TT' - T - T1 1 5 NEWARK POST, NEWARK, DELAWARE. NOVEMBER 22, 1922. home of Mrs. Wm. J. Rowan, ö per Main Street. FORMER NEWARK GIRL WEDS KIDDIES HOSTS AT Miss Myra E. Funk, formerly of NEW CARD CLUB FORMED on up- I fr HOUSE PARTY Little Misses Betty and Dean Steel, A new card club made its rst ap- pearance last night at the home of'this town, and Mr. Williams Summey , Mrs. George W. Rhodes, on Delaware Sharpe, of Burlington, North Caro- daughters of Dr and Mrs. Walter Ö. Avenue. The members of the club »na, were united in marriage last Steel, of Amstel Avenue gave a house are the following: Mrs. Jack Johnston, Wednesday morning at half after ten party over the past week-end at their MissMary Johnston, Mrs. George WJ oclock, in the First Presbyterian , home and proved to be very gracious Rhodes, Miss Alice Carr, Miss Agnes Church of Burlington. The wedding ; hostesses The guests of honor were Medill Miss Alberta Heiser Miss was largely attended and the deco-I visitors from Ursiline Academy at Ethel CampLll Mrs Ra!ph B. Har- -tions of the church were most beau- Wilmington Lots of jun reigned in ris, Mrs. A. D. Cobb, Mrs. C. C. Pal- tifu»y arranged. the household during then- stay, mer, Miss Freda Ritz and Miss Kath- Mrs- sharPe is « niece of Mr and erine Woods Mrs- C. A. Bryan, of Newark. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bryan attended her wedding. On Saturday of last week, the newly wedded couple dropped in on the Bryans for a short visit while Members of the Sunday School class on their honeymoon in the North, of Miss Marian Gallaher and some ■■■- ............. -..... ......- ---- In A Social Way personals Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayward, of j Devon, Pa., were among Newark visit- ors last week-end. Both looked . , Cards have been issued for a tea tremety well and expressed their I to be given by Mrs. Wilson, Miss Wil- pieasure in being backin their old j cox and Miss Clark, in Sussex Hall, home town once more. While here ! at the Womens College, on Saturdav tney were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ! next from 3.30 to 5.30 J. Irvin Dayett. Mr. Orlando and Frank Smith have returned home after spending the Week-end with friends in Rehoboth Beach, Del. ex- ch>Oö-iXh3*hk> : j.fc Rose attended last week in I s , _nd Mr»- P. ;,w HarUI oj lh(, jiotel duPont, is Club of Wil- t* •ert i ïll<? ^ ; V. Rail om , . W the Knvani by **>1« 8 on. Mrs. Clarence A. Short entertained sewing party at her home on upper Main Street this afternoon. *** || aud was in New- eck-end, returning Æ Classified Ads ir_ Benjamin -rtheShome in Tarrytown, a la to PARTIES FOR RENTA large house, near Milford X Roads. ll-22-2t t. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Charsha had their guests over the past week-end Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Charsha, of Phila- delphia, and Miss Eleanor Johnston, | on Saturday afternoon last, of Wilmington, Del. The home of Mrs. Frederick Ritz, on Park Place, was the scene of very delightful sewing party and tea jjl l •'".V ' as I,.. Gladys Wih-* attended the ÉF s|tat(. football game in penn Man Saturday. J. P. WILSON. a of their friends were entertained at a party at Miss Gallahers home Sat- urday evening. Those present were: Margaret Vinsinger, Aileen Shaw, Sue Ida Leak, Lydia Kenning, ' Three tables will ! Sara Durnall, -Bertha Love, Blanche ! Cullen, Elsie Hubert and Dorothy dphia last fire INSURANCE ÏÏÂ J.P. Wilson Phone 56 FOR SALE—One fresh Guernsey. C. A. LEASURE, Glasgow, Del. rn , Mr, T I Ingham and Mr. and,st Jones, of Gleijside, ,'ith Mr. and Mrs. Pai- _ 0f Elkins Park, Pa., Saturday and Sun- f Mr. and Mrk. #** Mrs. James C. Hastings will hold a bridge party at her home on next i Smith, Monday afternoon, be represented. ENTERTAINED AT CARDS Miss Alice Charsha entertained at cards at her home here on Saturday evening. Those present Pauline Coleman, Miss Katherine Hu- bert, Mr. Jesse Lynch, Mr. Albert Briggs, Mr. Nelson Abbott and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Charha. 11,15,2t (Mrs. Em* (, together H. spruance . guests ML; the home u ffli :. ' Ritz. Iarh w Agent Mutual and Stock Companies FOR SALELard and sugar barrels. ll,15,2t. FADERS BAKERY. were: Miss over I Hayes. *** FOR SALESingle parlor heater. Nearly new. Phone 156 X 11-15-tf Mrs. 3. Pearce Ca«n will entertain , n/'xiurv c at C at tea at her home on Friday after- i Miss Dorothy Stoll gave a birthday ! NOTICE OF BOND SALE party to a number of her school i _ , _, .. , x, , . mi The Board of Education of Newaik I friends Friday evening. Those pres-I . , _ , , . . , VT TT . .-.„ 04.1,1j j Special School District, New Castle ent were: Helen Gregg, Ruth Herd- ! 1 ... . , , v 1-, , , 1 County, Delaware, wijl receive sealed man Elizabeth Eubanks Mary Fos- , aR or any part of an issue 0f ter, Josephine Hosinger, Agnes Mille., Q- and gi Thousand A.- wn T y/vr7Dollars ($1.60,000.00) tax-free Bonds Alice Williamson, Almeda McCully, lo h , . , , ., Pauline Robinson, Dorothy Hayes and authorized to . e 1S8^e y Dorothy Stoll. ark Special SchdO^D,strict, by virtue of the provisions the General School Law of the Statd.°E Delaware. Said Bonds will be of fRp^denomi- cidjlars *** C. Hastings James after a few days noon, December 1st. *** Mrs. Carl Rankin entertained a few a tea last Friday af- ternoon at her home here. The pleas- ant affair was given in honor of her guest, Miss Ordway, of Winchester, Massachusetts. I and Mvs. Ly yesterday W relatives in Sharptown, FOR SALEOne fresh Guernsey C. A. LEASURE, Glasgow, Del. Lamong Cow. 11-15-2t m i close friends at BAKE \V H. Steel had as her guest ' .gterday Mrs. Reybold, FOR SALEPure bred Berkshire Ußcheon y* ^Jtlaware City, ffl Mary F„ Webber, of Wilming- IKs'been the guest of her daugh- «Hrs. J. Irvin Dayett, of Cooch s for several days. FOR SEWING CIRCLE OF ST. JOHNS CHURCH Pigs, Harpenden stock. Call or ad- dress : J. LESLIE EASTBURN, Route No. 3. Newark, Delaware. As Announced in Last Weeks Post will be held in Breyers Ice Cream Shop Coi\ Academy and Main Streets ll,15,2t FOR RENTTwo Furnished Rooms. Apply: li^tf. nation of one thousand ($1,000) each, will be dated January. 1st, 1923, will bear interest at the rate of five (5) per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of July and January of each MRS. B. W. GREEN, Back of L. Handloffs Store. William Cloud, of week-end HARDWARE £ and Mrs. Bett Square. Pa., were the home of Mr. and Mrs. Park Place. I j d! F on : gt! at Saturday, November 25th from 11 to 4 V Bnd Durant, on and 40 Years Experience i j, an(| Mrs. William H. K. Rupp, L ^phia Klind and daughter and .Mary Lewis, all of Roselle, Del., Ldinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. La. Clark last Sunday. ts. Charles F. Horn, of Rehoboth d,is visiting relatives in Newark. b and Mrs. George Phipps vis- iiriends in Baltimore, Md., during year. One twenty-fifth of the total issue of bonds will be paid each year, be- ginning on first day of January, 1924. No bids will be accepted at less than the face value of the said bonds and the right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Certified checks for ten per centum of the amount bid must accompany each bid, to be forfeited in the event that the purchaser shall fail to comply. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders or their representatives and the public, at the office of the Board, High School Building, known Academy Building, Newark, Dela- ware, on the first day of December, 1922, at eighty-thirty P. M. NEWARK SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT By Walter H. Steel, President. AttestHerbert, Owens, Secretary. 11,22,2t 7, ALL HOME MADE Cake, Pies of all kinds, Bread, Polls, Biscuit, Cinnamon Buns, Candy, Potato Salad and w: Leaves falling, cold snappy mornings, crisps of ice—all call attention to the sea- son of Butchering on the Farm. We are thinking of sausage and winter supplies. Enterprize is a big word everywhere. On the Farm at this season we think of Sausage Grinders, Stuffers, Lard Presses and Scrapple Pans—and the best is found with the Enterprise Trade Mark. HOME BAKED HAMS •; 2: Dont cook for Sunday. Come and buy it ready-made 11 » AkhMy Dodge Sedan, good condition, cord shoes, run only 3,000 miles. New batteries. With a coat of paint will be like a new car. 11,15,2t. FC Phone orders received by Mrs. Herman Tyson, Mrs. W. H. Steel, Mrs. G. W. Rhodes. ireek. L and Mrs. F. C. Wetzel, of I L Pa., were entertained over the i [week-end at the home of Mr. |Xrs. J. Irvin Dayett, of Goochs Cost $1,875. Price $750. D. C. ROSE. - I FOR SALEWardrobe trunk, size 22x44, in good condition, only used twice. Apply ill as THEYVE ARRIVED! I is Virginia Montgomery, of Mar- i look, Pa., was a recent guest of j ltd Mrs. George Carter. b and Mrs. Charles Evans, of kington. were over Sunday guests it home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. ion Depot Road. L Tuesday Bridge Club was en- j fed Tuesday at the home of Mrs. 1 L Baldwin, at Elk Mills, Md. Phone 133 J. 226 W. MAIN ST., Newark, Delaware. ■Ipi 9,20,tf. Those FOR SALE—190 acre Farm, between Newark and Wilmington. Less than $100 an acre. Liberal terms to the right party. Delicacies GEO. L. MEDILL. Newark, Delaware. m ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS \ gril 11,22,5t Sealed proposals will be received by the State Highway Department, at its office, Dover. Delaware, until 2 oclock P. M., December 13, 1922, and at that place and time publicly opened, for | 11,22,It the construction of State Highway work, involving the following approxi- mate quantities: ' i FOR SALEWell-bred rabbit dogs. W. I. BERRY Phone 145-R-3 Home Made Chocolates and Bon-Bons NOW—60c the lb. Fader's Bakery p Mary Louise Mayer, of Dover, Pire, spent the week-end with \ (Marjorie Johnson, attending the j pre-Washington football game ! Iitiirday. FOR SALETurkeys, 65c a pound, and ducks, 35c a pound. 11-22-lt ■* CONTRACT RW-1 Wall on Philadelphia Pike 750 cu. yds. Excavation 700 cu. yds. Cement Rubble Masonry- Performance of contract shall com- mence within ten (10) days after exe- cution of the contract and be com-j pleted on or before April 1, 1923. Monthly payments will be made for 90 per cent of the construction com- pleted each month. Bidders must submit proposals upon forms provided by the Department. Each proposal must be accompanied by a suVety bond, certified check, or money to the amount of at least ten (10) per centum of the total amount of the proposal. The envelope containing the pro- posal must be marked Proposal for the Construction of State Highway work under Contract No. RW-1.The Contract will be awarded or re- jected within twenty (20) days from the date of opening proposals. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Detailed plans may be seen and in- dex plans and specifications may be obtained upon deposit of ten dollars ($10.00) which amount will be re- funded upon return of plans and spe- cifications in good condition at the office of STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT, Dover, Delaware. ,V Phone 196-M. V *■ l NOTICENo Trespassing on my Property near Coochs Bridge. W. A. LAYFIELD, Prop. .|11.15,3t. C. E. HAPPERSETT, Mgr. d go S P -M ptenant and Mrs. Frank Dean, I Bnapolis, Md., will be the guests I week-end at the home of Mr. fo. R, A. Whittingham. F Joseph Kelly, of The Cedars, [Mr. Thomas Dicke rson, of Stan- Ifel. were Sunday guests of Mr. [Mrs. William Register. f ind Mrs. E. M. Thompson spent ! Ife week-end in Kennett Square, Liting Mr. and Mrs. Lew Mac- I have the usual line that mÿ experi- ence has shown me to be the best on the market. ! fli Exclusive Agency CORDWOODMixed, any length de- sired. Delivered in Newark, $10.00 a cord. yj j ■-T- 40 Years of Hardware HUGH J. TOOMEY, Mechanicsville. 11-1-tf Next week, I w M shall have rounded out 40 years in the Hardware business in this community. I know the tradeboth buying and selling. Never in all that time have I seen the quality and values that I have to offer in cutlery of all kinds. It is a treat to see my customers examine them, to the limit. : ■1 iSSri FOR RENTPrivate Garages. $3.00 a month. 3,80,tf « j 1 E, C. WILSON. and Mrs. Oscar Elliott and Pte Leah spent Sunday in Wil- •del $ FOR SALE OR RENTFarm, 145 acres, at Iron Hill. Apply 11,1,5t. -2, w CHAS. WALTON. V •Edwin Morris is spending sev- at the home of her sister, Mary De FOR RENTFurnished room, all con- veniences. Mrs. H. C. Herdman, Main St., Newark, Del. .Box 93. 10-18-tf venney, of Christiana, .s.. I can guarantee this line a asd Mrs. Walter Carlisle spent *^k-end visiting in Greenwood, While there they ** Mr. M. T. Stayton. » Chosen by men who are particular about style and careful about quality FOR RENT—Two good rooms, cen- terally located, for gentlemen. In- formation from the ii 1 l-15-4t were Mr. 16 enjoyed a splendid day of Saturday. I Thanksgiving NEWARK TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO. LEGAL NOTICES on ! 10,25,tf Estate of Gotlicb Fader, Deceased. | Notice is hereby givc-n that Letters j Testamentary upon the estate of | Gotlieb Fader late of White Clay; ers, Trust Cq Finder kin ^ Creek Hundred, deceased, were duly ; at j,an]{ granted unto William Lewis Fader, Lydia R. Fader and Winifred Fader on the Eighteenth day of October A. | LOST—Yellow and white Collie fe- D. 1922 and all persons -indebted to ; male dog. the said deceaseed arc requested to 11,22,2t. make payment to the Executors with- out delay, and all persons having | U. S. demands against the deceased are re- quired to exhibit and present thè same duly probated to the said Exec-1 utors on or before the Eighteen day ; r A Its coming. Roaster, A Carving Set —all are here. and Mrs. , . Neal Stackard, of 0lk, and I)r, and Mrs. Schwarz, broute to their winter home l1 l^ach, Florida, stopped off *ark last week and were the ùtl'r. and Mrs. D. C. Rose. ■Ï j LOST$10 Bill on Saturday night, between Handloffs store and Farm- K y a ELLWOOD SHELDON. 11,22,It. : Hardware for Farm and Home bought with your interet in view. Why? Because your interest is my success. Thats Common Sense and Experience. .G' »• Shem and Mr. L. A. Uh- •«»ltimore, Md., and Mrs. H. A.' , " and children, of Wilmington, r Sunday h Charsha. ) ANNA R. REGISTER. The Florsheim Shoe with Mr. and Mrs. GOVERNMENT UNDER- j WEAR2,500,000 pieces New Gov- ernment Wool Underwear purchased by us to sell to the public direct at 75c EACH. ! $2.50 each. All sizesshirts, 34 to I 46; drawers, 30 to 44. Send correct sizes. Pay Postman on delivery or send us money order. If under- wear is not satisfactory, we will re- fund money promptly upon re- quest. Dept. 24, The Pilgrim Wool- en Co., 1476 Broadway, New York, i N. T. I 11-22-tf % LOUIS HOFFMAN ^rs- George Harrington, ^«gton, tt, are here for a he home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Wright. Actual retail value MENS OUTFITTER NEWARK - - DELAWARE of October A. D. 1923, or abide by the law in this behalf. Thomas A. Potts HARDWARE Address CHAS. B. EVANS, Àtty-at-Law Ford Building, Wilmington, Delaware. WILLIAM LEWIS FADER, i LYDIA R. FADER, WINIFRED FADER, i 10,25,10t [„•M Mrs. ; John Pilling, Miss cef and Mr. Daniel Thomp- ^ ftotorej to Philadelphia in |i*'t tTuCar lln Sunday an£I Pa(te. ^ atl(i Mrs. Donald P. Phone 31-R : n : : I! NEWARK, DELAWARE : : y E I M / j °* Cape Charles, Va., ew days last week at the w> Executors.

Newark post (Newark, Del.), 1922-11-22, [p 5] · 2017. 12. 12. · NEWARK POST, NEWARK, DELAWARE. NOVEMBER 22, 1922. 5 1 home of Mrs. Wm. J. Rowan, ö per Main Street. FORMER NEWARK

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Page 1: Newark post (Newark, Del.), 1922-11-22, [p 5] · 2017. 12. 12. · NEWARK POST, NEWARK, DELAWARE. NOVEMBER 22, 1922. 5 1 home of Mrs. Wm. J. Rowan, ö per Main Street. FORMER NEWARK

• TT'-T -T1


home of Mrs. Wm. J. Rowan, ö per Main Street.



Little Misses Betty and Dean Steel,A new card club made its rst ap­

pearance last night at the home of'this town, and Mr. Williams Summey ,Mrs. George W. Rhodes, on Delaware Sharpe, of Burlington, North Caro- daughters of Dr and Mrs. Walter Ö. Avenue. The members of the club »na, were united in marriage last Steel, of Amstel Avenue gave a house are the following: Mrs. Jack Johnston, Wednesday morning at half after ten party over the past week-end at their

MissMary Johnston, Mrs. George WJ o’clock, in the First Presbyterian , home and proved to be very graciousRhodes, Miss Alice Carr, Miss Agnes Church of Burlington. The wedding ; hostesses The guests of honor were Medill Miss Alberta Heiser Miss was largely attended and the deco-I visitors from Ursiline Academy at Ethel CampLll Mrs Ra!ph B. Har- -tions of the church were most beau- Wilmington Lots of jun reigned in

ris, Mrs. A. D. Cobb, Mrs. C. C. Pal- tifu»y arranged. the household during then- stay,mer, Miss Freda Ritz and Miss Kath- Mrs- sharPe is « niece of Mr and erine Woods Mrs- C. A. Bryan, of Newark. Both

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan attended her wedding. On Saturday of last week, the newly wedded couple dropped in on the Bryans for a short visit while

Members of the Sunday School class on their honeymoon in the North, of Miss Marian Gallaher and some ■■■- ............. -..... ......- ----

In A Social Waypersonals Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayward, of j Devon, Pa., were among Newark visit­ors last week-end. Both looked. , Cards have been issued for a teatremety well and expressed their I to be given by Mrs. Wilson, Miss Wil-pieasure in being back in their old j cox and Miss Clark, in Sussex Hall,home town once more. While here ! at the Women’s College, on Saturdavtney were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ! next from 3.30 to 5.30 J. Irvin Dayett.

Mr. Orlando and Frank Smith have returned home after spending the Week-end with friends in Rehoboth Beach, Del.


:j.fc Rose attended last week in

I s , _nd Mr»- P.

;,w HarUI oj lh(, jiotel duPont,

is Club of Wil-

t* •ert

iïll<?^ ;V. Rail R°om , .

W the Knvani■by **>1«

8 on. • Mrs. Clarence A. Short entertained sewing party at her home on upper

Main Street this afternoon.


||aud was in New- eck-end, returning


Classified Adsir_ Benjamin

-rthehïShome in Tarrytown,


toPARTIES FOR RENT—A large house, near

Milford X Roads. ll-22-2t

t. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Charsha had their guests over the past week-end Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Charsha, of Phila­delphia, and Miss Eleanor Johnston, | on Saturday afternoon last, of Wilmington, Del.

The home of Mrs. Frederick Ritz, on Park Place, was the scene of very delightful sewing party and tea

jjl l•'".V ' asI,.. Gladys Wih-* attended theÉF s|tat(. football game in ■ penn Man



of their friends were entertained at a party at Miss Gallaher’s home Sat­urday evening. Those present were: Margaret Vinsinger, Aileen Shaw, Sue

Ida Leak, Lydia Kenning, ' Three tables will ! Sara Durnall, -Bertha Love, Blanche !

Cullen, Elsie Hubert and Dorothy

dphia last

fire INSURANCEÏÏÂ J.P. WilsonPhone 56

FOR SALE—One fresh Guernsey.C. A. LEASURE,

Glasgow, Del.rn , Mr, T I ■ Ingham and Mr. ■ and‘ ,st Jones, of Gleijside,

,'ith Mr. and Mrs. Pai-

_ 0f Elkins Park, Pa., Saturday and Sun-

f Mr. and Mrk.

#**Mrs. James C. Hastings will hold

a bridge party at her home on next i Smith, Monday afternoon, be represented.


Miss Alice Charsha entertained at cards at her home here on Saturday evening. Those present Pauline Coleman, Miss Katherine Hu­bert, Mr. Jesse Lynch, Mr. Albert Briggs, Mr. Nelson Abbott and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Charha.

11,15,2t(Mrs. Em*(, together

H. spruance . guests

ML; the home u ffli :. ' Ritz. I’arh

w Agent • Mutual and Stock Companies FOR SALE—Lard and sugar barrels.

ll,15,2t. FADER’S BAKERY.were: Missover I Hayes.***

FOR SALE—Single parlor heater.Nearly new. Phone 156 X


Mrs. 3. Pearce Ca«n will entertain , n/'xiurv c at Cat tea at her home on Friday after- i Miss Dorothy Stoll gave a birthday ! NOTICE OF BOND SALE

party to a number of her school i _ , „ _, .. , x, ,. mi The Board of Education of NewaikI friends Friday evening. Those pres-I . , _ , , . . , VTTT . .-.„ 04.1,1j j Special School District, New Castleent were: Helen Gregg, Ruth Herd- ! 1 ... . , ,

v 1-, , , ■ 1 County, Delaware, wijl receive sealedman Elizabeth Eubanks Mary Fos- , aR or any part of an issue 0fter, Josephine Hosinger, Agnes Mille., Q- and gi ThousandA.- wn ’ T y/vr7’ Dollars ($1.60,000.00) tax-free Bonds Alice Williamson, Almeda McCully, lo “ h , . , , ., „Pauline Robinson, Dorothy Hayes and authorized to . e 1S8^e y Dorothy Stoll. ark Special SchdO^D,strict, by virtue

of the provisions the General School Law of the Statd.°E Delaware.

Said Bonds will be of fRp^denomi- cidjlars


C. HastingsJamesafter a few days

noon, December 1st.


Mrs. Carl Rankin entertained a few

a tea last Friday af­ternoon at her home here. The pleas­ant affair was given in honor of her guest, Miss Ordway, of Winchester, Massachusetts.

I and Mvs.Ly yesterdayW relatives in Sharptown, FOR SALE—One fresh Guernsey

C. A. LEASURE, Glasgow, Del.



close friends atBAKE\V H. Steel had as her guest ' .gterday Mrs. Reybold, FOR SALE—Pure bred Berkshire

Ußcheon y*^Jtlaware City,

ffl Mary F„ Webber, of Wilming-

IKs'been the guest of her daugh- «Hrs. J. Irvin Dayett, of Cooch s

for several days.


Pigs, Harpenden stock. Call or ad­dress : J. LESLIE EASTBURN,

Route No. 3.Newark, Delaware.As Announced in Last Week’s


will be held in

Breyer’s Ice Cream ShopCoi\ Academy and Main Streets


FOR RENT—Two Furnished Rooms.Apply:


nation of one thousand ($1,000) each, will be dated January. 1st, 1923, will bear interest at the rate of five (5) per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of July and January of each

MRS. B. W. GREEN, Back of L. Handloff’s Store.William Cloud, of

week-end HARDWARE£ and Mrs.Bett Square. Pa., were

the home of Mr. and Mrs. Park Place.

I■ jd!Fon :gt! at

Saturday, November 25th

from 11 to 4

VBnd Durant, on

and 40 Years Experience ij, an(| Mrs. William H. K. Rupp,L ^phia Klind and daughter and .Mary Lewis, all of Roselle, Del., Ldinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. La. Clark last Sunday.

ts. Charles F. Horn, of Rehoboth d,is visiting relatives in Newark.

b and Mrs. George Phipps vis- iiriends in Baltimore, Md., during

year.One twenty-fifth of the total issue

of bonds will be paid each year, be­ginning on first day of January, 1924.

No bids will be accepted at less than the face value of the said bonds and the right is reserved to reject

any or all bids.Certified checks for ten per centum

of the amount bid must accompany each bid, to be forfeited in the event that the purchaser shall fail to

comply.Bids will be opened in the presence

of bidders or their representatives and the public, at the office of the Board, High School Building, known

Academy Building, Newark, Dela­ware, on the first day of December, 1922, at eighty-thirty P. M.


By Walter H. Steel, President. Attest—Herbert, Owens, Secretary. 11,22,2t

7,ALL HOME MADE Cake, Pies of all kinds, Bread, Polls, Biscuit, Cinnamon Buns, Candy, Potato Salad and

w:Leaves falling, cold snappy mornings,

crisps of ice—all call attention to the sea­son of Butchering on the Farm. We are thinking of sausage and winter supplies.

Enterprize is a big word everywhere. On the Farm at this season we think of Sausage Grinders, Stuffers, Lard Presses and Scrapple Pans—and the best is found with the Enterprise Trade Mark.


Don’t cook for Sunday. Come and buy it ready-made


»Akh—My Dodge Sedan, good condition, cord shoes, run only 3,000 miles. New batteries. With a coat of paint will be like a new car.


FCPhone orders received by Mrs.

Herman Tyson, Mrs. W. H. Steel, Mrs. G. W. Rhodes.


L and Mrs. F. C. Wetzel, of I

L Pa., were entertained over the i [week-end at the home of Mr.

|Xrs. J. Irvin Dayett, of Gooch’s

Cost $1,875. Price $750.D. C. ROSE. -


FOR SALE—Wardrobe trunk, size 22x44, in good condition, only used twice. Apply



Iis Virginia Montgomery, of Mar- i look, Pa., was a recent guest of j

ltd Mrs. George Carter.

b and Mrs. Charles Evans, of kington. were over Sunday guests it home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C.

ion Depot Road.

L Tuesday Bridge Club was en- j fed Tuesday at the home of Mrs. 1 L Baldwin, at Elk Mills, Md.

’Phone 133 J. 226 W. MAIN ST., Newark, Delaware. ■Ipi9,20,tf.

Those FOR SALE—190 acre Farm, between Newark and Wilmington. Less than $100 an acre. Liberal terms to the right party.



gril 11,22,5tSealed proposals will be received by

the State Highway Department, at its office, Dover. Delaware, until 2 o’clock P. M., December 13, 1922, and at that place and time publicly opened, for | 11,22,It the construction of State Highway work, involving the following approxi­mate quantities:

' iFOR SALE—Well-bred rabbit dogs.

W. I. BERRY Phone 145-R-3Home Made

Chocolates and Bon-Bons

NOW—60c the lb.

Fader's Bakery

p Mary Louise Mayer, of Dover, Pire, spent the week-end with \ (Marjorie Johnson, attending the j pre-Washington football game ! Iitiirday.

FOR SALE—Turkeys, 65c a pound, and ducks, 35c a pound.



Wall on Philadelphia Pike750 cu. yds. Excavation700 cu. yds. Cement Rubble Masonry-Performance of contract shall com­

mence within ten (10) days after exe­cution of the contract and be com-j pleted on or before April 1, 1923.

Monthly payments will be made for 90 per cent of the construction com­pleted each month.

Bidders must submit proposals upon forms provided by the Department.

Each proposal must be accompanied by a suVety bond, certified check, or money to the amount of at least ten (10) per centum of the total amount of the proposal.

The envelope containing the pro­posal must be marked “Proposal for the Construction of State Highway work under Contract No. RW-1.”

The Contract will be awarded or re­jected within twenty (20) days from the date of opening proposals.

The right is reserved to reject any or all bids.

Detailed plans may be seen and in­dex plans and specifications may be obtained upon deposit of ten dollars ($10.00) which amount will be re­funded upon return of plans and spe­cifications in good condition at the office ofSTATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT,

Dover, Delaware.

,VPhone 196-M.V

*■l NOTICE—No Trespassing on my

Property near Cooch’s Bridge.W. A. LAYFIELD, Prop.

.|11.15,3t. C. E. HAPPERSETT, Mgr. d — go S P -M

ptenant and Mrs. Frank Dean, I

Bnapolis, Md., will be the guests I week-end at the home of Mr.

fo. R, A. Whittingham.

F Joseph Kelly, of The Cedars, [Mr. Thomas Dicke rson, of Stan- Ifel. were Sunday guests of Mr. [Mrs. William Register.

f ind Mrs. E. M. Thompson spent ! Ife week-end in Kennett Square, Liting Mr. and Mrs. Lew Mac-

I have the usual line that mÿ experi­ence has shown me to be the best on the market.

! fliExclusive Agency CORDWOOD—Mixed, any length de­

sired. Delivered in Newark, $10.00 a cord.

yj j■-T-

40 Years of Hardware HUGH J. TOOMEY,Mechanicsville.11-1-tf

Next week, I w M shall have

rounded out 40 years in the Hardware business in this community. I know the trade—both buying and selling. Never in all that time have I seen the quality and values that I have to offer in cutlery of all kinds. It is a treat to see my customers examine them, to the limit.


iSSriFOR RENT—Private Garages.

$3.00 a month.3,80,tf

« j1E, C. WILSON.

• and Mrs. Oscar Elliott and Pte Leah spent Sunday in Wil-

•del$FOR SALE OR RENT—Farm, 145 •acres, at Iron Hill. Apply



CHAS. WALTON.V’•Edwin Morris is spending sev-

at the home of her sister, Mary De

FOR RENT—Furnished room, all con­veniences. Mrs. H. C. Herdman, Main St., Newark, Del. .Box 93.


venney, of Christiana,.s..

I can guarantee this line aasd Mrs. Walter Carlisle spent

*^k-end visiting in Greenwood, While there they

** Mr. M. T. Stay ton.


Chosen by men who are

particular about style and careful

about quality

’3ÜFOR RENT—Two good rooms, cen- terally located, for gentlemen. In­formation from

the ii1 l-15-4twereMr.

16 enjoyed a splendid day of Saturday.


■ LEGAL NOTICESon ! 10,25,tfEstate of Gotlicb Fader, Deceased. |Notice is hereby givc-n that Letters j

Testamentary upon the estate of |

Gotlieb Fader late of White Clay; ers, Trust Cq Finder kin ̂Creek Hundred, deceased, were duly ; at j,an]{ granted unto William Lewis Fader,Lydia R. Fader and Winifred Fader on the Eighteenth day of October A. | LOST—Yellow and white Collie fe- D. 1922 and all persons -indebted to ; male dog. the said deceaseed arc requested to 11,22,2t. make payment to the Executors with- ■out delay, and all persons having | U. S.

demands against the deceased are re­quired to exhibit and present thè same duly probated to the said Exec-1 utors on or before the Eighteen day ;

rAIt’s coming. Roaster, A Carving Set —all are here.

■ and Mrs., . Neal Stackard, of0lk, and I)r, and Mrs. Schwarz, broute to their winter home

l”1 l^ach, Florida, stopped off *ark last week and were the ùtl'r. and Mrs. D. C. Rose.

■Ïj LOST—$10 Bill on Saturday night, between Handloff’s store and Farm-




Hardware for Farm and Home bought with your interet in view.

Why?Because your interest is my success.

That’s Common Sense and Experience.

.G' »• Shem and Mr. L. A. Uh- •«»ltimore, Md., and Mrs. H. A.'

, " and children, of Wilmington,r Sunday h Charsha.


The Florsheim Shoewith Mr. and Mrs. GOVERNMENT UNDER- j WEAR—2,500,000 pieces New Gov­

ernment Wool Underwear purchased by us to sell to the public direct at 75c EACH.

! $2.50 each. All sizes—shirts, 34 toI 46; drawers, 30 to 44. Send correct

sizes. Pay Postman on delivery or send us money order. • If under­wear is not satisfactory, we will re­fund money promptly upon re­quest. Dept. 24, The Pilgrim Wool­en Co., 1476 Broadway, New York,

i N. T.I 11-22-tf


LOUIS HOFFMAN^rs- George Harrington, ^«gton,

tt, are here for a‘he home of Mr. and Mrs.

8. Wright.Actual retail valueMEN’S OUTFITTER

NEWARK - - DELAWAREof October A. D. 1923, or abide by the law in this behalf.Thomas A. Potts


AddressCHAS. B. EVANS, Àtty-at-Law

Ford Building,Wilmington, Delaware.


i 10,25,10t

[„•M Mrs.;John Pilling, Miss

cef and Mr. Daniel Thomp- ^ ftotorej to Philadelphia in|i*'t tTuCar lln Sunday an£I Pa'»(te. ^ atl(i Mrs. Donald P.

Phone 31-R


E IM /

j °* Cape Charles, Va., ew days last week at the

w> Executors.