Let Them Steal It

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  • 7/31/2019 Let Them Steal It


    The US and other developed nations tend to

    have a tremendous advantage inventing and

    innovating. Less-developed nations struggle

    to eep up technologically and occasionally

    resort to unscrupulous methods to maintain pace

    with their industrial counterparts. One of thepreferred tactics is imitation, and the imitation is

    not always flattering. Such imitations are usually

    of a lower quality than the original, and usually

    remain so for an extended period. Imitation of

    intellectual property is, simply, stealing, and the

    industrialized world does not tae this well. The

    condemnation of imitation, and the defense of

    intellectual property, has become a crusade of

    corporations and politicians. It is a simple and

    seemingly non-debatable argument: developed

    economies suffer from the imitation and de facto

    theft of intellectual property.

    It is not quite so simple. Intellectual propertyrightsIPin the less developed world can be

    more relaxed than in the developed world, and

    this may benefit the developed nations in the

    long run. Granted, theft is theft, and the typical

    corporation may not feel so conflicted, or be

    interested in the long term effects of imitation and

    wea IP r ights. But maybe they should be.

    What is Innovation?

    Innovation can be thought of as the process of

    applying creative and differentiating properties

    to an existing technology at a high level of qua

    and design. Imitation is the creation of a lower

    quality product with many of the same qualita

    aspects as the innovation.

    Stealing is Good

    How could imitation be a good thing for the

    developed world? How could the blatant copyi

    of innovative products be a posit ive? The notio

    that lower protections of IP in less-developed

    countries is important, or at least not devastati

    to the developed world is at best counter-intuit

    Nonetheless, there is a case for the long-termbenefits of lower IP protections and allowing

    ignoringimitations. As less-developed count

    strive to eep up with the developed world, the

    temptation to short cut the necessity to innova

    is overwhelming. The short cutting leads to

    imitation of products, software, services, and

    everything in between.

    Economically, this engenders the necessity t

    innovate continuously on one side of the equat

    and the lac of incentive to innovate on the oth

    Countries that have a tendency to imitate and

    do not need to have a culture of innovation. Th

    can simply create a lower quality reproductionbring it to maret.

    There are some problems with the imitate-

    to-profit transition, however. The most glaring

    is that it is unliely the imitation products will

    be allowed into the marets of the innovating

    country, and many of the other countries with

    significant IP protections in place. The imitato

    restricted to its own domestic maret, whereas

    innovator can still sell its product or service in

    less developed country. The quality of imitatio

    is typically lower. And, as imitation leads to

    Let Them Steal ItSamuel Rines



    August 2

  • 7/31/2019 Let Them Steal It


    the lower rates of innovation in the imitating

    countries, a larger gap in innovation emerges

    between the two.

    The loss to the innovator is the sale of a few

    marginal units to the imitator. The benefit is the

    necessity to innovate continuously. Why? Because

    at some point the imitations begin to reach aquality level similar to the original, and evolve

    enough from the original innovation that they are

    liely to be allowed into the developed marets.

    Essentially, there is a cycle of innovation to

    imitation and bac again. The lac of protections

    accelerates this cycle, and forces the innovators to

    chase, ceaselessly, the next innovation.

    Lower IP protections and high levels of

    imitation create disincentives for the imitators to

    innovate, and create incentives for innovators to

    continue innovating. In the long-run, economies

    with an emphasis on innovation have the

    advantage in quality and in industry creation.

    Stealing is Bad

    While wea IP and the existence of unpunished

    imitators do have the effect of creating a larger

    innovation gap between the countries, stronger IP

    also creates a better climate for innovators. Since

    developing nations do not start from a tabula rasa,

    countries are liely to begin with wea IP and

    later move slowly and only incrementally towards

    a stronger regime. This movement is never

    seamless, because it requires an entirely different

    set of economic drivers. Weaer IP countr ies

    tend to have a high level of imitation driving

    their economies, and find it difficult to adapt as

    stronger IP begins to tae hold.

    Moving from a lower to a higher IP stance

    is a boon for innovators. The incentives for the

    innovators to accelerate innovation are high:

    they have a monopoly in selling in the previouslyimitating countries, and therefore higher

    expected profits. This energizes the innovators

    to turn out innovations more quicly in an

    attempt to capture profits from larger, more

    protected marets.

    Imitators will find themselves unable to

    continue their previous imitation cycle. They

    are forced, instead, to attempt to innovate on

    their own. But it is not a fast shift to this different

    mindset. It taes time to create a culture of


    More than aligning incentives to benefit the

    innovators, there is an awaening to the necess

    of innovation in the long run. Since most

    countries with low IP protections cannot typic

    sell their imitations in the developed world, the

    incumbent innovators are unliely to have face

    competition from these imitators. This createscompetition in innovation in the long run, and

    drives a higher rate of innovation in the short

    run as incumbent innovators attempt to maint

    their lead.

    Does It Really Matter?

    Whether or not IP is enforced, innovators from

    the IP protected economies have an advantage

    In the case of the persistently low IP regimes, t

    innovators are forced to innovate continuously

    to avoid the quality of the initial product being

    imitated. It also reduces the incentives of the

    imitator to innovate and create new industriesand products. This is a competitive advantage,

    and it eeps competition from entering the

    innovative, higher IP marets. However, there

    are also benefits to the innovator if an imitatin

    country begins to switch from low to high IP

    protection. It creates a larger maret for their

    innovations, increases the expected profits for

    innovations, and therefore incentivizes innovat

    The downside is the eventual competition from

    the previous imitators after they have adjusted

    the higher IP protection climate.

    Developed countries may find that enforcing

    higher IP is simply not worth the headache, an

    that imitators are not true competitors in thebroad maret. Imitators do not easily become

    innovators. In many ways, it maes sense to let

    them steal it.

    Sources: Marchetti, Society as a Learning System:

    Discovery, Invention, and Innovation Cycles Revisited;

    Edwin Lai, International Intellectual Property Rights

    Protection and the Rate of P roduct Innovation; Amy

    Jocely n Glass, Product Cycles and Maret Penetration

    SAMUEL RINESisan analystand Economistat

    chilton capital managEmEntin houston, tExas.dirEctquEstionsorcommEntsto:

    [email protected]

    ZACH BECkisthE Editorof chilton currEntsand

    opErations spEcialistat chilton capital managEmEn

    houston, tExas.

    forfurthErinformationon chilton capital

    managEmEntstratEgiEsandsErvicEs, plEasEcontact

    christophEr l. Knapp, [email protected]

    [email protected]

    ww w.chiltoncapital.com/currEnts

    The notion that lower protections of IP inless-developed countries is important, or atleast not devastating, to the developed world

    is at best counter-intuitive.