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  • 7/28/2019 Nej m 200103293441307


    Drug Therapy

    ALASTAI R J .J . WOOD , M.D.,



    N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 13

    March 29, 2001

    The New England Journal of Medicine














    C. P


    , P






    D. G


    , P



    From the Clinical Pharmacokinetics Research Laboratory, Departmentof Pharmacy, Warren G. Magnuson Clinical Center, National Institutes ofHealth, Bethesda, Md. (S.C.P.); and the Clinical Investigation Unit and Ot-tawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, Ont., Canada(K.D.G.). Address reprint requests to Dr. Piscitelli at Virco Laboratories,Johns Hopkins Bayview Campus, Alpha Ctr., 3rd Fl., 5210 Eastern Ave.,Baltimore, MD 21224.

    RUG interactions are an important factor inthe treatment of patients with human im-munodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The

    complexity of current drug regimens for such pa-tients requires that clinicians recognize and managedrug interactions. Antiretroviral drug regimens typ-ically consist of three or four antiretroviral drugs but

    may include even more. In addition, patients may re-ceive other drugs for supportive care, treatment of op-portunistic infections, and immunomodulation, as wellas alternative drugs obtained from health care pro-

    viders other than their primary provider. Drug inter-actions are often unavoidable in HIV-infected patientsbecause of the drug classes involved and the numberof drugs prescribed. In this article we review the clin-ically important interactions among drugs used totreat HIV infection, provide an overview of the pri-mary mechanisms of drug interactions, and discuss

    ways to prevent or minimize the adverse effects ofsuch interactions on clinical care.


    Drug interactions can be either pharmacokineticor pharmacodynamic in nature. Pharmacokinetic in-teractions alter the absorption, transport, distribution,metabolism, or excretion of a drug. In therapy forHIV infection, pharmacokinetic interactions are oftenmultifactorial. They may involve alterations in drugmetabolism mediated by the cytochrome P-450 sys-tem, modulation of P-glycoprotein (a cellular trans-port protein), changes in renal elimination, changesin gastric pH and drug absorption, and fluctuationsin intracellular drug concentrations (Table 1). Theseprocesses may take place at various sites in the body(Fig. 1). Pharmacodynamic interactions alter the phar-

    macologic response to a drug. The response can beadditive, synergistic, or antagonistic. Pharmacodynam-ic interactions do not always modify a drugs con-centration in tissue fluids.


    Metabolic Interactions

    All HIV-protease inhibitors and non-nucleoside re-verse-transcriptase inhibitors that have been approvedby the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as wellas those that are investigational drugs, are metabolizedby the cytochrome P-450 enzyme system, primarily

    by the 3A4 isoform (CYP3A4), and each of thesedrugs may alter the metabolism of other antiretroviraland concomitantly administered drugs.


    The cyto-chrome P-450 system consists of at least 11 families ofenzymes, classified by number, of which 3 (CYP1,CYP2, and CYP3) are important in humans.


    Thefamilies are further divided into subfamilies, denotedby a capital letter (e.g., CYP3A). Individual proteins

    within a subfamily, called isozymes or isoenzymes, areidentified by a second number (e.g., CYP3A4).


    Drugs can be classified as cytochrome P-450 sub-strates, inhibitors, or inducers. However, some drugs,such as ritonavir, nelfinavir, and efavirenz, may haveproperties of all three, depending on the specific com-bination (Table 2). Substrates are drugs metabolizedthrough this enzyme system, and the plasma concen-trations of such drugs may be increased or decreasedby other drugs. Inhibition of cytochromes is usuallyreversible and competitive, in that the substrate andinhibitor compete for the same site on the enzyme.Inhibition also occurs by irreversible inactivation ofthe enzyme, leading to pharmacologic effects that areprolonged until new enzyme can be synthesized.


    Drugs that inhibit cytochromes cause decreased clear-ance and increased plasma concentrations of substratedrugs, and the effects may be greater if inhibitory me-tabolites accumulate during multiple dosing.

    Drugs that induce cytochromes increase the rateof hepatic metabolism of other drugs by increasingthe transcription of cytochrome messenger RNA(mRNA), which in turn leads to the production ofmore enzyme and a corresponding decrease in plas-ma concentrations of drugs metabolized by the in-duced pathway. When a CYP3A4 inhibitor, such asritonavir, is added to another protease inhibitor, suchas saquinavir, plasma concentrations of the secondprotease inhibitor increase markedly (Fig. 2A), oftenallowing for more convenient dosing. Increased con-centrations may also overcome viral resistance to thedrug.


    The addition of a CYP3A4 inducer, such asnevirapine, to indinavir or amprenavir results in a de-

    crease in the area under the plasma concentrationtime curve of the protease inhibitor (a measure of totalexposure). A substantial decrease could reduce troughplasma concentrations of the protease inhibitor to alevel below the in vitro concentration required to in-hibit replication of 50 percent of viral strains (IC


    ),with the subsequent development of resistance.

    Intestinal Metabolism and P-Glycoprotein

    The liver is the primary site of drug metabolism me-diated by the cytochrome P-450 system, but CYP3A4

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    N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 13

    March 29, 2001


    is also present in the enterocytes of the small intes-tine.


    Thus, drugs that inhibit CYP3A4 may alterintestinal or hepatic metabolism of other drugs. The20-fold increase in plasma concentrations of saquinavircaused by ritonavir is probably produced by inhibi-tion of CYP3A4 at both sites.


    Grapefruit juice con-tains various substances that inhibit CYP3A4-medi-ated metabolism only in the wall of the gut, mainly byselective down-regulation of CYP3A4 protein in thesmall intestine.


    The area under the curve for plas-ma saquinavir is increased by 50 to 150 percent dur-ing concomitant administration of grapefruit juice.


    However, grapefruit juice should not be relied on toincrease plasma concentrations of protease inhibitors,because the variations in the amounts of flavonoidsand other potentially active substances among prod-ucts can result in inconsistent effects.


    The enterocytes in the intestinal mucosa are also

    a major site of expression of P-glycoprotein, one ofseveral membrane-bound proteins that increase theefflux of drugs from cells.


    Several protease inhibitorsare substrates for and inhibitors of P-glycoprotein


    ;ritonavir is the most potent inhibitor.


    Both cyto-chrome P-450 enzymes and P-glycoprotein can pre-sent a barrier to the absorption of orally administereddrugs and have a considerable effect on drug inter-actions. Figure 2B shows the effect of rifampin on plas-ma digoxin concentrations through the induction ofintestinal P-glycoprotein.


    Although the inhibitionand induction of intestinal CYP3A enzymes from met-abolic processes result in direct changes in drug ab-sorption, the inhibition and induction of P-glycopro-tein primarily affect the rate of drug absorption.


    Theoverlap of tissue distribution and substrate specificityof CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein in the gut wall makesit difficult to define the specific mechanisms of some

    *AUC denotes the area under the concentrationtime curve, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, TMP-SMX trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole, G-CSF granulocytecolony-stimulating factor, and HAART highly active antiretroviral therapy.

















    HIV I











    Altered intracellular activationImpairment of phosphorylation Ribavirin and zidovudine,



    vudine and stavudine,


    zalcita-bine and lamivudine


    Interference with intracellular phos-

    phorylation (in vitro)

    Potential for decreased effectiveness

    and treatment failure

    Altered drug absorption and tissuedistribution

    Chelation Fluoroquinolones withantacids


    Marked reduction in quinolone AUCfrom formation of insoluble com-plexes

    Reduced antimicrobial effect

    Change in gastric pH Indinavir and didanosine


    Impaired absorption of indinavir dueto increased pH

    Low plasma indinavir concentrationsmay lead to viral resistance and treat-ment failure

    Induction of efflux transporters Rifampin and digoxin


    Decrease in digoxin AUC Reduced therapeutic effectInhibition of efflux transporters Ketoconazole with saquinavir

    and ritonavir


    Increased CSF concentrations ofsaquinavir and ritonavir in relationto unbound plasma concentrations

    Combination being studied to targetdrug delivery to CSF; clinical rele-

    vance unknownAltered drug metabolism

    Induction of cytochrome P-450 Rifabutin and saquinavir


    Saquinavir AUC reduced by 47 per-cent

    Low plasma saquinavir concentrationsmay lead to viral resistance and treat-ment failure

    Inhibition of cytochrome P-450

    (hepatic and gastrointestinal)

    Ritonavir and indinavir


    Marked increases in indinavir AUC

    and trough concentration

    Combination under study to opt imize

    therapy and develop more conven-ient regimens for patients

    Inhibition of cytochrome P-450(gastrointestinal only)

    Grapefruit juice and saquinavir


    Saquinavir AUC increased by 50 to150 percent

    Increased plasma saquinavir concentra-tions, but the effect is highly variable

    Increase in glucuronosyltransferase Rifampin and zidovudine


    Zidovudine AUC decreased by 47percent

    Clinical relevance unknown but maylead to reduced antiviral effect if tri-phosphate concentrations are alsodecreased

    Reduced renal excretion TMP-SMX and lamivudine


    Lamivudine AUC increased by 44percent due to inhibition of tubu-lar secretion

    Dosage alteration unnecessary, sinceincreased lamivudine concentrationsare unlikely to have toxic effects

    Pharmacodynamic interactionsAdditive or synergistic interactions Zidovudine and ganciclovir Additive bone marrow suppression May require discontinuation or re-

    duced doses of one or both drugs oraddition of G-CSF

    Combination HAART therapy Sustained viral suppression Potent therapy associated with long-term clinical and immunologic im-provement

    Antagonist or opposing interactions Indinavir and saquinavir


    In vitro antagonism at high doses Clinical consequences unclear

    The New England Journal of MedicineDownloaded from on March 22, 2013. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

    Copyright 2001 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

  • 7/28/2019 Nej m 200103293441307



    N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 13

    March 29, 2001

    The New England Journal of Medicine

    Figure 1.

    Various Sites in the Body in Which Drug Interactions Occur.The inset shows a T lymphocyte in which nucleoside-analogue reverse-transcriptase inhibitors are undergoing intracellular conver-sion to their active forms. AZT denotes zidovudine, MP monophosphate, DP diphosphate, and TP triphosphate.







    Alterations in cytochromeP-450mediated metabolism

    Alterations in cytochromeP-450 and P-glycoprotein

    Inhibition of

    tubular secretion

    Impairment ofdrug absorption

    T lymphocyte

    Competition for intracellularactivation pathway





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    Copyright 2001 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

  • 7/28/2019 Nej m 200103293441307



    N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 13

    March 29, 2001


    drug interactions and predict the plasma concentra-tions of certain drug combinations. Morover, the in-

    volvement of CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein in drug in-teractions is not always complementary. For example,plasma indinavir concentrations either do not changeor are decreased by the ingestion of grapefruit juice,suggesting that the activation of P-glycoprotein maycompensate for the inhibition of CYP3A4,


    butP-glycoprotein has little effect on the absorption ofsaquinavir.


    The specific contribution of CYP3A4inhibition and P-glycoprotein activation to interac-tions within the gastrointestinal tract remains unclearbecause most drugs that modulate P-glycoproteinalso inhibit CYP3A4.


    In any case, the inhibition ofCYP3A4, P-glycoprotein, or both in the gut wall mayhave a substantial effect on plasma concentrations ofmany anti-HIV drugs.

    P-glycoprotein is present at numerous other sitesin the body.


    Its presence in the renal tubular cellsand hepatocytes results in increased drug excretionin urine and bile. P-glycoprotein in the endothelialcells of the bloodbrain barrier prevents the entry ofcertain drugs into the central nervous system.



    conazole, an inhibitor of both CYP3A4 and P-glyco-protein, causes a larger increase in cerebrospinal fluidconcentrations of saquinavir and ritonavir than in un-bound plasma concentrations, suggesting that the in-hibition of efflux transporters can be used to targettherapy in the central nervous system.

    Drug Absorption

    Interactions that alter the absorption of drugs oftenlead to dramatic changes in plasma drug concentra-tions. The concomitant administration of a fluoro-quinolone with divalent and trivalent cations can re-duce the area under the curve for plasma quinoloneby more than 90 percent.


    A didanosine formulation

    containing an aluminummagnesium antacid bufferdecreases the area under the curve for plasma cipro-floxacin by 80 percent (Fig. 2C).


    These interactionscan easily be avoided by administering the fluoro-quinolone at least two hours before or six hours af-ter the antacid, or by using the new, enteric-coatedformulation of didanosine.

    The absorption of other drugs may be altered bychanges in gastric pH. For example, because keto-conazole is best absorbed when the gastric pH islow, concomitant administration of ketoconazole andH


    -antagonists, antacids, or proton-pump inhibitorsresults in marked impairment of the absorption ofketoconazole.


    Itraconazole is also best absorbed

    when the gastric pH is low, but its administrationwith food is more important for achieving high plas-ma concentrations.


    The absorption of fluconazoleis unaffected by variations in gastric pH.


    Renal Elimination

    Probenecid and trimethoprim are competitive in-hibitors of renal tubular secretion of other drugs thatare primarily eliminated through this pathway. Al-though probenecid increases plasma acyclovir concen-trations and trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole increas-es plasma lamivudine concentrations (Fig. 2D), theseinteractions are not clinically important and do not

    warrant a change in dose, because high concentra-tions of these drugs are not associated with adverseeffects.


    Probenecid also inhibits hepatic glucuron-idation of zidovudine and increases plasma zidovu-dine concentrations by 80 percent.


    The clinical im-portance of this increase is unknown.


    The multiple metabolic pathways of some drugsmake it difficult to predict the outcome of drug in-teractions. Although in vitro systems have been de-

    *Data are from Flockhart


    and Michalets.







    P-450 I














    HIV I









    Astemizole Amprenavir CarbamazepineClarithromycin Clarithromycin EfavirenzCyclosporine Delavirdine NevirapineDapsone Efavirenz PhenytoinEfavirenz Erythromycin PhenobarbitalEr ythromycin Fluconazole R ifampinEstrogens Fluoxetine RifabutinEtoposide Grapefruit juice RitonavirFentanyl Indinavir TroglitazoneMidazolam ItraconazoleNefazodone KetoconazolePrednisone LopinavirProtease


    Sertraline SaquinavirTestosteroneTriazolam





    Codeine FluoxetineDesipramine ParoxetineFluoxetine QuinidineHaloper idol Ritonav irMethadone Ser tralineMorphineParoxetineRisperidone







    Nelfinavir Fluconazole RifampinOmeprazole OmeprazoleDiazepam Fluoxetine







    Haloperidol Ciprofloxacin CarbamazepineTheophylline Clarithromycin Phenytoin

    Zileuton Erythromycin PhenobarbitalFluvoxamine Ritonav irParoxetine Cigarette smoke

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    Copyright 2001 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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    N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 13

    March 29, 2001

    The New England Journal of Medicine

    veloped to test the effects of certain drugs on themetabolism of other drugs, these systems may not ac-curately predict the effect in patients receiving drugs

    with complex metabolism, and induction interactionsmay not be detected if the system can assess only inhi-bition.


    For example, initial in vitro data from humanliver microsomes suggested that plasma methadoneconcentrations would be increased by the inhibitoryeffects of ritonavir on CYP3A4.


    In a clinical study,however, plasma methadone concentrations were de-creased by the administration of ritonavir.


    Subse-quently, ritonavir was found to displace methadonefrom plasma proteinbinding sites and to increaseits metabolism by inducing CYP2B6, which degrades



    Studies in hepatocytes revealed noeffect of rifampin on glucuronidation of zidovudine,but rifampin-induced glucuronidation of zidovudine

    was demonstrated in vivo.12,47,48

    Even clinical studies may not accurately predictchanges if the interaction is dependent on time. Ri-tonavir inhibits the metabolism of alprazolam duringa short-term regimen of ritonavir but induces the me-tabolism of alprazolam when it is given for 10 days.49

    Furthermore, most in vivo and in vitro studies of druginteractions evaluate two-drug regimens, and the re-sults may not apply to the multi-drug regimens oftenused clinically. This is especially true for a regimenconsisting of three or more drugs with opposing ef-

    Figure 2. Mechanisms of Drug Interactions.

    Inhibition of intestinal and hepatic CYP3A4 by ritonavir markedly increases plasma saquinavir concentrations when saquinavir is

    given at a dose of 400 mg and ritonavir at a dose of 600 mg (Panel A; bars denote standard errors).20

    Induction of intestinal P-gly-coprotein by rifampin decreases plasma digoxin concentrations (Panel B; I bars denote standard deviations).7 The combination ofciprofloxacin and didanosine results in decreased plasma ciprofloxacin concentrations, because absorption of the drug is decreasedby chelation with divalent cations in the antacid buffer of didanosine (Panel C; bars denote standard deviations).5 When lamivudineis combined with trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX), plasma lamivudine concentrations are increased through the inhi-

    bition of renal tubular secretion by TMP-SMX (Panel D).13 Panel A is reprinted from Hsu et al.20 with the permission of the publisher.Panel B is reprinted from Greiner et al.7 with the permission of the publisher. Panel C is reprinted from Sahai et al. 5 with the per-mission of the publisher. Panel D is reprinted from Moore et al.13 with the permission of the publisher.



    0 40



    4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36


    Ritonavir (with saquinavir)Saquinavir (with ritonavir)Saquinavir alone








    0 7








    1 2 3

    Digoxin aloneDigoxin with rifampin

    4 5 6







    0 24













    Ciprofloxacin aloneCiprofloxacin with antacid




    0 32






    4 8 12 16 20 24 28


    Lamivudine aloneLamivudine with TMP-SMX




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    N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 13 March 29, 2001 989

    fects on CYP3A4 metabolism. The lack of multi-drug interaction studies provides little assistance tothe clinician, who is left to rely on adverse effects ortreatment failure to demonstrate whether an interac-tion occurred.



    Because nucleoside-analogue reverse-transcriptaseinhibitors are primarily eliminated by the kidneys, theydo not interact with other drugs through the cyto-chrome P-450 system. These drugs can be given withprotease inhibitors and non-nucleoside reverse-trans-criptase inhibitors without dosage adjustments.

    Nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors are pro-drugs that require intracellular phosphorylation to theactive moiety, and they may therefore interact withdrugs that compete for the intracellular activationpathway. Ribavirin decreases the phosphorylation ofzidovudine and stavudine in vitro, resulting in de-

    creased concentrations of the active compound.50,51Patients who have HIV infection and hepatitis C maybe treated with regimens that contain ribavirin, whichmay reduce the efficacy of zidovudine. Similarly, zi-dovudine may impair the intracellular phosphoryla-tion of stavudine,1 and this combination is associated

    with a less favorable outcome than other regimenscontaining two nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhib-itors.2 Also, lamivudine inhibits phosphorylation ofzalcitabine.3

    Other intracellular interactions may increase theactivity of nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors.Hydroxyurea, an inhibitor of the enzyme ribonucle-otide reductase, which is involved in the formation of

    deoxynucleotides, increases the antiviral action of di-danosine.52 One possible mechanism for this effect in-

    volves a decrease in the intracellular pool of 2'-deox-yadenosine-5'-triphosphate (dATP), which competeswith 2',3'-dideoxyadenosine-5'-triphosphate (ddATP),the active metabolite of didanosine, for incorporationinto viral DNA. As a result, the intracellular ratio ofddATP to dATP is increased, improving the antiviralpotency of didanosine. However, the long-term clin-ical benefits of hydroxyurea-containing combinationsare unclear, because hydroxyurea blunts the increasein CD4 cells that occurs in response to antiretroviraltherapy and has numerous adverse effects, includinghepatitis, pancreatitis, and bone marrow toxicity.53



    The three non-nucleoside reverse-transcriptase in-hibitors that have been approved by the FDA can in-hibit or induce cytochrome P-450 activity, depend-ing on the specific drug. Nevirapine and efavirenz aremoderate inducers of CYP3A4. Nevirapine decreasesplasma concentrations of indinavir and saquinavir (Ta-ble 3) but does not have clinically important effects

    on nelfinavir and ritonavir, because these drugs arenot exclusively metabolized by CYP3A4, and theyinduce their own metabolism, minimizing the effectsof further induction.58,60,63 Efavirenz inhibits or in-duces cytochrome P-450 activity, depending on theconcomitantly administered drug. Efavirenz decreases

    plasma concentrations of indinavir, lopinavir, saquina-vir, and amprenavir55,57,59,64 but increases plasma con-centrations of ritonavir and nelfinavir by approxi-mately 20 percent, possibly through inhibition of theCYP2C9 or CYP2C19 pathway.65,66 Since efavirenzcauses large decreases in plasma saquinavir concen-trations, this combination should be avoided, unlessgiven concomitantly with ritonavir.67

    Of particular concern is the effect of nevirapine orefavirenz on plasma methadone concentrations. Bothdrugs can reduce plasma methadone concentrationsby about 50 percent in patients receiving methadonemaintenance therapy,68,69 and many patients havesymptoms consistent with methadone withdrawal,

    requiring an increase in the dose of methadone. Pa-tients receiving methadone should be monitoredclosely when given efavirenz or nevirapine, with theexpectation that the methadone dose will need to beincreased.

    Delavirdine is a potent inhibitor of cytochromeP-450. Because of its effect on CYP3A4, serious toxiceffects may occur if delavirdine is administered withantiarrhythmic drugs, calcium-channel blockers, sed-ative or hypnotic drugs, or quinidine.70 The admin-istration of delavirdine with vasoconstrictor drugs suchas ergotamine can lead to peripheral ischemia andcan increase the toxicity of certain chemotherapeuticdrugs, such as etoposide and paclitaxel. Clinicians

    need to be aware of and avoid these combinations.


    HIV-protease inhibitors are associated with numer-ous drug interactions, many of which are clinicallyimportant (Table 3). These drugs are inhibitors ofCYP3A4 enzymes and are contraindicated in combi-nation with certain antiarrhythmic drugs, sedative andhypnotic drugs, ergot derivatives, cisapride, and the3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductaseinhibitors lovastatin and simvastatin. Ritonavir is themost potent inhibitor of cytochrome activity and istherefore most likely to interact with other drugs.Indinavir, amprenavir, and nelfinavir have a moderateprobability of causing interactions, and saquinavir hasthe lowest probability. The newer, soft-gel formula-tion of saquinavir is similar to the original formula-tion in this respect.9 The combination of lopinavirand ritonavir is likely to have interactions that are sim-ilar to those of full-dose ritonavir alone, but the mag-nitude of the interactions may be smaller.57

    In addition to inhibiting enzymes, ritonavir hasenzyme-inducing properties, even inducing its ownmetabolism in a dose-dependent manner during the

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    990 N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 13 March 29, 2001

    The New England Journal of Medicine

    first 14 days of therapy.71 Ritonavir decreases plasmaconcentrations of theophylline, probably through theinduction of CYP1A2.72 Ritonavir and nelfinavir alsoincrease glucuronosyltransferase activity, which maypartly explain the substantial decreases in plasma ethi-nyl estradiol concentrations during concurrent thera-py with these protease inhibitors.73,74 Alternative oradditional methods of contraception are recommend-ed in women taking ritonavir or nelfinavir.

    Not only do HIV-protease inhibitors affect themetabolism of certain drugs, but their own metabo-lism is also altered by other inducers or inhibitors ofcytochrome activity. Potent enzyme-inducing drugscan cause clinically important decreases in plasmaconcentrations of protease inhibitors. For example,

    rifampin decreases plasma saquinavir concentrationsby 70 to 80 percent.9,54 The resulting low plasma con-centrations may promote viral resistance and result intreatment failure. With the possible exception of ri-tonavir, protease inhibitors should not be given topatients receiving rifampin.75 Patients with tuberculo-sis who are already receiving a protease inhibitorshould be treated with a four-drug regimen that in-cludes rifabutin instead of rifampin.54 For patients re-ceiving indinavir, nelfinavir, or amprenavir, the doseof rifabutin should be reduced from 300 to 150 mgper day to compensate for the inhibition of rifabutinclearance by these drugs. Increasing the dose of in-dinavir from 800 to 1000 mg every eight hours, inaddition to reducing the dose of rifabutin, is also an

    *AUC denotes area under the concentrationtime curve, and HMG CoA 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A.



    Amprenavir Rifampin Amprenavir AUC decreased by 81%54

    Avoid combinations of rifampin and

    protease inhibitor except possibly forrifampin and ritonavir; use rifabutinat adjusted dose with nelfinavir, am-prenavir, indinavir, and ritonavir

    Indinavir Rifampin Indinavir AUC decreased by 92%54

    Ritonavir Rifampin Ritonavir AUC decreased by 35%54

    Saquinavir (hard or soft gelcapsules)

    Rifampin Saquinavir AUC decreased by 7080%9,54

    Nelfinavir Rifampin Nelfinavir AUC decreased by 82%54

    Amprenavir Efavirenz Amprenavir AUC decreased by 36%55 Increase amprenavir dose to 1200 mg 3times a day or add ritonavir (200 mgtwice a day)

    HMG CoA reductase inhibitorsSimvastatin Ritonavir with saquinavir

    (soft gel capsules)Simvastatin AUC increased by a factor of 3256 Do not use simvastatin with ritonavir

    Atorvastatin Ritonavir with saquinavir(soft gel capsules)

    Atorvastatin AUC increased by a factor of4.556

    Use atorvastatin with slow dose t itra-tion and close monitoring

    Pravastatin Ritonavir with saquinavir(soft gel capsules)

    Pravastatin AUC decreased by a factor of0.556

    Adjustment of pravastatin dose not re-quired

    Atorvastatin Lopinavirritonavir Atorvastatin AUC increased by a factor of5.957

    Use atorvastatin with slow dose t itra-tion and close monitoring

    Pravastatin Lopinavirritonavir Pravastatin AUC increased by 30%57 Pravastatin does not require dose ad-justment

    Indinavir Nevirapine Indinavir AUC decreased by 28%58 Increase indinavir dose to 1000 mg ev-ery 8 hours

    Indinavir Efavirenz Indinavir AUC decreased by 35%59 Increase indinavir dose to 1000 mg ev-ery 8 hours

    Lopinavirritonavir Efavirenz Lopinavir trough concentration decreased by 40%57

    Consider increasing lopinavir dose to533 mg and ritonavir dose to 133 mg

    Rifabutin Amprenavir

    Rifabutin increased by a factor of 2 to 354

    Decrease rifabutin dose to 150 mg/dayIndinavir Decrease rifabutin dose to 150 mg/day,

    increase indinavir dose to 1000 mg 3times a day


    Rifabutin Ritonavir Rifabutin AUC increased by a factor of 454 Decrease rifabutin dose to 150 mg ev-ery 2 or 3 days or 2 or 3 times a week

    Rifabutin Lopinavirritonavir Rifabutin AUC increased by a factor of 357 Decrease rifabutin dose to 150 mg ev-ery 2 or 3 days or 2 or 3 times a week

    Saquinavir Nevirapine Saquinavir AUC decreased by 62%60 Avoid combination unless ritonavir is

    used concomitantlySaquinavir (hard or soft gelcapsules)

    Rifabutin Saquinavir AUC decreased by 45% (hard gelcapsules) or 47% (soft gel capsules)9,54

    Avoid combination unless ritonavir isadministered concomitantly

    Sildenafil Indinavir, saquinavir, orritonavir

    Sildenafil AUC increased by a factor of 2 withindinavir, a factor of 3 with saquinavir, anda factor of 11 with ritonavir61,62

    Start with 25 mg of sildenafil; with ri-tonavir, do not repeat the sildenafildose for 48 hours

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    N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 13 March 29, 2001 991

    option.76 Ritonavir increases the area under the curvefor plasma rifabutin by a factor of four, which maylead to clinically important adverse effects.77,78 How-ever, intermittent administration of rifabutin, either150 mg every three days or 300 mg every seven days,is safe and tolerable over a two-month period with

    a combination of ritonavir and saquinavir (400 mgof each drug every 12 hours).79 Updated guidelinesfor using rifabutin and rifampin in patients receivingantiretroviral drugs have recently been issued by theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention.79

    Other potent enzyme inducers, such as phenytoin,phenobarbital, and carbamazepine, can cause similarreductions in plasma concentrations of protease in-hibitors.80 Although standard doses of carbamaze-pine and phenobarbital may have to be decreased inthe presence of protease inhibitors, standard doses ofphenytoin may have to be increased in the presenceof nelfinavir or ritonavir.81 For example, plasma phen-

    ytoin concentrations were decreased by nelfinavir, per-

    haps through the induction of its CYP2C9-mediatedmetabolism.82 Ritonavir may either inhibit or inducethe metabolism of phenytoin, as it does with alpra-zolam, depending on the duration of ritonavir thera-py.49 Interactions between anticonvulsant drugs andprotease inhibitors are complex because of their two-

    way nature. It is best to avoid these combinations, andclose monitoring is required when they must be used.

    Patients who are taking protease inhibitors andwho require prophylaxis against Mycobacterium aviumcomplex infection can be given azithromycin or cla-rithromycin. The area under the curve for plasma cla-rithromycin is moderately increased by ritonavir andindinavir, but dosage adjustments are not necessary

    in patients with normal renal function.83,84 Azithromy-cin is excreted primarily by the biliary route and doesnot interact with protease inhibitors or delavirdine.85

    The concept of using drug interactions to the pa-tients benefit has been the focus of much research.The administration of cytochrome P-450 inhibitors

    with other drugs can reduce the pill burden, increaseplasma concentrations, simplify the dosing schedule,and circumvent drug interactions. Table 4 lists com-binations that improve the pharmacokinetic profile ofprotease inhibitors. The bioavailability of saquinaviris less than 20 percent, and up to 18 capsules per daymust be given to achieve effective plasma concentra-tions. When ritonavir is given with saquinavir, how-ever, steady-state plasma concentrations of saquinavirincrease by a factor of 20 or more, dramatically im-proving the oral bioavailability of the drug.22 Withritonavir 400 mg twice daily, the dose of saquinavircan be reduced from 1200 mg every eight hours to400 mg twice daily, decreasing the number of sa-quinavir capsules that must be taken from 18 to 4 perday. Similarly, nelfinavir raises plasma saquinavir con-centrations by a factor of about 12, allowing the doseof saquinavir to be reduced to 1000 mg twice daily.87

    The combination of ritonavir and indinavir canovercome the unfavorable pharmacokinetic proper-ties of indinavir. Indinavir must be taken every eighthours on an empty stomach or with a meal that islow in fat (

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    drugs, complicating the prophylaxis and treatment ofopportunistic infections (Table 3). Ketoconazole anditraconazole, which are potent inhibitors of CYP3A4and moderate inhibitors of P-glycoprotein, can begiven to increase plasma concentrations of proteaseinhibitors.34 For example, ketoconazole increases thearea under the curve for plasma saquinavir by 150percent.96 However, this combination is rarely givenbecause of concern about the toxicity of ketocona-zole and the development of resistant fungal infec-tions. Fluconazole can also inhibit CYP3A4, althoughthe extent of inhibition and the magnitude of inter-actions are dose-dependent. Doses of less than 200mg per day are not associated with important inter-actions, whereas higher doses can increase plasma con-centrations of substrates of CYP3A4,97 as well as glu-curonidated drugs such as zidovudine.98 Fluconazolealso inhibits CYP2C9, as evidenced by its potentialto increase the risk of bleeding in patients also tak-ing warfarin.99

    Erythromycin and clarithromycin are substrates ofCYP3A4 and inhibitors of both CYP3A4 and P-gly-coprotein.34 Rifampin and rifabutin can substantially

    decrease plasma clarithromycin concentrations, butthe clinical importance of the decrease is unknown be-cause intracellular concentrations of macrolides aremuch higher than plasma concentrations.100,101 De-creased effectiveness against pathogens such as M. avi-umcomplex is a potential concern, but no studieshave specifically addressed the clinical effect of thecombination.

    Fluconazole increases the area under the curve forplasma rifabutin by 75 percent.102 This combinationof drugs is more effective in preventing M. aviumcomplex bacteremia than rifabutin alone, althoughthere is an increased risk of rifabutin-associated toxiceffects, such as uveitis and arthralgias.103


    Alternative Therapies

    Alternative therapies, including herbal remedies andnutritional supplements, have long been consideredharmless. However, certain alternative therapies mayinteract with drugs used in the treatment of HIV in-fection. St. Johns wort decreases the area under thecurve for plasma indinavir by more than 50 percent

    *AUC denotes area under the concentrationtime curve, and Css plasma concentration in steadystate.



    Amprenavir Lopinavirritonavir Amprenavir AUC increased57 Consider giving amprenavir at

    a dose of 750 mg twice aday

    Indinavir Ritonavir Indinavir AUC increased by a factor of up to 3 andtrough concentration in-creased by a factor of 3 to710,86

    Regimens under evaluation:800 mg of indinavir and100 mg of ritonavir twice aday, 800 and 200 mg twicea day, and 400 and 400 mgtwice a day

    Indinavir Delavirdine Indinavir AUC increased by a factor of 394

    Consider decreasing indinavirdose to 600 mg three timesa day

    Indinavir Lopinavirritonavir Increased indinavir AUC57 Consider giving indinavir at adose of 600 mg twice a day

    Saquinavir Lopinavirritonavir Increased saquinavir AUC57 Consider giving saquinavir ata dose of 800 mg twice aday

    Saquinav ir Nelfinav ir Saquinavir AUC increased by a factor of 5 (soft gel cap-sules) or 12 (hard gel cap-sules)87

    Decrease saquinavir dose to800 mg three times a day or1000 mg twice a day

    Saquinavir Ritonavir Saquinavir Css increased by afactor of 20 or more22

    Give both drugs at a dose of400 mg twice a day; regi-mens under evaluation: 200mg of ritonavir and 800 mgof saquinavir twice a day,100 and 1000 mg twice aday

    Saquinavir Delavirdine Saquinavir AUC increased by a factor of 595

    Consider decreasing thesaquinavir dose to 800 mgthree times a day

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    N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 13 March 29, 2001 993

    in normal subjects, an effect that is due to the in-duction of CYP3A4 or P-glycoprotein.104-106 Use ofthis herb should be avoided in patients taking pro-tease inhibitors and non-nucleoside reverse-transcrip-tase inhibitors, because of the risk of viral resistanceto these drugs.

    Raw garlic and garlic supplements inhibit the ac-tivity of CYP3A4 in vitro and in animals.107,108 Severegastrointestinal toxicity was reported in two personsafter they ingested garlic supplements with ritona-

    vir.109 Other herbs with reported in vitro effects oncytochrome P-450mediated drug metabolism in-clude silymarin (milk thistle), ginseng, and skullcap.110

    Clinicians should be aware of these potential inter-actions, because alternative therapies are not usuallyevaluated as a cause of treatment failure or toxicity.

    DrugCytokine Interactions

    Cytochrome P-450 drug metabolism can be al-tered by certain proinflammatory cytokines such as

    interleukin-6, interleukin-1, and tumor necrosis fac-tor a (TNF-a).111 These cytokines are released dur-ing periods of stress, trauma, or infection. In severalin vitro studies, interleukin-6 and TNF-a inhibitedcytochrome P-450mediated metabolism through ametabolic interaction at the level of transcription ofcytochrome mRNA.112

    The administration of immunomodulators such asinterleukin-2 results in a profound release of thesecytokines.113,114 In a study of HIV-infected patients

    who were receiving a five-day infusion of interleu-kin-2, the area under the curve for plasma indinavir

    was increased by 75 percent.115


    Several studies have established associations betweenplasma concentrations of protease inhibitors and theirantiviral effects,116-118 suggesting a role for therapeuticmonitoring of these drugs. Although there is con-siderable debate regarding the value of drug moni-toring,119-121 determination of plasma drug concen-trations may have a role in the evaluation of druginteractions, provided that the limitations in the useof plasma drug measurements to evaluate individualpatients are recognized. These limitations includethe large variability in pharmacokinetic characteristics

    within individual patients, lack of information on spe-cific therapeutic ranges and target concentrations (i.e.,data on the concentrations that cause 50 percent in-hibition), variations in drug binding to a1-acid glyco-protein and albumin, slow viral responses to changesin plasma drug concentrations, and clinical interpre-tations of measurements.

    The clinical utility of therapeutic monitoring ofantiretroviral drugs has yet to be proved, but trials areongoing. Adjustments of doses on the basis of plas-ma drug measurements in cases of drug interactions

    should be made with caution pending the outcome oftrials examining the correlations between such meas-urements and virologic and clinical end points. Anydecision to adjust a dose, whether because of low plas-ma drug concentrations or drug toxicity, must takeinto consideration the wide variability in plasma drug

    concentrations in an individual patient, both on asingle day and from one day to the next due to di-urnal and food effects, the stage of the disease, andchanges in adherence to the treatment regimen.


    New information about drug interactions in pa-tients with HIV infection becomes available almost

    weekly. The increasing number of documented andtheoretical drug interactions can be overwhelmingfor the practicing clinician. Fortunately, extensive ta-bles and product information are available to aid in therecognition and management of drug interactions(Table 5). A thorough drug history, including over-

    the-counter drugs and alternative therapies, shouldbe obtained at each clinic visit. Clinicians should havea high index of suspicion for a drug interaction inpatients receiving antiretroviral therapy who have anincreased viral load or clinical progression, if otherfactors, including adherence, can be ruled out. Inter-actions should also be suspected in patients with se-rious toxic effects of antiretroviral or supportive drugs.Regimens containing many drugs and drugs with ahigh potential for interactions (rifamycin, proteaseinhibitors, and antifungal drugs) should be reviewedand assessed for drug interactions. The selection ofa drug that is less likely to interact with other drugsshould be considered if warranted by the clinical cir-

    cumstances. For example, azithromycin is not metab-olized by cytochrome P-450 and does not have theinteractions associated with other macrolide antibi-otics. Similarly, fluconazole at low doses is less likelyto interact with other drugs than are ketoconazole

    TABLE 5. WEB SITESWITH INFORMATIONABOUT DRUG INTERACTIONS. (Department of Pharma-cology, Georgetown University Medical Center) (food and drug interactions) (HIV/AIDS Treatment Information Service) (dental information) (in German) (Johns Hopkins AIDS Service) (International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care) (Liverpool HIV Pharmacology Group)

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    and itraconazole. Therapeutic use of pharmacokineticinteractions should be considered to simplify com-plex regimens and reduce the pill burden.

    With so many new drugs in clinical development,drug interactions will continue to be an importantaspect of the treatment of patients with HIV infec-

    tion. It is essential that clinicians understand the mainmechanisms and concepts underlying these interac-tions, so that they can choose regimens for their pa-tients that are potent, safe, and convenient.

    Dr. Gallicano has received research grants from HoffmannLaRocheCanada and Merck.


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