Musicplay Kindergarten Piano Accompaniment Sample

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Page 1: Musicplay Kindergarten Piano Accompaniment Sample
Page 2: Musicplay Kindergarten Piano Accompaniment Sample

Musicplay for Kindergarten Piano Accompaniments

The creation of the piano accompaniments for Musicplay for Kindergarten has been a lengthy and demanding process. Many writers and editors have been involved:

Craig Cassils, composer, arranger Denise Gagne, composer, arranger, senior editor Stacy Gagne, composer, arranger, layout editor

Shauna Skinner, junior editor, arranger Shannon Woolgar, junior editor

Nyágai István, arranger Leanne Holloway, text editor

Notes to the Teacher:The numbering in this collection corresponds to the song number in the Musicplay Teacher’s Guide and the Musicplay student books. If a number is missing, it is for a listening selection in the teacher’s guide, and no piano accompaniment would be given for it. When we felt the key a song was recorded in made it difficult to play, we have given the piano accompaniment in the more playable key. In some cases, we felt that the keys of the recordings were lower than we liked for the students to sing with, so we gave the piano accompaniment in a more suitable key. You can contact us via email ([email protected]) if you’d like to have the piano accompa-niment in the original key. We will be happy to send it to as a pdf file at no charge.

No photocopying of piano accompaniments is permitted. If you need an additional copy of a single song for music festival or contest, these are available for $4. You can contact us via email ([email protected]) to order single songs. We do hope to set up online ordering of single songs in the future.

Page 3: Musicplay Kindergarten Piano Accompaniment Sample


Welcome to SchoolPut Your Finger on Your LipJoin Into the GameYou’ve Got to SingFollow, Follow MeA Smile Goes a Long, Long WayHickety TicketyDo You Want to be my Friend?Walk to SchoolAndy PandyDr. KnickerbockerGingerbread ManColor SongI am a PizzaAutumn LeavesShape SongHey, Hey, Look at Me!We Cook TurkeyI’m Glad I Have a NoseLondon BridgeI Get a Happy FeelingStop! Look and ListenOctober is HerePumpkin StewBrush Your TeethHalloween Looby LooCostume FunPumpkin PumpkinGrumpy GrizzlyCan’t Wait to HibernateTommy ThumbSambaleleKumbayahTake my Little CarDays of the WeekOld NavyRainbow WorldOld King GloryBearTeddy BearWheat in the WindPhoney BaloneyBarnacle BillABC BluesPut the Beat in Your FeetI’d Go DancingOne Little CandleGermsCurly JoeAnd Santa is His Name


Rock Around the Christmas TreeChristmas is HerePlay the Bells to CelebrateJolly Jolly SantaHe’ll be Comin’ Down the ChimneyLet’s Get on BoardHa Ha ThisawaySnowman JoeBogannin’ HillOld Mother BrownPenguin PolkaMonths of the YearJubileeWho has the Pencil?Sailor SongFiddledeedeePretty PrincessCheer for 100!It Takes One to Know OneArroz con lechePage’s TrainChew ChewDown by the StationGroundhogWillowbeeLittle AirplaneThree Wheeled CarListen to me PlayI Like ValentinesAs Friends We’re TwoKangarooWallaby HopHey There FriendHead and ShouldersIf You’re HappyWe Don’t Put up with PutdownsAlice the CamelTisket a TasketSan SeverinoDinosaursDinosaur Ditty-waI Wanna Be a DogBurnie BeeA me LimboPurple StewLeprechaun MarchMichael FinniganMr. TrollDon’t Throw Your JunkMe and my Kite



Knees up Mother BrownTingalayoFour in a BoatPass the ShoeHugs and Grugs and SnugglebugsBubble GumKids are CoolEaster Bunny Hops AlongEaster is HereColor the EggsOld Mr. RabbitSpacewormsFive Green MenRain RainSix Inch BootsIf All the RaindropsAme AmeWe’ve Got the Whole WorldBluebirdGrandma MosesGrandma and GrandpaWear a HelmetDe Bajo del BotonMoms are SpecialFrog in my PocketOn a LogScie le boisChicamyWelcome to BermoodaPeanut ButterFarmer in the DellLos PollitosWatch our Garden GrowListen to the WaterGo Round and Round the VillageSee SawUptown ZooFiremanCircus ParadeNaughty Kitty CatThe Humpback WhalesA Boy and a Girl in a CanoeMiss PollyThe MillHotaru KoiSammy the SalmonWhat Shall We Do?Let Your Light ShineDraw a Bucket of WaterShe’ll be Coming



Song: Pg: Song: Pg: Song: Pg:

Table of Contents

Themes & VariationsBox 25109 Deer Park PO, Red Deer, Alberta, T4R 2M2

Email: [email protected] Toll Free Phone or Fax: 1-888-K6 Choir (1-888-562-4647)

Web Site: www.musicplay.caPrinted in Canada

Copyright ©2007 by Themes & Variations ISBN Number: 1-897099-13-4No copying of any part of this book is allowed!

Thousands of hours have gone into the writing, layout and editing of this book. Please do not photocopy!

Page 4: Musicplay Kindergarten Piano Accompaniment Sample

1. Welcome to School

Page 5: Musicplay Kindergarten Piano Accompaniment Sample





œ œ œŒ

lot of fun.)


œœ œœ œœŒ


œ œ œ œ

jœ œjœ œ œ

Now is the time to

jœœœ œœœjœœœ œœœ œœ

œ œœ


œ œ œ Œsing and play.

œœœœœœ ˙̇̇


œ œ œ œ




13 jœ œjœ œ œ

(Now is the time to

13 jœœœ œœœjœœœ œœœ œœ


œ œœ


œ œ œ Œsing and play.)

œœœœœœ ˙̇̇


œ œ œ œ

œ œ œ œHope you have a

œœœ œœœ œœœ œœC F C/E C

œ œ œ œ







‹ œ œŒ

(clap) great day!


Œ œœœ œœœŒ

G 7 C

œ œ œ œ

œ œ œ œ(Hope you have a

œœœ œœœ œœœ œœC F C/E C

œ œ œ œ

‹ œ œŒ

(clap) great day!)

Œ œœœ œœœŒ

G 7 C

œ œ œŒ

Page 6: Musicplay Kindergarten Piano Accompaniment Sample

2. Put Your Finger on Your Lip













.œ œ .œ œ œ ..œœ œD 7

œ œ œ œ

Ó Œ .œ œPut your


.˙̇ .œ œG

œ œ œ Œ

.œ œ .œ œ œ .œ œfin - ger on your lip, on your

œ .œ œ œ ..œœ œœ

œ œ œ Œ

œ Œ Œ .œ œlip! Put your

œœ Œ Œ .œ œD

Œ œ œŒ








œ .œ œ œ .œ œhand on your hip, on your


œ .œ œ œœ ..œœ


D 7

œ œ œ Œ

œ Œ Œ .œ œhip! Put your

œœ Œ Œ .œ œG

Œ œ œ Œ

.œ œ .œ œ œ .œ œfin - ger on your lip and your

.œ œ .œ œ œ .œ œC

œ œ œ œ










œ .œ œ œ .œ œhand on your hip. Put your


.œ œ .œ œ œ .œ œG

œ œ œ œ

.œ œ .œ œ œ .œ œfin - ger on your lip, on your

.œ œ .œ œ œœ ..œœ œD 7

œ œ œ œ

œ ‹ ‹ .œ œlip! Zip zip! Put your

œœŒ Œ .œ œ


œ œ œ Œ

As sung by Barb Leslie/arr. C.C.


Page 7: Musicplay Kindergarten Piano Accompaniment Sample

20. I am a Pizza







.œ œ œ œ# œœU


G 7


œ .œ œ œ œI am a piz - za.

œ .œ œ œ œC

œ œœ œœœ

œ .œ œ œ .œ œ(I am a piz - za.) With

œ .œ œ œ .œ œ

œ œœ œœ

œ œ œ .œ œex - tra cheese. (With

œ œ œœ ..œœ œG 7

œ œœ


œ œ œ Œex-tra cheese.)

œ œ ..œœ œ .œ œ

œ œ œœ





œ œ œ œFrom to - ma - toes


œ œ œ œœ

œ œœ


œ œ œ œ(From to - ma - toes)

œ œ œ œœ

œ œœ


œ œ ˙sauce is squeezed.

œœ œœ ˙̇C

œ œœ


œ œ ˙(sauce is squeezed.)

œœ œœ ..œœ œ .œ œ

œ œœ






œ .œ œ œ œOn - ions and mush - rooms,


œ .œ œ œ œF

œ œœ œœœ

œ .œ œ œ œ(On - ions and mush - rooms,)

œ .œ œ œ œ

œ œœ œœœ

œ .œ œ œ Œo - reg - a - no.

œ .œ œ œ ŒG

œ œœ œœœ

œ .œ œ œ Œ(o - reg - a - no.)

œ .œ œ .œ œ .œ œ

œ œœ œœœ

Peter Alsop/arr. C.C.slowly a tempo

Page 8: Musicplay Kindergarten Piano Accompaniment Sample

31. October is Here













‰ . rœ..œœ œ

‰ . rœ..œœ œ

G m

œ œ œ œ

jœœ œœjœœœ œœœ

ŒD 7 G m

œœ œ œ

œ œ œ œHey there kids Oc -

‰ . rœ..œœ œ

‰ . rœ..œœ œ

G m

œ œ œ œ








Jœ œ jœ œ Œto - ber is here.

4 jœœ œœjœœ œœ

ŒD 7 G m

œ œ œ œ

œ œ œ œSpook - y things are

‰ . rœ ..œœ œ‰ . rœ ..œœ œ

C m

œ œ œ œ

jœ# œ jœ ˙far and near.

jœ# œ jœ ˙D

œ ‰ Jœ.œ œ .œ œ








œ œ œ œSkel - e - tons will


‰ . rœ..œœ œ

‰ . rœ..œœ œ

G m

œ œ œ œ

Jœ œ jœ ˙come to say,

jœœ œœjœœœ œœœ

ŒD 7 G m

œ œ œ œ

œ œ œ œ"Hope you have a

‰ . rœ..œœ œ

‰ . rœ..œœ œ

G m

œ œ œ œ

Ann Wood/arr. C.C.

Page 9: Musicplay Kindergarten Piano Accompaniment Sample








jœ œ#jœ ˙

scar - y day."


jœœ œœ#jœœœ ˙̇̇

C m D G m

Jœœ œœ




œ .œ œ

œ œ œ œBlackPump -Spid -


show us

‰ . rœ..œœ œ

‰ . rœ..œœ œ

G m

œ œ œ œ

Jœ œ jœ ˙what you do.

jœœ œœjœœœ œœœ

ŒD 7 G m

œ œ œ œ








œ œ œ œCount to 8 and


‰ . rœ..œœ œ

‰ . rœ..œœ œ

G m

œ œ œ œ

jœ œ#jœ ˙

you'll be through.

jœœ œœ#jœœœ ˙̇̇

C m D G m

Jœœ œœ



‹ Œ ‹ Œ1 2

œ œ œ œ










‹ Œ ‹ Œ3 4


œ œ œ œ

‹ Œ ‹ Œ5 6

œ œ œ œ

‹ Œ ‹ Œ7 8

jœœ œœ#jœœœ ˙̇̇

C m D G m

Jœœ œœ

