m^^^G^E9M^MFlmMWMmm^^mmm^^mm njktiußOJUf jusmxm: P^y *V& Q^^^a^^i 'v&ffitf'rfi* i q^«?^^^B RAILROAD KIKES. -^ > f^mf^ RAILWAY. 'ilPikis'* home I by^slckness for several^ays;; .wasiable^o^belat^hlsSdeEkvyeaterday^"^ ,^l^bor :Commiß6ioneriJa^es^B. J-DbliertyJ -Dblierty is- st il 1 absen t i f romUhe iei cfty; bhi business^ Colonel William; Henry.:Slann7?of;Pe- .tersburg,7;;Clerlc>;of: the:;House;£of/V;Dele- ; gates,ai:d: .Ke>!p'?r;'of^ the.;iio)ls, : was; at his foffico\yester.]ay, 'having; Just 'returned ;from?a"ltrip'tb Lbiijsville; Ky. < - . DONtT^VAIiKJCPSTAinS^ IheQuickest Time. Mlk' and Western Railway. ;Three Daily Trains. . Richmond to Norfolk. In effect May 27, 1DO(;. l v. NORFOLK LIMITED. ' , '. . ' Leave \u25a0 Richmond ::\:.. M. Arrive Norfolk/.:... .;::.. : ;..:..-:ll£D Ai M.- : V -OCEAN -.SHORE LIMITED. ;/..;".-- Leave Richmond...:;. .;.....;.... 3:15 F.M. Arrive Norfolk."; '. : ":'. ............ .5 :35 P- M.' : . - FAST MAIL. ;, \u25a0 \u25a0'.' Leave Richmond.... ....... ..;..-.-6:30-P.JL Arrive; N0rf01k.. ... ...... .... 110:40 J?/:M. The NORFOLK LIMCTED^ahd OCEAN SHORE LIMITED;. are . the finest" and fastest Itrains in the South. \u0084 Through; coach to -Virginia - Beach is carried :on OCEAN SHORE 'LIMTTED.L No change of: cars; between; Richmond and the At- lantic shore. Close- connections, are/ made with steamships .of the -Old Dominion Line for New; York. Chesapeake and Ba>v lines .for Baltimore, Norfolk and Wash- ington .Line for Washington, Merchants' and "Miners' Line, for Boston and Provi- dence, ..and Cape Charles Line for. East- ern;Shorel: : \u25a0 This is the only line offering such ad- vantages, and the : , ONLY ALL-RAILLINE., For all information apply at office, S3S Main street. . \u0084 , . "^ r- B. BEVILL, .. General Passenger Agent, > _/'c: h. bosley, '.;\u25a0'.. ,--. :-; ' ; : District' Passenger Agent, ' JOHN E. WAGNER, .my 2G-lm" ' "" v City. Ticket Agent. We Sen the Puritan WickEess Blue-Flame 1 can be seen in operation at our store. OIL STOVE "~T Ny KL-EIN & SON, 1W&&-* : fi -.\> .S4 B- B " 'I 620 K. Uroad Street. KICH3IOND,' VA. - ' '\u0084;,,. (mT2G-jat,TaA,Th-;iin>- PENSION PAYMENTS. THE AUDITOR OF 'PUBLIC ACpOUXTS V IS ISSUING WARRANTS. HEADACHENE is jnade to relieye Headaches. T. A. MILLER, 519 E. B&M, '\u25a0\u25a0 Branch Under Jefferson Hotel. Mrial Com iaceß THe Most Skeptical XeTr \u25a0 Elevator in V C.^Vf O. Oißces— " ".'\u25a0 \u25a0•: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0;; / Rnilrimd >,'oies/ •\u0084;-., ; The>'Passengcr --elevator; in, the "general offices;; of Mhe icfesapeake -and "pi-ilo.'-at \u25a0 Eighth and. Main streets, has been prac-: tically' completed,, and was Vput 1o -Use yesterday, afternoon.'- :i1..-, is. : ; an electric hydi-auiic elevator^ put in by a Phiiadfi]- phia!-company,' through' A": : 15.; Sheltoh >& : C0.,j.0f ~ this's city,;;and under: the, super- vision"^ of Mr. James"' McConville. ' It ;Ss the only one of the; kind in. Richmond;; costing -55,000.',. Mr. :J.V E. Wade, of "this city, . is the -engineer -in. charge -of the building. . The" installation' of : the -elevator ..is an improvement so .great that At ? wasXthe uppermost ; . topic in;; all the offices : in the* building yesterday. It and other, improve- mentU put in since last wjnter's fire make the -Pace..- building-/ one of Hhe- niost thoroughly- modern -}h' . appointments in the ; city.. i.The' fire is regarded by: the Chesapeake -and Ohio people -as being somewhat of a blessing in disguise. / Mr. C. S. Campbell,, division freight and passenger agen t 'of \u25a0 the .- -Atlantjc-Cqast' Line,': who hais been, ill-at. his home, at Staples's Mill, is again in hjsolce. Mr." J. C. "West, the excursion agent": of the Chesapeake :ahd has recovered from a recent severe illness; and left yesterday for Willoughby Beach to spend several .days. . -... ,_ . : . . : . . . Mr. J.. Newton" Snead, Jr., formerly of thifs city, has recently " been placed in charge- of. the rate and revising depart- ment in the freight. office of. the, Alabama Great Southern, in ; Birmingham. ' Mr. Snead has many friends ,in this city who will congratulate him on his promotion. Mr. C. W, Murphy, of^ Savannah. :Ga., travelling passenger "agent of the South- ern Pacific, was at the local offices" of the Southern. Mr. -..8..:F. Sipp, commercial insurance superintendent of the. Big Four, arrived here, and \u25a0is the guest; of his \u25a0brother, Mr. George S. Sipp, car-feervice agent of $he Chesapeake and Ohio. Bleeding: Filen-^No Care, 3fo Pay. Your druggist ; will i^efund your money ifPazo Ointment fails to cure you. Fifty cents. " \u25a0\u25a0 -. ; -, -. \u25a0 . " HO MEW CLAIMS IRE BEIHG PAID. Petcrslmrg 31a.n's Petition. In the Clerk's office of the United States District Court yesterday a peti- tion in bankruptcy was filed by Alfred Reinach, of Petersburg,: through Attor- ney James T. Rawley, of.that city. Lia- bilities, $4;03G.55; assets, -nominal. Pensioners on Oltl Roll Arc First to Receive Their Stipend Xcw \u25a0 Mili- tary Coinyanies Board Canvass- ers Caiutol IVotes. \u25a0 tSa, Sun & W) Eingworur—Xo Cure, ?fo Pay. Your druggist will refund your money IfPazo Ointment fails to cure you. Fifty cents. \u25a0" ' .\u25a0 . . "•. .-" \u25a0 . DEPARTURE OPSTEAMERS. - R^ STEAMSHIP -COMPANY, D^ILY LINE Bi r- p p Rlckmoa^ Fredericks-, ii Ti (M Ft bnrg '& Potomac R. R- Sche&pleLin Effect .In»e S, lU«H>. "BVHD^STnESX- STATiOXi>^ siy:^iAviiM^-Daily^Vfor.; ; AVasnlngton.yand^ ". '1: points.-r ; North.;.. Stops •' at-'.'Milfqrd,'- :: f Prpdericksburg. ; -'and ::-.Q«an*ico.; v/'O "iPuHm.an } Sleepers : ; to ,-Wa.shipston- ~r v ; and New; Yorfc ;; : -';--' - :: > "-\u25a0- \u25a0"\u25a0 ; ;S:2O:A;-LM:, .Sunday bnl>-,' for WashiHsr;- ; ten and. points ' North;. 'Stop's •"-.at Elba, Glen Allen." Ashland,- 1 Tay'-f; .-•.; lorsville. " DosweU,or Ruth.er-,jGleu.'; Penola,' Milford,-;Woodtvta- c.- Gui-' nea. . •-;. Summit, : :' FreUer.cksburK. ; \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0: Brooke, -AVidtrß-ater, and. Quantico.- \u25a0 BufTot parlor-car. ; . r«:Ol A., M., Daily, except Sunday, for ; Washington' and. .points .J". North."; Stops at Elba: r ; ; Glen- Allen; -Ash- land, Do3well.: Milford, Fredericks-; ;- : burg, and iQuantico.' : Buffet parlor ' : tf ; i.- : ; car. - -.;\u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0-.. *-.. .:.\u25a0".- .C .- \u25a0 ":; '\u25a0,-\u25a0 .-•ia;OO.:il.. Daily, except Sunday, x'or / Washington ; and . points North.. " . : Stops at JEiba, Glen Allen, Ash- land, Doswell; Miiford"Fredericks-- .burg,;and{Quantieo.; 'Buffet ;par:or- ;; caj^v-Connects with Congressional : -Limited -at \u25a0-Washington; ~: : - .7:43.P;:<M,;r Daily, ior -Washington and 'points North. Stops at JElba. Ash- ;- . land. Dosweil, Miiford, Fredericks- ; burg. Brooke. Widewater. and Quantico. ' Stops other "stations Sundays. '-.: 'Slee-per .. Richmond to " ; New: York. Sleeper Washington to. \u25a0 ', Philadelphia. " \u25a0 ARRIVE .BYRD-STREET STATIO.V. j :»:40;a: M., Daily. Stops at Widewater. Brooke, Fredericksbursv- Miiford, . Doswell; /Ashland, and F.lba." Stops other' stations - Sleeper " ".-\u25a0*- . / . ' New York to : Richmond. \u25a0 3:05 P.- M., Daily., except Sunday. Stops at Frederieksburg, :\u25a0 Miiford. Dps- \u25a0well, Ashland, Gle.n Allen, and Elba. Buffet parlor car. .. - . «:30 P. M., Daily. Stops at Fredericks- burg, Dosweil, Ashland, and Elba. Pullman cars: from New York -and . ..'.\u25a0Washington.: - ' - S:4O P.M., Daily- Siops at Widewater. Brooke, Fredericksburg, Surmnit, Guinea, Woodslane, Miiford, Pe- nola, Ruther Glen, Dosweil. Tay- lorsville. -'Ashland. Glen Alien, and Elba. Buffet parlor car. ACCosmonATiox thaws. •(Daily Except Sunday:) 8:l*>A. M., Leaves ELBA for Quantico. 4:OO P. M.. Leaves BYRD-STREET for \u25a0 Fredericksburg. : . ; : <J:3O P. M., Leaves ELBA for Ashland. «:4O A^ M., Arrives ELBA from Ash- land.-- - - : . '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.:-' •.-.--\u25a0•.\u25a0 SiJ5 A. : M., Arrives BYRD-STREBT from Fredericksburg. . «:O5 P.: M., Arrives ELBA from Ash- . land. S. A. L. THROUGH TRAINS. OVER C. AND O. AND R., F. .AND P. RAILROAD, via DOSWELL. LEAVE BROAD-STREJST -STATION (C. AXDO.) .5:15 A. .;'&!., Dairj-, for Washington and points North. Stops at Doswell, Fredericksburg, and Quantico. Pull- man Sleepers to New York 6:00 P. M.. Daily, for Washington and points North. " Stops at Dosweil Fredericksburg, and Quantico. Pull- ; - man Sleepers to New York ARRIVE BROAD-STREET STATIOJV (C. ASD O.) 2:30 P. M., Daily. Stops at Fred- - ericksburg and Dosweil. Sleeper from New York. 1O:3O P. M., Daily. Stops at Fred- ericksburg and- Dosweil. Sleepers from New York. W. P. TAYLOR, Traffic Manager. E. T. D. MYERS, President, je 2 the acknowledged King '-of Bottled Beers, possesses every element that makes a perfect and delicious brew. * Nearly three quarters of a billion bottles of this famous brand have been consumed— a world's record. The product of Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis. U. S. A. yff f^~ fi/^£} 9 Faracus the world over for its tonic qualities, f&'L£&&&^%£&&i-& / £&& T-commended by physicians everywhere, is & ©• 0> *<•"•* prepared by this association. TIUIJI'.VAL, OK JUSTICE JOiiX. electric-fan system is declared a huge success. A matinee performance of "The Wife" will be given at 2:30 .to-day. : Sckednle'^EffeVtlve April 2. iaoo. THAINsjiKAVE K.ICH : SU, VA. ', ll;t>U P. M., No^ H, S6ut..«rn Kspre^a -. v" daily, for rAtladta, Augusta.. Jacfc- : : sou ville.- and: points; Sooth. Sieeo-r ' Xor> Danville, / Greensboro*. Sa';- .bury;, and Charlotte, open at vu-h , , mond iioiP.vM:;Stops for cas*'enl ' s \u0084/g er»-a stations. :•.•.-;- Connects at Danvliie and Cha- lotte . wi tb ? Ne-sv York and Florid-. ; Express :(No. 33), carryins throu-h sleepers betv/ettii New York and /Tampa;; with connections for alt . . . Florida iprinid. ,-Also. connects ac \u25a0 ; ' :: an<i Charlotte with V»"ash -. :irajton:£Ji'l South-A-ostern Hmite'l - ' i (Ko; 37), 'tarrying through sleepers \u25a0; cietween 1 "New York and Nashviio . :Kew York: and M«mphirf. Xew T~-V and Keis Orleans; .-Ojo, F-jn^r'.ri '\u25a0-.\u25a0'\u25a0•\u25a0-.\u25a0" tourtot Bieeper Mondays. V.*edn»V ; day?," and , Friaays AVashlnETton "to - S*n - Francisco without chansrt \u25a0•'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..- wi'.h " conr.ections for a!; polrts f a Tt-xas. Mexico, and CaHfomin 12:01 P. M., No. 7, solid train daily rOI.r 01 . Charlotte, N. C. Connects at Mo«- \u25a0 . lev . with Farmville and PowKun \u25a0railroad. cAt Keysvilte for Cla-ki- - - -vile. Oxford. Henderson, and Dur- ham, and -at Greensboro' for Dur ham, Raleigh, j.mi Wlnstan-Pal^Ti- :i-kv: Danville, v. Ith Xo. 35. United States fast mail, solid train da'ii-r _ .:, for New Orleans and polr.ts South' | carries sleepers Xevr YorV to New Orleans, and New York tn . \u25a0 Jicksc^rille. connecting for Nas=aa -- .and Havana. Through sie»p*- qVI llsbury 1 to Memphis. Buffe!; Parlorl \u25a0 Car between Richmond, and Dan- ' * - - ville. '\u25a0 . \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 SzilO P. M.. Ifo. 17. local datlv oxc-t Sunday, for Keysrllle ar.d imer- . -mutate points. lmer TR'AWS ARRIVE T^ RICHMOND. fi:«t> A. M.). i635P.M.) Frora Atlanta. Augusta. \u25a0Ashevillo, and. nit points South S:-tO A. M.. frora KeysvUle and local \u25a0 "stations. . LOCAL FREIGHT TTtAI^-i. Nos. f.l and 52. between Manchester an* Neapolis- " YORK-RIVER UK, VI A>Sf T THE FAVORITE P.OCTE XOKTII. ' LEAVE RICE3IOXD. 4:3t> Jfc*. M., Ko. IS, huiuoiurvs Limited ..-- daily, except Sunauyi, ior Weaj Point and internifeuiitle stations \u25a0 : .-'.-- making close connection at Vi-^i .:' Point- with 'uteamer for Baltimore 2UJO P. M., No. 10. local exprews fer Wesl Point jind intermediate sta- tions- Connects with stage at Les- ter Maajjr for Walkertoa and T.ip- pa'nannock: also, at West Point -. '. with steamer for Baltimore. S^cps at all v stations. * 5.00 A. M., No. 74, local mixed. Leave* .-daily. - except Sunday, from Vir- ginia-Street Station for West Point and intermediate stations, connoc^- ins- with stage at Lester Mano- - for Wfltei^nn and T->r>p-i t i-,T n ir>ck" TUAIXS AURITTE I!T TJICnrrlOMl. 9:i.& a. M... uaily from. W ea c A'umt, wiUi . connection from Baltimore exe-Dt Mondays- " yt 10:45 A. M-, except Sundays an/1 Jion- days. 6-.40 V- M.. daily, except Sunday, taj- West Point acd intermediate sta- tions. Stearnera leave "West PoJct daily except Sundays. ~>-.r,u ?. m.. arrfvl ing Baltimore S A. M.; r^turnine- leavo Baltimore at ." P. ar da'lv x ?- p \ Sl \r dayS ' arrlviu e Kichmon'ii Steamers call at Gloucester Po?-"- and Almond's Wharf Tu<»sfHv3* Thursdays, and Ssturuavs:" York- town and Clay Bank. "Monday. Wednesdays, and Fridays. UJua ' 3 . C. W. WESTBURY. Travelling Passenger Agent »20 east Main street Richmond Va. J. M. CULP, W. A. TURK Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass Agent Third Vice-President and" General" Man. ager, Washington. P. C. rnh » "Will Play Cricket. A match game of cricket will be played at the Exposition-Grounds this afternoon at 3 o'clock sharp, between the Henrico county and Richmond Cricket Club teams. No admission fee will be charged. The Best l J reacrn»tloj» for Chills and Fever, is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. The formula is plainly; printed on each package. It is simply Iron and Quinine In a tasteless form, and' js con>- pounded in ' correct T proportions. The reason imitators do not . advertise their formula is because they know you would not buy their'medicine if you knew its ingredients. Grove's is the original, and Is the only chill and fever remedy sold throughout the entire malarial section of the United States. No cure, no pay. Prlea 60 cents. -&1M Unrfn^J/ »4nm tsnEBEB^ Sf.h(-di!!a ir» FfTorvS- SUES LANDLORDS. Oenulne ILI/lt?JUIYt?! JTiiipa Piflust Bear Signature of For Sew York, tlie Sorth.. ana £a»t. PASSENGERS can leave daily except Sunday at y'A. M. via.Chesapeake and Ohio and Norfolk and Western or 3-45 P. M. via Chesapeake and Ohio/ or 3-13 P. M- Via Norfolk and Western, connect- ing at Norfolk with direct steamers sail ing same day, 7:30 P. M. Steerage passengers can leave by auxiliary steamers Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5 P. M., changing to main- line ships at Norfolk. \u25a0 ' FREIGHT for all northern, eastern and foreign ports received' and forwarded daily, exceot Sunday: ' - FROM NJSW YORK PASSENGERS can leave daily exce^*- Sunday, from company's pier, 'n o %r North river, at 3 p. M., for Old Polnr Comfort and Norfolk, connecting- \u25a0 tvirh Chesapeake and Ohio and Norfolk an r? Western trains for Richmond FREIGHT received and forwarded daily except Sunday. :U<Ul/|: U<Ul/| Tickets on sale at Richmond Transfp- Company's, '9f>3 east Main street- Jeter son Hotel,- Chesapeake and Ohio "uhd Richmond and Petersburg depots 'Rich mond. . Baggage checked through' to all points-- - ' For further information apply to JOHN F.- MAYER, Agent 1212 east-Main street, Richmond Va General Offices: 81 Beach street corner West street, New York, N. Y. J. J. BROWiN H. B. WALKER, Gen'l Pass. Agent Traffic Manager. my 18 7:30 A.M., Daily, except - Sunday, ;• for Petersburg, Henderson, Durham, - Raleigh, Atlanta, and all points South and Southwest. 2:33 p. :i., "Florida Mail and Express," daily for Petersburg, Henderson, Raleigh, Chera-w, Camden. Colum- bia, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tam- pa, Fernandina, and all Florida - points. 10:40 P. M.i "FLORIDA. LIMITED." dai- ly for Petersburg, Henderson, Ral- eigh, V,'ilmington, Charlotte, Ches- , ter, Athens, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, points South and Southwest, Cherayr, Camden, Columbia, . Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa, Fernandina, and all Flori- ." da . points. Trains arrive from South at Chesapeake and Ohio Broad-Street Station 5:15 A. M. and 5:40 P. M. daily; also, 2 P. M. daily, except Sunday. For tickets, checking baggage, sleeping- car reservation, etc., apply to the Sea- board Air-Line railway office, S3i> east Main street; Richmond Transfer Com- pany. 203 east Main street; Jefferson Hotel, and to depot tifket agent. . H. ,M. BOTKIN, General As-nt. -^ S3fi east Main st»-^r. SEABOARP AIR-LIKE KAIL. WAY. The Favorite ilonte South. Schedule inEffect Jane 3, 1900. : Leaves Clieaapenke and Ohio Broad- Street Stutlon. H«» Had an OrUinardy Coterie Siiiner.s Who They Wore. Justice John had just an ordinary dock et as piece de resistance in the Police Court yesterday morning. Willie Harris (colored) was charged \u25a0with _beiHg a. fugitive from justice, as dispensed _in Newport News. The mail was held until the 14th. to allow the Newport News police to come for him. Hezekiah Dickerson and Leachia Jones (colored) were charged with being sus- picious characters. Each v.-as required to give security in 5-lfK) for thii-ty days. Milton Johnson (colored) and George Howard, also colored, were up for fight- ing. Joh'.ison was allowed to go free, but Howard was fined SJ and the costs. John Children was charged with slap- ping Mrs. -Sue M. Chiklress. - He was r&quired to give $100 security for thirty days. Sarah Preston (colored) appeared labelled with tho Charge of trespassing on the premises of Lucinda Robinson. She was fined 52.50 and. the costs. W. T. Farmer. John S. Wells, and W. .. Pearee were chary-ed with loafing on Pine and Spring streets, ~ to the annoy- ance Qf the neishborhood. The hearing went over until this morning. . Samuel V&.ughan (colored! was a sus- picious characU'J-. He. was invited to give security iv $100. for thirty days. \u25a0 Taylor Blown (.colored i save a beating \q Cal'le Jones. The line was $10, -which \va,s paid. The, remaining cases were very" ordi- nary.' \u25a0 See Fac-Sinillo Wrapper Below. YIRGISIfIr KAVIGATIOH K^' COMPANY, f^^ JAMES RIVER I DAY LINE, Steamer Pocshontas leaves every MON- DAY, WEDNESDAY, and : FRIDAY, at 7 A. M.. for -Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point, Newport News, Claremom, and James-river, landings, and connecting: at Old Point and Norfolk for Washington Baltimore and the North. State-rooms reserved . for the i night at moderate prices, -. iElectric-cars direct to the wharf; Fare only $1.50 'and $1 to Norfolk. Music by Grand Orchestrion.. Freight received for above-named places and ail points in Eastern Virginia and North Carolina. IRVIN WEISIGER, , General Manager. K. A. Barber. Jr..- Secretary. ap 10 3lay 27, 1000. LEAVE RICH3JOXD, nVKTi-STUEE-f STATION. 9:00 A. M., NORFOLK LIMITED. Ar- rives Norfolk.Hl:2o A. It, Stops only at Petersburg. Waveriy. and Suf- folk. Second-class tickets not ac- cepted on this train. 0:05 A.M., THE CHICAGO EXPRESS, for Lynchburg, Roanoke, Colum- " bus, and Chicago. Buffet Parlor car Petersburg to Roanoke. Pull- man Sleeper Roanoke to Colum- bus; also, for Bristol, Knoxville. and Chattanooga. Pullman Sleeper . Roanoke to ilnoxville. 3:15 P. M-. Ocean Shore Limited. Ar- rives Norfolk 5:E5 P. M. Stops only at Petersburg, Waverly, and fcuJ- folk.. Second-class tickets not good on this train. Through coach to •' Virginia Beach. C:3O P. M., For Suffolk, Norfolk, and in- termediate stations. Arrives at Norfolk at 10:4!) P. M. 0:10 P. M;. For Lynchburg and Boa- noke. Connects at Lynchbur? with Washington and Chattanooga Lim- ited. Pullman Sleepers Lynchburg to Memphis and Nen- Orleans. Cafe, parlor, and Observation cara Radford to Attala, Ala. Pullman Sleeper between Richmond •Lynchburg, an-i berths ready- ioi occupancy at 8-^) P. M. Also, Pull- man Sleeper Petersburg and Hoiu noke. Trains arrive Richmond from Lynch' burg and the West daily at T:::n A. M and Sifitf P. M-: from Norrolk and th^ East at It :1O A. M., li:-l- A. 3L, ant «:.1O P. M. Office: S3B Main street. t \u25a0 JOHN E. WAGXBR, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. C. H. BOSLEY. District Pas3«nger Asrent. W. B. BEVILI.. General Eas3ehgec Agent. General Office: Roanoke, Va. my to {^ i » a £5i Deatli of a Lady Causes Suit u>- Her Ailministrator City Courts. The administrator of the late Jeannette May Harvey charges that , the owners of the building in which she lived are re- sponsible for her death, and on yesterday instituted suit in the Law and Equity Court for ?5.C00. The style, of the suit is Albert S. Harvey, administrator, against C. F. and C. L. Saver and Elizabeth Saver Dunston. The house in question is No. 2111 east Broad street. It. is charged that the plumbing was defective. Suit has been instituted in the Circuit Court by John M. Everett, administrator of Arthur L. Everett, against the Penn- sylvania Steel Company, for §10,000. The suit grows, out of the viaduct horror on lower Main street. ' In the Circuit Court to-day the trial of William Woodson, the negro convict, who killed a cellmate some time ago, willcom- mence. The largest suit brought against the city recently will come up for trial Monday in - the Law and Equity Court. The suit is that of the Gallegd Mills Company against the city for $35,000, on account of the flooding of plaintiff's cellar by. water from city culverts and; sewers. In the Hustings Court yesterday John Foster (colored) \vr - found guilty of car- rying concealed weapons, and given thirty days in jail and fined-SSO. In the ,City Circuit Court judgments were rendered as follows: In favor of T \ M.Wortham against W. G. Goodman for 51t>1.25, and in favor of B. D. Chalkley & Co._against W. F. Clegg& Brother, for . In the Chancery Court Wickl iff e' V Abraham qualified as guardian o<~ John B* and Annie, L. Abraham. FOB HEADACHE, FOR DIZZINESS; FOR BIUOUSHESS, FQR TORPID LIVER. FOR COMSTIPATJQK. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FGRTKEGG&IPLEXSGEI 3P«S3 WVISTHAVtStOWATUHC. THE SYSTEM -AVORICS AVELL. 28 i tents Purely -5 I Very mssU'end as easy ] to taikia as srgar. MERCHANTS AND MINERS TRANSPDRTATiONCOIVIPANV'S Steamship Lines. Routeto' BOSTOSff, MASS., AXD PUOVIDEXCE \u0084 l \u25a0 ; -'. : r. i. ' Steamers.-: leave Norfolk .for Boston MONDAY/ WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY; for -Providence .TUESDAY THURSDAY, and SATURDAY 6P. M. ' Accommodations . and cuisine unsurpass- ed." \u25a0--_\u25a0-, '.:'.:'',' : ' \u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0'' : \u25a0'.'\u25a0 ' *- \u25a0 . -. -::.- -Passengers and freight taken for all New. Sngland ';points. -. Tickets. en sale at C. &O. and N& W Ry. offices and 903 east Main street ' * - R:.H. "WRIGHT; Agent. : sg)"i-4m :\u25a0-.'. : . . ' . N orf oik.- Va. . . l\r<»i>i'rty Transfers. •—*'\u25a0\u25a0 Richmond: Robert L. Chiles to Fannie D. Chiles, 20 feet on west side Reservoir Street, IS feet south of Wallace. 55. ; C. L. Dencon to William O. Doggett, Stl -feet on north sido Marshall street, IS 11-I* : ' f eeti- west of Henry, $2,250. "Marion L. Dawson to Hill Montague, interest in 33 feet \. on north side Floyd avenue/ S6 feet east of Plum street Jl.ooo. Thomas. McLauchlan \u25a0 and wifo to Chtisapeak© and Ohio Railway Company, $&a ftjet on north side Poplar street, 19 ttfct w«st of A^-h, JCCCIO. ": v ' : Benjamin L. Purcell and wife to Qeorg« D. Peannan, 34-1-3 feet on west Sid© "10th street, 147 feet north of Clay, SS-So^ . - .... '\u25a0'"• :\u25a0,. \u25a0; ;. G-.' D. Peaniian and wife to Mrs.' Ann \u25a0McKinley,. 40 feet on west side Twenty- second street, 121 feet north of Marshall, 52,800. '\u25a0:\u25a0 Cliarles White and wife to Chesapeake ;and- Ohio Railway .Company, triangular lot on east side Elm street, 105 feet south ; of; Poplar, ?200. Henrico: '\u25a0-. Samuel Garnett, St., to Amy "Garnett, his wife, 10 acres 4 miles east of-.. Richmond,- $3. - '•••: John W. Quarles and wife to Highland -Park- Company, lots 14 and 15 \\\ square 8. Highland Park, $1,750. First Use of UertiUon System He- ss«lts in liideiititioatiou of Criminal Chief-of-Police Howard's first measure^ ment of -a criminal by the Bertillon sys- tem-is demonstrated to have been a per- fect success. Frank Preston, an alleged pick-pocket, was photographed, and then measured according to the system.- - The picture and the measurements were for- warded to Superintendent George \l Porteous, of the National Bureau of IdeV tification by the Bertillon system, at Chi- cago.- \u25a0 "\u25a0* .- On yesterday the Chief's mail brought an acknowledgment of the measurements' with the information that "Preston" is* one Frank Smith, who was arrested in Detroit July C. 1890, as a suspicious char- acter. Chief Howard was complimented upon his iirst success. nLTDE'STEAM BH-lE'ffifV- yy coiiPANY,_ . •jQgsmtb' PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND; AND : NORPOLOv STEAMSHIP LINE. " Appointed sailing- days: .Every TUES- DAY. .. FRIDAY . and SUNDAY at day- •light...... •.-•.•.--' -.;-:.. . •\u25a0 : \u25a0-- Freight received- daily. until 5 p K. For iurtner informsitiQn apply to J- W. M'CARRICK. General: Southern Agent; Office, Rocketta .: W.P, CLYDE \5t > CO ja^ General Agents. Philadelphia. . Crowing: in' I'ubliu Kavor. Tho Kind Words Society increases in membershii) with each portormance of the Giffen. Company at the Academy, and It will be a matter of a. very short lime, until its merits are known through- out the city. '"The Wife". has created a unanimously favorable impression, and The individual' members of the "company have already won for themselves a fol- lowing. - Commtincing, Monday \u25a0evening, tho L bill '- will . be changed to "A" Social liighwaymun,"- entirely new here, but with' a mr-ord" of .'success elsewhere*'' that few plays havo over attained. Everybody comments upon the cool, pleasant tem- peraiuro of the theatre, and the iced-air- .The .'Mayor. Sworn lv. Mayor Richard M. Taylor, recentiy elected, to succeed himself, qualilit^ yes- terday for the ensuing term, which dates from July Ist. Mayor Taylor took the cath of. office before Judge S. B - Witt on a IMble presented Mrs. Tavlor by City Clerk, Ben T. August six years'. ago upon the occasion of the swearing in of Mayor Taylor for his first term The Mayor is ; sworn regularly every two years on this same Bible, which is" hij?h- ly prized both by himself and Mrs. rrotutlinc Piles—No Cute, Xo "Pay"'" Your druggist will rafund your: money if.Pazo Ointment fails to cure you. Fifty ' AMERIGAN- : LINJB:r.- FAST JiXI'AKSS •\u25a0/SKHVICE.-- NEW TOi«i: - SOUTHAMPTON LON- \u25a0 .'- - . -.'.'- •\u25a0 '. \u25a0 •'•\u25a0 DQN. '";_\u25a0 '-\u25a0\u25a0• ";"\u25a0-'•\u25a0 .- : -:-\u25a0 - Callingr AVestbou a«i at Cherbourg. ; Sailing: Wednesdays at 1) a. M. St. Louis" . . .-.June 13 | New York. . : . July : 11 St. Pau1: ... . . June 27 St. ; Pau1.. ... .j U]y ; is St Louis... V. .July i \ St.- Louis ....July -25' RED STAR UNE. NEW ITOP-K. ANTWERP, vPAiUS - Every ;W«jdnesday : ttt IS J^ooq, .' V:. Frie'slandi.v.'Juno; 13 [.Westernland;:Ju!e 'Southwarlv. -Juner 2o l "Kensington. . July v - . *T"i^ae \u25a0 ssua.mer3 carry> cabin ; and tnlr'd- clas3:,B9.ssent^r3 at.Jow :rates. ' ; - ; international: ; navigation ca, -\u25a0•-. \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0:.- \u25a0\u25a0 ... - : Piers J4_andls.?NorthHver. :- - •'.\u25a0'\u25a0--•\u25a0 - '\u25a0-- Offlcs/fTS^Broadway^N;' V iv w. b.. palmer: &!ca*" ;my 15-'B3-;.CU. Th &Sa3y,v;,c£;R} c h; roon fli%v " CURE rt "* ! * MS? VHACHE. CTh SaTu&w). - d^^^i-' : ''-' -'"PARKeiI'S-. \u25a0" I WglMm HAIR BALSAM i^^Q^^Si^S Clcaniea and beautifies the hair. . jßHSsslllir* feS Promotes a luxuriant growth, \u25a0 sW&fts!S==ii w£§ Ifevep Pails to Hestore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. VsSjCTfe=-^@S Prevents Dandruff and hair f alline. K-ftggggg -''^TT COc-'Pd gift)at DroggUts. | -.'-' O'e 2-Sats2t) "^ V BQ C BIM ESTEB ' S ENGLISH tik! c»r O'ldnnl and iiulf Genuine. -v- t«SSATE^ Always reUabie. Ladles, ask Drujciit £^v ittiKED and Gold . metallic \u25a0 boxS. : ieaW ' * vfAUh blue ribt)0°- Joke no other- Kefusa * vfi» J»a"ceroußJ »a"cerouB Substitutions and Isnita- y ft) «»«»•• ' U"7 ot yoar Draggist. or send 4c. in ! •r *% - «a««p« for-Partleulara, Testimonials _ jbl and "RclleT for La«Uc£» ia l«ff° tr ?" f" i.£ ara 31|UL 3 *.000 Testimonials. Sold bj- -ar—,U .vi '"" r>ru SSi |!> -»- .CUlchcMep Chemical Co., MenUoa thu paper. Und}ns. a H-iuai-e, PKII-A.. Pa! : (my O-W.Sat&Sun&w^e o wly) , Lli^#B^^.6.S!^a' : "l .;... : - <fe 17-P.Sat&Wls6t-alt) ' ? ; - :.;>;-- | . - _ : ; ; .' : '\u25a0'• \u25a0 \u25a0 ' -.'._ ? y n opo g als. -T -. -: ; . ;- . .\u25a0;:..\u25a0: Iticht^iontl^Ya;, 8, 1900.;*- . , NOTICE .TO -PAINTERS:.. ,--.- ..' . Estimates -will be 'received^at'thia oiSce' - untjil-: 'noon -MQNDAII,".: June ;;ISth, for \u25a0PAINTING 'AND :;KALSOMTNING'\u25a0 THE iJIIGH^ SCHOOL': BUILDING,^ V .• \u25a0 :. : : ; j^Specifieaitions on: application; at -this i-of-". ;flce. ; -The School Boardv.reserves I ; theirigh t- to::reiect{any :or.aU.:bids.; Bonds Avill-be required : with^ contract;-'.-- AS .£>..\u25a0'-';; O : ." By.' -order pf.l'.Buildiiis^andv/Furriitura Committee. . .'-;\u25a0\u25a0... '-. "^:';-./^;V-. y :i^".. i.-/- :- -'\u25a0? \u25a0 1 " CHARLES "P. WALI«XiRD, r:je9,lQ,l2&lJ-4t::.r :je 9,1Q,12&1J-4t: :. Clerk ;^ 'and?. Supervisor/,-*;;; p. ;'; XOTIcisH : T6;^COXTUAOTORS.f : ; ;:-r : Williamshursr/ ; A*si-i s^lune ;n, : IGOA. r-iSEAU-: D * PROPOSALS i will?be| received \u25a0 .^at I ?the'iofflce'*'of^li'^W.i:. ! liane";:; - Jr.7^where E plans i and ?, specifications 'i uan'ibe'i Eeen,"2f or ; the 1 TWO-STORY BRICK. ; VWOOD,r ANPMmON^KNITTING^MILtrf '-Bid.ss.\vin;;be?openearfat%ll; o'clock A- M, r is ,i-u- ; served; to -reject any .and all bids'. jPresidentgS.WilliamaburgMKnltting^Mniai l ; Company, . i 0i 0 S-3t , tßEs^fc CHESAPEAKB Schedule ia Effect May C, lt)OO, Irom Kifiniiuutl. LEAVE BROAD-STKKET sTATIOS« 7:OU A. M., Daily local for Nt;W?on ; News, , Old Point, and Norton Parlor cur. . J>:00 A. M., i^aily "Fa^t JUn^r." Jot Newport News. Old Point. >or folk, and Portsmouth. Parlor car. This train stops only at Wuiiams' - burg. ' 5.45 P. M., Daily Local, for Newpor News, Old Point, Norfolk, fs? Portsmouth. Pullman tv Old Point. 10 2O A. M.; except Sunduy- Local « Clifton Forge. Connect ' 0 * . Orunse. Calverton, Mar.assas, a-i^ . AV'ashingtou. , 2.15 P. M., Daily Limited, to Ctnoinr.aU l.ouisyllle, and St. Louis. Pu^"^ Sleeping cars. Connects at ur- r »; ' with Southern railway 0* \u25a0 Orange, and connects for )i) ir s- r ? 1 ' 1 Hot Spring. No. 7, local tra-n. : except Sunday, follows abov« rr-J- •\u25a0" from Gordonsvilte to Stuunton. 5.30 p. M..Do3weil Accommodation, ex- . cent Sunday. _. ,_, 1O:3OP. M., Dally. F. F. V., to C jncto ~. nati- -and LcMisville. K^ l^n Sleeping car. CONNECT^ FOH - VIRGINIA HOT: SPRINGS- LEAVE EIGHT-STREET STATIO>. 10JSO A. M.|>Dai!yr for Lynehburg-. Lei' ington; and ... CHfttm ForS*;- Cob : neot.<.- except Sunday, with t*^* - ingham and-Alberene bniMcne*. B-.00 P. M./ Except Sunday. Cciusswa \ Accommodation. .. ..., t .t"» TItAIJiS AItRIVEv BUOAD-SH^ti \u25a0\u25a0--.\u25a0_.. ; STATION.' \u25a0 S-.OOA. M., except Sunday, from vc*- H:SO A^M.; and H:^O P. M.. Daily.Ircc -.'Cincinnati and'LotiisviHe. \u25a0 r ll:i:o A. M.; T:IO P.M.. «n« «.i>:- ! j ?£+ \u25a0:-\u25a0 Daily, from Norfolk *nu Old Pctac. 7:45 P. M-. Except iunday. from CU-* thaws aiirive ;Etr,nTn-sTKf.F.r ;. : "---- •- ' ; STAXIOX. ]'- S-.'to A. M., Except: Sunday, from Col"» \u25a0 -- : " L -" bicl« \u25a0 \u25a0" " " •-' '-"'-'" '"-"" "' - " . «:2U P. .M.. Dally,- from : Lynchburs. Lei- "^ngton, and Cllftca Forge- KxceP 1 .: -Sunday, from New Castle ar.d Kos- :.-. W ncy.'\u25a0\u25a0---\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;.- •-'••.?.:-• : -' ' ::=For detail information." conneptloßrf. *-^--; apply at Richmond Transfer otace, No-*- 1^ jeast ; ?Miiin; street:sChesapeake and Qaiv v Passenger Offlqe,.No. iS®«astJMaindtr«^c: "Station Ticket Offlceg. or address ,;: : :.if-:::::-5.v:--, : jOHND, POTrS. . ; : : . r;"Asslstant;Gencrai .Paasenxtr Axe"*- MILITARY COMPANIES. Governor Tyler, after conferring with Adjutant-General Nalle, has deterrniiied- to authorize the formation of no. more military companies In places where com- panies already exist. This order has no reference to the cities in which com- panies were authorized . Wednesday, in several of which organizatioxig already existed. The great aim of Governor Tyler and Adjutant-General Nalle is to have the military scattered throughout the State, so that troops can be assembled at any point in quick time. V There are now thirty-two companies of infantry, in the State; the law limits the number to thirty-six. Governor Tyler is very anxious, that the four to be formed shall be in the Valley and Southwest, and' in other sections in. which there is not now any military. The Board of Public Works was in ses- sion again yesterday considering railway assessments. The work .will not be com- pleted for several days. STATE BOARD OF "CANVASSERS. The State Board of Canvassers will meet on Monday, June 11th, to canvass the returns of the recent constitutional convention election. This is the date fix- ed by the bill -submitting the question of a convention to the people. The returns from .Dickenson county are not yet in, and will. probably not be received. Seve- ral years ago the Dickenson returns had to be sent for before .they could be ob- tained. T No re.turns of the N v election, of ISB9, when Hon. P. W. . McKinney was chosen Governor, were sent to " the "Secre- tary of the Commonwealth from Scott county, and the county election officials refused to give them up to a special mes- senger sent for. them by the General As-, sembly. There was. no law compelling them to do so, nor is there yet any. There was talk of having one or more of the county - officials brought before the bar of the House for contempt, but nothing came, of it. A joint resolution, reciting that the returns from Scott had. not been received, , and that they could in no wisa affect the result, was adopted, and Cap- tain McKinney was declared elected Gov-. ernor. VALLEY FORGE CELEBRATION. Governor Tyler has received an invi- tation to attend a great celebration at Valley Forge on the lGth instant, in. com- memoration of the hardships which . the American soldiers of the Revolution un- derwent in their; . struggle for indepen- dence. The Governors of all the original thirteen States have been invited, and 'President McKinley has been asked to be i present. One hundred thousand, people are expected to attend the celebration. Governor Tyler has regretting that he cannot attenu. VETERINARY EXAMINEP V S. Governor Tyler yesterday appointed the following. members of the Slate Board of \ eterinary Examiners, and Secretary Lawless - ; has .issued their commissions: Dr. W. H. Bolyn. Lincoln; Dr. W.S Daake Leesburg; Dr. W. T. Gilchrist, Norfolk; Dr. T. M. Sweeney, Richmond; \u25a0Ur. H. Bannister,; Roanoke. The^ new board- will serve for four years from the. date of commissions, which is, May 1, 1900. - /;.-. CAPITOL NOTES. -\.;v The Governor has been asked to :attend Bm.V^f"! 1 ' 111 reunion of Roosevelt's -Rough Rideris, which. will, be, held at Oklahuma; City, July lst-5th t inclusive: A swarm of bees— genuine,, hard-work- . Ing,. honey-makers-have taken possession' o^ one of the- squirrel-boxes in the-Caoi- tol- Square, .and Mr. Richardson, who'is- bupermtendent of -Grounds and Buildings, as well: as .Register ; be the Land Office/ expects to have a honey crop to harvest 1 m.due, time. ;Jt, is supposed- the squirrels ;did not/contest the : invasion ot'the bees.' I v Governor : Tyler : apuohited- Mr. Edgar .\u25a0v._ ; ,-js.ngiisji; of this city, 'a notary public yesterday. .-.:.;. \u25a0;-:.: -• : -' :-^-. ; .Th^Aets-of the last Assembly are be- :?ng dei?vered.as ; rapi,ily,as.they can^be lecelveds from, the: binder. - r : U . - : George, Y. ; Hundley, member of the Houses of Delegates^ .from-llathewsVcbun-'-. .ty.rwus- at theCupitoliyesterday:^ ' •\u25a0VTV T - "" y:rU - Campbell; of >HanoverVi and Mr. A;; G.iSmlth,fof Caroliri'e,iSuperlnten- ;- :dent of Schools, for- their respectivo^cbun^ :^^wero^callors,;at^thGL.Dep>rtmentidf l lib. ie Instruction yesterday. : . 11 \u25a0Bahhoh^ Supefinien^ent of.PublicrPrlnting, w ho has been confined The payment of.pensions is in full pro- gress at the Auditor's office. About 2,003 of the 3,500 pensioners on the old roll, have been paid. None of those whose applications have been acted upon by the" county pension boards, created by the last General As- sembly, have been paid yet. They will not be until the old pensioners have re- ceived their portions./ It is estimated that about §106,000 will have been paid out to veterans and widows of veterans- before the pension boards' list is reached. The General Assembly estimated that the Commonwealth would pay out a .total of $135,000 in pensions this year." Mr. E. L. C. Scott, of Auditor Alarye's office, is the "pension artist," as he is termed by his associates, having for years made out the warrants for pensioners, which are cashed at the Treasurer's of- fice. .- \u25a0; ATLANTIC--OOASI LiN£. Schedule Effective; May 27, IHOO. TH.Ai.NS LEAVE UICIIMOXD—BYItD- STREET STATION. 0:00 A : M., NORFOLK \u25a0"\u25a0 LIMITED, daily. Arrives Petersburg 9:20 A. v -M.; Norfolk 11:27 A. M. Stops only at Petersburg, Waverly, and Suf- folk," Va. 0:05 A. M... Daily. Arrives Petersburg 9:50 A. 11., Weldon 11:50 A. M.,~. Fayettevilie 4:25 P. M., Charleston 10:55 P. M;.\u25a0 Savannah 12:50 A. M., Jacksonville 7:20 A. -M., Porr Tnin- pa 6:20 p. M. Connects at Wilson with No 47, arriving Goldsboro' 3:25 P. M:, . Wilmington 6. Pull- man-Sleeper New York to Jack- sonville. . 11:30 a: M., Daily, except Sunday. Ar- rives Petersburg 12:10 P. M. Stops Manchester, . Drewry's Bluff, Cen- o - tralia, and Cb^.cer on signal. .3:15 P. M., OCEAN SHORE LIMITED, aaily. Arrives . Petersburg 3:45 P, M., -Norfolk 5:33 P. MI Stops only at Petersburg , Waverly, and ; Suffolk: '--:\u25a0' 3:55. P.M., Daily, Local. Arrives Pc- - \u0084„ J ersbur ? P. il.Makes all stops. f t>:oOP.ll., Daily, except Sunday. Ar- rives Petersburg 6:23 P. M., AVei- ,'don S.-tfi P. M.. and Rocky Mount -.; 3:30 P. M.jilakes all intermediate 6:50 P. M., FLORIDA AND WEST " INDIA LIMITED, "daily. .Arrives -. . Petersburg 7:25 P. M. Connects , j;ith Norfolk and:' Western for Norfolk and intermediate points; Emporia 9:10 (connects \ with A; and p. for stations /between Emporia and Lawrenceville). Wet- don 8:53 P. M.; Fayettevll'o 12:19 A. M., Charleston 5:04 A. M.. Sa- vannah 7;04 A. -M., Jacksonville 11:SO A. M:. Port Tampa »:« P. M -NEW LINE TO MIDDLE GEOIt- •G IA : POlNTS.— Arriving" Augusta 7:55 A. M., Macon 11:15 A; M., At- lanta :12:33 P. -Mr" Pullman Steepera Ntnv York to Wilmington, Charles- ton, Jacksonville, .Port, Tampa . Augusta;: and Maeon. J:1O P. M.. Daily. TArrlvingPetersburg S:oo P. M.. connect at "Petersburg with. Norfolk and Western railway, ; . ai-riving, Lynchburg 2:30" A M- .Roanoke '5 A: M., Bristol 10:40 A. M. .-.-Pullman Sleeper Richmond to >: •\u25a0\u25a0:. : Lynchburg. "/ 11 :OO P. M..- Daily. Arrives Petersburg ': 11:45 P. M.c .' : TRAIXS ARRIVE HICHJIOSD. 3:33 .'Ai-'M:.. Daily, : from Jacksonville, . Savannah.; : Charleston.^ Atlanta.* v - q act h "i / Augusta; . ! and _;all :point3 " .-7:35 -A. ; .M.. .Daily." -:'-.. From- -Petersburg v AVest. ' .S:4s:A.";,M.,;.Daily, except Sunday -Pc- " . tersburg. locaK'- r ! ..- \u25a0 •\u25a0- ...---.-; 11:10 -A". M.v Dally, except Sunday, from ! Uold-sboro*:: and intermedia":© sta- 11 «- "o"^. 'Norfolk, and; SuJTolk::-- - ii:Oo A..M..- .aunday.only.-rrom Norfolk; c -. Suftolk,. arulyPete-rsburg. , / \u25a0 -•?:* :4 - A - M., -Dally.; ;f rom: Norfolk. Suf- _, :'-:\u25a0- tolk. and'Poteraburg.' -_-- . - _ : 1 :«'J3 P. .MV, -Daily, except Sunday, from : -\:P'iJeivbiirg.-. ;:;\u25a0.- \u25a0:: \u25a0 'v" \u25a0. ! :«:uOjP.m -vDai!y/;froniiN6rfolk,-: Suffolk ' - ; and Petorsburg.- ; J \u25a0\u25a0' ::\:::: :\: : :- ' \u25a0- •\u25a0-\u25a0--' : ,7:SS:P: M;, Daily, '-\u25a0.\u25a0. from- Miami. Po>-t i >;:.../- : : Tampa. ' ij-Jackson ville^-Savanuah, 1 .;.;•'". : Charleatpn,- < Wihnins:ton. Golds- t>-^:=&\u25a0;: bow', and;an?potnt.s?South?: /.- " -\u25a0\u25a0."\u25a0 |:s§:se;P/?M;. vDaily, :Petersbu«-» -\u25a0, "\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0r:;;- LyncUburg.- and--.W-*>st. -\u25a0.:\u25a0 J -; -,-\u25a0 -.\u25a0-\u25a0.-, -- '- - ' - T M, EMERSOV - i- rJf.:R.\KENIJSV. Trartlo-MauasefSf f-sgGenoraU Manager. IPfM^EMnjftSQX ita«.«GeneraliJ PPassengerr r Agii.-t. ; . . \Li~S&; . C. S. <"AUPBElji^rt nir ;? . £>ivtsioa Passeuse^^^at,^ He^*7;Not^He^s4Circu!ars/ Handing Do<lgt>rs, :;&c.;-;:print«d by tjie D2spa^« [Company 'at : lbwjprices. giv* ya« rgood|>«ork uV the same prices yuu ?- l >' for r Inferior work. Semi - ; us your orJ^p -•*\u25a0' we win cuarameo satisfaetfoa « even; particular. "DRINK NOTHING but Natural Mineral Water, such as Apolhnaris, free from all vegetable poisons." '\u25a0 ; .. ' . \u25a0: . ; - ;\u25a0\u25a0 , Boston Journal. "THE POPULARITY OF , is chiefly due to its irrepi-oacliable. character." . ,: * . 1 he I^iines: "; ; - r ; -;:;;-;. :O.CE AX- STB ABISIHPSi :;:'-- '\u25a0: Comoagule \u25a0 Ueftt'taiS ;--'.-:; --'.- : '• \u25a0, ; -v \u25a0 .->;-^- ' ".-\u25a0:-\u25a0..;. \u25a0?lyc--- :L :\-':~: .- : ; ".;; : :;' : .\S ?rV?V'rranHp.tlauitlquc. DIRECTisUNE :hTQ: iUAVaEAPAfiIS ,'\u25a0-\u25a0::-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; '- :> : >' :-; "(Frsmcej.^ };-. ; :' \u25a0\u25a0••.-:: *\.,-:. :j ... ---,--. .- .&::• Sailing /Every; Thursday iat 10 ; "AV Al, " From ; iPler 4 N 0.-,-> '-fci, ? vv N orth - ; river.\u25a0.- f cot iV^i'-} \u25a0:"::> : '~:MVMorton street- •;.-\u25a0•. -.\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0-*.- .'•\u25a0-\u25a0•-- -.'-: La ; ; Gas/cogne .*. J 0 rl-i |La-\u25a0£ Toufa i nee; Juiy 5 ; La" Cbampagne,-:Je- 21 LarLqrraine.TJV. j y - ;la| :lJa r r4.ciuitaUie;;"jQ'?^ll^-^retK£rne;;Jy'.:j9'- ; sailing s of |;new;jUwin-sere\Y^fex-^ p"ressS« steamer.- La. Lorraine iVfram^ NevVi July'l2. IDuO. ~ - * •^General Agency. 32 Broadway. m,. w , pß}cl\niond^»-ansf ep Company;" ooifMatn^ rßtreet^^ Andrew iaWelah;^ 013 - ; eastsMata? street. . te iAteS 2; .; , / - . \u25a0JJOaiYOUxnuw the news, about oil stoves? They- have been perfected so that they now; equal any stoves made for * cooking efficiency, safety, beauty and convenience. The most economical stove you can use and the most comfortable inhot weather is the lue '"Oil %tfivfe Flame Hj^-B-fi. utu? v . It burns the same oil you use in your lamps, at a cost ofone-half cent an hour , for a burner. Makes, no soot and no , odor. Sold in all sizes. If your dealer j docs not have them, write to. e-raMnoßn OIL COMPANY.

Mlk' Bi Ti f^mf^^^G^E9M^MFlmMWMmm^^mmm^^mm njktiußOJUfjusmxm: P^y *V&Q^^^a^^i'v&ffitf'rfi* iq^«?^^^B RAILROAD KIKES.-^ > f^mf^RAILWAY. 'ilPikis'*home Iby^slckness for several^ays;;.wasiable^o^belat^hlsSdeEkvyeaterday^"^,^l^bor:Commiß6ioneriJa^es^B

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m^^^G^E9M^MFlmMWMmm^^mmm^^mmnjktiußOJUf jusmxm:

P^y *V&Q^^^a^^i'v&ffitf'rfi*iq^«?^^^BRAILROAD KIKES. -^>


'ilPikis'*home Iby^slckness for several^ays;;.wasiable^o^belat^hlsSdeEkvyeaterday^"^,^l^bor:Commiß6ioneriJa^es^B. J-DbliertyJ-Dbliertyis- st il1 absen tifromUhe iei cfty;bhibusiness^

Colonel William; Henry.:Slann7?of;Pe-.tersburg,7;;Clerlc>;of: the:;House;£of/V;Dele-;gates,ai:d: .Ke>!p'?r;'of^ the.;iio)ls,: was; athis foffico\yester.]ay, 'having; Just 'returned;from?a"ltrip'tb Lbiijsville; Ky.< - .


IheQuickest Time.

Mlk' and Western Railway.;Three DailyTrains. .

Richmond to Norfolk.• Ineffect May 27, 1DO(;.


Leave \u25a0Richmond ::\:.. M.Arrive Norfolk/.:... .;::..:;..:..-:ll£D AiM.-: V -OCEAN-.SHORE LIMITED.;/..;".--Leave Richmond...:;. .;.....;....3:15 F.M.Arrive Norfolk.";'.:":'. ............ .5 :35 P- M.':. - FAST MAIL. ;, \u25a0\u25a0'.'

Leave Richmond.... ....... ..;..-.-6:30-P.JLArrive;N0rf01k........... .... 110:40 J?/:M.

The NORFOLK LIMCTED^ahd OCEANSHORE LIMITED ;. are . the finest" andfastest Itrains in the South. \u0084 Through;coach to -Virginia

-Beach is carried :on

OCEAN SHORE 'LIMTTED.L No changeof:cars; between; Richmond and the At-lantic shore. Close- connections, are/ madewith steamships .of the -Old DominionLine for New;York. Chesapeake and Ba>vlines .for Baltimore, Norfolk and Wash-ington .Line for Washington, Merchants'and "Miners' Line, for Boston and Provi-dence, ..and Cape Charles Line for.East-ern;Shorel: :\u25a0

This is the only line offering such ad-vantages, and the :, ONLY ALL-RAILLINE.,

For all information apply at office, S3SMain street. . \u0084

, . " r- B. BEVILL,.. General Passenger Agent,> _/'c: h. bosley, '.;\u25a0'.. ,--.:-; ' ;: District'Passenger Agent, '

JOHN E. WAGNER,.my 2G-lm"

' ""

vCity.Ticket Agent.

We Sen the Puritan WickEess Blue-Flame 1 can be seen in operation at our store.

OIL STOVE "~T Ny KL-EIN & SON,1W&&-*: fi-.\> .S4 B-B

"'I620 K.Uroad Street. KICH3IOND,' VA.- '

'\u0084;,,. (mT2G-jat,TaA,Th-;iin>-



HEADACHENEis jnade to relieye Headaches.

T.A.MILLER,519 E.B&M,'\u25a0\u25a0 Branch Under Jefferson Hotel.

MrialComiaceßTHe Most Skeptical

XeTr \u25a0Elevator inVC.^Vf O. Oißces—"

".'\u25a0 \u25a0•: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0;; / Rnilrimd >,'oies/ •\u0084;-.,;The>'Passengcr --elevator; in, the "generaloffices;; of Mhe icfesapeake -and "pi-ilo.'-at \u25a0

Eighth and. Main streets, has been prac-:tically' completed,, and was Vput 1o -Useyesterday, afternoon.'- :i1..-,is.:;an electrichydi-auiic elevator^ put in by a Phiiadfi]-phia!-company,' through' A"::15.;Sheltoh >&:


this's city,;;and under: the, super-vision"^ of Mr. James"' McConville.


the only one of the; kind in.Richmond;;costing -55,000.',. Mr.:J.V E. Wade, of"thiscity,. is the -engineer -in. charge -of thebuilding. .

The" installation' of:the -elevator ..is animprovement so.great that At ? wasXtheuppermost ;.topic in;; all the offices :in the*building yesterday. It and other, improve-mentU put in since last wjnter's fire makethe -Pace..- building-/ one of Hhe- niostthoroughly- modern -}h'.appointments inthe ;city..i.The' fire is regarded by: theChesapeake -and Ohio people -as beingsomewhat of a blessing in disguise. /

Mr. C. S. Campbell,, division freight andpassenger agen t 'of \u25a0 the .- -Atlantjc-Cqast'Line,':who hais been, ill-at. his home, atStaples's Mill,is again in hjsolce.

Mr." J. C. "West, the excursion agent": ofthe Chesapeake :ahd has recoveredfrom a recent severe illness; and leftyesterday for Willoughby Beach to spendseveral .days. . -... ,_ .:. .:. .. Mr. J.. Newton" Snead, Jr., formerly ofthifs city, has recently


been placed incharge- of. the rate and revising depart-ment in the freight.office of. the, AlabamaGreat Southern, in ;Birmingham.


Snead has many friends ,in this city„whowill congratulate him on his promotion.

Mr. C. W, Murphy, of^Savannah. :Ga.,travelling passenger "agent of the South-ern Pacific, was at the local offices" of theSouthern.

Mr.-..8..:F. Sipp, commercial insurancesuperintendent of the. Big Four, arrivedhere, and \u25a0is the guest; of his \u25a0brother, Mr.George S. Sipp, car-feervice agent of $heChesapeake and Ohio.

Bleeding: Filen-^No Care, 3fo Pay.Your druggist ;will i^efund your money

ifPazo Ointment fails to cure you. Fiftycents.

"\u25a0\u25a0 -. ; -, -. \u25a0 . "

HO MEW CLAIMS IRE BEIHG PAID.Petcrslmrg 31a.n's Petition.

In the Clerk's office of the UnitedStates District Court yesterday a peti-tion in bankruptcy was filed by AlfredReinach, of Petersburg,: through Attor-ney James T. Rawley, of.that city. Lia-bilities, $4;03G.55; assets, -nominal.

Pensioners on OltlRoll Arc First to

Receive Their Stipend—

Xcw \u25a0 Mili-

tary Coinyanies—

Board o£ Canvass-


Caiutol IVotes. \u25a0

tSa, Sun & W)

Eingworur—Xo Cure, ?fo Pay.Your druggist will refund your money

IfPazo Ointment fails to cure you. Fiftycents. \u25a0"

'.\u25a0 . . "•. .-" \u25a0 .



Bi r- p p Rlckmoa^ Fredericks-,ii Ti (M Ft bnrg '&Potomac R. R-Sche&pleLin Effect .In»e S, lU«H>.

"BVHD^STnESX- STATiOXi>^siy:^iAviiM^-Daily^Vfor.;;AVasnlngton.yand^

". '1: points.-r;North.;.. Stops •' at-'.'Milfqrd,'-:: f Prpdericksburg. ; -'and ::-.Q«an*ico.;

v/'O "iPuHm.an }Sleepers :;to ,-Wa.shipston-~r v ;and New; Yorfc ;;:-';--' - ::> "-\u25a0- \u25a0"\u25a0 ;;S:2O:A;-LM:, .Sunday bnl>-,' for WashiHsr;-

; ten and. points'North;. 'Stop's •"-.at

Elba, Glen Allen."Ashland,- 1 Tay'-f;.-•.; lorsville.

"DosweU,or Ruth.er-,jGleu.';Penola,' Milford,-;Woodtvta- c.- Gui-'nea. .•-;. Summit, ::' FreUer.cksburK.; \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0: Brooke, -AVidtrß-ater, and. Quantico.-

\u25a0 BufTot parlor-car. •; .

r«:Ol A., M., Daily, except Sunday, for;Washington' and. .points .J". North.";Stops at Elba: r

;;Glen- Allen;-Ash-land, Do3well.: Milford,Fredericks-;

;-: burg, and iQuantico.' :Buffet parlor':tf;i.-: ;car. - -.;\u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0-.. *-.. .:.\u25a0".- .C .- \u25a0 ":; '\u25a0,-\u25a0

.-•ia;OO.:il.. Daily, except Sunday, x'or/ Washington ;and .points North.." .: Stops at JEiba, Glen Allen, Ash-

land, Doswell; Miiford"Fredericks--.burg,;and{Quantieo.; 'Buffet ;par:or-

;;caj^v-Connects with Congressional: -Limited-at \u25a0-Washington; ~: :- .7:43.P;:<M,;r Daily, ior -Washington and'points North. Stops at JElba. Ash-

;- . land. Dosweil, Miiford,Fredericks-; burg. Brooke. Widewater. and

Quantico.'Stops other "stations

Sundays. '-.: 'Slee-per .. Richmond to"; New: York. Sleeper Washington to.\u25a0

', Philadelphia."


ARRIVE .BYRD-STREET STATIO.V. j:»:40;a: M., Daily. Stops at Widewater.

Brooke, Fredericksbursv- Miiford,.Doswell; /Ashland, and F.lba." Stopsother' stations - Sleeper

"".-\u25a0*- ./. 'New York to:Richmond.

\u25a0 3:05 P.- M., Daily., except Sunday. Stopsat Frederieksburg, :\u25a0 Miiford. Dps-

\u25a0well, Ashland, Gle.n Allen, andElba. Buffet parlor car... -.

«:30 P. M., Daily. Stops at Fredericks-burg, Dosweil, Ashland, and Elba.Pullman cars: from New York-and. ..'.\u25a0Washington.: - ' -

S:4O P.M., Daily- Siops at Widewater.Brooke, Fredericksburg, Surmnit,Guinea, Woodslane, Miiford, Pe-nola, Ruther Glen, Dosweil. Tay-lorsville. -'Ashland. Glen Alien, andElba. Buffet parlor car.ACCosmonATiox thaws.

•(Daily Except Sunday:)8:l*>A. M., Leaves ELBA for Quantico.4:OO P. M.. Leaves BYRD-STREET for

\u25a0 Fredericksburg. : . ;:<J:3O P. M.,Leaves ELBA for Ashland.«:4O A^ M., Arrives ELBA from Ash-

land.--- -:.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.:-' •.-.--\u25a0•.\u25a0

SiJ5 A. :M., Arrives BYRD-STREBTfrom Fredericksburg. .

«:O5 P.: M., Arrives ELBA from Ash-. land.S. A. L. THROUGH TRAINS.



.5:15 A..;'&!., Dairj-, for Washington andpoints North. Stops at Doswell,Fredericksburg, and Quantico. Pull-man Sleepers to New York

6:00 P. M.. Daily, for Washington andpoints North.

"Stops at DosweilFredericksburg, and Quantico. Pull-



(C. ASD O.)2:30 P. M., Daily. Stops at Fred-- ericksburg and Dosweil. Sleeper

from New York.1O:3O P. M., Daily. Stops at Fred-ericksburg and- Dosweil. Sleepers

from New York.W. P. TAYLOR, Traffic Manager.

E. T. D. MYERS, President,je 2

the acknowledgedKing '-of BottledBeers, possessesevery element that

makes a perfect and delicious brew. *

Nearly three quarters of a billionbottles of this famous brand havebeen consumed— a world's record.

The product of

Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'nSt. Louis. U. S. A.

yff f^~ fi/^£}9 Faracus the world over for its tonic qualities,f&'L£&&&^%£&&i-&/£&& T-commended by physicians everywhere, is& ©• 0> *<•"•*

prepared by this association.

TIUIJI'.VAL,OK JUSTICE JOiiX. electric-fan system is declared a hugesuccess. A matinee performance of "TheWife" will be given at 2:30 .to-day.

: Sckednle'^EffeVtlve April2. iaoo.THAINsjiKAVEK.ICH :SU, VA. ',

ll;t>UP. M., No^ H, S6ut..«rn Kspre^a-. v"daily, for rAtladta, Augusta.. Jacfc-: :sou ville.-and: points; Sooth. Sieeo-r'

Xor>Danville, /Greensboro*. Sa';-.bury;,and Charlotte, open at vu-h

, ,mond iioiP.vM:;Stops for cas*'enl's \u0084/g er»-a stations.:•.•.-;- Connects at Danvliie and Cha-

lotte .witb ? Ne-sv York and Florid-.;Express :(No. 33), carryins throu-hsleepers betv/ettii New York and/Tampa;; with connections for alt.. .Florida iprinid. ,-Also. connects ac\u25a0 ;':: an<i Charlotte with V»"ash-. :irajton:£Ji'l South-A-ostern Hmite'l- 'i(Ko; 37), 'tarrying through sleepers

\u25a0; • cietween 1"New York and Nashviio. :Kew York:and M«mphirf. Xew T~-Vand Keis Orleans; .-Ojo, F-jn^r'.ri'\u25a0-.\u25a0'\u25a0•\u25a0-.\u25a0" tourtot Bieeper Mondays. V.*edn»V; day?," and ,Friaays AVashlnETton "to- S*n - Francisco without chansrt

\u25a0•'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..- wi'.h"conr.ections for a!; polrts fa

Tt-xas. Mexico, and CaHfomin12:01 P. M., No. 7, solid train daily rOI.r01.Charlotte, N. C. Connects at Mo«-

\u25a0 . lev.with Farmville and PowKun\u25a0railroad. cAt Keysvilte for Cla-ki-- --vile. Oxford. Henderson, and Dur-ham, and -at Greensboro' for Durham, Raleigh, j.mi Wlnstan-Pal^Ti-

:i-kv:Danville, v.Ith Xo. 35. UnitedStates fast mail, solid train da'ii-r_ .:, for New Orleans and polr.ts South'| carries sleepers Xevr YorVto New Orleans, and New York tn. \u25a0 Jicksc^rille. connecting for Nas=aa--.and Havana. Through sie»p*- qVIllsbury1to Memphis. Buffe!; Parlorl

\u25a0 Car between Richmond, and Dan-' * - -ville. '\u25a0 .\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

SzilO P. M.. Ifo. 17. local datlv oxc-tSunday, for Keysrllle ar.d imer-. -mutate points. lmer


i635P.M.) Frora Atlanta. Augusta.\u25a0Ashevillo, and.nit points South

S:-tO A.M.. frora KeysvUle and local\u25a0 "stations. .LOCAL FREIGHT TTtAI^-i.

Nos. f.l and 52. between Manchester an*Neapolis- "



4:3t> Jfc*. M., Ko. IS, huiuoiurvs Limited..-- daily, except Sunauyi, ior WeajPoint and internifeuiitle stations

\u25a0:.-'.-- making close connection at Vi-^i.:' Point- with 'uteamer for Baltimore

2UJO P. M., No. 10. local exprews ferWesl Point jind intermediate sta-tions- Connects with stage at Les-ter Maajjr for Walkertoa and T.ip-pa'nannock: also, at West Point-. '. with steamer for Baltimore. S^cpsat allv stations.

*5.00 A. M.,No. 74, local mixed. Leave*.-daily.- except Sunday, from Vir-ginia-Street Station forWest Point

and intermediate stations, connoc^-ins- with stage at Lester Mano-- for Wfltei^nn and T->r>p-iti-,Tnir>ck"

TUAIXS AURITTE I!T TJICnrrlOMl.9:i.& a. M... uaily from. Weac A'umt, wiUi. connection from Baltimore exe-Dt

Mondays-" yt

10:45 A. M-, except Sundays an/1 Jion-days.6-.40 V- M.. daily, except Sunday, taj-

West Point acd intermediate sta-tions.

Stearnera leave "West PoJct dailyexcept Sundays. ~>-.r,u ?. m.. arrfvling Baltimore S A. M.; r^turnine-leavo Baltimore at ." P. ar da'lvx?-p\Sl\rdayS 'arrlviue Kichmon'ii

Steamers call at Gloucester Po?-"-and Almond's Wharf Tu<»sfHv3*Thursdays, and Ssturuavs:" York-town and Clay Bank. "Monday.Wednesdays, and Fridays. UJua'3.

C. W. WESTBURY.Travelling Passenger Agent»20 east Main street

Richmond Va.J. M. CULP, W. A. TURKTraffic Manager. Gen. Pass Agent

Third Vice-President and" General" Man.ager, Washington. P. C. rnh»

"WillPlay Cricket.A match game of cricket willbe played

at the Exposition-Grounds this afternoonat 3 o'clock sharp, between the Henricocounty and Richmond Cricket Club teams.No admission fee willbe charged.

The Best lJreacrn»tloj» for Chillsand Fever, is a bottle of Grove's TastelessChillTonic. The formula is plainly; printedon each package. Itis simply Iron andQuinine Ina tasteless form, and' js con>-pounded in

'correct T proportions. The

reason imitators do not . advertise theirformula is because they know you wouldnot buy their'medicine if you knew itsingredients. Grove's is the original, andIs the only chill and fever remedy soldthroughout the entire malarial section ofthe United States. No cure, no pay. Prlea60 cents.

-&1MUnrfn^J/ »4nmtsnEBEB^ Sf.h(-di!!a ir» FfTorvS-



ILI/lt?JUIYt?! JTiiipa

Piflust Bear Signature of

For Sew York, tlie Sorth.. ana £a»t.PASSENGERS can leave daily except

Sunday at y'A. M. via.Chesapeake andOhio and Norfolk and Western or 3-45P. M. via Chesapeake and Ohio/ or 3-13P. M- Via Norfolk and Western, connect-ing at Norfolk with direct steamers sailing same day, 7:30 P. M.

Steerage passengers can leave byauxiliary steamers Monday, Wednesdayand Friday at 5 P. M., changing to main-line ships at Norfolk. \u25a0

'FREIGHT for all northern, easternand foreign ports received' and forwardeddaily, exceot Sunday: '-

FROM NJSW YORKPASSENGERS can leave daily exce^*-Sunday, from company's pier, 'no %rNorth river, at 3 p. M., for Old PolnrComfort and Norfolk, connecting- \u25a0

tvirhChesapeake and Ohio and Norfolk an r?Western trains for Richmond

FREIGHT received and forwarded dailyexcept Sunday.



Tickets on sale at Richmond Transfp-Company's, '9f>3 east Main street- Jeterson Hotel,- Chesapeake and Ohio "uhdRichmond and Petersburg depots 'Richmond. .Baggage checked through' to allpoints--

- '

For further information apply toJOHN F.-MAYER, Agent

1212 east-Main street, Richmond VaGeneral Offices: 81 Beach street cornerWest street, New York, N. Y.


H. B. WALKER, Gen'l Pass. AgentTraffic Manager. my 18

7:30 A.M., Daily, except - Sunday, ;• forPetersburg, Henderson, Durham,-Raleigh, Atlanta, and all pointsSouth and Southwest.

2:33 p.:i., "Florida Mail and Express,"daily for Petersburg, Henderson,Raleigh, Chera-w, Camden. Colum-bia, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tam-pa, Fernandina, and all Florida- points.

10:40 P. M.i"FLORIDA.LIMITED."dai-ly for Petersburg, Henderson, Ral-eigh, V,'ilmington, Charlotte, Ches-, ter, Athens, Atlanta, Montgomery,Mobile, New Orleans, points Southand Southwest, Cherayr, Camden,Columbia, .Savannah, Jacksonville,Tampa, Fernandina, and all Flori-

." da .points.

Trains arrive from South at Chesapeakeand Ohio Broad-Street Station 5:15A. M. and 5:40 P. M. daily; also,2 P. M. daily, except Sunday.

For tickets, checking baggage, sleeping-car reservation, etc., apply to the Sea-board Air-Line railway office, S3i> eastMain street; Richmond Transfer Com-pany. 203 east Main street; JeffersonHotel, and to depot tifket agent.

.H.,M. BOTKIN,General As-nt.

-^ S3fi east Main st»-^r.


The Favorite ilonte South.

Schedule inEffect Jane 3, 1900. :

Leaves Clieaapenke and Ohio Broad-Street Stutlon.

H«» Had an OrUinardy Coterie o£Siiiner.s

—Who They Wore.

Justice John had just an ordinary

dock et as piece de resistance inthe PoliceCourt yesterday morning.

Willie Harris (colored) was charged\u25a0with _beiHg a. fugitive from justice, asdispensed _in Newport News. The mailwas held until the 14th. to allow theNewport News police to come for him.

Hezekiah Dickerson and Leachia Jones(colored) were charged with being sus-picious characters. Each v.-as requiredto give security in 5-lfK) for thii-ty days.Milton Johnson (colored) and George

Howard, also colored, were up for fight-ing. Joh'.ison was allowed to go free,but Howard was fined SJ and the costs.

John Children was charged with slap-ping Mrs. -Sue M. Chiklress.

-He was

r&quired to give $100 security for thirtydays.

Sarah Preston (colored) appearedlabelled with tho Charge of trespassingon the premises of Lucinda Robinson. Shewas fined 52.50 and. the costs.

W. T.Farmer. John S. Wells, andW. .. Pearee were chary-ed with loafing onPine and Spring streets, ~ to the annoy-ance Qf the neishborhood. The hearingwent over until this morning. .

Samuel V&.ughan (colored! was a sus-picious characU'J-. He. was invited to givesecurity iv $100. for thirty days. \u25a0

Taylor Blown (.coloredi save a beating\q Cal'le Jones. The line was $10, -which\va,s paid.

The, remaining cases were very" ordi-nary.' \u25a0

See Fac-Sinillo Wrapper Below.



Steamer Pocshontas leaves every MON-DAY, WEDNESDAY, and :FRIDAY, at7 A. M.. for -Norfolk, Portsmouth, OldPoint, Newport News, Claremom, andJames-river, landings, and connecting: atOld Point and Norfolk for WashingtonBaltimore and the North.

State-rooms reserved . for theinight atmoderate prices, -.iElectric-cars direct to the wharf; Fareonly $1.50 'and $1 to Norfolk. Music byGrand Orchestrion..

Freight received for above-named placesand ail points in Eastern Virginia andNorth Carolina. IRVIN WEISIGER,

„ „ , „General Manager.K. A. Barber. Jr..- Secretary. ap 10

3lay 27, 1000.LEAVE RICH3JOXD, nVKTi-STUEE-f


rives Norfolk.Hl:2o A. It,Stops onlyat Petersburg. Waveriy. and Suf-folk. Second-class tickets not ac-cepted on this train.

0:05 A.M.,THE CHICAGO EXPRESS,for Lynchburg, Roanoke, Colum-"bus, and Chicago. Buffet Parlorcar Petersburg to Roanoke. Pull-man Sleeper Roanoke to Colum-bus; also, for Bristol, Knoxville.and Chattanooga. Pullman Sleeper

. Roanoke to ilnoxville.3:15 P. M-.Ocean Shore Limited. Ar-

rives Norfolk 5:E5 P. M. Stops onlyat Petersburg, Waverly, and fcuJ-folk.. Second-class tickets not goodon this train. Through coach to•' Virginia Beach.

C:3O P. M.,For Suffolk, Norfolk, and in-termediate stations. Arrives atNorfolk at 10:4!) P. M.

0:10 P. M;. For Lynchburg and Boa-noke. Connects at Lynchbur? withWashington and Chattanooga Lim-ited. Pullman Sleepers Lynchburgto Memphis and Nen- Orleans.Cafe, parlor, and Observation caraRadford to Attala, Ala. PullmanSleeper between Richmond•Lynchburg, an-i berths ready- ioioccupancy at 8-^) P. M. Also, Pull-man Sleeper Petersburg and Hoiunoke.

Trains arrive Richmond from Lynch'burg and the West daily at T:::n A. Mand Sifitf P. M-: from Norrolk and th^East at It:1O A. M., li:-l-A. 3L, ant«:.1O P. M.

Office: S3B Main street.t \u25a0 JOHN E. WAGXBR,

City Passenger and Ticket Agent.C. H. BOSLEY.

District Pas3«nger Asrent.W. B. BEVILI..

General Eas3ehgec Agent.General Office: Roanoke, Va. my to{^i» a £5i

Deatli of a Lady Causes Suit u>- HerAilministrator

—City Courts.

The administrator of the late JeannetteMay Harvey charges that ,the owners ofthe building in which she lived are re-sponsible for her death, and on yesterdayinstituted suit in the Law and EquityCourt for ?5.C00. The style, of the suit isAlbert S. Harvey, administrator, againstC. F. and C. L. Saver and ElizabethSaver Dunston. The house in question isNo. 2111 east Broad street. It.is chargedthat the plumbing was defective.

Suit has been instituted in the CircuitCourt by John M. Everett, administratorof Arthur L. Everett, against the Penn-sylvania Steel Company, for §10,000. Thesuit grows, out of the viaduct horror onlower Main street.


In the Circuit Court to-day the trial ofWilliam Woodson, the negro convict, whokilled a cellmate some time ago, willcom-mence. •

The largest suit brought against the cityrecently will come up for trial Monday in

-the Law and Equity Court. The suit isthat of the Gallegd Mills Companyagainst the city for $35,000, on account ofthe flooding of plaintiff's cellar by.waterfrom city culverts and; sewers.In the Hustings Court yesterday JohnFoster (colored) \vr

-found guilty of car-rying concealed weapons, and given thirty

days in jail and fined-SSO.In the ,City Circuit Court judgments

were rendered as follows: In favor of T \M.Wortham against W. G. Goodman for51t>1.25, and in favor of B. D. Chalkley &Co._against W. F. Clegg& Brother, for.In the Chancery Court Wickliffe' V

Abraham qualified as guardian o<~ John B*and Annie,L. Abraham.






28itents Purely -5

IVery mssU'end as easy] to taikia as srgar.


Steamship Lines.Routeto'

BOSTOSff, MASS., AXD PUOVIDEXCE\u0084 l\u25a0 ; -'. : r.i.

'Steamers.-: leave Norfolk .for BostonMONDAY/WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY andSATURDAY; for -Providence .TUESDAYTHURSDAY, and SATURDAY 6P. M.


Accommodations .and cuisine unsurpass-ed." \u25a0--_\u25a0-, '.:'.:'',' :

'\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0'' :\u25a0'.'\u25a0

' *-\u25a0 . -. • -::.-

-Passengers and freight taken for allNew. Sngland ';points. -.

Tickets. en sale at C. &O. and N&WRy. offices and 903 east Main street' *-

R:.H. "WRIGHT; Agent.:sg)"i-4m :\u25a0-.'. : . . ' . Norfoik.- Va..

. l\r<»i>i'rty Transfers. •—*'\u25a0\u25a0

Richmond: Robert L. Chiles to FannieD. Chiles, 20 feet on west side ReservoirStreet, IS feet south of Wallace. 55.; C. L. Dencon to William O. Doggett,Stl -feet on north sido Marshall street,IS 11-I*:

'feeti- west of Henry, $2,250. •

"Marion L. Dawson to Hill Montague,

3» interest in 33 feet \. on north sideFloyd avenue/ S6 feet east of Plum streetJl.ooo.

Thomas. McLauchlan \u25a0 and wifo toChtisapeak© and Ohio Railway Company,$&a ftjet on north side Poplar street, 19ttfct w«st of A^-h, JCCCIO. ":v


:Benjamin L. Purcell and wife toQeorg« D. Peannan, 34-1-3 feet on westSid© "10th street, 147 feet north of Clay,SS-So^ . - .... '\u25a0'"•

:\u25a0,.\u25a0; ;.G-.' D. Peaniian and wife to Mrs.' Ann\u25a0McKinley,. 40 feet on west side Twenty-second street, 121 feet north of Marshall,52,800.

'\u25a0:\u25a0 Cliarles White and wife to Chesapeake;and- Ohio Railway .Company, triangularlot on east side Elm street, 105 feet south;of;Poplar, ?200.

Henrico: '\u25a0-. Samuel Garnett, St., to Amy"Garnett, his wife, 10 acres 4 miles eastof-..Richmond,- $3.

-'•••: John W. Quarles and wife to Highland-Park- Company, lots 14 and 15 \\\ square8. Highland Park, $1,750.

First Use of UertiUon System He-ss«lts in liideiititioatiou of CriminalChief-of-Police Howard's first measure^ment of -a criminal by the Bertillon sys-tem-is demonstrated to have been a per-fect success. Frank Preston, an allegedpick-pocket, was photographed, and thenmeasured according to the system.-

-Thepicture and the measurements were for-warded to Superintendent George \lPorteous, of the National Bureau of IdeVtification by the Bertillon system, at Chi-cago.- •

\u25a0 •"•\u25a0* .-

On yesterday the Chief's mail broughtan acknowledgment of the measurements'with the information that "Preston" is*one Frank Smith, who was arrested inDetroit July C. 1890, as a suspicious char-acter. Chief Howard was complimentedupon his iirst success.



Appointed sailing- days: .Every TUES-DAY... FRIDAY. and SUNDAY at day-•light...... •.-•.•.--' -.;-:.. . •\u25a0 : \u25a0--

Freight received- daily.until 5 p K.For iurtner informsitiQn apply to

J- W. M'CARRICK.General: Southern Agent; Office, Rocketta.: W.P, CLYDE \5t>

COja^ General Agents. Philadelphia.

. Crowing: in' I'ubliu Kavor.Tho Kind Words Society increases in

membershii) with each portormance ofthe Giffen. Company at the Academy,and It will be a matter of a. very shortlime, until its merits are known through-out the city. '"The Wife".has created aunanimously favorable impression, andThe individual' members of the"companyhave already won for themselves a fol-lowing. -

Commtincing, Monday \u25a0evening,tho L bill

'-will. be changed to "A" Social

liighwaymun,"- entirely new here, butwith'a mr-ord" of.'success elsewhere*'' thatfew plays havo over attained. Everybodycomments upon the cool, pleasant tem-peraiuro of the theatre, and the iced-air-

.The .'Mayor. Sworn lv.Mayor Richard M. Taylor, recentiy

elected, to succeed himself, qualilit^ yes-terday for the ensuing term, which datesfrom July Ist. Mayor Taylor took thecath of. office before Judge S. B -

Witton a IMble presented Mrs. Tavlor byCity Clerk, Ben T. August six years'. agoupon the occasion of the swearing in ofMayor Taylor for his first term TheMayor is ;sworn regularly every twoyears on this same Bible, which is" hij?h-ly prized both by himself and Mrs.

rrotutlinc Piles—No Cute, Xo"Pay"'"Your druggist will rafund your: money

if.Pazo Ointment fails to cure you. Fifty



NEW TOi«i:-


LON-\u25a0 .'-

-. -.'.'- •\u25a0 '. \u25a0•'•\u25a0 DQN. '";_\u25a0 '-\u25a0\u25a0• ";"\u25a0-'•\u25a0 .- :-:-\u25a0

-Callingr AVestbou a«i at Cherbourg.;Sailing: Wednesdays at 1) a. M.

St. Louis"...-.June 13|New York..:.July:11St. Pau1:.....June 27 St.;Pau1.. ... .jU]y;isSt Louis... V..July i\St.- Louis ....July -25'


Every ;W«jdnesday :ttt IS J^ooq, .' V:.Frie'slandi.v.'Juno; 13 [.Westernland;:Ju!e'Southwarlv. -Juner 2o l"Kensington..July v-. *T"i^ae \u25a0 ssua.mer3 carry>cabin ;and tnlr'd-clas3:,B9.ssent^r3 at.Jow :rates.


-;international: ;navigation ca,-\u25a0•-.\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0:.- \u25a0\u25a0 ... -

: Piers J4_andls.?NorthHver.:-

-•'.\u25a0'\u25a0--•\u25a0 -'\u25a0-- Offlcs/fTS^Broadway^N;' Viv w. b.. palmer: &!ca*"

;my 15-'B3-;.CU. Th &Sa3y,v;,c£;R} ch;roonfli%v

"CURE rt



- d^^^i-': ''-' -'"PARKeiI'S-. \u25a0" IWglMm HAIR BALSAMi^^Q^^Si^SClcaniea and beautifies the hair..jßHSsslllir* feS Promotes aluxuriant growth,

\u25a0 sW&fts!S==ii w£§ Ifevep Pails to Hestore GrayHair to its Youthful Color.

VsSjCTfe=-^@S Prevents Dandruff and hairfalline.K-ftggggg -''^TT COc-'Pd gift)atDroggUts. |

-.'-' O'e 2-Sats2t) " V



tik!c»r O'ldnnl and iiulfGenuine. -v-t«SSATE^ AlwaysreUabie. Ladles, ask Drujciit

£^v ittiKED and Gold.metallic \u25a0boxS.:ieaW '

* vfA7»Uhblue ribt)0°-Joke noother- Kefusa* vfi»J»a"ceroußJ»a"cerouB Substitutions and Isnita-y ft) «»«»•• 'U"7otyoar Draggist. or send 4c. in!•r *% - «a««p« for-Partleulara, Testimonials_jbl and "RclleT forLa«Uc£» ial«ff°tr?"f" i.£ara 31|UL 3*.000 Testimonials. Sold bj-

-ar—,U .vi'""r>ruSSi |!>-»- .CUlchcMep Chemical Co.,

MenUoa thupaper. Und}ns.a H-iuai-e, PKII-A..Pa!: (my O-W.Sat&Sun&w^e o wly) ,

• Lli^#B^^.6.S!^a' :"l.;... :- <fe 17-P.Sat&Wls6t-alt)

' ?;- :.;>;--|

.-_:;;.' :'\u25a0'•


'-.'._ ? ynopo gals. -T -.-:;.;- . .\u25a0;:..\u25a0:

Iticht^iontl^Ya;, 8, 1900.;*-. , NOTICE .TO -PAINTERS:.. ,--.- ..'. Estimates -willbe 'received^at'thia oiSce'- untjil-:'noon -MQNDAII,".:June ;;ISth, for\u25a0PAINTING 'AND:;KALSOMTNING '\u25a0 THEiJIIGH SCHOOL': BUILDING,^ V .• \u25a0 :.:: ;j^Specifieaitions on:application; at -thisi-of-".;flce.;-The School Boardv.reserves I;theirigh t-to::reiect{any :or.aU.:bids.; Bonds Avill-berequired :with^ contract;-'.-- AS .£>..\u25a0'-';; O : ."

By.'-order pf.l'.Buildiiis^andv/FurriituraCommittee. ..'-;\u25a0\u25a0... '-. "^:';-./^;V-.y:i^"..i.-/- :--'\u25a0? \u25a0

1" •

CHARLES "P. WALI«XiRD,r:je9,lQ,l2&lJ-4t::.r:je9,1Q,12&1J-4t: :. Clerk; 'and?. Supervisor/,-*;;;p.;';XOTIcisH:T6;^COXTUAOTORS.f:;;:-r :Williamshursr/ ;A*si-is^lune ;n, :IGOA.r-iSEAU-:D

*PROPOSALS iwill?be|received \u25a0


Eplansiand ?, specifications 'iuan'ibe'i Eeen,"2f or;the 1 TWO-STORY BRICK.;VWOOD,r ANPMmON^KNITTING^MILtrf

'-Bid.ss.\vin;;be?openearfat%ll; o'clock A- M,r

is ,i-u-;served; to -reject any .and all bids'.jPresidentgS.WilliamaburgMKnltting^Mniai l;Company, . i0i 0 S-3t ,


Schedule ia Effect May C, lt)OO, IromKifiniiuutl.

LEAVE BROAD-STKKET sTATIOS«7:OU A. M., Daily local for Nt;W?on; News, ,Old Point, and Norton

Parlor cur. .J>:00 A. M., i^aily "Fa^t JUn^r." JotNewport News. Old Point. >or

folk, and Portsmouth. Parlor car.This train stops only at Wuiiams'- burg. '

5.45P. M., Daily Local, for NewporNews, Old Point, Norfolk, fs?Portsmouth. Pullman tv Old Point.

10 2O A. M.; except Sunduy- Local «Clifton Forge. Connect


. Orunse. Calverton, Mar.assas, a-i^. AV'ashingtou. ,2.15 P. M., Daily Limited, to Ctnoinr.aU

l.ouisyllle, and St. Louis. Pu^"^Sleeping cars. Connects at ur-r»;'with Southern railway 0*

\u25a0 Orange, and connects for )i)irs-r?1'1

Hot Spring. No. 7, local tra-n.:except Sunday, follows abov« rr-J-

•\u25a0" from Gordonsvilte to Stuunton.5.30 p. M..Do3weil Accommodation, ex-

. cent Sunday. _. ,_,1O:3OP. M., Dally. F. F. V., to Cjncto

~. nati- -and LcMisville. K l^nSleeping car. CONNECT^ FOH-VIRGINIAHOT: SPRINGS-

LEAVE EIGHT-STREET STATIO>.10JSO A. M.|>Dai!yr for Lynehburg-. Lei'

ington; and... CHfttm ForS*;- Cob: neot.<.- except Sunday, with t*^*- ingham and-Alberene bniMcne*.

B-.00 P. M./ Except Sunday. Cciusswa\ Accommodation. .. ...,


\u25a0\u25a0--.\u25a0_.. ;STATION.' \u25a0

S-.OOA. M., except Sunday, from vc*-

H:SO A^M.; and H:^O P. M.. Daily.Ircc

-.'Cincinnati and'LotiisviHe. \u25a0 rll:i:oA. M.;T:IO P.M.. «n« «.i>:-!j?£+

\u25a0:-\u25a0 Daily, from Norfolk *nu Old Pctac.7:45 P. M-. Except iunday. from CU-*

thaws aiirive ;Etr,nTn-sTKf.F.r;. : "---- •- ' ; STAXIOX. ]'-

S-.'to A.M.,Except:Sunday, from Col"»\u25a0

- -: "L -"bicl« \u25a0 \u25a0"

"" •-' '-"'-'" '"-"" "' - "

.«:2U P. .M..Dally,- from:Lynchburs. Lei-"^ngton, and Cllftca Forge- KxceP1

.: -Sunday, from New Castle ar.d Kos-:.-. W ncy.'\u25a0\u25a0---\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;.- •-'••.?.:-• :-' '

::=For detail information." conneptloßrf. *-^--;apply at Richmond Transfer otace, No-*-1^jeast ;?Miiin; street:sChesapeake and QaivvPassenger Offlqe,.No.iS®«astJMaindtr«^c:"Station Ticket Offlceg. or address,;:::.if-:::::-5.v:--,:jOHND,POTrS..;::.r;"Asslstant;Gencrai .Paasenxtr Axe"*-

MILITARY COMPANIES.Governor Tyler, after conferring with

Adjutant-General Nalle, has deterrniiied-to authorize the formation of no. moremilitary companies In places where com-panies already exist. This order has noreference to the cities in which com-panies were authorized . Wednesday, inseveral of which organizatioxig alreadyexisted. The great aim of Governor Tylerand Adjutant-General Nalle is to havethe military scattered throughout theState, so that troops can be assembledat any point in quick time. V

There are now thirty-two companies ofinfantry, in the State; the law limits thenumber to thirty-six. Governor Tyler isvery anxious, that the four to be formedshall be in the Valley and Southwest, and'in other sections in. which there is notnow any military.

The Board of Public Works was in ses-sion again yesterday considering railwayassessments. The work .will not be com-pleted for several days.

STATE BOARD OF "CANVASSERS.The State Board of Canvassers will

meet on Monday, June 11th, to canvassthe returns of the recent constitutionalconvention election. This is the date fix-ed by the bill-submitting the question ofa convention to the people. The returnsfrom .Dickenson county are not yet in,and will.probably not be received. Seve-ral years ago the Dickenson returns hadto be sent for before .they could be ob-tained. T No re.turns of theNvelection, ofISB9, when Hon. P. W. .McKinney waschosen Governor, were sent to "the "Secre-tary of the Commonwealth from Scottcounty, and the county election officialsrefused to give them up to a special mes-senger sent for. them by the General As-,sembly. There was. no law compellingthem to do so, nor is there yet any. Therewas talk of having one or more of thecounty

-officials brought before the bar

of the House for contempt, but nothingcame, of it. A joint resolution, recitingthat the returns from Scott had. not beenreceived, ,and that they could in no wisaaffect the result, was adopted, and Cap-tain McKinney was declared elected Gov-.ernor.

VALLEYFORGE CELEBRATION.Governor Tyler has received an invi-

tation to attend a great celebration atValley Forge on the lGth instant, in.com-memoration of the hardships which . theAmerican soldiers of the Revolution un-derwent in their; . struggle for indepen-dence. The Governors of all the originalthirteen States have been invited, and'President McKinley has been asked to beipresent. One hundred thousand, peopleare expected to attend the celebration.Governor Tyler has regrettingthat he cannot attenu.

VETERINARY EXAMINEPVS.Governor Tyler yesterday appointed the

following.members of the Slate Board of\ eterinary Examiners, and SecretaryLawless

-;has .issued their commissions:Dr. W. H. Bolyn. Lincoln; Dr. W.S

Daake Leesburg; Dr. W. T. Gilchrist,Norfolk; Dr. T. M. Sweeney, Richmond;\u25a0Ur. H. Bannister,; Roanoke. The^ newboard- will serve for four years from the.date of commissions, which is,May 1, 1900.-

/;.-. CAPITOL NOTES. -\.;vThe Governor has been asked to :attend

Bm.V^f"!1'111 reunion of Roosevelt's-Rough Rideris, which. will,be, held atOklahuma; City, July lst-5th

t inclusive:A swarm of bees— genuine,, hard-work-.Ing,.honey-makers-have taken possession'o^ one of the- squirrel-boxes in the-Caoi-tol- Square, .and Mr. Richardson, who'is-bupermtendent of-Grounds and Buildings,as well: as .Register ;be the Land Office/expects to have a honey crop to harvest 1m.due, time. ;Jt, is supposed- the squirrels;did not/contest the :invasion ot'the bees.'Iv Governor :Tyler :apuohited- Mr. Edgar.\u25a0v._;,-js.ngiisji; of this city, 'a notary publicyesterday. .-.:.;. \u25a0;-:.: -•



.Th^Aets-of the last Assembly are be-:?ng dei?vered.as; rapi,ily,as.they can^belecelveds from, the: binder.

-r : U .- :George, Y.;Hundley, member of theHouses of Delegates^ .from-llathewsVcbun-'-..ty.rwus- at theCupitoliyesterday:^ '

•\u25a0VTV T- "" y:rU- Campbell; of >HanoverVi andMr. A;;G.iSmlth,fof Caroliri'e,iSuperlnten-;-

:dent of Schools, for-their respectivo^cbun^:^^wero^callors,;at^thGL.Dep>rtmentidfllib.ie Instruction yesterday. : .

11 \u25a0Bahhoh^ Supefinien^entof.PublicrPrlnting, who has been confined

The payment of.pensions is in fullpro-gress at the Auditor's office. About 2,003

of the 3,500 pensioners on the old roll,

have been paid.

None of those whose applications havebeen acted upon by the" county pensionboards, created by the last General As-sembly, have been paid yet. They willnot be until the old pensioners have re-ceived their portions./ It is estimatedthat about §106,000 will have been paid

out to veterans and widows of veterans-before the pension boards' list is reached.The General Assembly estimated that theCommonwealth would pay out a .total of$135,000 inpensions this year."

Mr. E. L. C. Scott, of Auditor Alarye'soffice, is the "pension artist," as he istermed by his associates, having for yearsmade out the warrants for pensioners,which are cashed at the Treasurer's of-fice. .- \u25a0;

ATLANTIC--OOASI LiN£.Schedule Effective; May 27, IHOO.


0:00 A: M., NORFOLK \u25a0"\u25a0 LIMITED,daily. Arrives Petersburg 9:20 A.

v -M.; Norfolk 11:27 A.M. Stops onlyat Petersburg, Waverly, and Suf-folk," Va.

0:05 A. M... Daily. Arrives Petersburg9:50 A. 11., Weldon 11:50 A. M.,~.Fayettevilie 4:25 P. M., Charleston10:55 P. M;. \u25a0 Savannah 12:50 A. M.,Jacksonville 7:20 A.-M., Porr Tnin-pa 6:20 p. M. Connects at Wilsonwith No 47, arriving Goldsboro'3:25 P. M:,.Wilmington 6. Pull-man-Sleeper New York to Jack-sonville. .

11:30 a:M., Daily, except Sunday. Ar-rives Petersburg 12:10 P. M. StopsManchester, .Drewry's Bluff, Cen-


tralia, and Cb^.cer on signal..3:15 P. M., OCEAN SHORE LIMITED,

aaily. Arrives . Petersburg 3:45P, M.,-Norfolk 5:33 P. MI Stopsonly at Petersburg , Waverly, and;Suffolk: '--:\u25a0'

3:55.P.M., Daily, Local. Arrives Pc--\u0084„ Jersbur ? P. il.Makes all stops.

f t>:oOP.ll., Daily, except Sunday. Ar-rives Petersburg 6:23 P. M., AVei-,'don S.-tfi P. M.. and Rocky Mount

-.; 3:30 P. M.jilakes all intermediate

6:50 P. M., FLORIDA AND WEST"INDIA LIMITED,"daily. .Arrives

-. . Petersburg 7:25 P. M. Connects, j;ith Norfolk and:' Western for

Norfolk and intermediate points;Emporia 9:10 (connects \with A;and p. for stations /betweenEmporia and Lawrenceville). Wet-don 8:53 P. M.; Fayettevll'o 12:19A. M., Charleston 5:04 A. M.. Sa-vannah 7;04 A. -M., Jacksonville11:SO A. M:. Port Tampa »:« P. M-NEW LINETO MIDDLEGEOIt-•G IA: POlNTS.— Arriving" Augusta7:55 A. M., Macon 11:15 A; M., At-lanta :12:33 P.-Mr"Pullman SteeperaNtnv York to Wilmington, Charles-ton, Jacksonville, .Port, Tampa. Augusta;: and Maeon.

J:1O P. M.. Daily. TArrlvingPetersburgS:oo P. M.. connect at "Petersburgwith.Norfolk and Western railway,; . ai-riving, Lynchburg 2:30" A M-

.Roanoke '5 A: M., Bristol 10:40 A.M. .-.-Pullman Sleeper Richmond to>:•\u25a0\u25a0:. : Lynchburg. "/ •

11:OO P. M..- Daily. Arrives Petersburg': 11:45 P. M.c .': TRAIXS ARRIVE HICHJIOSD.

3:33.'Ai-'M:.. Daily,:from Jacksonville,. Savannah.; :Charleston.^ Atlanta.*v


acth"i / Augusta; .!and _;all:point3

".-7:35 -A.;.M.. .Daily." -:'-..From- -Petersburgv AVest.

'.S:4s:A.";,M.,;.Daily, except Sunday -Pc-" . tersburg. locaK'- • r!..- • \u25a0•\u25a0- ...---.-;11:10 -A". M.v Dally, except Sunday, from! Uold-sboro*:: and intermedia":© sta-11«- "o"^. 'Norfolk, and; SuJTolk::--

-ii:Oo A..M..- .aunday.only.-rrom Norfolk;c -. Suftolk,. arulyPete-rsburg. , / \u25a0


A- M.,-Dally.;;from:Norfolk. Suf-_,:'-:\u25a0- tolk. and'Poteraburg.' -_-- . •- _

:1:«'J3 P. .MV, -Daily, except Sunday, from: -\:P'iJeivbiirg.-. ;:;\u25a0.- \u25a0:: \u25a0 'v" •\u25a0.

!:«:uOjP.m -vDai!y/;froniiN6rfolk,-:Suffolk' -; and Petorsburg.- ; J \u25a0\u25a0' ::\:::: :\:::- ' \u25a0-•\u25a0-\u25a0--':,7:SS:P: M;, Daily,'-\u25a0.\u25a0. from- Miami. Po>-t

i>;:.../- : :Tampa. 'ij-Jackson ville^-Savanuah,1.;.;•'".:Charleatpn,- < Wihnins:ton. Golds-t>-^:=&\u25a0;: bow', and;an?potnt.s?South?: /.-

"-\u25a0\u25a0."\u25a0|:s§:se;P/?M;. vDaily, :Petersbu«-»

-\u25a0, "\u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0r:;;- LyncUburg.- and--.W-*>st. -\u25a0.:\u25a0 J -; -,-\u25a0 -.\u25a0-\u25a0.-,

-- '-- ' -T M, EMERSOV

-i-rJf.:R.\KENIJSV. Trartlo-MauasefSff-sgGenoraU Manager.IPfM^EMnjftSQXita«.«GeneraliJ PPassengerr r Agii.-t.; .. \Li~S&;. C. S. <"AUPBElji^rt

nir;? . £>ivtsioa Passeuse^^^at,^

He^*7;Not^He^s4Circu!ars/ HandingDo<lgt>rs, :;&c.;-;:print«d by tjie D2spa^«[Company 'at:lbwjprices. giv* ya«rgood|>«ork uV the same prices yuu ?-l>'for rInferior work. Semi

-;us your orJ^p

-•*\u25a0' we win cuarameo satisfaetfoa «even; particular.

"DRINK NOTHING but Natural Mineral Water, such asApolhnaris, free from all vegetable poisons." '\u25a0

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;\u25a0\u25a0 , Boston Journal.


is chiefly due to its irrepi-oacliable. character.". ,:

* . 1he I^iines:

";;- r;-;:;;-;.:O.CEAX-STBABISIHPSi :;:'-- '\u25a0:

Comoagule \u25a0Ueftt'taiS ;--'.-:;--'.-:'•\u25a0,

;-v \u25a0.->;-^-' ".-\u25a0:-\u25a0..;.

\u25a0?lyc--- :L:\-':~: .-:;".;;::;':.\S ?rV?V'rranHp.tlauitlquc.

DIRECTisUNE :hTQ: iUAVaEAPAfiIS,'\u25a0-\u25a0::-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; '- :> :>' :-;"(Frsmcej.^ };-.;:' \u25a0\u25a0••.-:: *\.,-:.:j... ---,--. .-.&::• Sailing /Every; Thursday iat 10 ;"AV Al,


From;iPler 4N0.-,-> '-fci, ? vv North -;river.\u25a0.- fcotiV^i'-}\u25a0:"::> :'~:MVMorton street- •;.-\u25a0•. -.\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0-*.- .'•\u25a0-\u25a0•-- -.'-:La;;Gas/cogne .*.J 0rl-i|La-\u25a0£ Toufainee;Juiy 5


La"Cbampagne,-:Je- 21 LarLqrraine.TJV. jy-;la|

:lJa rr4.ciuitaUie;;"jQ'?^ll^-^retK£rne;;Jy'.:j9'-;sailings of|;new;jUwin-sere\Y^fex-^

p"ressS« steamer.- La. Lorraine iVfram^ NevViJuly'l2. IDuO.

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•^General Agency. 32 Broadway. m,.w,

pß}cl\niond^»-ansf ep Company;" ooifMatn^rßtreet^^ Andrew iaWelah;^ 013


street. . te iAteS


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the news, about oil stoves? They- havebeen perfected so that they now;equalany stoves made for

*cooking efficiency,safety, beauty and convenience. The

most economical stove you can use andthe most comfortable inhot weather isthe

J» lue '"Oil%tfivfeFlame Hj^-B-fi. utu? v .

Itburns the same oil you use in yourlamps, at a cost ofone-half cent an hour ,

for a burner. Makes, no soot and no ,odor. Sold in allsizes. Ifyour dealer jdocs not have them, write to.

e-raMnoßn OIL COMPANY.