market money manager

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  • 8/10/2019 market money manager


  • 8/10/2019 market money manager


    The first s tep o f inves ting is to

    decide allocation among different

    asset classes. Asset allocation is

    the most important factor that

    determines the performance of a

    portfolio. How much you invest in

    equity or debt depends on your

    stage of l i fe and goals. Once you

    have decided the allocation, it is

    tim e to s elect pro ducts tha t w o uld

    fi t the asset classes you want to

    inve st in. To d a y w ith a la rge

    p r o d u c t s u i t e a v a i l a b l e t o

    investors, this is a point of some

    a m ount of confusio n. At an o verall

    level , we should consider the

    product features, liquidity, costs,

    potential risks and tax efficiency

    be fore se lec ting the pro duc t.

    Anup BagchiM D & CEO

    ICICI Securit ies Ltd.

    Amongst all the parameters of evaluation, tax efficiency is an

    extrem ely im portant a spec t.

    Ta x-efficienc y de termines ho w m uch o f a return w e g et to keep a fter

    accounting for taxes. Put simply, the net post-tax return. As

    investors, our goal should be to maximize the post-tax return of a

    po rtfo lio . This ca n be d one throug h se lecting prod ucts tha t are m o re

    ta x-efficien t. In g enera l, eq uity-linked prod ucts a re be s t positioned

    to provide better post-tax returns over the long run due to their

    beneficia l ta x rules .

    Keep in m ind, even a sm all a mo unt of tax sa ved to da y ca n m a ke a big

    differenc e to our net w orth in the lo ng run. For insta nce , even if w em a na g e to sa ve 15,000 every yea r on taxes, for a perio d of next 25

    ye a rs, a nd inves t this am ount, it w ould g row to 16.23 la kh a t 10 per

    cent rate o f return. This is the ga in o f o ver 12 la kh o n a n inves tment

    o f 3.75 la kh (15,000 X 25 yea rs).





  • 8/10/2019 market money manager


    1ICICIdirect M oney Manager November 2014

    Further, when it comes to saving taxes, we realize that certain

    deductions and benefits are well known, while others are not. It is

    im po rta nt to be co nversa nt w ith tax la w s a nd fully utilize the be nefits

    available to us. Our experience is that health insurance tax limitsunder section 80D a re rarely fully us ed a nd thes e a re o ver and a bo ve

    1.50 la kh that w e g et under sec tio n 80C. One ca n sa ve m a xim um

    up to 40,000 unde r se ction 80D, if a ss es ee and pa rents , bo th a re

    se nio r citizens (a bo ve a g e 60 ye a rs).

    Even the ta x d ed uctio ns a va ila b le und er section 80C a re ra rely fully

    used b y m os t of us. If w e d o so , w e ca n build a siza ble co rpus to m eet

    our g oa ls. If w e con sid er tha t a taxpa ye r is sa ving 1.50 la kh per ye a rund er se ctio n 80C in ta x-sa ving ins trum ents from the a g e o f 30 till

    the retirem ent a g e o f 60, a nd a ss uming 8 per cent rate o f return, this

    a m o unt w ill g row to 1.77 crore. This is the ma g ic of co m po unding .

    And if w e m a ke proper as se t alloca tio n a m ong d ifferent ta x-sa ving

    prod ucts, the corpus c an g row even b ig g er.

    Altho ug h tax-efficiency is im po rta nt, the inves tment dec is ion should

    no t be so lely b a se d o n it . Our investm ents sho uld g o b eyo nd just ta xsa ving a nd s ho uld focus m ore o n fulfilling g oa ls.

    Last, but not the least, we are in a growing nation with further

    po tentia l for a long fores ee a b le future. Therefo re, w e m ust ta ke full

    advantage of that and participate and ride the growth through

    eq uities , either d irec tly o r throug h o ther ind irec t route o f inves tme nt

    products.Investing in equity-related instruments (ELSS) is a good

    o ptio n to crea te w ea lth in the lo ng run. With its lo ck-in pe riod o f three

    ye a rs, it a llow s us to ride out the inherent vo la tility in the m a rkets a nd

    rema in inves ted for the lo ng term. And the ta x bene fit it provide s is

    the a dd itio na l cream o n the pie.

    Our m es sa g e rema ins the s a m e - 'Keep investing a nd sta y invested

    for yo ur life g oa ls'. Throug h this m a g a zine a nd o ur w eb site

    w w w.icicidirect .com w e w a nt to ma ke a n ea rnest a t tem pt to partner

    w ith yo u in se tting a nd a chieving yo ur fina ncia l g o a ls. Do w a lk into

    a ny o f yo ur Neig hbourho o d Fina ncia l S uperstore a nd ta lk to us.





    November 2014

  • 8/10/2019 market money manager



    When it com es to inves ting , mo st o f us kno w tha t it is im po rta nt to

    look at the real rate of return. Real return is how much our

    inves tments ha ve g ro w n o ver infla tio n. The returns a lso need to

    be a d justed for ta x to und ersta nd the rea l return in ha nd . Whilethe a ss et cla ss es (eq uity, deb t, etc.) define the rea l returns m o st o f

    the tim es , it is the prod uct cho ice , in the s pec ific a ss et cla ss , that

    defines the ta x efficiency.

    We m ust facto r in the ta x im plica tio ns o f ea ch prod uct, ba se d o n

    our personal situations, in order to know what returns we are

    likely to g et in. Ta x la w s a nd im plica tio ns kee p c ha ng ing . To help

    you get the updated information, we, in our cover story of this

    ed itio n, list va rio us investm ents a cros s a ss et cla ss es , in the lig ht

    o f tax implica tio ns .

    The ed itio n a lso o ffers co m prehens ive informa tio n a nd a na lys is

    on ELSS, tax-saving mutual funds, which are best option for

    sa ving taxe s a s w ell a s c rea ting w ea lth in the lo ng run. All in a ll,

    this issue is a w holeso me tax planning packa g e, w hich w e ho pe,will help you plan your taxes more efficiently and in sync with

    yo ur fina ncia l g o a ls.

    I would also like to draw your attention to our interview, with

    Pankaj Murarka, Head Equity, Axis Mutual Fund, who advises

    inves tors to rem a in focus ed o n their lo ng -term a ss et a llo ca tio n.

    Further, if yo u w ish to g et cla rity o n d ifferent a spec ts o f perso na l

    fina nce o r any o ther m o ney m a tter thro ug h Ask o ur Pla nner, yo u

    m a y w rite to us a t mo ney m a nag er @ icicisecurit m . So rea d

    on, stay updated and involved. Do write in with your feedback

    a nd sha re yo ur thoughts.

    Editor &Pub lisher : Abh isha ke Math ur, CFA

    Coordina ting Editor : Yog ita Kha tri

    Editoria l Board : Sam eer Chavan , CWM , Panka j Pandey

    CMEd ito ria l Te am : Aze em Ahm a d, Nithy a kum a r VP CFP , Nitin Kunte , S a chin J a in,

    Sheetal Ashar

    ICICIdirect M oney Manager November 2014

    Your ma g a zine is no w also a vailab le o n w w , a

    dig ital new ssta nd.

  • 8/10/2019 market money manager



    M D Desk ...............................................................................................1


    Contents.............................................................................................. .3

    News.................................................................................................. .4

    M arkets Round-up & Outlook .................................................................. 5

    Gett ing Technical w ith Dharmesh Shah................................................... 8

    Derivatives Strategy by Amit Gupta.......................................................10

    Stoc k Ideas: SKF India and L&T .............................................................. 15

    Flavour of t he M onth: Tax implications of various investmentsHere w e take yo u throug h the vario us a venues o f investm ents

    a cros s a ss et cla ss es , in the lig ht of ta x im plica tions .... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .21

    Tte--tte: 'Remain focused on long-term asset allocation'

    An inte rview w ith Pa nka j Murarka , Hea d Eq uity, Axis Mutua l

    Fund ..............................................................................................34

    Ask Our Planner: Sw itching your investment options

    Your perso na l fina nce q ueries a ns w ered .... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .36

    M utual Fund Analysis: Category - ELSS

    Here w e a na lys e to p-performing ELS S funds , w hich a re b es t

    o ption fo r sa ving taxes a s w ell a s c rea ting w ea lth in the long

    run .................................................................................................40

    Equity M odel Portfolio..........................................................................47

    M utual Fund Top PicksHere w e present o ur rese a rch tea m 's to p m utual fund

    reco mm enda tions, ac ros s eq uity a nd deb t ca tego ries . .. .. .. .. .. .. .52

    Quiz Time............................................................................................54

    Monthly Trends....................................................................................55

    Premium Education Programmes Schedule.............................................58

    ICICIdirect M oney Manager November 2014

  • 8/10/2019 market money manager


    4ICICIdirect M oney Manager

    No PAN requirement for investment in Kisan Vikas Patra

    The Fina nce Minis ter Arun J a itley a nd Comm unica tion Minis ter Ra viS ha nka r Pra sa d relaunched Kisa n Vika s Pa tra (KVP) sc heme. The

    Finance Ministry has said that there will not be requirement ofPermanent Account Number or PAN in putting money in relaunchedKVP. It w ill be a va ila ble to the inves tors in the denom ina tion o f Rs . 1000,Rs 5,000, Rs 10,000 and Rs 50,000, w ith no uppe r ceiling on inves tment.The inves tme nt m a de in the ce rtifica te w ill double in 100 mo nths.

    Courtesy: The Hindu Business Line

    Maintaining a bullish stance on Indian equities, foreign investorsincreas ed their exposure in BS E Se nsex co m pa nies to a n a ll-tim e hig hof 27 per cent in the September quarter, says a report. FII stake inS ens ex co m pa nies ha s b een rising co ntinuously since 2009, the g lob a lfina nc ia l se rvices m a jo r Bank o f Am erica Merrill Lynch s a id in a res ea rchno te, a dd ing the FII sta ke s too d a t an a ll-tim e pea k o f 27 per cent a s o fS eptem ber 30. As o f J une 2014, FIIs co llec tive ly held a round 22.5 percen t of the m a rket a nd a round 46 per cent o f the free flo a t.

    Courtesy: The Indian Express

    FII stake in Sensex companies hits all-time peak of 27 pct : BofA-M L

    Abo ut 80 per cent o f respo nde nts, rea d pa rents, w ho pa rticipa ted in thea nnua l ING Zing survey, sa id they be lieved tha t their child ren follow edtheir m oney ha bits. Even more disc erning is the fa ct that child ren tendto pick parents' spending habits marginally more than their savingha bits, at lea st a m ong those w ho e a rn a bo ve Rs 8 la khs a nnually. Thestudy a lso ob serves tha t as y our inco m e levels g o up, children tend to

    develop spending habits more while parents' tend to shore up theirsa vings hab its.

    Courtesy: Business Standard

    Children mimic parent's money habits, spending event more: ING survey

    Negative growth rates in major sectors such as engineering, pharma,g em s a nd jew ellery, an d pe troleum prod ucts sa w the co untry's o verallmerchandise exports shrink 5.04% in October. India's exports haveplunged into the negative zone after a gap of six months. An exportcontraction was last witnessed in March when it fell 3.15%. Coupledwith the largely unexpected decline in exports, a surge in imports ofg o ld kept the trad e d eficit at $13.35 billion in Octo ber a g a ins t the $10.59billion a ye a r ea rlier. The deficit w a s tha nkfully a bit low er tha n tha t inS eptem be r w hen it sto od a t a n 18-m on th hig h o f $14.24 billion.

    Courtesy: The Financial Express

    October exports shrink 5% after a gap of six months

    November 2014

  • 8/10/2019 market money manager


    5ICICIdirect M oney Manager


    M arkets to take cues from reforms and CPI data asQ2 season comes to end

    October month was a ta le oftwo halves with the first half

    showing weakness while the

    s e c o n d h a l f s a w a s h a r p

    recovery with global

    commodity prices correcting

    sharply and an improvement

    in global cues. A drop in

    m a n u f a c t u r i n g P M I

    (Purchasing Managers' Index)

    on a month-on-month (MoM)

    basis coupled with muted

    g lo ba l cues led to the slug g ish

    start to the month. Lower

    indus tria l pro ductio n d a ta a lso

    de nted the m a rket co nfid ence .

    The c o ns um er price inde x

    (CPI) for September 2014

    cooled off to 6.5% vis--vis

    7.8% in August 2014 (the

    lowest value in the last 22m o nths). The WPI (w ho les a le

    price index) was also lower

    a nd c a m e a t its five-ye a r lo w o f

    2.4%. The decline in both CPI

    and WPI was cheered by the

    markets as expectations of a

    policy rate cut by the ReserveBank of India (RBI) in its next

    monetary policy in the first

    w eek of Decem ber resurfa ced

    a g a in. The sentim ents a lso

    im pro ved in the se co nd ha lf ofthe month on the back of a

    drastic decline in crude oil

    price s to ~ $85/b a rrel a nd

    po sitive cues fro m a ro und the

    globe at the fag end of the

    month as Bank of Japan's

    M o n e t a r y P o l i c y B o a r dunexpected ly d ecide d to raise

    t h e m o n e t a r y b a s e a t a n

    a nnua l pa ce o f abo ut 80 trillio n


    The Q2 ea rning s se a so n in

    October also influenced theperformance of the markets.

    The ba nking se cto r co ntinued

    to sho w a n im prove m ent in the

    operational performance with

    bo th priva te a nd public s ecto r

    banks improving sequentially.

    C o n s u m e r d i s c r e t i o n a r ystocks continued to show an

    improvement in operational

    performance, especially the

    auto sector, which showed

    p o s i t i v e e a r n i n g s l e d b y

    volume growth on improved

    s e n t im e n t s a n d f e s t i v ed em a nd . The FMCG (fas t

    m o v i n g c o n s u m e r g o o d s )

    s e g m e n t , h o w e v e r ,

    November 2014

  • 8/10/2019 market money manager


    6ICICIdirect M oney Manager


    d i s a p p o i n t e d a s v o l u m e

    growths continued to remain

    low. The IT ( Informat ion

    Te c h n o lo g y ) p a c k h a d adisa ppointing ea rning s sea so n

    mainly driven by an

    unfa vo ura ble currency im pa ct.

    Pharmaceut ica l companies ,

    on the other hand , ha d a m ixed

    ba g w ith a po sit ive b ia s.

    The g lo ba l m a rkets ha ve b een

    driven by contrasting news

    flows across the globe. Post

    the disappointing industrial

    output da ta from G erm a ny, the

    German government had cut

    the growth estimate for thisyea r a s w ell a s the next yea r to

    1.2% and 1.3%, respectively.

    The m a rket sentim ent further

    deter iora ted as the

    International Monetary Fund

    (IMF) cut its g lo ba l g row th

    forecast to 3.3% from 3.4%,the third such revision in the

    yea r. The decline in c rude o il

    continued unabated in the

    month c lear ly highl ight ing

    g ro w th co ncerns. The m a rket

    sentiment, however, received

    a boost as the Federal OpenMarket Committee (FOMC)

    m e e t i n g e n d e d w i t h t h e

    minutes revealing the dovish

    sta nce o f the Fed o n the po licy

    rate front, even as the

    Q u a n t i t a t i v e E a s i n g ( Q E )

    prog ra m me ende d. At the endof the month, the Bank of

    J apa n unexpectedly surprised

    the markets with a spurt of

    mo netary ea sing.

    D u r i n g t h e m o n t h , c r u d e

    (Brent) continued the decline

    a nd end ed a t ~ $85/ba rrel. The

    t r e n d c o n t i n u e d i n e a r l y

    November as well, with crude

    reaching the lo w s o f $81.

    The US m a rkets c o ntinued to

    trade with a negative biasthrough the month but ended

    w ith a strong po sitive b ia s po st

    the announcement from the

    Ba nk o f J a pa n. Ma jo r indices ,

    Dow J o nes , S &P 500 a nd the

    Nasdaq gained about 1.9%,

    2% and 2.8%, respectively.

    European markets, however,

    rem a ined w ea k de spite the la te

    surg e in the ind ices in the la st

    tw o se ss io ns w hile the FTS E

    lo st 2.8%. The G erm a n Da x

    a nd French CAC lo st 3.3% a nd

    5 % , r e s p e c t i v e l y . A s i a n

    m a rkets, a lso g a ined in the la st

    two sess ions to end on a

    po s itive no te w ith the Nikkei

    Global markets

    November 2014

  • 8/10/2019 market money manager


    7ICICIdirect M oney Manager


    and Shanghai SSEC gaining

    0.6% and 2.6%, respectively,

    w hile the Hang S eng posted a

    g a in o f 3.3%.

    T h e f o r e i g n i n s t i t u t i o n a l

    investors (FIIs) continued to

    rema in net b uye rs in the Ind ia n

    m a rkets a lthough the pa ce ha s

    cons iderab ly s lowed downove r the past co uple o f mo nths

    a n d the ne t b uy fig ure w a s ~

    900 crore while domest ic

    institutional investors (DIIs)

    heavily bought to the tune of

    ~ 5,700 crore led by s trong

    i n f l o w s i n t o m u t u a l f u n dschemes.

    The Nifty a nd S ense x end ed

    firmly in the positive territory

    for the month wi th mos t

    sectoral indices also ending

    the m o nth in the g reen. Except

    BSE Realty (-1.8%) and BSE

    FMCG (-1.8%), a ll othe r ind ice s

    ended October on a s trong

    no te. BS E Ba nkex, BS E Pow er,

    BSE PSU, BSE Auto and BSE

    Oil sa w sha rp g a ins o f 10.7%,

    9.5%, 7.2%, 4.7% and 4%,

    respec tive ly, w hile BS E IT a nd

    BSE Healthcare ended the

    m o nth fla t.

    Domestic markets

    Outlook: Post Q2 numbers, focus



    shifts to government reforms and

    RBI policy

    As the earning season comes

    t o a n e n d w i t h o u t m u c h

    surprise (neg a tive o r positive),

    the markets will eagerly look

    towards government reforms

    as well as the RBI's policy

    stance (next policy meet on

    e c e m b e r 2 ) . I n o r d e r t o

    exped ite the reforms pro ces s,

    the Mod i g o vernm ent initia ted

    the much awaited portfolio

    e x p a n s i o n b y i n d u c t i n g

    t e c h n o c r a t s a n d c a d r e

    workers in the Cabinet. After

    the clear mandate for the BJPin Harya na a nd the eme rg ence

    a s t h e l a r g e s t p a r t y i n

    Maharashtra, this expansion

    will be construed as a step in

    the rig ht d irectio n a nd is likely

    to b e chee red by the ma rkets.

    F a l l i n g c r u d e p r i c e s a n dimproving CPI numbers are

    likely to add to the buoyancy

    w i t h h o p e s o f d o v i s h

    comments by the RBI in its

    next pol icy meet . In this

    scenario, markets are likely to

    pa y les s a ttentio n to the g lo ba lc u e s a n d f o c u s o n t h e

    do m es tic situatio n.

    November 2014

  • 8/10/2019 market money manager


    8ICICIdirect M oney Manager


    Bulls reign supreme; index eyeing 28800

    Benchmark indices overcame

    huge bouts of volatility amid

    weak global cues owing to

    worries about global growth

    and the end of years of US

    s t imulus . Af te r d i sp lay ing

    resilience in the face of a

    volatile global environment,

    m a r k e t s e n t i m e n t s w e r e

    boosted by reform measures

    announced b y the go vernmenta nd a stro ng verdict in the state

    a s s e m b ly e le c t io n s . Th e

    b e n c h m a r k s ( S e n s e x a n d

    Nifty) staged a firm rebound

    precise ly fro m the clo se to o ur

    earmarked support zone of

    26,000/7,800 leve ls a nd surg edto new a ll-tim e h ig hs in line

    w ith our expecta tio n.

    The d a sh tow a rds new a ll-tim e

    highs after one month

    corrective phase signals

    r e s u m p t i o n o f u p w a r d

    mo m entum a fter a brief pause.G o i n g f o r w a r d w e e x p e c t

    benchmarks to remain in a

    r is ing t ra jectory and head

    to w a rds 28,800/8,650 leve ls

    o ver the m ed ium -term. TheO c t o b e r 2 0 1 4 l o w o f

    25,910/7,723 w ill a ct a s a key

    shor t - t e rm base for the


    The dec line unfo ld ing s ince

    hitting the September 2014

    high o f 27,354/8,180 disp la yedall the signs of a healthy

    corrective decline within an

    established uptrend and re-

    affirmed the overall positive

    p r i c e s t r u c t u r e a s i n d e x

    retra ced its 25-se ss io n d ec line

    in just 8 tra d ing se ss io ns .

    The reso lutio n pa st S eptem ber

    2014 highs opens target of

    28,800/8,650 be ing the depth

    of the September correction

    (27,354-25,910) as projected

    above September 2014 highs

    ove r a m ed ium term .

    Sectorally, the banking index

    resumed its leadership role

    a nd ven tured into n ew a ll-tim e

    h i g h s a h e a d o f t h e

    b e n c h m a r k s . W e e x p e c t

    b a n k i n g t o l e a d t h e

    benchmarks, going forward.

    The a uto a nd ca pital g oo ds

    sectors are also expected to

    outperform in the coming


    November 2014

  • 8/10/2019 market money manager


    2976 pts

    3098 pts


    w eek EM A

    Extended rally measuring

    3244 pts so far

    9ICICIdirect M oney Manager


    BSE Sensex Weekly Candlestic k Chart

    S ource: Bloo m berg, Rese a rch

    The view s express ed in the article a re perso na l view s o f the author a nd d o no t neces sa rily

    represe nt the v iew s o f ICICI S ecurities .

    Weekly RSI tested its own

    rising trend line support

    along w ith price ap proa ching

    its key support of 26000levels a nd produced a strong

    pullback indicating strength

    in the up mo ve

    November 2014

    Index concluded a month long

    corrective phase and signalled

    r e s u m p t i o n o f u p w a r d

    momentum by recouping its last

    falling se g m ent in fa ste r tim e. We

    expect the index to remain in

    r i s i n g t r a j e c t o r y a n d h e a d

    towards 28800 over the mediumterm

  • 8/10/2019 market money manager


    10ICICIdirect M oney Manager


    Nif ty to move tow ards highest call base of 8500

    Amit Gupta

    Head - Derivat ives Research,ICICI Securit ies

    Nifty recovered sharply in the

    second half of the October

    series and is currently tradingclose to 8400 levels. At the

    sa me tim e, strong g lob a l cues

    co upled w ith susta ined foreig n

    institutional investors' (FII)

    interest in the equities also

    helped Nifty to sca le ne w hig hs

    a nd Nifty is likely to hit ta rge t o f


    Open interest in Nifty futures

    has risen to 1-year high and it

    a lm o st tes ted 25 m illio n sha res

    during the series. FIIs have

    bo ug ht m o re tha n 11,000crore since October 17 when

    Nifty made the low of 7730.

    Lo o king a t the significa nt b uild-

    up of positions, a round of

    profit bo o king ca nno t be ruled

    o ut. How ev er, Nifty is likely to

    find b uying s upport o nce a g a innea r its prev io us h ig hs o f 8200

    which also coincides with the

    hig hes t Put o pen interest b a se .

    On h ig he r side , 8500 ca ll s trike


    h a s s e e n c o n t i n u o u saccumulation, which remains

    the ta rg et.

    November 2014

    Option open interest of November Series







    7800 7900 8000 8100 8200 8300 8400 8500 8600 8700 8800



    Put OI Cal l OI

    Bank Ni f ty: l ikely to move

    to w a rds ta rget o f 17500/17800

    The Ba nk Nifty w a s the key

    ca talyst in the current up -leg o fthe Nifty. Pos t the co o l-o ff see n

    in consumer price index (CPI)

    and wholesale price index

    (WPI) read ings the index

    roc ke ted 1400+ po in t s to

    16600 leve ls .

    The b a nking spa ce a lso g o t a

    push from bond yields. Yields

    cam e d ow n to a 13-mo nth low

    of 8.32 (10-year government

    security (G -S ec )).

    With m o st priva te sec tor ba nks

    reporting stronger net interestmargins (NIMs) and profit

    marg ins , there i s a c lea r

    preference for private sector

  • 8/10/2019 market money manager


    11ICICIdirect M oney Manager


    November 2014

    b a n k s o v e r p u b l i c s e c t o r

    ba nks. This bo des w ell for the

    banking index , a s p r iva te

    banks have more than three-f o u r t h w e i g h t a g e i n t h e

    ba nking ind ex.

    S ince the e lec tio n ve rd ict, this

    space has been re l a t ive ly

    under-owned. Until recently,

    mo st stocks w ere s trugg ling totake out their election verdict

    highs. Sticky inflation was one

    of the key reasons for this.

    However, as inflation cooled-

    off sharply during the month

    co upled w ith a w ea k se t of Q2

    n u m b e r s f r o m t e c h n o l o g ymajors, banking stocks are

    back in favour. Banking stocks

    are likely to move up in the

    com ing m onth w hile the s hort

    open interest (OI) in many of

    the stocks is still high and is

    seeing a rollover of these

    positions into the November


    Looking at the options build

    up, the highest Cal l base

    remains the target for the

    index, which is a t 17500follo w ed by 18000 strike. On

    the lower side, support is

    pla ce d a t 16000 levels, w hich is

    the hig hest Put ba se.























    Cal l OI Pu t OI

    India VIX: Likely to consolidate

    a bo ve 10.5 a s g eo -po litica l a nd

    economic risks stay elevatedglobally

    O n e x p e c t e d l i n e s , I n d i a

    Vo la tility Ind ex (VIX) sa w a

    jum p o f 30% to 17 levels a s the

    Nifty fell on the back of weak

    g lob al cues. How ever, tow ardsthe month end, as markets

    reco vered, the fea r g a uge a lso


    Going ahead, as geo-political

    risks and global market jitters

    remain alive, the VIX could

    r e m a i n h i g h e r a b o v e i t s

    extrao rd ina ry lo w leve ls o f 10.5

    se en in S eptem be r.

    On a po sitio na l ba sis, the 50 &

    100 w eek m o ving a verag e is a t

    18.2. This level is likely to be

    tested o nly in the eve nt of the

    Nifty rea ch ing 7800.

  • 8/10/2019 market money manager


    12ICICIdirect M oney Manager


    November 2014

    S&P 500: Current momentum likelyto continue above 1980 levels

    After witnessing the worst

    se lling press ure o f la st 3 yea rswhich eroded almost 10%

    value, the recovery was even

    m o re prom inent a s S &P 500

    surpas sed its hig hes t Ca ll ba se

    o f 2000 strike to m a ke a new life

    high. We expect the current

    momentum is unlikely to fadeo ut until S &P m o ve below 1980

    levels o nce a g a in.

    Even fo r co m ing up Decem be r

    series, the highest Call option

    base is placed at Call 2000

    s t r i k e a l o n g w i t h t h e

    n o t e w o r t h y P u t b a s e . W eexpec t S &P to co ntinue its

    momentum on the back of

    stuck up Call writers. Only a

    move below 1980 levels is

    likely to change the ongoing


    Unlike the previo us pull ba cks,

    S &P 500 Ind ex ha s fo und

    suppo rt of sm a ll-ca p s tocks a s

    w e l l s u g g e s t i n g b r o a d e r

    pa rticipa tio n in the m o ve.

    Russell 2000 Index has erased

    all of its declines in the recent

    bounce back, which was not

    seen previous pull backs as

    R u s s e l l I n d e x h a s u n d e r

    pe rformed S &P500.

    S &P has sho w n tendency of

    moving towards its 50-DMA

    (displa ced m o ving a verag e) inca se o f any interm ed ia te pro fit

    bo o king . Currently 50 DMA for

    S &P is pla ce d nea r 1980 levels

    w hich m a kes it buying leve l o n


    S&P500 options open interest for December Series





















    Cal l OI Pu t OI

    Dax: Immediate support is placed at 9200

    The G erma n Inde x, Dax, ha s

    underperformed most of itspee rs a s it is still tra d ing belo w

    its b rea kdo w n levels o f 9600.

    Despi te a thousand points

    recovery, under-performance

    can largely be attributed to

    w e a ke n i n g c u r r e n c y o fEurozone.

    Th e h i g h e s t P u t b a s e o f

    G erma n Ind ex is p la ced a t 9000

  • 8/10/2019 market money manager


    13ICICIdirect M oney Manager


    November 2014

    strike for December series

    w hich is likely to rem a in c rucia l

    support for the index in the

    near term. At the same time,Call base is placed evenly

    above 9500 strike. Hence a

    m ove a bo ve 9500 m ay induce

    fres h m o m entum in the DAX.

    Importantly, both 100 and 200

    DMA levels for German Indexare placed in the vicinity of

    9 5 0 0 s t r i k e i n d i c a t i n g

    immediate resistance for the

    index. Hence, fresh upward

    bias is expected if DAX is able

    to sus tain ab o ve these levels.

    Unl ike the res t o f equi ty

    markets, volatility index for

    G erma n Ind ex is s till a t hig her

    at 16.5. US VIX is near 12.7

    w hile Ind ia Vo la tility Ind ex is

    ne a r 14 leve ls . Hig he r vo la tility

    i n d e x i n D A X i n d i c a t e sprevailing skepticism in the

    G erma n m arkets.

    DAX option open interest for Decem ber Series


















    Dollar Index:Likely to surpass 2008

    highs tow ards our immediate target

    of 90

    As expected, Dollar Index did

    not m ove below 84 levels a nd

    r e s u m e i t s u p w a r d t r e n d

    t o w a r d s s u r p a s s i n g i t s

    previous highs. Along with

    s t r e n g t h i n d o l l a r ,

    simultaneous selling pressurein the US Bonds suggests

    money f low from safer assets

    t o r is ky a s s e t s d u e t o

    e x p e c t a t i o n s o f s u s t a i n e d

    liq uid ity flo w.

    The Do lla r Ind ex in the la s tcouple of months has moved

    up sharply and posted the

    highest quarterly gains since

    2008. The prim a ry m o ve fro m

    80 to 85 in Dollar Index was

    trig g ered b y w ea kness in Euro .

    S ta tements f rom European

    Central Bank (ECB) hinted at

    further expansion of balance

    she et, w hich trig g ered a no ther

    round of weakness in Euro

    currency. We expect Euro to

    remain weak and test 2010lo w s o f 120 in da ys to co m e. At

    the sa m e tim e, co upling effect

    was observed f rom Japanese

  • 8/10/2019 market money manager


    14ICICIdirect M oney Manager


    November 2014

    Yen, which is at the highest

    levels s ince 2008.

    Both Euro a nd J apa nese Yen

    cumulatively holds more than

    70% w eigh t in the Do lla r ind ex,

    given the weakness in the

    major currencies, we expect

    Do lla r ind ex to surpass its 2008

    h i g h s o f 8 9 . 5 a n d m o v e

    tow a rds 90 in the nea r term .

    Brent Crude: Dow nsides likely toextend for t arget of 78/75 levels

    As expected, Crude failed to

    w i t n e s s a n y m e a n i n g f u l

    reco very a nd hovered ne a r 80

    levels for most part of the last

    m o nth. The Put ba se pla ced a t

    85 s t r ike remained major

    hurdle fo r Crude a nd it failed to

    susta in ab o ve these levels.

    As per U.S . CFTC (Co m m o dity

    Futures Trad ing Co m m iss io n)

    data, net long positions in

    Brent Crude have declined

    sharply to 60,000 contracts

    fro m 240,000 co ntrac ts s ee n in

    the J une se ries . The currenttrend of long liquidation is

    likely to continue in the Brent

    and declines are likely to get


    Alo ng w ith spec ula tors, Hed g e

    position holders for Brent are

    still bearish as almost 39%

    posi t ions a re s t i l l hedged

    a g a inst further de cline. De spite

    Crude trad ing nea r 4 yea r lo w s,

    s u c h a h i g h h e d g i n g

    p e r c e n t a g e i n d i c a t e s

    skepticism prevailing for thecrude prices.

    Recent declines have forced

    crude to breach its three-year

    consolidation range. It may

    eventually find support at its

    J uly 2010 brea ko ut levels o f

    $78. Hence, our downsidepositional target in Brent is at


    Crude option open interest for December Series
















    Cal l OI Pu t OI

    The view s express ed in the article a re perso na l view s o f the author a nd d o no t neces sa rily

    represe nt the v iew s o f ICICI S ecurities .

  • 8/10/2019 market money manager




    SKF India: Leader in the Bearings space

    ICICIdirect M oney Manager

    Company Background

    Incorporated in 1961, S KF Ind iais the Indian subsidiary of the

    Sweden based SKF Group,

    which is a global leader in

    b e a r i n g s , s e a l s a n d

    m e c h a t ro n ic s & lu b ric a t io n

    sy stem s. The com pa ny is a

    leader in the Indian bearingm a rke t w ith ~ 28% m a rke t

    share. SKF is well-diversified

    across the automotive (54% of

    revenues including exports,

    which are manufactured in

    India) and industrial segment

    (46% of revenues, which aremainly imported from SKF

    Group companies) as well as

    S K F Te c h n o l o g i e s ( t h e

    sub s id ia ry o f the pa rent). In the

    a utom otive se g ment, SKF India

    ca ters to bo th tw o -w heelers a s

    we l l as four-whee lers (PV

    ( p a s s e n g e r v e h i c l e s ) , C V(co mmercia l vehicles ), tra cto rs,

    etc.) of which two-thirds come

    f r o m o r i g i n a l e q u i p m e n t

    m a n u f a c t u r e r ( O E M ) a n d

    r e m a i n i n g f r o m t h e

    repla ce ment m a rkets . S KF Ind ia

    ca ters to a lm os t all a utom otiveOEMs in Ind ia such a s Ta ta

    Moto rs, Hero MotoCo rp, HMS I,

    Maruti, Bajaj Auto, Mahindra &

    Mahind ra, TVS , Bo sch, etc . In

    the industrial segment, SKF

    India supplies to all majorindustries like heavy industries

    such as s tee l , mining e tc ,

    a g r i c u l t u r e , p o w e r , c a p i t a l

    go ods , o il & ga s and food &

    b e v e r a g e (F &B ) . W i t h i n

    indus tria l, ~ 65% pertains to

    aftermarket and 35% to OEMs.Its clientele includes: heavy

    industries: SAIL, Coal India,

    J S W, Essa r, Ta ta S teel; energ y:

    NTP C, Ta ta Po w er, S uzlo n;

    industrial machinery: Bhel, GE,

    L&T; o il &g a s : Relia nc e, ONG C,

    Ca irn India ; F&B: Nes tl, ITC,

    Pepsi. SKF India has threemanufacturing facilities: Pune,

    Ha ridw ar a nd Ba nga lore.

    Leading bearing manufacturer w ithequal presence in industrial & auto

    SKF is the leader in the Indianbearing market (pegged at

    8,000-8,500 crore) w ith ~ 28%

    share. Known for deep groove

    ba ll be a ring s (forming ~ 35% of

    revenues a nd ~ 45% ma rket

    share), SKF is equally present

    across the industrial (46% of

    s a l e s ) a n d a u t o m o t i v e

    s e g m e n t s ( 5 4 % o f s a l e s

    i n c l u d i n g e x p o r t s ) . W i t h

    expected industrial revival and

    Investment Rationale


    November 2014

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    ICICIdirect M oney Manager

    up-tick in auto demand going

    ahead, SKF is well poised to

    capture the opportunity given

    its strong balance sheet withc a s h f l o w g e n e r a t i o n a n d

    s c a l a b i l i t y b a n d w i d t h . W e

    expect revenues to grow at

    13.3% compounded annual

    g row th ra te (CAG R) over CY13-

    16E to 3,266 cro re.

    Early signs of recovery seen in auto,SKF to be key benef ic iary

    For year-to-date (YTD) Cy14,

    the auto sector has show n sig ns

    o f re c o v e ry w it h ~ 12. 3%

    growth (mainly driven by two

    w h e e l e r s e g m e n t g r o w t h ,

    which was up 16.3% year-on-year (YoY)). With the auto

    indus try fina lly s how ing sig ns of

    reco very a fter nea rly tw o y ea rs

    o f a d e m a n d s l u m p , n e w

    la unches a nd prod uct refreshes

    a re the key, go ing a hea d . S KF,

    be ing the l a rges t bear ings

    player in the industry,

    c o m m a n d s s c a la b i l i t y

    bandwidth coupled with a lean

    ba lance sheet a nd is po ised to

    ca pture the o ppo rtunity a rising

    from the revival in demand in

    the automotive segment. We

    expect SKF's manufacturedproduct (auto) sales to exhibit

    ~ 14.6% CAG R ove r CY13-16E,

    in line with overall auto growth



    Localisation of industrial bearing toboost margins & market share

    Industrial bearings (46% of

    revenue s) a re so urced from thep a r e n t (~ 9 0 %) a n d S KFTe c h n o lo g ie s . We e x p e c timpo rt sub s titution o f indus tria lbearings, through ramp up inS KF Tec hno log ies , to be a keyr e v e n u e d r i v e r f o r S K F ' sr e v e n u e s a n d m a r g i ne x p a n s i o n a s S K F w o u l dimprove its turnaround timewhile the resultant cost savingwould lead to market shareg a ins. Conse q uently, w e expectindustrial (traded goods) salesto grow at 11.6% CAGR over

    CY13-16E w ith ove ra ll EBITDAma rgins reco vering to 13.7% inCY16E vs . 11.5% in Cy13.

    Premium valuat ions dr iven bygrow th prospects ahead

    SKF is trading at 20.8x CY16EEPS. Given SKF's leadership

    position in the bearing space,strong earnings growth (CAGRof 24% in CY13-16E), healthyba la nce sheet w ith rob ust cas hflow ge nera tion ( 680 croreover CY14E-16E) and corereturn o n eq uity (RoE) in exce sso f 30%, w e a s crib e a P /Emultiple o f 24x (implying a PEG(Price /Earnings to G row th) o f1x) on CY16E EPS . Hence , w eassign a target price of1,448/sha re w ith a BUY ra ting .



    November 2014

  • 8/10/2019 market money manager




    ICICIdirect M oney Manager

    Key risks inc lude:J apa nese co mpetit ion w hich ma y thw art ma rket share,S ustained slow do w n in key s eg m ent, Ra w m a teria l co st rise , Dela y in

    S KF Techno log ies ra m p up ma y d ela y loca lisa tion process a nd Forex

    Risk impa ct o n fina ncia l performa nce .

    (EBITDA:Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization; EPS:Earnings per sha re; P/E:Price -to -ea rning s; EV:Enterprise va lue; RoNW:Returnon net worth; RoCE: Return on Capital Employed; FII: Foreign InstitutionalInvestors; DII:Do m es tic Ins titutio na l Inves tors)

    Key Financials

    Valuations Summary

    Stock Data

    November 2014

    Net s ales ( cro re) 2,246.4 2,446.8 2,802.4 3,266.5

    EBITDA ( crore) 261.4 318.9 376.2 453.1

    Net pro fit ( cro re) 166.7 223.4 263.6 318

    CY13 CY14E CY15E CY16E




    `EPS ( ) 31.6 42.4 50 60.3

    P/E (x) 39.7 29.6 25.1 20.8

    Ta rg et P/E (x) 45.8 34.2 28.9 24

    EV /EBITDA (x) 23.9 19.2 16 12.9

    P/BV (x) 5.2 4.7 4.2 3.7

    Ro NW (%) 13 15.9 16.7 17.6

    Ro CE (%) 16.6 18.9 20.2 21.7

    CY13 CY14E CY15E CY16E

    Ma rket ca pita liza tion ( cro re) 6,620

    To ta l debt (CY13) ( crore) 0

    Ca sh a nd inves tm ents (CY13) ( crore) 376

    Enterprise va lue ( crore) 6,244

    52-w eek Hig h/Lo w ( ) 1,248/511

    Eq uity ca pita l ( crore) 52.7

    Fa ce va lue ( ) 10

    FII ho ld ing (%) 15.5

    DII ho ld ing (%) 17.1








  • 8/10/2019 market money manager




    ICICIdirect M oney Manager

    L&T: Best w ay to capture capex recovery cycle

    Company Background

    Investment Rationale

    After being incorporated in1938, La rsen & To ubro (L&T)h a s c o m e a l o n g w a y t ob e c o m e I n d i a 's l a r g e s tengineering and construction(E&C) co m pa ny. The co m pa nyh a s b u s i n e s s i n t e r e s t s i n

    e n g i n e e r i n g , c o n s t r u c t i o n ,manufac tur ing , in format iont e c h n o l o g y a n d f i n a n c i a ls e r v i c e s . C o n s i d e r e d t h eb e l l w e t h e r o f t h e I n d i a ne n g i n e e r i n g s e c t o r , i t i sr e n o w n e d f o r i t s s t r o n gexecu t ion capab i l i t i e s andp r o f e s s i o n a l m a n a g e m e n t .The compa ny com ma nds adominant presence in India'si n f r a s t r u c t u r e , p o w e r ,hydrocarbon, machinery andrailw a y rela ted projec ts. With ac u s t o m e r b a s e s p a n n i n g

    a c r o s s 3 0 c o u n t r i e s , t h ec o m p a n y h a s s i g n i f i c a n t l yincreased its global footprint,a long w ith a nota ble presencein t h e M i d d le E a s t . Th ec o m p a n y o p e r a t e s a c r o s sdif ferent business vert icalst h r o u g h t h e i n d e p e n d e n tcompanies .

    Proxy play on India Infrastructurestory

    L&T is the m o st d ive rsified

    eng ineering & infra structurede velo per in the co untry w ith apresence across all segmentsof infrastructure i.e. power,r o a d s , h y d r o c a r b o n s &process industries. It is alsoplanning to scale up in niche

    areas like defence, nuclearpo w er and shipbuilding , w hichhave the potent ia l to adds i g n i f ic a n t l y t o o v e r a l lrevenues in the next three tof i v e y e a r s ( f o r i n s t a n c e ,opening of defence foreigndirect investment (FDI) and

    o rdering ca n help L&T a chievesca le o f 5x in term s o f defences e g m e n t r e v e n u e s f r o mcurren t 1,000 cro re run ra te).Over the last couple of years,L&T ha s a dded ca pa city tomeet increasing volumes. For

    instance, the company hadadded 5,000 MW (MegaWatts)of power equipment facility,the heavy engineering facilityin Oman (FY10) and recentlyadded a complex shipbuildingfa cility. Hence, w e expect L&Tto register a revenue CAGR

    (compounded annual growthrate) of 16.58% in FY14-16E asit commands a s trong orderba cklo g o f 2,14,000 crore,thereby providing visibility for



    November 2014

  • 8/10/2019 market money manager




    ICICIdirect M oney Manager

    three ye a rs.

    I n Q 1 F Y 1 5 , h y d r o c a r b o nb us ine ss repo rted a n EBIT(earnings before interest andta xes) lo ss o f 942 cro re. Thisw a s m a inly due to co st/tim eo v e r r u n s i n M i d d l e E a s thydrocarbon orders to the

    tune o f 10,000 cro re. Themanagement expects theseorders to get executed byFY15E. How ever, in Q2FY15,the seg m ent reported a m inorlo ss o f 54 crore ind ica tingt h a t m o s t p r o v i s i o n s a r e

    pro vide d fo r a nd lo ss es w ill beco m pletely pro vided for in thenext s ix to n ine months .Hence, w e expect mo st of thepa in to be o ver by Q4FY15.

    We expect revenue CAGR of16.8% o ve r FY14-16E w hileE B I T D A ( e a r n i n g s b e f o r einterest, taxes, depreciation,and amortization) CAGR overthe sa m e period is expected a t13.4%. Hence, with operating

    leve rag e in p la y, our PAT (pro fita fter ta x) CAG R o ve r FY14-16Estands a t ~ 11% as w e havea ss ume d fla ttish o ther inco m e

    Ghost of hydrocarbon segmentlosses receding gradually

    Revenue and PAT to exhibit 16.8%and 11% CAGR in FY14-16E on pickup in execution, margin stabilit y




    component in FY16E overFY14 w hile d eprecia tio n a ndinterest costs are expected to

    exhibit a CAG R o f ~ 9% a nd3%, respectively. Hence, weexpect L&T's PAT to be a t6,461 crore in FY16E vs . 5,247cro re in Fy14.

    Concerns such as a depletingo rder bo o k in the po w er/hea vyengineering segment seem tobe abating as ordering trendsin H1FY15 for these segmentssee m s to be enco ura g ing . This,

    we believe will lead to robustrevenue booking over Fy1617E coupled with continueds t r o n g e x e c u t i o n o f t h einfrastructure segment. Event h e g h o s t o f h y d r o c a r b o nseems to be factored into thevaluation. We assign a target

    price o f 2,206 (24-m o nthsperspective) as we believe byDecember 2015, we will getclarity on the intensity of thecapex (capital expenditure)cycle recovery and marketswil l s tar t d iscount ing into

    F Y 1 7 E - 1 8 E e a r n i n g s a n dvisib ility. Thus , w e b eliev eL&T's is the bes t o ption to playthe capex recovery cycle inInd ia . We reco m m end 'Buy '.




    Worst seems to be getting over asFY16E to see robust execution;

    recommend 'Buy

    November 2014

  • 8/10/2019 market money manager




    ICICIdirect M oney Manager

    Key risks include:Dela y in m a cro ec ono m ic environm ent pickup, policyinaction and rising competitive intensity from domestic as well as

    Chinese a nd Korea n pla yers.

    (EBITDA:Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization; EPS:Ea rning s per sha re; P/E:Price -to -ea rning s; EV:Enterprise va lue; P/BV:Price -to -bo ok value; RoNW:Return on net w orth; RoCE:Return o n Capita l Em ploy ed ; DII:Do m es tic ins titution a l inve sto rs; FII:Fo reig n Ins titutio na l Inve sto rs)

    Key Financials

    Valuations Summary

    Stock Data

    November 2014

    Net sa les ( cro re) 60,874 66,580.2 74,114.5 90,823.8

    EBITDA ( cro re) 6,403.9 7,280.5 7,915.8 9,365.3

    Net pro fit ( cro re) 4,729.5 5,247.2 5,374.8 6,461.8

    EPS ( ) 51.1 56.7 58.1 69.9





    P/E (x) 32.3 29.1 28.4 23.6

    Ta rg et P/E (x) 18.9 17.1 16.7 13.9

    EV /EBITDA (x) 25.1 22.1 20.3 17.2

    P/BV (x) 5.2 4.7 4.2 3.8

    Ro NW (%) 16.2 16.2 14.9 16

    Ro CE (%) 14.8 15.1 14.8 16.2

    Ma rket ca pita liza tio n ( crore) 1,52,608.5

    Tota l d eb t (FY15E) ( cro re) 10,836.2

    Ca sh a nd inves tm ents (FY15E) ( crore) 2,799.3

    Enterprise va lue (EV) ( cro re) 16,0645.4

    52-w eek Hig h/Low ( ) 1.5

    Eq uity ca pita l ( cro re) 185

    Fa ce va lue ( ) 2DII ho ld ing (%) 36.6

    FII ho ld ing (%) 15.6








  • 8/10/2019 market money manager


    21ICICIdirect M oney Manager


    Tax implications of various investments

    One of the important aspects of investments, w hich, w e as investors oftenoverlook, is: Tax-eff iciency of returns. Tax ef fic iency is a measure of how

    much of an investment's return is left over after taxes are paid. Taxeffi ciency is essential in order to maximize net returns on our investments.As regards the return of investment, one needs to consider the real netreturns and not gross returns. There are various tax implications, asregards to returns on investments, w hich one needs to consider beforeinvesting, says CA Dhananjay J. Gokhale. A basic understanding ofinvestment income and taxes can go a long w ay in helping you build a tax-

    efficient portfolio. M r. Gokhale takes us through the various avenues ofinvestments across asset classes, in the light of tax implicat ions. Read on.


    Stocks (Equity and Preference


    There are tw o types o f inco m e

    which are earned from stock,

    viz., Dividend and /or Capital

    G a in /(Lo ss ) w hen the s toc k is


    As regards the tax aspect ond i v i d e n d o n s h a r e s o f

    d o m e s t ic c o m p a n y , t h e

    dividend is not taxable in the

    hands of the investor as the

    c o m p a n y p a y s d iv id e n d

    d is trib utio n ta x o r DDT a t

    17.65% on the same. (It Was

    15% up to S eptem ber 30, 2014

    and has been increased to17.65% w.e.f . October 01,

    2014). For d eta ils o n DDT,

    please refer Section 115O of

    Inc o m e Ta x Act, 1961.

    When a sto ck is s o ld, the s a m e

    is considered as capital gain

    except in case wherein the

    investment is made in the

    co urse o f busines s o f tra ding in

    s e c u r i t i e s a n d n o t a s a n

    inves tmen t. As reg a rds the tax

    a spec t on G a in /(Lo ss ) o n sa le

    o f sto ck the perio d o f hold ing isimportant to determine the

    taxa b ility o f the inco m e, w hich

    w ill be c lea r fro m the follo w ing


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    CA Dhananjay J. Gokhale

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    Type of securit y Period ofholding

    Type of capitalgain / (loss)


    Equity sha res /


    shares w hich are


    Up to 12


    S h o rt -t e rm

    ca pital ga in /

    (lo ss ) a t


    Ta xa b le

    More tha n 12

    months Lo ng -t e rm

    ca pital ga in /

    (lo ss )

    Not Ta xa b le if


    t ran sac t ion t ax

    (STT) paidTa xa b le if S TT is

    not pa id

    Equity sha res /


    shares w hich are

    no t listed

    Up to 36


    S ho rt -t erm

    ca pital ga in /


    Ta xa b le

    More tha n 36


    Long -term

    ca pital ga in /(loss)

    Ta xa b le

    There a re va rio us a venues to prudently s a ve the ta xa ble lo ng -

    term c a pital g a ins, w hich a re a s follo w s:

    Section Part iculars Amount / Limitat ions

    54F If net co nsidera tio n is

    inves ted in residential ho use

    property purcha sed eitherbefore one yea r or w ithin

    two years or constructed

    w ithin three y ea rs

    The b enefit ca nnot b e a vailed

    if the assess ee ow ns more

    than o ne house property(other than the ne w ly

    acquired /constructed

    property) as on the d ate o f

    ca pital ga in

    If the a mo unt is n ot utilise dfor purcha se /construction

    of house property by the end

    of the fina ncial yea r, the

    same needs to be deposited

    in Capital Gain Sc hem eAcco unt on or before the due

    da te o f filing Incom e Ta x


    54EC If a m ount o f ca pita l g ain is

    inves ted in spe cifiedsecurities

    Rs. 50 lakh

    Employee Stock Option Plans(ESOPs):

    To d a y , t h e r e a r e m a n y

    co rporates w ho o ffer ES OPs to

    its employees wherein the

    employees are rewarded by

    o f f e r i n g a s t a k e i n t h e

    ow nership of the co m pany.

    As reg a rds the ta xa b ility o f the

    ESOPs, when an employee

    exercises the option under

    ES OP, i.e., w hen he s ubs cribes

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    to the eq uity s ha res (se curities )

    o f the c o m pa ny, his ta xa b ility is

    dependent on the Fair Market

    Va lue (FMV) a s o n the da te o fexercising the o ptio n:

    (I) If the FMV is lo w er tha n the

    exe rcise price , the d ifference is

    taxable in the hands of the

    em ploy ee a s a perq uisite and is

    considered as Income from

    S ala ry a nd taxed a cco rding ly;(ii) If the FMV is highe r tha n the

    exercise price, generally the

    employee does not exercise

    the option to subscribe the

    equity shares. In case if it is

    exercised, there is no tax


    When equity acquired under

    ESOPs are sold, the same are

    governed by the regulations

    applicable to equity shares,

    except that the cost price is

    required to be considered as

    F M V o r e x e r c i s e p r i c ew h i c h e v e r i s h i g h e r

    (presuming that the taxability

    o f the sa m e is ta ken ca re o f a t

    the time of exercising the

    option as stated in the above



    The transa ctio ns in deriva tives

    a r e n o t c o n s i d e r e d a s

    S pec u la t ive Trans a c t io ns

    w.e.f. financial year 2005-06,

    thanks to the provisions of

    F i n a n c e A c t , 2 0 0 5 . T h e

    classification of income fromderivatives as capital gain or

    business income depends on

    various factors in relation to

    the asse ssee such as :

    (I) I n t e n t i o n b e h i n d

    undertaking tra nsa ctio ns

    (ii) Freq uency o f tra nsa ctio ns(iii) Holding perio d

    (iv) Vo lum e o f trans a ctio n

    However, as all the above

    fac tors a re sub jec tive in na ture,

    there is always a grey area to

    d e t e r m i n e t h e n a t u r e o f

    i n c o m e f r o m d e r i v a t i v e stra nsa ctio ns. In ca se if the s a id

    i n c o m e i s c o n s i d e r e d a s

    b u s i n e s s i n c o m e , t h e

    com pliance of tax a udit needs

    to be kept in mind, if the

    t u r n o v e r ( w h i c h i s g r o s s

    summation of profit and lossfrom derivative transactions),

    excee ds 1 crore during a

    financial year and in other

    ca ses , co m pliance w ith section

    44AD need s to be ens ured .

    Equity M utual Funds:

    There are tw o types o f inco m e

    w hich a re ea rned from eq uity-

    oriented mutual funds, viz.,

    Dividend (in case of dividend


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    o ptio n) a nd /o r Ca pita l Ga in/

    L o s s w h e n t h e u n i t s a r e


    As regards the tax aspect ond ividend (inco m e) fro m eq uity-

    oriented mutual funds, the

    dividend is not taxable in the

    hands of the investor as the

    m utual fund pa ys DDT a t

    14.28% on the same (Note:

    1 4 . 2 8 % i s f o r i n d i v i d u a l

    investors and for others it is42.86%). Fo r deta ils o n DDT,

    please refer Section 115R of

    Inc o m e Ta x Act, 1961.

    When mutual fund units are sold or redeemed, the same is

    considered as capital gain, which is subject to taxability asfollows:

    Type ofsecurity

    Period ofholding

    Type of capitalgain / (loss)




    mutual funds

    w he re in S TT

    is paid

    Up to

    12 months

    S h o rt -t e rm

    ca pital ga in /


    Ta xa b le

    More tha n 12


    Lo ng -t e rm

    ca pital ga in /


    No t t a x a b le



    mutual fundsw he re in S TT

    is no t paid

    Up to

    36 months

    S h o rt -t e rm

    ca pital ga in /


    Ta xa b le

    More tha n 36months

    Lo ng -t e rmca pital ga in /


    Ta xa b le

    Further, in case if an assessee

    i n v e s t s i n E q u i t y L i n k e dS a v i n g s S c h e m e ( E L S S )

    m utual funds , the investm ent is

    elig ib le for ded uctio n fro m his

    taxa ble inco m e to the extent o f

    1,50,000 (Refer se ctio n 80C ofInc o m e Ta x Act, 1961) w ith a

    lock-in period of three years

    fro m the d a te of inves tme nt.


    Fo llo w ing tab le w ill g ive a co m pa ra tive s tatistics a s reg a rds the

    various angles related to tax implications w.r.t . growth and

    reg ula r (d ividend ) o ptio n o f eq uity m utual fund s.

    Holding periodw herein STT is paid

    Equity mutualfund Grow th Equity mut ual fund DividendDividend Principal amount

    Up to 12 m onths Ta xa ble a s sho rt-

    term ca pital ga in

    a t 15%

    DDT p aid by MF

    a t 14.28% Ta xa ble a s s ho rt-term

    ca pital ga in at 15%

    More than 12 months Not taxable

    DDT pa id by MF a t


    Not ta xab le

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    Thus , a n inve s to r sho u ld

    prudently choose the type of

    scheme, depending on his

    taxa ble inco m e and a pplica ble

    tax b ra cket.

    Raj iv Gandhi Equi ty Savings

    Scheme (RGESS):

    The scheme w as launched a s anew t ax advan t age s av ing

    sche m e for eq uity inves tors in

    India, who are first time retail

    investors in securities market.

    Under the s chem e a n investor

    w a s a l l o w e d t o i n v e s t a

    m a xim um a m o unt o f 50,000

    per f inancial year and was

    eligible for 50% deduction

    fro m his ta xa b le inco m e. The

    sa id schem e ca n be a vailed b y

    t h e i n v e s t o r f o r t h r e e

    consecut ive years and the

    gains arising out the scheme

    ca n b e rea lized a fter one y ea r.

    The s a id sc hem e is a pplica b le

    for inves tors w i th annua linco m e no t m o re than 12 la kh

    per a nnum.



    The ta xa b ility o f inco m e (in the

    fo rm o f divide nd /g a in a rising

    out of redemption of units) is

    same as in case of equity

    m utual funds .

    Uni t L inked Insurance P lans

    (ULIPs)/ Unit Linked Pension Plan

    (ULPPs)/ National Pension System


    The inves tment m a de unde r

    ULIP a s w ell a s ULPP/NPS , is

    eligible for deduction from

    taxable income, under section

    80C to the extent o f 1,50,000

    per annum. (In case of NPS,

    eligible for deduction under

    se ctio n 80CCD to the extent o f

    1,00,000 w ithin o ve r a ll lim it

    o f 1,50,000 und er se ctio n

    80CCE). However, as regards

    the taxa bility fro m enca shm ent

    of the same, one needs to

    check various aspects which

    a r e s u m m a r is e d in t h e

    fo llo w ing tab le:




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    Type ofinvestment

    Event f orencashment

    Taxability Condit ions

    ULIP Dea th o f po licy


    Not ta xab le in

    the hands o f the


    S urrender of

    p olicy b efore


    Not ta xab le in

    the hands o f the


    If pa id for five


    Ta xa ble in the

    hands o f the


    If no t pa id for

    five years

    S urrender ofp olicy a t the

    time of m a turity

    Not ta xab le inthe hands o f the


    ULPP Dea th o f po licy


    Not ta xab le in

    the hands o f the


    S urrender of

    policy before


    Benefit availed

    under sec tion

    80C w ill be

    reversed and

    the surrender

    va lue w ill berequired to be

    offered to ta x

    S urrender ofpolicy at the

    time of m a turity

    1/3 rd

    of thesurrender value

    is tax -free and

    ba lance 2/3 rd

    needs to be

    used for

    purc ha s e of

    annuity plan

    NPS Dea th o f po licy


    Not ta xab le in

    the hands o f the


    Clos ure or

    opting out of the

    scheme o r


    received from

    annuity plan


    Ta xa ble

    As regards NPS, there is an

    additional benefit available forem plo ye es w hich is in a dd itio n

    to the overall ceiling of

    1,50,000 und er s ec tio n 80CCE,

    wherein the contribution is


    m a d e b y a n e m p l o y e r t o

    a cco unt of an em ploy ee underNPS , sub jec t to a ce iling o f 10%

    employee ' s s a l a ry w i l l be

    elig ib le fo r deductio n fro m his

    taxable income. (Please refer

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    sub-sect ion (2) of sect ion

    80CCD o f Inc o m e Ta x Act, 1961

    f o r m o r e d e t a i l s o n t h i s

    a dd itio na l benefit).

    Bank Fixed Deposits (Fds):Therea r e n o t a x - i n c e n t i v e s f o r

    i n v e s t m e n t i n b a n k f i x e d

    deposits (FDs) except for Fds

    kept with a scheduled bankw ith a lo ck-in pe rio d o f not les s

    t h a n f i v e y e a r s , w h e r e i n

    ded uctio n und er sec tio n 80C is

    available. However, such tax-

    benefit FDs are subjected to

    certain conditions like lock-in

    perio d o f at lea st five y ea rs, noa d v a n c e s c a n b e g r a n t e d

    against security of these Fds.

    A s r e g a r d s t h e i n t e r e s t

    received on bank FDs, the


    sa m e is taxa ble in the hands of

    the assesse e.

    Corporate Fixed Deposit s (Fds):

    The inves tme nt in c o rpo rate

    fixed deposits (FDs) does not

    of fer any t ax benef i t . As

    regards the interest received

    on co rporate FDs, the s a m e is

    taxable in the hands of the

    assessee.Debentures / Non-Convert ib leDebentures (NCDs):

    The inve s tment in Deb entures

    /NCDs d oe s no t offer any ta x

    bene fit. As reg a rds the interest

    rece ived on Debentures /NCDs, the same is taxable in

    the hands of the ass essee.

    Debt M utual Funds (Including FixedM aturit y Plans or FM Ps):

    The inves tme nt in d eb t mutual funds do es no t offer any tax

    benefit . As regards the taxability of the income earned on thede bt m utua l funds , the ta xa bility is a s per fo llo w ing tab le:

    Holding period Debt mutualfund Grow th

    Debt mutual f und Dividend

    Dividend Principalamount

    U p t o 36 m o nths

    Ta xa b le a s


    ca pital ga in

    DDT pa id by MF

    at 33.33%

    (42.86% if the

    inves tor is o ther

    tha n Ind ividua l)

    Ta xa b le a s


    ca pital ga in

    More tha n 36


    Ta xa b le a s


    ca pital gain at

    20% after


    DDT pa id by MF

    a t


    Ta xab le a s lon g-

    term capital

    gain at 20%after indexa tion

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    PPF/ EPF/ KVP/ NSC/ SCSS/ Other Post Off ice Savings Schemes:

    There a re va rio us o ther avenues fo r inves tmen ts w hich a re

    fixed-income generating and the taxability w.r.t. the same is

    g iven in the follo w ing tab le:

    Type ofinvestment

    Tax benefitavailable oninvestment

    Taxabilit y onincome earned

    Taxabilit y onw ithdraw al of

    principal amount

    Public P rovident

    Fund (PPF)

    Eligible for

    ded uction unde r

    se ction 80C

    w ithin ov erall

    limit of Rs.

    1,50,000 p.a.

    Ta x -free Ta x -free


    Providen t Fund


    Eligible for

    d ed uc tio n un d er

    se ction 80C

    w ithin ov erall

    limit of Rs.

    1,50,000 p.a.

    Ta x -free

    Tax -free,

    provide d the

    em ploye e is in

    em ploym ent for

    a continuous

    period of no t

    less than five

    yea rs, o therw ise


    Kisa n Vika sPatra (KVP)

    No b ene fit

    Ta xa ble

    Not ta xab le


    S a v ings



    Eligible for

    ded uction unde r

    se ction 80C

    w ithin ov erall

    limit of Rs.

    1,50,000 p.a.

    Ta xa ble but

    elig ib le for


    under sec tion


    Not ta xab le

    Senior Citizen

    Sa vings Scheme


    Eligible for

    ded uction unde r

    se ction 80Cw ith in overall

    limit of Rs.

    1,50,000 p.a.

    Ta xa ble

    Not ta xab le

    Five -yea r t ime

    depo sit w ith

    Post Office

    Eligible for

    ded uction unde r

    se ction 80C

    w ithin ov erall

    limit of Rs.

    1,50,000 p.a.

    Ta xa ble

    Not ta xab le

    RecurringDeposit (RD) /

    Monthly Incom e

    S che me (MIS )w ith Pos t Office

    No benefit Ta xa ble Not ta xa ble

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    Savings Bank Account:

    The interest ea rned o n sa ving s

    bank account in excess of

    10,000 p.a. is taxable in the

    h a n d s o f t h e i n d i v i d u a l

    (Deduction to the extent of

    10 ,000 is ava i lab le under

    section 80TTA o f Inco m e Ta x

    Act, 1961). In case if the

    amount of interest does not

    excee d 10,000, the sa m e is

    no t taxa ble in the hand s o f the





    Liquid M utual Funds:

    Th e in v e s t m e n t in liq u id

    mutual funds does not offer

    a ny ta x be nefit . Ho w ever, thes e

    mutua l funds a re popula r

    amongs t the inves tors for

    parking of surplus funds and

    e a r n b e t t e r r e t u r n s a s

    compared to short-term fixed

    depo sits of ba nks and also due

    to very lower or nil exit load

    charge d b y the m utual funds.

    As regards the taxability of the income earned on the liquid

    m utual funds , the taxa b ility is a s pe r follo w ing tab le:

    Holding period Liquid mutualfundsGrow th

    Liquid mut ual f undsDividendDividend


    Up to 36 months

    Ta xa b le a s

    s ho rt -t erm

    ca pital ga in

    DDT pa id by MF

    a t


    (42.86% if th e

    inves tor is o ther

    tha n Ind ividua l)

    Ta xa b le a s

    s ho rt -te rm

    ca pital ga in

    More tha n 36


    Ta xa b le a s

    long -term

    ca pital ga in at

    20% after



    paid b y MF

    a t


    Ta xab le a s lon g-

    term capital

    gain at 20%after indexation


    In In d i a , a l m o s t e v e r y

    household invests in gold in

    v a r i o u s f o r m s ( t h o u g h

    traditionally is purchased inphysical form) and at various


    Inves tment in g o ld in a ny o f the

    following forms attracts same

    tax treatment w.e.f. FY: 2014-


    I) Phys ica l Fo rm

    ii) G o ld Exc ha ng e Tra d e dFunds (ETFs)

    iii) Go ld Mutua l Funds

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    Holding period Taxability Taxrate

    U p to 36 m o nths

    Ta xa ble a s s ho rt term

    ca pital ga in

    Will be clubbe d a lon gw ith the o vera ll

    incom e, thus,

    app licab le ta x bracketdepending on the

    taxa ble inco me o f the


    Mo re tha n 36 m onths Ta xa ble a s long -term

    ca pital ga in20% after indexation

    There a re va rio us a venues to prudently s a ve the ta xab le lo ng -

    term ca pital g a in, w hich a re a s follo w s:

    Section Part iculars Amount / Limitat ions54F If net considera tion is

    inves ted in res ide ntia l ho use

    property purcha sed eitherbefore o ne yea r or within

    tw o yea rs or constructedw ithin three yea rs .

    The be nefit can no t be a va iledif the as sesse e ow ns more

    than one house property(other than the new ly

    acquired /constructedproperty) a s o n the da te ofca pital ga in

    If the a mo unt is n ot utilise dfor purcha se /construction

    of house property by the endof the fina ncial yea r, the

    sam e needs to b e depositedin Capita l Ga in S chem e

    Acco unt on o r before the dueda te o f filing Inco me Ta x


    54EC If a m ount o f ca pita l g a in is

    inves ted in sp ecifiedsecurities

    Rs. 50 lakh


    Physical Property:

    The ta xa b ility o f inco m e from

    inves tment in rea l es t a t e

    ( p h y s i c a l i n v e s t m e n t ) i s

    considered as Income from

    House Property and taxed

    according to the provisions

    und er Inco m e Ta x.

    As reg a rds the g a ins a rising o ut of sa le o f physica l pro perty, the

    tax incidence a nd a venues o f sa ving of tax are as follow s:

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    Type of security Period of holding* Type of capitalgain / (loss)


    i) Residential

    house property

    ii) La nd use d for




    to 36


    S h o rt -t e rm

    ca pital ga in /


    Ta xa ble

    More tha n 36


    Lo ng -t e rm

    ca pital ga in /

    (lo s s )

    Ta xa ble

    *To b e ca lcula ted from the da te of pos se ss ion o f the ho use prope rty a nd no t

    from the date of purchas e ag reem ent

    There a re va rio us a venues to prudently sa ve the ta xab le lo ng-

    term ca pital g a in, w hich a re a s follo w s:

    Section Type of capital gain Particulars Amount / Limitations

    54 Residentia l

    house property

    If am ount o f capital

    g a in is invested in

    residential house

    property purcha sed

    either before one

    yea r or within tw oyea rs o r

    con structed w ithin

    three ye ars

    No limit

    If the a mo unt is no t

    ut ilised for purcha se

    /co ns truction of

    house property by

    the end o f the

    fina ncial yea r, the

    sam e needs to be

    deposited in CapitalGain Scheme

    Acco unt on or be fore

    the d ue d ate of filing

    Inc o m e Ta x return

    54B La nd used fo r



    If am ount o f capital

    g a in is invested in

    land to be used for


    purpos e w ithin tw o

    yea rs from the date

    of trans fer

    The land so ld s ho uld

    have b een used for

    a g ricultural purpos e

    for tw o yea rs


    preceding the da te

    on w hich tran sfer

    too k pla ce

    If th e amo unt is notutilise d fo r purcha se

    /co ns truction of

    house property by

    the end o f the

    fina ncial yea r, the

    sam e needs to be

    deposited in Capital

    Ga in SchemeAcco unt on or be fore

    the d ue d ate of filing

    Inc o m e Ta x return

    54EC If a m ount o f ca pita l

    ga in is invested in

    spe cified se curities

    Rs. 50 la kh

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    Real Estate Investment Trusts(REITs):

    The recent a nno uncem ent by

    the Securities and ExchangeBoard o f Ind ia (SEBI) a s

    reg a rds g uide lines fo r crea tio n

    o f REITs, it is expected tha t it

    would be a new investment

    a venue for avid investors w ho

    are on the look-out for non-

    t r a d i t i o n a l i n v e s t m e n ta v e n u e s . H o w e v e r , t h e

    suc ce ss o f REITs w o uld la rge ly

    depend on the w ay the scheme

    are drafted and launched. As

    regards the taxability of the

    REITs , pre s um ing tha t the

    same are launched as mutualfund s , is likely to be in line w ith

    non-equity mutual funds. But

    one needs to wai t and watch

    for the REITs to be la unched to

    understand the nitty-gritty of



    Art Effects /Private Equity (PE)/Venture Capi tal :

    Th e s e a re u n c o n v e n t io n a l

    i n v e s t m e n t a v e n u e s , n o t

    s u i t a b l e f o r r i s k - a v e r s e

    i n v e s t o r s , t h a n k s t o t h e

    illiquidity of such investments

    and uncerta inty of income

    generation on the same. As

    r e g a r d s t h e i n c o m e

    generat ion, the same may be

    genera ted in the form o f

    d ividend o n P riva te Eq uity (PE)

    in v e s t m e n t s , w h ic h h a s

    taxa b ility s im ila r to d ividend o n

    equity shares, which is not

    taxable in the hands of theinvestor. As regards income

    received on Venture Capital,

    the taxability depends on the

    nature of instruments as to

    w hether the sa m e is in the fo rm

    of units of mutual fund, or

    eq uity o r deb entures.The ta xa b ility o n sa le o f inve s tments m a de in Art (effects ), Priva te

    Eq uity a nd Venture Ca pita l (w hether in the form o f units, eq uity o r

    de be ntures) is a s fo llo w s:

    Holding Period Taxability Tax Rate

    U p to 36 m o nths

    Ta xa ble a s s ho rt-term

    ca pital ga in

    Will be clubbe d a lon gw ith the o vera ll

    incom e, thus,applicable tax bracket

    depending on the

    taxa ble inco me o f the


    Mo re tha n 36 m onths Ta xa ble as lo ng -term

    ca pital ga in

    20% after indexation

  • 8/10/2019 market money manager


    33ICICIdirect M oney Manager


    November 2014

    There a re va rio us a venues to prudently s a ve the ta xa ble lo ng -

    term c a pital g a in, w hich a re a s follo w s:

    Section Part iculars Amount / Limitations

    54F If net cons idera tion isinvested in residential house

    property purcha sed either

    before on e yea r or w ithin

    tw o yea rs or constructed

    w ithin three y ea rs

    The b enefit ca nnot b e a vailedif the assess ee ow ns more

    than o ne ho use property

    (other than the ne w ly

    acquired /constructed

    property) as on the d ate o f

    ca pital ga in

    If the

    a mo unt is no t utilise d

    for purcha se /construction

    of house property by the end

    of the fina ncial yea r, thesam e needs to b e deposited

    in Capital Ga in S chem e

    Acco unt on or before the due

    da te o f filing Inco m e Ta x


    54EC If a m o unt o f ca pita l g ain is

    inves ted in spec ified


    Rs. 50 la kh

    Portfolio Management Services(PMS):

    The ta xa b ility o f inve stm ents

    made under PMS depend on

    the intention of the investor,

    i.e. , w hether the sa m e is to b e

    trea ted a s b usiness incom e o r

    ca pital g a in. Depend ing o n the

    intentio n o f the investo r (w hichis a sub jec tive c o nce pt), the tax

    incidence on such transaction

    needs to be determined as

    stated earlier in relevant type

    o f se curities (depe nd ent on the

    type o f investm ent, viz., eq uity,

    deb entures, etc.).Note:The implication of tax on various aspects of investment is a vastsubject and is dependent on case to case basis. This article is limited t o theextent of having an overview of the same. It m ay be noted that the reader ofthe article is expected to take a decision only after consulting an expert in thefield of taxation and not depending on the contents of t his article. This articleis not an expression of an opinion by t he author, and in no m anner is intended

    to provide guidance to the investor in w hat so ever manner. The decision ofinvestm ent m ade by the reader of the article should be m ade at his ow n riskand w ithout any recourse to the author of this article.

    Plea se send yo ur feedba ck to m oney ma nag er@

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    34ICICIdirect M oney Manager

    'Remain focused on long-term asset allocation'

    Indian macro has stabil ized and has become more support ive for economicgrow th, says Pankaj M urarka, Head Equity, Ax is M utual Fund in aninterview w ith ICICIdirect M oney M anager. He advises investors toremain focused on their long-term asset allocation and not make too manyfrequent adjustments based on recent market actions.

    Pankaj M urarka,

    Head Equity,

    Ax is M utual Fund




    M a r k e t s s e e m t o b e i nconsolidation mode, after sharp

    gains in the recent past. How do yousee them t rending in the near term?W hat are the risks to the market?

    We do not take a view onma rkets in the short-term a s w edo not think it is possible top r e d i c t s h o r t - t e r m m a r k e t

    movements.The key risk to the ma rket overthe medium-term is linked toexecution by the government.Market expects the g overnme nt

    t o i m p l e m e n t g r o w t h -enhancing policies over thenext 6-12 months .

    Do valuations look ex pensive? Va lua tions a re a round the

    fa ir-va lue ra ng e. How ever, itsho uld b e noted that co rporateea rning s a re a t the low -end o fth e cyc l e an d an y g row threbo und should lea d to a strongea rnings bo os t .

    How is the economic situationlooking like?

    Indian macro has stabilizeda n d h a s b e c o m e m o r es u p p o r t i v e f o r e c o n o m i cg row th . Wh i l e g row th h asrevived, it remains weak and

    uneven. It will take a couple ofyea rs for the econo my to mo veto a decisively higher growthpath and government policieswill be crucial to decide thetrajectory.

    How are September quarterearnings looking like? What is the

    road ahead for corporate earnings?

    In the absence of a broadba sed reco very s o fa r, Ea rningsactivi ty is extremely stock-s p e c i f ic . H i g h e r q u a l i t y






    November 2014

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    35ICICIdirect M oney Manager


    November 2014

    companies have been able toma inta in/g row profits but ma nyo th e r compan i e s h av e g o ti m p a c t e d b y t h e w e a keconomy. On a consolidatedbasis, earnings-to-GDP (grossdomestic product) ratio is farlower than the level seen in2007. Susta ined revival ing row th sho uld provide a strongbo os t to e arnings .

    Which sectors are you favoringcurrently and w hy?

    Ra ther than look ing a ts e c t o r s , o u r a p p r o a c h h a salways been to look at qualitycompanies across sectors thato f f e r g o o d m e d i u m - t e r mearn ings g rowth prospects .

    From a portfolio perspective,over the last few months, wehave run a higher exposure tocy clica l sto cks tha t a re expose dto the economic recovery. Webelieve that the economy hasbottomed and the revival overthe m ed ium term w ill provide a

    big bo os t to q uality stoc ks tha tca n ta ke ad vantag e of the sa me.

    The Reserve Bank of India (RBI)has maintained status quo in itsrecent monetary policy. By w hen doyou see the interest rates easing?

    Inflation is on a weakening

    trend a nd the RBI sho uld b e a bleto comfortably meet its glidepa th targ et in J a nua ry 2015. Weexpect policy rates to be cutover the ne xt 6-12 m onths .


    A :






    A :

    How do you see the currencyreacting to the expected Fed act ionin 2015?

    Given the stability in Indianmacro situation, the economyshould not face any disruptiverisk from any rate hikes by theFed. Some points to note arethe significant fall in currentaccount deficit (CAD), higherforex (FX) reserves, one of the

    h i g h e s t i n t e r e s t r a t e s i nem erg ing m a rkets, a nd b eing a ta d i f f e r e n t s t a g e i n t h eeconomic cycle compared tothe US .

    W hat is your advice for investorsat this point in terms of their overallportfolio and asset allocation?

    Investors should remainfocused on their long-termasset allocation and not maketoo ma ny freq uent adjustmentsba sed on recent ma rket ac tions .G oing forw a rd, from a med ium-to-long term perspective, bothequity and fixed-income seemt o b e p o i s e d t o g e n e r a t er e a s o n a b l e r e t u r n s f o rinves tors. Inves tors s hould onlylook at quality portfolios andavoid making large allocationsto na rrow stra tegies.

    The views expressed in the interview

    are personal view s of the authors anddo not necessarily represent the view sof ICICI Securi ties.

  • 8/10/2019 market money manager


    36ICICIdirect M oney Manager


    Sw itching your investment options



    Our Group Superannuat ion Fund

    is managed by ICICI Prudential LifeInsurance for the last 7 years. Wehave been given a choice to selectthe fund and I have chosen 'ShortT e r m D e b t F u n d ' f r o m t h ebeginning. We have the option ofsw itc hing to Tradit ion Plan /

    Balanced Plan / Grow th Plan. Is itadvisable to sw itch it to Traditionalplan / Balanced Plan for a betterreturn w ith minimal risk? M y age is47.

    - Sivaramakrishnan KG

    S ho rt Term Deb t Fund s a re

    ideal for investing for shorter

    term i.e. less than 1 year.

    Staying invested in them for a

    per iod o f 7 years i s not

    advisable. If your horizon is

    lo ng i.e.15 yea rs o r mo re, yo u

    s h o u l d c o n s i d e r i n v e s t i n g

    some por t ion in to equi ty-oriented funds. Now that you

    are 47 and might retire in the

    next 10-12 years, you can still

    consider investing into equity

    for below reas ons:

    One, your provident fund

    a l r e a d y i n v e s t s i n t o d e b tinstruments and will be a

    s i g n i f i c a n t p a r t o f y o u r

    retirem ent co rpus. Tw o , the

    provident fund accumulation

    ca n b e utilized for fund ing yo urinitial post-retirement years,

    say 10 to 15 years, depending

    on the a ccumulation and yo ur

    p o s t - r e t i r e m e n t e x p e n s e s .

    This m ea ns tha t yo ur o ther

    investments ca n sta y invested

    into eq uity - o rientedins trum ents for this pe rio d too ,

    adding to the 10-12 years left

    no w fo r retirem ent.

    S ince the numb er of years yo ur

    other investments can stay

    invested is over 15-20 years,

    yo u ca n co nsider sw itching thefunds even to Growth Plan.

    Growth Plan carries risk, but

    the risk can get minimized if

    yo u ho ld it ove r a lo ng er perio d

    o f tim e (15-20 yea rs).

    A l s o , w h i l e s w i t c h i n g t o

    Growth Plan, it is suggestedno t to s w itch the entire a m o unt

    in lum p sum , ra ther it is b etter

    to switch systematically on a

    regular basis, say, once in a

    month or quarter, depending

    o n ho w it is a llo w ed fo r yo u in

    your Superannuation Fund.This w ill he lp in a verag ing the

    en try po int into eq uity.

    I am a ret ired employee aged 60Q:

    November 2014

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    37ICICIdirect M oney Manager


    years. My requirement of housing,medical and monthly income istaken care of. I w ould like to invest

    part of my retirement corpus ofaround 30 lakh in mutual fundsw ith follow ing object ives: To beatthe inflation and grow the corpus intax-eff icient manner in next five seven years.

    Since investing big amount of

    money through SIP route is notpossible in a short time, please letme know if it is a good idea to investin lump sum in mutual funds atcurrent levels. Please suggestfunds for investment keeping myprofile in mind.

    - Manjunath

    In o rder to b ea t infla tio n a nd

    grow tax-efficient corpus, the

    best option is to invest into

    equity. However, i t is not

    advisable to invest lump sum

    amount in equity, given its

    i n h e r e n t v o l a t i l e n a t u r e .

    Hence, it is best to invest

    systematically, either through

    SIP (systematic investment

    p la n ) o r S TP (s y s t e m a t ic

    tra ns fer pla n).

    If you invest through SIP, the

    entire a m o unt w o uld be kept in

    sa ving s ba nk ac co unt, ea rning

    you a nominal rate of return.

    Instead, you may shift the



    entire amount in liquid funds,

    w hich w ill provide better return

    than sa ving s b a nk a cco unt.

    Yo u ca n then sta rt an S TP fro mliquid mutual fund, which will

    systematically transfer a fixed

    a m o u n t f r o m y o u r l i q u i d

    m utual fund into e q uity m utual

    fund regular ly , s ay , every

    month. However, the gains

    from your liquid mutual fundsha ll be a dd ed to y our incom e

    a nd w ill be taxa ble a s per yo ur

    incom e sla b.

    Let's sa y yo u inve s t 30 la kh

    into liquid mutual funds and

    sta rt do ing a n S TP o f 1.50

    lakh per month into equitym utua l funds fro m next mo nth

    onw a rds . Yo u w ould ha ve

    transferred the entire amount

    into e q uity funds o ver the next

    22 m o nths a ppro xim a tely. The

    gain booked from the liquid
