00am Staff Meeting

6:00pm Finance

Council Meeting

7:00pm Administrative

Council Meeting

7:30pm Abigail Circle


9:30am English Class

6:00pm Homeless

Workshop Presentation

7:00-8:30pm Youth

Choir Rehearsal


10:00am Bible Study

(F. Hall)


6:45pm Chalice Ringers

7:30pm Chalice Choir


7:30pm HP Bible Study


4:00pm Youth Choir

Rehearsal and


NWCC Calendar

of Events






AT 9:45AM