Generar un proyecto GUI (con marea) (http://www.mohid.com/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_configure_a_2D_model_forced_with_tide_wit h_MOHID) Componentes de Marea (Tidal components) Páginas Webs: http://www.mohid.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=598&highlight=constant+tidal&sid=ee149973a2c875 5faa8f8a2cb152f403 Cómo generar una marea ? (http://www.mohid.com/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_generate_tide_for_Mohid%3F) Once you created a gridded bathymetry , before you run the model simulation, you may want to generate the tidal gauges that will generate the tide at the open-boundaries during the simulation. Step 1 - Create the tidal gauges points in the GIS Create a new points layer in GIS Make sure that you already have created your bathymetric gridded data file and that it's currently open in your GIS project. Now, simply add a new data item from the menu: Select XYZ type, then click on Browse Choose a name for the tidal gauge points, then hit save:

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Generar un proyecto GUI (con marea) (http://www.mohid.com/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_configure_a_2D_model_forced_with_tide_with_MOHID) Componentes de Marea (Tidal components) Páginas Webs: http://www.mohid.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=598&highlight=constant+tidal&sid=ee149973a2c8755faa8f8a2cb152f403 Cómo generar una marea? (http://www.mohid.com/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_generate_tide_for_Mohid%3F) Once you created a gridded bathymetry, before you run the model simulation, you may want to generate the tidal gauges that will generate the tide at the open-boundaries during the simulation.

Step 1 - Create the tidal gauges points in the GIS Create a new points layer in GIS

• Make sure that you already have created your bathymetric gridded data file and that it's currently open in your GIS project. Now, simply add a new data item from the menu:

• Select XYZ type, then click on Browse

• Choose a name for the tidal gauge points, then hit save:

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• Select option Constant, then click on Pick Color (a new window pops up), then select a

bright color and hit Ok on the new window (it will make the new window close), then click on Ok, and the new configuration will be enabled.

• Close and comply with changes by hitting the Ok button

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• From the Data Items menu, select the Save All option

Step 2 - Generate the tidal gauges from FES2004 In order to generate tidal gauges from FES2004, you will need to obtain the data file and the program that performs the extraction into MOHID tidal-gauge format. Here you will find details about that.

• Get the mohid-tide package and extract it somewhere on your disk;

• Transfer the xyz file to the mohid-tide folder. WARNING: Remove any blank lines from the xyz file!

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• Edit the run-tide.bat accordingly to the following example: >mohid-tide ..\fes2004data\tide.nc TideGaugesTest.xyz output.dat 0 2.08

• Run the batch file. This will create the tidal gauge file.

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• Verify if your tidal gauge file is correctly formed. Edit it and inspect.

• Descripción General (http://www.mohid.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=24&highlight=impose+water+level) Para agregar una salida temporal en un punto hay dos maneras de realizarlo:

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Una es generando un archivo .dat que contenga la ubicación del punto del que deseo obtener información y además se agrega una linéa al archivo hidrodinámico con la ruta del mismo: TIME_SERIE : 1 DT_OUTPUT_TIME : 600. TIME_SERIE_LOCATION : C:\Documents and Settings\greguero\Escritorio\Mohid\Mohid-Test\GeneralData\TimeSeriePuntos.dat Archivo .dat: File generated by Mohid GIS DT_OUTPUT_TIME : 60 MAX_BUFFER_SIZE : 10000 Based on GridData file : C:\Documents and Settings\greguero\Escritorio\Mohid\Mohid-Test\GeneralData\BatiPato.dat Based on XYZ file : C:\Documents and Settings\greguero\Escritorio\Mohid\Mohid-Test\Puntos.xyz <BeginTimeSerie> NAME : Station_ 0 LOCALIZATION_I : 5 LOCALIZATION_J : 14 LOCALIZATION_K : 1 VALUE : 8.900001 CENTER_CELL_X : 35.82747 CENTER_CELL_Y : 54.76085 ORIGINAL_X : 35.82635 ORIGINAL_Y : 54.76146 <EndTimeSerie> La otra forma es directamente escribiendo la ubicación del punto en el archivo hidrodinámica: DT_OUTPUT_TIME : 600. TIME_SERIE : 1 <BeginTimeSerie> LOCALIZATION_I : 30 LOCALIZATION_J : 10 LOCALIZATION_K : 1 <EndTimeSerie>

In the data file (see keyword IN_TIDES in the nomfich.dat file) where you defined the tidal guages you can defined the water level associated with a tidal guage in several ways. For example in case of the amplitude evolution (keyword EVOLUTION) you have three options: EVOLUTION : Constant

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EVOLUTION : Time Serie EVOLUTION : Harmonics (default option) In your case you want the second option. For this option you need to define the name of the time serie file where you want to defined the water level using the MOHID time series format. TIME_SERIE_FILE : ********* and the column where you defined the water level LEVEL_COLUMN : 2 You have similar options to defined the reference water level REF_EVOLUTION : Constant (defaut option) REF_EVOLUTION : Time Serie For the Time Seire option the time serie file is the same you only need to defined the column REFLEVEL_COLUMN : 3 The water level imposed in the open boundary is always Water level = amplitude + reference level. In the case of Constant option for the amplitude the keyword to define the amplitude is WATER_LEVEL : 1 and to defined the reference level is REF_LEVEL : 2

<begingauge> NAME : [Gauge name] LONGITUDE : [Degrees] [Minutes] [Seconds] LATITUDE : [Degrees] [Minutes] [Seconds] GRID_I : [Location I on the grid ] GRID_J : [Location I on the grid ] REF_LEVEL : [Reference level] TIME_REF : [Time reference (GMT = 0)] EVOLUTION : [Options: Time Serie, Constant, Harmonics] TIME_SERIE_FILE : [Time series file path] LEVEL_COLUMN : [Data column with elevation values] DT_SERIE : [Time serie time step] <endgauge>

• Componente temporal de marea. (http://www.mohid.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=235&highlight=tidal) Se guardaron ejemplos en una carpeta: Mohid/EJEMPLOS.

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• Componente astronómica de marea (http://www.mohid.com/wiki/index.php?title=Fes2004 -

ftp://ftp.legos.obs-mip.fr/pub/soa/maree/tide_model/global_solution/) Línea HARMONICS => EVOLUTION : Harmonics

• Componente constante de marea

• Tidal Preview: Permite generar una componente temporal de marea construida por un determinado indicador de marea. (http://www.mohid.com/wiki/index.php?title=Tide_Preview)

START : YYYY MM DD HH MM SS !Start time to compute water level END : YYYY MM DD HH MM SS !End time to compute water level DT : real !Time step to compute water level EXPORT_TO_XYZ : 0/1 0 !Create a XYZ file with gauge locations XYZ_FILE : char !Name of XYZ file to be created <begintideprev> IN_TIDES : char !Path to gauge file OUT_FILE : char !Path to output water level time serie file <endtideprev>

Sample IN_TIDES file: <begingauge> NAME : nth test LONGITUDE : -16.0000 33.0000 15.0000 LATITUDE : 15.0000 44.0000 35.0000 METRIC_X : -16.5543 METRIC_Y : 15.7432 REF_LEVEL : 2.08000 TIME_REF : 0.000000 M2 : 0.432953 -88.0402 S2 : 0.166823 -51.6513

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K1 : 0.0566607 -4.53947 K2 : 0.0460439 -54.6424 N2 : 0.0820980 -108.615 2N2 : 0.0104858 -129.940 O1 : 0.0396148 -104.233 Q1 : 0.0186481 -4.40105 P1 : 0.0121636 -161.633 M4 : 0.000000 0.000000 Mf : 0.0140184 -1.40625 Mm : 0.00688141 -4.94457 Mtm : 0.00290994 2.06745 MSqm : 0.000401051 4.38925 <endgauge>

MODULO LAGRANGIANO (http://www.mohid.com/wiki/index.php?title=Module_Lagrangian) Páginas útiles:

• http://www.mohid.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=248&highlight=oil • http://www.mohid.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=163&highlight=oil • http://www.mohid.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=495&highlight=emission+temporal • http://www.mohid.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=433&highlight=emission+temporal

Overview Lagrangian transport models are very useful to simulate localized processes with sharp gradients (submarine outfalls, sediment erosion due to dredging works, hydrodynamic calibration, oil dispersion, etc.). MOHID’s Lagrangian module uses the concept of lagrangian tracers. The most important property of a tracer is its position (x,y,z). For a physicist a tracer can be a water mass, for a geologist it can be a sediment particle or a group of sediment particles and for a chemist it can be a molecule or a group of molecules. A biologist can spot phytoplankton cells in a tracer (at the bottom of the food chain) as well as a shark (at the top of the food chain), which means that a model of this kind can simulate a wide spectrum of processes. The movement of the tracers can be influenced by the velocity field from the hydrodynamic module, by the wind from the surface module, by the spreading velocity from oil dispersion module and by random velocity. At the present stage the model is able to simulate oil dispersion, water quality processes and sediment transport. To simulate oil dispersion the lagrangian module interacts with the oil dispersion module, to simulate water quality the lagrangian module uses the water quality module. Sediment transport can be associated directly to the tracers using the concept of settling velocity. Another feature of the lagrangian transport model is the ability to calculate residence time. This can be very useful when studying the exchange of water masses in bays or estuaries. Concepts Like referred above, the Lagrangian module uses the concept of tracer. The tracers are characterized by there spatial coordinates, volume and a list of properties (each with a given concentration). The properties can be the same one like the ones described in the water properties module or coliform bacteria. Each tracer has associated a time to perform the random movement. The tracers are “born” at origins. Tracers which belong to the same origin have the same list of properties and use the same parameters for random walk, coliform decay, etc. Origins can differ in the way they emit tracers. There are three different ways to define origins in space:

• a Point Origin emits tracers at a given point; • a Box Origin emits tracers over a given area; • a Accident Origin emit tracers in a circular form around a point;

There are two different ways in which origins can emit tracers in time: • a Continuous Origin emits tracers during a period of time;

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• a Instantaneous Origin emits tracers at one instant; • a Moving Origin emits tracers during a period of time along a defined track;

Origins can be grouped together in Groups. Origins which belong to the same group are grouped together in the output file, so it is more easy to analyze the results. Main processes Tracer Movement Turbulent Diffusion Residence Time Monitor boxes Oil spills Water quality processes Ecology First order decayment (coliform bacteria) Sediment transport Contaminants/Partition coefficients Ejemplo Add in nomfich.dat PARTIC_DATA : ../../WestIberia_ET2_2K4/Portugal/data/Lagrangian_1.dat PARTIC_HDF : ../../WestIberia_ET2_2K4/Portugal/res/Lagrangian_1.hdf PARTIC_FIN : ../../WestIberia_ET2_2K4/Portugal/res/Lagrangian_1.fin Add in model.dat LAGRANGIAN : 1 Create Lagrangian.dat OUTPUT_TIME : 0 3600 (primer y último tiempo de la medición para .hdf) OUTPUT_MAX_TRACER : 1 (chequea si se quiere o no dar la máxima concentración de “tracer” de cada celda) 1/0 OUTPUT_CONC : 2 (Integración de salida: 1 -> máxima, 2-> promedio) DT_PARTIC : 60 (Paso de tiempo de la partícula) <BeginOrigin> ORIGIN_NAME : Off Vigo GROUP_ID : 1 EMISSION_SPATIAL : Point EMISSION_TEMPORAL : Instantaneous BOTTOM_EMISSION : 0 (chequea si los marcadores se emiten desde el fondo)1/0 OLD : 0 (Chequea si el calculo de origen continua de una corrida anterior) 1/0 POINT_VOLUME : 1 (Volumen de la emisión instantánea m3) Default: -9999 NBR_PARTIC : 8 (Número de partículas en cada emisión) Default: 1 FLOAT : 1 (indica si la particula flota) 1/0 -> Oil: 1 DT_EMIT : 1800 (tiempo entre cada emisión, si no existe esta llamda tomo el mismo tiempo que DT_PARTIC) MOVEMENT : SullivanAllen (String-> Tipo de particula para el movimiento aleatorio horizontal ?)

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VARVELHX : 0.1 VARVELH : 0.03 TURB_V : Constant

VARVELVX : 0.01 VARVELV : 0.003



START_PARTIC_EMIT : 2007 04 25 09 33 20

<EndOrigin> Link -> http://www.mohid.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=183&highlight=emission+temporal

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DataFile DT_PARTIC : sec. [DT_Model] !Particle Time Step OUTPUT_TIME : sec. sec. sec. [] !Output Time PARTIC_BOX : char [] !Particle Box definition file MONITOR_BOX : char [] !Particle Monitoring box ASSOCIATE_BEACH_PROB : 0/1 [0] !Associates Beaching Probabilities DEFAULT_BEACHING_PROB : real [0.5] !Outbox Beaching Probability BEACHING_LIMIT : real [5.0] !Maximum distance between particles and coast for particle beaching BEACHING_BOX_FILENAME : char [] !Beaching Probability Box definition file BOXES_BEACHING_PROB : real(Boxes Number) [] !List of Inbox Beaching Probability OUTPUT_CONC : 1/2 [1] !OutPut Integration Type OUTPUT_MAX_TRACER : 0/1 [0] !Checks if the users wants to output the maximum tracer concentration in each cell OVERLAY_VELOCITY : 0/1 [0] !If a adicional velocity field is to be added 1 - Maximum 2 - Mean <BeginOrigin> ORIGIN_NAME : char [Origin_xx] !Name of the origin OLD : 0/1 [0] !Old Origin GROUP_ID : integer [1] !Group to which belong Origin EMISSION_SPATIAL : Point/Accident/Box [-] !Spatial emission type EMISSION_TEMPORAL : Continuous/Instantaneous [-] !Temporal emission type DT_EMIT : sec [DT_PARTIC] !Interval between continuous emissions START_PARTIC_EMIT : YYYY MM DD HH MM SS [BeginModel] !InitialData of the emission STOP_PARTIC_EMIT : YYYY MM DD HH MM SS [EndModel] !FinalData of the emission NBR_PARTIC : int [1] !Number of Particles in each emission FLOW : real [-] !Flow associated to point origin FLOW_VARIABLE : 0/1 [0] !Check if the user wants a variable water flow DISCHARGES_FILE : char [ ] !Name of the time serie input where is defined Ejempo para elgir el Punto de origen: To define a point origin in the lagrangian module you need to define the coordinates where the tracers are to be released. This can be done in several ways by adding the keywords: POSITION_COORDINATES : -10.0 43 where the values are the X and Y geographical coordinates, POSITION_CELLS : 45.5 21.5 are the values are the I and J cells' indexes. NOTE: The above is not an exhaustive list of ways for how to insert a point origin. Ejemplo Lagrangian_1.dat OUTPUT_TIME : 0 3600 OUTPUT_MAX_TRACER : 1

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OUTPUT_CONC : 2 DT_PARTIC : 60 <BeginOrigin> ORIGIN_NAME : Off Vigo GROUP_ID : 1 EMISSION_SPATIAL : Point EMISSION_TEMPORAL : Instantaneous BOTTOM_EMISSION : 0 OLD : 0 POINT_VOLUME : 1 NBR_PARTIC : 8 FLOAT : 1 MOVEMENT : SullivanAllen VARVELHX : 0.1 VARVELH : 0.03 TURB_V : Constant VARVELVX : 0.01 VARVELV : 0.003 !longitude -10.0ºW, latitude 43.0ºN POSITION_COORDINATES : -10.0 43 !POSITION_CELLS : 45.5 21.5 DEPTH_METERS : 0. START_PARTIC_EMIT : 2007 04 25 09 33 20 <EndOrigin> Ejemplo Lagrangian_2.dat (http://www.mohid.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=657&highlight=emission+temporal) DT_PARTIC : 6 OUTPUT_TIME : 0.0 60 PARTIC_BOX : C:\MohidVasco\AlgalBloom\GeneralData\BoxEmitSotaventoOesteS.dat !MONITOR_BOX : !MONITOR_BOX_PROP_MASS : sediment ASSOCIATE_BEACH_PROB : 1 DEFAULT_BEACHING_PROB : 0.6 BEACHING_LIMIT : 5.0 !BEACHING_BOX_FILENAME : C:\MohidVasco\AlgalBloom\GeneralData\BoxBeachingSotaventoOesteS.dat OUTPUT_CONC : 1 <BeginOrigin> ORIGIN_NAME : Box1 nao flutua OLD : 0

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GROUP_ID : 2 EMISSION_SPATIAL : Box EMISSION_TEMPORAL : Instantaneous BOX_NUMBER : 1 BOTTOM_EMISSION : 1 BOTTOM_DISTANCE : 0.1 BOXVOLINIC: (keyword which is the initial volume of a particle in the box. You have to make some calculations if you want to set the sum of the volume of the particles equal to the volume of the box.) FLOW : 0.0 THICKNESS_METERS : 0.1 FLOAT : 0 MOVEMENT : SullivanAllen VARVELHX : 0.05 VARVELH : 0.02 TURB_V : Constant VARVELVX : 0.000 VARVELV : 0.0001 ADVECTION : 1 TRAJECTORY_STEPS : 1 SEDIMENTATION : Imposed SED_VELOCITY : 0.021 DEPOSITION : 1 TAU_ERO : 0.00005 TAU_DEP : 0.00005 TIME_DECAY : 172800 EROSION_RATE : 0.05 <<BeginProperty>> NAME : sediment UNITS : mg/l CONCENTRATION : 500 CONC_VARIABLE : 0 AMBIENT_CONC : 0 <<EndProperty>> <EndOrigin> Ejemplo Lagrangian_2.dat (http://www.mohid.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=134&highlight=lagrangian&sid=ef54b3298ec11facb0d90ce0923eb193) OUTPUT_TIME : 0 3600. <BeginOrigin> ORIGIN_NAME : Origin 1 OLD : 0 GROUP_ID : 1 EMISSION_SPATIAL : Point EMISSION_TEMPORAL : Continuous Instantaneous FLOW : 0.5 FLOAT : 0

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MOVEMENT : SullivanAllen VARVELHX : 0.0 VARVELH : 0.03 TURB_V : Profile POSITION_CELLS : 37 20 DEPTH_METERS : 37.5 COMPUTE_PLUME : 1 DENSITY_METHOD : 1 COEF_INITIAL_MIXING : 1 JET_DATA_FILE : O:\Jet\JetDataFile.dat NBR_PARTIC : 3 TVOL200 : 3600. VOLUME_INCREASE : Double VOLFAC : 5e4 <<BeginProperty>> NAME : temperature UNITS : ºC CONCENTRATION : 20.00 <<EndProperty>> <<BeginProperty>> NAME : salinity UNITS : ppm CONCENTRATION : 0.01 <<EndProperty>> <<BeginProperty>> NAME : fecal coliforms UNITS : Number/100ml CONCENTRATION : 1e7 T90 : 10800. AMBIENT_CONC : 0. <<EndProperty>> <EndOrigin> MODULO OIL Implementation Oil density and viscosity, and many different processes are included in oil module, such as oil spreading, evaporation, dispersion, sedimentation, dissolution, emulsification, oil beaching and removal techniques. Different alternative methods were coded for the prediction of some processes like oil spreading, evaporation, dispersion, sedimentation and emulsification. Therefore, when using the model, there is more than one way of simulating the same process, depending, for example, on the characteristics of the computational mesh or on the magnitude of the spill. The oil weathering module (OWM) uses mainly the 3D hydrodynamics and 3D lagrangian transport modules. The hydrodynamic module simulates the velocity field necessary for the lagrangian module to calculate oil trajectories. These oil trajectories are computed assuming that oil can be idealized as a large number of particles that independently move in water. Water properties and atmospheric conditions are introduced in lagrangian module and used by oil module for determination of oil processes and properties. Excepting spreading and oil-beaching, all

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weathering processes and properties are assumed uniform for all tracers, like water properties and atmospheric conditions, which are considered equal to these environmental conditions determined in accident origin. As it was already mentioned, the movement of the oil tracers can be influenced by the velocity field from the hydrodynamic module, by the wind from the surface module, by the spreading velocity from oil module and by random velocity. Oil temperature is assumed equal to water temperature, neglecting solar radiation or any other energy transfer process that may influence oil temperature. Generación de un modelo 3D Desde el Módulo “Geometry” se le debe asignar al modelo una partición en sentido vertical que da origen a un sistema en 3 dimensiones.

IMPORTANTE : Propiedades de otros módulos que se necesitan para el Oil Water Properties Data File

• Module: WaterProperties (http://www.mohid.com/wiki/index.php?title=Module_WaterProperties - http://www.mohid.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=422 )

Temperature Salinity Cohesive Sediment

Surface Data File

• Module: Atmosphere (http://www.mohid.com/wiki/index.php?title=Module_Atmosphere - http://www.mohid.com/wiki/index.php?title=Coupling_Water-Atmosphere_User_Manual )

Wind Velocity Atmospheric Pressure (http://www.mohid.com/wiki/index.php?title=ATM_PRESSURE )

• Module: Wave (http://www.mohid.com/wiki/index.php?title=Module_Waves ) Wave Period

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Wave Height

ulo Lagrangiano por lo tanto debe incluirse dentro del Origin lock (<BeginOrigin>/<EndOrigin>).

T_OUTPUT_TIME : real !Time between output results


(typical values 5-30) - Spreading Vel. Coef.

!Method for

ISPERSIONMETHOD : Delvigne/Mackay !Method for Dispersion

MULSIFICATIONMETHOD : Mackay/Rasmussen !Method for Emulsification

IL_DISSOLUTION : 0/1 !Oil Dissolution Process

IL_SEDIMENTATION : 0/1 !Oil Sedimentation Process

itute (API) Gravity

me Water Content

ne Content

ptake Parameter


WINTERFACIALTENSION : real (Dyne/cm) !Oil-Water Interfacial Tension

he following 3 keywords are only necessary when Evaporation Method = PseudoComponents)

PDISTEXP : list(real) (%) !Cumulative Volume Fraction of Oil Distilled

he following 5 keywords are only necessary when Evaporation Method = Fingas)

El modulo es un sub-bloque del modb <<BeginOil>> OIL_TIMESERIE : char !Name of the Output results file D OIL_SPREADING : 0/1 !Oil Spreading Process SPREADINGMETHOD : Fay/ThicknessGradient !Method for SUSERCOEFVELMANCHA : real !Empirical Thickness Gradient OIL_EVAPORATION : 0/1 !Oil Evaporation Process EVAPORATIONMETHOD : EvaporativeExposure/PseudoComponents/Fingas Evaporation OIL_DISPERSION : 0/1 !Oil Dispersion Process D OIL_EMULSIFICATION : 0/1 !Oil Emulsification Process E O O OILTYPE : Crude/Refined !Oil Type API : real !American Petroleum InstPOURPOINT : real (ºC) !Pour Point CEMULS : real (%) !Emulsification Constant (% of evaporated oil before emulsification begins) MAXVWATERCONTENT : real (%) [null_real] !Maximum VoluASPHALTENECONTENT : real (%) !AsphalteWAXCONTENT : real (%) !Wax Content EMULSPARAMETER : real [1.6E-6] !Water U (typical values 1.0E-6 to 2.0E-6) !Temperature of Reference Viscosity VISCREF : real (cP) !Reference Dynamic Viscosity VISCCINREF : real (cSt) !Reference Cinematic Viscosity O (T NBRDISTCUTS : int !Number of Distillation Cuts TDISTEXP : list(real) (ºC) !Vapour Temperature of Distillate C (t FINGAS_EVAP_EQTYPE : Logarithmic / SquareRoot !Evaporation Equation Type

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FINGAS_EVAP_EMP_DATA : 0/1 !Knowledge of Empirical Data for Evaporation

(Necessary If Fingas_Evap_Emp_Data = 1)

(Necessary If Fingas_Evap_Emp_Data = 1)

(Necessary If Fingas_Evap_Emp_Data = 0)



: YYYY MM DD HH MM SS [EndModel] !Ending ime of Dispersant Application


YYYY MM DD HH MM SS [EndModel] !End Time of echanical Cleanup Operation

ECOVERY_DATAFORM : Rate / Amount !DataForm of emulsion recovered

FINGAS_EVAP_CONST1 : real !Empirical Constant 1 FINGAS_EVAP_CONST2 : real !Empirical Constant 2 PERC_MASSDIST180 : real (%) !%(Wheight) of Oil Evaporated until 180ºC OIL_CHEM_DISPERSION : 0/1 !Chemical Dispersants Application P_AREA_SPRAYED : real (%) !% of Spill Area sprayed whit disperEFFICIENCY : real (%) !of Area sprayed effectively dispersed S [BeginModel]!Starting Time of Dispersant Application END_CHEM_DISPERSIONT OIL_MEC_CLEANUP : 0/1 !Mechanical Cleanup OperatiSTART_MEC_CLEANUP : YYYY MM DD HH MM SS [BeginModel]!Starting Time of Mechanical Cleanup Operation End_MEC_CLEANUP : M RECOVERY : real (l/h or l) !rate or volume of Emulsion Recovered R <<EndOil>> Tomado del código fuente. ModuleOil.f90 link: http://www.mohid.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=227&highlight=oil

s de un derrame lo que se debe hacer definir nuevos Origin Blocks: eginOrigin>


n un mismo gráfico. Para ello se debe a siguiente keyword:


con el mismo nombre a todos los origenes que quiera graficar.

ar los resultados de las propiedades dentro del Group_1 (si la identificación, ID de grupo s 1) .

(http://www.mohid.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=130&highlight=oil) Para simular ma<B. < Las propiedades internas del Oil siempre se computan por separado. Sin embargo se pueden graficar sus posiciones todas einsertar, dentro del Origin Blocks lG Además se debe identificarEjemplo, GROUP_ID = 1. Luego, para visualizar los resultados de todos los origenes, en el Mohid Postprocessor se tiene que tome Oil properties MOHID only accepts inputs with API (American Petroleum Institute) gravity values, then MOHID will convert it to density. This option was made because oil density is function of temperature (then you would need to know the corresponding temperature too), while API gravity is not (API has

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always a standard temperature of 60°F (15.67°C)). Other reason for our option was because we had already all the oil products in API gravity. Ejemplo de un usuario. Puede que esté mal. OUTPUT_TIME : 0 3600 ASSOCIATE_BEACH_PROB : 0 ! Checks if the user want to associate beaching probability to the particles DEFAULT_BEACHING_PROB : 0.7 ! The probability a particle "beaches" when beaching is enabled BEACHING_LIMIT : 50.0 ! Maximum distance between particles and coast for particle beaching !DT_PARTIC : 30 ! Particle Time Step MONITOR_BOX : ..\..\GeneralData\boxes\Boxes_oil2.dat MONITOR_BOX_PROP_MASS : oil !BOXFLUXES : ..\..\GeneralData\boxes\Boxes_oil2.dat <BeginOrigin> <<BeginProperty>> NAME : oil UNITS : m3 AMBIENT_CONC : 0.0 CONCENTRATION : 1.0 <<EndProperty>> GROUP_ID : 1 ORIGIN_NAME : Armazen_38 OLD : 0 START_PARTIC_EMIT : 2006 11 8 14 00 00 STOP_PARTIC_EMIT : 2006 11 8 14 40 00 NBR_PARTIC : 1000 EMISSION_SPATIAL : Accident EMISSION_TEMPORAL : Instantaneous !FLOW : 0.000555555 POINT_VOLUME : 1 FLOAT : 1 MOVEMENT : SullivanAllen VARVELHX : 0 VARVELH : 0.26842 TURB_V : Constant POSITION_COORDINATES : -46.29 -23.98 DEPTH_METERS : 0.0 ADVECTION : 1 WINDCOEF : 0.03 THEORIC_AREA : 1 <<BeginOil>> OIL_BEACHING : 1

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OIL_SPREADING : 1 SPREADINGMETHOD : Fay !USERCOEFVELMANCHA : 8 OIL_EVAPORATION : 1 EVAPORATIONMETHOD : EvaporativeExposure OIL_DISPERSION : 1 DISPERSIONMETHOD : Mackay OIL_EMULSIFICATION : 0 EMULSIFICATIONMETHOD : Mackay API : 12.9 POURPOINT : -6 CEMULS : 0 MAXVWATERCONTENT : 5 VISCCINREF : 10. TEMPVISCREF : 38. OWINTERFACIALTENSION : 35.5 OIL_TIMESERIE : Oil <<EndOil>> <EndOrigin> NOTA: If you want to simulate Oil dispersion you have to activate module Waves, and define wave height and period. This is used to compute dispersion and sedimentation. NOTA2: (http://www.mohid.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=125&highlight=oil) In order to do a simulation with an oil spill you must define atmospheric pressure as a property in ModuleAtmosphere as well as the wind velocity (even if there's no wind or you don't wan't to consider it). You can define these properties like this: <beginproperty> NAME : atmospheric pressure FILE_IN_TIME : NONE INITIALIZATION_METHOD : CONSTANT REMAIN_CONSTANT : 1 DEFAULTVALUE : 1 <endproperty> <beginproperty> NAME : wind velocity X FILE_IN_TIME : NONE INITIALIZATION_METHOD : CONSTANT REMAIN_CONSTANT : 1 DEFAULTVALUE : 0 <endproperty> <beginproperty>

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NAME : wind velocity Y FILE_IN_TIME : NONE INITIALIZATION_METHOD : CONSTANT REMAIN_CONSTANT : 1 DEFAULTVALUE : 0 <endproperty> Also, in Lagrangian data file you have keyword BEACHING_LIMIT : 50.0. You will wan't to change this because your grid has a 5m resolution and you're saying that the beaching process is initialized 50m off the coast. 5 or 10 m seems better. With this configuration the model starts to run. But now the problem is that the Hydrodynamic model crashes. You should use the SLOWSTART option (something like 6-12h would be enough) ans also the VISCOSITY_H value is too high. Something like 1m2/s or less would be more appropriate. If you want to simulate Oil dispersion you have to activate module Waves, and define wave height and period. This is used to compute dispersion and sedimentation. I think there are examples on how to do this in the forum or in the sample files. WAVE_PERIOD : 1 WAVE_HEIGHT : 1 <begin_waveperiod> NAME : wave period UNITS : s DESCRIPTION : wave period INITIALIZATION_METHOD : CONSTANT DEFAULTVALUE : 12. REMAIN_CONSTANT : 0 OUTPUT_HDF : 1 <end_waveperiod> <begin_waveheight> NAME : wave height UNITS : m DESCRIPTION : wave height INITIALIZATION_METHOD : CONSTANT DEFAULTVALUE : 0.1 REMAIN_CONSTANT : 0 OUTPUT_HDF : 1 <end_waveheight>

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Module Atmpsphere Wind (http://www.mohid.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=28&highlight=wind) you have two ways of defining the wind velocity. Option 1 - You can define the wind velocity using as input the wind velocity components X (m/s, west-east) and Y (m/s, south-north); Option 2 - You can define the wind velocity using as input intensity (m/s) and direction (degrees, meteorological convention). In this case you have also to define the properties "wind velocity X" "wind velocity Y" and in each of this two properties you nedd to impose the following options FILE_IN_TIME : NONE REMAIN_CONSTANT : 0 In this case the model will use the wind intensity and the direction to compute the components X and Y of the wind; Option 1 - EXAMPLE: <beginproperty> NAME : wind velocity X UNITS : m/s DESCRIPTION : calculated wind velocity X FILE_IN_TIME : NONE REMAIN_CONSTANT : 1 DEFAULTVALUE : 1. TIME_SERIE : 1 OUTPUT_HDF : 1 <endproperty> <beginproperty> NAME : wind velocity Y UNITS : m/s DESCRIPTION : calculated wind velocity Y FILE_IN_TIME : NONE REMAIN_CONSTANT : 1 DEFAULTVALUE : 0. TIME_SERIE : 1 OUTPUT_HDF : 1 <endproperty> Option 2 - EXAMPLE: <beginproperty> NAME : wind modulos UNITS : m/s DESCRIPTION : meteoIST wind velocity FILE_IN_TIME : NONE DATA_COLUMN : 2 DEFAULTVALUE : 5 REMAIN_CONSTANT : 1 TIME_SERIE : 1

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OUTPUT_HDF : 1 <endproperty> <beginproperty> NAME : wind angle UNITS : degrees DESCRIPTION : meteoIST wind angle FILE_IN_TIME : NONE DATA_COLUMN : 3 DEFAULTVALUE : 315 REMAIN_CONSTANT : 1 TIME_SERIE : 1 OUTPUT_HDF : 1 <endproperty> <beginproperty> NAME : wind velocity X UNITS : m/s DESCRIPTION : calculated wind velocity X FILE_IN_TIME : NONE REMAIN_CONSTANT : 0 DEFAULTVALUE : 0. TIME_SERIE : 1 OUTPUT_HDF : 1 <endproperty> <beginproperty> NAME : wind velocity Y UNITS : m/s DESCRIPTION : calculated wind velocity Y FILE_IN_TIME : NONE REMAIN_CONSTANT : 0 DEFAULTVALUE : 0. TIME_SERIE : 1 OUTPUT_HDF : 1 <endproperty> Wind direction must be given like this   0º = from North  90º = from East  270º = from West  180º = from South   wind velocities are computed like this:   WindVelocityX= WindModulus* cos(WindDirection * PI / 180.)  WindVelocityY= WindModulus* sin(WindDirection * PI / 180.)

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BEACHING (http://www.mohid.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=183&highlight=beaching ) OUTPUT_TIME : 0 3600  ASSOCIATE_BEACH_PROB : 0 ! Checks if the user want to associate beaching probability to the particles  DEFAULT_BEACHING_PROB : 0.7 ! The probability a particle "beaches" when beaching is enabled  BEACHING_LIMIT : 50.0 ! Maximum distance between particles and coast for particle beaching  !DT_PARTIC : 30 ! Particle Time Step  MONITOR_BOX : ..\..\GeneralData\boxes\Boxes_oil2.dat  MONITOR_BOX_PROP_MASS : oil  !BOXFLUXES : ..\..\GeneralData\boxes\Boxes_oil2.dat   <BeginOrigin>   <<BeginProperty>>  NAME : oil  UNITS : m3  AMBIENT_CONC : 0.0  CONCENTRATION : 1.0  <<EndProperty>>    GROUP_ID : 1  ORIGIN_NAME : Armazen_38  OLD : 0  START_PARTIC_EMIT : 2006 11 8 14 00 00  STOP_PARTIC_EMIT : 2006 11 8 14 40 00  NBR_PARTIC : 1000  EMISSION_SPATIAL : Accident  EMISSION_TEMPORAL : Instantaneous  !FLOW : 0.000555555  POINT_VOLUME : 1   FLOAT : 1  MOVEMENT : SullivanAllen  VARVELHX : 0  VARVELH : 0.26842  TURB_V : Constant  POSITION_COORDINATES : ‐46.29 ‐23.98  DEPTH_METERS : 0.0  ADVECTION : 1  WINDCOEF : 0.03  THEORIC_AREA : 1   <<BeginOil>>  OIL_BEACHING : 1  

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OIL_SPREADING : 1  SPREADINGMETHOD : Fay  !USERCOEFVELMANCHA : 8  OIL_EVAPORATION : 1  EVAPORATIONMETHOD : EvaporativeExposure  OIL_DISPERSION : 1  DISPERSIONMETHOD : Mackay  OIL_EMULSIFICATION : 0  EMULSIFICATIONMETHOD : Mackay  API : 12.9  POURPOINT : ‐6  CEMULS : 0  MAXVWATERCONTENT : 5  VISCCINREF : 10.  TEMPVISCREF : 38.  OWINTERFACIALTENSION : 35.5  OIL_TIMESERIE : Oil  <<EndOil>>   <EndOrigin> MODULEJET (http://www.mohid.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=134&highlight=lagrangian&sid=ef54b3298ec11facb0d90ce0923eb193) 1) What kind of discharge is it? A submarine outfall? a surface discharge?  2) The best way to do it is to use the Lagragian model. The methodology is to emit tracers with a certain (known or estimated) concentration of fecal coliforms.  3) If the discharge is a submarine outfall you should also use ModuleJet, a module to compute the plume (initial dilution, buoyancy, mixing, etc).  4) A way to set it up, is to compute a vertically integrated domain with tide to provide boundary conditions to a 3D submodel (temperature, salinity for ambient concentrations to compute the jet and the plume) and with lagrangian tracers.  5) Here is an example of a Lagrangian data file to compute the tracers with the fecal coliforms and ModuleJet.   OUTPUT_TIME : 0 3600.   <BeginOrigin>  ORIGIN_NAME : Origin 1  OLD : 0  GROUP_ID : 1  EMISSION_SPATIAL : Point  EMISSION_TEMPORAL : Continuous   

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Instantaneous  FLOW : 0.5  FLOAT : 0  MOVEMENT : SullivanAllen  VARVELHX : 0.0  VARVELH : 0.03  TURB_V : Profile  POSITION_CELLS : 37 20  DEPTH_METERS : 37.5  COMPUTE_PLUME : 1  DENSITY_METHOD : 1  COEF_INITIAL_MIXING : 1  JET_DATA_FILE : O:\Jet\JetDataFile.dat  NBR_PARTIC : 3  TVOL200 : 3600.  VOLUME_INCREASE : Double  VOLFAC : 5e4  <<BeginProperty>>  NAME : temperature  UNITS : ºC  CONCENTRATION : 20.00  <<EndProperty>>  <<BeginProperty>>  NAME : salinity  UNITS : ppm  CONCENTRATION : 0.01  <<EndProperty>>  <<BeginProperty>>  NAME : fecal coliforms  UNITS : Number/100ml  CONCENTRATION : 1e7  T90 : 10800.  AMBIENT_CONC : 0.  <<EndProperty>>  <EndOrigin>    6) Here is an example of Jet data file   PORT_DIAMETER : 0.1  PORT_BOTTOM_DISTANCE : 2  PORT_ANGLE_XY : 135  PORT_ANGLE_HZ : 0  PORTS_NUMBER : 20  RUN_MAX_PERIOD : 3600  

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DT_OUTPUT : 1  MAX_DV : 1  MAX_DT : 10  PARAMETERIZATION : CORJET  OUTPUT_TYPE : CLOUD  PARTICLES_NUMBER : 40  INITIAL_TRACER_CONCENTRATION : 1e7   7) You can check the MohidJet manual available at the download area at the website. Visualización lagrangeano: http://www.mohid.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1058&sid=19f800201c624f59ea20e73065448a47 Lagrangeano 3D: http://www.mohid.com/lagrangian_module.htm