Minority Representations in French Popular Culture – The Case Of “Stress”

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  • 8/10/2019 Minority Representations in French Popular Culture The Case Of Stress



    Media and Communication Fall 2014

    Dr. Alexandra Brown

    Response Paper 2

    Konstantin Kirilov / Student #10331840

    Minorit! Representations in Frenc" Popular Culture #"e Case $%


    Tokenism is the notion that media has a tendency to include a single

    ethnic minority character in order to give the impression o !eing

    inclusive" $odkinson% &08'% (hile at the same time actually helping to

    perpetuate the stereotypes associated (ith a particular group) *ithin the

    rame(ork o racial and ethnic misrepresentation that (e studied in class%

    $odkinson also introduced burden of representation, the concept that

    mem!ers o ethnic minorities are e+pected to stand or their entire ethnic

    group" as a result o !eing isolated (ithin predominantly (hite media

    institutions" &08') The de!ate on ho( to deal (ith these pro!lems has

    gro(n louder as social media and the *e! have e+panded their in,uence

    and reach) The ideas can !e applied to virtually any type o media% !ut

    this paper e+amines a music video !y -rench. reek director omain

    avras% produced or the aris.!ased electronica !and 2ustice in &008


  • 8/10/2019 Minority Representations in French Popular Culture The Case Of Stress



    The video (as commissioned !y 2ustice as a visual counterpart to

    their track Stress ) Shot in a style more reminiscent o a short movie% it

    ollo(s a group o -rench youths o rican and 5orth. rican descent as

    they make their (ay rom the run.do(n apartment !locks o their banlieu

    to the center o aris) Throughout the video they harass and !eat up

    several people% 6ght (ith the police% steal and demolish a car% and

    violently attack the cameraman at the very end)

    *ithin &0 days o its release% the ootage had gained over &%000%000

    vie(s on 7ouTu!e and aily9otion) eactions (ere varied% !ut :uick to

    arrive ; some :uestioned the point o sho(ing pointless violence"% (hile

    others accused it o acilitating the stigmatie 9onde suggested that the

    6lmmakers have ended up ?oining those they (ish to denounce"

    =verson') e( months later% the !and pu!licly de ended the video in an

    intervie(% calling it an e+periment in making an un.!roadcasta!le video

    or an un.!roadcasta!le song" $e!!leth(aite') =n addition% they

    denounced -rench ne(spapers as sensationalist% saying that not only (as

    the video not !anned rom T@% !ut most ma?or net(orks personally called

    the !and and re:uested the high resolution version% an oAer they re?ected)

    =n regards to theory% Stress is a good e+ample o ho( social

    commentary can !e misread in various (ays% o ten (ith the help o the

  • 8/10/2019 Minority Representations in French Popular Culture The Case Of Stress



    medium itsel ) -or e+ample% some ?ournalists reporting on the controversy

    (ere :uick to point out ho( the pro?ect did no avors to the !lack

    community" or the immigrant community") This leads us to $odkinson s

    idea that no such undiAerentiated !locks o people" (ith an identical

    e+perience and a uni6ed vie(point" actually e+ist &08') =ndeed%

    $odkinson himsel admitted that this is a (ell.intentioned" attempt to

    portray minority perspectives that ends up !eing tokenism o a diAerent

    kind" &08')

    9any o the reactions to Stress seemed to completely ignore

    (idespread pro!lems (ith social segregation that already e+isted (ithin

    -rench society) 5ot only that% !ut they accused the video o stimulating

    these issues% rather than recogni

  • 8/10/2019 Minority Representations in French Popular Culture The Case Of Stress



    =n addition to the a!ove% !ecause o the !urden o representation%

    these negative images (ere inevita!ly attri!uted to the entire

    immigrant/ rican/5orth. rican population) The pro!lems continued even

    as the !and s record la!el% Because 9usic% released a statement

    descri!ing the video as Ca parody o the (ay D' ma?or television

    channels treat the ne(s" =verson') Some argued that the orm o the

    medium itsel contri!uted to the controversy% (hich relates to 9arshall

    9c>uhan s amous the medium is the message" e+pression and the

    relation !et(een the ormer and ho( (e perceive the latter) @ie(ers

    ound it dangerous" to engage in something as emotive and important

    D' (ithout some kind o dialogue" =verson'% and speculated that the

    outrage (ould have !een much less pronounced had the images !een

    part o a documentary% or e+ample) 2ustice later remarked that the (hole

    story represented a reminder o ?ust ho( diEcult it is today to control the

    destination o images and the integrity o their meaning" =verson') nd

    (ith the great strides made !y digital media as a (hole% and video sharing

    (e!sites in particular% perhaps (e shouldn t !e surprised i more disputes

    like this arise in the uture)

    )or*s Cited

    avras% omain) 2ustice . Stress " YouTube. 7ouTu!e% >>F% &G Septem!er

    &013) *e!) H Icto!er &014) J https //((()youtu!e)com/(atchL

    vMN*a*sgB!-s O)

  • 8/10/2019 Minority Representations in French Popular Culture The Case Of Stress



    $e!!leth(aite% hil) C Fross The Pniverse 2ustice =ntervie(ed)C The

    Quietus ) The Nuietus% &8 Ict) &008) *e!) 08 Ict) &014)

    Jhttp //the:uietus)com/articles/00G84.a.cross.the.universe.?ustice.


    $odkinson% aul) 9edia% Qthnicity and iaspora)" Media, culture and

    society: an introduction ) >ondon Sage% &010)

    =verson% 2eArey T) CPproar Iver -rench 9usic @ideo)C Time ) Time =nc)% 1R

    9ay &008) *e!) 08 Ict) &014)

    Jhttp //content)time)com/time/arts/article/0 &F8GRR &F180HH&4 &F00)


    9c>uhan% 9arshall) Understanding media: The extensions of man )

    Fam!ridge% 9 9=T ress% 1RR4)