Manual of Common Bedside Surgical Procedure CHAPTER 4 - Thoracic Procedures

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  • 8/9/2019 Manual of Common Bedside Surgical Procedure CHAPTER 4 - Thoracic Procedures


    Authors/Editors: the Halsted Residents of The Johns Hopkins

    Hospital; Chen, Herbert; Sonnenday, Christopher J.; ille!oe, "eith


    Title: Manual of Common Bedside Surgical Procedures, 2nd Edition

    Copyright ©2000 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

    > Table of Contents > CHAT!" # $ TH%"ACC "%C!'("!)

    CHAT!" #


    Herbert J. (eh %%% ).#.

    "e*in +. Sta*eley$-Carroll ).#.

    *e+si+e thoracic proce+,res may be +iagnostic- therape,tic- or in certainsit,ations- life$ All ho,se officers sho,l+ be familiar ith the +iagnosisan+ treatment of ple,ral eff,sion an+ pne,mothora1/ Also incl,+e+ in thissection are recommen+ations for chemical ple,ral s clerosis an+ emergencybe+si+e thoracotomy/


    / n+ icat ions3

    a/ 'iagnostic thoracentesis is performe+ to +etermine the specific

    ca,se of a ple,ral eff,sion/b/ Therape,tic thoracentesis is performe+ to relie.e +yspnea

    2/ Contrain+icat ions3

    There are no absol,te contrain+ications to thoracentesis4 relati.econtrain+ications incl,+e the folloing3

    a/ Coag,lopathy 5T or TT 6 /7 ratio- platelets 6 80-0009

    b/ )mall$.ol,me ple,ral f l,i+

    c/ :echanical .enti lat ion

    +/ (ncooperati.e patient

    7/ Anesthesia3

    ; li+ocaine

    #/ !

  • 8/9/2019 Manual of Common Bedside Surgical Procedure CHAPTER 4 - Thoracic Procedures


    silastic catheters an+ one$ay :an,fact,rers=

    instr,ctions sho,l+ be cons,lte+ for information ,ni

  • 8/9/2019 Manual of Common Bedside Surgical Procedure CHAPTER 4 - Thoracic Procedures


    ?/ Techn i

  • 8/9/2019 Manual of Common Bedside Surgical Procedure CHAPTER 4 - Thoracic Procedures


    breaths belo the tip of the scap,la/

    e/ (sing a 22$ga,ge nee+le- infiltrate the skin- s,bc,taneo,s tiss,e-an+ perioste,m of the rib/ Caref,lly alk the nee+le

    s,periorly the e+ge of the rib hile infiltrating ith li+ocaine/

    %nce the top of the rib- sloly a+.ance the nee+le hileaspirating4 ,ntil ple,ral fl,i+ is enco,ntere+- a+minister ana++itional GI2 ml of li+ocaine an+ then ith+ra the nee+le 5seeig,re #/29/

    f/ lace the $ga,ge nee+le on a 0$ml syringe- an+ insert it intothe ple,ral space as +escribe+ abo.e/ t is often helpf,l to ,se ato$han+e+ techni

  • 8/9/2019 Manual of Common Bedside Surgical Procedure CHAPTER 4 - Thoracic Procedures


    g/ (sing the )el+inger techni

  • 8/9/2019 Manual of Common Bedside Surgical Procedure CHAPTER 4 - Thoracic Procedures


    h/ With the scalpel- caref,lly make a small nick in the skin at the siteof the ire i nsertion to allo easy intro+,ction of the +ilator/

    i/ ntro+,ce the +ilator the ire to +ilate the skin an+

    s,bc,taneo,s tiss,es/ The +ilator sho,l+ not be intro+,ce+ anyfarther than is necessary to +ilate the s,bc,taneo,s tiss,e an+allo smoother insertion of the catheter/

     D/ nsert the ca theter in to the chest the i re an+ then remo.ethe ire/ Jeep a finger the en+ of the catheter to pre.ent airfrom entering the chest/

    k/ Connect the e1tension t,bing an+ .ac,,m apparat,s 5see ig,re#/89/

    +i. 0.0.


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    l/ %pen the stopcock an+ ith+ra fl,i+/ %nce the ret,rn of f l,i+ hassloe+- reposition the patient on the si+e an+ then the back toimpro.e flo/

    m/ )loly ith+ra catheter to remo.e any pockets of f l,i+ locate+pro1imal to the tip/

    n/ lace *eta+ine ointment an+ a +ry sterile +ressing on the p,nct,resite/ An occl,si.e +ressing is generally not necessary beca,se thenee+le tract ill seal/

    o/ %btain a C" to r,le o,t pne,mothora1 an+,ate remainingfl,i+/

    K/ Complications an+ :anagement3

    +i. 0.4.


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    a/ ntercostal .essel +amage

    "isk of lacerating the intercostal .essels is minimiFe+ bypositioning nee+le closely to the s,perior e+ge of the rib 5seeig,re #/79/

    f a laceration occ,rs- monitor hemo+ynamics closely an+

    obtain serial C"s/ f the hemothora1 is significant- t,bethoracostomy may be necessary/

    b/ oor flo

    "otate the patient in all +irections to mobiliFe the thoracicfl,i+/

    %ccasionally man,al aspiration of the fl,i+ ith a 70$ to ?0$ml syringe place+ on a three$ay stopcock may be ,sef,l/

    Consi+er t,be thoracostomy if eff,sion is .isco,s an+ ,nableto be +raine+ a+e 8;9

    )ymptomatic pne,mothora1 of any siFe

    ersistent ple,ral eff,sion


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    b/ Anter ior chest t,be

    ne,mothora1 5> 8;9

    2/ Contrain+icat ions3


    7/ Anesthesia3

    ; li+ocaine- se+ation optional

    # / !

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    lineGMthis is here the t,be ill enter the ple,ral space4 theincision is ma+e at the le.el of the si1th intercostal space lateralto the nipple b,t me+ial to the e+ge of the latissim,s +orsi 5seeig,re #/?9/

    b/ )terile prep an+ +rape the hemothora1/

    c/ "aise a skin heal ith the 28$ga,ge nee+le- an+ ith the 22$

    ga,ge nee+le infiltrate the entire area ith ; li+ocaine/ t isimportant to infiltrate at the le.el of the ple,ra an+ posterior

    perioste,m/ This le.el can be locate+ by +raing back slightlyafter entering the ple,ral space ith the 22$ga,ge fin+er nee+le/

    +/ ntercostal blocks may be a+ministere+ for a++itional anesthesiaby inDecting 7GI8 ml of li+ocaine a+Dacent to the ne,ro.asc,lar

    +i. 0.7.


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    b,n+le of the rib abo.e an+ belo the fifth intercostal space/ Caresho,l+ be taken to a.oi+ inD,ry to the intercostal artery an+ .ein/

    e/ :ake an incision thro,gh the skin parallel to the a1is of the ribs/The length of the i ncision may .ary b,t sho,l+ be long eno,gh toallo insertion of a finger an+ chest t,be conc,rrently/

    f/ :eas,re the chest t,be on the o,tsi+e of the patient=s bo+y an+i+entify ho far the t,be sho,l+ be a+.ance+ after placement/ Thetip of the t,be sho,l+ be at the ape1 of the l,ng- abo,t GI2 cmfrom the last hole in the chest t,be in a K0$kg a+,lt 5see ig,re#/K9/

    g/ With the tonsillar clamp- create a tract from the incision site to theintercostal space abo.e 5see ig,re #/9/

    +i. 0.8.


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    h/ %nce the anterior intercostal fascia is i+entif ie+- the tonsillarclamp is a+.ance+ into the ple,ral space by rolling the clamp o.erthe s,perior e+ge of the rib to a.oi+ inD,ry to the ne,ro.asc,larb,n+le/

    i/ %n entering the ple,ral space- a r,sh of air sho,l+ be hear+/ 'onot a+.ance the clamp any farther4 +ilate the tract ith the clampby sprea+ing it i+ely/ t is important to ens,re that the tract isa+e

  • 8/9/2019 Manual of Common Bedside Surgical Procedure CHAPTER 4 - Thoracic Procedures



    k/ lace one Jelly clamp on the +istal en+ of the chest t,be/

    l/ Prasp the pro1imal en+ of the t,be in the Das of another Jellyclamp an+ insert both thro,gh the s,bc,taneo,s tract into theple,ral ca.ity/ 'irect the t,be posteriorly toar+ the ape1 5see

    ig,re #/N9/

    m/ %pen the Das an+ remo.e the pro1imal Jelly clamp hilea+.ancing the t,be to the pre+etermine+ position/

    n/ Alternati.ely yo, may insert an+ +irect the t,be by ,sing a fingerplace+ into the incision thro,gh the tract/

    o/ Attach the t,be to the le,r$ an+ remo.e the +istal Jelly

    +i. 0..


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    p/ To sec,re the chest t,be3 irst place to large .ertical mattresss,t,res on either si+e of the t,be/ Be1t reappro1imate the skinincision- long tails on each s,t,re/ Then rap theremaining portion of each s,t,re aro,n+ the chest t,be to sec,re

    it/ When the chest t,be is remo.e+- only the portion of the s,t,reattache+ to the chest t,be sho,l+ be c,t- the .erticalmattress s,t,res in place to close the o,n+/

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    h/ %n entering the ple,ral space- a r,sh of air sho,l+ be hear+/ 'onot a+.ance the clamp any farther4 +ilate the s,bc,taneo,s tractith the clamp by sprea+ing it open/

    i/ lace a finger thro,gh the tract into the ple,ral space/ alpate thel,ng to confirm location in the ple,ral space an+ to ens,re that noa+hesions are present/ A chest t,be sho,l+ be inserte+blin+ly beca,se inD,ry to the .essels or l,ng parenchyma mayocc,r/

     D/ lace one Jelly clamp on the +i sta l en+ of the chest t,be/

    k/ Prasp the pro1imal en+ of the t,be in the Das of another Jellyclamp- an+ insert both thro,gh the s,bc,taneo,s tract into theple,ral ca.ity/ 'irect the t,be anteriorly toar+ the ape1/

    l/ %pen the Das an+ remo.e the pro1imal Jelly clamp hile

    +i. 0.1.


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    a+.ancing the t,be to the pre+etermine+ position/

    m/ Attach the t,be to the le,r$ an+ remo.e the +istal Jellyclamp/

    n/ To sec,re the chest t,be3 irst place to large .ertical mattresss,t,res on either si+e of the t,be/ Be1t reappro1imate the skin

    incision- long tails on each s,t,re/ Then rap theremaining portion of each s,t,re aro,n+ the chest t,be to sec,reit/ When the chest t,be is remo.e+- only the portion of the s,t,reattache+ to the chest t,be sho,l+ be

    c,t- the .ertical mattress s,t,res in place to close theo,n+/

    o/ lace a piece of eroform ga,Fe aro,n+ the entrance site an+ asterile +ressing on top/ asten sec,rely ith *enFoin an+ clothtape/

    p/ Confirm placement ith a C"/

    / Techni

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    b/ ersistent pne,mothora1

    :ake s,re all clamps are off the t,bes an+ connection lines-an+ that there is not an obstr,ction in the system/

    Check for an air leak in the system by clamping the t,be atthe chest all/ Air b,bbling i n the ater seal chamber hile

    on s,ction in+icates a leak/ Change the le,r$ system/

    "epeat C" in # ho,rs/ f still present- higher s,ction ,p to $#0 cm can be achie.e+ ith an !merson p,mp/ f still nos,ccess- then a secon+ t,be sho,l+ be place+ .ia the anteriorapproach/

    c/ Hemorrhage or l,ng inD,ry

    :onitor hemo+ynamics an+ chest t,be o,tp,t- an+ obtainserial C"/

    f o,tp,t is > 200 mlEhr or /8 L total or patient is ,nstable-then emergent thoracotomy is in+icate+/

    +/ Car+iac +ysrhythmias

    With+ra chest t,be GI7 cm if a+Dacent to heart/ f it stillpersists- ith+ra an+ re$insert .ia a ne incision/

    :e+ical management if necessary


    / n+ icat ions3

    These catheters re

  • 8/9/2019 Manual of Common Bedside Surgical Procedure CHAPTER 4 - Thoracic Procedures


    ersistent ple,ral eff,sion


    7/ Anesthesia3

    ; li+ocaine- se+ation optional

    # / !

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    b/ )terile prep an+ +rape the hemothora1/

    c/ "aise a skin heal ith the 28$ga,ge nee+le- an+ ith the 22$ga,ge nee+le infiltrate the entire area ith ; li+ocaine/ t ismost important to infiltrate at the le.el of the ple,ral an+posterior perioste,m/ This le.el can be locate+ by +raing backslightly after entering the ple,ral space an+ obtaining air ret,rnith the 22$ga,ge fin+er nee+le/

    +/ :eas,re the chest t,be on the o,tsi+e of the patient=s bo+y an+i+entify ho far the t,be sho,l+ be a+.ance+ after placement/

    e/ :ake a horiFontal incision appro1imately 0/8GI/0 cm/

    f/ Prasp the base of the trocar portion of trocar catheter in the palmof the right han+ 5see ig,re #/29/ This han+ ill s,pply force for the insertion/ The trocar sho,l+ be f,lly a+.ance+ithin the catheter/

    +i. 0.11.

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    g/ Prasp the tip of the trocar catheter ith the left han+ an+ insertthe ,nit thro,gh the incision/

    h/ (sing the left han+ as a g,i+e an+ apply gentle force ith the righthan+ onto the trocar to t,nnel the trocar catheter ,n+er the the s,perior e+ge of the thir+ rib- a.oi+ing inD,ry to thene,ro.asc,lar b,n+le/

    i/ Pently a+.ance the entire ,nit not more than 2GI7 cm into theple,ral ca.ity- aiming for the ape1/ Too m,ch force or e1cessi.ea+.ancement can res,lt in l,ng inD,ry/

     D/ A+.ance the ca the te r only the trocar 5ho l+ the trocar

    stationary ith the right han+9 into the ple,ral space posteriorly

    toar+ the ape1 to the +esire+ length 5see ig,re #/79/

    +i. 0.12.


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    k/ With+ra the trocar an+ clamp the en+ ith a Jelly clamp/

    l/ Attach the t,be to the le,r$ an+ remo.e the Jelly clamp/

    m/ To sec,re the chest t,be3 irst place to large .ertical mattresss,t,res on either si+e of the t,be/ Be1t reappro1imate the skinincision- long tails on each s,t,re/ Then rap theremaining portion of each s,t,re aro,n+ the chest t,be to sec,reit/ When the chest t,be is remo.e+- only the

    portion of the s,t,re attache+ to the chest t,be sho,l+ be c, the .ertical mattress s,t,res in place to close the o,n+/

    n/ lace a piece of eroform ga,Fe aro,n+ the entrance site an+ asterile +ressing on top/ asten sec,rely ith *enFoin an+ clothtape/

    +i. 0.13.


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    o/ Confirm placement ith a C"/

    K/ Complications an+ :anagement3

    a/ oor position ing

    The t,be sho,l+ be at the ape1 of the ple,ral ca.ity/ t

    occasionally gets trappe+ in the maDor fiss,re of the l,ng/ f this occ,rs- the t,be sho,l+ be remo.e+ an+ re$inserte+/re

  • 8/9/2019 Manual of Common Bedside Surgical Procedure CHAPTER 4 - Thoracic Procedures


    This can be .ery ,sef,l in treating smaller pne,mothoracies- here therisk of air leak is minimal/

    2/ Contrain+icat ions3

    A stan+ar+ chest t,be sho,l+ be place+ rather than a perc,taneo,scatheter in the folloing sit,ations3


    )ignificant pne,mothora1 5> 8;9

    ersistent ple,ral eff,sion


    7/ Anesthesia3

    ; li+ocaine- se+ation optional

    # / !

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    after entering the ple,ral space ith the 22$ga,ge fin+er nee+le/

    +/ :ake a small incision slightly larger than the +iameter of the chestt,be/

    e/ lace the $ga,ge intro+,cer nee+le on the syringe an+ insertinto the incision/ 'irect the nee+le s,periorly ith the be.el

    +irecte+ ,p- an+ a+.ance the s,perior bor+er of the rib hileaspirating/ l,i+ or air sho,l+ be aspirate+ to .erify intraple,ralposition 5see ig,re #/#9/

    f/ "emo.e the syringe an+ a+.ance the soft @ en+ of the ire

    thro,gh the nee+le an+ into the ple,ral space/ The ire sho,l+a+.ance itho,t resistance 5see ig,re #/89/

    +i. 0.10.


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    g/ "emo.e nee+le an+ lea.e ire in place/

    h/ While maintaining ire in position- se

  • 8/9/2019 Manual of Common Bedside Surgical Procedure CHAPTER 4 - Thoracic Procedures


     D/ "emo.e the ire an+ chest t,be inserter tr ocar - lea. ing the ches t

    t,be in place/

    k/ Attach the t,be to the le,r$

    l/ To sec,re the chest t,be3 irst place to large .ertical mattresss,t,res on either si+e of the t,be/ Be1t reappro1imate the skinincision- long tails on each s,t,re/ Then rap theremaining portion of each s,t,re aro,n+ the chest t,be to sec,reit/ When the chest t,be is remo.e+- only the portion of the s,t,reattache+ to the chest t,be sho,l+ be c,t- the .ertical

    mattress s,t,res in place to close the o,n+/m/ lace a piece of eroform ga,Fe aro,n+ the entrance site an+ a

    sterile +ressing on top/ asten sec,rely ith *enFoin an+ clothtape/

    n/ Confirm placement ith a C"/

    K/ Complications an+ :anagement3

    +i. 0.17.


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    a/ oor position ing

    The t,be sho,l+ be at the ape1 of the ple,ral ca.ity/ t

    occasionally gets trappe+ in the maDor fiss,re of the l,ng/ f this occ,rs- the t,be sho,l+ be remo.e+ an+ re$inserte+/


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    b/ "ec,rrent malignant ple,ral eff,sions

    c/ "ec,rrent spontaneo,s pne,mothoracies 5relati.e9

    +/ rimary spontaneo,s pne,mothora1 5contro.ersial9

    2/ Contrain+icat ions3

    Allergies to tetracycline- +o1ycycline- or talc

    7 / Anesthesia3

    ; li+ocaine 580 ml9

    #/ !

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    min,tes to +istrib,te the li+ocaine for anesthesia/

    g/ il l the other ?0$ml syringe ith the +o1ycycline sol,tion/

    h/ Attach the +o1ycycline syringe to the chest t,be- remo.e the Jellyclamp- an+ instill the sol,tion into the ple,ral ca.ity/ Clamp thechest t,be/

    i/ "epeat )teps g an+ h ,ntil 700GI#00 ml of +o1ycycline ha.e beena+ministere+/

     D/ "ota te the pat ient to each of the fol loing fo,r posi tions e.ery 70min,tes3

    Left lateral +ec,bit,s

    "ight lateral +ec,bit,s


    "e.erse Tren+elenb,rg

    k/ After # ho,rs- replace the chest t,be back to le,r$ s,ction forat least the ne1t 2# ho,rs- ,ntil the l,ng has f,lly e1pan+e+ an+no air leak is present/

    K/ Techni

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     D/ "ota te the pat ient to each of the fol loing fo,r posi tions e.ery 70min,tes3

    Left lateral +ec,bit,s

    "ight lateral +ec,bit,s Tren+elenb,rg

    "e.erse Tren+elenb,rg

    k/ After # ho,rs- replace the chest t,be back to le,r$ s,ction forat least the ne1t 2# ho,rs- ,ntil the l,ng has f,lly e1pan+e+ an+no air leak is present/

    +. E)ER@EC6 5E#S%#E TH$RAC$T$)6

    / n+ icat ions3

    Car+iac arrest in .ictims of penetrating tra,ma to the thora1 ho ha+.ital signs in the fiel+ or on to the emergency

    +epartment/ n certain sit,ations emergency thoracotomy may bein+icate+ in other penetrating tra,ma inD,ries/

    2/ Contrain+icat ions3

    !mergency thoracotomy has not been shon to be effecti.e in tra,matic

    car+iac arrest secon+ary to bl,nt tra,ma/7/ Anesthesia3


    #/ !

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    i / Aor ti c c lamp

     D/ ),ct ion appa ra t,s

    8/ os it ioning3


    ?/ Techn i

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    e/ *l,ntly +issect the mi+$+escen+ing thoracic aorta circ,mferentiallyfree from the posterior me+iastin,m an+ place an aortic clamp onit- being caref,l not to inD,re the esophag,s anteriorly/ Anasogastric t,be 5Chapter 89 can be place+ to

    help +isting,ish the esophag,s from the aorta on palpation 5seeig,re #/N9/

    +i. 0.19.




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    f/ lace aortic clamp across the aorta after it is mobiliFe+/

    g/ "etract the left l,ng inferiorly an+ i+entify the pericar+ial sac/

    h/ %pen the pericar+ial sac its entire length longit,+inally 5a

    longit,+inal incision ill pre.ent inD,ry to the phrenic ner.e9/

    i/ !.ac,ate any clot in the pericar+i,m- an+ the heart intothe left hemithora1 for e1amination 5see ig,re #/209/

    +i. 0.1.

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     D/ nD,ries to the hear t may be