WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 30,1930 LOCKPORT UNION-SUN AND JOURNAL PAGE FIFTEEN ERSET LODGE AT BARKER PLANS ITS \ FIRST MAY MEETING Blaster Will Attend The Annual Conclave At 11- New York Monday. BARKER. April 10 —Somerset ihdg,. F. and A. M. will have the tir»t stated communication of May <m Friday nlffct. Master Hubert L. Eaton of the local lodge will at- tend the annual conclave of the Grand (State lodge next week leav- ing for New York on Monday. •MBS Harry Coleman will enter- win the Wednesday club the after- noon of "May Day" Thursday. The Mystic circle la entortaln- tAtf in compliment to Mile IMS Hood at a supper and shower Wed- nesday evening la Somerset Union ffl. E. chapel. The committee In cabrge ffs Mrs, Harry L. Scbryver, Mrs. George Atwater and Mrs. Clifford Wyman. Miss Helen Coleman returned Sunday from spending the vacation week with Miss Charlotte Ricket- scn of Buffalo. She was accom- panied by Mr. sad Mrs. Charles Ricketaon and daughters who spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coleman/ Mils XserlctU BeBist left. Sun- day tcftmutm, Mich., sfter spend- ing the spring vacaUon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Glenn a Nelliste PiiApal and Mrs. C. R. Robblns and family spent the Easter ca- eation. wtth relatives at several PennswrnttW pouts, returning Saturday. < Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Mur- reU and daughter Jane, of Niagara Falls wet* guilts off* the weak end of Mr. sad Mrs. P. I* Pallister sad Mr. sad Mrs. Walter Church. Visits l a Rswaestor. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stalks spent 8unday with relatives in Rochester. Then- daughters. Violet and Virginia accompanied them home fcftar spending the past week fn Rochester. •Mrs? HaHle Marks has gone to Niagara Falls to spend several morjths, Mrs. Beanos Nelliat was a guest for Several days the past week of Mr.: and Mrs. James Reed of Roch ester. Mrp K M Brownell of Snyder and Mrs. Prank Heatherly of Buf- falo JBere over Sunday guests of their Barents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Eaton. Mrs. Hetherly's daughters. Barken sad Dorothy, who spent them Mr. sad Mrs Kimball Clark of Niagara Palls wan recent visitors at the home of MY. and Mrs. Stan- ley Coleman, Miss Isa Nalllft Is spending the Newfane School Is Making Plans For The Spring Exams Classes After Vacatlon- Mis. Msrkell Join* Hatband ROAD, April 30—School Diitrlct No. a, Town of Newfene, Bass road. Miss Evelyn Ksough, teeotvr. resumed Its classes on Mon- day, following the Easter recess. Sprinf activities will be well under way before the end of the week; in preparation of examinations and the closing of school for the summer vacation. Residents hers are glad to wel- come Mrs. Francis B. Markell, and sons Franklin sad Paul of Drift- wood, Pa., who have come to join the Rev. Francis B Markell, the new pastor of the Wealeyan Methodist chunh here. They have taken up residence in the parsonage near the church. Awaiting for Mrs. Markell and family. Rev Mr. Markell was entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rood. Mr. and Mrs. Joan W. Reaokhoff. Sunday; were callers of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reeckhoff of Olcott. Miss Ruth staples, was a guest from Wednesday until Sunday and entertained by Dr. and Mrs. Griffith Pritchard of Woodland avenue, Buf- falo. Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Demorest of Loekport, were entertained Sun- day at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Branch. Miss Mildred Shaft spent Sunday in Loekport, guest of friends. Mr. and Mrs. William Staples of West Somerset, were guests Sunday, of Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Staples. Mrs. Fred Steen, ill at her home in the Hess Road, la resting comfort- ably. Bertram Dempaey, member of the 10 graduating class, Newf ane high school, returned on Saturday from a trip to Washington. D. c . where a sail was enjoyed upon the Pa- tomie to Mount Vernon the home of George Washington; the trip in- cluded also Anapous, Md. Atlantic City. N. J., and Philadelphia. Pa., in the latter city, a visit to the U. 8. Mint was also made, and historic scenes of the Quaker city. A number of local residents at- tended the celebration of the burn- ing of the Newfane Orange mort- gage. Mrs. Eva Perrigo of this place gave a splendid history of the New- fane Orange, of which she is also a charter member. Will Review Book At Gathering Of Mission Society E x p r e i • e • Appreciation For Faithfulness Of Congregation. MTTJ.ERB, April 30—Rev. A. E. Matthews, In his farewell sermon at County Line Methodist church, expressed nil appreciation for the faithfulness of the large congrega- tion which camp to hear the mes- sage. The Rev. Mr. Matthews ass toiled indefatigably for the church for sat sad one half years, for the betterment of the community spiritually and socially, for the marked improvement of a better grade of programs and for the religious education of the boys sad girls; always optimistic, even wtth discouraging conditions. AH wish Mr. sad Mrs. Matthews continued success la their new field. Dans- villa. services will continue si the usual hour 0:46 A. M. next Sunday morning with the new pastor, Rev. Earnest Scott of Penfleld conduct- ing. Mr and Mrs. Chester Ralph sad Mr. and Mrs. Philip Werts were week end guests of their father, Mr. Veness. Mrs. Ralph sad Mrs. Wertz, driving from their home, Schenec- tady, last Wednesday, rode into the severe ice and snowstorm. With slippery pavements, windshields covered with snow. sad lee, sad four inches of packed snow and ice on their fenders they decided to stop at Victor for the night, con- tinuing in the morning, with more favorable conditions. Victor Veness drove to Rochester Thursday morning to meet his sisters, Mrs. Ralph and Mrs. Wests. He wsa accompanied by his father, O. T. Veness and little daughters. School Board Will Choose A Trustee At Wright's May 6 Beainese Matters Will Come Be- fore Annual Me*ting—Grafs Newfane Residents Attend Concert By Divinity Scholars Held fa Baptist Church at Wilson —Pastoral Exchange Have Isa NeJJlst port. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Swarm had as week end guests, Mr. and Mrs. J. R, ralloon and Mr. aad Mrs. Henry Walloon of Cleveland. Mr*. B tanley Baldwin and little daughter of Buffalo are visiting the farmer's- parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A,. Coleman. Burt Man Undergoes A Slight Operation BTJUT. aprfl SO—Vernon Lovelaas whoiMi been SI the past several days was removed to the Loekport City hospital Saturday aad under- want a slisjht operation and is now resting eoslfortably. Norbert -paigler. Chester Good- enough, Eugene Patterson. Edward Tompkins arid WQbur Burns at- tended the Scout Convention held at trig "saiiins 1 Methodist church Ldrkport Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Graham. Mr. SUd Mr* Olen Baker. Mrs. Ella Baker" attended a birthday party tendered Mrs. Ruth Benedict of Molymaiuc Corners Saturday even- te Group -Te Open Ber May 14th WRIGHTS CORNERS. April SO. —The nanus! school meeting of the Wright's Corners Grade School, Will be held in the school house on Tuesday evening, May 0, at 7:90 o'clock, for the purpose of electing a trustee and 10011 other business ss may come before the meeting. daughter Charolette of Buffalo, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. sad Mrs. George Graf, Jr. Mr. sad Mrs. Stolsenberg of New- fane aad Mr. and Mrs. George Btr- gcx of Buffalo, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Llnderman of Wright's William Alt sad Misses Pauline and Helena Alt went to Buffalo Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wilson, were Sunday guests of Mr. sad Mrs. Frank Craw of Newfane. Mr. and Mrs. Dillls Wilson of the Turnpike Road and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johnson of the Stone Road, motored to Niagara Palls, recently. A number here have colds. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brunner, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Michael and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Belts and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bley and son of Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs E. Michael, Miss Marie Michael, Miss Dorothy Sherk, Cheater Michael, and J. McOinness of Canada, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Oraf, 8r. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Phillips and son of Ridgewod, were Sunday even- ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Linderman of Wrights. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Terry of Lock- port, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wilson. . Miss May Coulson of Gasport. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ramming of Wrights. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stockton of Newfane and Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Wyman of Jeddo. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Graf, Jr. WILL HAVE SUPPER Recreational Evening Is Planned—Several Will Attend Buffalo Meet. torbert Dalgler returned to Nue- Ipigh school. Williamsville, lav after spending his vaca- tion with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mm Dklgler. Mr. and Mrs. George McCarty nHsnaWd the funeral of Miss Rdhecea Pomeroy. formerly of Weetfield. funeral held In Loekport burial in Cold Spring cemetery. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dalgler and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Berryman of Buffalo Sunday and called on Mrs. Mary Dalgler of WHliamsville. iRaymond Dalgler returned home with his parents after spending the wbek end with Homer Berryman Of Buffalo. v Miss Helen Stroth returned to and. Normal Saturday after f:her Easter vacation with sts, Mr. and Mrs. William 9krot9*. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Laffler. and Mr. and Mrs. William Bobaien •pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jbhn Dillon of Niagara Falls. i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Foot and fttmilv of Barker were guests Sun- day cf Mr. and Mrs. Leland Burns, i Herbert Dalgler, Wllber Burns, Ooodnough. Eugene Pat- and Edward Tompkins en- a hike to Hopkins Creek tth their Scout Master Rev. Bur- where they served dinner in open Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Berryman Buffalo were Friday visitors of Ir. and Mrs. Leo Dalgler. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mayer id chOaren. Norma, Paul and spent. Fridav in Buffalo jests of Mr. sad Mrs. Fred layer. St Oas- NEWFANE. April SO — Mrs. L. E. Brotherton. 00 May 14, will be at home to the Baptist Missionary Circle, assisted by Mrs. M. & Cole. Devotions by Mrs. George OaUap, program study, the first chapter of the book, Jerusalem, to Jerusalem, reviewed by Mrs, Lyman Goodridge. Mrs. Daniel Shaw will give a paper on "Home Missions.'* There will be a union Scout in- vestiture next Sunday evening in the Baptist church. Announcement is made that the public is cordially invited to attend the noon hour luncheon and dinner in the evening at the Niagara Coun- ty Sunday school convention here on May 3, which will be served in the Methodist church. Dorothy and John Dillon of Nia- gara Paus, guests of friends here, returned Sunday to their home. The Misses Deris Brandt, Jean and Claire Rutland, have returned to the Teachers' College at Buffalo. Miss Grace Treiehler, a gueat of he mother Mrs. Ella Treiehler for the Easter recess, has returned to the Fordson High School ,at Dear- born, Mich., where she is a teacher on Child Training. Miss Lots Dale n guest of her par* ente, has returned to Loekport, to resume studies in the Loekport high school. Miss Rhode Post, a guest of her mother Mrs. Shirley Post, has re- turned to Schenectady. Callers at the home Of Mr. aad Mrs. Roger Bchwoigcrt, Dutton place, last week-end, were Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Dibertolo end son, Mrs. Alice Sllvernall. Miss Laura Sllvernall. Gordon and Lester Stlvenail of Buffalo. NEWFANE. April 30.—The East- ern Rural Ministers' Association. Its members, their wives and friends, will have a recreational evening in the Loekport Y. M C. A., with a super at seven, on May 6. Several women cf the Newfane Methodist church will attend the semi-annual meeting of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society of the Buffalo district, which will be held in the Trinity Methodist Episcopal church, Buffalo. Miss Lillian Holmes of Bast China, will be the principal Jnester LADIES AID TO MEET. NEWFANE. April 80—The Ladles' lid Society of the Baptist church ill mee| at four o'clock In the uroh parlors. Following Use delis class, Mrs. Oeorge Goodridge aeher anil serve a public supper. Last, night there was a supper at e Cheer Rebekah lodge, followed a sale Of Rochester Folks Here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bullard of Rochester, were guests last week-end of friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Davis Sr., Mr. and Mrs. William Davis of Buf- falo, Sunday visited relatives here. Mrs. Margaret Vincent and son, DeForest, visiting relatives here for a few days, returned to Buffalo. Mrs. Olen Hood, last Friday at- tended a shower in honor of Miss ines Hood, a bride-elect, In the home of Mrs. E. E. Arnold and Mrs Bateman of Somerset. Mr. and rMs. David Carlson of Jamestown, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Brooks, last week- end. . Mrs. Oeorge B. Utley. is In the Oeneral hospital at Buffalo, for treatment; she having suffered painfully from blood poisoning. There will be an official board meeting of the Methodist church on Thursday evening at the close of prayer service. BACK FROM CAPITOL TRIP JEDDO, April SO.—Willis Mather returned Saturday from the Senior Class Washington trip. Mr. and Mrs Charles Rhodes of Barker, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arlington on Saturday after- noon. Linford Mooltrop has gone to work near LeRoy. Mr. and Mrs. William Bausch motored to Buffalo on Sunday to sMnd the day with Mr. and Mrs. William Bausch, Jr. Mrs. Fred Arlington and daughter. Laura, spent a day recently visiting a cousin, Mrs. Nesbftt in Kent MUs Laura Arlington visited the Helen Treiehler, having spent the Easter recess at home with her mother has returned to the high school at Orchard Park, where she is an instructor. Mrs Robert Brovn and daughter of Olean, having spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vincent, returned to their home on Sunday. Mrs. Cora Craigie of Buffalo is a guest of Miss Grace McCollum. The Evening Sewing club, last evening attended the Newfane High School Band concert and one act play, "Sauce for the Goslings," in Memorial ha.l The members will meet in the Busy Bee class room with the members of that organiza- tion, of the Baptist church on Mon- day evening. May 12. The first ball game of the season. May first, Wilson high school team will cross bats with Newfane high, en the local campus. The local line up will In presented shortly, and a schedule of games for the season. Brice Post and James Chapman, have returned from Washington, D. O, they having joined the New- fane seniors on the Easter trip. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thlelke spent Friday evening in Rochester. Mrs. Loretta E. Brotherton has returned from Medina, having visit- ed relatives and friends. Mrs. Elton Clark and daughter Jean of Niagara Falls, a guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sherman, of Euclid avenue, has returned home. Prominent Buffalo Educator To. Speak At Olcott Banquet Mothers aad Daoghtors of Lakeside Village to Hear Mrs. Ethel Holmes Mnnsey. NEWFANE, April 90 —Several resident* from here attended the concert presented by the students of the Oolgate-Rocheater Divinity School in the Baptist church at Wilson. The Rev. F H. Chapman pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Wilson preached in the Pint Baptist church on Sunday morning, beginning a series of pastoral ex- changes of the Eastern Niagara Ministers* Association. The Rev. Artema* P. Goodwin occupied the Baptist pulpit at Wilson. The Rev. A. S. Dutcher. minister at the Congregational church, Oas- port. will occupy the pulpit of the Newf ane Methodist Episcopal church next Sunday morning, aad the pastor here Rev. Eugene J. Pleury will go to Gasport to preach. Miss Lucille Brooks, having spent the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Brooks has returned to Kendall high school, to teach. Miss Helen Taylor has returned to Coopersvllle, O., to teach, hav- ing been called here on account of the illness and death of her grand- mother, Mrs. Sara Taylor. Mrs. Van 8. Laughlin and chil- dren of Weetfield, guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Herbert McClew have returned to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krinke and daughter Doris of Gasport, were entertained at dinner on Sunday In the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Trlppensee. Donald Frisbie and Edwin Searle visited their cousin Mary Helen Collins of Niagara Falls, last week end. Henry Rhodes a guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pat- terson and Alden Gents, visiting parents Mr. and Mrs. William Oents, have returned to the Uni- versity of Michigan, at Ann Arbor. Miss Edna Pettit, having spent the spring vacation with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. Pettit, re- turned to Keuka College. Alan Brooks, havmg visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Brooks of East avenue, has re- turned to the Courtland Normal college. Dr. and Mrs. William D. David- son have returned from a trip to New York City. TRW OF BIRTHDAYS OBSERVED AT JEDDO Forty-Four Feted By Newfane Women At Card Lunch eon Ont-of-Town Oi Games And Dancing Are aeat-Damt, rrises wsw Feature Of Evening At Bausch Home. OLCOTT, April 30—Mrs. Ethel Holmes Munsey, artist and story- teller, of Buffalo, will be the princi- pal speaker at the mother and daughter banquet to be held tomor- row evening at 7 o'clock In the Methodist Episcopal church. Besides her work ss a story writer and as a private teacher of elocu- . tlon and story-telling, Mrs. Munsey 1 is an instructor in the leadership training schools of Buffalo, in- structor of story-telling at Chautau- qua summer school at Chautauqua, and lecturer for.the Buffalo Society of Natural Science. Toasts, music and other features will also be part of the program planned for this occasion. A delicious dinner will be prepar- ed and served by the men of the church. Tickets are now on sale. In as much as the accommodations will be limited, all are urged to make their reservations at once. Couple Entertain Sanborn Friends Whiter Residents of Florida Return to Hoes*—Se serai Are Dinner O easts. JEDDO, April SO.—A birthday party of more than usual interest was given on Saturday evening, st the home of Miss Matilda Bausch. The occasion celebrated the birth- days of the Misses Mildred Benham, Eleanor Cooper and Matilda Bausch. The later two ocurring on Saturday and that of Miss Benham on the 18th. The spacious living rooms were prettily decorated in pink and white, with Jonquils, roses and sweet pass for flowers. Games and dancing were the order of the evening. In the "cootie" game, Marjorie Mather won first prise and Bertha Burge, second prize. All received many pretty presents. Dainty refreshments were served, three birthday cakes gracing the refreshment table. Mrs. Peter Baillie and John Helm of North Tonawanda, motored out on Sunday to visit at the Edward Landow home. Mrs. Mary Tobin, Paul Gradhand and Fraser Nichols, attended the funeral of Frank Featherstone, held at Somerset on Monday afternoon. Mr. Featherston died suddenly on Friday from heart trouble. The Misses Edith and Myrta Clark visited relatives at Brockport on Thursday last Mrs. Louise Webster of Johnson Creek, is spending the week with her daughter. Mrs Charles Sllsby. Miss 1/a Morehouse of Medina visited Mis. Lydia Kempton on Sun- day. Return To New York. Miss Myrta Clark returned to New York City Sunday evening, arriving in time to resume her duties as teacher there. Mrs. A. Goodwin and children of Newfane were spending several days last week with Mrs. Horace Bird. Miss Eleanor Cooper returned home Saturday from the Senior Class trip to Washington. Mrs. Mary Tobin visited an aged aunt in Warsaw over Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Preston, were called here by the death of the former's father, William Preston. Miss Louise Bausch of Brockport Normal School and Miss Laura Ar- lington of Buffalo, have been visit- ing their respective parents during the Easter vacation. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Kempton en- tertained at dinner on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Kempton of Middleport. The occasion celebrated the birthdays of both Mr. and Mrs. Kempton, which oeerred within the week. MAN HAS OPERATION AT CITY HOSPITAL Awarded. NEWFANE, April 30-Mrs. Glenn ii. cor win in her home, Mala street, and Mrs. Neil Stratton, also s host- ess, delightfully entertained at a bridge-luncheon on Saturday. Covers were laid for 44 guests, and st one o'clock a delicious repast was served, from tables attractive with daffo- dils and yellow decorations. Following eleven tables of bridge were in play with dainty prises be* ing awarded to Mrs. Levalle Lind- say, Mrs. Ewart G. Cowper, Mrs. William TenBroeck, Mrs. Herbert McClew, Mrs. Lena Oruger, and Mrs Herbert Lsuts. Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. Arthur Bullard of Roch- ester, Mrs. William TenBroeck, Mrs Harry VanWagoner, Mrs. J. Carl Ward, Mrs. A. E. Ward, Mrs. El wood Halsted. Mrs. Arthur Leonard. Mrs. Maurice Bullard, Mrs. Lena Kruger, Mrs. Harry P. O'Grady, Mrs. Charles Lawton, of Olcott, and Mrs. John Shaw of Burt. The Newfane Friendship Circle will be entertained in the home of Mrs. Glenn H. Corwin on Thursday afternoon. The Fidells class of the First Bap- tist church has postponed its meet- ing for a week The Rev. Eugene J- Fleury's class will meet with Clifford Culvewell on Wednesday evening. Miss Helen Olio has returned from Syracuse, where she visited her parents, and is at the home of her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. George O. Gallap. Mrs. Orlando Robinson and son Howard, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Robinson and the Misses Grace and Jessie Robinson of Col- lege avenue, has returned to Water— iiet. Miss Adelaide Taylor has returned from Detroit, Mich., where she visit- ed relatives, and has resumed stu- dies in the Teachers' Training class In the Wilson nigh school. Robert, son of Postmaster and Mrs. E. M. Schanbacher, has re- turned to the University of Michi- gan at Ann Arbor. Lester J. Robinson has returned from Boston end New York city. Mission Group Is Feted At Home Of Hess Road Woman After TO PRESENT LESSON F mm AT MELT Missionary Society Will Convene On May 1 At Methodist Church. -The Card Club Feted By Jeddo Couple JEDDO, April 30.—Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hawley, were host and hostess on Thursday evening to the Five Hundred Club. Out-of-town S ate were Mr. and Mrs. Charles wkee of Buffalo, and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Eaton of North Tona- wanda First prizes for the evening's games were awarded Mrs. Chester Eaton and Charles Hawkes. Dainty refreshments of sandwiches, salad, Jello, cake and coffee were served at the close of the game. Mr. and Mrs. Max Relmer and daughter of Medina. Mr. and Mrs. Emll Reimer of Lyndonville, Mrs Elma Whiter! of Middleport, were visiting st the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Relmer on Sunday . Miss Winifred Wakeman In com- pany with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Cbsuncey Brownejl and daughters, Marian and Loralne of the Quaker road, visited relatives at South Canlsteo, several days last week. Mrs. Rennle Klip and daughter Julia were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mis. Julius LansUl. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Lrfhslll and child motored to North Tonawanda on Sunday, where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chaster Eaton. Miss Catharine Secord returned to Brocton on Sunday after spend- ing her Easter vacation here. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Landow are driving a new Essex Coach. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jerge and BURT, April 30.—George Birdsail underwent a minor operation at the Loekport City hospital., Monday Mrs. John Shaw on Saturday at- tended the bridge luncheon given by Mrs. Glen Corwin and Mrs. Nell Stratton at the formers home in Newfane. Misses Madeline and Loretta Thompson, and Carolyn and Mary Dale, members of Newfane senior class, returned home Saturday, after eight days spent at Washington, Mt Vernon and Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rahloff, Mrs. Dan OTJonohue of Loekport, were luncheon guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wllklns. Rev. and Mrs. A. O. Northrup and children of Loekport, called on Mr. and Mrs. Howard Treiehler, Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Cook, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Oreenman of Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Yohnke of Watertown, have moved into one of the tenant houses on the Cramers Bros, farm here. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hora and children of Buffalo, were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wllklns. Mr. and Mrs. James Hlckey and children and Miss Amy Frasier, were callers of Mr. and Mrs. William Barget of Ransomvllle, Saturday afternoon. Mr. Frank Rentschler and family of Buffalo, called on friends ier* Sunday. Miss Florence Pritchard from Medina, was an over night guest Monday of her aunt, Mrs. B. J. Wll- klns. Janis and Sherley Barnes returned to their home in East Burt, Sunday evening, with their parents Mr. and Mrs E. Barns, after splndlng several days with their aunt Mrs. Elmer stratton and grand mother Mrs. Julia Noris. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lorelass called on their son Vernon, Sunday, who is 11' at the Loekport city hospital. Ruth Allen Wllklns. after spend- ing her Easter vacation with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wll- klns, returned to her home In Look- port, Sunday. Mrs. W. E. Greenman, returned to her home here Sunday, after spend- ing a week with her son Leigh Oreenman and family of Buffalo. HARTLAND, April 30—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sechler entertained the letters sister Miss Evelyn Dil- lar and Reinhold Kraase of San- born at their home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard N. l a y - er who have been spending the winter In Taft, Florida returned home Sunday and were dinner guests at the home of their daugh- ter Mr. and Mrs. Lester Beards- ley other callers were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peck and Mrs. Florence Tayer of Gasport. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Walker were guests Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Murray of Clarence. Mr. and Mrs. George Perry of West Somerset were Sunday din- ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Eaton of Loekport were dinner guests at the ? ome of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walker Friday evening. The Misses Faith Meyers and Laura Mudge returned home Sun- day evening from a week end spent with Dr. and Mrs. M. F. Cole, Newfane. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tyson of Niagara Falls were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Shaver. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davis and family were Sunday dinner guests at the home of the letters brother Mr. and Mrs. Nelson King of Wil- son. riorenoe Keith and daughter. Shirley of Buffalo spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs Albern Keith, Alice Ruth Beaulue returned home from Buffalo with them after spending the Easter vacation there. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Chase spent a few days last week with Rev. and Mrs. George E. Manning of Lima. FETE AT HARTLAND Mr. And Mrs. Muckley Give Entertainment—Gasport Minister Is Visitor. Dispose of Much Caarca Group to Be Entertatnedi HESS ROAD, April 30.—Mrs. Scott Bixler delightfully entertained the Woman's Home and Foreign Mis- sionary 8ociety of the Wesleyan Methodist church in her home lest Thursday. An extensive program of business was taken care of, following the conference of the church at Houghton; s busy season is being loked forward to. The Torch Bearers of the Wesley- an Methodist church will be enter- tained at a social and business gath- ering in Oscar OoWs home, Apple- ton, on Saturday night. Miss Martha Parker, guest of her HARTLAND, April 30—Mr. and I mother, Mrs. Mary Parker for the Mrs. George Muckley entertained j Easter holidays, has returned to friends from Buffalo. Niagara Falls I Marion, N. Y. and Rochester over Sunday In honor Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wendler, of the seventeenth anniversary of! spent Sunday at Buffalo with rela- RANSOMVILLE, April 30.- Woman's Foreign Missionary i of the Methodist church win on Thursday afternoon, May 1st, at the home of Mrs. John Burmaster: the study hour will be in charge at Mrs C. R. Clarke, who also will present a short lesson on Christian Stewardship. Supper will be served by the hostess. All members of the Parent-Teach- ers Association of the Gothia school, District No. 10, of Wilson, are tan minded by the secretary, that the annual meeting is to be held at its* school bouse on Thursday, May 1st; that in addition to the election of officers, an amendment is to upon, and the reports of the i committees, wtth will be considered; results will taken to the annual school on May 6th. The last of the Grange dances far the season was a decided success. The hall was filled with friends and neighbors from near by towns, cities. The success of the was due in large measure to music furnished by Ray Pages orch- estra, from Buena Vista. It was till orchestra's first appearance in Ran- somville and the program was the cause of congratulation to the per- formers. Twila, the five-year-old daugflter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McCollum, is suffering from an attack of pneu- monia- Stewart Morson enjoyed s vaca- tion at his home in Ridgewood last} week; he returned on Sunday, to take up his cares at the Larkln store again, as Grant Martin, who laid been taking his place during the Easter vacation, returned to school on Monday Mrs. Alexander D. Irish is sick at her home on the Balmer road.. Breaks Arm l a FaO. Mavis, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Renesselaer Foster of Fillmore, while riding on a tricycle on Satur- day afternoon, had the misfortune to fall and break her arm. Dr. ard Mrs. C. R. Clarke, with Robert Clarke, motored to Rochester, Saturday afternoon, to attend thf banquet of the rally of Western New York Young Peoples' Branch, aad on Sunday visited Newark, Keuka College and Alfred. Nadsne Knapp was another mem- ber of the Branch at Ransomvllle, who attended the rally on Saturday, at Rochester; Niagara County Was well represented, having seventeen present; Harold Ward, Milford Parker, Dorothy Cornell and Dorothy Harris, accompanied the secretary, Mrs. Otenn Foote. ] Mrs. William Neumann underwent an operation at the Memorial hospi- tal, Niagara Falls, on Saturday, fol- lowing a long Illness. Mrs. C. R. Clarke was a guest of the Erie County Woman's Christian Temperance Union, county Institute at Buffalo on Tuesday. their wedding and also the birth day anniversary of Mrs. Muckly. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fogle and daughter Janice, of Loekport and Mr. and Mrs. William Cup of Tonawanda were Sunday guests of William Sharpsteen at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Carrie Smith. Earl Fomler of Buffalo spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Luckman. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Luckman and family; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Se- ward and family spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Willksm Buchner. Rev. and Mrs. Everett Chapman of Gasport were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nlles Winner. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lass and family of Niagara Falls were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Stelner. Dysinger Pendleton School Board Will Meet UTICA, OP>—Calling out the fife trucks to amuse the baby may sound like a vaudeville Joke, but firemen here believe It was done. Barker High Behoof one day during I two children, were spending Sunday IA women pushing a baby carriage vacation. Maa Arlington was a with Mrs. May Jerge of Johnson I was seen to pull the lever of a - aft Barker last year, ~— k " PENDLETON VILLAGE- April 30. -The annual school meeting of School District No. 1, will be held in the school house, Tuesday evening, May 8, at S o'clock. The Ladies' Aid of the United Brethren Church, have postponed their monthly meeting from Thurs- day, May 1, to Thursday. May 8, place to be announced later. Miss Alene A. Snell returned Sunday, from a week's vknt with friends in Chicago, Illinois Mrs. John Karnes and aon John of Buffalo, have returned to their home after •pending the past week with the Sterner family here. Mist Erna M. Snell has returned to her work at Wurlitser, after a week's illness Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fairfield and son, Eugene, of Kenmore, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Peoples. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Wire and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wire and chil- dren of North Tonawanda' and Mrs. William Zimmerman. Mks Anna Wire and Miss Clara P. Fisher of Kenmore, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Wire. The Misses Addle R aad Rills D. Siroonds. were week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. N. Leonard of Buffalo. DY8TNGER, April 30.—Mr. and Mrs. Few and daughter Isabelle of Loekport, called on Mr. and Mrs Earl Brewer, Sunday. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Donner were, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hollenbeck and daughter, Shir- ley Anne, Mrs. Evelyn Donner and son Alson, Daniel Kane of Gasport. and William Oonley of Loekport. Margaret Mann of Johnnie Cake road, U spending several days with her cousins, Anna Grace and Nancy Brewer. Miss Alice Donner and Lester Handrtek, spent Sunday evening fives. Mr. and Mrs. William Blacklock of Tonawanda, were guests on Sunday of their brother, Mr. and Mrs. Blacklock and family here. Miss Grace Parker has come from Buffalo to be at home with her mother Mrs. Mary Parker. Miss Elsie Kanford a guest of her sister for the spring vacation, has resumed teaching In the Kenmore high school IS N Committee Of Society III Meeting At Baptist Church In Jeddo. JEDDO, April 30.—The program of the Missionary Society of ths Mrs. Harold Perlgo, directed d e - [ Hartland Baptist church, met on lightful orchestra music at the New- fane Grange celebration last week. Among some of the local residents attending were Mr. and Mrs L. V McEvers, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cozzens, and Mr. and Mrs. Burt Schwelgert, who were hosts and hostesses for the evening. Fire By Friction Building Taught At Scout Meeting Appletoa Boys Meet at Home of Edward Wendler—Two Return Home from Washington APPLETON. April 30—The Apple- ton Boy Scouts, Friday evening, met in Edward Wendler's home, with Scout Master Wlilard Palmer- ton, when a practice of friction fire building was Instructed. Miss Vera Hall and John Gow. who Joined the Van LUe party to Washington, Annapolis. Mount Vernon, Atlantic City and Phlladel- wlth Mr. arid Mrs. Millard Walters, jphia returned home Saturday. : J Monday evening with Mrs. Horace Bird to arrange the year's program. Mr. Roberts and family of Lock- port, are moving to the Prudora farm which they recently purchased. Cortland Drake of Loekport, baa purchased the place of Harry Rsueri of the County Line, north. Fred Pike and sister, Mrs. Ger- trude Donohue, entertained relatives at dinner on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weeks enter- tained at supper on Thursday even- ing the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jr.. of Barker on Sunday. Mrs. Selena Hubbard, Miss Lily Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. George Hub- bard and Robert Coles, all of Buf- falo, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hawkes. Acting Pastor Will Have Sunday Service Uncle Air says that most failures 'Ore slarax box She then vanished, art due to the failure to try. Mr. and Mrs. Hollenbeck have taken up their residence with their son Fred Hollenbeck, of Strawberry avenue. Mrs. Herbert Melts visited Mrs. Joseph Hlem of Dysinger, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Frances of Newstead, were guests of Mrs. Fran- ces parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beecher 8. Alexander. M Ostrom of Middleport Is visit- ing his daughter Mrs. Maude Zacha- rlak. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Muck and three children, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peters of the Ernest road. Mrs. Lena Kane of Gasport, spent Friday evening with Mr. ahd Mrs. John Donner. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Brewer of Lock- port visited Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brewer, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Kaywood Peters of Kenmore, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Strlffler. Mrs. Carrie Bulmore visited her cousin Mrs Carol Donner of Johnnie Cake ridge, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Eestley Truax of Loekport, were Sunday guests of the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs Ben- jamin Truax. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klnyon has as guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong and family of Buffalo. William Bhimertck, Sunday visit- ed his wife at the Loekport city hospital, where she is convalescing following a serious operation, a week ago- Mrs. Dietrich and children of Buffalo spent a few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Wilson Joyce Spaulding of Loekport was a week end gueat of her grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Out- water. William L. Phillips Jr.. left by motor Sunday morning for Cuya- hogh Falls, Ohio, to vudt relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Outwater. spent Wednesday in Tonawanda visiting friends. of MUs Florence Ferguson. Schenectady, having passed the i Loekport. High school have spring vacation here, returned to ed school again after the that city on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R T. Howard Sun- day were callers of Dr. and Mrs. Calvin Evans of the Hess road. Mrs. Kitty Perrlgo of Loekport •pent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Hyde of West Somerset. / * " WRIGHTS CORNERS. April 30 —Preaching service will be held In the Wrights Corners Presbyterian church on Sunday morning, May 4 at 10 A. M. Rev. Marshall K. Bartholomew, acting pastor. School after tne preaching all are urged to coma Mrs. George Forbing was a end guest of Mrs. E. J. McCheaney of Buffalo. Mr and Mrs. Theodore Wlrth and family of Lyndonville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Wlrth of Lake avenue The teachers and pupils off Wrights Corners graded school resumed duties again Monday eftat the Easter vacation. Emmette Brown of Buffalo spank a few days with his grandmother, Mrs. Anna McGuire of the Ewtoga road. The mass at St. Bridgets church on the Swings road have been changed to 8:30 standard time, The following pupils who attend- . vacation, Misses Garnet Smith, Florence Smith. Norma Lines. Christine Ooodridge, Rude Lata, Devona Tuttle, Glea Peterson, Ruth Peterson, Lucille Thelma Former, Helena Alt, M allov. Edward MaRsy* Dwight Wlrth, Layton Bowers, ' i Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

NEWFANE, NEWFANE, April 30-Mrs. Glenn 18/Lockport NY...resume studies in the Loekport high school. Miss Rhode Post, a guest of her mother Mrs. Shirley Post, has re turned to Schenectady

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Page 1: NEWFANE, NEWFANE, April 30-Mrs. Glenn 18/Lockport NY...resume studies in the Loekport high school. Miss Rhode Post, a guest of her mother Mrs. Shirley Post, has re turned to Schenectady



\ FIRST MAY MEETING Blaster Will Attend The

Annual Conclave At 11- New York Monday.

BARKER. April 10 —Somerset ihdg,. F. and A. M. will have the tir»t stated communication of May <m Friday nlffct. Master Hubert L. Eaton of the local lodge will at­tend the annual conclave of the Grand (State lodge next week leav­ing for New York on Monday. •MBS Harry Coleman will enter-

win the Wednesday club the after­noon of "May Day" Thursday. • The Mystic circle la entortaln-tAtf in compliment to Mile IMS Hood at a supper and shower Wed­nesday evening la Somerset Union ffl. E. chapel. The committee In cabrge ffs Mrs, Harry L. Scbryver, Mrs. George Atwater and Mrs. Clifford Wyman.

Miss Helen Coleman returned Sunday from spending the vacation week with Miss Charlotte Ricket-scn of Buffalo. She was accom­panied by Mr. sad Mrs. Charles Ricketaon and daughters who spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coleman/

Mils XserlctU BeBist left. Sun­day tcftmutm, Mich., sfter spend­ing the spring vacaUon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Glenn a Nelliste

PiiApal and Mrs. C. R. Robblns and family spent the Easter ca-eation. wtth relatives at several PennswrnttW pouts, returning Saturday. <

Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Mur-reU and daughter Jane, of Niagara Falls wet* guilts off* the weak end of Mr. sad Mrs. P. I* Pallister sad Mr. sad Mrs. Walter Church.

Visits l a Rswaestor. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stalks

spent 8unday with relatives in Rochester. Then- daughters. Violet and Virginia accompanied them home fcftar spending the past week fn Rochester.

•Mrs? HaHle Marks has gone to Niagara Falls to spend several morjths,

Mrs. Beanos Nelliat was a guest for Several days the past week of Mr.: and Mrs. James Reed of Roch ester.

Mrp K M Brownell of Snyder and Mrs. Prank Heatherly of Buf­falo JBere over Sunday guests of their Barents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Eaton. Mrs. Hetherly's daughters. Barken sad Dorothy, who spent

them Mr. sad Mrs Kimball Clark of

Niagara Palls wan recent visitors at the home of MY. and Mrs. Stan­ley Coleman,

Miss Isa Nalllft Is spending the

Newfane School Is Making Plans For

The Spring Exams Classes After Vacatlon-

Mis. Msrkell Join* Hatband

ROAD, April 30—School Diitrlct No. a, Town of Newfene, Bass road. Miss Evelyn Ksough, teeotvr. resumed Its classes on Mon­day, following the Easter recess. Sprinf activities will be well under way before the end of the week; in preparation of examinations and the closing of school for the summer vacation.

Residents hers are glad to wel­come Mrs. Francis B. Markell, and sons Franklin sad Paul of Drift­wood, Pa., who have come to join the Rev. Francis B Markell, the new pastor of the Wealeyan Methodist chunh here. They have taken up residence in the parsonage near the church. Awaiting for Mrs. Markell and family. Rev Mr. Markell was entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rood.

Mr. and Mrs. Joan W. Reaokhoff. Sunday; were callers of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reeckhoff of Olcott.

Miss Ruth staples, was a guest from Wednesday until Sunday and entertained by Dr. and Mrs. Griffith Pritchard of Woodland avenue, Buf­falo.

Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Demorest of Loekport, were entertained Sun­day at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Branch.

Miss Mildred Shaft spent Sunday in Loekport, guest of friends.

Mr. and Mrs. William Staples of West Somerset, were guests Sunday, of Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Staples.

Mrs. Fred Steen, ill at her home in the Hess Road, la resting comfort­ably.

Bertram Dempaey, member of the 10 graduating class, Newf ane high school, returned on Saturday from a trip to Washington. D. c . where a sail was enjoyed upon the Pa-tomie to Mount Vernon the home of George Washington; the trip in­cluded also Anapous, Md. Atlantic City. N. J., and Philadelphia. Pa., in the latter city, a visit to the U. 8. Mint was also made, and historic scenes of the Quaker city.

A number of local residents at­tended the celebration of the burn­ing of the Newfane Orange mort­gage. Mrs. Eva Perrigo of this place gave a splendid history of the New-fane Orange, of which she is also a charter member.

Will Review Book At Gathering Of

Mission Society

E x p r e i • e • Appreciation For Faithfulness Of

Congregation. MTTJ.ERB, April 30—Rev. A. E.

Matthews, In his farewell sermon at County Line Methodist church, expressed nil appreciation for the faithfulness of the large congrega­tion which camp to hear the mes­sage. The Rev. Mr. Matthews ass toiled indefatigably for the church for sat sad one half years, for the betterment of the community spiritually and socially, for the marked improvement of a better grade of programs and for the religious education of the boys sad girls; always optimistic, even wtth discouraging conditions. AH wish Mr. sad Mrs. Matthews continued success la their new field. Dans-villa.

services will continue s i the usual hour 0:46 A. M. next Sunday morning with the new pastor, Rev. Earnest Scott of Penfleld conduct­ing.

Mr and Mrs. Chester Ralph sad Mr. and Mrs. Philip Werts were week end guests of their father, Mr. Veness.

Mrs. Ralph sad Mrs. Wertz, driving from their home, Schenec­tady, last Wednesday, rode into the severe ice and snowstorm. With slippery pavements, windshields covered with snow. sad lee, sad four inches of packed snow and ice on their fenders they decided to stop at Victor for the night, con­tinuing in the morning, with more favorable conditions.

Victor Veness drove to Rochester Thursday morning to meet his sisters, Mrs. Ralph and Mrs. Wests. He wsa accompanied by his father, O. T. Veness and little daughters.

School Board Will Choose A Trustee

At Wright's May 6 Beainese Matters Will Come Be­

fore Annual Me*ting—Grafs

Newfane Residents Attend Concert By

Divinity Scholars Held fa Baptist Church at Wilson

—Pastoral Exchange Have

Isa NeJJlst

port. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Swarm had

as week end guests, Mr. and Mrs. J. R, ralloon and Mr. aad Mrs. Henry Walloon of Cleveland.

Mr*. B tanley Baldwin and little daughter of Buffalo are visiting the farmer's- parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A,. Coleman.

Burt Man Undergoes A Slight Operation

BTJUT. aprfl SO—Vernon Lovelaas whoiMi been SI the past several days was removed to the Loekport City hospital Saturday aad under-want a slisjht operation and is now resting eoslfortably.

Norbert -paigler. Chester Good-enough, Eugene Patterson. Edward Tompkins arid WQbur Burns at­tended the Scout Convention held at trig "saiiins 1 Methodist church Ldrkport Thursday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. John Graham. Mr. SUd Mr* Olen Baker. Mrs. Ella Baker" attended a birthday party tendered Mrs. Ruth Benedict of Molymaiuc Corners Saturday even-

te Group - T e

Open Ber May 14th

WRIGHTS CORNERS. April SO. —The nanus! school meeting of the Wright's Corners Grade School, Will be held in the school house on Tuesday evening, May 0, at 7:90 o'clock, for the purpose of electing a trustee and 10011 other business ss may come before the meeting.

daughter Charolette of Buffalo, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. sad Mrs. George Graf, Jr.

Mr. sad Mrs. Stolsenberg of New­fane aad Mr. and Mrs. George Btr-gcx of Buffalo, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Llnderman of Wright's

William Alt sad Misses Pauline and Helena Alt went to Buffalo Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wilson, were Sunday guests of Mr. sad Mrs. Frank Craw of Newfane.

Mr. and Mrs. Dillls Wilson of the Turnpike Road and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johnson of the Stone Road, motored to Niagara Palls, recently.

A number here have colds. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brunner, Mr.

and Mrs. Conrad Michael and fam­ily, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Belts and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bley and son of Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs E. Michael, Miss Marie Michael, Miss Dorothy Sherk, Cheater Michael, and J. McOinness of Canada, were Sun­day guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Oraf, 8r.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Phillips and son of Ridgewod, were Sunday even­ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Linderman of Wrights.

Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Terry of Lock-port, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wilson. .

Miss May Coulson of Gasport. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ramming of Wrights.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stockton of Newfane and Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Wyman of Jeddo. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Graf, Jr.

WILL HAVE SUPPER Recreational Evening Is

Planned—Several Will Attend Buffalo Meet.

torbert Dalgler returned to Nue-Ipigh school. Williamsville,

lav after spending his vaca­tion with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mm Dklgler.

Mr. and Mrs. George McCarty nHsnaWd the funeral of Miss Rdhecea Pomeroy. formerly of Weetfield. funeral held In Loekport burial in Cold Spring cemetery. Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dalgler and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Berryman of Buffalo Sunday and called on Mrs. Mary Dalgler of WHliamsville.

iRaymond Dalgler returned home with his parents after spending the wbek end with Homer Berryman Of Buffalo.v

Miss Helen Stroth returned to and. Normal Saturday after

f:her Easter vacation with sts, Mr. and Mrs. William

9krot9*. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Laffler. and

Mr. and Mrs. William Bobaien •pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jbhn Dillon of Niagara Falls. i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Foot and fttmilv of Barker were guests Sun­day cf Mr. and Mrs. Leland Burns, i Herbert Dalgler, Wllber Burns,

Ooodnough. Eugene Pat-and Edward Tompkins en-a hike to Hopkins Creek

tth their Scout Master Rev. Bur-where they served dinner in open Friday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Berryman Buffalo were Friday visitors of

Ir. and Mrs. Leo Dalgler. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mayer id chOaren. Norma, Paul and

spent. Fridav in Buffalo jests of Mr. sad Mrs. Fred layer.

St Oas- NEWFANE. April SO — Mrs. L. E. Brotherton. 00 May 14, will be at home to the Baptist Missionary Circle, assisted by Mrs. M. & Cole. Devotions by Mrs. George OaUap, program study, the first chapter of the book, Jerusalem, to Jerusalem, reviewed by Mrs, Lyman Goodridge. Mrs. Daniel Shaw will give a paper on "Home Missions.'*

There will be a union Scout in­vestiture next Sunday evening in the Baptist church.

Announcement is made that the public is cordially invited to attend the noon hour luncheon and dinner in the evening at the Niagara Coun­ty Sunday school convention here on May 3, which will be served in the Methodist church.

Dorothy and John Dillon of Nia­gara Paus, guests of friends here, returned Sunday to their home.

The Misses Deris Brandt, Jean and Claire Rutland, have returned to the Teachers' College at Buffalo.

Miss Grace Treiehler, a gueat of he mother Mrs. Ella Treiehler for the Easter recess, has returned to the Fordson High School ,at Dear­born, Mich., where she is a teacher on Child Training.

Miss Lots Dale n guest of her par* ente, has returned to Loekport, to resume studies in the Loekport high school.

Miss Rhode Post, a guest of her mother Mrs. Shirley Post, has re­turned to Schenectady.

Callers at the home Of Mr. aad Mrs. Roger Bchwoigcrt, Dutton place, last week-end, were Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Dibertolo end son, Mrs. Alice Sllvernall. Miss Laura Sllvernall. Gordon and Lester Stlvenail of Buffalo.

NEWFANE. April 30.—The East­ern Rural Ministers' Association. Its members, their wives and friends, will have a recreational evening in the Loekport Y. M C. A., with a super at seven, on May 6.

Several women cf the Newfane Methodist church will attend the semi-annual meeting of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society of the Buffalo district, which will be held in the Trinity Methodist Episcopal church, Buffalo. Miss Lillian Holmes of Bast China, will be the principal



lid Society of the Baptist church ill mee| at four o'clock In the uroh parlors. Following Use delis class, Mrs. Oeorge Goodridge aeher anil serve a public supper. Last, night there was a supper at e Cheer Rebekah lodge, followed

a sale Of

Rochester Folks Here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bullard of

Rochester, were guests last week-end of friends here.

Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Davis Sr., Mr. and Mrs. William Davis of Buf­falo, Sunday visited relatives here.

Mrs. Margaret Vincent and son, DeForest, visiting relatives here for a few days, returned to Buffalo.

Mrs. Olen Hood, last Friday at­tended a shower in honor of Miss ines Hood, a bride-elect, In the home of Mrs. E. E. Arnold and Mrs Bateman of Somerset.

Mr. and rMs. David Carlson of Jamestown, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Brooks, last week­end. .

Mrs. Oeorge B. Utley. is In the Oeneral hospital at Buffalo, for treatment; she having suffered painfully from blood poisoning.

There will be an official board meeting of the Methodist church on Thursday evening at the close of prayer service.


returned Saturday from the Senior Class Washington trip.

Mr. and Mrs Charles Rhodes of Barker, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arlington on Saturday after­noon.

Linford Mooltrop has gone to work near LeRoy.

Mr. and Mrs. William Bausch motored to Buffalo on Sunday to sMnd the day with Mr. and Mrs. William Bausch, Jr.

Mrs. Fred Arlington and daughter. Laura, spent a day recently visiting a cousin, Mrs. Nesbftt in Kent

MUs Laura Arlington visited the

Helen Treiehler, having spent the Easter recess at home with her mother has returned to the high school at Orchard Park, where she is an instructor.

Mrs Robert Brovn and daughter of Olean, having spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vincent, returned to their home on Sunday.

Mrs. Cora Craigie of Buffalo is a guest of Miss Grace McCollum.

The Evening Sewing club, last evening attended the Newfane High School Band concert and one act play, "Sauce for the Goslings," in Memorial ha.l The members will meet in the Busy Bee class room with the members of that organiza­tion, of the Baptist church on Mon­day evening. May 12.

The first ball game of the season. May first, Wilson high school team will cross bats with Newfane high, en the local campus. The local line up will In presented shortly, and a schedule of games for the season.

Brice Post and James Chapman, have returned from Washington, D. O, they having joined the New­fane seniors on the Easter trip.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thlelke spent Friday evening in Rochester.

Mrs. Loretta E. Brotherton has returned from Medina, having visit­ed relatives and friends.

Mrs. Elton Clark and daughter Jean of Niagara Falls, a guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sherman, of Euclid avenue, has returned home.

Prominent Buffalo Educator To. Speak

At Olcott Banquet Mothers aad Daoghtors of Lakeside

Village to Hear Mrs. Ethel Holmes Mnnsey.

NEWFANE, April 90 —Several resident* from here attended the concert presented by the students of the Oolgate-Rocheater Divinity School in the Baptist church at Wilson.

The Rev. F H. Chapman pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Wilson preached in the Pint Baptist church on Sunday morning, beginning a series of pastoral ex­changes of the Eastern Niagara Ministers* Association. The Rev. Artema* P. Goodwin occupied the Baptist pulpit at Wilson.

The Rev. A. S. Dutcher. minister at the Congregational church, Oas-port. will occupy the pulpit of the Newf ane Methodist Episcopal church next Sunday morning, aad the pastor here Rev. Eugene J. Pleury will go to Gasport to preach.

Miss Lucille Brooks, having spent the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Brooks has returned to Kendall high school, to teach.

Miss Helen Taylor has returned to Coopersvllle, O., to teach, hav­ing been called here on account of the illness and death of her grand­mother, Mrs. Sara Taylor.

Mrs. Van 8. Laughlin and chil­dren of Weetfield, guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Herbert McClew have returned to their home.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krinke and daughter Doris of Gasport, were entertained at dinner on Sunday In the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Trlppensee.

Donald Frisbie and Edwin Searle visited their cousin Mary Helen Collins of Niagara Falls, last week end.

Henry Rhodes a guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pat­terson and Alden Gents, visiting parents Mr. and Mrs. William Oents, have returned to the Uni­versity of Michigan, at Ann Arbor.

Miss Edna Pettit, having spent the spring vacation with her par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. Pettit, re­turned to Keuka College.

Alan Brooks, havmg visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Brooks of East avenue, has re­turned to the Courtland Normal college.

Dr. and Mrs. William D. David­son have returned from a trip to New York City.


Forty-Four Feted By Newfane Women

At Card Lunch eon Ont-of-Town Oi

Games And Dancing Are aeat-Damt, rrises wsw Feature Of Evening

At Bausch Home.

OLCOTT, April 30—Mrs. Ethel Holmes Munsey, artist and story­teller, of Buffalo, will be the princi­pal speaker at the mother and daughter banquet to be held tomor­row evening at 7 o'clock In the Methodist Episcopal church.

Besides her work ss a story writer and as a private teacher of elocu- . tlon and story-telling, Mrs. Munsey1

is an instructor in the leadership training schools of Buffalo, in­structor of story-telling at Chautau­qua summer school at Chautauqua, and lecturer for.the Buffalo Society of Natural Science. Toasts, music and other features will also be part of the program planned for this occasion.

A delicious dinner will be prepar­ed and served by the men of the church.

Tickets are now on sale. In as much as the accommodations will be limited, all are urged to make their reservations at once.

Couple Entertain Sanborn Friends

Whiter Residents of Florida Return to Hoes*—Se serai Are Dinner

O easts.

JEDDO, April SO.—A birthday party of more than usual interest was given on Saturday evening, st the home of Miss Matilda Bausch. The occasion celebrated the birth­days of the Misses Mildred Benham, Eleanor Cooper and Matilda Bausch. The later two ocurring on Saturday and that of Miss Benham on the 18th. The spacious living rooms were prettily decorated in pink and white, with Jonquils, roses and sweet pass for flowers. Games and dancing were the order of the evening. In the "cootie" game, Marjorie Mather won first prise and Bertha Burge, second prize.

All received many pretty presents. Dainty refreshments were served, three birthday cakes gracing the refreshment table.

Mrs. Peter Baillie and John Helm of North Tonawanda, motored out on Sunday to visit at the Edward Landow home.

Mrs. Mary Tobin, Paul Gradhand and Fraser Nichols, attended the funeral of Frank Featherstone, held at Somerset on Monday afternoon. Mr. Featherston died suddenly on Friday from heart trouble.

The Misses Edith and Myrta Clark visited relatives at Brockport on Thursday last

Mrs. Louise Webster of Johnson Creek, is spending the week with her daughter. Mrs Charles Sllsby.

Miss 1/a Morehouse of Medina visited Mis. Lydia Kempton on Sun­day.

Return To New York. Miss Myrta Clark returned to New

York City Sunday evening, arriving in time to resume her duties as teacher there.

Mrs. A. Goodwin and children of Newfane were spending several days last week with Mrs. Horace Bird.

Miss Eleanor Cooper returned home Saturday from the Senior Class trip to Washington.

Mrs. Mary Tobin visited an aged aunt in Warsaw over Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Preston, were called here by the death of the former's father, William Preston.

Miss Louise Bausch of Brockport Normal School and Miss Laura Ar­lington of Buffalo, have been visit­ing their respective parents during the Easter vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Kempton en­tertained at dinner on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Kempton of Middleport. The occasion celebrated the birthdays of both Mr. and Mrs. Kempton, which oeerred within the week.



NEWFANE, April 30-Mrs . Glenn ii. cor win in her home, Mala street, and Mrs. Neil Stratton, also s host­ess, delightfully entertained at a bridge-luncheon on Saturday. Covers were laid for 44 guests, and st one o'clock a delicious repast was served, from tables attractive with daffo­dils and yellow decorations.

Following eleven tables of bridge were in play with dainty prises be* ing awarded to Mrs. Levalle Lind­say, Mrs. Ewart G. Cowper, Mrs. William TenBroeck, Mrs. Herbert McClew, Mrs. Lena Oruger, and Mrs Herbert Lsuts.

Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. Arthur Bullard of Roch­ester, Mrs. William TenBroeck, Mrs Harry Van Wagoner, Mrs. J. Carl Ward, Mrs. A. E. Ward, Mrs. El wood Halsted. Mrs. Arthur Leonard. Mrs. Maurice Bullard, Mrs. Lena Kruger, Mrs. Harry P. O'Grady, Mrs. Charles Lawton, of Olcott, and Mrs. John Shaw of Burt.

The Newfane Friendship Circle will be entertained in the home of Mrs. Glenn H. Corwin on Thursday afternoon.

The Fidells class of the First Bap­tist church has postponed its meet­ing for a week

The Rev. Eugene J- Fleury's class will meet with Clifford Culvewell on Wednesday evening.

Miss Helen Olio has returned from Syracuse, where she visited her parents, and is at the home of her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. George O. Gallap.

Mrs. Orlando Robinson and son Howard, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Robinson and the Misses Grace and Jessie Robinson of Col­lege avenue, has returned to Water— iiet.

Miss Adelaide Taylor has returned from Detroit, Mich., where she visit­ed relatives, and has resumed stu­dies in the Teachers' Training class In the Wilson nigh school.

Robert, son of Postmaster and Mrs. E. M. Schanbacher, has re­turned to the University of Michi­gan at Ann Arbor.

Lester J. Robinson has returned from Boston end New York city.

Mission Group Is Feted At Home Of

Hess Road Woman After


mm AT MELT Missionary Society Will

Convene On May 1 At Methodist Church.


Card Club Feted By Jeddo Couple

JEDDO, April 30.—Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hawley, were host and hostess on Thursday evening to the Five Hundred Club. Out-of-town

Sate were Mr. and Mrs. Charles wkee of Buffalo, and Mr. and

Mrs. Chester Eaton of North Tona­wanda First prizes for the evening's games were awarded Mrs. Chester Eaton and Charles Hawkes. Dainty refreshments of sandwiches, salad, Jello, cake and coffee were served at the close of the game.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Relmer and daughter of Medina. Mr. and Mrs. Emll Reimer of Lyndonville, Mrs Elma Whiter! of Middleport, were visiting st the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Relmer on Sunday .

Miss Winifred Wakeman In com­pany with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Cbsuncey Brownejl and daughters, Marian and Loralne of the Quaker road, visited relatives at South Canlsteo, several days last week.

Mrs. Rennle Klip and daughter Julia were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mis. Julius LansUl.

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Lrfhslll and child motored to North Tonawanda on Sunday, where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chaster Eaton.

Miss Catharine Secord returned to Brocton on Sunday after spend­ing her Easter vacation here.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Landow are driving a new Essex Coach.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jerge and

BURT, April 30.—George Birdsail underwent a minor operation at the Loekport City hospital., Monday

Mrs. John Shaw on Saturday at­tended the bridge luncheon given by Mrs. Glen Corwin and Mrs. Nell Stratton at the formers home in Newfane.

Misses Madeline and Loretta Thompson, and Carolyn and Mary Dale, members of Newfane senior class, returned home Saturday, after eight days spent at Washington, Mt Vernon and Philadelphia.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rahloff, Mrs. Dan OTJonohue of Loekport, were luncheon guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wllklns.

Rev. and Mrs. A. O. Northrup and children of Loekport, called on Mr. and Mrs. Howard Treiehler, Satur­day.

Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Cook, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Oreenman of Buffalo.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Yohnke of Watertown, have moved into one of the tenant houses on the Cramers Bros, farm here.

Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hora and children of Buffalo, were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wllklns.

Mr. and Mrs. James Hlckey and children and Miss Amy Frasier, were callers of Mr. and Mrs. William Barget of Ransomvllle, Saturday afternoon.

Mr. Frank Rentschler and family of Buffalo, called on friends ier* Sunday.

Miss Florence Pritchard from Medina, was an over night guest Monday of her aunt, Mrs. B. J. Wll­klns.

Janis and Sherley Barnes returned to their home in East Burt, Sunday evening, with their parents Mr. and Mrs E. Barns, after splndlng several days with their aunt Mrs. Elmer stratton and grand mother Mrs. Julia Noris. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lorelass called on their son Vernon, Sunday, who is 11' at the Loekport city hospital.

Ruth Allen Wllklns. after spend­ing her Easter vacation with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wll­klns, returned to her home In Look-port, Sunday.

Mrs. W. E. Greenman, returned to her home here Sunday, after spend­ing a week with her son Leigh Oreenman and family of Buffalo.

HARTLAND, April 30—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sechler entertained the letters sister Miss Evelyn Dil-lar and Reinhold Kraase of San­born at their home on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard N. l ay ­er who have been spending the winter In Taft, Florida returned home Sunday and were dinner guests at the home of their daugh­ter Mr. and Mrs. Lester Beards-ley other callers were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peck and Mrs. Florence Tayer of Gasport.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Walker were guests Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Murray of Clarence.

Mr. and Mrs. George Perry of West Somerset were Sunday din­ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perry.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Eaton of Loekport were dinner guests at the ? ome of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walker Friday evening.

The Misses Faith Meyers and Laura Mudge returned home Sun­day evening from a week end spent with Dr. and Mrs. M. F. Cole, Newfane.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tyson of Niagara Falls were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Shaver.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davis and family were Sunday dinner guests at the home of the letters brother Mr. and Mrs. Nelson King of Wil­son.

riorenoe Keith and daughter. Shirley of Buffalo spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs Albern Keith, Alice Ruth Beaulue returned home from Buffalo with them after spending the Easter vacation there.

Mr. and Mrs. Everett Chase spent a few days last week with Rev. and Mrs. George E. Manning of Lima.

FETE AT HARTLAND Mr. And Mrs. Muckley Give Entertainment—Gasport

Minister Is Visitor.

Dispose of Much Caarca

Group to Be Entertatnedi

HESS ROAD, April 30.—Mrs. Scott Bixler delightfully entertained the Woman's Home and Foreign Mis­sionary 8ociety of the Wesleyan Methodist church in her home lest Thursday. An extensive program of business was taken care of, following the conference of the church at Houghton; s busy season is being loked forward to.

The Torch Bearers of the Wesley­an Methodist church will be enter­tained at a social and business gath­ering in Oscar OoWs home, Apple-ton, on Saturday night.

Miss Martha Parker, guest of her HARTLAND, April 30—Mr. and I mother, Mrs. Mary Parker for the

Mrs. George Muckley entertained j Easter holidays, has returned to friends from Buffalo. Niagara Falls I Marion, N. Y. and Rochester over Sunday In honor Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wendler, of the seventeenth anniversary of! spent Sunday at Buffalo with rela-

RANSOMVILLE, April 30.-Woman's Foreign Missionary i of the Methodist church win on Thursday afternoon, May 1st, at the home of Mrs. John Burmaster: the study hour will be in charge at Mrs C. R. Clarke, who also will present a short lesson on Christian Stewardship. Supper will be served by the hostess.

All members of the Parent-Teach­ers Association of the Gothia school, District No. 10, of Wilson, are tan minded by the secretary, that the annual meeting is to be held at its* school bouse on Thursday, May 1st; that in addition to the election of officers, an amendment is to upon, and the reports of the i committees, wtth will be considered; results will taken to the annual school on May 6th.

The last of the Grange dances far the season was a decided success. The hall was filled with friends and neighbors from near by towns, cities. The success of the was due in large measure to music furnished by Ray Pages orch­estra, from Buena Vista. It was till orchestra's first appearance in Ran-somville and the program was the cause of congratulation to the per­formers. ,»

Twila, the five-year-old daugflter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McCollum, is suffering from an attack of pneu­monia-

Stewart Morson enjoyed s vaca­tion at his home in Ridgewood last} week; he returned on Sunday, to take up his cares at the Larkln store again, as Grant Martin, who laid been taking his place during the Easter vacation, returned to school on Monday

Mrs. Alexander D. Irish is sick at her home on the Balmer road..

Breaks Arm la FaO. Mavis, the daughter of Mr. and

Mrs. Renesselaer Foster of Fillmore, while riding on a tricycle on Satur­day afternoon, had the misfortune to fall and break her arm.

Dr. ard Mrs. C. R. Clarke, with Robert Clarke, motored to Rochester, Saturday afternoon, to attend thf banquet of the rally of Western New York Young Peoples' Branch, aad on Sunday visited Newark, Keuka College and Alfred.

Nadsne Knapp was another mem­ber of the Branch at Ransomvllle, who attended the rally on Saturday, at Rochester; Niagara County Was well represented, having seventeen present; Harold Ward, Milford Parker, Dorothy Cornell and Dorothy Harris, accompanied the secretary, Mrs. Otenn Foote. ]

Mrs. William Neumann underwent an operation at the Memorial hospi­tal, Niagara Falls, on Saturday, fol­lowing a long Illness.

Mrs. C. R. Clarke was a guest of the Erie County Woman's Christian Temperance Union, county Institute at Buffalo on Tuesday.

their wedding and also the birth day anniversary of Mrs. Muckly.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fogle and daughter Janice, of Loekport and Mr. and Mrs. William Cup of Tonawanda were Sunday guests of William Sharpsteen at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Carrie Smith.

Earl Fomler of Buffalo spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Luckman.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Luckman and family; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Se­ward and family spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Willksm Buchner.

Rev. and Mrs. Everett Chapman of Gasport were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nlles Winner.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lass and family of Niagara Falls were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Stelner.


Pendleton School Board Will Meet

UTICA, OP>—Calling out the fife trucks to amuse the baby may sound like a vaudeville Joke, but firemen here believe It was done.

Barker High Behoof one day during I two children, were spending Sunday IA women pushing a baby carriage vacation. Maa Arlington was a with Mrs. May Jerge of Johnson I was seen to pull the lever of a

- aft Barker last year, ~— k "

PENDLETON VILLAGE- April 30. -The annual school meeting of

School District No. 1, will be held in the school house, Tuesday evening, May 8, at S o'clock.

The Ladies' Aid of the United Brethren Church, have postponed their monthly meeting from Thurs­day, May 1, to Thursday. May 8, place to be announced later.

Miss Alene A. Snell returned Sunday, from a week's vknt with friends in Chicago, Illinois

Mrs. John Karnes and aon John of Buffalo, have returned to their home after •pending the past week with the Sterner family here.

Mist Erna M. Snell has returned to her work at Wurlitser, after a week's illness

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fairfield and son, Eugene, of Kenmore, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Peoples.

Mr. and Mrs. Emery Wire and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wire and chil­dren of North Tonawanda' and Mrs. William Zimmerman. Mks Anna Wire and Miss Clara P. Fisher of Kenmore, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Wire.

The Misses Addle R aad Rills D. Siroonds. were week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. N. Leonard of Buffalo.

DY8TNGER, April 30.—Mr. and Mrs. Few and daughter Isabelle of Loekport, called on Mr. and Mrs Earl Brewer, Sunday.

Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Donner were, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hollenbeck and daughter, Shir­ley Anne, Mrs. Evelyn Donner and son Alson, Daniel Kane of Gasport. and William Oonley of Loekport.

Margaret Mann of Johnnie Cake road, U spending several days with her cousins, Anna Grace and Nancy Brewer.

Miss Alice Donner and Lester Handrtek, spent Sunday evening

fives. Mr. and Mrs. William Blacklock of

Tonawanda, were guests on Sunday of their brother, Mr. and Mrs. Blacklock and family here.

Miss Grace Parker has come from Buffalo to be at home with her mother Mrs. Mary Parker.

Miss Elsie Kanford a guest of her sister for the spring vacation, has resumed teaching In the Kenmore high school


Committee Of Society III Meeting At Baptist

Church In Jeddo. JEDDO, April 30.—The program

of the Missionary Society of ths Mrs. Harold Perlgo, directed d e - [ H a r t l a n d Baptist church, met on

lightful orchestra music at the New­fane Grange celebration last week. Among some of the local residents attending were Mr. and Mrs L. V McEvers, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cozzens, and Mr. and Mrs. Burt Schwelgert, who were hosts and hostesses for the evening.

Fire By Friction Building Taught

At Scout Meeting Appletoa Boys Meet at Home of

Edward Wendler—Two Return Home from Washington

APPLETON. April 30—The Apple-ton Boy Scouts, Friday evening, met in Edward Wendler's home, with Scout Master Wlilard Palmer-ton, when a practice of friction fire building was Instructed.

Miss Vera Hall and John Gow. who Joined the Van LUe party to Washington, Annapolis. Mount Vernon, Atlantic City and Phlladel-

wlth Mr. arid Mrs. Millard Walters, jphia returned home Saturday.



Monday evening with Mrs. Horace Bird to arrange the year's program.

Mr. Roberts and family of Lock-port, are moving to the Prudora farm which they recently purchased.

Cortland Drake of Loekport, baa purchased the place of Harry Rsueri of the County Line, north.

Fred Pike and sister, Mrs. Ger­trude Donohue, entertained relatives at dinner on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weeks enter­tained at supper on Thursday even­ing the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jr.. of Barker on Sunday.

Mrs. Selena Hubbard, Miss Lily Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. George Hub­bard and Robert Coles, all of Buf­falo, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hawkes.

Acting Pastor Will Have Sunday Service

Uncle Air says that most failures 'Ore slarax box She then vanished, art due to the failure to try.

Mr. and Mrs. Hollenbeck have taken up their residence with their son Fred Hollenbeck, of Strawberry avenue.

Mrs. Herbert Melts visited Mrs. Joseph Hlem of Dysinger, Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Frances of Newstead, were guests of Mrs. Fran­ces parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beecher 8. Alexander.

M Ostrom of Middleport Is visit­ing his daughter Mrs. Maude Zacha-rlak.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Muck and three children, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peters of the Ernest road.

Mrs. Lena Kane of Gasport, spent Friday evening with Mr. ahd Mrs. John Donner.

Mr. and Mrs. Ora Brewer of Lock-port visited Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brewer, Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Kaywood Peters of Kenmore, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Strlffler.

Mrs. Carrie Bulmore visited her cousin Mrs Carol Donner of Johnnie Cake ridge, Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Eestley Truax of Loekport, were Sunday guests of the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs Ben­jamin Truax.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klnyon has as guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong and family of Buffalo.

William Bhimertck, Sunday visit­ed his wife at the Loekport city hospital, where she is convalescing following a serious operation, a week ago-

Mrs. Dietrich and children of Buffalo spent a few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Wilson

Joyce Spaulding of Loekport was a week end gueat of her grand­parents Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Out-water.

William L. Phillips Jr.. left by motor Sunday morning for Cuya-hogh Falls, Ohio, to vudt relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Outwater. spent Wednesday in Tonawanda visiting friends.

of MUs Florence Ferguson. Schenectady, having passed the i Loekport. High school have spring vacation here, returned to ed school again after the that city on Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. R T. Howard Sun­day were callers of Dr. and Mrs. Calvin Evans of the Hess road.

Mrs. Kitty Perrlgo of Loekport •pent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Hyde of West Somerset.

/ • * "

WRIGHTS CORNERS. April 30 —Preaching service will be held In the Wrights Corners Presbyterian church on Sunday morning, May 4 at 10 A. M. Rev. Marshall K. Bartholomew, acting pastor. School after tne preaching all are urged to coma

Mrs. George Forbing was a end guest of Mrs. E. J. McCheaney of Buffalo.

Mr and Mrs. Theodore Wlrth and family of Lyndonville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Wlrth of Lake avenue

The teachers and pupils off Wrights Corners graded school resumed duties again Monday eftat the Easter vacation.

Emmette Brown of Buffalo spank a few days with his grandmother, Mrs. Anna McGuire of the Ewtoga road.

The mass at St. Bridgets church on the Swings road have been changed to 8:30 standard time,

The following pupils who attend-


vacation, Misses Garnet Smith, Florence Smith. Norma Lines. Christine Ooodridge, Rude Lata, Devona Tuttle, Glea Peterson, Ruth Peterson, Lucille Thelma Former, Helena Alt, M allov. Edward MaRsy* Dwight Wlrth, Layton Bowers,


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