“THE PROACTIVE WAY IS THE BEST WAY” he world’s leader in proactive solutions and organizational recover

Long-Range Planning………..Slides 4-6 Organizational Culture………..Slides 7-12 Being Proactive………..Slides 13-16 A Campus Against Vandalism………..Slides 17-21

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Page 1: Long-Range Planning………..Slides 4-6 Organizational Culture………..Slides 7-12 Being Proactive………..Slides 13-16 A Campus Against Vandalism………..Slides 17-21


The world’s leader in proactive solutions and organizational recovery!

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Matthew Johnson President

Sean Ann KellyVice President

Avery GardnerDirector of Public Relations

Raelynn McCaffertyCommunication Facilitator

Bart BuschiExpert Prescriber

Pat MineoCrisis Management Specialist

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Long-Range Planning………..Slides 4-6

Organizational Culture………..Slides 7-12

Being Proactive………..Slides 13-16

A Campus Against Vandalism………..Slides 17-21

Crisis Management Plan………..Slides 22-24

Celebrating Diversity………..Slides 25-32

In Conclusion………..Slides 33

Any Questions? ………..Slides 34

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Long-Range Planning

By Matthew Johnson

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Long-Range Planning for Hillsborough


What is Long-Range



What is Forecasting?i. Future Research

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Long-Range Planning for Hillsborough College

+The Delphi Technique

+Three primary assessment activities Environmental Opportunities & Risks Strategic Issues Organizational Strengths & Weaknesses

+Restoring the image

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Hillsborough’s Organizational CultureBy Pat Mineo







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What To Focus On


*In order to restore the culture & climate at Hillsborough College, focus on these

key attributes of organizational cultures:

Values *Hillsborough College should focus on its core values as a

whole and reflect them upon the whole student body to establish a positive cultural atmosphere.

Heroes *Hillsborough College should be represented and

personified by only those who uphold these values and beliefs put in place by the institution and its own culture. The President and Dean are two likely candidates to play the hero role in this establishment.

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What To Focus On


*Hillsborough College should celebrate diversity and other accolades by praising those, using positive reinforcement, who participate within the college.


Cultural Communication

*Hillsborough College should keep it’s student body & administration informed on new ideas, issues/changes, and the overall status & progress of the school.

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Achieving Excellence

*In order to re-establish Hillsborough College as an excellent community, follow these

primary cultural themes:

Develop a bias toward action instead of excessive planning. *This will help faculty and other organizational members at

Hillsborough College try different tactics to solve problems on a proactive scale.

Always remain close to the customer (student). *Gathering relevant information from the environment of

students about how Hillsborough College is performing as an organization (their likes/dislikes) will help keep the school on the same page and also pinpoint any issues students might have that others in the community fail to notice.


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Emphasize autonomy and entrepreneurship. *By encouraging students and others to participate and assume

responsibility for certain activities at Hillsborough College we can build and solidify a strong, diverse, and innovative base.

Emphasize productivity through the people (community). *Create a strong, family-like atmosphere to bring Hillsborough College closer

and make students feel more safe and comfortable while also having a say when it comes to school/organizational issues.

Emphasize hands-on/value-driven organizational activities.

*Encourage students and organization leaders to participate and come up with beneficial and educational activities that will inform and open up the minds of those within the environment at Hillsborough College.

Achieving Excellence

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Achieving Excellence

Stick to what you do best.

*Highlight and determine the positives (what works) at Hillsborough College and reinforce the cultural values that surround these positive activities/procedures.


Emphasize a simple form and lean staff.

*Allow organizational members (students) at Hillsborough College to directly contact and communicate with those in charge pertaining to the issues/needs at hand.

Demonstrate simultaneous loose and tight properties.

*Hillsborough College should innovate and be flexible in times when it’s needed but also crack down and stick to strict policies when it comes down to it.

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Being Proactive

By Bart Buschi

take actionBe prepared

Think aheadreactive

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Being ProactiveGathering information to plan organizational strategies

+ Participate in activities that meet upcoming problems.

+ Establish effective internal and external relationships

+ Research the relevant environment

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PERFORMANCE GAPSDiscrepancies between an organization’s expectations and its actual


+ Hillsborough’s view of race differs from the environment’s view of race.

+ Enrollment profile does not match the region’s demographics.

+ No events celebrating racial or gender diversity

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+Get feedback whenever possible.

+Negative and positive feedback

provide opportunity for improvement.

+Utilize all available recourses to make

more effective decisions

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Campus Against Vandalism

By Raelynn McCafferty




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Discrimination/Vandalism Policy

Hillsborough will have a policy that states that there is a zero tolerance for all discrimination and vandalism on campus and they will have every incoming freshman sign it. “No student or faculty member at Hillsborough

college will victimize a student or faculty member because of the victim's actual or perceived race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or disability: The crimes of intimidation, destruction/damage/vandalism of property, theft, simple assault or any other crime involving physical or mental abuse will not be tolerated”

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If we were to be granted the $10,000, we would spend $3,000 on cameras. This will give

Hillsborough 30 cameras to place indoors or outdoors on campus.

They would be placed in areas such as entrances and exits of buildings, inside auditoriums, parking lots, and educational and dorm halls on campus.

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We would use another $2,000 for additional lighting on campus.

This will give the campus enough light fixtures to put with every new camera, if needed. It will also be enough to light any low-lit places on campus indoor or outdoor.

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Campus Police

If its in the budget, Hillsborough could hire a new night shift police officer so there is another

person watching campus at night.

If another police officer is not in the budget, the local police department has agreed to have an officer drive through campus every few hours.

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Crisis Management Plan

By Sean Ann Kelly






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Crisis Management Plan

A crisis management plan is a business plan of action that is implemented quickly when a negative situation occurs. A crisis is a problem that:

1.) disrupts the way an organization conducts business

2.) attracts significant new media coverage and/or public scrutiny.

Typically, these crises have the capacity to visit negative financial, legal, political, or governmental repercussions on the company, especially if they are not dealt with in a prompt and effective manner.

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Type C Error

Type C Error is a combination of poor internal and external

communication. It is a failure to effectively

communicate resulting in confused ideas about the direction

of an organization.

Our example of Type C Error is a letter from Sherri, a cousin of


Sherri declined her acceptance to Hillsborough after the Romeo

and Juliet discrimination.

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By Avery Gardner






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•Remind them of their importance to the institution and express gratitude for their efforts

•Encourage them to lead the new projects that are being developed on campus

•Work with them to develop programs that they feel would benefit the entire student body

•Allow these students to speak to the public about the unfortunate events, but also how they are able to work with Hillsborough to ensure a better future for the college

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FOCUSING ON THE MISSION“…We promote sound learning and education with a

religious influence so that we establish broad foundations and facilities equal to the best in the land, capable of preparing men and women from diverse backgrounds for every department of life.”


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Advertisements directly promoting diversity

Send minority students to recruit high school students

A special section in pamphlets and website dedicated to showing Hillsborough’s commitment to diversity


“Diversity is the fabric of our commUNITY”

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The application essay “Hillsborough College

prides itself in celebrating diversity. What is diversity to you? In what ways have your experiences enabled you to embrace and appreciate diversity, thus allowing you to contribute to our diverse environment?”

Signing the commitment to diversity

Mandatory enrollment in diversity course

Proper participation in orientation program

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Office of Multicultural Affairs

A department of the Student Affairs office

Works to help promote diversity and different cultures

Support system and first contact for students experiencing any issues regarding prejudices/discrimination/racism

Semi-Annual and Annual Multicultural fairs

Encouraged participation from students and faculty

Promotes through music, speakers, dances, food, costumes, etc.

Multicultural Student Club

Diversity courses

Scholarships and awards

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IN THE BACK OF THEIR MINDS…•Students and faculty should know that diversity is important to Hillsborough.

•Students and faculty should know that Hillsborough is on their side

•Students and faculty should know in Hillsborough they will find peers very similar and very different than people they are accustomed to.

•Students and faculty should know that they are expected to uphold and respect diversity.

Remind students and faculty by:

• E-Mails about ways to embrace diversity and the college’s successes in doing so

•Mail – pamphlets, recipes, magazines, books, etc.


•Required speeches and lectures

•Displays and flyers

•Challenging the campus to constantly outdo itself and push itself to recruit diverse students while reminding current students that they are a vital part of the Hillsborough family!

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summary of our goals

To reinforce and uphold Hillsborough's primary mission of

superior academics and diversity

To reestablish sense of community and security on-campus

To leave Hillsborough with short-term and long-term recovery


To develop a clear and effective crisis management plan

To stay within the college’s budget while meeting all

aforementioned goals

To maintain Hillsborough's good name and excellence

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Thank you, Hillsborough!

+ =recovery.success.diversity.exc
