Patents Membrane for gas transport The phenomenon of'Brownian motion' is well known, in which colloidal particles can be seen to move in a continuous zigzag course as a result of collisions with the molecules of the suspending liquid. A similar random movement of molecules also takes place in homogenous liquids and gases. The energy of thls motion is put to work in this invention. The proposition is simple: an asymmetric membrane is constructed in which the transverse pores are conical in shape and in which the orientation of the cones is consistent. The membrane is placed in a container full of gas or liquid. One or more components in the fluid flow preferentially across the membrane, from the narrower to the wider ends of the pores. In tests using this type of membrane to mediate the supply of gas to a mass spectrometer, it was found that a pulse of argon reached the instrument more quickly when allowed to cross such a membrane than when simple diffusion was permitted. The interpretation put on this finding is that the membrane 'pumps' the gas. The membranes used in this test were polyethylene sheet 0,008 cm thick, in which the conical pores had a smaller-end diameter of 0.001 cm. Other suitable materials include thin aluminium sheet or other soft metal. Multiple membranes in series can act as fractionation columns. Patent number: US 5316568 Date: 31 May 1994 Inventor and applicant: M.H. Brown Corkscrew aids filtration This patent claims improved separation of two phases, one continuous and one dispersed, by centrifugal effects in a helicoidal flow. The apparatus iS of sufficiently high capacity and efficiency to be useful in the food, pharmaceutical, biomedical, water treatment and petroleum industries. A tubular membrane is encased by a container. A feed delivers liquid to the membrane-encompassed volume. Leachate collects in voids between the membrane and the container, and can be drained away. Retained material can also be drained from the membrane volume. The membrane volume also contains a hellx-shaped guide which is fixed to a central solid rod. Liquid is thus forced to travel in a helicoidal route down the membrane volume. The centrifugal force generated in this way enhances the action of filtration. Patent number: EP 596764 Date: I I May 1994 Inventors: I. Prevost, A. Rojey Applicant: Institut Francals du Petrole Leak detection Failures of hollow fibres or in the materials used to seal or 'pot' them need to be detected accurately. Various methods are available, such as pressure tests using air, or reverse-pressure tests to expand, then deflate the sound fibres. This invention, patented (so far) in Japan and France in quick succession, pressurizes the casing which contains the hollow fibres. The pressurizing gas contains finely-divided particles. If a fibre or the potting compound has a leak, the gas and entrained particles will escape. If a laser is directed at the ends of the casing, the particles will reflect the beam and disclose the precise origin (fibres and/or potting compound) of any leaks. Patent numbers: JP 6134268, FR 2698693 Dates: 17 May 1994, 3 June 1994 Inventor: H. Nagashima Applicant: NOK Corp. Siloxane--crown ether adduct The solid-state membrane described here Is an adduct between a crown ether and a heteropolysfloxane, and also contains ions such as plcrate or fluoroborate. These materials have been used before, but usually as supported liquid membranes which are fragile and prone to leaching and other degradations. The crown ether acts as a carrier of a strong organic acid. The membrane is useful in dialysis and other separations, and is particularly efficient at transporting potassium ions. Patent number: EP 601942 Date: 15 June 1994 Inventors: D. Wettling, C. Lurin, P.I.L. Lacan, C. Gulzard Appllcan~ Eastman Kodak Co. New blood compatible materials The polymers which form the novelty in this invention are polyether-polyamide block copolymers in which the heat of crystallization is no more than 30 J/g and which show plasticity when heated. Other versions of these copolymers are already known, but those based on aliphatic polyamides are not satisfactory: the strong intermolecular forces tend to make the crystalline state the preferred state and otherwise limit the applications in membranes. It has been found that the heat of crystallization is a useful indicator of the forces of intermolecular cohesion. Aromatic or alicycllc polyamides are chosen to react wlth polyethylene oxide, polypropylene oxide or tetramethylene oxlde--ethylene oxide copolymer. The polymers are useful in haemodialysis, artificial kidneys, oxygenators, blood filters, blood bags, catheters and artificial blood vessels. Patent number: EP 600793 Date: 8 June 1994 Inventors: A. Mochlzukl, T. Nakazaki, K. Hadano-shi Appllcan~ Terumo K.K. Membrane Technology No. 56 11

Membrane for gas transport

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P a t e n t s

Membrane for gas transport The p h e n o m e n o n o f 'B rown ian motion ' is well known, in which colloidal par t ic les can be seen to move in a con t inuous zigzag course a s a r e su l t of coll is ions with the molecules of the su spend ing liquid. A s imi lar r a n d o m movement of molecules also t akes place in homogenous l iquids a n d gases . The energy of th ls mot ion is p u t to work in this invention.

The propos i t ion is simple: an asymmet r i c m e m b r a n e is cons t ruc ted in which the t ransverse pores are conical in shape a n d in which the or ienta t ion of the cones is consis tent . The m e m b r a n e is p laced in a conta iner full of gas or liquid. One or more componen t s in the fluid flow preferent ia l ly across the membrane , from the nar rower to the wider ends of the pores.

In tes t s u s ing this type of m e m b r a n e to med ia te the supp ly of gas to a m a s s spect rometer , it was found tha t a pu l se of a rgon reached the i n s t r u m e n t more quickly when allowed to cross such a m e m b r a n e t h a n when s imple diffusion was permi t ted . The in te rpre ta t ion p u t on th is f inding is tha t the m e m b r a n e ' pumps ' the gas. The m e m b r a n e s u sed in th is tes t were polyethylene shee t 0 ,008 cm thick, in which the conical pores had a sma l l e r - end d iamete r of 0.001 cm. Other su i tab le mate r i a l s inc lude th in a l u m i n i u m sheet or o ther soft metal . Multiple m e m b r a n e s in ser ies can ac t a s f rac t ionat ion columns.

Patent number: US 5316568 Date: 31 May 1994 Inventor and applicant: M.H. Brown

Corkscrew aids filtration This p a t e n t c la ims improved separa t ion of two phases , one con t inuous a n d one d ispersed , by centr i fugal effects in a helicoidal flow. The a p p a r a t u s iS of sufficiently high capac i ty and

efficiency to be useful in the food, pharmaceu t i ca l , biomedical , water t r ea tmen t and pe t ro leum indust r ies .

A tubu la r m e m b r a n e is encased by a container. A feed delivers l iquid to the m e m b r a n e - e n c o m p a s s e d volume. Leachate collects in voids between the m e m b r a n e a n d the container, a n d can be d ra ined away. Reta ined mate r ia l can also be d ra ined from the m e m b r a n e volume. The m e m b r a n e volume also conta ins a he l lx - shaped guide which is fixed to a centra l solid rod. Liquid is t hus forced to travel in a helicoidal route down the m e m b r a n e volume. The centr ifugal force genera ted in this way enhances the act ion of filtration.

Patent number: EP 596764 Date: I I May 1994 Inventors: I. Prevost, A. Rojey Applicant: Ins t i tu t F ranca l s du Petrole

Leak detection Fai lures of hollow fibres or in the mate r ia l s u sed to seal or 'pot ' them need to be detected accurate ly . Various me thods are available, such as p r e s su re t es t s us ing air, or r everse -p ressure tes t s to expand, then deflate the s o u n d fibres.

This invention, pa ten ted (so far) in J a p a n and France in quick success ion, p ressu r i zes the cas ing which conta ins the hollow fibres. The pressur iz ing gas conta ins finely-divided part icles . If a fibre or the pot t ing compound h a s a leak, the gas and en t ra ined par t ic les will escape. If a laser is d i rected a t the ends of the casing, the par t ic les will reflect the beam and disclose the precise origin (fibres a n d / o r pot t ing compound) of any leaks.

Patent numbers: JP 6134268, FR 2698693 Dates: 17 May 1994, 3 J u n e 1994 Inventor: H. Nagash ima Applicant: NOK Corp.

Siloxane--crown ether adduct The sol id-s ta te m e m b r a n e descr ibed here Is an a d d u c t

be tween a crown ether a n d a heteropolysfloxane, and a lso con ta ins ions such as plcrate or f luoroborate. These mate r i a l s have been u sed before, bu t u sua l ly a s suppo r t ed l iquid m e m b r a n e s which are fragile and prone to leaching a n d other degradat ions . The crown ether ac ts a s a carr ier of a s t rong organic acid. The m e m b r a n e is useful in d ia lys is a n d other separa t ions , and is par t i cu la r ly efficient a t t r anspor t ing p o t a s s i u m ions.

Patent number: EP 601942 Date: 15 J u n e 1994 Inventors: D. Wettling, C. Lurin, P.I.L. Lacan, C. Gulzard Appllcan~ E a s t m a n Kodak Co.

New blood compatible materials The polymers which form the novelty in th is invention are po lye ther -po lyamide block copolymers in which the hea t of crysta l l izat ion is no more than 30 J / g and which show plas t ic i ty when heated. Other vers ions of these copolymers a re a l ready known, b u t those b a s e d on a l iphat ic po lyamides are not sat isfactory: the s t rong in te rmolecular forces tend to make the crystal l ine s ta te the preferred s ta te a n d otherwise limit the appl ica t ions in membranes .

It ha s been found tha t the hea t of crysta l l izat ion is a useful indica tor of the forces of in te rmolecular cohesion. Aromat ic or alicycllc polyamides are chosen to reac t wlth polyethylene oxide, polypropylene oxide or t e t ramethy lene oxlde--ethylene oxide copolymer.

The polymers are useful in haemodia lys is , artificial kidneys, oxygenators , blood filters, blood bags, ca the te r s a n d artificial blood vessels.

Patent number: EP 600793 Date: 8 J u n e 1994 Inventors: A. Mochlzukl, T. Nakazaki , K. Hadano-sh i Appllcan~ Terumo K.K.

M e m b r a n e Techno logy No. 5 6 11