231 Sandhya Kortagere (ed.), In Silico Models for Drug Discovery, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 993, DOI 10.1007/978-1-62703-342-8_15, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013 Chapter 15 Designing Novel Inhibitors of Trypanosoma brucei Özlem Demir and Rommie E. Amaro Abstract Computational simulations of essential biological systems in pathogenic organisms are increasingly being used to reveal structural and dynamical features for targets of interest. At the same time, increased research efforts, especially from academia, have been directed toward drug discovery for neglected tropical diseases. Although these diseases cripple large populations in less fortunate parts of the world, either very few new drugs are being developed or the available treatments for them have severe side effects, including death. This chapter walks readers through a computational investigation used to find novel inhibitors to target one of these neglected diseases, African sleeping sickness (human African trypanosomiasis). Such studies may suggest novel small-molecule compounds that could be considered as part of an early-stage drug discovery effort. As an example target protein of interest, we focus on the essential protein RNA-editing ligase 1 (REL1) in Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of human African trypanosomiasis. Key words Trypanosoma brucei, RNA-editing ligase 1, REL1, Human African trypanosomiasis, African sleeping sickness, TbREL1, Editosome The trypanosome parasites responsible for many neglected tropical diseases, such as African sleeping sickness (human African trypano- somiasis or HAT), Chagas disease, and leishmaniasis, all go through a unique posttranscriptional mitochondrial RNA (mRNA)-editing process. This unique process has transformed the central dogma of biology, which limits information transfer in biological systems to a one-way direction from DNA to RNA, by introducing informa- tion transfer between different types of RNA. Using a multiprotein complex called “the editosome,” trypanosomes add or delete single or multiple uridylates (Us) and transform premature mRNAs into mature mRNAs using guide RNAs (gRNA) as templates (1, 2). The editosome consists of 16–20 proteins, and its composition is dynamic because the functional proteins equipped on the RNA- editing core complex (RECC)—consisting of structural proteins— differ to achieve different stages of editing (3–5). When a pre-mRNA 1 Introduction

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Sandhya Kortagere (ed.), In Silico Models for Drug Discovery, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 993,DOI 10.1007/978-1-62703-342-8_15, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013

Chapter 15

Designing Novel Inhibitors of Trypanosoma brucei

Özlem Demir and Rommie E. Amaro


Computational simulations of essential biological systems in pathogenic organisms are increasingly being used to reveal structural and dynamical features for targets of interest. At the same time, increased research efforts, especially from academia, have been directed toward drug discovery for neglected tropical diseases. Although these diseases cripple large populations in less fortunate parts of the world, either very few new drugs are being developed or the available treatments for them have severe side effects, including death. This chapter walks readers through a computational investigation used to fi nd novel inhibitors to target one of these neglected diseases, African sleeping sickness (human African trypanosomiasis). Such studies may suggest novel small-molecule compounds that could be considered as part of an early-stage drug discovery effort. As an example target protein of interest, we focus on the essential protein RNA-editing ligase 1 (REL1) in Trypanosoma brucei , the causative agent of human African trypanosomiasis.

Key words Trypanosoma brucei , RNA-editing ligase 1 , REL1 , Human African trypanosomiasis , African sleeping sickness , Tb REL1 , Editosome

The trypanosome parasites responsible for many neglected tropical diseases, such as African sleeping sickness (human African trypano-somiasis or HAT), Chagas disease, and leishmaniasis, all go through a unique posttranscriptional mitochondrial RNA (mRNA)-editing process. This unique process has transformed the central dogma of biology, which limits information transfer in biological systems to a one-way direction from DNA to RNA, by introducing informa-tion transfer between different types of RNA. Using a multiprotein complex called “the editosome,” trypanosomes add or delete single or multiple uridylates (Us) and transform premature mRNAs into mature mRNAs using guide RNAs (gRNA) as templates ( 1, 2 ) .

The editosome consists of 16–20 proteins, and its composition is dynamic because the functional proteins equipped on the RNA-editing core complex (RECC)—consisting of structural proteins—differ to achieve different stages of editing ( 3– 5 ) . When a pre-mRNA

1 Introduction

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base pairs with a gRNA through a conserved “anchor sequence,” the point of mismatch between these sequences determines where the editing process will be initiated through endonucleolytic cleav-age of the pre-mRNA. Subsequently, depending on the exact type of mismatch between the gRNA and the pre-mRNA, Us are either inserted into, or deleted from, the pre-mRNA. Such reactions are carried out by the terminal uridylyl transferase (RET2) or a U-speci fi c 3 ¢ -exoribonuclease, respectively. Finally, RNA-editing ligase 1 (REL1) or 2 (REL2) religates the processed mRNA fragments.

Tb REL1 has been shown to be required for the viability of the pathogen in both the insect and bloodstream forms ( 6, 7 ) and is thus considered a promising drug target. Like all DNA and RNA ligases, Tb REL1 achieves nick joining in RNA in three steps ( 8 ) . In the fi rst step, a lysine residue (Lys87) in the active site attacks the a -phosphate of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), forming an adenos-ine monophosphate (AMP)-bound enzyme intermediate and releasing pyrophosphate. In the second step, the 5 ¢ phosphate group on the nicked RNA attacks the intermediate, releases the catalytic lysine residue, and forms a new AMP-bound RNA inter-mediate. In the fi nal step, the 3 ¢ OH group on the nicked RNA attacks the AMP-bound RNA intermediate, joins the two ends of the RNA, and releases AMP. This chapter outlines the critical system setup considerations for computational simulations and docking studies of Tb REL1.

Computational “starting materials” for simulations are crystal structures. To date, there is only one high-resolution Tb REL1 crystal structure deposited in the Protein Data Bank identi fi ed with PdbID:1XDN ( 9 ) , which is the ATP-bound form of the adenyla-tion domain of Tb REL1. The apo form of the enzyme could not be crystallized, likely owing to the high fl exibility ( 10 ) .

Modi fi cations to the crystal structure of choice are necessary before starting any atomic-level simulations. The critical points to con-sider in order to prepare the best biophysical system with the Tb REL1 crystal structure are presented here ( see Note 1 ).

The Tb REL1 crystal structure, which consists of residues 52–316 corresponding to the N-terminal domain, was resolved using the SeMet multiple-wavelength anomalous dispersion method ( 9 ) . The selenomethionines used for this method should be replaced with methionines to obtain the original form of the protein for simulations ( see Note 2 ).

2 Materials

3 Methods

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Tb REL1 requires magnesium to function because a two-Mg +2 mechanism is suggested for Tb REL1 on the basis of experimental evidence on related systems ( 11 ) . In the ATP-bound crystal struc-ture of Tb REL1, the electron density clearly shows a single magne-sium ion coordinated between the nonbridging oxygen atoms of the ATP b - and g -phosphates ( 9 ) . However, kinetic evidence for the relevant superfamily members suggests a two-Mg +2 mechanism for the nucleotide transfer step ( 11 ) , and the crystal structures of PBCV-1 capping enzyme (from Paramecium bursaria Chlorella virus 1) and T4 RNA ligase 2 both have a divalent metal ion in the vicinity of a -phosphate after catalytic step 1 ( 12, 13 ) . Thus, one needs to determine the number of magnesium ions to model depending on which step of the catalysis is being simulated. If the second magnesium needs to be placed into the crystal structure, one could be guided by the position of the magnesium ion (and its coordinating waters) in the crystal structures of PBCV-1 capping enzyme and T4 RNA ligase 2 ( 12, 13 ) or by the corresponding Ca +2 ion in crystal structure of T4 RNA ligase 1 ( 14 ) ( see Note 3 ).

Apart from the catalytic magnesium ions, including the water molecules resolved in the crystal structure is an important detail. Including deeply buried water molecules in the binding site is especially important in order to prevent nonrealistic structural motions during the simulation of the protein. If one wants to sim-ulate Tb REL1 in the apo form, the ATP molecule and Mg +2 ion in the binding pocket of the crystal structure should be deleted, and water molecules should be used to fi ll the empty space. For this purpose, the water molecules in crystal structures of closely related proteins can be used to homology model water molecules in the Tb REL1 binding site. As a second option, a water prediction pro-gram, such as DOWSER ( 15 ) , can be used to predict the optimal positions of waters to replace the ATP molecule and the Mg +2 ion. Alternatively, one can restrain the protein during dynamics to pre-vent arti fi cial rearrangements due to missing structural water mol-ecules and let the bulk water reach and fi ll in the optimal water binding sites. However, this latter method is less preferable, because an optimal arrangement of the deeply buried waters may not occur in a reasonable simulation timescale.

Many researchers will wish to simulate a protein of interest with possible inhibitors to investigate the basis of molecular recog-nition. In these cases, use of a crystal structure with the relevant ligand bound to the protein of interest is best. In the cases for which there is no crystal structure resolved with a particular ligand, such as Tb REL1, a docking program can be used to predict the binding pose of a ligand ( see Note 4 ). In ligand-bound protein simulations, the effect of using explicit or implicit solvent models should be carefully considered. As there are deeply buried water molecules in the Tb REL1 binding site as well as water molecules that coordinate the catalytic magnesium ion, employing implicit

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solvent models in Tb REL1 simulations will not be a good r epresentation of the system and may cause arti fi cial results.

Finally, protonation states of all titratable residues should be determined before any atomic-level simulation. Several programs, such as WHATIF ( 16 ) and PROPKA ( 17– 19 ) ( see Notes 5 and 6 ), exist to predict protonation states of standard residues.

Because numerous programs are available to pursue atomic-level simulations and docking, we do not review in detail the input parameters of each program here. We instead list the available pro-grams and refer the reader to the manuals of each program for speci fi c details. Additionally, we present the published atomic-level simulation and docking studies on Tb REL1 to provide the reader with speci fi c examples.

All-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of Tb REL1 in apo and ATP-bound forms with explicit solvent ( 10 ) have been performed using the NAMD2 program ( 20 ) . Tb REL1 has also been simulated in complex with its double-stranded RNA substrate using NAMD2 ( 21 ) . Various other MD simulation software pack-ages, including AMBER ( 22 ) , GROMACS ( 23 ) , DESMOND ( 24 ) , and GROMOS ( 25 ) , can be used alternatively ( see Note 7 ). To obtain the protein topology parameters, the Charm27 force fi eld ( 26 ) was used for the apo and ATP-bound MD simulations, whereas the AmberFF99SB force fi eld ( 27 ) was used for RNA-complexed Tb REL1 simulations. For a nonstandard residue in the RNA-complexed Tb REL1 simulation, which modeled the adeny-lated intermediate, additional parameters from the GAFF (general Amber force fi eld) ( 28 ) were used. To simulate ATP, topology parameters developed by Meagher et al. ( 29 ) were utilized in both studies. For future studies, a new magnesium parameter set may be considered ( 30 ) instead of the standard parameters, in order to improve the simulation performance of otherwise troublesome divalent cations.

As Tb REL1 is a promising drug target for HAT, it has been used in early-stage receptor-based drug discovery studies that included docking. In Amaro et al. ( 31 ) , the Autodock program ( 32 ) was used to dock ligands to the Tb REL1 active site ( see Note 8 ). Alternative docking programs that could be used are Autodock Vina ( 33 ) , Dock ( 34 ) , FRED ( 35, 36 ) , Gold ( 37 ) , Glide ( 38, 39 ) , Sur fl ex-Dock ( 40 ) , and Ligand fi t ( 41 ) among others ( see Notes 9 and 10 ).

Virtual screening (VS) is a widely used computational method to suggest potential inhibitors for a speci fi c enzyme among a large database of ligands using either docking or pharmacophore algo-rithms ( 42 ) . Integrating receptor fl exibility into the VS protocol is an active area of research because different conformations of the active site affect the molecular recognition and binding af fi nity of ligands ( 43 ) . The relaxed complex scheme (RCS) is a computa-tional method that combines the strength of docking with dynamic

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structural information obtained by MD to fully account for both ligand and receptor fl exibility ( 44, 45 ) . While typical VS protocols include only one or a few static receptor structures, the RCS incor-porates an ensemble of receptor structures and thus is able to take advantage of different conformational states and new binding pockets in or near the active site that are only revealed during MD simulations (Fig. 1 ).

For the RCS, one needs to determine which ensemble of receptor structures to incorporate into VS. Because using the entire ensem-ble of receptor structures generated by MD will be computation-ally too costly, the number of receptor structures must be distilled and reduced with methods such as root-mean-square deviation (RMSD)-based clustering ( see Note 11 ) or QR factorization ( see Note 12 ). Once the nonredundant set of receptor structures is determined, a so-called binding spectrum for each ligand in a compound database is computed by docking the compound into the crystal structure and the ensemble of structures extracted from the MD simulations. Either the mean or minimum of this binding spectrum could be used to rank-order the ligands. Some ligands that are ranked poorly in a crystal-structure VS protocol can rank highly using the RCS protocol as a result of incorporating receptor fl exibility (Fig. 2 ).

Fig. 1 Tb REL1 crystal structure ( in black ) and three snapshots ( in shades of gray ) from MD simulations. Active site residues are shown in sticks to depict their fl exibility

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Various ligand databases such as the National Cancer Institute/DTP, Asinex, Otava, ZINC, and DrugBank databases ( see Note 13 ) can be used for VS protocols. Using a combination of several of these may be preferred. An additional fi ltering to identify drug-like compounds in a database (or the set of compounds with high ranks in the RCS protocol) can be performed based on physicochemical properties or using a set of criteria such as Lipinski’s rule of fi ve or Jorgensen’s rule of three ( see Notes 14 and 15 ). These fi lters aim to remove molecules that are not likely to be used as drugs even if they are good inhibitors of the enzyme of interest.

The compounds with fi nal high rank orders are then tested experimentally using inhibition assays. The number of compounds to test is generally limited by the monetary and time cost of the experimental assays. The assays can then be repeated in the pres-ence of detergent, e.g., Triton X-100, as a fi rst test to fi lter out promiscuous, aggregate-based inhibitors ( 46 ) . The inhibitory effect of the active compounds can also be tested on similar enzymes to investigate the speci fi city of the compounds for the enzyme of interest ( see Note 16 ).

If the experimental tests con fi rm some compounds as inhibitors at the protein level, it is generally necessary to modify these inhibitors to optimize important pharmacokinetic properties, such as mem-brane permeability, “drug-likeness,” or cytotoxicity. For example, the fi ve low-micromolar Tb REL1 inhibitors (V1, V3, V4, S1, and S5 in Fig. 3 ) identi fi ed by Amaro et al. ( 31 ) were effective against Tb REL1 in in vitro protein-level assays but were found to be ineffective against whole-cell Trypanosoma brucei , likely because of their low membrane permeability.

In an attempt to optimize the membrane permeability of one of the identi fi ed Tb REL1 inhibitor scaffolds, Durrant et al. ( 47 )

Fig. 2 ( a ) Tb REL1 active site with ATP in the crystal structure. ( b ) Motion of active site residues during MD simulations forms a favorable binding site for a compound that would not fi t into the crystal structure in panel ( a )

237Inhibitors of Trypanosoma brucei

performed a similarity search for these compounds ( see Note 17 ) in commercially available databases, yielding 588 similar com-pounds. Among the top-ranked 100 compounds from a prelimi-nary crystal-structure VS of these 588 compounds, 45 compounds had signi fi cant structural similarity to the best inhibitor (compound S5) identi fi ed by Amaro et al. ( 31 ) . After reranking these 45 com-pounds with ensemble-based RCS scores, the top 12 compounds were tested experimentally, resulting in four compounds with low-micromolar Tb REL1 inhibitors ( 47 ) designated as compounds V1, V2, V3, and V4 in Fig. 4 . Of these four compounds, only one would be placed in the top 12 compounds if all 588 compounds were ranked according to crystal-structure docking scores ( 47 ) . Thus, three of these four compounds would not have been tested if the compounds had not been reranked based on RCS scores ( 47 ) , indicating the importance of incorporating receptor fl exibility into the VS protocols ( see Note 18 ). One of these three compounds, V4, was even effective against whole-cell T . brucei , with a low-micromolar median effective concentration (EC 50 ) value ( 47 ) .

An independent study suggested similar compounds as Tb REL1 inhibitors with a different protocol ( 48 ) . Virtual screening of the entire 77,000-compound NCI library was performed against the Tb REL1 crystal structure using an in-house docking program.

Fig. 3 The fi ve low-micromolar Tb REL1 inhibitors in Amaro et al. ( 31 )

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The top-scoring 2,000 compounds were then clustered based on structural similarity, and the representatives of the top-ranking 12 clusters along with compound S5 of Amaro et al. ( 31 ) were tested experimentally using a fl uorescence-based RNA-editing assay ( 49 ) . Interestingly, the assays proved compounds S5 and C35—which is the same as compound V2 in Durrant et al. ( 47 ) ( see Note 19 )—as well as two other NCI compounds to be inhibitors.

Two other studies ( 50, 51 ) used fragment-based approaches to optimize membrane permeability of two of the inhibitors identi fi ed by Amaro et al. ( 31 ) , S5 and V2. One of these studies used a pro-gram called Autogrow ( 52 ) ( see Note 20 ) to add molecular frag-ments to compound S5 and improve its predicted binding af fi nity ( 50 ) . The second study used an algorithm called CrystalDock ( see Note 21 ), which analyzes the microenvironment of a binding site and identi fi es the best potential fragments to bind based on an analysis database of publicly available protein–ligand complexes ( 51 ) . CrystalDock analysis of Tb REL1 predicted that forming a composite compound of V2 and toluene would increase the binding af fi nity of compound V2. A more computationally expensive and more accurate method called independent-trajectories thermodynamic integration (IT-TI) was then used to support the binding af fi nity improvement to V2 provided by the toluene substituent ( 51 ) . The candidate inhibitors identi fi ed in these studies await experimental con fi rmation.

1. Although we present the methods using the speci fi c protein Tb REL1, many of the strategies described here are directly applicable to other protein targets as well.

4 Notes

Fig. 4 The four low-micromolar Tb REL1 inhibitors in Durrant et al. ( 47 )

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2. This corresponds to residues 115, 263, and 314 for the 1XDN structure.

3. The relevant PdbIDs of the proteins are 1CKN, 2HVQ, and 2C5U, respectively.

4. While introducing a new ligand to the ATP-bound Tb REL1 crystal structure, ATP and magnesium ion should be deleted. After introducing the new ligand into the binding site in the predicted binding pose of a docking software, one should delete the water molecules that have a steric clash with this new ligand. If the ligand occupies a smaller space than ATP, then it might be necessary to introduce water molecules, e.g., using DOWSER.

5. A Web service for PROPKA can be found at http://propka.ki.ku.dk . Also, a PROPKA graphical user interface ( 53 ) for VMD is available at http://propka.ki.ku.dk/~luca/wiki/index.php/GUI_Web that extends and validates the PROPKA approach.

6. There is a useful Web service at http://kryptonite.nbcr.net/pdb2pqr ( 54 ) hosted by the National Biomedical Computation Resource (NBCR) for users who do not have local resources for PDB2PQR ( 55, 56 ) computations that use the PROPKA approach to predict protonation states of titratable residues.

7. Among the listed MD software packages, NAMD2, DESMOND, and GROMACS are freely available to academic users.

8. The optimized Autodock parameters for Tb REL1 can be obtained from Amaro et al. ( 31 ) .

9. Any molecular docking program can be chosen to study the system of choice as long as a control docking experiment with known inhibitors proves to be successful.

10. Among these, Autodock, Autodock Vina, Dock, and FRED are freely available for academic users.

11. In Durrant et al. ( 47 ) , RMSD-based clustering was performed using an RMSD cutoff of 0.085 Å on a subset of residues that line the ATP binding site, which are residues 87–90, 155–162, 207–209, 283–287, and 305–308.

12. Amaro et al. ( 31 ) use QR factorization to distill the entire ensemble of 400 receptor structures to a nonredundant set of 33 structures ( 31 ) .

13. Among these databases, several small-sized compound databases are freely available (excluding shipping costs) to academics from NCI/DTP ( http://dtp.nci.nih.gov/branches/dscb/repo_open.html ) upon project approval and could be a good starting point for different projects.

14. Many physicochemical properties can be predicted by programs like Schrödinger.

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15. Lipinski’s rule of fi ve: The compound should have (a) at most fi ve hydrogen-bond donors, (b) at most 10 hydrogen-bond acceptors, (c) at most 500 Da of molecular mass, (d) an octanol–water partition coef fi cient (logP) of not more than 5. Jorgensen’s rule of three: The compound should have (a) logS greater than −5.7, (b) PCaco greater than 22 nm/s, and (c) fewer than seven metabolites. To fi lter compounds for drug-likeness, either or both criteria sets can be strictly enforced, or a looser fi ltering can be performed allowing up to a certain number of violations of these criteria.

16. In the case of Tb REL1, bacteriophage T4 RNA ligase 2 (T4Rnl2) ( 57, 58 ) and human DNA ligase III b (HsLigIII b ) ( 59 ) are used to check for selectivity of identi fi ed inhibitors.

17. The core scaffold of three of the previously identi fi ed inhibitors, V1, S1, and S5 ( 31 ) , is 4,5-dihydroxynaphthalene-2, 7-disulfonate—structure A in Durrant et al. ( 47 ) . Similarity searches were performed using three structures similar to this core scaffold: naphthalene-2-sulfonic acid, 2-naphthoic acid, and 2-nitronaphthalene—structures B, C, and D in Fig. 1 of Durrant et al. ( 47 ) , respectively.

18. Comparing the crystal structure with the best-scoring MD-generated receptor structures for each of the four low-micromolar inhibitors revealed that the crystallographic posi-tion of E60 in the active site was the reason for poor binding scores obtained for the crystal structure ( 47 ) . During MD, conformation of residue E60 changes, opening up a new cleft that is entirely absent in the crystal structure. This new cleft, lined by residues I59-E60-I61-D62, has contacts with the identi fi ed inhibitors ( 47 ) . The corresponding residues in human DNA ligase—(PdbID:1X9N) M543-L544-A545-H546—are signi fi cantly different and present an opportunity to design selective inhibitors for trypanosomes ( 47 ) .

19. The binding pose of C35 (or V2) to the Tb REL1 crystal struc-ture in Moshiri et al. ( 48 ) differs from the binding pose of V2 to the MD-generated frames in Durrant et al. ( 47 ) owing to the relative positions of E60 and R111.

20. The Autogrow program is freely available at http://autogrow.ucsd.edu .

21. The CrystalDock program is freely available at http://www.nbcr.net/crystaldock .


This work was funded in part by the National Institutes of Health through the NIH Director’s New Innovator Award Program DP2-OD007237 to R.E.A.

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