TraIlS. Br . My col. Soc. 90 (4), 607-61 7 (1988) [ 60 7] Primed in Grear Britain NEW HYPHOMYCETES FROM AQUATIC ENVIRONMENTS IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA By LUDMILA MARVANOvA Cz echoslovak Collection of Micro-organisms, t i, Obrtin cu miru 10 , 66243 Brno, Czechoslo vakia Arbusculina fragmentans sp.nov. and Tricladium procerum sp.nov., isolated from foam and deadJUllcuS stems re specti vely, ar e de scribed . Colispora elongata gen . et sp .nov. is establi shed and Dact ylella submersa and M y cocentrospora claua ta are discussed in thi s connexion. Foam on running waters, trapping vari ou s propa- gul es and pre serving some in a sort of dormancy, ha s been serving for nearly 50 year s as a rich source of new taxa of hyphomycet es called aquatic, freshwat er, waterborne, amphibi ou s or Ingoldian. Most of these names indicate that these fungi bear some relationship to the aquatic environment, spending there at least part of their life -cycle, or being adapted to hydrochory. Moorl and waters, relatively p oor in nutrients and with a low pH, seem to harb our some species that are rarely or not at all found in other types of wat ers (Iqbal & W ebster, 1977). Stems of Jun cus, sub me rged in water , app ear to be a good substrate for the se fungi . Arbusculina fragmentans sp.nov. (Figs 1-3 , 6-9) Etyrn.: [ragmentare ( L) , to break into pi ece s Coloniae in agaro maltoso lente crescentes, griseo- brunneae, margine lobato, glabro, nigro; mycelium aereum copiosum, praecipue in pane centrali, lanosum usque ad funiculosum, hyphae hyalinae usque ad fuscae, glabrae sed passim asperae, 2-4 11m latae; mycelium in agaro atrobrunneum, stratum firmum formans, hyphae crassitunicatae, cum cellulis cylindr aceis vel inflatis, usque ad 10 1,m latis. Conidioph ora singularia, apicalia vel lateralia, simplicia vel parce ramosa, usque ad 125 11m longa ubi lateralia, sed saepe breviora, subc1 avata, septata, hyalina vel subfusca. Cellulae conidiogenae singulares, apicales, incorporatae, determinatae. Conidia singularia, apicalia, valde ramificata, usqu e ad 95 1,m extensa, faciliter fragmenta minora forrna n tia ; illa frequentissima in cultura aquatica 0-5 ramosa, ambitu 11- 35 11m, nonnumquam cum elongationibus perc urrentibus ubi interc alaria ; cellulae plerumque subinflatae, glabrae sed passim subasperae, hyalinae vel subfuscae, 2·8-6 Jim diam. Axis, ubi distinctus, rectus vel leniter curvatus, nonnumquam apice recurvus, basi truncatus vel obtusus; extensio basalis rarissima, percurrens, acuta. Rami 0-12 , prim arii, secundarii vel raro terti arii, alternati vel oppositi, divergentes, praecipue antrorsi, recti vel paulo curvati, apice obtusi, basi lati vel paulo angustati. Rami prima rii in 1-3 planis, usque ad 54 Jim longi, rami secundarii e ramis primariis quibu slibet ecrescentes, usque ad 21 11m longi, rami tertiarii solum in conidiis magnis adsunt. Statu s microconidialis : ad hyphas, conidioph ora singu- laria, apicalia vell ateralia, simplicia vel ramosa, usque ad 270 I'm longa, septata, cellulis cylindricis vel sub- fusoideis, hyalina vel subfusca. Cellulae conidiogenae phialiformes, singulares vel aggregatae, apicales vel laterales, ampulliformes, 5-10 x 2'5-3'5 I'm, cum collare 3-5 I'm alto. Microconidia (spermatia ?) aggregata, ellip- soidea, 2'5-3 '5 x 1-1 '5 I'm, nongerminantia. Aggrega- tiones hypharum (ascogonia?) globosae saepe in vicinitate observantur, 12-20 Jim in diam. In spuma, in rivulo Hor cansky potok dicto, montibus Povazsky Inovec, prope pagum Horka nad Vaho rn, Slovakia occidentalis, Res Publica Bohemo-slovaca, 28 Mar. 1986, L. Marvanova, IMI 317746, holotypus (ex CCM F-13486). Colonies on malt agar (2 % MA) growing slowly, 20 mm diam in 34 d at ca 15 "C, greyish sepia in the centre (Rayner, 1970), black on the margin , lobate , re ver se black ;aerial m ycelium in the centre , abundant, woolly to funi culose, h yphae h yaline to pale fu sc ou s, gl abrous to sligh tly rough, 2-4 Jim wid e; subs tr ate m ycelium dark brown ,forming a tough la yer on the agar surface, hyphae with sh ort , cylindr ical or occasionally inflated th ick-walled cell s up to 10 1 ,m d iam . Conidiophores single , apical or lateral , simple or sparsely branched, up to 125 flm long when lateral, but usually short er, often slightly clavat e, septate, hyaline to subfu scous. Conidiogenous cells single, apical, integrated , deter- minate . Conidia single, apical, irregularly and profusely branched , spanning up to 95 11m, frag- menting easily and readil y into smaller units , the most frequent having 0-5 branches and spanning 11-35 I,m ; th e intercalar y part-conidia sometimes sho w percurrent el ongat ions from the newl y exp- osed sept a; cells slightly inflated , glabrous or occa sionall y locally sligh tly rough, h yaline to pal e fus cous, 2 '8-6 I' m d iam. Axis, when re cognizable, straight to cur ved ,with a rounded or so mewhat pointed, sometimes recurved apex ; base truncate to obt use, scars mo stly with shallow frills, basal extension ve ry rar e, percurrent, acute; branches

New hyphomycetes from aquatic environments in Czechoslovakia

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Page 1: New hyphomycetes from aquatic environments in Czechoslovakia

TraIlS. Br . My col. Soc. 90 (4), 607-61 7 (1988)

[ 607 ]

Prim ed in Grear Britain



Cz echoslovak Collection of Micro-organisms, t i, Obrtincu miru 10 , 66243 Brno, Czechoslovakia

Arbusculina fragmentans sp .nov . and Tricladium procerum sp .nov ., isolated from foam anddeadJUllcuS stems respectivel y, are de scribed. Colispora elongata gen . et sp .nov . is establishedand Dactylella submersa and M y cocent rospora claua ta are discussed in this connexion.

Foam on running waters, trapping various propa-gules and preserving some in a so rt of dormancy,ha s been serving for nearly 50 years as a rich sourceof new taxa of hyphomycetes ca lled aquatic,freshwat er, waterborne, amphibious or Ingoldian.M ost of these names indicate that these fungi bearsome relationship to the aquatic en viro nm ent ,spending there at least part of their life -cycle, orbeing adap ted to hydrochory. Moorland waters,relatively poor in nutrients and with a low pH,seem to harbour som e species that are rarely or notat all found in other types of wat ers (Iq bal &W ebster, 1977). Stems of Juncus, su bmerged inwater, appear to be a good su bs trate for thesefungi .

Arbusculina fragmentans sp .nov.(F igs 1-3, 6-9)

Etyrn. : [ragmentare (L), to break into pi eces

Coloniae in agaro maltoso lente crescentes, griseo-brunneae, margine lobato, glabro, nigro ; myceliumaereum copiosum, praecipue in pane centrali, lanosumusque ad funiculosum, hyphae hyalinae usque ad fuscae,glabrae sed passim asperae, 2-4 11m latae; mycelium inagaro atrobrunneum, stratum firmum formans, hyphaecrassitunicatae, cum cellulis cylindraceis vel inflatis,usque ad 10 1,m latis. Conidioph ora singularia, apicaliavel lateralia, simplicia vel parce ramosa, usque ad 125 11mlonga ubi lateralia, sed saepe breviora, subc1avata, septata,hyalina vel subfusca. Cellulae conidiogenae singulares,apicales, incorporatae, determinatae. Conidia singularia,apicalia, valde ramificata, usqu e ad 95 1,m extensa,faciliter fragmenta minora forrna ntia ; illa frequentissimain cultura aquatica 0-5 ramosa, ambitu 11- 35 11m,nonnumquam cum elongationibus percurrentibus ubiintercalaria ; cellulae plerumque subinflatae, glabrae sedpassim subasperae, hyalinae vel subfuscae, 2·8-6 Jimdiam. Axis, ubi distinctus, rectus vel leniter curvatus,nonnumquam apice recurvus, basi truncatus vel obtusus;extensio basalis rarissima, percurrens, acuta. Rami 0-12,prim arii, secundarii vel raro terti arii, alternati veloppositi, divergentes , praecipue antrorsi, recti vel paulocurvati, apice obtusi, basi lati vel paulo angustati. Ramiprima rii in 1-3 planis, usque ad 54 Jim longi, ramisecundarii e ramis primariis quibu slibet ecrescentes,

usque ad 21 11m longi, rami tertiarii solum in conidiismagnis adsunt .

Status microconidialis : ad hyphas, conidioph ora singu-laria, apicalia vellateralia, simplicia vel ramosa, usque ad270 I'm longa, septata, cellulis cylindricis vel sub-fusoideis, hyalina vel subfusca. Cellulae conidiogenaephialiformes, singulares vel aggregatae, apicales vellaterales, ampulliformes, 5-10 x 2'5-3'5 I'm, cum collare3-5 I'm alto. Microconidia (spermatia?) aggregata, ellip-soidea, 2'5-3'5 x 1-1 '5 I'm, nongerminantia. Aggrega-tiones hypharum (ascogonia?) globosae saepe in vicinitateobservantur, 12-20 Jim in diam.

In spuma, in rivulo Hor cansky potok dicto, montibusPovazsky Inovec, prope pagum Horka nad Vahorn,Slovakia occidentalis, Res Publica Bohemo-slovaca, 28Mar. 1986, L. Marvanova, IMI 317746, holotypus (exCCM F-13486).

Colonies on malt agar (2 % MA) growing slowly,20 mm diam in 34 d at ca 15 "C , greyish sep ia inthe centre (R ayner , 1970), black on the margin,lobate, re ver se black ; aerial m ycelium in the centre,abundant, wooll y to funiculose, hyphae hyaline topale fu scous, glabrous to sligh tly rough, 2-4 Jimwide; su bs trate mycelium dark brown, forming atough layer on the agar surface, hyphae with sh ort,cylindrical or occasion ally inflated th ick-walledcell s up to 10 1,m diam. Conidiophores single, apicalor lateral, sim ple or sparsely branched, up to125 flm long when lateral, but usually shorter , oftenslightly clavate, sep tate, hyaline to subfuscou s.Conidiogenous cells single, apical, integrated, deter-minate. Conidia single, apical, irregularly andprofusely branched, spann ing up to 95 11m, frag-menting easi ly and readily into smaller units , themost frequent having 0-5 branches and spanning11-35 I,m ; the intercalary part-conidia sometimesshow percurrent elongations from the newly exp-osed sep ta; cells sligh tly inflated, glabrous oroccasionally locally sligh tly rough, hyaline to pal efus cous, 2'8-6 I' m diam. Axi s, wh en re cognizable,straigh t to curved, with a rounded or somewhatpointed, som etimes recurved apex ; base truncateto ob tuse, scars mostly with shallow frills , basalextension ve ry rare, percurrent, acute; branches

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608 Aquatic hyphomy cetes fr om Czechoslovakia

Fig, 1. Arbusculina [ragmentan s CC M F-13486, (A), Con idium on conid ioph ore ; (B, J), fragment ingconid ia ; (C, D-I , K-N ), part -conidia,

0-12, primary, secondary and rarely tertiary,alternate (or opposite), widely divergent, mostlyantrorse, straight or slightly curved, with roundedapices and broad to slightly narrowed inserti ons ;primary branches on 1-3 levels, up to 54 11m long,secondary branches on any primary branch, up to21 11m long , tertiary branches only in large conidia .

Microconidial state: in culture, on submergedhyphae. Conidiophores sing le, apical or lateral,simple or branched, up to 270 I' m long, septate,cells cylindrical or slightly fusoid, hyaline to palefuscous. Conidiogenous cells phialidic, single orgrouped, on several levels, apical or lateral , ampu l-liform, 5-10 x 2'5-3'5 pm, periclinal thickeningdistinct, collarette cup-shaped, 3-5 pm deep,

Microconidia (spermatia?) mostly grouped, ellip-soid, 2'5-3'5 x 1-1'5 pm, germination not seen,Globose clusters of tightl y intermingled hyphae(ascogonia ?) 12-20 l l m across are often presentnear the microconidi ogenous structures,

The cultures were obtained from streams on acidor alkaline geological ground, They sporu latedquickl y and abundantly in standing water, belowand on the water level.

Cultures exa mined : CCM F- 13086, 13386, isolatedfrom foam in a sma ll str eam , Ponavka nr Lelekovicc ,South Moravia, M ar. 1986, L. Marvanova ; CC M F-13486, foam in the Horcansky potok, Povazsky Inovecmountains, West Slovakia, Mar. 1986, L. Marvanova .Isola te 13386 was som ewhat different in producing fewer

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Ludmila Maruanoud

Fig. 2. For caption see following page.



Fig. 3. For caption see following page.

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610 Aquatic hyphomycetes from Czechoslovakia

Fig. 4. Tricladium procerurn CCM F-16786, in standing water. (A- F ), Developing conidia; (G-K), deta chedcon idia; (L) , chains of hyaline inflat ed cells.

and longer-branched conidia, sometimes reduced to longchains of inflated cells .

A . fragmentans differs markedly from the otherspecies of Arbusculina Marvanova & Descals(1987) in the profuse fragmentation of conidia .This character was not induded in the generic

diagnosis; however, a tendency to break intosmaller part-conidia is encountered repeatedlythroughout the hyphomycetes, especially in water-inhabiting taxa with larger, branched conidia.

Arbusculina irregularis (Petersen) Marvanova &Descals, type species, differs by its relatively small

Fig. 2 . Arbusculina [ragmentans CCM F-133 86. (A), Long-branched conidium ; (C), developing conidium ;(B, D , E), part-conidia. A. [ragmentans CCM F-13486. (F) , detached un fragmented large conidium with anacute basal extension; (G-I), part-conidia.

Fig . 3. A rbsculina [ragmentan s CC M F-13486. (A), Microconidial state ; (B), ascogonium (?).

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Ludmila Marvanova 6II

Fig. 5. Tricladium procerum CCM F-16786. (A, B), Developing conidia in aerated culture; (C-G), detachedconidia floating for several days on water level in standing water culture. Note the accessory secondary CD,F), and primary (C, D, E, arrows) branches, appearing under these conditions.

conidia spanning ca 40 pm, composed of glabrous,mostly clavate cells. A. moniliformis (Descals)Descals & Marvanova, in Marvanova & Descals(1987), has much larger conidia spanning up to

140 pm, often with an alternately branched axis. Inneither of the hitherto described Arbusculina spp.

has a microconidial state been detected so far, nordo they produce fragmenting conidia as a rule. A.fragmentans may be compared with several generawith branched propagules and dark mycelium, e.g.Torula Pers.: Fr. sensu Ellis (1971, 1976) and itssegregates. However, conidia here are often sessile


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612 Aquatic hyphomycetes from Czechoslovakia

Figs 6--<}. Arbusculina [ragmentans CCM F-13486. Fig. 6. Part conidium. Figs 7, 8. Microconidial state.Fig. 9. Ascogonium (?).

Figs 10, 11. Tricladium procerum CCM F-16786, detached conidia.

and possess verticillate or basitonous branchesoriginating mostly from a dark-walled cell. Severalspecies of Pseudaegerita Crane & Schoknechtoccurring in aquatic habitats have a similar micro-conidial state. The macroconidia (bulbils) ofP. viridis (Bayliss & Elliott) Abdullah & Websterbear some resemblance to macroconidia of Ai frag-mentans, being composed of a complex system oftorulose cells, breaking easily into smaller units(Abdullah & Webster, 1983). However, Pseud-aegerita is an aero-aquatic genus, with propagulesspanning mostly over 400 /lm, retaining air betweenthe short dense branches and thus not prone tosinking. The microconidiaI state, as presented inFigs 1 C, 2B and 3B (Abdullah & Webster, 1983)lacks the deep collarettes on phialides.

Teicladium procerum sp.nov.(Figs 4, 5, 10, 11)

Etym. : procer (L), thin

Coloniae in agaro maltoso lente crescentes, pallideochraceae (Rayner, 1970), subrosaceae in cultura sub-mersa, adpressae, plerumque glabrae, leniter su1catae,mycelio aereo sparso, funiculoso, in parte centrali coloniaeoccurente. Hyphae aereae hyalinae, tenuitunicatae,l'5-2'5,um diam, hyphae in substrato agaroso hyalinae,saepe cum cellulis globosis vel angulosis, catenatis velleviter aggregatis, 5-8 ,urn diam, subcrassitunicatis.Conidiophora singularia, Iateralia, raro apicalia, simpliciavel parce ramosa, septata, basi saepe leniter bulbosa,2-2'5 p, lata, usque ad 30,um longa ubi lateralia. Cellulaeconidiogenae incorporatae, cum elongationibus irregu-laribus, saepe inflatis, nonnumquam rhachidem formanti-bus, Conidia singularia, apicalia, initiatione lata, cum axe

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Ludmila Maruanood

Figs 12-14, Colispora elongata CCM F-18382, detached conidia, Scale = 10 11m,


et (1-) 2 (-3) ramis primariis; axis plerumque modo variocurvatus, rarius rectus, 32-61 (-88) x 2'2-2'S pm, angustefusoideus vel subcylindricus, 3-8 septatus, apice obtusus,basi truncatus; extensio basalis rarissima, lateralis velpercurrens ; rami alternati, in sequentia basifugali ap-parentes, (2-) 10--16pm distantes, cylindrici, ad apicemversus sensim angustati, basi nonnumquam fere bulbosi,antrorsi, horizontales vel retrorsi, recti velleniter curvati,apice obtusi, insertione valde angustata ; ramus primus(10--)20--36(-46) pm longus, l-S septatus, ramus secun-dus (S-) 10--26(-30) II, longus, 0--3septatus, ramus tertius4-23 pm longus, 0--2 septatus; rami aliquot l'S-2'S pmlati. Dehiscentia schizolytica. Diebus nonnullis postIiberationem, conidia cum ramis primariis novis invicini tate proxima ramo rum inferiorum et cum ram issecundariis in culture aquatica videntur.

In caule emortuo Junci sp. in aqua canalis derivantisloco uliginoso in valle Bystranska dolina dicto, montibusSlovenske Beskydy, Slovakia occidentalis, Res PublicaBohemo-slovaca, 2S May 1986, L. Marvanova, IMI317747, holotypus (ex CCM F-16786),

Colonies (2 % MA) growing slowly, 12-15 mmdiam in 30 d at 15°, pale beige with a rosy tingeappearing after submergence on light, appressed,

silky, slightly sulcate, with sparse funiculose aerialmycelium in the centre, aerial hyphae hyaline,thin-walled, 1'5-2'5/tm diam, substrate myceliumhyaline, with patches of crowded or catenateglobose or angulose cells 5-8 flm diam, easilyseparating under coverslip pressure, walls slightlythickened, Conidiophores single, lateral or rarelyapical, simple or sparsely branched, septate, oftenwith a slightly bulbous base, 2-2'5 pm wide, upto 30 /lm long when lateral. Conidiogenous cellsintegrated, progressive, elongations irregularlyswollen, sometimes forming a rachis. Conidiasingle, apical, initially integrated with the conidio-genous cell, with an axis and (1-) 2 (-3) primarybranches; axis mostly variously curved, rarelystraight, 32-61 (-88) x 2'2-2'5 pm, narrowly fusoidto subcylindrical, 3-8-septate, apex obtuse, basetruncate, basal extension very rare, lateral orpercurrent; branches alternate, basifugal, (2) 10--16 pm apart, cylindrical, very slightly tapering tofree ends, antrorse, horizontal to retrorse, straightto slightly curved, apices obtuse, insertions verynarrow, base sometimes slightly bulbous; first

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(Figs 12-16)

Material examined: CCM F-18382, from foam in asmall stream in the Little Carpathians, West Slovakia,Nov. 1982, L. Marvanova ; CCM F-12986, F-14086,from foam in the stream Horcansky potok, PovazskyInovec mountains, West Slovakia, Mar. 1986, L.Marvanova,

The three isolates showed some variation inconidial dimensions. Longer conidia (40-105 Jim )were observed in CCM F-18382, shorter (32-75/lm) in CCM F-12986. Aeration probablycaused premature secession: in CCM F-14086 theconidial length in an aerated culture was 35-55pit», if unaerated 42-93 pm (conidia with less than3 septa were ignored as aborted).

Colispora elongata does not fit well into any

Colispora elongata sp.nov.Etym. : elongatus (L ), elongated

Coloni ae in agaro maltoso modice crescentes, atrogriseae,mycelium aereum lanosum, hyph is subhyalinis vel pallidebrunneis, illis in agaro brunneis, crassitunicatis, glabrisvel subasperis, 2-4 pm diam , Conidiophora solitaria,apicali a vel lateralia, simplicia vel parce ramosa, saepebrevi a ubi lateralia, sed usque ad 280 x 3-6 ,urn, parsconidiogena saepe ad apicem versus angustata. Cellulaeconidiogenae apicales et incorporatae, raro etiam laterales,percurrentes vel sympodiales, cicatrices truncatae.Conidia acrogena, singularia, nonnumquam gerninata,anguste fusoidea vel c1avata, recta vel curvata sed nonsigmoidea, septata, lucida, hyalina , 32- 75 (- 105) x 7-13(- 17) tun, apice subulata, basi truncata, cicatrix lati-tudinis variae, processus basalis rarissimus, excentricus,brevis.

In spuma in rivulo parvo loco Kosiariska dicto,montibus Male Karpaty, Slovakia occidentalis, ResPublica Boherno-slovaca , 29 Nov. 1982, L. Marvanova,holotypus, IMI 317748 (ex CCM F-18382).

Colonies (2 % MA ) growing moderately, 30 mmdiam in 32 d at 15°, dark grey, reverse black ; aerialmycelium woolly, hyphae subhyaline to palefuscous, substrate mycelium brown, hyphae withthickened walls, glabrous or slightly rough, 2-4 pst:diam. Conidiophores single, apical or lateral, simpleor sparsely branched, often short when lateral , butup to 280 x 3-6 /lm; conidiogenous part sometimestapering distally. Conidiogenous cells apical andintegrated or lateral and discrete, elongationspercurrent, sometimes slightly excentric, or syrn-podial, scars flat, sometimes becoming narrower onthe successive levels. Conidia single or paired,aerogenous, sometimes becoming lateral, narrowlyfusoid or clavate, straight or slightly curved,32-75 (- 105) x 7-13 (- 17) pm, septate, hyaline,pearly, base truncate, scar of varying width, basalextension very rare, excentric, short .

Colispora gen .nov .Etym.: colus (L) , spindle ; refers to the prevailing

shape of conidiaColoniae atrae. Conidiophora simplicia vel parce ramosa,hyalina. Cellulae con idiogenae percurrentes vel syrnpo-diales . Conidia acrogena, fusiformia vel clavata, recta velpaulo curvata, septata, hyalina. Dehiscentia schizolytica,

Typus generis : Colispora elongata sp.nov.

Colonies dark. Conidiophore: simple or sparselybranched, hyaline. Conidiogenous cells percurrentor sympodial. Conidia aerogenous, fusiform orclavate, straight or slightly curved, septate, hyaline.Secession schizolytic.

Differs from Daetylella Grove by dark coloniesand pcrcurrent conidiogenous cells, from Myco-centrospora Deighton by percurrent conidiogenouscells, from Anguillospora (namely A . crassa) bypre-dominantly straight conidia with length/widthratio typically under 10, and from Vermispora

614 Aquatic hyphomycetes from Czechoslovakiabranch (10-) 20-36(- 46) pm long, 1-5-septate, Deighton & Pirozynski by the absence of denticlessecond branch (5- ) 10-26 (-30) Jim long , 0-3- on the conidiogenous cells.septate, third branch 4-23 11m long , o-z-septate,each 1'5-2'5 pm wide. Conidial secession schizo-lytic. New primary branches sometimes insertedclosely to the previously formed and occasionallysecondary branches were observed on free-floatingconidia in water culture several days after libera-tion . Sporulation was abundant on submergedpieces of colony after 5-8 d in standing water, orsooner, when aerated.

The original specimen appeared on aerated deadJuncus stems collected in a moorland stream.

In Tricladium spp, with small to medium-sizedconidia and pale colonies the combination ofbranches with obtuse apices and a narrow insertionoccurs only in T. curoisporum Descals (D escals &Webster, 1983) and in T. patulum Marvanova &Marvan (1963). T. curuisporum differs by broaderconidial elements, typically curved axis and conidiaarising mostly in pairs on sympodially elongatingconidiophores, in some isolates in association witha microconidial state. T. patulum also has widerconidial elements and its conidia are mostlyconcurrent with the conidiogenous cells or appearin threes. The only Tricladium described from amoorland stream on Juncus stems is T. giganteumIqbal (1972), which has dark grey, woolly coloniesand markedly larger conidia differing also in shape.Conidia of T. procerum with additional branchesformed after secession may resemble those ofVaricosporium elodeae Kegel. However, in thisspecies the conidial initiation is discrete, and thereare mostly 2-3 conidia side by side on the apicalconidiogenous cell, which is determinate as arule.

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Ludmila Maroanoud 615


Fig. 15. Colispora elongata CCM F-18382. (A), Detached conidia; (B), spent conidiophores and one just-liberated conidium; (C), conidial primordia.

described genus. There are two similar taxa:Mycocentrospora clavata Iqbal (1974) andDactylella submersa (Ingold) Nilsson (1962). Myco-centrospora clavata was described from moorlandstreams in England. Its conidial dimensions(55-88 x 10-13 flm) and shape correspond wellwith those of C. elongata. However, judging fromthe author's description and the sparse conidio-genesis seen in the type specimen, conidia of

M. clauata are not formed on percurrent conidio-genous cells. Mycocentrospora Deighton is not themost suitable genus for M. clavata with its long,branched conidiophores. However, the latter hasneither been isolated since its publication norrecognized by anyone other than the author; hencefurther isolates would be necessary for a moreappropriate classification, possibly in Colispora.

Dactylella submersa was described with greenish

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6r6 Aquatic hyphomycetes from Czechoslovakia

Fig. 16. Colispora elongata CCM F-12986. Developing and detached conidia. Scale = 20 Jim.

grey colonies, producing pearly, fusoid or sub-clavate conidia 35-65 x 6--9 pm, borne on per-currently elongating conidiophores (Ingold, 1944).Nilsson (1962) reports a specimen as Dactylellasubmersa from submerged leaves, with even shorterconidia (up to 50 flm), which are depicted asaerogenous, diverging on sympodial conidiogenouscells. He did not follow Ingold's original classifi-cation in Pyricularia due to differences in conidio-genesis and conidial shape. However, Dactylellaand its segregates (sensu Subramanian, 1977)produce pale colonies and do not possess percurrentconidiogenous cells. They are mostly nematode-capturing predators. Unfortunately there is neithertype material of Dactylella submersa nor an authen-tic living culture; therefore I prefer not torecombine it in Colispora or to place it in synonymywith C. elongata even though they are evidentlycongeneric.

The recently described Hymenoscyphus malawi-ensis Fisher & Spooner from tropical Africa pro-duces an anamorph in culture, whose immatureconidia are similar to those of C. elongata (Fisher &Spooner, 1987, figs 17-19). However, fully de-veloped conidia are much longer, with apparentlyinflated cells . Elongations of conidiogenous cellswere not reported.

Colispora elongata conidia from nature, in tem-perate and cold climates may be confused withthose of at least two otherwise clearly distinct taxa.(1) Isolate CCM F-18382 with its relatively longerconidia bears some similarity to Anguillosporacrassa Ingold, which has typically percurrent

conidiogenous cells. There is an overlap in conidiallength, especially with premature conidia of thelatter. However, A . crassa has typically sigmoidconidia with a length/width ratio higher than 10, afrequent, typically percurrent, well-developedbasal extension and often a microconidiaI state inculture. (2) Pachycladina mutabilis Marvanova(1986) may produce simple conidia besidebranched ones, in size and shape similar to those ofC. elongata, even when often with a basal extensionand not as pearly. However, isolates of P . mutabilisdo not contain melanins in any structure.

Sincere thanks are due to the curator of theHerbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kcw (K) forlending me the type of Mycocentrospora clauataand to Dr E . Descals for his valuable commentsand language corrections.


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(Received for publication 16 September 1987)