Mistrunner - Core Rulebook

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  • 8/9/2019 Mistrunner - Core Rulebook



    1 | M i s t r u n n e r

    To my dear Llandrath,

    Your uncle informs me that you wish to travel beyond the watery confines of your homeland.Knowing myself to be the family's infamous traveler, he pressed me to impart someknowledge on the world at large. I believe he hopes it will frighten you into changing yourmind. I assure you, however ghastly any of my tales may become, that is not my intent. Imerely wish to impress upon you the danger that a damp, young Nekron might find himselfconfronted with.

    The first unnatural phenomenon that you will undoubtedly encounter, are the Miststhemselves. Chances are, as you have been imbued with the wanderlust that so few of your

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    relatives have been inflicted with, you have probably already taken your first tentativeexpeditions into it. I would not recommend ever doing so without some form of trained guide.

    Your mother has fed you stories about the Faye races: babies stolen, family pets eaten,travelers driven to the brink of madness and beyond by the pranks of faerie-kind. All theseaccusations are true, to one extent or another. The Mists are home to the pure Faye. Youhave spoken with the Karanar traders that come through the area. That elf-like race holdsonly a shadow of their eldritch nature, tempered by a strong bit of old humanity. Do notexpect the true Elven Host to be as approachable. They are mysterious, savage, mystical,and civilized in ways that a terrestrial cannot understand in a lifetime of study.

    Nearly as dangerous as the Faye are the myriad other creatures that call that eternaltwilight home. Prolonged exposure to the Mists will madden and warp any creatures not

     born in it. Creatures that wander into the Mists and are not quickly killed often becomemonstrosities. In addition to the Mist-altered beings are those beasts that were born tothrive within the magical night. Mistdragons that dwarf their colossal terrestrial cousins,sinister Grimnoks made of the very Mists themselves, and a host of other creatures great

    and small. . . (Though there is one blue furred species of jackrabbit that makes an excellentroast. )

    Having said all this, the only way to travel between the True Realms is through the Mists.This has been accomplished since the first Mistrunners took those brave steps into anunknown world. Certain people are born with an aptitude for the Mists, much like some

      people are born with a heightened ability for magical studies. These people are generally

    apprenticed to the mother of all Guilds, the Mistrunners' Association. This Guild is theoldest and most powerful organization throughout the True Realms. Without their skilled

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      practitioners, trade and travel would cease, and all the True Realms would collapse intochaos.

    In addition to a certain attunement to the Mists that allow 'Runners to see farther throughthe everlasting gloom, and an uncanny ability to navigate through the sense-depriving soup,Guildmembers are taught how to pilot Mistbarges. These are the ensorcelled vessels that

      glide through the Mists, driven by the whims of the Mistrunner.

    A webbing of enchantment surrounds the hull of the Mistbarge, giving it buoyancy in theMists. Mistrunners guide the ship from a magical Helm. When piloting, 'Runnerssink their consciousness into the Helm, their senses extending throughout the magical weavesurrounding the barge, traveling for days at a time without rest or nourishment. The largestof vessels may even utilize several Helms, each piloted by an individual Mistrunner.

    Mistbarges are usually built with some means to maneuver on terrestrial realms as well.They range from simple, flat-bottomed river cargo boats, to graceful Karanar cruisers, tothe enormous airships of the Mistrunners Alliance. Some of the largest barges never leavethe Mists, floating in the ether continuously as smaller ships ferry cargo to the port of call.

    The Mistrunners guide the barges along shipping routes between the True Realms thatonly they sense. They navigate with ability similar to that of a homing pigeon or a spawningsalmon, instinctually knowing their destination and traveling towards it, deviating onlyaround whatever dangers lie in the path. I have been told there is a weather system of sorts inthe Mists, though it always appears the same featureless twilight every time I travel it.Mighty dragons leave warships in splinters in their wake, and even floating Realms can

    wreak havoc on a craft not designed to traverse its terrain. Raiders of terrestrial and Faye varieties are rare, but not unheard of. The best of Runners will avoid all of these problems.

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    If you do venture forth into the Mists, be certain to take passage on a craft bearing theGuild markings under a Guild Mistrunner. Rogues may seem cheaper, but the risks faroutweigh any short term benefits. You should be able to find passage here, to Wayfarers

    Way. It is the metropolis at the hub of the known True Realms. This is a city of thewonderful and exotic. All of the Guilds and most of the Churches have representativeshere, and all manner of folk walk the streets. It is a stable force in an otherwise chaoticworld. I wile my own days away now at the vast libraries at Farson Academy.

    Should your search for adventure take you through Wayfarers Way, please come to theUniversity and spend some time with me. In the middle of this bustle, there are precious

      few times to sit and remember the days in the quiet wetlands of home.Sincerely yours,


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    Phelon Lyther

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    What is a Role Playing Game?

    A role playing game is part acting and part storytelling. The rules of the game provided a simple

    skeleton, a framework, that the Players and Narrator give flesh and life to with the power of their

    imaginations. Role playing games are different from your standard board game in that there is nodistinct winner at the end of a session. While your heroic Characters may win the day and collect the

    treasure, there is always another battle to fight, another chest to plunder. The purpose of a role playing

    game is not to win but to enjoy the immersive experience in a magical world. Even if this is your first

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    time playing a pen and paper role playing game,

    it isn’t the first time you’ve role played.

    Growing up, we all played games that relied

    upon our imaginations, we were cowboys,

    princesses, soldiers, cops, and robbers.

    Growing up is no excuse to stop playing.

    In order to play Mistrunner, you will need at

    least three people, and preferably no more than

    six or seven. One of you will assume the role of

    Narrator. The Narrator has a very important

     job, as it is up to them to guide the story and

    the Players. The Narrator sets each scene and

    plays all the other participants in the story.

    The Players will each take on the role of a

    Character, an in game persona. The Players

    decide how their Characters react to the story

    presented by the Narrator. At times the Player

    may need to roll dice to determine how well

    their Character performs in a certain action.

    Who Can I Be?

    In Mistrunner, unlike many other role playinggames, you have a lot more options which allow

    you to cater your Character to your own playing

    style. There are no set classes, instead your

    Character is defined by the skills and abilities

    you chose and the personality you give them.

    Want to play a sassy spell slinging rogue, or a

    deft handed tinkerer, maybe a quick tongued

    swashbuckler, or an inquisitive priest with a

    dark past, all these are possible. It is all up to

    you, you can wade into battle as a mightybarbarian that survives solely by the strength of

    her arm and the edge of her axe, or perhaps

    you prefer to let others do the heavy lifting,

    using your wits and intelligence to get what you


    Your Character and what they are is all up to

    you. How your Character interacts with the

    game is up to both you as a Player, as well asthe Narrator. Sometimes, a Narrator may set

    guidelines for the Character type best suited for

    the game. It isn’t wise to play a mild mannered

    librarian if the game is going to take on a

    decidedly more brutal path, one where the

    Characters are constantly pitted against savage

    foes that have nothing in mind other than

    tearing you apart. Same goes for a game

    devoted to political intrigue and diplomatic

    affairs, a savage warrior from the northernwastes would be quite out of place. This isn’t

    to say you can’t play what you want, but it takes

    a good deal of skill to make the most of your

    Character when the situation forces them to be

    a fish out of water, though embracing these

    challenges can be exciting.

    What Do I Need to Play?

    To play Mistrunner you will need at least one of

    each of the following dice, a four sided (d4), six

    sided (d6), eight sided (d8), ten sided (d10), and

    a twelve sided (d12). It is highly recommended

    that you have a pair of each of the above

    mentioned dice, as often you will need to roll

    two dice at a time, adding the results together.

    It is also a good idea to have some kind of

    tokens or counters to keep track of your

    Character’s spell points, or Essence Pool.

    You should also have some scratch paper for

    taking notes, writing implements (helps in the

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    note taking), and a Character sheet which will

    contain all of the information about your

    Character and their skills, equipment, and the

    like. Some folks may opt to use miniatures and

    tabletop maps as well. Things that work for

    some groups may only serve to bog down

    others. Do what feels right for you.

    What Does It All Mean?

    Many of these terms will be familiar to those

    that have played role playing games before,

    though some things may be different from what

    you are used to. For those that are new, this

    should help you understand some of the terms

    that will be used throughout the book.

    Narrator:  The Narrator runs the game, telling

    the story that the Players will interact with.

    Mistrunner challenges the Narrator to take a

    very decisive role in the game. Rather than rely

    upon pages and pages of charts and graphs, the

    Narrator will decide much of what happens in

    the game.

    Player Character (PC):  This is the in game

    persona of the Player.

    Non-Player Character (NPC):  These are all the

    people and creatures that the Players do not

    control. The Narrator assumes the role of

    every NPC.

    D4:  The use of the letter D before a number

    indicates a die type to be used to determine the

    results of an action, you will see D4, D6, D8,

    D10, and D12, referring to 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12

    sided dice. If there is ever a number before the

    D, such as 2D10, that indicates a number of the

    specific dice to be rolled. 2D10 would require

    the Player roll two 10 sided dice.

    Attributes:  Attributes are a numericalrepresentation of a Characters mental and

    physical makeup. Every Character has the

    following attributes, Strength (ST), Intelligence

    (IN), Constitution (CN), and Essence (ES).

    Skills:  This represents the natural abilities,

    talents, and skills known by the Character.

    Each skill is ranked by a die type, such as D8.

    There are major skill groups, and within each

    major group are a number of specializations.

    Mists:  The Mists are the physical manifestation

    of magic in the world, a world covering fog.

    They are strange and mysterious, and often

    have unexpected results on those that are

    unfamiliar with it.

    Armor Value (AV):  This number represents the

    protection the Character receives against

    damage. The AV is subtracted from any

    damage dealt, thus lowering how much damagethe Character receives.

    Steps:  Steps are the measurement of time

    during combat. Every action takes a number of

    Steps to complete, more complex actions take

    more Steps than simple ones.

    Adavancement Points (AP):  Advancement

    Points are earned when your character

    completes objectives in an adventure. These

    are used at a later time to improve your

    characters Skills and Attributes.

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    Endo Shieldrake

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    Chapter One: How It Came to Pass

    The Pulse 2044 AD

    We all huddled around the fire, trying desperately to keep warm as winter slowly began to take hold

    over the land. It didn’t used to be like this. We used to all be safe, warm, and secure in luxurious

    homes. We wanted for nothing. The hum of electric heaters lulled us to sleep every night in comfort.

    Then came the Pulse. No one knows what caused it or even where it originated, but everyone knew

    what it did. I was just a child when it happened, but the memories of it are forever burned into my

    brain, the day everything changed. The Pulse covered the globe, destroying everything electrical in its

    path. Nothing was spared, computers, cars, cell phones, they all just ceased to function. At first it wasbelieved to have been some freak EMP, electro magnetic pulse, originating deep in space. But, if that

    had been the case, eventually we would have been able to get things working again. Years passed and

    still our machines still lay silent. The world fell into chaos and decay. Nations that had been incredible

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    powers spanning the entire globe now

    struggled simply to hold society together, to

    keep some semblance of peace and authority in

    a world gone mad. Without technology this

    was an impossible task. Mankind had grown

    too lazy and much too reliant upon his

    wonderful gadgets, he had no means of coping

    without them. Society fell. Despite all this,

    there arose men and women that began to

    bring order to the chaos, light to a darkened

    world. Mankind began to recover, to reclaim,

    and to rebuild. For the first time in years there

    was a glimmer of hope on the horizon.

    Unfortunately, it wasn’t the only thing looming

     just out of sight. Whatever hope there was, it

    was shattered with the appearance of the first


    Dawn of the Demons 2053 AD

    I don’t know what happened to my husband.

    We had managed to pull ourselves back from

    the edge of the abyss, bringing a bit of order

    back to the world around us. His compassion

    for others drove him to help. Then he changed.

    He grew cold, distant, always angry. He wasn’t

    the same man I had married, the same man I

    loved. Everything we had built, this new

    community, all that we had cobbled together,

    he destroyed.

    No one knew it was him, at first. He was

    clever, calculating, knowing just what he could

    get away with. Each time he would push it a

    little further. He started small, tools would go

    missing, then the mill broke down. Soon

    animals were found dead and crops began to

    fail. Then he was caught, poisoning the well.


    was too late though, our one source of clean,

    fresh water was destroyed. Worse, when we

    tried to confront him, he flew into an unearthly

    rage. He killed over thirty people that night

    with nothing but his bare hands. He seemed to

    possess an unnatural strength, and though we

    cut and stabbed him dozens of times he would

    not relent. It wasn’t until one of the farmers

    severed his head that he fell silent.

    We tried to pick up the pieces, but the home we

    had made for ourselves was gone. We

    gathered what we could salvage and moved on,

    to seek out others that had managed to rebuild.

    Everywhere we went we heard stories similar to

    our own. Good, honest folk that had gonehorribly bad, men and women that fought as if

    possessed by the devil himself. We didn’t

    know how close to the truth that was.

    The Demon Wars 2053-2167 AD

    Dublin had been under siege for over ten years

    now, tomorrow we strike at the Demons and

    their army. Even if we succeed in lifting the

    siege, what hope remains for us? We’ve been

    at war since before I was born. It didn’t seem

    to matter how hard we fought, the Demons

    always returned. If you cut down a host body,

    the demons spirit would simply regain its

    strength and eventually seek out a new host.

    How can we win against an enemy that won’t


    There has been no word from the mainland inyears, even England has gone silent. Are we

    alone in the world now, just a handful of

    Irishmen against all the hordes of hell? We

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    boundaries of those two dimensions. Two

    worlds became one.

    I haven’t left this place, the epicenter of my

    folly. I fear what I will find outside these

    crumbling walls. I watched as my companionswere torn from existence, I can only imagine

    that the same happened beyond this tattered

    place. All that we had been through as a race,

    wars, famine, disease, the Demons, none of it

    compared to what I have wrought. There is no

    redemption for me, and I fear, no future for

    man nor Faye.

    The Retribution War 54-63 AR

    Can’t say I blame them. After the survivors

    crawled from the debris and saw the world they

    now faced, it was only a matter of time. The

    Faye had never truly known death to this

    degree before. Sure, Faye can die, but never

    have they lost so many of their kind, and it was

    our fault. Man had taken the gift of magic and

    used it to destroy on a scale never imagined.

    It took time, but eventually the Faye placed the

    blame where it belonged, right at our feet.

    They didn’t ask for an explanation, they simply

    sought out retribution. It was a slaughter.

    This new world resembled that of the Faye

    much more than our own, and they used that to

    their full advantage.

    Man went into hiding. We were almost wiped

    out. I can’t really say what stopped them,another few years and we would have been

    gone, a fate we rightly deserved. But right at

    the end, as the last sword stroke fell, they

    stopped. Many of us remained in our hiding

    spots, even after it became quite clear that the

    war was over. Once again Man had been given

    another chance. I only hope that we finally get

    it right.

    The New Race of Man 897 AR

    It has been a long road, trying to adapt to this

    new world. Man is no longer what he once

    was, only the Bragun have truly retained any of

    the lost humanity. The other races that have

    arisen from the ashes of the old world, they

    may be descended from man, but there is

    nothing human about them.

    Despite their obvious inferiority to the Bragun,

    we still remain close allies with the other

    children of men. We have no choice. Even

    after hundreds of years our place in this world is

    still tenuous.

    Small pockets of the earth our ancestors knew

    still remain, but surrounding us are the

    accursed Mists. This constant fog plays trickson the minds of men, and navigating through it

    appears to be an impossibility for anyone

    lacking true Faye blood. There are a handful

    among the new races that can venture a short

    ways out, the Karanar, elvish half breeds, for


    Still, we are isolated from each other, relying

    upon the whims of a charitable Faye to guide us

    between these pockets. The Faye do takesome umbrage at our naming of old earth as

    the True Realms, but that is what they are to us,

    our only true home in this strange world.

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    Mistrunners 969 AR

    We needed to spread out, we needed room to

    expand, ways to travel and trade. Having to

    rely upon the Faye for all of our travel between

    the Mists could never be a long term solution, it

    has already grown to be more of a burden than

    a blessing.

    It was once believed that only the Faye

    possessed the ability to travel through the

    Mists, an inborn gift of their magical nature. To

    some extent that has proven to be true, but it

    isn’t the only way. Much like any school of

    magic, travel through the Mists can be learned.

    Old man may be gone, but as his descendantswe have maintained his prowess at adapting,

    that stubborn attitude to overcome any and all


    Thus the Mistrunners came to be. Mistrunners

    are those that can traverse the dangers of the

    Mists in relative safety. There was a steep

    learning curve, and many met their fate at the

    cruel whims of the Mists, but we learned from

    our mistakes. There are also those among the

    Faye that are just as greedy in their hearts as

    men can be. Gold can always buy information

    from someone. What we couldn’t teach

    ourselves we bought from those that could.

    No longer reliant upon the Faye, we could now

    travel between any of the True Realms as we

    desired. Of course there is still a hierarchy,

    those of us that can make travel possible

    needed to protect our own interests. The

    Mistrunners Alliance is made up of those of us

    that truly understand the importance of what

    we do. We have trained and honed our art.

    You could risk travel with those outside the

    guild, but I wouldn’t recommend it, most would

    rob and kill you just as easily as look at you.

    Pirates, smugglers, brigands, and cutthroats

    they be.

    A Kingdom is Born 1014 AR

    It was only a matter of time. With trade and

    travel unrestricted the True Realms were ripe

    for the picking. The Bragun jumped at the

    chance to expand beyond their own meager

    borders. One by one the other True Realms fell

    under the banner of Bragun Dor.

    The Bragun are not kind masters, and those that

    are not of “pure” blood, meaning those that are

    not Bragun, are looked down upon and treated

    as second class citizens. They have names for

    us, half breeds, bastards, scars, and those are

    the most polite. It doesn’t help that the

    Mistrunners Alliance is run almost entirely by

    Bragun. Travel and trade have become

    restricted to those without official vouchers,

    and those are rarely granted to anyone not of

    Bragun blood.

    It sadly seems that we have inherited that

    overwhelming desire for power and control

    from our ancestors. Power is a dangerous

    thing, the more you have the more you end up

    wanting. It is a thirst that can never be

    quenched, once you have it, you will never be

    rid of it. The Bragun will never be satisfied as

    long as there is more land to conquer, more

    people to subjugate. There aren’t many free

    True Realms left, which means they only have

    one other place to turn for conquest.

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    Second Retribution War 1375 AR

    We Faye need to learn not to ignore the

    activities of man, even in his newer

    incarnations. More and more we hid ourselves

    away, deep in the Mists. Whether it was

    because we believed ourselves to be invincible

    in our homelands, or just a sense of desired

    isolation, it did not matter. The Bragun armies

    marched upon us nonetheless.

    In the early days of the war they enjoyed victory

    after victory. Their troops fought with fervor,

    spurred on by tales and legends of the First

    Retribution War. They held nothing back,

    slaughtering all in their path. Where theBragun subjugated the other mortal races, they

    offered no such luxury for the Faye. Anyone of

    pure Faye blood was put to the sword. Not

    since the Reckoning have so many of our

    numbers been lost to oblivion.

    Regardless of how the war began, and no

    matter the number of early victories they piled

    under their belts, the Bragun had begun a war

    they could not win. They severely

    underestimated two things. One was the size

    of the domains the Faye called home. The

    other was that by taking arms against all the

    Faye they managed to do what a hundred

    centuries could not. They united all the Faye,

    Seelie and Unseelie under a single banner.

    The war had its toll in their homelands as well.

    Taxes could not be sustained at the levels

    needed to fund the war. Crops were diverted

    to feed troops, able bodied men were taken

    from the fields and the factories and sent off to

    war. Morale on the home front diminished by

    the hour. One cannot fight a prolonged war far

    from home and leave enough troops to garrison

    all the conquered lands behind them. The

    other races of man soon joined with the Faye,

    though more indirectly. The True Realms,

    loathe as I am to use the phrase, began to rebel.

    Without troops to put down the rebellions, the

    revolution grew.

    Now the Bragun faced a war on multiple fronts.

    We Faye had begun to organize and strike back.

    Little by little we pushed them back. The

    revolution that had been slow to start grew

    larger and more organized. One by one True

    Realms cast off the rule of the Bragun.

    The Purge 1404 AR

    The Bragun had suffered defeat after defeat in

    the final years of the war. Soon they had been

    pushed back to a single True Realm. They

    pulled back behind the mighty walls of their

    fortresses in Mikon. They licked their wounds

    and waited for the inevitable assault. They

    trusted to highly in the strength of their castles

    and keeps.

    I commanded the armies of the free men of the

    True Realms. Tens of thousands of men and

    women stood under my authority, and we were

    but a speck beside the combined might of the

    Faye. Sidhe, elves, dwarves, giants, dragons,

    and goblins measured beyond counting.

    When the siege began the Bragun fell like

    wheat before a scythe. The powerful mages ofthe Faye reduced castle walls to dust. None

    were spared. Mortal and Faye alike cut down

    every Bragun they found, man, woman, and

    child. The Bragun had hoped that their

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    fortresses would keep them safe long enough

    for their enemies to grow weary with the war.

    They were sorely mistaken.

    The Bragun were utterly crushed. Every Bragun

    was cut down, not a stone of their empire wasleft standing. The day had been won, but the

    war was still far from over.

    The Hunt 1404-1478 AR

    We had won. My people were free from the

    tyranny of the Bragun. The mortal armies

    returned to their homes, confident in leading

    new lives, free to do as they wished. In our

    eyes, there was nothing left to do.

    The Faye saw things differently. Voices called

    out for the complete annihilation of the Bragun

    that had managed to escape the battle at

    Mikon. Thus began the Hunt. The Faye

    scoured the True Realms and the Mists alike,

    killing the last remnants of the once proud

    Bragun race. It was genocide.

    Though many of us took up arms alongside the

    Faye, they did not view us as allies. They saw

    the potential of a new Bragun Dor in all of us.

    If we had suffered under the rule of the Bragun,

    it was but a warm up for the darker days that

    lay ahead.

    The Days of Shadow 1480-1790 AR

    We were not about to let the descendants of

    man cause us harm ever again. There were

    those among my kind that called for all of them

    to be eliminated, dealt with just as harshly as

    we had with the Bragun. While we had joined

    the Faye together for the war, it was an alliance

    that could never last. I was among those that

    argued for clemency, mercy for those that had

    suffered under the Bragun, and had even

    helped in their removal.

    The Unseelie Faye, never one for compassion or

    leniency wanted all out war, but they lacked the

    power of their cousins, the Seelie. Once again

    the two courts went their separate ways.

    Without the influence of the Unseelie, myself

    and those like me managed to grant a stay of

    execution for the mortals. But, we would not

    leave ourselves so exposed ever again.

    This lead to yet another mistake. It started off

    simple enough, we had garrisons of our Alfar

    warriors in every True Realm. At first they

    were their to simply remind the mortals that

    the Faye were not to be trifled with. So long as

    they minded their own affairs, we would not

    interfere. There were those, even amongst the

    Seelie, that sought out ways to take advantage

    of the situation. Things began to go intodecline. Once again the mortal races that had

    been relegated to second class citizenry were

    being crushed under the heel of tyranny. Many

    Faye began to migrate into the True Realms.

    They saw opportunity. They used their status

    as Faye to do whatever they wished. They

    cheated, stole, lied, and bullied.

    How could we have been so blind? Eventually

    someone would push to far and then the

    mortals would push back. I only hope we can

    find a way around war. There has been too

    much bloodshed.

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    The Third Retribution War 1790 AR

    For over three centuries we toiled under the

    rule of the Bragun, finally casting off the yoke of

    oppression. Then we were forced to wear a

    collar from a new master, the Faye. How long

    did they think we would cower before them?

    When we began to first began to hint at

    rebellion there were those that feared reprisals

    from the Faye. Traitors to our cause led to the

    arrest and subsequent execution of many of our

    supporters, and more than a few innocents.

    That was the push many needed. Where we

    had once met in shadows and spoke with

    whispers, now we became a throng, bellowing

    for freedom in the light of day.

    Many called it a war, though in my eye it hardly

    qualifies. The Faye seemed to understand the

    position they had put us into. The first of the

    skirmishes between revolutionaries and the

    Alfar garrisons were brief, neither side truly

    wanting to engage the other. The Faye quickly

    sued for peace, a shock to all. They withdrew

    their troops and once again retreated to the

    seclusion of the Mists. With little blood spilt,

    we were free once more. I pray that this time,

    it is a freedom that endures. I don’t want to

    think that my children may fall under the same

    yoke that I did.

    Wayfarers Way 1821 AR

    Soon after the Faye retired from the True

    Realms, a young revolutionary named Baerd

    had a dream. He took a garrison of his most

    faithful followers and founded Wayfarers Way.

    It was situated on a magnificent pillar of rock in

    the midst of the sea. Far removed from most

    of the other True Realms, and yet still outside

    the domains of the Faye, it served its intended

    purpose perfectly.

    Baerd found Wayfarers Way as a safe haven for

    both mortals and Faye to work out their

    differences. A place where all were welcome.

    Baerd seemed to have friends in high places

    amongst the Seelie, and he was viewed as a

    hero to the mortals that knew him.

    Soon many flocked to Wayfarers Way. What

    had started as a tiny settlement was growing

    into a town, and then a city. It turned out that

    Baerd had chosen the location of his outpost

    with more than just negotiations in mind. It

    provided the perfect hub for trade between the

    Faye and the mortals. It was secure, high

    above the waves of the sea, safely away from

    the greedy hands of raiders and pirates. It


    While the mortals vastly outnumber the Faye,

    there is still peace. A goblin can walk down the

    streets without incident. Alfar warriors drink

    side by side with mortals in one of the many

    pubs. The world seems to have finally entered

    a new age of peace and prosperity.

    Nothing beautiful can last though. As the city

    grew and prospered, it attracted less scrupulous

    folk. Many grew rich off the vast opportunities

    the city had to offer, but it came at the expense

    of others. Hundreds and thousands flocked to

    Wayfarers Way, looking for a better life, but

    many were relegated to the slums, barely

    scraping by. The city grew crowded and dark.

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    For nearly a hundred years Baerd oversaw the

    well being of Wayfarers Way. As it grew it

    became more evident that he could not do the

     job alone. A council was created to govern the

    city, freely elected by the people. Laws were

    made, and enforced by both the city militia as

    well as by the Arbitrators, a freely formed

    militia intent on keeping the peace.

    The city continued to grow, and while many

    strive to make the city as good as it can be,

    there are still those that exploit every loophole.

    Age of Steam 2311 AR

    For over two millennia, the mortals have

    existed without the technologies of their

    ancestors, magic having replaced much of what

    technology once accomplished. There are

    those that harbor different beliefs though, and

    they have worked hard to bring all mortals into

    a more advanced world.

    While steam power is not new to the world, the

    dwarves have used it since before theReckoning, it has not been seen or used by

    mortals since the days of old man. Once again

    man has sought out the comforting embrace of

    mechanical arms. Great steam generators have

    begun provided power for the factories in

    Wayfarers Way. Even some of the Mistbarges

    now use steam engines to propel themselves

    through the Mists.

    Many are wary of this return to a technological

    age, partially inspired by stories of how it wastechnology itself that caused the end of the old

    world. Getting past these superstitious

    prejudices is slow, but the movement towards

    steam power is gaining momentum.

    What Lies Ahead 2316 AR

    The world is still far from a perfect place, but

    there is hope. While the mortals and the Faye

    still have their disputes, it really never amounts

    to anything other than the rattling of sabers and

    strong words.

    The mortals have grown in numbers and have

    established themselves in every True Realm.

    Old mankind is a thing of legend, few of his

    descendants resemble him at all, but the spirit

    lives on.

    There are limitless possibilities and

    opportunities for those that have the will to

    pursue their dreams and desires. A new age is

    dawning, and it will be shaped by those that

    seize the moment.

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      Jasper Dodge

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    21 | M i s t r u n n e r

    Chapter Two: People of the True Realms

    The Mortal Races

    There are a myriad abundance of denizens that inhabit the True Realms, many more than will be listed

    here. Those that follow are the most dominant races, both in sheer numbers as well as influence.

    Every race is different and each have their own strengths and weaknesses. Aslonians may be

    recognized for their incredible strength, but they are not generally known to be great conversationalists.

    Likewise, Chareks are quick and nimble minded, but they aren’t going to be winning any arm wrestling

    competitions. Find the race that best suits the type of Character you hope to play. However, some

    may view it as more of a challenge to play a race that seems out of the ordinary, a scholarly Fereg or a

    brutish and savage Karanar. Don’t let the basic guidelines of a race fence you in. In the end, your

    Character is what you make it. Each race will be described in the following pages. You will get a glimpseof how the different races tend to behave, what they look like, and any special abilities they may

    possess. Each race will also have starting racial scores for attributes, as well as any starting skill


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    Andurans are an avian race quite closely resembling humans of the Old World. What truly sets them

    apart are the large wings that every Anduran sports. While the wings do not bestow the ability of

    sustained flight, it does allow an Anduran to glide down from lofty heights as well as jump higher and

    further than other races. As it is with many other winged beings and creatures, Andurans have light

    weight bones, and even though most average nearly 6 foot in height they rarely weigh more than 120-

    140 pounds.

    Andurans are also always female. There has never been a male Anduran in all of recorded history.

    Andurans seem to have the ability to mate with nearly any other humanoid race, and the result of said

    pairings is always an Anduran. Andurans always seem to be rather pale in complexion, though the

    coloring of both hair and wings ranges from lighter shades of blonde and red to pure black.

    Andurans prefer to live in forested and mountainous areas, building their homes above ground level.

    They tend to despise enclosed locations, and many suffer from claustrophobia when confined. The vast

    majority of Andurans call Andurania home, the gigantic Yggdrasil trees of the forest realm provide them

    with a perfect habitat. Andurans live in small groups called flocks. Flocks are almost always made up

    of close family, though occasionally there will be some non-Andurans living amongst them, most often

    mating partners. Of all the mortal races, Andurans prefer the company of Karanar and Nekrons the

    most, and few can tolerate the Feregs and the Druga.

    Andurans are very leery of males in general, even those they take as a mate. Many Andurans will mate

    with multiple partners over their lifetimes, and few ever truly commit to a non-Anduran for life. They

    strongly believe in the superiority of not only Andurans as a race, but also of females in general. Some

    Andurans will have nothing to do with males at all, even foregoing breeding because of their utter

    contempt for the other gender.

    Andurans have incredible eyesight, both during the day as well as at night, able to make out even themost minute of details from great distances. Andurans start with a D6 in Perception and a D4 in Spot.

    Their wings also grant them the Gliding skill at D4.

    Staring Racial Attributes

    ST 2

    CN 3

    IN 2

    ES 3

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    Aslonians are simply huge compared to nearly every other mortal race. These bear folk can stand over

    10 feet tall and weigh up to 1000 pounds. Their bodies are covered with a thick hide and dense fur,

    ranging in color from pure white to brown and black. Many go without clothing, though those living in

    cities may wear bits just to appear more civilized. Aslonians also possess sharp teeth and long

    retractable claws.

    Most Aslonians are loners. It is rare to find them gathered in groups, and even then it is a rarity to

    encounter more than four or five at a time. In many ways they are much like the bears they resemble,

    each Aslonian roaming a specific range, challenging any that enter their domain. It isn’t too uncommon

    for a male to have several female mates, though even the females will roam alone more often than not.

    Those Aslonians that have left their frigid homelands in Alfheim and the Blood Glacier are much

    different than their wilder brethren. Aslonians are inquisitive by nature, and those that dwell amongst

    other races are more so. Though their curiosity may reach nuisance level quite easily for some, they

    generally mean no harm. Despite their rather fearsome appearance, Aslonians are generally peaceful

    and easy tempered. While they are slow to anger, when riled they are a devastating force of

    destruction. Because of both their physical stature as well as their calm demeanor, many find work in

    law enforcement, such as among the Arbitrators and Inquisitors.

    Aslonians have a very acute sense of smell, starting with a D4 in Smell. Their thick hide and fur also

    provide comfort in hostile conditions and harsh weather, conferring a D6 in Survival. Their hide also

    gives them some degree of protection from physical assault (AV2). Their sharp claws mean that an

    Aslonian is never truly unarmed, bestowing an additional D6 damage in unarmed combat.

    Staring Racial Attributes

    ST 5

    CN 3

    IN 1

    ES 1

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    Charek are a feline race. Most commonly they are lithe and graceful, though more than a few have a

    gluttonous streak. They normally stand about 4 feet tall and weigh about 70 pounds. Their entire body

    is covered with a fine, short coat of hair, though some males have been known to sport long manes

    about their neck and shoulders. Coloration varies greatly, blacks, browns, whites, yellows, golds, reds,

    and more. Charek also possess sharp, retractable claws in both their hands and feet. It is very

    common for Chareks to polish and decorate their claws as a symbol of status.

    Though they originally roamed the wilds, Chareks have migrated almost exclusively to city life. This isn’t

    to say that they build cities. They don’t. Chareks are known to disdain physical labor, preferring to let

    others do the heavy lifting. In general, Chareks come across as lazy and carefree, and truthfully, many

    of them are exactly that. But, it is also well known that when a Charek puts their mind to something

    they can become rather obsessive about it, putting aside nearly everything else to accomplish their goal.

    Chareks are incredibly social, preferring to be around others, and they get along with just about

    everybody. Hospitality is very important to Chareks and they love to throw parties.

    Chareks are also rather greedy, indulgent, and scheming. Wealth, status, and power are very important

    to Chareks. This leads many of them to seek out places in government and higher ranking positions in

    the various guilds. Many others turn to acts of theft, their nimble bodies making them excellent


    Chareks have superior night vision, able to see almost as clearly as they can during the day. They are

    very agile and quick, their natural dexterity affords them a D6 in Athletics and a D4 in Acrobatics. Their

    sharp claws make formidable weapons when threatened, granting an additional D4 damage in unarmed


    Starting Racial Attributes

    ST 1

    CN 3

    IN 3

    ES 3

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    Dracons, commonly called dragonkin, are a reptilian race. They are much smaller than their mighty

    namesake, standing a mere 3-4 feet in height. Despite their small size they can easily weigh up to 100

    pounds. Much of this is due to their bodies being covered by a series of overlapping scales. They have

    little variety in coloration, almost always tending towards brown and green. They have a mouthful of

    sinister teeth and razor like claws, which are always dark black in color. Roughly half of all Dracons have

    small leathery wings, giving them the ability to glide much as Andurans do, though with much less grace

    and requiring a great deal more practice.

    Dracons tend to be shunned by many of the other mortal races, except for Feregs which they share an

    outcast stigma with. They prefer to live either underground in dark caverns or in the fetid depths of a

    swamp. In places like Wayfarers Way they tend to gather in the sewers and basements. Dracons are

    nocturnal by nature, preferring the dark of night to the exposing rays of the sun. The sun tends to dry

    out their skin, which is why they prefer dark, damper places.

    Dracons are one of the most numerous of the mortal races, often gathering in tribes numbering in the

    hundreds. Despite their great numbers, they are rather rare in more civilized areas. They are

    distrustful and paranoid, no doubt from years of persecution from others. Many tribes make their living

    as raiders and bandits, and it isn’t entirely unheard of for Dracons to eat other mortals.

    Dracons can see in the infra-red spectrum, well suited for moving about in the dark. What they lack in

    size and strength they make up for with their robust health and ability to survive on little to no food for

    long periods of time. Their scaled bodies offer very good protection (AV3). Many Dracons rely heavily

    upon their claws and teeth as weapons, granting an additional D4 damage in unarmed combat.

    Centuries of persecution and distrust has given them an edge and Dracons begin with a D6 in Deception

    and a D4 in one either Move Silently or Hide.

    Starting Racial Attributes

    ST 1

    CN 4

    IN 1

    ES 4

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    The Druga are one of the oldest mortal races to have descended from ancient man. These half breed

    dwarves are a robust and rugged race. They stand about 3 feet tall but can easily weigh up to 150

    pounds or more. Most males have dense facial hair, which they often weave into intricate patterns.

    Their skin tends to be weathered and leathery, shading leaning towards paler colors as most Druga

    prefer to live underground. Many of their features are oversized for their short bodies, especially facial


    Druga thrive underground just as their Dwarvish cousins. They love to build exquisite subterranean

    homes. Despite this, they also have adapted very well to city life. Druga are master craftsmen, and

    their goods are highly sought all over the True Realms, and even amongst some of the Faye. Work and

    skill are very important aspects of the Druga lifestyle, an individual takes great honor in hard work.

    They especially excel in working with metals of all kinds.

    Druga are a very proud race, sometimes to the point of seeming absurdity. Loyalty and honor to ones

    clan stands above all else. The Druga hold many other races in disdain, and they really only seem to

    respect the Anuir who also hold themselves to strict honor codes. The find Karanar to be aloof, Chareks

    lazy, and everyone else must obviously be up to no good.

    Druga can see in the infra-red spectrum, allowing them the freedom to move about with relative ease

    even in the darkest of caverns. Due to their incredibly sturdy constitutions they worry little about

    illness and disease, and even drugs have a limited effect on them. Their endurance is legendary, and

    they are known for pushing their bodies beyond normal limits for long stretches of time. Druga only

    need to sleep a few hours every four or five days, and it is not uncommon for them to go a week or

    longer with no rest. Work is essential to a Druga, and they start with a D6 in Craft and a D4 in any one

    Craft specialization.

    Starting Racial Attributes

    ST 2

    CN 5

    IN 2

    ES 1

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    Karanar are the oldest mortal race, the spawn of old man and true elves. They have long, slender

    frames and very fine, almost sculpted features. Standing roughly 6 feet tall they weigh a mere 130

    pounds, which many perceive as a frailty. They are very graceful and elegant, and their beauty is both a

    source of fascination as well as resentment amongst other races. Their skin is almost always pale, often

    almost white, in color. They are completely devoid of body hair except for on their heads, which they

    grow to great lengths.

    For centuries the Karanar lived among their Elvish brothers and sisters. Then the Reckoning happened

    and most Karanar found themselves cast out because of their human “taint”. Many Karanar wandered

    the Mists, many are naturally adept at navigating the otherworldly ether. Eventually the Karanar found

    new homes in the True Realms, and though there is a constant longing for their home with the Faye,

    most have adapted well to their new lives.

    Karanar pride themselves on being civilized and educated. Knowledge, the arts, philosophy, these are

    the things that the Karanar hold dear. Many other races view them as arrogant, and they are often

    quite right. This does not prevent Karanar art from being highly sought after, even among the Faye. In

    truth, the Karanar have the strongest ties to the Seelie Court of any of the mortal races, and it is their

    diplomatic prowess that has helped keep hostilities to a minimum between the mortals and the Faye.

    Karanar also generally prefer to keep to their own kind, though of they must mix it is most often with

    Andurans. They tend to look down upon most of the other races, especially the Feregs and Dracons.

    They view Druga with a sense of confused fascination, though the half dwarves have some stronger


    Karanar can see perfectly in the Mists. Karanar never need sleep, but they do often enter a meditative

    state when necessary to heal the body. Art in any form is crucial to a Karanar and they begin with a D6

    in Performance. Their natural affinity to the Mists grants them a +1 bonus to any Skill Rolls forMistrunning.

    Starting Racial Attributes

    ST 1

    CN 1

    IN 4

    ES 4

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    The Kral’Kuru are one of the created races of trolls. Often called rock trolls, Kral”Kuru are made entirely

    of living stone. They are immense in size, standing roughly 7 feet tall and weighing an incredible 1500

    pounds. Their features are rough and chiseled, and they often sport large protrusions of calcium and

    other mineral deposits. Coloration is that of just about any rock formation one can imagine, and some

    even have veins of precious metals streaked throughout their bodies.

    Kral”Kuru tend to be solitary in nature. Once they numbered in tens of thousands, but unable to

    procreate on their own, and with the magical knowledge of their creation lost, their numbers dwindle

    every year. Kral’Kuru prefer remote areas, away from other mortal races, but there are some rare

    individuals that live in more populated areas.

    Slow and ponderous thinkers, Kral’Kuru posses a seemingly unlimited patience. Many are sought out

    for their bits of wisdom and insight. Some Kral’Kuru have been known to sit and ponder for years on

    end, as they need neither food nor water to survive. Most of those that seek out their wisdom seldom

    have the patience required for a Kral’Kuru to deliver an answer. Kral’Kuru believe anything worth

    saying is worth taking your time saying it.

    Kral’Kuru are not ones for normal social interactions, and they can often seem rude and brusque. It is

    because of their bluntness that they are often sought after for their advice. Never openly violent,

    Kral’Kuru will react if threatened though, with often deadly results.

    Kral’Kuru, like all trolls, can see in any spectrum of light. Only the Mists seem to hinder their vision at

    all. Being made of stone, they are very resistant to damage (AV6). Weather extremes have no effect

    on them, and they never need to eat, drink, or sleep. Kral’Kuru also gain  a +1 bonus to any skills

    pertaining to Earth magic. Kral’Kuru are incredibly slow though, and any actions involving physical

    movement costs an additional Step when in combat. Kral’Kuru also gain an additional 1d4 damage

    when fighting unarmed.

    Starting Racial Abilities

    ST 3

    CN 2

    IN 3

    ES 2

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    Nekrons are a lizard-like race, covered in a smooth, scaled hide. They stand anywhere from 4-6 feet in

    height and can weigh anywhere from 100 to 300 pounds. They possess an extra pair of arms, which

    most can use with great efficiency. They also have a strong, powerful tail. Their skin often has a blue

    or greenish hue. They need to keep their skin moist as it dries out rather quickly.

    Nekrons thrive in both forests and swamps, and they are never found far from a source of water. Theyare excellent swimmers, and though they breathe like other mortal races, they also have gills to breathe

    underwater. Despite their proclivity to the damper places of the world, many have come to enjoy city

    life. There are those that have seized upon this by opening numerous bath houses to accommodate the

    daily need of Nekrons to soak in the soothing waters their skin so desperately needs.

    Nekrons are quite social and seek out interactions with other races frequently. They constantly seek

    out new information and are extremely knowledgeable. They will spend much of their time deep in

    research, pouring over old tomes or engaged in scientific and philosophical debates. Many Nekrons

    find work as scholars, teachers, and sages.

    Many Nekrons have an affinity for the sea as well. There are more Nekron sailors than any other mortal

    race, having an edge due to both their ambidexterity and their ease of survival in the water. Most feel

    that having at least one Nekron on the crew is good luck.

    Nekrons are almost always ambidextrous, and some can even use all four arms with relative ease. They

    are excellent swimmers, gaining a automatic D4 in Swimming. Also, there constant yearning for

    knowledge grants them a D6 in Education. Because of their additional arms when a Nekron utilizes an

    extra weapon in combat they may make an additional attack one Step quicker than the weapon would

    normally allow.

    Starting Racial Abilities

    ST 2

    CN 2

    IN 3

    ES 3

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    The Rygar, or moss trolls, are another of the magically created species that call the True Realms home.

    They stand about 7 feet in height and weigh about 400 pounds. Their bodies are made entirely of living

    organic plant matter, and many have sprouts and other growths about their bodies.

    Rygar prefer to live amongst living things, home in the forests and jungles of the world. Few enjoy life

    in the cold, confines of a city. They are an exceptionally stubborn race, and are slow to adapt to newthings. They get along quite well with the other trollkin, especially the Kral’Kuru. Other races are often

    viewed with both distrust and disdain. Rygar tend to dislike anyone that lacks respect for nature.

    Rygar have a natural affinity for plants as well as animals. They view species that must eat other

    organic life as inferior. They view all life as precious and something worth protecting. It is not

    uncommon for natural places to have a Rygar protector, and woe to the unwitting fool that fells a tree in

    the wrong forest.

    The Rygar do get on well enough with some of the other mortals, particularly the Karanar and the

    Nekrons. They view Dracons, Feregs, and Anuir as savages and brutes, while the Druga and their need

    to dig and create more and bigger mechanical contraptions, abhorrent.

    There are some among the Rygar that have forsaken all other races and have taken to rooting

    themselves deep in the wilds, becoming at one with nature.

    Rygar are able to regenerate almost any injury they sustain if given access to sunlight, able to even

    regain lost limbs. They can commune with all plant life, and even some animals, nature holds no secrets

    from a Rygar. Rygar have extensive knowledge of all living things, gaining a D4 in Life Sciences. Their

    natural affinity for animals also grants them a D4 in Animal Handling. The dense vegetation that makes

    up their bodies also confers a meager AV1 bonus as well.

    Starting Racial Attributes

    ST 3

    CN 3

    IN 1

    ES 3

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    46 | M i s t r u n n e r

    Essence (ES):  This is the total sum of the

    Characters will. Essence is the basis for a

    Character’s magical abilities. Essence is used to

    not only channel magical energies when casting

    spells, but also as a defensive ability against

    magical and mental assaults.

    Derived Attributes

    Some attributes are derived from your Core

    Attributes values. Where you put points in

    your Core Attributes will determine the score

    for your Derived Attributes.

    Damage Thresholds

    Every Character reacts to damage differently.

    There are two different Damage Thresholds,

    Minor and Critical. Whenever your Character

    takes damage, the amount of damage is

    compared to the Damage Thresholds to

    determine what effect the damage has on the

    Character. Your Minor Threshold is equal tohalf your CN score, rounded up. Your Critical

    Threshold is equal to 5+ your ST.


    Stamina is your Character’s endurance and

    ability to take minor damage, bruises, scrapes,

    bumps, and the like. Stamina is twice your CN



    Wounds determine how much major damage

    the body can absorb. Unlike Stamina, Wounds

    occur when the body is seriously injured,

    broken bones, deep cuts, and other such

    potentially lethal injuries. Wounds are equal to

    twice your ST Attribute.


    There will arise occasions where it will be

    important to know how quickly your character

    can move. Your Speed determines how many

    feet your character can move in a single Combat

    Step. Your Speed Attribute is determined by

    averaging your ST and CN Attributes, rounding


    Damage Bonus

    The higher the ST of your character, the moredamage they can dish out in combat. Below

    are the Damage Bonus levels.

    ST 4-5 +1

    ST 6-7 +2

    ST 8-9 +3

    ST 10-11 +4

    The bonuses continue increasing at +1 for every

    2 points of ST.

    Improving Attributes

    It is possible to improve your four core

    Attributes as your Character progresses in the

    game. This costs Advancement Points (AP),

    and it can rather expensive. To increase an

    Attribute it costs twice as many AP as the next

    level. Example, to go from a 7 ST to an 8 ST

    would cost 16 AP.

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    Gwendolyn Jarred

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    Chapter Four: Skills and Abilities 

    Where your Attributes are the rough framework of your Character, your Skills and Abilities are what

    truly begin to flesh out your Character. Some of these will be innate traits that come with your chosen

    race, while others are learned. Regardless of how you got them they can all be improved over time

    through experience and training. It is these Skills and Abilities that will truly begin to define what your

    Character can do. Can they fell a tree with a single swing of their axe? Can they shoot the eye out of a

    fly’s head at a hundred feet? Can they track a fish in the ocean? You can mix and match these skills

    however you like, but remember, balance is important. While it may be great to be the finest

    swordsman around, that won’t do you any good when trying to haggle with a local merchant or if you

    need to climb a sheer cliff. There will most likely be Skills that you want to take but can’t afford rightnow, but don’t fret, you will be able to learn new Skills later on.

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    All Skills and Abilities are represented by a die

    type (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12). The higher the die

    type, the higher the expertise.

    D4 Poor

    D6 Average

    D8 Good

    D10 Great

    D12 Exceptional

    D12+2 Unnatural

    There are 12 General Abilities which represent a

    broad field of skills. Every General Ability also

    has a number of associated Skill Specializations.

    These Specializations take the General Ability a

    step further, showcasing where the Character

    has developed beyond the General Ability itself.

    To be a true master, one must excel in both the

    General Ability as well as a field of


    The 12 General Abilities are; Melee, Marksman,

    Perception, Influence, Athletics, Deception,

    Education, Technology, Style, Craft,

    Performance, and Survival. All Characters start

    with a D4 skill level in each of the 12 General

    Abilities. Each of these General Abilities also

    contain a number of Skill Specializations,

    thereby taking the basic General Ability further.

    A Specialization can advance to a maximum of

    one die type higher than the correspondingGeneral Ability. For example, a Character with

    a General Ability score in Melee of d8 can only

    have a Specialization in Shield of up to a D10.

    Below are the 12 General Abilities and their

    corresponding Skill Specializations. These

    should by no means limit your campaign. If

    there are Specializations that you wish to add to

    game, by all means, do so. The 12 General

    Abilities and their corresponding Skill

    Specializations are listed below.


    This is your ability to engage in hand to hand

    combat, both with and without weapons. A

    high ability means both having good agility as

    well as skill and coordination. There is much

    more to swinging a sword than just having a

    strong arm.

    A) One Handed:  Smaller weapons that are

    primarily used with one hand, such as daggers,

    clubs, and short swords.

    B) Two Handed:  Fighting with larger, heavier

    weapons requiring two hands, such as long

    swords and axes.

    C) Unarmed:  Fighting with nothing but your

    hands and feet.

    D) Polearms/Spears:  Halbards, pikes pole-axes,

    spears, staves and the like.

    E) Shield:  The use of a shield for blocking

    incoming attacks.

    F) Chains/Whips: Linked or coiled weapons

    such as whips, ropes, and flails.

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    This represents the ability to hit a target with a

    ranged weapon or thrown object, signifying

    hand eye coordination and the ability to judge


    A) Bow:  The use of normal short and long


    B) Crossbow:  Mechanical bows and bolt


    C) Thrown:  Any weapon that is thrown.

     javelins, throwing knives and axes, and even


    D) Powders:  Weapons that rely upon

    gunpowder, such as rifles, flintlocks, and



    This governs your ability to interact with others

    and affect their attitude and even affect their


    A) Seduction:  Using one’s sexuality to influence


    B) Barter:  Governs the ability to trade and

    haggle for goods and services.

    C) Intimidation:  The act of being threatening to

    get what one wants.

    D) Interrogation: Governs the extraction ofinformation from unwilling subjects.

    E) Persuasion:  Use one’s charm and wit to

    influence the opinions of others.


    This governs your ability to notice things around

    you and how well you will react to them.

    A) Listen:  The ability to focus your hearing andfilter out the background noise.

    B) Smell:  The ability to identify scents.

    C) Search:  Knowing how and where to look for

    information or objects.

    D) Spot:  A keen eye is important when trying to

    notice details.


    This governs one’s level of physical fitness,

    flexibility, and dexterity.

    A) Acrobatics:  Tumbling, falling, jumping, and


    B) Climbing:  The ability to move up and down

    vertical objects.

    C) Gliding:  Available only to Andurans and

    Dracons, governs the ability of limited flight.

    D) Swim:  Governs the ability to not only stay

    afloat, but to move about freely in water.

    E) Running:  Governs the ability to pace oneself

    and run long distance.

    F) Feats of Strength:  Governs the ability to give

    that little extra push when needed.

    G) Riding:  The ability to use mounts.

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    This governs the ability to commit acts of


    A) Disguise:  Hiding one’s personal identity toappear as someone else.

    B) Forgery:  Altering documents and official


    C) Hide:  Keep oneself out of sight as well as

    keeping items safe from roving hands.

    D) Move Silently:  Governs the ability to move


    E) Sleight of Hand: The ability to manipulate

    objects without being noticed.


    This governs the sum of learned things and

    book knowledge.

    A) History: Knowledge of the mortal races.

    B) Law:  Understanding legal codes.

    C) Life Sciences:  The study of biological forms.

    D) Engineering: The study of physical laws and

    mathematics used for design and construction.

    E) Tactics:  The study of military techniques.

    F) Alchemy: The manufacture of potions,

    elixirs, and other chemical experimentation.

    G) Arcane Lore:  The study of the magical arts.

    H) Faye Lore:  The study of the Faye and their

    history, as well as the Mists.


    This governs the ability to manipulate others

    through your conversational skills, wardrobe,

    and appearance.

    A) Carousing:  Knowing how to have fun and

    still maintain control.

    B) Etiquette:  Knowing how to act in a variety of

    different situations.

    C) Fashion/Grooming:  Knowing how to attire

    oneself in the latest trends.

    D) Wit:  Having a sharp tongue can be more

    valuable than a sword.


    This governs the skills used to manufacture and

    create goods.

    A) Blacksmith:  The construction and care of

    metal forged goods.

    B) Leather:  The construction and care of

    leather goods.

    C) Carpenter:  The construction and care of

    wood goods.

    D) Masonry:  The construction and care of


    E) Cooking:  The ability to prepare food and


    F) Sewing:  The construction and care of fabric


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    For example, a Veteran has a Skill Point

    Modifier of 7 x IN. If they have an IN score of 6,

    they would then have 42 Skill Points to

    purchase skills, 7 x6 =42.

    The Heroism level modifiers are:

    Novice: 5 x IN

    Veteran: 7 x IN

    Epic: 9 x IN

    It costs two Skill Points to purchase a new

    Specialization Skill at a level of D4. It then costs

    one point for every die type you wish to

    increase the skill. There are maximum startingSkill Level limits based upon your Heroism level,

    Novice caps at D8, Veteran at D10, and Epic at


    Example: A Novice wishes to have a Skill Level

    of D8 in Faye Lore. It costs a total of 4 Skill

    Points, 2 for purchasing the skill at D4, and then

    1 point to go from D4 to D6 and 1 point to go

    from D6 to D8.

    Improving any of the 12 General Abilities costs 2

    Skill Points per die type because of the broader

    range they cover.

    Example:  To raise your Craft from its starting

    point of a D4 to a D8 would cost 4 Skill Points, 2

    to raise it to a D6 and then 2 more to go from

    D6 to D8.

    Also remember that your starting Heroism level

    limits your maximum starting Skill Level.Unless the Narrator states otherwise, it is not

    possible to go above these maximums.

    The Heroism level maximums are:

    Novice: D8

    Veteran: D10

    Epic: D12

    Using Skills

    A Skill Roll is required whenever your Character

    wishes to do something where the outcome is

    not obvious or trivial. To make a Skill Roll, the

    Player will roll one or two dice, depending on

    the relevant skills. One die represents the

    General Ability, a second if the Character has a

    Specialization Skill. The dice are added

    together and the result is compared to a Target

    Number based upon the difficulty of the task at

    hand. Below is a list of difficulties and their

    respective Target Numbers.

    Difficulty Target Number

    Easy 4

    Moderate 8

    Hard 12

    Challenging 16

    Nearly Impossible 20

    Miraculous 24

    These are not the only possible Target Numbers

    that can be assigned to the difficulty of a Skill

    Roll. It is the Narrator’s job to decide how

    difficult a Skill Roll is and assign what they feel is

    an appropriate target Number.

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    Rule of One

    If the results of all the dice rolled are ones, then

    it is an automatic failure. The Player must then

    roll the dice a second time. If the result of the

    second roll also results in all ones then there is

    a critical failure. The results of a critical failure

    are left up to the whims of the Narrator. It

    could something as simple as dropping your

    weapon or losing your footing, or more drastic

    like accidentally wounding a comrade or casting

    the wrong spell. As can be seen, attempting a

    Skill Roll when one does not have the

    appropriate Skill Specialization has a greater

    chance of a critical failure as only one die is

    being rolled each time.

    Exploding Dice

    Whenever a die is rolled and the result is the

    maximum for that die type (ie a result of a 6 on

    a d6), this is called an exploding die. The die is

    rolled again with a -1 modifier and that is added

    to the first die roll. A die can only ever explode

    once. This allows Characters to achieve greater

    results than normal. Lower level skills are more

    likely to explode, but even still the results will

    often be less than those of a higher skill level.

    Example:  Philo has an Education of D10 and

    History of D8. He rolls both dice, getting

    results of 4 on the D10 and an 8 on the D8. He

    rolls the D8 once more and gets a 7. His total

    for the roll is 4+8+6 (the second roll of 7-1)=20.

    Exploding dice only apply to Skill Rolls. Any

    other die rolls, such as rolls for determining

    damage do not explode.

    Opposed Skill Rolls

    There will be times when your Character will

    attempt to do something that will force an

    Opposed Skill Roll. An Opposed Skill Roll occurs

    when the skill being used can be resisted or

    countered in some way. In these cases there is

    no specific Target Number, you will simply try to

    roll better than your opponent.

    Example: Rikard is attempting to Barter for a

    better price on a suit of armor. He rolls his

    Influence of D8 plus his Barter of D6, getting a 6

    and a 3 for a total of 9. The merchant then

    rolls his Influence of D8 plus his Barter of D10,

    getting a 4 and a 7, a total of 11. Rikard’sattempt fails because he rolled less than the


    Improving Skills and Abilities

    As your character moves through their life they

    will be able to improve upon their existing

    Abilities and Skills and even add new ones. It

    costs Advancement Points (AP) to improve Skills

    and Abilities.

    Raising Skill Levels and adding new Skills costs

    much more at this stage than it does during

    character creation. The higher the current Skill

    or Ability is, the more it costs.

    The cost for adding a new Skill Specialization at

    a level of D4 is 4 AP. In order to improve an

    existing Skill Specialization it costs AP equal to

    the half next die type. For example, to go from

    a Forgery of D6 to a D8 would cost 4AP. Once

    again, no Skill Specializations can be taken until

    the corresponding General Ability is at least a

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    D6 or higher. To improve a General Ability is a

    bit more costly than increasing a Skill

    Specialization. It costs AP equal to the next die

    type. For example, to advance your

    Influence from a D8 to a D10 would cost 10 AP.

    There is a bonus for Character’s that have a

    higher IN Attribute. AP costs for improving

    skills is reduced by 1 for Characters with a IN

    score of 6 or higher. Those with an IN score of

    8 or higher can reduce the cost by 2 AP.

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      Jude MacSubine

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    Chapter Five: The Arcane

    Magic is an integral part of everyday life in the world of Mistrunner. The Mists that surround the True

    Realms are comprised entirely of magic energy, and it is that energy that fuels most spells. Everyone is

    capable of at least a little magic, but those that wish to truly sling spells like a master must study and

    practice for many, many years, and even then there is no mortal that can truly master magic as the Faye


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    Magic is broken down into seven schools, each

    representing a specific type of focus. Each

    school is treated as its own Magic Skill.

    Earth:  Earth magic deals with powers

    pertaining to elemental earth. Shaping Stone,Pass Wall, and Stone Skin are examples of Earth


    Air:  Air magic pertains to the powers of

    elemental air. Levitation, Invisibility, and

    Lightning Bolt are some examples of Air magic.

    Fire:  Fire magic pertains to the powers of

    elemental fire. Fireball, Heat Metal, and

    Burning Blade are examples of Fire Magic.

    Water:  Water magic pertains to the powers of

    elemental water. Purify water, Ice Arrow, and

    Water Walk are examples of Water magic.

    Life:  Life magic pertains to the power of living

    things, plant and animal. Neutralize Poison,

    Heal Wounds, and Polymorph are examples of

    Life magic.

    Mental:  Mental magic pertains to the powers

    of anything relating to the mind. Telepathy,

    Charm, and Paralyze are examples of Mental


    Mists:  Mist magic pertains to anything related

    to the magical properties of the Mists and the

    skills used by Mistrunners. Mists and Mist

    Magic is covered in the next chapter.

    Aside from the school of magic, there are two

    skill specializations for controlling ones magicalpowers. Every Mage must devote at least a D4

    to each of these two skills.

    Conjuration:  This covers the initial casting of

    magical spells.

    Control:  This covers controlling a spell that has

    already been cast.

    Purchasing Magic SkillsMuch like normal skills, Magic skills need to be

    chosen during Character creation. It is possible

    to study more than one school of magic, though

    most chose to focus in one area of study. The

    number of Skill Points available when choosing

    Magic skills is based upon the Character’s IN

    and ES scores. A Character has Magic Skill

    Points equal to their IN and ES combined.

    Veterans get an additional +2, and Epic Heroes

    get an additional +4 Magic Skill Points.

    It costs a little more to buy new Magic Skills and

    upgrade compared with normal skills. For the

    chosen school of magic it costs 3 points to

    purchase a skill at D4 for , and then 2 Magic Skill

    Points for every die type above a D4. The same

    Skill Level limits apply depending upon the

    Heroism level as well. Unlike with General

    Abilities, no Character starts with D4 in any

    Magic School or Specialization Skill. All Magic

    Skills are bought from a starting point of zero.

    The two magic Specializations cost the same as

    normal Skill Specializations, 2 to purchase a D4

    and then 1 point for each step up in die type.

    Because of the complexities of Magic skills, if

    one decides to purchase skill in an additional

    school of magic, the initial cost is 4 points for a

    skill level of D4 as opposed to the normal 3

    points. If a third skill is chosen, the cost is 5points for a skill level of D4.

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    Essence Pool

    Every Character has an Essence Pool with which

    to cast spells. Your Essence Pool is determined

    by your Essence Attribute. You receive points

    equal to each level of your Essence Attribute.

    An Essence of 1 gives you a pool of 1, an

    Essence of 2 gives you a pool of 3 (1 for level 1 +

    2 for level 2). So, a Character’s Essence pool

    would normally range from 1 to 55 (for an

    Essence Attribute of 10).

    Essence Score Total Essence Pool

    1 1

    2 33 6

    4 10

    5 15

    6 21

    7 28

    8 36

    9 45

    10 55 

    Focus Objects

    For many magical spells, success can depend

    upon having a Focus Object. A Focus Object is

    something to use as a base source for the

    magical energy, for example, having a lit torch

    as a Focus Object for Fire Magic. Whenever

    there is a Focus Object present when a spell is

    being cast, it bestows a +1 bonus to the skill die


    When an object is used in this way it is partially

    or completely consumed by the magical forces

    it helps create. Obviously if a lake is used as a

    Focus object to cast an Ice Bolt spell it would

    not consume the entire lake, but a campfire

    would be consumed completely for a Fireball.

    A Focus Object must be something that thecaster can actually touch and have physical

    contact with.


    Fetishes are items that have been either

    temporarily or permanently enchanted with

    raw magic. These fetishes can be one of many

    different things, a staff, ring, or broach are quite

    common examples. The making of a fetish is

    not easy, especially when trying to construct a

    permanent fetish.

    A temporary fetish can be made with much less

    preparation than a permanent one, though the

    effects are short lived. Temporary fetishes will

    fade quickly, losing their magical properties

    after only one or two uses. Permanent fetishes

    take weeks to prepare and only those withgreat magical skill can accomplish such a thing.

    In addition to being temporary or permanent

    fetishes, each fetish has one of two powers,

    either enhancing magical prowess, and or those

    that contain specific spells.

    Fetishes that enhance one’s own magical skills

    will grant a +1 or higher bonus to magical Skill

    Rolls. The total bonus depends upon the

    fetishes own construction.

    Fetishes can also be used as a conduit for

    specific spells, for example a wand that can

    purify water on command. When a caster is

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    attempting the specific spell that the fetish was

    made for it bestows a +4 bonus to the magical

    Skill Roll.

    To create a fetish it takes time and energy. A

    temporary Fetish that enhances magicalprowess can be made within an hour generally.

    It costs 20 Essence to create a Fetish of +1. For

    every 10 extra Essence spent the bonus can be

    improved by +1. It takes a full hour to

    replenish each point of Essence spent in this

    fashion. A temporary Fetish will also lose

    power as time goes by. Every day after its

    construction the magic will fade, losing a +1

    bonus per day until the Fetish is drained.

    A temporary Fetish that enhances a specific

    spell takes about 4 hours to create. The cost in

    Essence is 20 plus the casting cost of the initial

    spell. Regardless of the amount of Essence

    spent the bonus will always be +4. The magic

    fades the same as any other temporary Fetish,

    draining away +1 every day.

    A permanent Fetish is much more difficult to

    create, the process taking up to a full day or

    longer to complete. It costs 50 Essence to

    create a permanent Fetish that enhances

    magical prowess, and an additional 20 for every

    point of bonus above +1. It takes much longer

    to recover from the creation of a permanent

    Fetish as well, taking 2 hours to regain a single

    point of Essence. Because of the high Essence

    cost in creating a permanent Fetish, it is often

    done as a joint project with several casters

    contributing to the work. Despite their name, a

    permanent Fetish will start to lose its power

    over time. Every year that passes will drain +1

    from the Fetish.

    A permanent Fetish that enhances a single spell

    takes several days to complete. The cost is 60

    Essence points plus the cost of the initial spell.

    It will fade much the same as any other

    permanent Fetish. The bonus for this type of

    fetish is always +4, until time begins to wear

    away the bonus.

    Fetishes can be dangerous though too, as these

    items were never truly meant to house magical

    energies. If the caster ever suffers a critical

    failure while casting a spell with a fetish, there

    is 10% chance that the fetish will destruct,

    dealing 1D6 damage for every +1 the fetish

    stored. This is direct magical damage that is

    unhindered by armor of all kinds, even thosebestowed by the character’s race. The

    explosion will also completely drain a casters

    Essence Pool and they will not regain lost

    Essence for a full day.

    Casting a Spell

    The world of Mistrunner uses a very open magic

    system. While you can choose from a list of

    specific spells to cast, you are not limited to just

    those in your spellbook. You can attempt to

    cast any kind of spell that fits within your school

    of magic.

    There is an advantage to casting a spell from a

    scroll or spellbook though. Whenever a

    Character casts a spell directly from a written

    source, they enjoy a +1 bonus to their dice rolls,

    though it takes twice as long to cast. Free form

    casting does not enjoy this bonus, but it gives

    the Character many more options with their


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    Casting spells is handled a lot like any other skill

    check. When casting a