Microfilm CAR, Film and Paper Scanners OCR Image Indexing VersaVIE W VersaIMAGE VersaIMAGE GOLD Twain Paper Scanners Automated Microfilm Readers TWAIN & ISIS Microfilm and Paper scanners & Fuji M-Drive & CD-R Systems Image Viewer for network or remote locations and CD-R VersaIMAGE Product Overview: Remote Locations

Microfilm CAR,

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Versa IMAGE Product Overview:. VersaIMAGE GOLD. OCR Image. Twain Paper Scanners. Indexing. Automated Microfilm Readers. TWAIN & ISIS Microfilm and. Microfilm CAR,. Paper scanners. Film and. VersaIMAGE. & Fuji M-Drive. Paper Scanners. & CD-R Systems. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Microfilm CAR,Film and

Paper Scanners

OCR ImageIndexing



VersaIMAGE GOLD Twain Paper Scanners

Automated Microfilm ReadersTWAIN & ISIS Microfilm and

Paper scanners & Fuji M-Drive& CD-R Systems

Image Viewer for network orremote locations and CD-R

VersaIMAGE Product Overview:


Image Netwo rk

TW A I N*D river

CD -R Unit

V e rs a I M A G EG O L D

Ne two rkW ork S tations

V e rs a V I EW /C D TM

V e rs a I M A G EG O L D

Ne two rkW ork S tations

V e rs a I M A G EG O L D

Ne two rkW ork S tations

V e rs a I M A G EG O L D

Ne two rkW ork S tations

T h e V e r saIM A G E -G O L D E d itio n

V e rs a I M A G E -G O L D T M


P a p e r S c a nne rs

D AT A & IM AG EIm port and Export M odule

w ith P D F output and P D F -CD

F ull Im ageO CR and"fuzzy"

T extS EARCHM odule


V ersaIM A G EM S A ccessM S S eq u elD atab ase &

F u ll T extF U Z Z Y S earch


Pap erS can n ers

M u lt i Imag eT if f Exp o rtIn d ex .csvO C R .rt f

C o lo r .jp g


C D -R e-mail

V e rs a IM A G E -G O L D T M

O C RT ext

R eco g n it io n

D ig ita lC o p iers &C ameras

D ata / Imag eImp o rt


V ersaIM A G EM S A ccessM S S eq u elD atab ase &

F u ll T extF U Z Z Y S earch


Pap erS can n ers

M u lt i Imag eT if f Exp o rtIn d ex .csvO C R .rt f

C o lo r .jp g


C D -RPD F -C D &

V ersaV IEW

e-maild istrib u t io n

V e rs a IM A G E -G O L D w ith V e rs a e -D O C A rc hive r M o dule T M

O C RT ext

R eco g n it io n

D ig ita lC o p iers &C ameras

D ata / Imag eImp o rt

V ersa E-D o c M o d u lee-mail, W o rd Pro cesso r,

S p read sh eet , W eb d o c f iles


Image Netwo rk

TW A I N*D river

CD -R Unit

V e rs a I M A G EG O L D

Ne two rkW ork S tations

V e rs a V I EW /C D TM

V e rs a S C A N TM

Bar CodeIndexing S ys tem

M ic rof ilm Cam eras

V e rs aC A R TM

M ic roF ilm

D rivers

V e rs a I M A G EG O L D

Ne two rkW ork S tations

V e rs a I M A G EG O L D

Ne two rkW ork S tations

V e rs a I M A G EG O L D

Ne two rkW ork S tations

T h e V e r saIM A G E -G O L D /P L U S E d itio n

V e rs a I M A G E -G O L D /P L U S T M


M ic ro filmS c anner

P a p e r S c a nne rs

D AT A & IM AG EIm port and Export M odule

M ic ro f ilm re tr ie valSys te m s

(Autom ated Readers ,Reader P r in ters

& M ic rofilm S c anners )


VersaIMAGE-GOLDFeature / Benefits

• Includes all VersaIMAGE for Windows features

• Full Image OCR Module (licensed separately) allows full image Text Search of ALL images!

• Contains IMAGE Input module for TWAIN compatible PAPER


• Extensive, easy to use DATA and IMAGE IMPORT and EXPORT (also PDF output!)

• Single Folder or Batch process scanning modes

• Handles Single or Multi-Image TIFF Images and Folder Files

• Easy IMAGE to DATA APPEND module

• Expanded Quality Control, IMAGE Edit and RE-SCAN management

• Allows for post-indexing of images within folders and thumbnail display feature

• Recognizes VersaIMAGE FILE SEPARATOR cards for automatic file folder generation

• Easy to use IMAGE EDIT features– Crop, Zoom, Rotate, De-skew & Character enhancement

• Multiple Data Entry/indexing modes – ( from IMAGE Zoom Zones, from imported images via look-up

append, index from bar codes, etc.) • Optional BAR CODE and OCR recognition from multiple Image zones• Fuzzy text search capability for OCR and typing errors!• Single and multiple thumbnail IMAGE DISPLAY • Database fully compatible with VersaCAR and VersaIMAGE-32• Upgradeable to VersaIMAGE-GOLD/PLUS• Can be used with Versa e-Doc Archiver Module (converts electronic

docs and e-mail to archive quality Tiff images automatically)

VersaIMAGE-GOLD Feature / Benefits


Import IMAGES from: • Paper Scanners & Microfilm Scanners

• Other Imaging Systems

Matches key field with Data imported from:

• Mainframes & Minicomputers

• PC’s

• Other data carriers, floppies, tapes, etc.

Append images to all data automatically!


Do you haveDATA from other

Applications orComputer systems?

NO Prior ComputerDATA is NOT


YESHow many fields arethere and which ones

do you want toimport?

Would new powerfulSearch capabilities of

current and futureData be useful?

What should the FieldSearch Sequence be?

(Max. 20 Fields!)

Remember:The Index fieldSequence may

be rearranged inVersaIMAGE!

Could the KEY FIELDbe Bar Coded?

Could the KEY FIELDbe OCR'd?




How many Fieldsmust be available?

What are the numberof pages per File?

Design Indexingprocedure to save


Can a Bar Code label beattached to the KeyDocument, or can aBar coded Sheet be

inserted as a File LeadSheet?

Could full image OCR be used with full text search?

For manual KeyEntry: Re-arrange

Index Fields tomatch information

layout on thedocument image anduse ZOOM ZONES!

Total number of IndexPoints OK for Microsoft



P aper S c anners ,M ic rofilm S c anners ,

o ther Im aging S ys tem s


M ainfram es ,M ini Com puters ,

M ic ro Com puters , etc .

Vers aIM AG EI M A G E




View IM AG Eand key enter

Prim e f ield

Look-upPrim e f ield in

D ata Bas e

M atc h data toPrim e f ield

Append D AT Ato IM AG E us ing

Prim e f ield

Vis ually ver ifyIM AG E w ith D AT A

c orrec t D AT Aif nec es s ary .

V e rs a I M A G E L O O K -U P A P P E N D M O D U L E


Paper Scanner

10 Images per File

50+ Imagesper File

Single PageTIFF ImagesNO Folders

Batch Scanwith FileSeparators(Must beinsertedduring


Use F12 tooccasionallyattach 2nd

or 3rdImage(s)(Creates a

Multi imageTIFF)

F2Scan 1st

and IndexF5

scan allUse Separators As chapterDividers!

Single PageTIFF ImagesFolder Files*

Batch ScanSingle






* The "Multi Level TIFF Images" (see Preferences / Imaging Options) Selection may also

be used if Image Export is required to other major Imaging Systems (i.e. IBM, Filenet, etc)

1 Image per File

Single PageTIFF ImagesFolder Files*

OCR Module ON

Set Imaging Optionsto:

Single Page TIFFImages / Folder Files

Key enter indexinformation

F2 keyStarts new File,

scans first Documentin Feeder and opensindexing window.

Click OK orpush F8 key.

Stores Index Files inDatabase and completes

scanning of allDocuments in Feeder

F5 key scansdocuments in Feeder

and adds it to open file.(System may pre-scananother page depending

on scanner used)

SearchVersaIMAGEDatabase for aspecific file.

New File Add images to existing File

Set Imaging Optionsto:

Single Page TIFFImagesNO Folders

Each Document is a new File

F2 keyStarts new File,

scansONE Documentin Feeder and opensindexing window.

Key enter indexinformation

Click OK orpush F8 key.

Stores Index File inDatabase


OPTIONAL:Select Multi Page TIFF

Imagesfor Image and Index

Export to other ImagingSystems

From FILE /Preferences Menu

F2 Key for newFile or F5 keyto add pages to

opened file.

Set Imaging Optionsto:

Single Page TIFFImages / Folder Files

Click OK orpush F8 key.

Stores Index Files inDatabase and displays

next image.

Select STARTAll documents in

Feeder arescanned

Select SCANBATCH and placefirst Folder into


Files with multiple images andFile Separator Sheets

Files without multipleImagesand NO Separator Sheetse

Set Imaging Optionsto:

Single Page TIFFImages NO Folders

Each Document is a new File


Enter Batch number andclick OK

scans all Documentin Feeder

Select INDEXfrom IMAGE and

selectcorrect BATCH

Index each imageClick OK or push F8 key.

Stores Index File inDatabase and displays next


Exceptions?Occasionally add

displayed image toprevious image:Push F12 KEY


Enter Batch number andclick OK

scans all Documentin Feeder



FOLDERS. Select correct BATCH

Click Ok.

Select: INDEX IMAGES and

selectcorrect BATCH then

key Index Image

OPTIONAL:Select Multi Page TIFF

Imagesfor Image and Index

Export to other ImagingSystems

From FILE /Preferences Menu

Select NEWFOLDER and place

new Folderdocuments in Feeder

Select STARTAll documents in

Feeder arescanned ...

ADD IMAGES toexisting Files

SearchVersaIMAGEDatabase for aspecific File!

F5 Key scans onedocument at a

time to the openFile.

S earc h D atabas e to f ind F older!Enter data in to f ield(s )

in "T ext Contains ", "S tar ts w ith" or"Exac t S earc h" M ode

Res ult:S ingle "Hit"

Im ages are d is p layed on"thum bnails "

M ultip le h its :D ouble c lic k on des ired

"Hit" Rec ord

O CR F older S earc h: 35 to 500+ im ages /f ile

Enter w ord(s ) in toO CR f ield

B o o le a n S e a rch :J ohn M iller = J ohn O R M iller m us t be on page

J ohn AN D M iller = both nam es m us t be on pageJ ohn AN D M iller AN D M ary = all three m us t be on page

"J ohn F . M iller" = m us t m atc h exac tly as s how n

O n e i m ag e fo u n d 2 + i m ag e s fo u n d N o i m ag e fo u n d

O n e i m ag e fo u n d 2 + i m ag e s fo u n d N o i m ag e fo u n d

Clic k on im ages to f ind c orrec t oneContro l/r igh t m ous e c lic k on im age

to s ee O CR tex t w ith yellowhighlight f ield of des ired s earc h

w ords

D es ired im age found?N ote O CR Hit P age

num ber( ie. O CR HIT 76)

Clic k on FUZZY buttonS et to M ED IUM ac c urac y (80)

Clic k on s earc h w ord in O CR f ieldClic k S EA R C H bu tton

Clic k on S TA ND A R D ButtonD is p lay s w itc hes f rom O CR HIT dip lay to

des ired page num ber in m ain f ile fo lder( ie. P age 76)

O pen (c lic k on) des iredD is tr ibution F older

Highlight* des iredim ages

(* How ? Contro l c lic kon ea. im age or

s hif t/c lic k on 1s t and las tim age) .

N ot the c orrec t page? Clic k on O C Rbutton to s w itc h bac k to O CR hit d is p lay .

O CR hits d id not y ield c orrec tpages in f ile fo lder

Right m ous e c lic k on D is tr ibu tion F olderthen c lic k on

"add im ages to fo lder"

OUTPUTUs e im age c orrec tion ,

annotation , etc . anddis tr ibu te im ages v ia r igh t

m ous e c lic k on D is tr ibu tionF older

OUTPUTHighlight* w anted

im ages . . .C lic k on T ools

m enu and s elec t:Convert to P D F .. .Launc hes Ac robat

View erautom atic ally


V ersaIM A G E IS IS P aper S canning

M ic rofilm S canning & CA R

V ersaV IEWRem ote CD im age v iewer

S oftware ins tall required


Rem ote User:R eg ister C D

fu n ct io nbuilds cum ulative Index

on Hard Drive

VersaIM AGE with CD Output capabilities and Remote User Versa VIEW Software

V ersaV IEW -C D(Viewer on CD)

V ersaV IEW -C DRem ote CD im age v iewer

NO S oftware ins tall required


V ersaIM A G E-G O L D /PL U SA ll G O LDFeatures plus

M ic rofilm S canning & CA R

V ersaIM A G E-G O L DTW A IN P aper S canning

V ersaV IEW -G O L Dall G O L D features w ithout

S canning/index ing func tionsS oftware ins tall required

V ersaV IEW -PD F -C Duse A dobe A c robat v iewer

NO cum ulative index

V ersaV IEW /PL U SA ll VersaVIE W -G O LD features plus

M ic rofilm CA R retr ievalS oftware ins tall required

V ersaV IEWC D

O U T PU T(Note:

Regis ter CDon m as ter

sys temerases its

data onm as ter CD)


Rem ote User:R eg ister C D

fu n ct io nbuilds cum ulative

Indexon Hard Drive

VersaIM AGE-GOLD & GOLD/PLUS with CD Output capabilities and Remote User Versa VIEW-GOLD Software

Versa Image’s Scanning

Versa Image Indexing

Versa Image Data Import

Versa Image Building CD

VersaIMAGE.NET• Developed by Dr. R. Reeves, noted author

and lecturer (WinSys 32, C++/C#, Cobol/.NET, etc.)

• Ready for 64 bit architecture

• Multi-thread allows multiple scanners to run off 1 PC

• .NET offers true web compatibility

• Available 4th Q 2004

In Summary, VersaIMAGE…

• Provides platform allowing long-term business relations with customers improving chances of getting repeat business

• Provides upgrade path to the future with new .NET framework VersaIMAGE written in C#

Thank you for your interest!

VersaIMAGE Software Corp.7600 W. Grand River Ave. Ste. 230

Brighton, MI 48114

Tel: (810) 225-9720

Sales contact: [email protected]

www.versasoftware.com www.versaimage.com