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LECTORS & EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS ST. JUDE ALTAR … · By Denise Correia 3RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ... Jesús comienza su actividad pública comentando la sagrada Escritura en la

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Page 1: LECTORS & EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS ST. JUDE ALTAR … · By Denise Correia 3RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ... Jesús comienza su actividad pública comentando la sagrada Escritura en la



Saturday, January 23, 20165:00 PMMiguel Gaona (D)By Lucy Silverio

Sunday, January 24, 20168:00 AMThanksgiving St. JudePor Angel/Maria Olvera yFamilia

9:30 AMJennie Goulart (D)By St. Jude Altar Guild


11:00 AMAngelo Ortiz (D)By St. Jude Altar Guild

WEEKDAY MASSES7:30 AMMonday, January 25, 2016Thanksgiving St. JudePor Angel/Maria Olvera yFamilia

Tuesday, January 26, 2016Lourdes Henriques (D)By Fred/Maxine Machado

Wednesday, January 27, 2016No Mass

Thursday, January 28, 2016Manuel Azevedo (D)By Mary C. Silveira

Friday, January 29, 2016Augusto Azevedo (D)By Mary C. Silveira

Oremos por todos aquellos que están enfermos, desvalidos y convalecientes.

Let us pray for all souls and thoselisted in our Book of Remembrance.

January 24, 2016

FOOD DISTRIBUTION DAYFood will be distributedon Monday, February 1,2016 from 1:00 pm-4:00 pmin Easton in front of thePresbyterian Church. Pleasebring a cart or something to help carrythe food items. Volunteers are needed.Come to help at 12:30 pm.

DIA MUNDIAL DEL MATRIMONIOFecha: 7 de febrero, 2016 Hora: Misa 3:00 pm Lugar: Parroquia deSan Antonio de Padua, Fresno. Recepción después de la Misa enel Centro de Eventos. Las parejas celebrando aniversarios de 25,30, 35, 40, 45, 50 y más años necesitan registrarse directamente enel sitio www.dioceseoffresno.org El Obispo Armando Ochoaestará disponible para fotografias en el Centro de Eventos.

Second Collection/Segunda Colecta:

Last week’s collection/ Colecta de la semana pasada $3,048.00Seminarians/Seminarios $988.00

Next week’s collection/Proxima semana colecta:Bishop’s Appeal

Thank you for your continued generosity.Mil gracias que Dios bendiga por su generosidad.

God’s Spirit is given to each person for the common good. What are your gifts? Are you willing to

share them for the good of others?1 Corinthians 12:4-11


“Desde este momento, confiamos este Año Santo a la Madre dela Misericordia, que ella pueda volver su mirada fija sobrenosotros y cuidar nuestra travesía. Nuestro camino penitencial,nuestra forma de abrir corazones a lo largo de un año, pararecibir la indulgencia de Dios, para recibir la misericordia deDios.” Estas fueron las palabras que el Papa pronuncio al concluirla celebracion pentencial en la cual él anuncio el nuevo Jubileodedicado a la misericordia.

LECTORS & EUCHARISTIC MINISTERSAs the new year begins we arereaching out to invite you toserve in these ministries. If youare interested i n b e i n g al e c t o r o r a Eucharistic

minister, please sign up on the sheet on the entrytable. Training will be scheduled and you will benotified of this information.

WORLD MARRIAGE DAY2016 World Marriage Day with Bishop Ochoa willbe celebrated Sunday, February 7, 2016, 3:00 pm atSt. Anthony of Padua. Reception following at theEvent Center. Anniversary couples celebrating25, 30, 35, 40,45, 50 and more years of marriageneed to register directly www.dioceseoffresno.org


The Knights of Columbus will hold their23rd Annual Fish & Chips Dinner everyFriday during Lent. Be ready to come onFebruary 12th, 2016 to be served dinnerfrom 5:00 to 7:00 pm in our church hall.Price is only $12.00. Take outs available.

Maintenance & Repairs/Mantenimiento y Reparaciones

El Espiritu de Dios está sobre ti. Por el bautismo yconfirmación Dios te envia “a llevar la Buena Nueva a lospobres y proclamar la libertad a los cautivos, anunciar eldia favorable del Señor.” ¿Estas llamado/a al sacerdocio,

diaconado o a la vida religiosa?Lucas 1:1-4, 14-21

Saturday, January 30, 20165:00 PMMary L. Silva (D)By St. Jude Altar Guild

Sunday, January 31, 20168:00 AMJohnnie T. Martin (D)By Carmie/Jeanette Martin

9:30 AMAntonio Wirz (L)By Correia Family


11:00 AMDelmonico Rojas (D)By St. Jude Altar Guild

WEEKDAY MASSES7:30 AMMonday, February 1, 2016Denise Correia (L)By Correia Family

Tuesday, February 2, 2016Bill & Ethel Perkins (D)By Amaral Family

Wednesday, February 3, 2016No Mass

Thursday, February 4, 2016Maria Mendonca (D)By Sarah Cardoza

Friday, February 5, 2016Michael Halpin (D)By Denise Correia


“So that you may realize the certainty of theteachings you have received.” St. Lukebegan his Gospel by explaining why he wroteit. His intention was to provide a writtenaccount “of the events that have beenfulfilled among us.” But he didn’t write simply

to make a historical record; he wrote in order to bolster the confidenceof the Christian community. He wanted to offer them a resource forrealizing that what they had been taught was legitimate. This is why heinvestigated “everything accurately anew” and wrote it down “in anorderly sequence.”

This passage helps us understand the relationship betweensacred tradition and sacred Scripture. As Catholics, we believe that theBible is an essential part of divine revelation that goes hand in handwith the teachings that were established by Jesus and passed on by hisapostles. The “Catechism of the Catholic Church” tells us that thechurch “does not derive her certainty about all revealed truths from theholy Scriptures alone. Both Scripture and Tradition must be acceptedand honored with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence” (#82).Here, Luke emphasizes that what he writes is a confirmation of whatwas already being taught.

This fact should help us appreciate the gift of the Bible. Thisinspired collection of books exists to help us practice our faith and tobring us into a deeper understanding of the revealed word of God.Although the Bible is not the only source of revelation, it does help usto have what Luke calls “certainty” regarding our faith. We do hearBible readings at Mass, but we would do well to read the Bible on ourown as well. Let us not miss the opportunity to hear God’s wordspeaking to us every day.


Hace más de dos mil años queJesús pronunció las siguientes palabras:“Hoy mismo se ha cumplido este pasajede la Escritura que acaban de oír” (Lc 4,20). Ojalá que este 2016, y en estacomunidad parroquial, también se

cumpla en nosotros este pasaje del Evangelio y tal como Jesús lo hizo:llevemos a los pobres, a los necesitados de alguna palabra de aliento y deamor, la Buena Nueva. Éste es el tema central que hoy escuchamos, la palabrade Dios proclamada a todos nosotros. En la primera lectura Esdras reorganizaa la comunidad israelita después del destierro y públicamente anunció la leyde Dios. San Pablo explica cómo la palabra de Dios se hace realidad en Cristoy se manifiesta en los diferentes carismas que Dios ofrece a las personas.Jesús comienza su actividad pública comentando la sagrada Escritura en lasinagoga de su pueblo Nazaret.

¿Crees tú que la palabra de Jesús se ha perdido en la actualidad?¿Crees que ya no es necesario anunciar el bien y denunciar el mal? TodavíaJesús es el Mesías, el que libera de toda atadura, el que brinda la paz. Cadavez que asistimos a la Eucaristía dominical es como si estuviéramos en lasinagoga escuchando a Jesús mismo. Deberíamos salir de ahí con uncompromiso auténtico y único de llevar la Buena Nueva y de ser la buenanoticia para los que nos rodean. Las sugerencias son muchas, pero una es laque nos lleva a ser mejores en esto de ser heraldos de esperanza y es sercoherentes con nuestros hechos y palabras.


Sunday: Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10/Ps 19:8-10, 15/1 Cor 12:12-30 or12:12-14, 27/Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21

Monday: Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22/Ps 117:1-2/Mk 16:15-18Tuesday: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5/Ps 96:1-3, 7-8, 10/Mk 3:31-35Wednesday: 2 Sm 7:4-17/Ps 89:4-5, 27-30/Mk 4:1-20Thursday: 2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29/Ps 132:1-5, 11-14/Mk 4:21-25Friday: 2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17/Ps 51:3-7, 10-11/Mk 4:26-34Saturday: 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17/Ps 51:12-17/Mk 4:35-41Next Sunday: Jer 1:4-5, 17-19/Ps 71:1-6, 15-17/1 Cor 12:31-13:13 or


Domingo: Neh 8, 2-4. 5-6. 8-10/Sal 19, 8-10. 15/1 Cor 12, 12-30 o 12,12-14. 27/Lc 1, 1-4; 4, 14-21

Lunes: Hch 22, 3-16 o 9, 1-22/Sal 117, 1-2/Mc 16, 15-18Martes: 2 Tim 1, 1-8 o Tit 1, 1-5/Sal 96, 1-3. 7-8. 10/Mc 3, 31-35Miércoles: 2 Sm 7, 4-17/Sal 89, 4-5. 27-30/Mc 4, 1-20Jueves: 2 Sm 7, 18-19. 24-29/Sal 132, 1-5. 11-14/Mc 4, 21-25Viernes: 2 Sm 11, 1-4. 5-10. 13-17/Sal 51, 3-7. 10-11/Mc 4, 26-34Sábado: 2 Sm 12, 1-7. 10-17/Sal 51, 12-17/Mc 4, 35-41Domingo siguiente: Jr 1, 4-5. 17-19/Sal 71, 1-6. 15-17/1 Cor 12, 31-13,

13 o 13, 4-13/Lc 4, 21-30

COMIDAComida sera distribuido el lunes, 1 de febrero.Venga el lunes a las 1:00-4:00 pm en la esquinade Elm, en fr en te de la Iglesia Presbyterianen Easton para la comida.

ADOPTION...A LOVING CHOICEInfant of Prague is the Valley’s leader involuntary adoption. Serving the community since1953, Infant of Prague is the “go to” agency withresources, comprehensive programs, counseling,and support services pertaining to any aspect ofadoption. More info: contact Fresno Infant of Prague447-3333.

PILGRIMAGESYou are invited to join Fr. JosephParathanal’s Pilgrimages to EasternEurope, April 2016, Our Lady of Guadalupe,June 2016, and India, September 2016.Contact [email protected] orBernadette 323-344-1548 or 323-547-6618.

FOLLOW THE DIOCESE OF FRESNOGo on Twitter and Facebook for the Websiteat: www.dioceseoffresno.org

REDISCOVER WORKS OF MERCYReflect on the coproral and spiritual worksof mercy. The corporal works of mercy callus to feed the hungry, give drink to thethirsty, clothe the naked, welcome thestanger, heal the sick, visit the imprisioned,and bury the dead. The spiritual works ofmercy beckon us to counsel the doubtful,instruct the ignorant, admonish sinners,comfort the afflicted, forgive offenses, bearpatiently those who do us ill, and pray forthe living and the dead. As you reflect onthe works of mercy, ask yourself: Whatrole do the works of mercy play in yourlife? In what ways do they inspire you orbeckon you to change?

THERESE: THE STORY OF A SOUL An originalone-woman live drama performed by actress AudreyAlher of St. Luke Productions. This professionalproduction will be presented in Fresno at the Shrineof St. Therese, 855 E. Floradora Avenue onThursday, February 18 at 7:00 pm. More information:

Cheryl Sershon 559-268-6388 or [email protected].

WELCOME!We thank God you are with us. If you are

not registered, please fill out the form on the front of the bulletin and place

it in the collection basket.

BIENVENIDO!Le damos gracias a Dios porque estas con nosotros. Si no tehas registrado, por favor llena la forma de enfrente de buletin yponia en la canasta de la colecta. Gracias.

ST. JUDE ALTAR GUILDSt. Jude Altar Guild will have a meeting onMonday, February 1st at 6:00 pm. Anyoneinterested is invited to attend.