ADORATION Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday of the month 8:30am to 12:00pm and 6:00pm to 7:00pm. PARISH LIFE Baptism Celebrated at 12:45pm on the last Sunday of the month. Baptism Prep. is the 2nd Thursday of the month. Registration is required and all paperwork must be com- pleted prior to the confirmed baptism date. Marriage Six months’ notice is required. Funerals Please contact a priest prior to making funeral arrangements. Anointing of the Sick If you or a family member are admitted to a hospital or other care facility and you wish to have a priest visit, call the parish office. Privacy legisla- tion restricts the information that can be given to us by the facility. Outreach Inform the office if you are not able to regularly attend Mass and would like to receive Holy Communion at home. Lost & Found Items can be claimed at the entrance to the Church. 8909 Mary St , Chilliw ack, BC V2P 4J4 Ph o n e 604.792.2764 Fax 604.792.3013 Pastor: Rev. Wilfred Gomes Assistant Pastor: Rev. Mark McGuckin Website: www.stmarysparish.ca Email: [email protected] Parish Office Hours: Mon. to Fri. 8am - noon & 1pm - 4pm Parish secretaries: Lori Lollar and Cindy Duralia St. Mary’s Elementary School Acting Principal: Mrs. Jeanine Sallos Phone: 604.792.7715 Fax 604.792.7031 Email:[email protected] St. Mary’s School Website: www.saintmarysschool.ca St. John Brebeuf High School Website: www.stjohnbrebeuf.ca Phone: 604.855.0571 PARISH MINISTRIES AND GROUPS Agape Street Ministry Maureen Bliault 604 -997-6641 Altar Servers Giorgia Quadrelli [email protected] Bible Study Groups Wednesday Bible Study Sandra Melville 604-792-7049 Monday Afternoon Lynda Gillespie 604-795-5998 Tuesday Book Study Paulette Rose 604-792-5372 Catholic Women’s League (CWL) Charlene Cranley [email protected] Funeral Receptions Bernice Driedger 604-858-4564 Domestic Abuse Services Shirley Rollheiser 604-792-1299 CCJS Prison Ministry Peter Li & Miriam Liem 604-910-5067 CCODP Peter Li 604-910-5067 Cenacle/ Rosary Jasmin Robinson 604-792-8565 Children’s Liturgy Allison Kilgannon 604-798-5990 Choirs Good New s Choir Lynda Gillespie 604-795-5998 New Life Choir Myrt Armstrong 604-795-5304 Friends in Song Jeanine Sallos 604-824-1053 Alleluia Choir Renee Hamilton-Clark 604-824-6280 Youth Choir Zach Weston 604-316-1912 School Choir Jeanine Sallos 604-858-5035 Faith Choir Henry Waldock [email protected] Church Cleaning Colleen Guntner 604-793-4643 Community Outreach Paulette Rose 604-792-5372 Extra-Ordinary Ministers of H.C. Chrystal Netzlaw 604-866-5663 First Nations Flowers Erin Regalado [email protected] Hospitality (9:30 Sunday Coffee) Parish office 604-792-2764 Infrastructure Renewal Bill Cotterall 604-846-5333 Knights of Columbus Council 3478 Gerry Cranley, G.K. [email protected] Assembly 2256 Ken Claridge 604-858-4044 Lay Religious Orders Secular Franciscans Miriam Liem 604-910-5067 Lectors Ana Macedo Lindenhoff 604-798-1785 Legion of Mary Agnes Feeney 604-858-5819 Meals for Moms Jennifer Bourke 604-316-6433 Migrant Workers Ministry Lise Tetreault 604-795-9199 Mom’s Group Mary Wagner 604-799-1283 Parish Library Darren Ollinger 604-799-2771 Parish Outreach for the sick/homebound Marta Cecchi 604-795-7311 Parish Care Homes Waverley Joan Strueby 604-795-7527 Heritage Keith & Helen Lilley 604-705-2505 Cascade Sheila Giolito 604-858-3664 Valleyhaven Jane & Sonny Dampier 604-792-0702 Eden Fe Balo 604-795-4388 Bradley Centre Sheila Giolito 604-858-3664 Hospital Contact Hydee McMillan 604-880-1222 Parish Finance Council Jim Donegan 604-858-0838 Parish Pastoral Council Past o r 604-792-2764 Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) Alison ten Bohmer [email protected] Prayer Groups Divine Mercy Chaplet Nicole Poudrier 604-824-0509 Charismatic Prayer group Lovelett Knight 604-791-7783 Christian Meditation Lori Lollar 604-792-2764 Prolife Carol Gray 604-792-5267 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Pat & Lynda Gillespie 604-795-5998 Safe Environment Dale Wagner [email protected] Sacristans Sandra Otsuka 604-769-3388 Saint John Brebeuf Regional REC Cindy Duralia 604-792-2764 Saint Mary's Pre-School Johanna Chiappetta 604-792-7715 St. Mary's School Parish Education Committee(PEC) Dave Johnson 604-793-6344 Ushers Peter Lindenhoff 604-798-4237 Young at Heart (Seniors Group) Cards: Wednesdays Maggie Webster 604-392-5229 Youth Ministry Caslyn Gillespie 604-652-2193 MARCH 15, 2020 - THE THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT ST. MARY’S PARISH MASS SCHEDULE Sat. Anticipated Mass 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:30 am Mon - Fri 8:00 am (NEW!) First Fridays 7:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am Spanish Mass (last Sunday of every month)6:30 pm CONFESSIONS Mon - Fri 7:30 am Saturday 8:30 am Saturday 4:00 pm

MARCH 15, 2020 THE THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT ST. …stmarysparish.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Mar-15.pdfADORATION Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday of the month 8:30am to

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Adorat ion of t he Blessed Sacram ent First

Fr iday of t he m ont h 8:30am t o 12:00pm and

6:00pm t o 7:00pm .


Bapt ism Celebrat ed at 12:45pm on t he last

Sunday of t he m ont h. Bapt ism Prep. is t he

2nd Thursday of t he m ont h. Regist rat ion is

required and all paperw ork m ust be com -

plet ed pr ior t o t he conf irm ed bapt ism dat e.

Marriage Six m ont hs’ not ice is required.

Funerals Please cont act a pr iest pr ior t o

m aking funeral ar rangem ent s.

Anoint ing of the Sick If you or a fam ily

m em ber are adm it t ed t o a hospit al or ot her

care facilit y and you w ish t o have a pr iest

visit , call t he par ish of f ice. Pr ivacy legisla-

t ion rest r ict s t he inform at ion t hat can be

g iven t o us by t he facilit y.

Outreach In form t he of f ice if you are not

able t o regular ly at t end Mass and w ould like

t o receive Holy Com m union at hom e.

Lost & Found It em s can be claim ed at t he

ent rance t o t he Church.

8909 Mary St , Chilliw ack, BC V2P 4J4

Phone 604.792.2764 Fax 604.792.3013

Pastor: Rev. Wilf red Gomes

Assistant Pastor: Rev. Mark McGuckin

Websit e: w w w .st m aryspar ish.ca

Em ail: o f f ice@st m aryspar ish.ca

Parish Off ice Hours: Mon. to Fri. 8am - noon & 1pm - 4pm Par ish secret ar ies: Lor i Lollar and Cindy Duralia

St. Mary’s Elementary School

Act ing Principal: Mrs. Jeanine Sallos

Phone: 604.792.7715 Fax 604.792.7031

Em ail:jsallos@saint m arysschool.ca

St . Mary’s School Websit e:

w w w .saint m arysschool.ca

St. John Brebeuf High School

Websit e: w w w .st johnbrebeuf .ca

Phone: 604.855.0571


Agape Street Ministry Maureen Bliau lt 604 -997-6641

Altar Servers Giorg ia Quadrelli alt arservers.st m aryspar ish@gm ail.com Bible Study Groups Wednesday Bible Study Sandra Melville 604-792-7049

Monday Afternoon Lynda Gillesp ie 604-795-5998

Tuesday Book Study Paulet t e Rose 604-792-5372

Catholic Women’s League (CWL) Char lene Cranley char lenecw lpresident @gm ail.com Funeral Receptions Bern ice Dr iedger 604-858-4564

Domestic Abuse Services Shir ley Rollheiser 604-792-1299

CCJS Prison Ministry Pet er Li & Mir iam Liem 604-910-5067

CCODP Pet er Li 604-910-5067

Cenacle/ Rosary Jasm in Robinson 604-792-8565

Children’s Liturgy Allison Kilgannon 604-798-5990

Choirs Good New s Choir Lynda Gillesp ie 604-795-5998

New Life Choir Myrt Arm st rong 604-795-5304

Friends in Song Jeanine Sallos 604-824-1053

Alleluia Choir Renee Ham ilt on-Clark 604-824-6280

Youth Choir Zach West on 604-316-1912

School Choir Jeanine Sallos 604-858-5035

Faith Choir Henry Waldock h t w aldock@gm ail.com

Church Cleaning Colleen Gunt ner 604-793-4643

Community Outreach Paulet t e Rose 604-792-5372

Extra-Ordinary Ministers of H.C. Chryst al Net zlaw 604-866-5663

First Nat ions

Flow ers Er in Regalado er inregalado18@gm ail.com

Hospitality (9:30 Sunday Cof fee) Par ish of f ice 604-792-2764

Infrastructure Renew al Bill Cot t erall 604-846-5333

Knights of Columbus Council 3478 Gerry Cranley, G.K. gk.kofc3478@gm ail.com

Assembly 2256 Ken Clar idge 604-858-4044

Lay Religious Orders Secular Franciscans Mir iam Liem 604-910-5067

Lectors Ana Macedo Lindenhof f 604-798-1785

Legion of Mary Agnes Feeney 604-858-5819

Meals for Moms Jennifer Bourke 604-316-6433

Migrant Workers Ministry Lise Tet reault 604-795-9199

Mom’s Group Mary Wagner 604-799-1283

Parish Library Darren Ollinger 604-799-2771

Parish Outreach for the sick/ homebound Mart a Cecchi 604-795-7311

Parish Care Homes Waverley Joan St rueby 604-795-7527

Heritage Keit h & Helen Lilley 604-705-2505

Cascade Sheila Gio lit o 604-858-3664

Valleyhaven Jane & Sonny Dam pier 604-792-0702

Eden Fe Balo 604-795-4388

Bradley Centre Sheila Gio lit o 604-858-3664

Hospital Contact Hydee McMillan 604-880-1222

Parish Finance Council Jim Donegan 604-858-0838

Parish Pastoral Council Past or 604-792-2764

Parish Religious Educat ion Program (PREP) Alison t en Bohm er st m aryspar ishprep@gm ail.com

Prayer Groups Divine Mercy Chaplet Nicole Poudr ier 604-824-0509

Charismatic Prayer group Lovelet t Knight 604-791-7783

Christ ian Meditat ion Lor i Lo llar 604-792-2764

Prolife Carol Gray 604-792-5267

Rite of Christ ian Init iat ion of Adults (RCIA) Pat & Lynda Gillesp ie 604-795-5998

Safe Environment Dale Wagner se.sm [email protected] rg

Sacristans Sandra Ot suka 604-769-3388

Saint John Brebeuf Regional REC Cindy Duralia 604-792-2764

Saint Mary's Pre-School Johanna Chiappet t a 604-792-7715

St. Mary's School Parish Educat ion Committee(PEC) Dave Johnson 604-793-6344

Ushers Pet er Lindenhof f 604-798-4237

Young at Heart (Seniors Group) Cards: Wednesdays Maggie Webst er 604-392-5229

Youth Ministry Caslyn Gillesp ie 604-652-2193




Sat . Ant icipat ed Mass 5:00 pm

Sunday 8:00 am

9:30 am

11:30 am

Mon - Fr i 8:00 am

(NEW!) First Fridays 7:00 pm

Sat urday 9:00 am

Spanish Mass (last Sunday o f every m ont h)6:30 pm


Mon - Fr i 7:30 am

Sat urday 8:30 am

Sat urday 4:00 pm


t he Annex. All t he Filip ino par ish ioners o f St . Mary’s

are invit ed t o at t end t h is m eet ing t o d iscuss/ p lan Fili-

p ino act ivit ies like Chr ist ian Life Program , Chr ist m as

Novena et c.


Mon Mar 16 8:00am Ben West enenk

Tues Mar 17 8:00am Mary Fit zgerald, RIP

Wed Mar 18 8:00am Rom an Haw ryluk, RIP

Thurs Mar 19 8:00am Vernie Mullins, RIP

Fr i Mar 20 8:00am St uar t Cand iah

Fr i 7:00pm In Thanksg iving f rom John &


Sat Mar 21 9:00am Rit a Blanchet t e

Sat 5:00pm Joe Rollheiser

Sun Mar 22 8:00am Chr is Parker , RIP

Sun 9:30am Ben West enenk, RIP

Sun 11:30am All Par ish ioners


Ed Daw dy

Yolande Cham bers

Mike Cham bers

Mona Bouchard

Susan Penm an


Kevin Frank

Bet t y Miller

Gerry William s

Jeanne Clauzel

… and all w ho are in need of our prayers, especially

t hose in ill healt h or recuperat ing f rom illness or sur -



Hear t cards every Wednesday af t ernoon at

1:15 in t he Annex. Anyone int erest ed in an

enjoyable af t ernoon of cards (Cr ibbage, Whist or

Br idge) and fellow ship, p lease jo in us. All ages are w el-

com e!

WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY At 10am in t he Annex. All are

w elcom e. Please cont act Sandra at 604-792-7049 for

m ore inform at ion.

“Everyone w ho drinks t h is w at er w ill be t h irst y again.” (John 4:13)

Jesus rem inds us t hat m at er ial t h ings, even som et hing as basic as w at er , can never sat isfy us for long. When w e

build our lives around m at er ial possessions, w e alw ays w ant m ore. True Joy and Peace only com e w hen w e fo llow

Jesus; w hen w e becom e m ore “God -cent ered” and less “self -cent ered.”

CHILDREN'S LITURGY - Please volunt eer

and help t he 9:30am Mass Children 's Lit -

urgy t eam .

YOUTH MINISTRY - We are having our skat ing social for

yout h in grades 6-12 on March 15t h f rom 2:30pm -

4:00pm at t he Chilliw ack Co liseum (Adm ission is $3 and

skat e rent als are $5), and for all t he aw esom e Grades 8

- 12 yout h t here is Lifet een on March 22nd, f rom

6:30pm - 8:30. For m ore inform at ion p lease check out

our yout h board in t he Par ish Hallw ay. Our Core is

ready for March and w e hope t o see you at som e of

t hese event s!

Every Friday during

Lent start ing Feb 28,

everyone is invited to

Adorat ion and Con-

fessions at 5pm;

Divine Mercy Novena

& Chaplet at 6pm;

Stat ions of the Cross

at 6:30pm and Mass

at 7pm

CHALICE - On March 28-29t h, p lease w elcom e Deacon

St an Kroet sch w ho w ill speak about CHALICE - a Cana-

dian, Cat holic sponsorship program . He w ill explain

how you can help a dest it u t e child at one o f 56 m ission

sit es in 15 developing count r ies. The w ebsit e is

w w w .chalice.ca

PARISH COUNCIL MEETING - March 26 at 7pm in t he An-


CWL NEWS - Cof fee w ill be cancelled for t he m ont h o f


- 2020 Mem bership ($30) are due. Please subm it cash

or cheque (m ade payable t o St . Mary’s CWL) in an enve-

lope w it h your nam e w r it t en on t he out side and put in

Sat urday or Sunday collect ions. Thank you and God


Help t he environm ent and cut cost s! Sign up

t o receive your bu llet in via em ail. Call t he

of f ice and w e w ill add you t o t he em ail list , or

go t o our w ebsit e at st m aryspar ish.ca and

click on t he ‘subscr ibe t oday’ link t o sign up.


Mar 20 10:30am Cascade (3rd Fri)

Mar 25 10:30am Eden (4t h Wed)

Mar 27 10:30am Valleyhaven (4t h Fri)

Apr 3 10:30am Waverly (1st Fri)

10:30am Heritage (2nd Fri)

We invit e fam ily m em bers t o at t end. If you have fam ily

m em bers in any of t hese facilit ies, p lease m ake every

ef for t t o in form t hem of t he Mass or call t he par ish

of f ice w it h t heir nam e and w e w ill invit e t hem t o cele-

brat e.


If you, or a loved one, is unw ell at hom e, in t he hospi-

t al, or in a local care facilit y and w ou ld like t o be visit ed

by a Par ish Pr iest or a volunt eer Ext raordinary Min ist er

of Holy Com m union, it is im perat ive t hat t he Par ish

Of f ice (604-792-2764) be cont act ed. The only w ay w e

are able t o visit any facilit y is IF w e are advised by you

or your fam ily and provided w it h a room num ber .

Coffee w ill be served af ter the 9:30 Mass

by the Catholic Women’s League. See you


THE PRISON MINISTRY The Pr ison Minist ry at St . Mary's

Par ish has been a m ajor par t of t he Archdiocesan

Cat holic Char it y Just ice and Service program s. If you

have a passion for shar ing t he love o f God and serving

ot hers, w e invite you to consider joining us. Please

leave your cont act in form at ion at t he par ish of f ice and

our pr ison m inist ry liaison w ill cont act you.

St . John Brebeuf High School is cur rent ly ac-

cept ing app licat ions for t he 2020/ 2021 school

year . Applicat ion form s can be found online at

ht t ps:/ / w w w .st johnbrebeuf .ca/ adm issions/ form s/

EMAIL FRAUD WARNING - The Archdiocese has received

m ult ip le repor t s f rom par ishioners and pr iest s w ho

have fallen vict im t o a recent Int ernet em ail phishing

scam . Im post ers, posing as pr iest s and using em ail ad-

dresses t hat are sim ilar t o t hose of our pr iest s, have

been em ailing people asking for personal donat ions,

g if t cards, and ot her form s of f inancial assist ance.

Never respond t o em ails request ing Goog le Play cards,

iTunes cards, or any ot her form of personal f inancial

assist ance, even if it appears t o be f rom a pr iest , dea-

con, relig ious, par ish st af f or b ishop. If you have any

doubt , p lease cont act t he sender by ot her m eans t o

ver ify any request s.

Follow ing t he recom m endat ion o f Mr . Adr ian Dix, BC

Minist er o f Healt h, w e w ill be t em porar ily suspending

our Sunday Morning Cof fee gat her ing held in t he Par-

ish Hall.

MONASTIC LIFE WORKSHOP - On t he w eekend o f Apr il 3

- 5, t here w ill be a Monast ic Life Workshop for lad ies

in t erest ed in t he consecrat ed life, at West m inst er Ab-

bey, Mission, BC. For m ore inform at ion call 604-826-





We are asking for donat ions o f relig ious

it em s, books, DVDs, CD’s, scapulars, rosar ies, p ict ures,

et c in good t o condit ion t o sell before & af t er t he

Masses on March 28 & 29. You can drop o f f your reli-

g ious ar t icles at t he St . Nicholas par ish o f f ice, Lang-

ley. Thank you so m uch for your suppor t !



1. Those over t he age of 65 are encouraged

t o st ay hom e, rat her t han at t end ing Sunday

Mass and anyone w it h an under lying healt h

condit ion and even t hose w ho feel rem ot ely

unw ell, are excused f rom t he ob ligat ion

o f a t t e n d i n g Su n d a y M a s s .

2. If you have access t o TV or in t ernet , t hose

w ho rem ain at hom e m ay w at ch Mass. In -

cluded in t he bu llet in is t he 'Prayer for Sp ir i-

t ual Com m union ' w hich m ay also be used in

t hese circum st ances.



2020. Only Masses and Fr iday Adorat ion, and

St at ions o f t he Cross w ill cont inue t o be

held . Please be safe and let us spend more

t ime in personal prayer. Thank you!

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Chilliwack’s ‘ONLY’ locally owned

And ‘Catholic Family’ operated services

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9-8465 Harvard Place, Chilliwack BC V2P 7Z5

Give your business a boost!

Call the parish off ice to reserve

your spot . 604-792-2764