10 METAL-ORGANIC FRAMEWORKS WITH PHOTOCHEMICAL BUILDING UNITS SAIKAT DUTTA,IVAN G. GEORGIEV , AND LEONARD R. MACGILLIVRAY Department of Chemistry, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 , USA 10.1 INTRODUCTION Microporous materials (e.g., zeolites, activated carbons) have long played a prominent role in large-scale chemical separations and catalysis. 1,2 The functional behaviors of such porous materials are strongly dependent on the dimension and chemical environment of the pores. 3 The development of microporous materials with desired and unique activities will depend on the rational design of pore structures that have been elusive in traditional microporous materials. Over the last decade, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have attracted much attention as promising complements to existing classes of microporous solids. 4 MOFs consist of metal ions and/or clusters that form vertices of a framework and organic linkers that form bridges. One advantage of MOFs is their easily modifiable synthesis to control pore connectivity, structure, and dimension by varying the ligands, metals, and/or the counteranions. A wide range of functionality can be incorporated into the pores of MOFs by altering the coordination geometries of the metals and the topicities (e.g., ditopic, tritopic) of the ligands. Developments in the field of coordination-driven supramolecular chemistry and crystal engineering in recent years have led to reports of MOFs with components that undergo reaction in the solid state. 5 The well-organized environment of the solid state, as well as the geometries adopted by the organic components of MOFs, can provide useful platforms to assemble molecules into suitable positions to react. In this chapter, Metal-Organic Frameworks: Design and Application, Edited by Leonard R. MacGillivray Copyright Ó 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 301

Metal-Organic Frameworks (Design and Application) || Metal-Organic Frameworks with Photochemical Building Units

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Page 1: Metal-Organic Frameworks (Design and Application) || Metal-Organic Frameworks with Photochemical Building Units



Department of Chemistry, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 , USA


Microporousmaterials (e.g., zeolites, activated carbons) have longplayed aprominent

role in large-scale chemical separations and catalysis.1,2 The functional behaviors of

such porous materials are strongly dependent on the dimension and chemical

environment of the pores.3 The development of microporous materials with desired

and unique activities will depend on the rational design of pore structures that have

been elusive in traditional microporousmaterials. Over the last decade, metal-organic

frameworks (MOFs) have attracted much attention as promising complements to

existing classes of microporous solids.4 MOFs consist of metal ions and/or clusters

that formverticesof a framework andorganic linkers that formbridges.One advantage

ofMOFs is their easilymodifiable synthesis to control pore connectivity, structure, and

dimension by varying the ligands, metals, and/or the counteranions. Awide range of

functionality can be incorporated into the pores ofMOFs by altering the coordination

geometries of the metals and the topicities (e.g., ditopic, tritopic) of the ligands.

Developments in the field of coordination-driven supramolecular chemistry and

crystal engineering in recent years have led to reports of MOFs with components that

undergo reaction in the solid state.5 Thewell-organized environment of the solid state,

as well as the geometries adopted by the organic components of MOFs, can provide

useful platforms to assemblemolecules into suitable positions to react. In this chapter,

Metal-Organic Frameworks: Design and Application, Edited by Leonard R. MacGillivrayCopyright � 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Page 2: Metal-Organic Frameworks (Design and Application) || Metal-Organic Frameworks with Photochemical Building Units

wewill demonstrate howchemical reactivity involving the [2 þ 2] photodimerization

can be integrated into MOFs. We will show how the metal–ligand interactions play a

role in guidingorganicmolecules in close proximity to satisfy geometry criteria for the

photoreaction. A main motivation to construct MOFs with reactive building units is

that the reactions lead to changes in structure and, therefore, can affect properties of

such solids (e.g., pore size). Applications in areas such as molecular sensing,

controlled guest release, and imaging can be envisioned. In related work, we will

show how molecular products of [2 þ 2] photodimerizations conducted in the solid

state can be used as ligands to build MOFs. The photoreaction can be used to

synthesize ligands and afford MOFs that are, otherwise, markedly less available

from other synthetic routes. Thus, the formation of MOFs with unique properties is

possible using ligands rationally designed and synthesized in the solid state.


Approximately four decades ago, Schmidt and coworkers determined general geome-

try criteria for a [2 þ 2] photodimerization to proceed in the solid state.6 A [2 þ 2]

photodimerization will typically occur if the reactive centers (i.e., olefins) are aligned

parallel and separated by less than 4.2 A. The criteria, being part of the topochemical

postulate, were derived from studies involvinga-, b-, g- polymorphs of cinnamic acid

(Scheme 10.1).

Since thework of Schmidt, there have been numerous studies that aim to control the

[2 þ 2] photodimerization in the solid state, which have been achieved with different

levels of success. The sensitivity of solid-state structure to molecular structure has

made it extremely difficult to control the reaction owing to structure demands of close

packing.7 In early work, suitable orientations of olefins for the photoreaction were

achieved using substituents intended to guide the solid-state packing for reaction.8 For

example, interactions between chlorine substituents were shown to promote the






solid state









solid stateAr



α-cinnamic acid α- truxillic acid

β-cinnamic acid β-truxinic acid

SCHEME 10.1 Schematic view of solid-state reactions of two polymorphic forms of

cinnamic acid.


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reaction in a series of cinnamic acids.9 In more recent years, control of the photo-

dimerization has been achieved using auxilliaries; specifically, organic templates (e.g.,

resorcinol) and metal-organic complexes (e.g., Ag � � �Ag interactions). The organic

andmetal-organic auxilliaries assemble the olefins for reaction into discrete complexes

via non-covalent bonds (e.g., hydrogen bonds, coordination bonds) for the reaction

(Scheme 10.2).10 By assembling the olefins within discrete complexes, the reactivity

can be largely decoupled from effects of long-range packing. The success of the

auxilliary approach has enabled the synthesis of organic molecules by design and

control of physical properties of solids (e.g., optical). The level of control that has been

achieved using auxilliaries based onmetal-organic complexes, in particular, has led to

a recent movement to determine whether the [2 þ 2] photodimerization can be

integrated and controlled within the extended frameworks of MOFs.


The sizes and shapes of the cavities and pores ofMOFs are defined by themetal atoms

and organic bridges.3 It follows that any changes to the structures of the components

SCHEME 10.2 Schematic of (a) general strategy of template-controlled solid-state synthe-

sis, (b) organic templates, and (c) metal-organic complexes.


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can be expected to lead to changes in properties and functions of pores. For example, it

has been shown that the functionalization of mesoporous silica (i.e., MCM-41) pore

outlets with photoactive groups in form of coumarins leads to controlled access to the

pores.11 Prior to a [2 þ 2] photocycloaddition of the coumarins, the pores are open to

appropriate guests (e.g., cholestane). Upon UV-irradiation, the cyclobutane products

close the pores, thus, effectively storing guests and limiting access to the pore

structure. Upon photocleavage, the pores reopen and release the guests. When

considering a MOF, the sizes and shapes, as well as the number of pores, can be

tuned using an organic group. A question remains, however, as to whether chemical

reactivity can be incorporated into the extended framework of MOFs.

Michaelides et al.were thefirst to describe aphotoreaction integrated into aMOF.12

The structure [Cd2(O2CCH¼CHCO2]�2H2O contained Cd(II) cations connected to

fumarate ligands that afford a rectangular-grid network (Figure 10.1). The coordina-

tion sphere at themetal centers contained axially disposedwater molecules above and

below the grid plane, respectively. The close proximity of olefin groups (3.37 A) in

adjacent layers allowed the ligands to undergo a [2 þ 2] cycloaddition reaction

forming trans,trans-1,2,3,4-cyclobutanetetracarboxylic acid in quantitative yield.

Although the network did not contain cavities, this example established that photo-

reactive organic components can be incorporated into a MOF.

In related work, Vital et al. have reported the photoreactive coordination polymer

[{CF3CO2)(m-O2CCH3)Zn}2(m-bpe)2]n (where: 4,40-bpe¼ trans-1,2-bis(4-pyri-

dyl)ethylene).13 A single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis revealed the formation

of a molecular ladder-like polymer. Each Zn(II) center adopted a distorted octahe-

dral geometry, with two acetate ligands bridging a pair of Zn(II) ions in [Zn2(m-bpe)2]1 with Zn � � �Zn distances of 3.85 A. Each metal center was chelated by a

trifluoroaceate anion to satisfy the coordination geometry (Figure 10.2). The

ethylenic carbons of the bpe ligands of parallel chains were separated by 3.75 A,

with the closest distance between the alkene groups of neighboring ladders being

7.10 A. UV-irradiation of the solid led to the stereocontrolled formation of rctt-

tetrakis(4-pyridyl)cyclobutane (4,40-tpcb) within the ladder framework in quanti-

tative yield. The reaction also underwent a rare single-crystal-to-single-crystal

(SCSC) reaction (i.e., a reaction where crystallinity of the reactant material is

maintained during the reaction).

FIGURE 10.1 Representation of three adjacent layers of [Cd2(O2CCH¼CHCO2]�2H2O.


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Following the work of Vittal, our group described a dinuclear metal complex that

assembled and pre-organized two olefins within a 1DMOF to react in the solid state.

Specifically, the linear photoreactive coordination polymer {[Zn2L(OH)(4,40-bpe)2]-

(ClO4)2}1 (Figure 10.3) {where: L¼ 2,6-bis[N-(2-pyridylethyl)formimidoyl]-4-

methylphenol} was obtained when reacted with the Schiff-base complex [Zn2L

(OH)](ClO4)2 with 4,40-bpe.14 An X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that each metal

ion adopted an octahedral coordination environment. The metals were tetra-coordi-

nated by L in the basal planewhile the apical sites were coordinated by pyridyl groups

one from two different bpe molecules. The olefins were coordinated to two neighbor-

ing dinuclear complexes while being stacked parallel and separated by 3.71 A. The

formation of 4,40-tpcb within the assemblies occurred in up to 95% yield upon UV-

irradiation (broadband medium pressure Hg-lamp). In contrast to Vittal, however, the

reaction did not proceed via a SCSC transformation, with included H2O molecules

being partially liberated from the solid during the photoreaction.

Whereas argentophilic forces had been reported15 to direct reactivity within a

discrete binuclear complex, Vittal et al. reported a [2 þ 2] photodimerization within

the solvated 1D coordination polymer [Ag(m-bpe)(H2O)](CF3CO2)�CH3CN.16 The

Ag(I) center was coordinated to a pyridyl N-atom of two 4,40-bpe molecules and the

oxygen atom of a water molecule. The hydrogen atoms of the coordinated water

molecules from two neighboring polymeric strands bridged the O-atoms of two non-

coordinated trifluoroacetate ions through hydrogen bonds. The bonding led to a 2D

brickwall structure. The olefins of two consecutive layers were misaligned and

separated at a distance of 5.15 A. UV-irradiation, however, resulted in an unusual

solid-state reorganization that led to the formation of cyclobutane-based ladderlike

polymer, as supported by powder X-ray diffraction. The formation of the ladderlike

FIGURE 10.2 Representation of SCSC [2 þ 2] cycloaddition reaction of [{CF3CO2)-

(m-O2CCH3)Zn}2(m-bpe)2]n. Hydrogen atoms omitted for clarity.

FIGURE 10.3 Crystal structure of [Zn2L(OH)(4,40-bpe)2](ClO4)2 � 4H2O. Hydrogen atoms

and perchlorate ions omitted for clarity.


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polymer was ascribed to desolvation that occurred upon either application of light or

standing under ambient conditions.

Michaelides et al. have recently shown that the previous reported 2D layered

structure composed of Cd(II) dimers linked by fumarates can be effectively pillared to

afford a 3D photoactive MOF. Specifically, the axial water molecules on the Cd(II)

metal centers in [Cd2(O2CCH¼CHCO2]�2H2O were substituted by bpe ligands to

form a 3Dnon-cubic octahedral-like net (Figure 10.4).17 The fumarate ions played the

role of bridging ligands in the 2Dgridwhile the double columnsof bpe ligands acted as

linkers between the grids. The close proximity between related pairs of Cd(II) ions

brought the pillared 4,40-bpe ligands approximately parallel and within a distance of

3.95 A. UV-irradiation afforded 4,40-tpcb stereospecifically and in quantitative yield.The above examples are promising in terms of demonstrating how chemical

reactivity can be integratedwithin the structures ofMOFs. In each case amonodentate

bridging olefin has been assembled within the framework for a crosslinking photo-

dimerization. Given the somewhat limited number of examples reported to date, we

expect additional frameworks to be designed so as to sustain reactivitywithinMOFsof

increasing structural and functional (i.e., pore structure) complexity.


In this section, we will show how the cyclobutane-based products of [2 þ 2] photo-

dimerizations obtained from the solid state can be used as organic building units of

MOFs. Apart from the ease of synthesis of the cyclobutanes using auxiliaries in the

FIGURE 10.4 3D network [Cd2(O2CCH¼CHCO2)2(bpe) 2] along the a-axis. The olefins are

directed along the c-axis and act as pillars of rectangular grids. Hydrogens are omitted for clarity.


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form of templates in the solid state (e.g., quantitative yield, gram amounts, and the

absence of byproducts), we expected that the products, being decorated with pyridine

groups, could function as bi- and/or polydentate ligands and, thus, provide access to

novelMOFs. A cyclobutane hubwas expected to provide both acute and obtuse angles

of a MOF that propagate the coordination geometry of a metal to yield discrete and/or

infinite architectures. The positioning of the pyridyl nitrogen (e.g., 2-pyridyl, 4-

pyridyl) on the cyclobutane product could modify the binding of the ligand to the

metals and, thus, judicious choice of ligand could lead to the formation of MOFs of

varying dimensionalities (e.g., 1D, 2D). The resulting MOFs would be expected to

exhibit properties akin to zeolites and mesoporous materials with related applications.

10.4.1 1D MOF

Our first attempt to construct a MOF involving a cyclobutane decorated with pyridyl

groups was 1,2,3,4-tetrakis-(2-pyridyl)cyclobutane (2,20-tpcb). The molecule was

generated using an organic template.18 We showed that coordination driven self-

assembly in the solid state afforded the 1D MOF [Cu2(m-2-SO4)2(m-2,20-tpcb)-(H2O)2]1wherein 2,20-tpcb served as a ditopic ligand (Figure 10.5). Square-pyrami-

dal coordination geometry of each Cu(II) ion incorporated two N-atoms of two

2-pyridyl groups, oneO-atom of a sulfate ion, and aO-atom of awater molecule in the

basal plane, while the fifth coordination site was occupied by an O-atom of a second

sulfate ion. The interstices of the parallel strands were occupied by solvent water


10.4.2 2D MOFs

Whereas a 1D framework was obtained using 2,20-tpcb as a bridge, we obtained a 2DMOF using 4,40-tpcb. We showed that the four 4-pyridyl groups of 4,40-tpcb coordi-nated to four different Cu atoms, thus, enabling the cyclobutane to act as a 4-connected

node in a porous 2DMOF. Specifically, reaction of 4,40-tpcb with the copper paddle-wheel complex [Cu2(O2CCH3)4(H2O)2] produced the 2D grid [Cu4(O2CCH3)8(4,4

0-tpcb)]1 (Figure 10.6).19 In the framework, the water molecules of the dicopper

complexwere substituted by the pyridyl groups of two 4,40-tpcbmolecules. Themetal

complex acted as a linear bridgewhile 4,40-tpcb served as a node,which is the opposite

FIGURE10.5 View of a single strand of 1Dpolymer [Cu2(m-2-SO4)2(m-2,20-tpcb)(H2O)2]1.


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of a more conventionalMOF.We defined theMOF as an invertedMOF (IMOF).4 The

cyclobutane and paddle-wheel complex produced a 2D grid with identical rhombic

cavities (17.2 A� 17.2 A) with corner angles 75� and 104�. The 2D grids stacked to

form a 3D framework with isolated 1D channels (10 A� 12 A) occupied by solvent

benzene molecules. Furthermore, the cavities were functionalized and compartmen-

talized by the methyl groups of the acetate ions. This observation suggested that

modification of the cavities could be achieved by changing the R-group of the paddle-

wheel complex.

Later, we described a 2D MOF where 4,40-tpcb and the metals both served as 4-

connected nodes. Specifically, reaction of 4,40-tpcb with [Co(O2CCH3)2(H2O)4]

produced the 2D MOF [Co(O2CCH3)2(4,40-tpcb)]1.20 Each Co atom conformed to

an octahedral geometry being tetra-coordinated by pyridyl groups from four different

4.40-tpcb molecules in the basal plane while the apical sites were occupied by

monocoordinated acetate ions. The framework possessed rhombic cavities with

edge lengths of 7.3 A. In contrast to [Cu4(O2CCH3)8(4,40-tpcb)]1, however, the

framework was made up of two different rhombic cavities (e.g., A, B)

(Figure 10.7). The cavities stacked in an ABAB manner producing small interstices

occupied by solvent methanol molecules. The MOF retained the crystallinity upon

removing the guests by heating.

Recently, we have demonstrated that tetrakis(4-pyridyl)-1,2,9,10-diethano[2.2]-

paracyclophane (4,40-tppcp), a [2.2]paracyclophane obtained from a template-direct-

ed solid-state synthesis, can act as a bridge of a MOF. We reacted the 4,40-tppcp andCo(O2CCH3)2�4H2O, which afforded the 2D MOF [Co(O2CCH3)2(4,4

0-tppcp)]1(Figure 10.8).21 The octahedral geometry of the Co(II) centers were satisfied by

coordinating with four pyridyl N-atoms of four neighboring 4,40-tppcp ligands in thebasal planewhereas the apical sites were occupied by themonoligated acetates. In the

2DMOF, theCo(II) ion served as a 4-connected nodewhile the cyclophane effectively

served as two covalently fused 3-connected nodes. The resultingMOF possessed two

FIGURE 10.6 Capped stick view of [Cu4(O2CCH3)8(4,40-tpcb)]1 where metals are

highlighted as spheres. Hydrogens are omitted for simplicity.


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different cavities (i.e., square and hexagonal) with opposite chemical environment.

This was demonstrated by the guest methanol molecule filling hydrophilic square

cavities, while toluene molecules filling hydrophobic hexagonal cavities. The use of

the cyclophane as a bridge led to a structure that conformed to a less common non-

regular net (i.e., two different polygonal cavities and two nodes of different connec-

tivity).With the cyclophane acting as two fused 3-connected nodes, the formation of a

possible higher-symmetry MOFs based on 3- and 4-connected nodes was avoided.

10.4.3 3D MOF

Prior to our work, Schr€oder et al. showed that a MOF can be formed by in situ

generation of 4,40-tpcb in solution in presence of a metal salt. Specifically, when a

solution of bpe and AgBF4 was irradiated by UV light, 4,40-tpcb was produced in situandcrystallizedwith the salt to forma3Dcationic polymer (Figure10.9).21EachAg(I)

FIGURE 10.7 Perspective view of [Co(O2CCH3)2(4,40-tpcb)]1 that illustrates two different

cavities of the 2D MOF. Hydrogen atoms omitted for clarity.

FIGURE10.8 Perspective of [Co(O2CCH3)2(4,40-tppcp)]1 showing twodifferent cavities of

the 2D framework.


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center was coordinated in a tetrahedral geometry to four pyridyl groups each from

different cyclobutane ligands. Helical channels that were generated in the MOF

contained counteranions (i.e., BF4) and solvent molecules (i.e., CH3CN).


In this chapter, we have focused on the integration of chemical reactivity into the

structures ofMOFs.Wehavedemonstratedhow the internal structures ofMOFscanbe

used as platforms to assemble olefins that undergo [2 þ 2] photodimerizations in the

solid state.While considerable control of reactivity has been achieved in the context of

usingmetal atoms to control reactivity, further studies to engineer reactiveMOFswith

designer pore size and function remains to be accomplished. Cyclobutane products

obtained from reactive solids have also been demonstrated as general means to

generate MOFs of varying topologies and dimensionalities.


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