Mind Toxins

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  • 8/13/2019 Mind Toxins


    Mind Toxins to Avoid

    Copyright & Disclaimer

    Original Source: Mind Toxins to Avoid by: Unexplainable Enterprises LLC

    Copyright: 201

    !roduced in the "nited States o# A$erica

    The right o# "nexplainable %nterprises &&C'to be the author has been con#ir$ed in co$pliance (ith the )) and

    )* sections as described in the Copyright+ ,esigns and !atents Act 1-**'

    All rights are reserved to the author' .one o# the sections o# this e/boo $ay be stored+ reproduced+ or copied

    in any $anner (hatsoever+ including photocopying+ recording+ or scanning (ithout the (ritten per$ission

    #ro$ the publisher' ou are also not allo(ed to circulate this boo in any #or$at (hatsoever'

    The e/boo is licensed only to expand your no(ledge on $ind toxins' 3t $ay not be resold in any (ay' 3# you

    are having the copy o# this e/boo (ithout actually registering on the site+ please return it to the source #ro$

    (here you have taen it'

    The e/boo is 4ust an in#or$ational guide #or thro(ing light on ho( the govern$ent and #ood $anu#acturers

    are taing a toll o# hu$an health' The author and publisher expressly disclai$ any or all responsibility or

  • 8/13/2019 Mind Toxins


    liability #or any un(anted or adverse e##ects triggered due to the practical i$ple$entation o# the in#or$ation

    in this boo' The publisher speci#ically disclai$s any i$plied (arranties o# #itness or $erchantability #or any

    purpose and shall not be responsible #or any loss or da$age+ including but not li$ited to conse5uential+

    special+ incidental+ and other da$ages'

    This e/boo is based on the research and studies done #or toxins that negatively a##ect hu$an $ind+ (hich are

    #reely available in the $edical 4ournals and reports' There#ore+ nothing is ai$ed to be or should be interpreted

    as any ind o# expert advice' The e/boo is only a guide to help people no( about the toxins that a##ect their

    brains and conse5uently $ae the right #ood choices' 6or an assured advice+ the reader is strictly re5uested to

    tal to her or his $edical specialist' The e/boo ai$s to target people o# all ages+ irrespective o# the ind o# #ood

    they eat+ caste #ro$ (hich they co$e+ and country to (hich they belong'

    Than you #or revering the e##orts o# this author7


    Al$ost everything (e choose to consu$e a##ects our brain directly or indirectly+ although a #e( o# those things

    a##ect tend to have a greater i$pact' Ani$al parts+ spices+ #ruits+ plants+ beverages+ chocolates+ grains+ and

    vegetables are included in 8everything9 that de#ines as all that (e consu$e irrespective o# its nutritious value'

    O# all the body organs+ the brain is the greediest one to de$and speci#ic dietary re5uire$ents' There#ore+ (hat

    you eat tends to in#luence ho( your brain (ors' This $eans that the by eating right+ (e #eed our brain to

    thin as (ell as perceive precisely'

    Constructive and positive thoughts depend upon a (ell/#ed brain' 3t is tough to believe but it is a #act that $ore

    than 100 billion neurons together help in triggering a thought' 6urther+ there are billions o# cells in the brain+

    (hich interact (ith one another every second via a net(or' Although these cells never touch each another

    due to a s$all space bet(een the$+ in#or$ation passes through this space through neurotrans$itters that are

    also no(n as che$ical $essengers that a##ect the thoughts+ $ood+ and behavior' 6or exa$ple+ people are

    $ore alert (hen neurotrans$itters such as dopa$ine and norepinephrine are produced+ (hile the production

    o# serotonin leads to cal$ing+ anxiety/and dro(siness/alleviating e##ect' Moreover+ a stable serotonin level

    ensures positive $ood state' o(ever+ these $essengers can be disrupted i# the choice o# #oods (e consu$e

    is unhealthy+ (hich can lead to $ood s(ings+ lac o# concentration+ and anger' That said one can i$agine (hata da$aged brain needs to go through #or 4ust thining properly or recalling so$e in#or$ation'

    As a #act+ there are $any #oods that tend to disrupt these che$ical $essengers' Several reports have a##ir$ed

    that #oods charged (ith pesticides+ additives+ and genetically $utated content can alter the #unctioning o# the

    brain+ nervous syste$+ and invite serious disorders' They can even ill neurons the pri$ary cells re5uired to

    process and trans$it signals in the brain as (ell as in the other parts o# the nervous syste$' This results in

    cognitive+ behavioral+ and $ental disorders #eaturing $e$ory loss+ lac o# concentration+ nervousness+

    con#usion+ tre$ors+ aggression+ stress+ learning disabilities+ and anxiety' 3n order to reverse these har$#ul

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    e##ects $ade to our brains+ it is essential to beco$e in#or$ed about toxins that re$ain hidden in our #oods'

    Chapter 1: Food Toxins and their Effects on the Human Brain

    %ach toxin tends to in#luence the brain and nervous syste$ via a di##erent (ay+ although each triggers several

    e##ects' Toxins such as che$ical additives+ pesticides+ genetically $utated crops+ and preservatives are

    unbelievably a part o# our daily diet' Although 6ederal regulations need scienti#ic evidence to ensure sa#e

    consu$ption o# these ite$s+ studies are no( proving that $any o# these substances are unsuitable #or hu$an

    consu$ption+ especially #or the brain that controls the entire body' ;hile #ederal sa#ety $ethods are

    i$proving+ they are not 100< in#allible' This is because several reported cases o# learning disabilities and brainda$age because o# these substances used in #oods have sur#aced' That is (hy it is the need o# the hour #or the

    consu$ers to beco$e proactive and #ind out ho( these substances a##ect the brain'

    1.1 How the Brain Detects and Reacts to Food Toxins?

    According to experts+ all inds o# toxins are able to traverse

    through the blood/brain barrier =>>>? #or entering into the brain' This is an alar$ing research+ as the #unction

    o# this barrier prevents unnecessary substances #ro$ entering into the brain' ;ithin the brain ste$+ there are

    toxin receptors also no(n as xenosensors' @eno re#ers to xenobiotics that include alien che$icals+ (hile

    sensor re#ers to responding to a sti$ulus' There#ore+ the $ain purpose o# xenosensors is to detect the #oreign

    che$icals in the body' ;hen a xenosensor senses a toxin+ it taes t(o actions: Sets o## the #ight#light syste$

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    to alert the body about the entered threat and Activates the detoxi#ication syste$ that acts as the Calvary to

    eradicate the threat'

    ;hen a toxin receptor is stirred+ the &ocus Ceruleus in the brain ste$ is triggered to release norepinephrine+ a

    neurotrans$itter that initiates the #ight#light response' ;ithin the Ceruleus+ only one neuron i$$ediately

    ignites all body cells due to the presence o# threat' This indles the a$ygdala that is lined to e$otions such as

    anger and #ear o#ten experienced under stress+ (hich then indles the hypothala$us' This then sti$ulates the

    pituitary gland to release Adrenocoricotropic or$one =ACT? that+ in turn+ sti$ulates the adrenal glands to

    release cortisol' 6urther+ the preganglion sy$pathetic neurons excite the adrenal $edulla to secrete

    epinephrine' These reactions constitute the #ight#light syste$ or the stress response syste$ =sy$pathetic

    nervous syste$?+ (hich occurs in the li$bic syste$ o# the brain+ (hich is responsible #or good $e$ory+

    leaning+ e$otional $anage$ent+ $otivation+ and attention' The #ight#light syste$ de#ends the body #ro$

    threats such as stress and #ear' A#ter escaping #ro$ a threat+ the #ight#light syste$ turns o## and the body

    co$es bac to its pre/stress state o# relaxation and digestion'

    1. How the !tress Response "echanism is Defeated?

    Although (e have such a de#ending syste$+ the proble$ is that (e are surrounded by inescapable toxins every

    no( and then' This $eans that our body is never restored to the pre/stress state' ar$#ul pesticides+ additives+

    and preservatives are at the store+ in the par+ on your #ood+ and in your neighbor9s yard' ;hen you get

    exposed to any o# these toxins+ the toxin receptor is sti$ulated to set o## the stress response syste$' The $ore

    you are exposed to+ the $ore is the nu$ber o# ti$es the #ight#light syste$ gets triggered' 3n reality+ this

    syste$ (as only intended to be triggered #or short e$ergencies #or survival+ not #or elongated periods o# ti$e'

    There#ore+ re$aining in this state #or long $aes the de#ensive $echanis$ degenerative'

    1.# $hat Happens when the !tress Response "echanism is Defeated

    3n the #ight#light state+ a series o# physiological and psychological actions occur: >lood pressure and heart rate

    rise+ hor$ones are disrupted+ digestion is do(n+ $etabolis$ and circulation are (eaened+ sugar rises+

    neurotrans$itters beco$e #ragile+ sleep is interrupted+ i$$une slo(s do(n+ senses heighten+ and $e$ory

    and cognition get i$paired' These events #inally lead to the laser/targeted #ocus and #ast energy as (ell as

    sta$ina to overco$e a state o# high alert' 3# $uch ti$e gets spent in this state+ the physical+ $ental+ and

    e$otional health (orsens considerably' Sy$pto$s and syndro$es such as anxiety+ circulation proble$s+

    depression+ panic+ and learning disabilities start to develop'

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    3n si$ple (ords+ the entry o# toxins into the brain is nothing but the toxic stress' This stress is interconnected

    to all other types o# stress' 6or instance+ toxic stress leads to oxidative stress+ (hich can in#lict i$$une stress+

    endocrine stress+ or e$otional stress' 6or exa$ple+ pesticides as toxins tend to (eaen the detoxi#ication

    syste$+ endocrine syste$+ and the i$$une syste$ but si$ultaneously sets o## oxidative stress as the natural

    #ight starts to eradicate the toxins as (ell as sets o# e$otional stress as one strives to cope up (ith the

    disruption to neurotrans$itters that actually need to be healthy #or good e$otional health' The total o# all

    di##erent toxins is re#erred to as Total Toxic &oad+ according to ,r' Sherry Bogers' The higher this load is the

    $ore degeneration (ill tae place to result in chronic stress'

    Moreover+ a#ter crossing the blood/brain barrier+ the

    toxins $ay also step on receptors to disrupt the nervous as (ell as endocrine syste$' They can do so by

    i$itating the original neurotrans$itters or hor$ones or by ruining their ability to per#or$ (ell' 6or instance+

    so$e heavy $etals land on iodine receptors and inhibit the #unctioning o# the thyroid gland' Si$ilarly+ solventche$icals and pesticides inhibit the ability o# nerves to trans$it electrical signals #or proper co$$unication'

    Metals such as $ercury are neurotoxins because they da$age the nerve and brain cells' They can also have a

    bad i$pact on $ood+ intelligence+ behavior+ and coordination' Apart #ro$ da$aging the brain structure+ these

    toxins can i$pede the creation o# ne( nerves' Metallic toxins such as lead and $ercury give boost to #ree

    radical da$age in the brain+ (hich results in in#la$$ation and death o# nerve and brain cells'

    3n short+ hor$ones and neurotrans$itters are the drivers o# our vehicle/lie body' 3# they are not (oring (ell+

    none o# our organs or syste$s can #unction properly due to do$inance o# the sy$pathetic nervous syste$+

    (hich degrades our $ental health'

    ;hen under toxic stress+ adrenal glands release cortisol that o##sets stress' o(ever+ i# under continual stress

    due to high toxic load+ the body certainly #ails to $eet the stress/relie# de$ands' Moreover+ cortisol also burns

    out resulting in adrenal #atigue or chronic #atigue syndro$e' This creates a dile$$a: "nder a high level o# toxic

    stress+ cortisol is highly needed but that high level o# stress lessens the cortisol level' This is truly a vicious


    1.% How Detoxification !&stem is Defeated

    A#ter disrupting the stress response syste$+ the second (ay toxins $ae us #all ill by $aing the detoxi#ication

    syste$ #aulty' The detoxi#ication syste$ eradicates the toxins you are exposed to in an e##icient $anner'

    o(ever+ i# it is not (oring (ell+ toxins get logged in the brain+ cells+ and tissues (hich #inally da$age the

    $ind #or years to co$e' The accu$ulated toxins da$age $itochondria+ disrupts the energy production+ and

    (eaens the i$$une+ nervous+ and endocrine syste$s' An underper#or$ing detoxi#ication syste$ adds to thetotal toxic load and pushes the body into #ight or #light response' ;hen this happens on a regular basis because

    o# overload o# toxins+ the detoxi#ication syste$ gets i$paired due to lac o# resources re5uired #or

    detoxi#ication' !roble$s occur in any o# the t(o phases o# the detoxi#ication syste$: !hase 3 or !hase 33' !hase 3

    is (here toxin is excreted through the oxidation process+ (hile phase 33 adds another substance to the

    excreting toxin passing through #eces or urine+ (hich is no(n as con4ugation' !hase 3 needs an eny$e group

    called cytochro$e !/DE0+ (hile phase 33 has $any con4ugation path(ays no(n as sul#ation+ taurine+

    acetylation+ glutathione+ $ethylation+ glucoronidation+ and glycination'

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    There are t(o $ain reasons (hy the detoxi#ication syste$ gets i$paired: Toxin overload and $issing nutrients=eny$es or path(ays?' 6or instance+ heavy $etals i$pair phase 33 $ethylation and pesticides inhibit an

    eny$e called acetylcholinesterase due to (hich the pri$ary neurotrans$itter+ acetylcholine+ is not broen

    do(n' As a result+ excessive acetylcholine exists due to (hich the #ight or #light syste$ along (ith the brain are

    not regulated (ell' 3t also results in oversti$ulation o# the sy$pathetic nervous stal+ (hich eeps the state o#

    #ight or #light active #or long'

    !esticides also does not allo( phase 33 to eep up (ith !hase 3 due to (hich the oxidied toxin cannot be

    eli$inated' This oxidied toxin is actually $uch $ore poisonous than the original one' 6urther+ pesticides can

    da$age the !/DE0 eny$es per$anently' 3t can also hold bac the conversion o# tryptophan into serotonin+ a

    vital neurotrans$itter #or regulating the autono$ic nervous syste$ and $ood' !esticides can also cause

    per$anent da$age to the cytochro$e !/DE0 eny$es'

    There#ore+ it is better to avoid this toxic stress by no(ing the toxins that badly i$pact our brain and other


    Chapter : Toxins that 'e(ati)e*& +ffects ,ur Brain

    ,o you no( that are $ore than 1D+000 che$icals added to #oods+ (hich are unsuitable #or organic nutritionF

    3n reality+ a hu$an body is not $eant to be exposed to so $any che$icals and additives that are being used inour #oods today' ;hat is even $ore alar$ing is that studies have 4ust started to #ocus on this toxic stress+

    (hich $eans there9s yet a lot #or the scientists to no( and co$prehend' This is exactly (hy ids and adults

    alie are susceptible to these toxins' O# all+ ids and teens are $ore vulnerable to these e##ects because their

    nervous as (ell as i$$une syste$s are yet in the developing stage' 6urther$ore+ even so$e vaccines that

    they tae prove to act lie toxins to their brains'

    .1 -accines

    The neurological disorders due to vaccinations are actually nu$erous' Gaccinations are lined to several

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    neurological disorders such as epilepsy+ autis$+ convulsions+ depression+ anxiety+ $ental retardation+ C.S

    disorders+ nerve dea#ness+ brain tu$ors+ seiures+ and $ental con#usion or lo(ered 3H'

    The3$$uniation Scheduleso# the Centers #or ,isease Control and !revention =C,C? include several vaccines

    #or toddlers+ ids up to six years old+ and #or those bet(een ) and 1* years old' o(ever+ a latest report by ,r'

    &uci4a To$l4enovic+ !h','+ reveals that these schedules are totally hoax' They hardly provide actual protection

    against diseases' The truth is that the vaccination schedules are actually designed #or serving the co$$ercial

    interests+ instead o# serving the interest o# public health' Many vaccines are #illed (ith heavy and har$#ul

    $etals+ ,.A #rag$ents o# other species+ #ecal $aterial+ and #or$aldehyde (hich put the li#e o# thousands o#

    ids at ris'

    The report accuses the govern$ent o##icials that they ne( about the ine##ectiveness o# the vaccines as (ell as

    about their ability to cause the diseases that they actually $ust prevent' The o##icials are also bla$ed #or

    conspiracies+ lying to the public+ and #or i$peding sa#ety studies' ,r' To$l4enovic also has revealed ho( ICG3

    encouraged vaccine co$panies to intentionally change their data sheets #or $aing har$#ul and ine##ective

    vaccines to be dee$ed as sa#e and e##ective'

    According to the report+ $inutes o# $eetings

    held in 1-*1 indicate that the Ioint Co$$ittee on Gaccination and 3$$uniation =ICG3? tried to hide the severe

    side e##ects lined to co$$on vaccines such as $easles and (hooping cough' These vaccines (ere associated

    (ith severe brain da$age in a considerable percentage o# children receiving the$' 3n the recent years+ the C,C

    utilied pande$ic hoax to #righten people over 1.1 and o##ered deadly vaccines+ (hich illed thousands o#

    unborn children and others' 3t has yet not release the dataand o##ers the sa$e vaccine even today' %ven the

    ne ( #lu vaccine is said to have har$#ul $etals such as $ercury and alu$iniu$' As per the statistics+ ids are

    receiving 1) alu$iniu$/rich shots today as co$pared to #our vaccines 0 years ago' According to $ercola'co$+

    these $etal additives induce grave i$$unological disorders+ long/ter$ brain in#la$$ation+ and neurologicalco$plications' A strong lin has been #ound bet(een vaccines and in#la$$ation in brain+ behavioral disorders+

    and learning disorders in children'

    3t is 8nor$al9 to be a#raid o# vaccination+ but the diagnosis o# visible neuropathy or brain dys#unction is yet to be

    explored' According to experts+ dyslexia+ autis$+ attention de#icit disorder+ $ini$al brain da$age+ and $any

    other neurologic disorders are 8develop$ental disabilities9 that hardly existed be#ore $ass vaccinations' 3t has

    been #ound that 20< o# A$erican children have a Jdevelop$ental disability9 (hose pri$ary cause is the

    childhood vaccination progra$'

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    .1.1 Common ut Harmfu* -accine +dditi)es

    !ublic health authorities and $edical experts are ca$paigning (idely to get vaccinated every year (ith the #lu

    and other ne(er vaccines' They are $aing shots available in $alls+ hospitals+ tents+ and al$ost any place that

    they can $uster' ;hat9s $ore to it is that the o##icials are using #rightening tactic so that the elderly and

    $others o# s$all ids go running #or the shots' o(ever+ these reco$$ended vaccines are the ones that are

    #illed (ith #ood additivesthat act as neurotoxins'


    This is a light $etal that leads to Alhei$er9s+ !arinson9s+ ane$ia+ colitis+ and de$entia (hen in4ected in the

    body' Alu$iniu$ (ors in an un#avorable $anner by: 3$peding the action o# nerve cells'3nhibiting vital brain eny$es =catalysts? and the uptae o# essential neurotrans$itters such as

    dopa$ine+ serotonin =E/T!?+ and norepinephrine' ,a$aging the neurological as (ell as the i$$une syste$'Triggering convulsions+ loss o# coordination+ con#usion+ de#ective learning+ and i$paired $e$ory'

    Once the action potential o# nerves is i$peded+ the nerve cells or neurons are not inspired correctly' As aresult+ their ability to trans$it $essages greatly reduces' 3nhibiting eny$es also do not let happen as they are

    supposed to' The neurotrans$itters $oving bet(een neurons are essential #or attention+ $ood regulation+

    i$pulse control+ sleep and (ae cycles+ satiety+ voluntary and involuntary $ove$ent+ and the stress response'

    ;hen their uptae is inhibited+ all brain actions go (rong+ including ine##ective processing o# sensory

    in#or$ation' According to the 6,A+ the toxic alu$iniu$ dose o# vaccine #or a pre$ature baby is 10 to 20 $cg'

    ;ell+ no(adays+ a ne(born baby receives a epatitis > shot that contains 2E0 $cg o# alu$inu$' This is really



    Becent vaccines also contain antibiotic che$icals #or preservation' o(ever+ these che$icals support

    superbugs+ #atal antibiotic/resistant bacteria that tend to ill thousands o# A$ericans every year' Overuse o#

    antibiotics #acilitates the gro(th o# these antibiotic/resistant bacteria' Superbugs are in#ectious ger$s that are

    resistant to phar$aceutical drug arsenal+ a gro(ing issue o# the 21 stcentury' They are di##icult to treat and are

    responsible #or severalin#ectionssuch as sepsis $ared by organ #ailure and pneu$onia'


    This is a preserving che$ical that is used #or storing the cadavers' 3n vaccines+ it is used during production to

    eep conta$inating viruses and bacteria at bay' Although $ost #or$aldehyde is extracted #ro$ the vaccine

    prior to pacaging+ its s$all a$ount proves to be toxic to the nervous syste$+ leading to seiures+ brain

    da$age+ brain cancer+ and blindness' The "'S' ,epart$ent o# ealth and u$an Services agrees

    that#or$aldehyde causes cancer' 3t does so by binding to ,.A and $utating cells' Apart #ro$ vaccines+

    #or$aldehyde is also used in (ood co$posite #urniture+ building $aterials+ household cleansers+ paper

    products+ cos$etics+ hair products+ and car exhaust' Bight no(+ the use o# this che$ical is banned in the

    %uropean "nion'


    This is a $ethyl $ercury co$pound that is in#a$ous due to its ability to cause per$anent nervous syste$

    da$age and autis$' Thi$erosal acts as a toxin by crossing the blood/brain and placenta barriers' 6lu vaccines

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    o#ten contain thi$erosal that is al$ost E0< $ercury that is a serious neurotoxin' Sadly+ no sa#e dose exists #or

    $ercury even i# the doctors or 6,A propose so$e dose a$ount'

    Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

    This is another neurotoxic che$ical or excitotoxin that causes the neurons to be excited so $uch that they die'

    3t also leads to $igraine headaches and da$ages the endocrine syste$' Besearchershave also #ound that the

    su##erers o# Ma4or ,epressive ,isease =M,,? have $ore levels o# gluta$ate in their blood plas$a and spinal#luid' ,epression actually results in loss o# neurons in the hippoca$pus region o# the brain+ (hich is vital #or

    good (oring $e$ory' 3t causal gluta$ate is also present in #oods as additive+ such as in Chinese dishes+

    hydrolyed proteins+ soy protein isolate+ snacs+ lunch $eats+ #roen dinners+ cooies+ and $ost Ca$pbell Soup

    products (hich (e consu$e 5uite o#ten' Much o# the gluta$ate in depressed people is generated #ro$ (ithin

    the brain9s special cells: Microglia and astrocytes' 3t is this #ree gluta$ate residing outside o# the neurons+

    (hich da$ages brain cells and path(ays o# co$$unication through the excitotoxicity process'

    As (e age+ the in#la$$atory i$$une cytoines such as T.6/a+ interleuin/1K =3&/1?+ and 3&/L tend to increase'

    This progressive elevation raises the ris o# several in#la$$ation/lined disorders+ such as cancer+ $e$ory loss+

    con#usion+ $uscle (eaness+ Alhei$er9s+ !arinson9s+ and sleep disturbances' This elevation $aes brain cells

    $ore vulnerable to toxins' According to the neuroscientists+ in#la$$atory cytoines indle the brain to release$ore a$ounts o# gluta$ate #ound in the li$bic syste$ and pre#rontal lobes+ regions that regulate $ood


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    ;hen you vaccinate+ the in#la$$atory cytoines as (ell as the brain9s in#la$$atory che$icals increase in

    5uantity' There is a uni5ue i$$une syste$ in the brain+ (hich is (ell connected to the i$$une syste$ o# the

    body' 3n the #or$er+ the chie# i$$une cell is $icroglia that resides throughout the brain in a relaxing state and

    release che$icals #or gro(th and protection o# brain cells' o(ever+ (hen activated via an in#ection or

    vaccination+ they release har$#ul che$icals such as in#la$$atory cytoines+ #ree radicals+ and t(o

    excitotoxins: luta$ate and 5uinolinic acid' ;hen these cells are activated again and again due to regular

    vaccinations+ they explode to secrete higher levels o# these destructive che$icals' This overreaction is really

    destructive and leads to depression' This is ti$e o# sicness behavior that is $ared by restlessness+ con#usion+

    di##iculty in thining+ irritability+ and social (ithdra(al'

    Gaccines boast t(o co$ponents+ the agent against (ho$ you desire to vaccinate such as the $easles virus and

    an i$$une syste$ booster' These boosters contain alu$inu$ co$pounds+ MS+ and $ercury+ (hich $ae the

    i$$une syste$ intensely react #or as long as possible' As per the studies+ these boosters #ro$ a single vaccine

    can lead to overactivation #or al$ost t(o years during (hich the $icroglia cells re$ain active to release $ore

    destructive che$icals' 3t has also been #ound that alu$inu$ can activate $icroglia #or long periods'

    . /",s

    A enetically Modi#ied Organis$ =MO? re#ers to an entity that has been genetically $odi#ied to a #or$ that

    does not occur naturally' enetically Modi#ied 6oods =M6s? are $uch in debate no(adays #or their extre$e

    pros and cons' These #oods are usually crops cultivated #ro$ seeds that are genetically $utated #or boosting

    the yield+ repelling devastating e##ects such as those by viruses+ as (ell as lo(ering costs o# production' ;hile

    genetic $odi#ication is done to gro( better+ high 5uality crops the $odi#ication occurs in a (ay that allo(s

    pesticides and herbicides to be sprayed (ithout negatively a##ecting the crops' As per the "nited States

    ,epart$ent o# Agriculture+ *0< o# corn and nearly -0< o# soybeans in the "nited States are gro(n using the

    genetically $odi#ied seeds'

    ..1 How /",s are for Hea*th

  • 8/13/2019 Mind Toxins


    ;hile the proponents o# M6s say that i$proved nutritional

    content and higher yields are essential to ensure su##icient supply+ opponents argue that the bene#its o# these

    #oods are unproven+ and that the lac o# proper research regarding the sa#ety gives rise to $any doubts' 3n #act+

    $any studiesare revealing the potential dangers to hu$an health due to (hich %uropean nations+ South

    A#rica+ and other 2E nations across the (orld have already banned the M #ood products' Although it is

    di##icult to identity MO #oods+ $ost processed and $illed #oods do contain genetically $odi#ied ingredients'

    A $a4ority o# MO seeds are genetically engineered in such a (ay that they

    are herbicide tolerant as (ell as resistant to insect in#estation or an ail$ent' This $eans they are able to

    survive the intense use o# herbicides and pesticides' This ability o# M #oods can encourage #ar$ers to use

    $ore herbicides and pesticides+ (hich si$ply increases the rate o# hu$an consu$ption o# dangerous toxins'

    The pesticides #ound in such crops have already contributed to the deaths o# #ar$ ani$als (orld(ide' %ven

    herbicides are dangerous' 6or exa$ple+ MonsantoCorp' BoundupN is rich in the glyphosate herbicide that ills

    (eeds+ and bene#icial probiotic bacteria' There#ore+ a MO crop is not dangerous but the change to the genes

    allo(ing the heavy use o# har$#ul herbicides and pesticides $aes it dangerous'

    .. How /",s +ffect Brain

    Besearchers have#oundho( MO #oods lead to depression anxiety by analying the e##ects o# glyphosate'

    They #ound that the herbicide can lead to obesity+ autis$+ depression+ cancer+ and Alhei$er9s' The toxin

    present on MO #oods averts the breado(n o# other toxins+ triggers in#la$$ation+ releases cytoines thatcause in#la$$ation in your brain+ and da$ages brain cells causing depression and anxiety' Shocingly+ this

    toxin is #ed to bee#+ livestoc ani$als+ chicens+ por+ and #ar$ raised #ish via MO soy and al#al#a'

    Toxins such as pesticides such as >t and herbicides such as glyphosate on MO #oods trigger i$$une syste$

    responses that lead to in#la$$ation' This $aes the blood/brain barrier per$eable to allo( toxins to enter in

    the brain (here the vital cells are exposed' The resulting brain disturbances include i$paired learning and

    $e$ory+ depression+ obsessive/co$pulsive disorder+ i$pulsiveness+ suspicion+ and nervous tics'

    ..# "onsanto 0 +n nre*ia*e /", Brand

  • 8/13/2019 Mind Toxins


    Monsanto+ the MO giant in the agriculture industry+ is highly being criticied #or its non/labeled MO

    products' This $eans that it does (ant us to no( the #oods that are genetically $odi#ied and ho( they a##ect

    our health due to (hich it never allo(s independent testing o# its $odi#ied #oods' 6or the latter+ it argues that

    the co$pany is protecting its patented technologies that can be explored (ell (hile testing' The co$pany is

    also bla$ed #or its tendency to pay o## politicians and buying large bee #ar$s' 6urther+ Monsanto seed never

    reproduces but $erges ,.A to gro( (ith round/up pesticides are very har$#ul'

    .# +spartame

    This is the $ost (idely used s(eetener or lo(/calorie sugar substitute that is present in beverages+ s(eets+ and

    #iy drins' o(ever+ it has been recently #oundthat asparta$e is $ade using genetically $odi#ied bacteria'

    The use o# genetic engineering to create this s(eetener (as secret until no( because the #inished product

    does not have a 8$odi#ied9 ,.A' Monsanto produces asparta$e and argues that it is truly sa#e but scientists

    doubt that because o# the probable toxic side/e##ects'Since 1-*2+ $ore than -0 di##erent sy$pto$s are beenbrought to the notice o# the 6,A #or consu$ing Asparta$e'

    Che$ically+ asparta$e is produced by co$bining the phenylalanine a$ino acid that is produced by bacteria

    naturally+ (ith another a$ino acid' Once it is consu$ed+ the s(eetener breas do(n into three co$ponents:

    Phenylalanine (Amino Acid !"#: ets $etabolied into a carcinogen called dietopiperaine andleads to neurotoxicity i# present in high doses'Aspartate (Con$%gate ase o' Aspartic Acid (Amino Acid# )!"#: >eco$es an excitotoxin+ a $olecule

    that excites the nerve cells such that they get ruined or die' Methanol (Methyl Ester * +!"#: >reas do(n into #or$aldehyde =potent carcinogen? and #or$ic acidand 5uicly circulates through blood to accu$ulate in the nervous syste$+ especially near the ,.A'

    3n #ood+ the t(o a$ino acids #or$ing the s(eetener are bound to other a$ino acids so that they are

    not absorbed in a har$#ul $anner' o(ever+ in asparta$e+they are not bound and that eny$es in the gut

    result in their #ree release' The 3talian/based %uropean Ba$aini 6oundation revealed that asparta$e boosts

    the #or$ation o# ly$pho$as and leuae$ias' This is $ainly due to the t(o a$ino acids that support

    carcinogenic activity'

    According to Bussell >layloc (ho is a neurosurgery pro#essor at the Medical "niversity o# Mississippi+

    aspartate is a po(er#ul excitotoxin that acts as a neurotoxin' %xcitotoxin is a biarre group o# protein

    co$pounds+ to (hich (hen brain cells are exposed+ trigger hyper/excite$ent until the cells get exhausted and

    die' 3t alters the brain #or$ation in in#ants+ resulting in per$anent hyperactivity and undesirable behavioral

    changes' Typically+ aspartate is used as a trans$itter to allo( cells to co$$unicate but it is ept in very lo(

    concentrations by the brain because o# its toxicity' Si$ilarly+ #or$aldehyde disrupts ,.A reproduction and

    leads to birth de#ects' 3ts high toxic content a##ects the nervous syste$+ (hich co$$only $ani#ests as vision

    i$pair$ent (ithin 10 to 0 hours' Other sy$pto$s include diiness+ $e$ory lapses+ and nu$bness' 3n the

  • 8/13/2019 Mind Toxins


    "'S'+ the %nviron$ental !rotection Agency has per$itted only )'*$g o# $ethanol a day' o(ever+ 4ust one can

    o# asparta$e drin contains $ore than 1*$g o# $ethanol'

    The s(eetener also destroysthe (hite $atter in the anterior cingulate region in the $id o# the brain+ (hich

    $ani#ests as lac o# nerve activity' This results in several $ental proble$s such as Attention ,e#icit

    yperactivity ,isorder =A,,?+ Attention ,e#icit ,isorder =A,,?+ autis$+ depression+ de$entia+ and

    schiophrenia along (ith reduced level o# cortisol'

    3n the "nited States and Canada+ asparta$e is used as a #ood additive since 1-*1 and in carbonated drins

    since 1-*' o(ever+ these approvals are even #acing $uch opposition over the years despite the clai$s o# the

    6,A and Ioint %xpert Co$$ittee on 6ood Additives =I%C6A? that asparta$e is sa#e'

    .% F*uoride

    This co$pound is (idely in use in (ater+ $outh(ashes+ toothpastes+ and #oods #or preventing tooth da$age'

    o(ever+ prolonged intae o# #luoride can lead to signi#icant da$age to the nervous syste$' 3t is capable o#

    passing though the blood/brain barrier and causes #unctional changes in the nervous syste$' 6luoride is

    considered si$ilar to $ercury (hen it co$es to analying its e##ect on the brain' According to the

    4ournal .eurologia+ ingestion o# synthetic #luoride causes serious brain and neurological da$age' This isbecause # luorides boost the production o# da$aging #ree radicals in the brain and da$age hippoca$pus area in

    the brain' This can increase the riso# Alhei$erJs+ de$entia+ lo(er intelligence+ i$paired capacity to learn and

    re$e$ber+ neurobehavioral de#icits+ and i$paired #etal brain develop$ent' %ven having one part per $illion

    =pp$? o# #luoride can be toxic+ and that its e##ects sur#ace in so$e 20 years'

    .2 +rtificia* Food D&es and Co*orin(s

    A $a4ority o# arti#icial colorings are utilied as synthetic dyes in #ood ite$s such as soda+ s(eets+ #ruit 4uices+

    and salad dressings' Studies conclude that these colorings contribute to behavioral proble$s and considerable

    3H reduction in ids' A #e( o# the$ lin these colorings to cancer due to (hich $any dyes and colorings are

    already banned' 3n the "nited ingdo$+ it has beco$e $andatory to reveal the colorings used in #oods via

    labels' So+ chec out #or these har$#ul colorings:

    l%e ,+ (rilliant l%e# and l%e ,- (E+.. or /ndigo Carmine#: !resent in cereals+ desert po(ders+

    baed goods+ so#t and sport drins+ candies+ and pet #oods these colorings can cause brain tu$ors and

    chro$oso$al da$age' They are banned in 6rance+ 6inland+ and .or(ay' 0ed Dye ,. (0ed ,)! * E+-)#: Becognied by the 6,A as a thyroid carcinogen in 1--0+ this dye isbanned in cos$etics as (ell as in externally applied drugs' "ntil over in stoc+ the dye is in use in

    sausage casings+ baed goods+ oral $edication+ candies+ and $araschino cherries' The dye can also

    disrupt the brain/nerve trans$ission' 1reen ,. (2ast 1reen#: &eading to bladder and testes tu$ors+ this color is #ound in drugs+ cos$etics+personal care products+ ice/crea$s+ candies+ beverages+ and sorbet'

    3ello4 (Tartra5ine * E+!-#: This color causes severe hypersensitivity reactions occasionally along(ith hyperactivity and other behavioral e##ects in ids' 3t is present in baery goods+ candies+

    beverages+ gelatin desserts+ cheeses+ dessert po(ders+ candies+ phar$aceuticals+ and cos$etics' 3t is

    banned in S(eden and .or(ay'

    3ello4 ,6 (7%nset 3ello4 E++!#: 3t is no(n to cause adrenal tu$ors and severe hypersensitivity

    reactions in children' The color is present in baery goods+ candies+ gelatin deserts+ cereals+ cos$etics+

    beverages+ drugs+ and sausages'

    .3 ,ther Food 4reser)ati)es and +dditi)es

  • 8/13/2019 Mind Toxins


    !reservatives are additives that help in increasing the shel# li#e and o##ering added #lavoring to processed+

    prepacaged ite$s' As per 6ood Matters+ an average household diet consists o# around -0< o# these ite$s'

    o(ever+ so$e preservatives are toxic+ (hich you need to avoid'

    So$e preservatives such as colorings+ asparta$e+ and MS are already discussed be#ore' &et9s tae a loo at

    so$e $ore'


    This is a tabletop s(eetener that is in use in several diet products as an alternative to sugar+ as it is over 00

    ti$es s(eeter' o(ever+ experts have #ound that saccharin causes cancer o# bladder+ sin+ ovaries+ and uterus

    in ani$als' 3n 1-))+ the 6,A too steps to ban saccharin but (as not success#ul due to industry pressure'

    Aces%l'amepotassi%m (Aces%l'ame8#

    6ound in che(ing gu$s+ energy drins+ baed goods+ so#t drins+ and gelatin desserts this is another arti#icial

    s(eetener that is al$ost 200 ti$es s(eeter than sugar' o(ever+ the additive is #ound to be a carcinogen in

    t(o ani$al studies although other studies render it as sa#e #or hu$an consu$ption' 6urther+ the ingredient is

    #ound to brea do(n into acetoaceta$ide+ a substance that negatively a##ect the thyroid region in ani$als+

    (hen present in large 5uantities' 3n $ost #oods+ the additive is used along (ith sucralose that is also an

    arti#icial s(eetener'

    Propyl 1allate

    This is a preservative that is o#ten utilied in vegetable oil+ $eat products+ $ayonnaise+ che(ing gu$+ and

    chicen soup base' o(ever+ the ingredient leads t sin and sto$ach disorders although it is ad$ired #or its

    ability to slo( the #at spoilage' 3n rats as (ell as in $ice+ studies sho( that !ropyl allate results in cancer'

    7odi%m 7%l'ite (E--+#

    "tilied in dried #ruits and in (ines+ this is a preservative to (hich people are allergic' The 6,A shares that 1 o#

  • 8/13/2019 Mind Toxins


    every 100 people is sensitive to this preservative' Sul#ite has been lined to asth$a+ breathing proble$s+

    headaches+ and cardiac arrest'

    7odi%m 9itrate:7odi%m 9itrite

    This is used #or coloring and #lavoring a variety o# $eat #oods such as hot dogs+ ha$+ bacon+ corned bee#+

    luncheon $eats+ and s$oed #ish' .itrite actually acts as a serious carcinogen a#ter reaching the digestive

    syste$+ (here it produces $any nitrosa$ine co$pounds that badly i$pact the internal organs+ especially the

    pancreas and liver' Overt side e##ects include diiness+ headaches+ and nausea' The "'S' ,epart$ent o#

    Agriculture ="S,A? actually $ade an atte$pt to ban this additive during the )0Js but could not do so as

    $anu#acturers had no other alternative #or $eat preservation' %ven today+ it is used to retain the red color and

    $ae dead $eats appear #resh'

    %tylated ;ydroxyanisole (;A# and %tylated ;ydro5yttol%ene (;T# (E.-!#

    These ingredients are present in potato chips+ che(ing gu$s+ cereals+ #roen sausages+ candy+ 4ello+ enriched

    rice+ and vegetable oils' They help in preventing color+ taste+ and #lavor change' o(ever+ these preservatives

    badly a##ect the neurological syste$+ change behavior+ and lead to cancer by #or$ing cancer/causing

    co$pounds' The additives also have a negative i$pact on sleep and appetite+ lead to liver and idney da$age+and trigger baldness+ gro(th retardation+ and #etal abnor$alities' These e##ects occur (hen oil rich in these

    ingredients is re/used #or #rying but there9s very little evidence to prove this7 o(ever+ The Center #or Science

    in the !ublic 3nterest clai$s that the sa#ety o# >T is untested'

    7%l'%r Dioxide (E--!#

    The 6,A has banned the use o# sul#ur additives on ra( vegetables and #ruits because they are #ound to be

    toxic' o(ever+ they are #ound in #ound in so#t drins+ beer+ 4uices+ dried #ruit+ (ine+ vinegar+ cordials+ and

    potato products' Sul#ur additives can trigger bronchial proble$s+ lo( blood pressure+ and anaphylactic shoc'

    They can even (ipe out vita$ins >1 and %' According to the 3nternational &abor Organiation =3&O?+ people

    su##ering #ro$ bronchitis+ con4unctivitis+ bronchial asth$a+ e$physe$a+ or cardiovascular disease should notconsu$e sul#ur dioxide'

    Potassi%m romate

    This additive is used in breads #or increasing the volu$e as (ell as #lu##iness' o(ever+ it leads to cancer in

    ani$als+ and that even s$all a$ounts can lead to issues in hu$ans' This is (hy >ro$ate is banned in several

    nations+ except in Iapan and "'S'

    .5 Conc*usion

    Bight #ro$ vaccines to #ood ite$s+ everything see$s to contain toxins in so$e (ay or the other' There#ore+ it is

    better to read the labels and then select the ite$s' o(ever+ there are still $any products such as MonsantoMO #oods that do not sho( all the ingredients clearly in the labels' More than E00 #ood additives are actually

    per$itted in the "nited States and Canada despite the #act that several o# those are i$plicated #or negative

    i$pact on $e$ory po(er o# the brain+ apart #ro$ negatively a##ecting the other organs o# the body' This

    $eans that it is di##icult to trac (hich ite$s to eat and (hich to evade'

    Prod%ced y< Unexplainable Enterprises LLC=
