LESSON 5 Editing Points

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  • 8/11/2019 LESSON 5 Editing Points


  • 8/11/2019 LESSON 5 Editing Points


    LESSON 5: Editing Points

    1* 7lick #2 to continue.

    Unlocking Points

    Unlock point number "+9 and then change its description and easting !alue.

    1 #n the &oints menu, click Lock=Unlock &oints Unlock &oints." 8nter S for the Selection option, select point number "+9, and then press 8T8/.

    &oint number "+9 is now unlocked. >ou can now edit the description and easting !alue.

    - #n the &oints menu, click 8dit &oints 8dit &oints to display 8dit &oints dialog box.

    The pre!ious list of points is automatically displayed. 7hange the description and easting !alue forpoint "+9.

    + #n the 8dit tab, click on the point number "+9 line in the /aw esc column and enter 3#.

    7lick on the point number "+9 line in the 8asting column and enter "9+1*1.?++:.? 7lick #2 to continue.

    &oint number "+9 now has a new description and is located "* m to the left.

    7lick here to see an illustration of mo!ed point number "+9.

    Editing Point Datum

    7hange the ele!ation of points in ele!ation range from 1** m to "** m, and then mo!e all of the

    points in the selection set up 1** m.

    1 #n the 6iew menu, click amed 6iews to display the 6iew dialog box. Under ame, select

    ", click Set 7urrent, and then click #2.

    " #n the &oints menu, click 8dit &oints atum.- 8nter 1** for the 7hange in ele!ation.

    + 8nter for the ialog option to display the &oints dialog box.

    6erify that the 8nable $iltering option is selected.? 7lick the /eset button near the bottom0left of the dialog box to clear the pre!ious selection.

    9 7lick the &oint @roups tab.

    : $rom the list of point groups, select A>", and then click the (uild List button at the top ofthe dialog box.

    >ou want to use only the points in the A>" point group that are between 1** and "** meters. nthe next steps, use the 8xclude tab to exclude all other points outside of this ele!ation range.

    ; 7lick the 8xclude tab, select the 4ith 8le!ation 3atching check box, and then type1**,B"**.

    This syntax excludes points below 1** meters and abo!e "** meters.

    pag. "=+

  • 8/11/2019 LESSON 5 Editing Points


    LESSON 5: Editing Points

    1* 7lick (uild List to exclude the points from the list.

    11 7lick #2 to continue.

    All of the points in the specified ele!ation range ha!e now been mo!ed up 1** m.

    Editing Points with AutoCAD Commands>ou cannot use Auto7A commands to edit points, with the exception of 3#68, /#TAT8, and

    AL@. These Auto7A commands only work if you enable their use in the &oint Settings dialog

    box.3o!e an alignment and alignment points using the 3#68 command. $irst enable the use of this

    command in the &oint Settings dialog box.

    1 #n the 6iew menu, click amed 6iews to display the 6iew dialog box. Under ame, select-, click Set 7urrent, and then click #2.

    " #n the &oints menu, click &oint Settings to display &oint Settings dialog box.

    - 7lick the Update tab, and in the Auto7A 3#68 command section, select the Allow &oints

    to be 3#68

  • 8/11/2019 LESSON 5 Editing Points


    LESSON 5: Editing Points

    &oint update information is displayed on the command line.

    This concludes the point editing lesson. n the next lesson, you