# - fr/tllr6* Owj.rqr {.arl ?lttaetzl €u'l',trtzr tr€ i Chite-Clay and Ea)t Q/a|/ f!4infj) DECLARATION This is to certify that "No Litigation is pending in any court of law" against the project Litariya Ball Clay, China Clay and Silica Sand Mine [M. L' No' 09/92,area297'65 hectare] located near village- Litariya, Tehsil- faitaran, District- Pali [Rajasthan)' For Raiasthan ClaYs \LJV Date: Place: Udaipur Kailash Akhawat (Authorized signatorY) Qffiee I .,["i_.1s, Phunc Vlshwakalma Suilding, Shiv Circte, Mod Bhatta' : 0?9$fi-At?293, 222S43 F*x : 22?943, ?23540, Wgrks : Viltage'Lithariya (Jaitaran) Msbils ; €'rnxil : rclaY@rediffmail,carn SOJ CITY, $ist.'Fati {Ra; ) Mobilo : 9829?"2??93 s4'144-S4S46

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-fr/tllr6* Owj.rqr {.arl ?lttaetzl €u'l',trtzr tr€ i Chite-Clay and Ea)t Q/a|/ f!4infj)


This is to certify that "No Litigation is pending in any court of law" against the project

Litariya Ball Clay, China Clay and Silica Sand Mine [M. L' No' 09/92,area297'65 hectare]

located near village- Litariya, Tehsil- faitaran, District- Pali [Rajasthan)'

For Raiasthan ClaYs

\LJVDate:Place: Udaipur

Kailash Akhawat(Authorized signatorY)

Qffiee I .,["i_.1s,

PhuncVlshwakalma Suilding, Shiv Circte, Mod Bhatta'

: 0?9$fi-At?293, 222S43 F*x : 22?943, ?23540,

Wgrks : Viltage'Lithariya (Jaitaran) Msbils ;

€'rnxil : rclaY@rediffmail,carn

SOJ CITY, $ist.'Fati {Ra; )

Mobilo : 9829?"2??93


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That industry shall rrndertake the phased restoration, reclanration and rehabilitatio. ot'lands effected by prospecting or nrining operations and shall conplete this work befbrethe conclusion ofsuch operarious and thi abando'r,e't ofp.ospects'or'rines.That over burden shall be storecl in nranner tlrat it does not otsruct the natural drainasepattem of the area. Itl ma.,'be usccl for back filling. The Iand srul ue ia.n1ii,.J'r",. Jirp*iof over burden at environ:nentally courpatible site.That.l.he \ater sprayirtg :incl sprinkling so installecl should always be maintairred in orderto utilize dre sanre lbr. du-; sr:nlrr.essronl-hat the Industry shall nrurntlirt zcro discharge status tiom tlre premises. No tracle effluerishall be discharged in sid--ioutsitle industry pi.,.,.,,r.r.That the jomestic efiluer:t slrall be treated and disposed off with properly designecl seprrctank follc.*'ed by soak as f er- prcscl.ibecl so standar.cl.




F.5 (PA-5lS)RPCsiGr rr J S6s-.BSh Narpat Sirrgh. ,

33, Kantla NagarChainpura Road.,odhpLrr

c.,tt-- 2t ll.z-l o{

tion & Contro[, of pollution)

. b;, Sh i\,'ai-pat Singii at 9i92,

ate under Air A* lggl dated 19/05/2005 & yoLrr


rhe Air( Prevention & C.ontrol ot. l)oliLrtrorr r

nted fbr carrying rrrirriu_q activities at a plec:subjecr ro the provisions of the Air Act ancl rlrethe in{brmation provided in the above_referreci

rrluiry nrade thereof consent is to the tbllorvin!.I' That ftis consert to operate nted in lavour of M/s Sh Narpat Singh, for mining ofBall ClayChina Clay atg/92 o.ia, Tellsil Jaitaran District l,ali_2. That this consenr is valid tb rining activities:_

Tl.^t "..ir -L^ll ^^--,- | - r

.That unir shall conrpry wirh conclrtrons of Environment crearance issued by trreMinistry of Environntent & Forests, Governrrrent of India, vide letter No J-I l0l5122/2003-IA II (NI) dated24/tv2ool & t6/02/2005.

That you shall achieve stanclercls of SPM 500 pg/Mr in anrbient air quality of r'i'ine areaThe standards ol'600 pg'v'ol'SPM shall be applicable between 3 to l0 r.l.leters fro'r a'requlpn'lent used tbr rrrining :rctivrty.Tlrat you shall provicle thi Iteccssary Sfiastructure fbcilities including equrpplent tbr rlrerlonitoringof antbiertt air irt accordanct*rth the suggestion given to yor.r by tlre polluti.r:Contlol Board's officials lrorn rirne to tinte.

MineraU Mrnes

4, gRlE{aFffiqftqr, graqrffi, wogv4, Institutional Area, Jhalana Doongri, Jaipur

Phone :-09980, 270,. -_: i. 27072E-i pBX 271 1263. Zl lli,Zg.t; i I 8t t. 2101(): \--:': l7 i 06=i,. _ i U99E0, 27Lr_.li7g

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t2 That noisc lcvel slrall ltc keltl as rlctrrlcrl [rclorv urrcl rrnclel rro clr.cr.nrst.Jncc:. ri slrallexceerJ thc' prr'scIibed I rrrrit-

l+.. That, this consent to opcl:atcto operate is reclLrirecl to bcin process.

S,ln tsllibci jleii' ),rg.ir i. -

16. That the indtrstry sltrtll sLrbrttit :t liesh application [or co'rsent to oDerate in theprescribed fot'rn in tliplicatc ulortg s'ith tlre reqrrisite fee at least 90 da1:s in ad.r.ancefi-ont expirl' of conserrt periotl ltlr its rcnervals.

t7 That tlie lndustry shall cornply rvrth the provisions of iVlanuf acture. Storage anoIntport of Hazardotrs Chcrnieals Rules,l989 and HazarcloLrs Waste(Nlanageirenr &Fiandling)Rulei,l989 arrd relatecl a'rrerrdrle'ts, as applicable ro rt.That this consettt is valitl sub.jcct to fLr lllllrrenl of all ttre otlrer statutorv recturrelnents lnotlrer Lau siActs.;ltrrIcs as a1-.pIiclblcThat the industry shall clcveloP pluntaricin at Ieasr irr ll9i, of total area to nraintain arrrbienrair quality' around the irrclustr-y,.That the industry shitll subrnit rror::h1., compliance of all the above stated condiiions tothis ofllce.Tlrat the unit shall sLrbrtrit \\iirter'('t::;s retunls in case the rvater consurrrption is nrore thenl0 KLD under tlre [)tovisions ol'\\ratcr (Prevention & Control of Pollr-rtion) C)ess Acr.1977 and as aurelrded firinr tirrre ro rirre

That the unit shlll sr.rtrnrit llctr-l;r ierrcll,r'\liuing Plan rvithin a nronth & shall hav.e ro adhere

a. Day tiurc - (6.() n \l ro 9.0 l,M) _ 75 dB r\(lc_u)b \iglrr rrrrre (9 () l)\! ro 6 () AVI) _ 65 dll a(legti3' That I'otr shall also conclttct lnrbierrt zr;r rrLrality nronitoring fbr SpNI and noise lerel in the

nlllltng aree once irt six trrolrtl)s arr(l n-ronitoling results shall be subrrritrecl to tlie SlareBoard regul:rrl1,.

is lil| r:xrsllng nriue, plant and process and separate consenttalic. fo' ary aclclitiou/ rrrodification/alteration or charrqe

15. The Industry shall subrrrit Errvir.onrrreulrl statellent for the periocl lvlarclr ,tpril [o latest bv,l








Not u'rthstandrng arrytliin-u contalrrecl in this- letter -of

io,rs.ni, the Siiie Board herebl,resen:cs to it the right ancl p,rs,e'r rrrrder section 2l(6) of the Air(Prevention and conrrol ol'pollution) Actl98l Io revicrv arlyolle'or all the conditions intposed |erein abore andto rnake such variation as dee rrred tit for tlre pul?ose of Air Act.In case of failure to cornply rvitlr urrl, of the consent conditions stated as abor.e, tlre corrsentissued to the industry slrall atrtonraticallv stand revoked rt'ithout any notice.

Please note that, if thc irr [br rrrrrri,rri subnritted by the unit, is found ro be rvrong oninspection/verification of the uuit is lirund riolating any of the conditions of consenr then lheconsent sliall be revokecl without arrv lLrrtlru'r notice aucl the industry slrail be iiable tbr 2qriorr,rnaccordance u'ith the prot,isiorrs tl l' lar, . c\ \\ /-)Q:Y

v.n,Gr]."....uruCopy to:- i--\

l. Regional Officer, Rajasrhan Srrrre l)ollurion iontibt-BQard. Pali2. Registrar, Registry Cell, lU,( 13. .iaipuL3. Consent Register, Cr.ll, RP('tJ. .luitrrur

sr. eilEosineer- Grouo II-------

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Dated: 3\ql O f




No.F.S (PA:528)RPCB/cr,II/Mines/ Lg1 3M/s. Rajasthan Clay,I 8- I 9, Vishwakarma Buildins.Shiv Circle, Mod Bhatta,Soj at City, District-Pali.

I Control of Pollution)Project atlnear Village-

e2)..2007 for , Consent, to Operate and related


In view ofdocuments, the 'CoPollution)Act,1981activities in your Ball Clay and China Clay MiDlstrict- Pali (M'L' No. - 09/92). This consent is accorded subject to provisions of the Air Aci,the rules and orders made thereunder and bbsed.on the information pro,rio"jil;;'il;;refeng.d applications. The consent is subject to the following stiputations:-

1' That this 'consent to operate' is being granted in asthan clay, So.1.atCity having M.L. No.09/92 for their natt Ctay a project in an areameasuring 297.65 Hectares at/near Village- Litharia, fehsil- Jaitaran, District- pali

2. That this consent is valid for following mining activities:_

S. No. Mineral/Mines Maximuni Minine CaoacitvI Ball Clay and China Cliv 15,000 Tcihnds/Annum


No change in process/products or capagrty shail be made without prior permission ofthe Board. '

:This consent to operate is valid for two years i.e. from 25.5.2007 upto 30.4.2009.

That the occupier)operator of mrne shall ensure that all the conditions rmposed in theFnvironmental clearance ganted by the Ministry of Environment & F";::,;' Goveniment of India vide letter No. J-1101512212004-IA.rI(M) dated 24ti' Nuu.rrlu.!-2004 slrall be siriotly conrpiie<1 wrrh

Tha! thig consent shall be subject to the condition that you shall operate the miningactivities in the area as per the mining ri ht allowed by the Mining beparrment in thiMining Lease.

That this consent shall be subject to the conditions set out in various rrrining relatedc_ivil writ Petitions pending in the Hon'ble High court and the decisioni of theHon'ble Supreme Court and High Court in the relevant cases and also urider otherenvironment related petitions including the directions of Hon'ble Rajasthan High Corirt,Jaipur Bench passed in D.B. Civil Writ petition No. 75441 2003,

;That you shall achieve s in ambient air gqality of thi mining area,

T: tli"gos of 600 p be applicable uet"li.n I fo l0 Meters fromany equipment used for




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S. No. Parameters Standard for Ambient ArrSPM 500 uslM'

2 SO, 120 ws,/M'J. NO. 120 us.JM'

4 CO 5,000 pglM'

That you shall provide the necessary infrastructure facilities includrng equipment ti'r

the monitoring of ambient air in accordance with the soggestions given to you b)' the

Pollution Control Board's officials from time to tlme.

That industry shall undertake the phased restoration, reclamation and rehabilitation oflands affected by prospecting or mining operationb and shall complete this work beforethe conclusion of such operptions and the abandonment of prospects or tnines.

That overburden shall be stored in a systematic manner that it does not cibstruct the

natural drainage pattern of the area. It may be r-rsed fol back fil1ing.'ihe larrtl slr,iil i;.:

identified for disposal of overburden at environmentally compatible site

That unit shall comply rvith the Mining Plan and Eco Friendly Mining Plan as

submitted to & approved by the competent authority.

'That the water spray and spnnkling so installed should always be maintained in order to .

utilize the same for dust suppression.

That all the pollution control measures shall be implemented as per EIA./EMP Report.

'l'hat the I{air.r Water ilarr esting Slruc-Lr.ire siraij be r:onstructecl

That the industry shall maintain zero discharge status irom the premises. |{o tradc

effluent shall be discharged inside/outside rndustry premises.

That the domestic effluent shall be.treated and disposed of with properly designed

septic tank followed by soak pit as per prescribed standard

That you shall obtain permission frour the Central Ground Water Authority in case. the'water table is intersected or ground under is abstracted while mining.

That the responsibility for performance evaluation shall be of industry and inclustry lvrllnot commence production unless the satisfactory operation of the Pollution Contr-ol ,

' Measures is done by the industry in prescnce of conceming Regional C)l'flr:cr nncJ is

duly certified by him before commencement of production

That Air Emission shall conform to Emission Regulation Part I,II & fV issued by the

Cenhal Board and as adopted by State Board and also to the standardq as notifiedunder E.P.Act,1986.

That noise level shall be kept as detailed below and under no siroumstances, it shall

exceed the prescribeid limitl-

a. Day timeb. Nigtrt tirrB (?,a PM !q €.0 A\4)

(6,0 AI4 to e.0 PM) - 7s ds A (leq)- 65 dB40eq)







'Th4t yQU p.hall alsp pon eir gqality monltoring for SPM and noise level in

tfre *iiqiqg arefl Br-rce i and monitoring results shall be submitted to the

Statp Bqqrd legulsrly,


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rThat for Diesel Generator Set, acoustic enclosure/acoustic teatment ,fr"tt Ue providedto meet the prescribed norrns w.r.t. noise as per the Gazntte Notification of Ministry ofEnvironment & Forests dated 02.01.99. Adequate stack height with D.G. Sets shall also

.be provided and maintained. Noise from the Diesel Generator Sets shall be conholled' by providing an acoustic enclosure or by treating the room acoustically. The acoustic'

enclosure /acoustic treatment of room should be desisned for minimum 25 dB (A)]ns. rtl, :t Li i.- rrt iirt ..,;.r:,,..t l,.L Lrttlrrt,-.:t. ,,, , ,. ...,.',,:,,,lclJ- i'.r1. t:...., .:, :. ',.iThe nreasurement lbr Iuset-tion Loss may be cic'ne at dit-ferent pornis at 0 j il.'rrc li.uirrthe acoustic enclosut'e,i room and then ar.eraged, Tire l)iesel Cienerator Sets shor-ijci al:.irbe provided with proper exirausts muffler rvith Insertion Loss of r,rinimur'lr 15 dil(h;The stack height for the Diesel Generator Sets shall be as notified under the EPAct,1986.

That this Consent to Operate is for mining of Ball Clay and China Clay in M.L. No.09/92 and a separate Consent to Establish/Operate is required to be taken for MineralSeparation Plant/process if any and for any addition/modification/ alteration or changeln process.

The Industry shall submit Environmental statement for the period April to March latestby the.following September every year.

. That this consent should not be treated as NOC or approval for mining in forest area, if&J, falling, in the lease and relevant permission under provisions of theForest(Conservation)Act shall be obtained from the competent authonty.

That the industry shall submit a fiesh application for consent to operate in theprescribed form in triplicate alongwith the requisite fee atleast 90 days in advance ofexpiry of the consent period for its rener.val.

fhat the Industry shali contply rvrth provisions oithe ivfanulbcture, Storage and inrlto:-1of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989 and the Hazardous Waste(Managenrcrt ctHandling)Rules,1989 and related amendments, as applicable to it.

That this consent is valid, subject to fulfillment of all the other statutory requirements in: other taVActV Rules as applicable.

That the industry shall develop plantation in atleast 33%o of total area to maintainambient air quality around the industry aird Action Plan submitted by you, shall be


31. .. That the unit shall submit Water Cess retums in case the water oonsumption is moretttan 10 KLD under provisions of the Water(Prevention & Control of Pollution)CessAct,l977 and as amended from time.to time .

That nofwittrstanding anything contained in this letter of consant, the State Board-hereby reseryes to it, the right and pqwer under Section 2l(6) of the Air(Prevbntion &Control o1 i'clllLitior);\ci.1981 '"o rcricl lr.iroilc't)r'al1 thc condiljons iurposcdhereinabove and to make such variations as deemed f-rt for the purpose of Air Act,

That this consent, under no circumstances, be construed as conferment of any propertyor any interest in the lease brea. It is only confined for the purpose of regulation ofprovisions of the Air Act.












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lhat any incorrect information submitted in the consent application form shall make the

industry liable for legal action under section 38 of the Air Act.

That in case of failure to comply lvith any of the consent conditions stated as abore, the

consent issued to the industry shall automatically stand revoked without an)' noticc.

That this Consent to Operate will not exeqpt-you from any legal action fbr the past

.'violations, if any, of the Act/RulesA{otificatisns€irculars etc.


=2^-^- ?'nr t r,!-Group InchargelMines


the ruril iq found to be wrong onf the conditions of the consent thenrnsp

. this er notice and the industry shall be liable foraition in accoidance with the provisions of the Act.

This bears approval of the competent ar-rtirorify.


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Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board4, InstitutionalArea, Jhalana Doongari , Jaipur-3O2 004

P hone: 27 1 1 263, 27 1 1 329, 27 0060 1 F ax'. 27 1 0647, 27 09980, 27 0457 8

website: www.rpcb. n ic. in


\sPFileNo F(Mines)/Pali(Jaitaran)/6(1y2009-20lOtlfig

order No 2009-2010lMines/131

\yU(nalasthan Clay18-l9,Vishwakarma Building, Shiv Circle, Mod Bhatta, Sojat City,

District: Pali

Sub: Grant of Consent to Operate under section 21(4) of Air (Prevention & Control ofPollution) Act, 1981 for your Major Mineral Mine at near Village-Lithariya,Tehsil-Jaitaran, District- Pali (M.L.No.-09/92 ).

Ref: (i) Your application dated 05/05/2009(ii) Received on i2l05i2009

Sir,In view of the details submitted vide your above referred application/ documents, theConsent to Operate under section 21(4) of Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution)Act,1981 is hereby granted for carrying mining activities This consent is subject to thefollowing stipulations:-1 That this consent is being granted in favour of M/s. Rajasthan Clay, a Mine of

Major Mineral having M.L.No.-09192 in an area measuring 297.65 Hectares aVnearVillage-Lithariya,Tehsil-Jaitaran, DistrictPali.

2 That this consent is valid for a period from 01/05/2009 to 3010412012

3 That this consent is valid for following mining activities .-

Mineral Permitted Mining Capacity


4 That you shall achieve following standards in ambient air in mine area lmining activities.

Pollutant Standards for Ambient Air Standards for mining activit

SPM 500 pg/M'SPM = 600 pg/M3

(To be measured between 3 to'10 meters from mining activity)

SOz 120 pg/M'

NO, 120 pg/M'

co 5000 pg/M3

oate:1gf6f 6c;

That the occupier/operator of mineEnvironmental Clerance grantedGovernment of India, vide lettershall be strictly complied with.

shall ensure that all the conditions imposed in theby the Ministry of Environment & Forests,

No J-1101512212003-rA.ll (M) dated 24111t2004

Page 1 of 2

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Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board4, InstitutionalArea, Jhalana Doongari , Jaipur-3O2 004

P hon e: 27 1 1 263, 27 1 1329, 27 0060 1 F ax: 27 1 0647, 27 09980, 27 0457 8

website: www.rpcb nic.in



File No F(Mines)/Pali(Jaitaran)/6(1112009-20101

Order No 2009-2010/Mines/131

6 That your mining will not intersect the Ground Water Table during the consent period

and the permission from the Central Ground Water Authority shall be obtained forintersection of Ground Water Table/ abstraction of ground water, if any and submit a

copy of the same to the Board.

7 That this Consent to Operate is for mining of product as mentioned above in

M.L.No.-09192 and a separate Gonsent to Operate is required to be taken forMineral Separation Plant/process if any and for any addition/ modification/ alterationor change in process.

8 That the lessee shall develop plantation in atleast 33% of the total lease area tomaintain ambient air quality around the mine and the Action Plan for plantation

submitted by you, shall be implemented.9 That the Mining Unit shall maintain zero discharge status from the premises. No

trade effluent shall be discharged inside/outside Mine premises.

10 That you will implement allthe pollution control measures as per EIA/EMP Report,

11 That you shall submit the copy of newbecome due on 22.08.2009.

12 That all other general conditions (1 to 25)complied with.

13That this Consent is subject to the conditions as stated above and general conditions

as stated in Annexure. Further, the mining unit will comply with the provisions of the

Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and any such conditions as may be

specified from time to time by the State Board under the provisions of the aforesaid


This bears approval of the competent authority.

Encl: As Above

Yours sincerely

c,orffin.''t:1il;f""\Copy To:-1 Director, Department of Mines & Geology, Gcvernment of Rajasthan,Udaipur.

inspect the mine & submit inspection report in 2 months from the datePali-Pleaseof issuance

of this consent & ensure compliance of consentGovernment of Rajasthan, Sojat,3 Mining Engineer, Department of Mines &

District-Pali.4 Master File, Consent to Operate, Group


approved Mining Scheme when will it

enclosed as Annexure shall be strictly

n State Pollution Control Board.

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Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board4, InstitutionalArea, Jhalana Doongari , Jaipur-3O2 004

P hon e : 27 1 1 263, 27 1 1 329, 27 0060 1 F ax'. 27 1 0647, 2709980, 27 0457 8

website: www.rpcb nic.in



File No F(Mines)/Pali(Jaitaran)/6(1y2009-2010/

Order No 2009-2010/Mines/131

6 That your mining will not intersect the Ground Water Table during the consent period

and the permission from the Central Ground Water Authority shall be obtained forintersection of Ground Water Table/ abstraction of ground water, if any and submit a

copy of the same to the Board.

7 That this Consent to Operate is for mining of product as mentioned above in

M.L.No.-09/92 and a separate Consent to Operate is required to be taken forMinerat Separation Plant/process if any and for any addition/ modification/ alterationor change in process.

8 That the lessee shall develop plantation in atleast 33% of the total lease area tomaintain ambient air quality around the mine and the Action Plan for plantation

submitted by you, shall be implemented.9 That the Mining Unit shall maintain zero discharge status from the premises. No

trade effluent shall be discharged inside/outside Mine premises.

10 That you will implement allthe pollution control measures as per EIA/EMP Report.

11 That you shall submit the copy of new approved Mining Scheme when will it

become due on 22.08.2009.12 That all other general conditions (1 to 25) enclosed as Annexure shall be strictly

complied with.

13That this Consent is subject to the conditions as stated above and general conditions

as stated in Annexure. Further, the mining unit will comply with the provisions of theAir (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and any such conditions as may be

specified from time to time by the State Board under the provisions of the aforesaidAct.

This bears approval of the competent authority.

Encl: As Above

Yours sincerely

c'o,ffir';';:1il?-.'\Copy To:-1 Director, Department of Mines & Geology, Gdvernment of Rajasthan,Udaipur.

2 Regional Officer, Regional Office, Rajastha\ State Pollution Control Board,

inspect the mine & submit inspection report\within 2 months from the date

of this consent & ensure compliance of consentGovernment of Rajasthan, Sojat,3 Mining Engineer, Department of Mines &

DistrictPali.4 Master File, Consent to Operate, Group


Pali-Pleaseof issuance

n State Pollution Control Board,

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{Inif Id ;

Fl* j ;rstiurr r $ t;: lt i'r I I ir lir: n i.lrirtl"n I $cnr"d4, ilrlliliir$,li .Ai *,r, jlurlar,:l J.:r:i-rrrg*ri, li:iplr"Stli l1-$4

ith{rli i:r {r ) .1 i t; ; i;i'.i ir l;il, :.. 1 i r.r ii.; 5i;';'r.i : ii 1,1'l . } t 5 9 $!}



l1; lt:; { fitr l't/j

File H$ F{$ilines};'f'ali{l;l itar; *Jl * {1 } l;{l'l+.? 1 1 *,i r i.rj:i":i)it!*

Order Flo ?,) 1 n -,r.1 :r: J | +' :t : 3 ..,"[{itlp{.,; ; ::, ]' a*9e ; 1x/en,/R{}3.s


'.9# Ralasthnn {l!;1v

18-19, Vishr*rklrr.rra;l l?uild!vrg, $?rir' {lf rr*r, }f<xl fil1i1lni}, S}i,it i,ir).,

District: Pali

lii-F{ ;r iI I rcla3,(?rei:li f,fn.lll i i.t:* rr-* liu]:l tli-nt-:: si ll::::;.i:i i.:i ii,,rci;li.::. ili:ril,.i .it,:r.ii*li ;l I i,!:

Plrllll:ii'rnl A:;t;, 1.9'*j l,,ri. I,tiu. \inj,:c !lii:s:r.xiTeirsi r-Jx ii tara n, [ri stii r:i- Fal i { l{, i". N r.. {j\trl li ] J,

<ti Air lFrr*vr-1.:tiern fir (;rnfr^rl ai

lviir:s a: 11f;ir Yili;lger-tit!:ari5rt,

I+ef: {ij }bur app}ication dftr€d i;'i'0112r}i+[iij 8,r:reii.rd *n ltB/*1i2fli-t

Il pieu' {rt' itle dr:taih ::uilni!tte r-J r.':il vr!i rConsetri. ts OSrrtnlfe r.irirjr:r rcltjr:l: ;l ii.tl liAet.198l is hrrcb.r lirfrntrjd lcr rarrlinX jrrl*ti'*'l lor,t'i nll stipulati o n s r -1?hat this rcll:iE,tt is Lrr-:itg gfan!€i.i jtr Ll'iijui

Mineral i:*t'ing. &f.t".Xr"$*1?? i* e:\ .1i.c*

Villaqe-Llth*ri3a,'1,;,irsil.Jaitarrsr:^[_]1srr.i.,.f . l,lIj.

Irl',,';.: i'tiel'ir,ii .}g:ri'.ri;ca(iln,J,:i*r,;t;iltrnts, ti:r,,\1r' lilJ'i'r,'i:illirin i. l,**1r*:j {lf i)i,ijrrljr:;r i

;i.t:t*j'rifs. 'iirls r*]r.r..j)1i is sr:ir;ect ts ih*

r:"r'1;"-. linj*sth;* {li*y, :rr l,1in* tl St.ilj+rrz*usi:l'ii:g ?il?^{:I{i0 n.{eeli:res ;it/1t.{e:1f


Tirat thil; cf llsant 1s l:lliri ih:- :i irr',fi.1r) ii.+m $1 ,,*$3';0.i.,,X, r* i?*y,t)dl3*Sr:

That lhir; cr>n.s*iit is ialiil fcr llliur.t'i:lg.rli:.;:;tl, r1r1.]1,r.ri.:;. j,

! B/ILL Ci,A'f ,-tr* {..l]lfiA rli,;t], .

That lloti sl'lsll ::ch ie:.,f li:1!r:r.'il:;l

activities"ai.iit':i:;til:i \1 .'.1:ti,ilt;:l:

F*rx;itirl{ iltierirlg ilapauil;r

;:ir irr nilili'c .ill.da ,J :r:it jn{


5fi2 i .rzt i;;;,:.r: :

5il${l ;r*JiVti

-.. rl{{ rij _'iit



fil,le ': .rf ?.

Page 12: LJV - environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/Online/... · fr/tllr6* Owj.rqr {.arl ?lttaetzl €u'l',trtzr tr€ i Chite-Clay and Ea)t Q/a|/ f!4infj)

I l: ttr+ r l.r 1 i 1' : i i ! f-''i ir,li : i * f>c) 5 F:r I : 1l tr 4 i' i : Sti&l]'j

Fil* Na

$rder l,lo

Unlt trd I

* 5 That the occu1liel"/npor^liri' iti

tht Envircnli:enta] {il;:lrr:rt:tc

Ggyer:ngnt tri. Itldia, "':dr

sl:ail h* :tlictl'1 c*mpl:r:ci r"rri::h-


F fHiincs,'1,/?'aii {}a if::: r* rr'i,16 i.i. ] i:l *il1":l: il : t}.r';'${)1' ';' { *'l

lil l. 'i-1i",1 I 5,,i t"li rt*s,;ll i 5 7


*it{e; jU{J;i3$tS

|iiltr. l:liril r:lil5j:i j-i il'llt all i'ils t$l'"tlid{}n* impr:*tl i:l "

i::';t::{:rl :.:' lfi,r &l.irlistrY r:i [rlv$r*nmte'tlf '$:^ $;t]rilsts'

Irli,.rr- i.i'r:r i j jill.li,7:::i;?lfl::1.!-r.iil.5,t) tJalr.'d :4-l llJi1']il{

{ ir,,r'.:;:rl {.tt' "} pl:l* rltri'xg iht' L{}lrs€llt

t,rftti'ai ilrc,.:l':* -Wrrlsr Arrtt:ori{ slrail L:*

'l'*l.rlrl .:i':tl:r.,ll':llyL,-.il g.t'*l:.*r'l'o1'.1!'ff, ii liu:5"

6 Tbat v.t!lf mirring v"'ili J]{':'t intei}cj-i llrl

Ferir:sl arlrir thr: 1:t:rftt!s'tllt'r'r fr'-'lii iltl:

o!;tain':rl f*r intel":eclian lf l-lrqilttti: "!rl'*t'

and sriLrn':!t a {:opy 1)f tli4 s;ulr t} l}i'-' ijr:li: ll^

7 That thiS Cr:nS*nt t* {i,pelr:tr: il f';rl- n^r;;:iti'; ,' ::.r *fl-':iii:g "' he'teiiritti{i;l *l pl'ritirt':'' 'rs

mentil]ned 3t)ove in it{,1-,!t0,^{}{l9J r,r::r! i s{1i,l;:}iilt'} ce;cl$eflt t{r optra{e is tr''-lttiieri

lo he *l:tained ior' anf lther io{jneri;j lnilrjngl pf'!l*lisi*i4/ *,i:*ntiici::lintr

Flalflp;rcesii if Anl, and f'1r J!l'! sdiitil::tr' l)1tt(if!.iliiff/ sltfrrab'-rrt !)i' chrnqe i:t


s That tlre l*ssue sj:alt rk'velsil tillrrklcii:\tl in ilcie*.sf 3li fir of ftlsl {c}*al l*'ts*

afea w;thin a peri*d of -R }j€iars io i]:ririr)faifi il$)I3i?tt eir qxillity* i!n{}utld titt

rnin* ft]Xrl glt* ,,\;;tiq:n Pl;'u-t l*i pia*{etia:n SllhffiigtS{: k*' }''illiu s}:x}? be

* irnl.riearerri*iel"

9 Th;:t ysri witl d:nirlern*nl ;-:!l 1i.,r :ri:ijti?iiltl cr.x:tl:*l- rn€il$'"ir*^$

S[Atlgl'1P RrlPort'

1S T?ral il{} trs,L1* efflurxt r}:,;rll'lir: rii.lc}-::rrge:ri i;rsititlr.r'.ltsiria :rlillt !:r"i'ilut3{ls,

1l Thsl ali c!lt,;-r;. gr:rrcr;,ri ai:r:-rd;t:j!,,||r ,^r',"]r-,:..'ll I'i :1.t:ttr.-:.iilt-* .ir;:lil !.i* filirillsr r*ti:rirt*'i


anri gs*ilrui e*nrjiti*l'ts

"vid: thc Pr0!':sisllili Ql'

sulh crri-l*ifi$fi$ ;os ma!

th,:' pi*visirnr ti tlr

1l* Th:t thr,. gfe:it *i r:hi: Cr]}l:-il,tl ::* ii1ri.:i;:l{ i,i rt;:tttlr,J ff rllll *r 'l"tii'irr:$i:lr:t:i;:i iii:t.ir:

**ly. rinrj dcCs lt,ll a'L:Sitivr,, iltl iilj!li-'::i l-!tn;rallr;'i'!1 fl::rn lii* * r:ti'it]':' siail\:irll']'

,;thli:iaii0ns |]fi:ral'l'itrjal ,,i:il'jtr' ;ti'; r.riit.::' 1,ti" r;i' i:rii;' ir'ill'ij" jrlSialll]l*llt in lnit:*' 'l'htl l:i:it

* outi ci:r*ilnl{:q* t*i:,porjt,.iiralt.i:,, :.1; ::r::ir,l,, ,,,1i i: t l:i:' i.'ilii:r,llli(:rt}t l;iili dl.,r'il ill lli a:llt*r-

[ar.!'S 1?,'t]tgtinte-1,.i:ing it'r i3t^1.:rr, it:iis vill::il11i:l1r'.i: i:; ili:ii,r;lililtr't ir{{) il'r111:lif"

{}grr,:'lr{;,' l:}::t:1 iJ,ri rii :1h1.: i'ci}}j, cir;ir:els*li; *i{i:cl il;'

if :ri;,, ilri:lritt:r'{} in lir* Fi}tii i:f i:h,::l tut!i11 *t:'

iir.i: ri lt:;' rir:ilrt:cn li ilr'.: !!!'l]tis;t)n'li r:i llle l\li cr

as $l€r

'13 Th*f thig (.r:tle }ll i:: Sriilir'i"t tii '.i..: ,,r;1'.1;1!;i:l'l'i 'r"i .',1:rl!il 'i:1*!'il

as st*lsil in Arlnexur,::. f ut ti:ei' iil": rritling :illii t ili rr: rfll"

th* ilir {'l'rrrauricr $'r l'rin!rt:i ';:i ir':'1)irr:li":ri hr:f' I llii I lnrj ;rl-r'le'

he :;tr,ifi*'ll i:'':.:i: '.1".* :1 1...'. r-' i:" ll:': i'f:jini i:-:'':;l:-''i t'::::ii:"

albr*s*id Ar:t,

14 That 1:i:e ;r;riti nf tJii.-'; i-i*nseil{ lt'r

ieopiiriize tl:e lti;;:.1 Ill't-i((:{'t'ljr'1ii.

insliirit*r,i ag;l!n"rl )'t* fti' lli'; Si::i-'-'

theRul*s:fia.delha:rel-ill.l.tir.' .",,"'i

r \ -, "i{:'\i'{."*-


Sage ? ol.l9

Page 13: LJV - environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/Online/... · fr/tllr6* Owj.rqr {.arl ?lttaetzl €u'l',trtzr tr€ i Chite-Clay and Ea)t Q/a|/ f!4infj)

F{'h!im.es},lFnni{f*itx r-arT .t,/r

2t I 4"?C :"5 /D'{ 1 ae-r,;2? li ?

Riliairth;rlr 5i;rIt F't;il:tt'ir:i: C*::.i . i t:::l.tl |i ir.,]) :ti,'l: r, ;i il r :i i:r n a i)i)r^)ft!i;if'., i;ti I

I'itcir:r: i) l'.1 I .51:;i1i)til :\ t :'i$rii)f'3x-. il 1ri: 5


i j10{}9"ilil l. *l:i*t5. ?{;iit

?hi:t iilr i's ;rpi:ir,i,',r l' :i t:i: l r.r :i; 1.:l lta''i; lr r ll r r, r"i ir.'

[ncl r'ts ;rrbt:ve

t ci' j"'lir:cs ,f-l i-,'*lJi 'I."', il.;t';':';;;i-:;:n I fri

5rril i;cilr-rti*:r'rRtgir-rn*i ilifjce, )iir!r;:fll;lliol csni*lit r.rildiSrns

Oellnl't:r'r'.'irf i)f l.1it':r':t S' :iqli;)rigi'. {ii:'.,r;inr)rfiil

C.litt:r;tit--, iJ]'1,'11:-1 !1IIrt::. li.:lp;,l.rfirritt -ti*fltlr:t:;;e >t t0


":i[!; {}*4.


fltja*tlnu, S*iat Cih,,

y p i ttcfu a lge' i't! fir:s

F;:rlE.r ]. ,)

Page 14: LJV - environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/Online/... · fr/tllr6* Owj.rqr {.arl ?lttaetzl €u'l',trtzr tr€ i Chite-Clay and Ea)t Q/a|/ f!4infj)

File No

order No ZO.,-.frL3/

,-yAftRaiasthan GlaY

1&lg,Vishwakarma Bui

District s Pali'326 51?'

Sub: Crant of Cons'

Pollution) Act



4 Tha


Raiasthan State Pollutian Contr

4, lnstitutional Area fhalana Doongari'Jaip

Phone: 0141-5159600'5159695Fax: 0141-l

website: rPcb'nic'in


'(Mlnes)/Pariff aitara n]/ 6(t] /2fi89'?;010/5527-553 1


rn GlaY

akarma Building Shiv Circle' Mod Bhatta' Soiat City'

i- 326 51?.

t of Consent to operate under section ?L(+j of Air (

rtion) Act, t981for your Maior Mineral Mine at

il-Yaitaran, District- PaIi (M'LNo'09/92 )'

our apPlication dated L0lA4l?0tz

leceived on23lA4/2Q12

i,r, of the details subrtitted vide your abovt

rt to Operate under section 21(4) of Air

ll is hereby granted for carrying mining act

ng stipulations:-rt this consent is being granted in favour

,ior Mineral having M'LJ'[o'09/92 in an

near Village-tithariya,Tehs il-f aitaran,Distri ct-Pal

atthis consent is valid for a period frcm 01/05120

at this consent is valid for following mining activitit

referred a)

IPreventiottrzities, Tltis

of M/s. Ra

area m€a!

2 $30fl4

I Boardr-3O2004t59697


tion & Control of


cation/ docurnents, the

Control of Pollution)

rsent is subject to the

[han ClaY,' a Mine of

ng 297.6500 Hectares


Irtineral Permitt rd Mining CaPacitY


hat you shall achieve following standards


ambient air in mine area / mini

Pollutant Standards for Arbtent lir Stan lards for mining activitY

SPM 50$ pglM3 Sf

(To be

10 rnetactivity

tl = 600 {g/Nl3

teasured between 3 to

rs from mining

SOz 12$ pglM3

NOr l20FglM3

co 5000 pg/M3

{i) Your aPPl

(ii) Received

ln view of tConsent toAct,L981is ht

following stfpu

1 That this

Maior M

at/near Vil

2 Thatthis c

3 l'hat this c,


Page 15: LJV - environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/Online/... · fr/tllr6* Owj.rqr {.arl ?lttaetzl €u'l',trtzr tr€ i Chite-Clay and Ea)t Q/a|/ f!4infj)

Raiasthan State Pollution Con

4, lnstitutional Area, |balana DoongarlJi

Goverment of India, vide letrer Nc

.shalt be strictly complied with'$L^i 't'^lr minins will not i rsect the Ground Water Ta

12 That this Consent isconditions as stated in

Plrone; 0141'5159600,51'59595 Fax 0141

website: www. rPcb'nic'in


shall ensure that all the

by the Ministry of

l-t7075 I 22120 0 3'lA" I I

subject to the conditions as

shall not,


Arrnexure, Further, the mining u

provisionsoftheAir[Prevention&ControlofPollutionJconditions as may be specified from time to time by ttprovisions ofthe aforesaid Act.

13 That the grant of this Consent to Operate

only, and does not absolve the proiect

obligations prescribed under any other law

sole and conrplete resporrsibility, to comply

other laws for the time'being in force'


14 That the grant of this Consent to Operate

ieopartlize the legal proceedings, if any, institu-ted

instituted against you by the State Board fol violation

the Rules made thereunder.

FileNo F(Mines)/Pati$aitaran)/6t1.ll}OFg'2010/5527'ss31'

orderNo Z0.u-2073/Mines/1581

B That the lessee shall develop plantation in atleast 33Yo

erea witfrin a period of 3 years tG maintain ambient

the miue and the Action Plan for plantation

implemented.e Tnat you will implement alt the pollution eontrol


10 Thatno trade effluent shallbe dischargedinside/outside mine

11That all othet' general conditions enclosed as Annexure


I Board302 004



conditions imPosed in

& Forests,

) dated 2'4ll1lz0o4

during the consent

AuthoritY shall be

of ground water, it


of .the total lease

r quality aroundby you, shall be

measures as per

all be strictlY comPlied

above and general

will comply with the

1981 and any such

State Board under the

is issued from th6 environmenhl angle

proponent the other statutory


or any otherwith the co ons laid

rests with the industry/

of product

Operate is


change in

in force. The

down in all

unit/ pro)ect

lnin the


couldway, adverselY

past or thatofbe

oiof provisions of the Act

Page 16: LJV - environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/Online/... · fr/tllr6* Owj.rqr {.arl ?lttaetzl €u'l',trtzr tr€ i Chite-Clay and Ea)t Q/a|/ f!4infj)

I6 That fot Diesel Generator Set, acouslic enclosure/ac.oustic qT:,11

il::,""#'*;."*i'i'i"i*i',ry13:.gfff:.i::'**;""llY:ffiil ffi i:6.'ffiil;t- ;ack height with rl !', sell

:-11','-i':: ::il;#;il;i c;;i;i"' sets sharle con*olled bv providing an


.ac*t;;,k"lry, itt" "**tic

enclosureracouslig tr.eaqllTl:,::*ffi; (dl;ffioi i"*t or tbr meeting. the.ambient;3"i:Tl"lg )

;;d;#l.oi lns"rtion Loss may be done at differenr porn-

.r.fot"t*lt"*m and then averagerl' fhe Diesel t-lt:-"::i"*f*uro

muffler with Insertion Loss of minimunr 25 dB {A)' Lne

Sets stralt be as notified under tlre EP Act, 1986'

'I'hat the Mining untt shall submil a fresh application fi:r Consent to

;tpi;;;"Fith the requisite be atleast 120 davs in advance of rt'l.






That ttte Mining unit sball comply with provisions of the Man

n;aout Cheriicals Rrrles,I989and the I{azardous Waste (Man*;




,> r,




relatecl anrendments' as applicabl e'

'fhat this con$enl is valid, subject to fulhliment of all the other

Law/Acts/Rules as aPPlicable '

That tire Mining unit shall submit rterty cornpliance report of all


That the Mining unit shall submit Water Cess returns in case the

rcl-O *a.. pr6visions of the Water (Prevention & Control of

amended from tinte to time'

'fhat notwithstanding anything conlained in tbis letter of consent' the

il;tdi and power-und"r '"-ition

21(6) cf Fu tit !:i::tll':ilitU** noyon*lo, ali the eonditions imposed here-in-above and to

for the purPose of Air Act'

Thsttlrisconsent,undernocircunrstancss'beconstruedasconfemin the lease area. It is only conflned for the purpose ol'regulation of

Thar any incomect information submitled in the consent application

for legai action under the provision's of the Air Act'

That irr case of failure to comply with any of the consent conditions

to thc industry slrall aucomatically stand revoked without any notice.

'l'hat this Consent wili not exempt you frorn any legal action for

Act/Rules/l.lot i fi cationVC irculars etc.

,Ihat the Drills shatl be operated with lvater injection system i.e.

rninirtg or the clrills shalt be operated with dust exractors'

'l'hat Garland drains, settling tanks and check dams of appropriate

constructed around the mineral and overburden dumps to pre


'Ihat the Project Proponent shall constrect Re$ining Wall and

around the overburden dumPs.

'that the controlled blasting shall be pracriced' l'he miti

vibrations and to arest fly rocks and boutders slrould be

Director General Mine Safety and the Dir€ctor Explosives'




ll be provitled ro meet the

of Environment & Forests

vicled ana maintained. Noise

ic enclosure or bY treating the

)d be designed for minimum

is on the higher. The

m6tre froil the acoustic

be provided with ProPertbr the Diesel Generator

in the prescribed form in

ofthe consent Pertod for its

, Storage and lmPort of& Tlandling)Rules, | 989 and

requirements in other

above stated conditions to this

consumption is more than l0lutiorr) Cess Act, 1977 and as

Board hereby reserves to it'of Pollution)Act,l98l to

such variations as deemed fit

ofuny ProPertY or any iflterestisions of the Air Act.

shall make the industxy liable

as above, the consent issued

pasi if any, of the

drilling bc carried out during

g,radient and length shall be

run off of water and flow of

Pond of appropriale size

for control of ground

i perruission from thegalive

Q-V{r1gr -Group Inchdrge-Mines

Page 17: LJV - environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/Online/... · fr/tllr6* Owj.rqr {.arl ?lttaetzl €u'l',trtzr tr€ i Chite-Clay and Ea)t Q/a|/ f!4infj)

File No

Order No

Urrif lt{ | t

/s ftaiasthan Cla

1B'19, Vishwakarm

District I Pali

E'Mail : rclay@re(

Sub: Grant of



(il Your z

[ii) Recei

[iii) Rece

In view c

Consent I

Act,198l. is

following s

1 That tMinorat/neat

2 That th

3 That th



Head Office (Mines )

Rajasthan State Pollution Contro4, InStitutional Area, Jhalana Doongari' Jaiput

Phone: 014f-5159600,5159695Fax: 0141-51

Regi stered

[Mines) /P ali (J aitaran) /8 7 LD / 2076 -2077 / 9281"9285

01,6-2017 /Mines/9097 |


rn Clay

rkarma Building Shiv Circle, Mod Bhatta' Soiat City'

l@rediffmail'comof Consent to Operate under section 2i(+) of Air [Pr

:ionJ Act, 1981 for your Minor Mineral Mine at

i-laitaran, District- Pali (M'L'No -09 /92 )'

rur application dated 29 /12l20tseceived on30/72/2015(eceived at Head office on 2911212075

,rr of the details submrtted vide your above referred appl

rt to Operate under section 21'(4) of Air [Prer"ention 8

i1 is hereby granted for carrying mining activities' This col

ng stipulations:-,i tl',i, consent is being granted in favour of M/s' Rajas

ror Mineral having M.L'No-09/92 in an arez measur

near Viila ge-Lithariya,Tehs il-f aitaran,Distri ct-Pali'

atrliis consent js valid for a period lrom 01/05/2016 to 3010412C

at this consent is valid for following mining activities :-

Board302 004,969?

ate: 291721201^6

vention & Control of

ear Village-LithariYa,

rtion/ documellts, the

Control of Pollutlonl

ent is subject to the

ran ClaY, a Mine of

s 297,6500 Hectares


Mitreratl Perrnitte Mining CapacitY

15000.( 100 TPA1 BALL CLAY

Page 18: LJV - environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/Online/... · fr/tllr6* Owj.rqr {.arl ?lttaetzl €u'l',trtzr tr€ i Chite-Clay and Ea)t Q/a|/ f!4infj)

Head Office (Mines l

Rajasthan State Pollr,rtion Control Board4, Institutional Area, Jhalana Doongari, Jaipur-302 004

Phoner 01 41 -5 159600,51 5 9695 Fax : 0141-5759 697


File No F(Mines)/Pali(fairaran)/87(t)/2076-20r? /g2Bt-s2BSorder No

2076-2017 /Mines/9097 Date: 29/L2/2D76Unit Id t 463

4 That you shall achievr-' following standards in ambient air in mine areaa ctiviti es.

/ mining

Pollutant Standards for Ambient Air Standards for mining activity

SPM 500 pglM3 - SpM = 600 FglM3

(To be measured between 3 to10 meters fronr miningactiviryl

SOz L201t1/M3

NOr L201tg/M3

co 5000 pglM3

5 That 'four mining will not intersect the Ground Water Table during the consentperiod and the permission from the Central Ground Water Authority shall beobtained for intersecfion of Ground Water Table/ abstraction of ground water, if anyand submit a copy of the same to the Board.

6 That this Consent to Operate is for mining / processing / beneficiation of product asmentioned above in M.L,No.'O9/92 and a separate Consent to Operate is requiredto be obtained for any other Mineral mining/ processing,/ beneflcjatjonPlant,/process if alty and [or any addition/ modificarion/ alteration or chanse inp ro cess

7 That the occupier/operator of mine shall ensure that all the conditionsimposed in the En,vironmental clearance granted by the Minisrry ofEnvironment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India vide Ietterno. l-t1,otS/22/zoo3-tL.il (M) dated 24/Lt/20o4 are strictly complied-rii,ith,

8 That this consent to operate is subject to the post audit of pollutionconb'ol measures and consent conditions, In case the lessee is found tohave flouted consent conditions or not having adequate pollution confolmeasules during insprection, the consent will be revoked and directionsshall be issued under section 314 of the Air Act/3 3,4 of rhe water AcL

9 That photographs with GPS coordinates, of the plantation done in thelease area shall be submitted to tfre Board within one month,

'10 That the plantation shall be grown and maintained so that at no time thearea under plantation is less than 33%o of the total lanrl use for miningand allied activities as given in Approved Mining ptan and shall bemaintained at all the time to maintain ambient air quality around themtne

]t1 That ground water shLall not be extracted without prior permi.ssion of theCentritl Ground Water Authority (CGWA).

Signei|r id

Page 19: LJV - environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/Online/... · fr/tllr6* Owj.rqr {.arl ?lttaetzl €u'l',trtzr tr€ i Chite-Clay and Ea)t Q/a|/ f!4infj)

12 That mining operations shall be restricted to ab

and should not intersect ground water table. Inthe ground water table, prior approval of t}te MinistryForest& Climate Change and Central Ground Waterobtained.


shall be



shall be made within or outside the

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vide Ministry ofGSR 826 (E)

Air Quality

adversely affect oror that could be

enclosed as Annexure s be

of the Act or

Page 20: LJV - environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/Online/... · fr/tllr6* Owj.rqr {.arl ?lttaetzl €u'l',trtzr tr€ i Chite-Clay and Ea)t Q/a|/ f!4infj)

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Unit Id :

3 Mining

4 Master

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Signatuie lijid

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