Navy technicalcommittees and authoredor co-authored numerous technicalreports. In recognitionof his contributionsto our Navy, in 1964 he wasgranteda SuperiorCivilian Service Award, the high- est award that could be given at that time by the Chief of the Bureau of Ships. Wes was a member of the Federation of American Scientists, the WashingtonPhilosophical Society, and an associate member of the Naval Institute. After retiring in 1969, he devotedmuch of his time to commun- ity and church affairs, chess, and other hobbies. He is survivedby his wife, Thelma, and a son, Richard F. of Tucson, Arizona. His many friends and associates will remember Wes as a scholar, a gentle man, a concerned citizen, a walking encyclopedia, a chess- by-mail fan, and a lively luncheon companion. WILLIAM J. SETTE Bethesda,Maryland Contents of current issue of Noise Control Engineering The following articlesappeared in the January-February 1982 issue (Vol. 18, No. 1) of Noise ControlEngineering, the technical publication of INCE, the Institute of NoiseControl Engineering: ß "A Model to Describe Community Response to Impulse Noise," by Paul D. Schemer. ß "Standards and Criteria for Noise Control-An Overview," by Kenneth McK. Eldred. ß "ImpulseNoise-Induced Hearing Loss in Drop ForgeOp- eratorsand the Energy Concept," by WieslawJ. Sulkowski and Adam Lipowczan. ß "Sound Propagation Outdoors-Improved Prediction Schemesfor the 80's," by T.F.W. Embleton. Noise Control Engineering is publishedbimonthly by INCE. The subscription rate is $35.00 per year for libraries and institu- tions. Individual subscribers become Associates of the Institute and receive thebimonthly publication NOISE/NEWS in addition to Noise ControlEngineering. There is an extra charge for shipment overseas by airmail. Further information and specimen copies may be obtained from INCE, P.O. Box 3206, ArlingtonBranch, Pough- keepsie, NY 12603. Linguistic Institute to meet at University of Maryland The 50th LinguisticInstitute of the LinguisticSociety of Amer- ica will be held at the University of Maryland (CollegePark Campus) from 21 Juneto 13 August1982. The Institute will be co-sponsored by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. It will featurea full summercurriculum of graduatecredit course work in the areas of general linguistics, neurolinguistics, psychelinguistics, sociolinguistics, language pathology,and language development. The faculty will feature more than 40 distinguished researchers from col- leges and universities throughout the country. For further informa- tion contact 1982 Linguistic Institute, Department of Hearingand Speech Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park,MD 20742. Tel.: (301)454-5831. .and managers with experience in industry, government, andeduca- tion. Their statedobjective is to appraise new developments in the emerging disciplines aswell as present modern applications of est- ablished theories. The listedcourses include manywhichwouldbe of interest to those concerned with variousaspects of acoustics and vibrations. Interestedreaders shouldwrite to Engineering Summer Conferences, 200 Chrysler Center-North Campus, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, M148109 or call (313) 764-8490. Courses will be held from mid May to mid August at the ChryslerCenter on the North Campus of the University of Michigan. Courses are planned and supervised by senior faculty members of the University, and outstanding leaders from other educationalinstitutions and from industry and governmentassist in the instruction. George Washington University offers continuing program in engineeringeducation The George Washington University ContinuingEngineering Educationprogramof the Schoolof Engineering and Applied Sci- enceoffers a programof some 350 active courses in different areas of the engineering, technical,and management field. Offeringsfor May 1982 include "Digital Telephony" (course No. 697), "Tele- phone EquipmentRegistration for Voice/Data Interconnection" (course No. 469), and "Magnetic Recording" (course No. 718). Readers interested in theseprograms or in learningmore about their other offerings should write to the Director, Continuing En- gineering Education, George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052, or call (202) 676-6106 or tell free (800)424-9773. MIT offers program on technical communication The TechnicalCommunication Group at MIT will presenta special program, Communication Technical Information, this sum- mer, 14-18 June 1982. The sessions will include lectures, discus- sions, seminars, and workshops on scientificand engineering writ- ing, technicalediting, and technicalcommunications coursedevel- opment. The instructionwill cover basic principles and givean in- troduction to suchspecial topics as proposals, scientific papers, translation, and publications management. The coursewill be of interestto scientists, engineers, technical writers and editors, and technical writing teachers. Registration forms and further infor- mation may be obtained from the Director of the Summer Session, Room E19-356,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139. Robert Brucejoins Houston consulting firm Robert D. Bruce, a Fellow of the Society and a long-time em- ployee of Bolt Beranekand Newman,has recentlybecomea partner in the consulting firm of Hoover Keith & Bruce, Inc. of Houston, Texas. Mr. Bruce has been active in architectural acoustics and many areas of noise control and will continuethis activity in his new association. He is Chairman of the Technical Advisory Group and a Member of the Noise Committee of the American Industrial Hygiene Association. University of Michiganoffers annual engineering summer conferences The College of Engineering of the University of Michigan will offer againthis summer a programof short courses in a wide variety of engineering subjects.Thesecourses are for engineers, scientists, Regional Chapter news Northwest Chapter. The January meeting of thischapter heard a talk on "Government's Role in Noise Abatement and Control in the 80's" by DaveSaunders, headof the Noise Control Section of Washington State's Department of Ecology. Mr. Saunders was joined by John Brown,alsoof the State's noise program to discuss federal, 1046 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 71 (4), April 1982; 0001-4966/82/041046•32500.80; ¸ 1982 Acoust. Soc. Am ß Acoust. News-USA 1046 Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 02:27:39

MIT offers program on technical communication

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Navy technical committees and authored or co-authored numerous technical reports. In recognition of his contributions to our Navy, in 1964 he was granted a Superior Civilian Service Award, the high- est award that could be given at that time by the Chief of the Bureau of Ships.

Wes was a member of the Federation of American Scientists, the

Washington Philosophical Society, and an associate member of the Naval Institute.

After retiring in 1969, he devoted much of his time to commun- ity and church affairs, chess, and other hobbies. He is survived by his wife, Thelma, and a son, Richard F. of Tucson, Arizona.

His many friends and associates will remember Wes as a scholar, a gentle man, a concerned citizen, a walking encyclopedia, a chess- by-mail fan, and a lively luncheon companion.


Bethesda, Maryland

Contents of current issue of Noise Control

Engineering •

The following articles appeared in the January-February 1982 issue (Vol. 18, No. 1) of Noise Control Engineering, the technical publication of INCE, the Institute of Noise Control Engineering:

ß "A Model to Describe Community Response to Impulse Noise," by Paul D. Schemer.

ß "Standards and Criteria for Noise Control-An Overview," by Kenneth McK. Eldred.

ß "Impulse Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in Drop Forge Op- erators and the Energy Concept," by Wieslaw J. Sulkowski and Adam Lipowczan.

ß "Sound Propagation Outdoors-Improved Prediction Schemes for the 80's," by T.F.W. Embleton.

Noise Control Engineering is published bimonthly by INCE. The subscription rate is $35.00 per year for libraries and institu- tions. Individual subscribers become Associates of the Institute and

receive the bimonthly publication NOISE/NEWS in addition to Noise Control Engineering. There is an extra charge for shipment overseas by airmail. Further information and specimen copies may be obtained from INCE, P.O. Box 3206, Arlington Branch, Pough- keepsie, NY 12603.

Linguistic Institute to meet at University of Maryland

The 50th Linguistic Institute of the Linguistic Society of Amer- ica will be held at the University of Maryland (College Park Campus) from 21 June to 13 August 1982. The Institute will be co-sponsored by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. It will feature a full summer curriculum of graduate credit course work in the areas of general linguistics, neurolinguistics, psychelinguistics, sociolinguistics, language pathology, and language development. The faculty will feature more than 40 distinguished researchers from col- leges and universities throughout the country. For further informa- tion contact 1982 Linguistic Institute, Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. Tel.: (301)454-5831.

.and managers with experience in industry, government, and educa- tion. Their stated objective is to appraise new developments in the emerging disciplines as well as present modern applications of est- ablished theories. The listed courses include many which would be of interest to those concerned with various aspects of acoustics and vibrations. Interested readers should write to Engineering Summer Conferences, 200 Chrysler Center-North Campus, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, M148109 or call (313) 764-8490. Courses will be held from mid May to mid August at the Chrysler Center on the North Campus of the University of Michigan. Courses are planned and supervised by senior faculty members of the University, and outstanding leaders from other educational institutions and from industry and government assist in the instruction.

George Washington University offers continuing program in engineering education

The George Washington University Continuing Engineering Education program of the School of Engineering and Applied Sci- ence offers a program of some 350 active courses in different areas of the engineering, technical, and management field. Offerings for May 1982 include "Digital Telephony" (course No. 697), "Tele- phone Equipment Registration for Voice/Data Interconnection" (course No. 469), and "Magnetic Recording" (course No. 718). Readers interested in these programs or in learning more about their other offerings should write to the Director, Continuing En- gineering Education, George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052, or call (202) 676-6106 or tell free (800)424-9773.

MIT offers program on technical communication

The Technical Communication Group at MIT will present a special program, Communication Technical Information, this sum- mer, 14-18 June 1982. The sessions will include lectures, discus- sions, seminars, and workshops on scientific and engineering writ- ing, technical editing, and technical communications course devel- opment. The instruction will cover basic principles and give an in- troduction to such special topics as proposals, scientific papers, translation, and publications management. The course will be of interest to scientists, engineers, technical writers and editors, and technical writing teachers. Registration forms and further infor- mation may be obtained from the Director of the Summer Session,

Room E 19-356, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139.

Robert Bruce joins Houston consulting firm

Robert D. Bruce, a Fellow of the Society and a long-time em- ployee of Bolt Beranek and Newman, has recently become a partner in the consulting firm of Hoover Keith & Bruce, Inc. of Houston, Texas. Mr. Bruce has been active in architectural acoustics and

many areas of noise control and will continue this activity in his new association. He is Chairman of the Technical Advisory Group and a Member of the Noise Committee of the American Industrial

Hygiene Association.

University of Michigan offers annual engineering summer conferences

The College of Engineering of the University of Michigan will offer again this summer a program of short courses in a wide variety of engineering subjects. These courses are for engineers, scientists,

Regional Chapter news

Northwest Chapter. The January meeting of this chapter heard a talk on "Government's Role in Noise Abatement and Control in

the 80's" by Dave Saunders, head of the Noise Control Section of Washington State's Department of Ecology. Mr. Saunders was joined by John Brown, also of the State's noise program to discuss federal,

1046 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 71 (4), April 1982; 0001-4966/82/041046•32500.80; ¸ 1982 Acoust. Soc. Am ß Acoust. News-USA 1046

Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 02:27:39