Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid

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  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    Imperfectionsin Solid


  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid




    • Point Defects

    • Impurities in Solids

    • Dislocations

    • Interfacial Defects

    • Specification of Composition

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    Imperfectionsin Solid

    Point Defects

    Dislocations(Linear Defects)

    Interfacial Defects

    Bulk or Volume Defects

    Atomic Vibrations

    Imperfections in Solid

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    Definition of point defects

    An atom missing or is in an irregular position

    in the lattice structure.

    • vacancies

    • self interstitial atoms

    • interstitial impurity atoms• substitutional atoms

    Point Defects

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    Vacancy – an empty space (vacant lattice site),where an atom should be, but is missing.• Vacancy is formed due to a missing atom• Vacancy is formed during crystallization/solidification or

    mobility of atoms• Also caused due to plastic deformation, rapid cooling or

    particle bombardment


    distortionof planes

    (a) (b)

    Point Defects

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    N V = num ber o f vacanc ies per m eter cub e

    N = total number of atomic sites (usually per cubic meter)

    Q n = energy required for the formation of a vacancy (J/mol or eV/atom)

    T = absolute temperature in Kelvins

    K = Boltzmann’s constant (1.38 x 10 -23 J/atom.K or 8.62 x10 -5 eV/atom.K)

    Point Defects

    N n = N exp ( – --- )Q n kT

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid


    Point Defects

    Self interstitial atom is an extra atom that has crowded

    its way into an interstitial site (a small void space thatunder ordinary circumstances is not occupied) in thecrystal structure.

    • Atom in a crystal, sometimes, occupies interstitial site

    • This does not occur naturally• Can be induced by irradiation• This defects cause structural distortion



    distortionof planes

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid


    Impurities in Solids

    Solid Solution – Solute atoms are added to thehost material (solvent or host atom), the crystalstructure is maintained and no new structures areformed. Example: Alloy

    Impurities in Solids

    Substitutional Interstitial

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid


    Impurities in Solids

    Substitutional impurity atom – atom of adifferent type than the bulk atoms, which hasreplaced one of the bulk atoms in the lattice.

    Substitutional atom

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid


    Interstitial impurity atom – atom of a differenttype than the bulk atoms; it is much smaller thanbulk atom. It fill the voids or interstices amongthe host atom.

    Impurities in Solids

    Interstitial impurity atom

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid


    Impurities in Solids

    • Atomic size factors – Appreciable quantities of asolute may be accommodated in this type of solidsolution only when the difference in atomic radiibetween the two atom types is less than about15%. Otherwise the solute atoms will createsubstantial lattice distortions and a new phase willform.

    • Crystal structure – For appreciable solid solubilitythe crystal structures for metals of both atom typesmust be the same.

    Condition for Substitutional Solid-solutionHume – Rothery ru le

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid


    Impurities in Solids

    • Electronegativity – the more electropositive oneelement and the more electronegative the other, thegreater is the likelihood that they will form anintermetallic compound instead of a substitutionalsolid solution.

    • Valences – Other factors being equal, a metal willhave more of a tendency to dissolve another metalof higher valency than one of a lower valency.

    For example in aluminium-nickel alloy system,nickel (lower valence) dissolves 5 percentaluminium but aluminium (higher valence) dissolvesonly 0.04 percent nickel.

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    Application of Hume –Rothery ru les

    Element Atomic Crystal Electro- ValenceRadius Structure nega-(nm) tivity

    Cu 0.1278 FCC 1.9 +2

    C 0.071H 0.046O 0.060

    Ag 0.1445 FCC 1.9 +1 Al 0.1431 FCC 1.5 +3Co 0.1253 HCP 1.8 +2Cr 0.1249 BCC 1.6 +3Fe 0.1241 BCC 1.8 +2Ni 0.1246 FCC 1.8 +2Pb 0.1750 FCC 1.6 +2, +4Zn 0.1332 HCP 1.6 +2

    Impurities in Solids

    Would you predictmore Al or Pbto dissolve in Cu?

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    Dislocations :

    Schematic of Zinc (HCP):

    • before deformation• after tensile elongation

    slip steps (slip bands)

    • are line defects (linear defect around which some of the atoms aremisaligned; lattice distortions are centered around a line)• slip between crystal planes result when dislocations move• produce permanent (plastic) deformation• formed during: solidification, permanent deformation, atomic

    mismatch in solid solution

    Dislocations (Linear Defects)

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    Dislocations (Linear Defects)

    Different types of line defects are

    • Edge dislocation

    • Screw dislocation

    • Mixed dislocation

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid


  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    • Created due to shear stresses applied toregions of a perfect crystal separated by cuttingplane.

    • Distortion of lattice in form of a spiral ramp.• Burgers vector is parallel to dislocation line.

    Screw Dislocations

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    Screw Dislocations

    • A screw dislocation within a crystal. The atomic distortionassociated with a screw dislocation is also linear and along adislocation line, line AB.

    • Atom positions above the slip plane are designated by opencircles, those below by solid circles.

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    • Most crystal have components

    of both edge and screwdislocation.

    • Dislocation, since haveirregular atomic arrangement

    will appear as dark lineswhen observed in electronmicroscope.

    Mixed Dislocations

    TEM analysis of Ti alloy

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    Interfacial Defects

    Interfacial Defects

    External Surfaces

    Grain Boundaries

    Twin Boundaries

    Planar Defects

    Interfacial defects are boundaries that have two

    dimensions and normally separate regions of materialsthat have different crystal structures and / or crystallographic orientations.

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    External Surface Defects

    • External Surfaces : The boundaries along which the

    crystal structure terminates. Surface atoms are notbonded to maximum number of nearest neighbors. Theatoms are in higher energy state than atoms at interior positions.

    • Free surface is also a defect : Bonded to atoms on onlyone side and hence has higher state of energy(highly reactive)

    • Nanomaterials have small clusters of atoms and henceare highly reactive.

    • At all possible, surface area tend to be minimum

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    Grain Boundaries

    Grain Boundary : The boundary separating two

    grains or crystals having different crystallographicorientations (in polycrystalline materials).

    3D view of grains

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    Grain Boundaries

    • Formed due to simultaneously growing

    crystals meeting each other.• Width = 2-5 atomic diameters

    • Within boundary region, there is someatomic mismatch

    • Some atoms in grain boundaries havehigher energy (favor nucleation & growthof precipitates)

    • Allow rapid diffusion of atoms due tolower atomic packing

    • Restrict plastic flow and preventdislocation movement

    Grain Boundaries in 1018 steel

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    Twin Boundaries

    • Twin Boundary : Grain boundary which there is a specific

    mirror lattice symmetry. The atoms on one side of theboundary are located in mirror-image positions of the atomson the other side

    • Formed during plastic deformation and recrystallization

    • Strengthens the metal


    Twin Plane

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    Specification of Composition

    C 1 = ---------------- x 100 m 1

    m 1 + m 2

    • Weight percent (wt%): weight of a particular element relative to the total alloy weight

    m 1 & m2 weight (mass) of elements 1 and 2,


  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    • Atom percent (at%): number of moles of anelement in relation to the total moles of theelements in the alloy

    Specification of Composition

    C’ 1 = ---------------- x 100 nm1

    nm1 + n m2

    nm1 = ---------m 1 A1

    nm1 = number of molesfor element 1

    m 1 = mass in gram A1 = atomic weight

    Atom percent of element 1

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    Specification of Composition

    Com pos i t ion Conv ers ion Conv ers ion of w t% to a t% for a tw o e lem ents a l loy

    C’ 1 = --------------------- x 100 C 1 A2 C 1 A2 + C 2 A1

    C’ 2

    = --------------------- x 100 C 2 A1

    C 1 A2 + C 2 A1

    Weight percent = C 1 , C 2 Atoms percent = C’ 1, C’ 2 Atomic weight = A 1, A2

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    Com pos i t ion Conv ers ion Conv ers ion of a t% to wt% fo r a two elem ents a lloy

    Specification of Composition

    C 1 = --------------------- x 100 C’ 1 A2 C’ 1 A1 + C’ 2 A2

    C 2

    = --------------------- x 100 C’ 2 A2

    C’ 1 A1 + C’ 2 A2

    Weight percent = C 1 , C 2 Atoms percent = C’ 1, C’ 2 Atomic weight = A 1, A2

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    C’’ 1 = ----------------- x 1000 ------ +C 1 1

    C 1

    ------C 2 2

    Specification of Composition

    To co nver t concen t rat ion f rom weigh t % to m ass o f one

    com pon ent per un i t vo lum e of m ater ial (wt% to kg /m 3 )

    C’’ 2 = ----------------- x 1000 ------ +C 1 1

    C 2

    ------C 2 2

    Density, = g/cm 3

    E l 1

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    Calculate the equilibrium number of vacancies per cubic

    meter for copper at 1000 oC. The energy for vacancyformation is 0.9eV/atom; the atomic weight and density (at1000 oC) for copper are 63.5 g/mol and 8.4g/cm 3 respectively.

    Solution:This problem may be solved by using equation

    However it is necessary to determine the value N, number of atomic sites per cubic meter first

    N n = N exp ( – --- )Q n kT

    Example 1

    E l 1

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    Atomic weight A Cu , its density and Avogadro’s number N A.

    N = -------- ACuN A

    = ----------------------------------------63.5g/mol

    (6.023 x10 23 atoms/mol)(8.4g/cm 3 )(10 6 cm 3 /m 3 )

    = 8.0 x 10 28 atoms/m 3

    Thus, the number of vacancies at 1000 oC (1273K) is equal to

    N v

    = N exp ( – ------)kT

    Q v

    = (8.0 x 10 28 atoms/m 3 exp[ – -----------------------------------] (0.9 eV)

    = 2.2 x 10 25 vacancies/m 3(8.62 x10 -5 eV/K)(1273K)

    Example 1

    E l 2

  • 8/16/2019 Lecture 1 - Imperfections in Solid



    Determine the composition, in atom percent, of an

    alloy that consist of 97 wt% aluminum and 3 wt%copper.

    C Cu = 3 C Al = 97

    C’ Cu = --------------------- x 100 C Cu A Al

    C Cu A Al + C Al ACu

    = ---------------------------------------------- x 100 (3)(26.98g/mol)

    (3)(26.98g/mol) + (97)(63.55g/mol)= 1.30 at%

    Example 2

    E l 2

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    Determine the composition, in atom percent, of an

    alloy that consist of 97 wt% aluminum and 3 wt%copper.

    C Cu = 3 C Al = 97

    C’ Al = --------------------- x 100 C Al ACu

    C Cu A Al + C Al ACu

    = ---------------------------------------------- x 100 (97)(63.55g/mol)

    (3)(26.98g/mol) + (97)(63.55g/mol)= 98.7 at%

    Example 2