Kuesioner Kuisionare berasal dari bahasa latin: Quistionnare, yang berarti suattu rangkaian pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan topic tertentu, diberikan kepada sekelompok individu dengan maksud untuk memperoleh data. Kuesioner lebih popular dalam penelitian dibandingkan dengan jenis instrument yang lain karena dengan menggunakan cara ini dapat dikumpulkan informasi yang lebih banyak dalam waktu yang relative pendek, dengan biaya yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan peneliti menggunakan wawancara atau teknik lain. Tujuan utama menggunakan kuesioner dalam penelitian adalah: 1. Memperoleh informasi yang lebih relevan dengan tujuan penelitian 2. Mengumpulkan informasi dengan reliabilitas dan validitas yang tinggi Dalam menyusun kuesioner hendaklah berangkat dari tujuan dan hipotesis yang telah disusun sebelumnya (kalau ada) atau dari pertanyaan penelitian yang terjabar secara tuntas dalam kisi-kisi penyusunan istrumen, sehingga apa yang ingin dicari akan dapat terungkap dengan jelas. Dilain pihak perlu pula diperhatikan factor efisiensi dalam penyusunan instrument dan dalam pengumpulan data. Ini berarti bahwa peneliti dalam merancang instrument penelitiannya perlu mempertimbangkan faktor biaya dan waktu. Data yang tidak akan diolah atau tidak terkait dengan tujuan penelitian tidak perlu dikumpulkan. Mengingat bahwa butir-butir instrument penelitian terfokus pada permasalahan dan tujuan penelitian, maka penjabaran secara sistematis dan terinci sangat diperlukan sebelum menyusun butir-butir instrument penelitian. Disamping itu perlu juga digarisbawahi disini bahwa setiap butir (item) yang disusun merupakan sampel dari aspek-aspek yang ingin diketahui.


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Page 1: Kuisioner


Kuisionare berasal dari bahasa latin: Quistionnare, yang berarti suattu rangkaian pertanyaan yang

berhubungan dengan topic tertentu, diberikan kepada sekelompok individu dengan maksud untuk

memperoleh data. Kuesioner lebih popular dalam penelitian dibandingkan dengan jenis instrument yang

lain karena dengan menggunakan cara ini dapat dikumpulkan informasi yang lebih banyak dalam waktu

yang relative pendek, dengan biaya yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan peneliti menggunakan

wawancara atau teknik lain.

Tujuan utama menggunakan kuesioner dalam penelitian adalah:

1. Memperoleh informasi yang lebih relevan dengan tujuan penelitian

2. Mengumpulkan informasi dengan reliabilitas dan validitas yang tinggi

Dalam menyusun kuesioner hendaklah berangkat dari tujuan dan hipotesis yang telah disusun

sebelumnya (kalau ada) atau dari pertanyaan penelitian yang terjabar secara tuntas dalam kisi-kisi

penyusunan istrumen, sehingga apa yang ingin dicari akan dapat terungkap dengan jelas. Dilain pihak

perlu pula diperhatikan factor efisiensi dalam penyusunan instrument dan dalam pengumpulan data. Ini

berarti bahwa peneliti dalam merancang instrument penelitiannya perlu mempertimbangkan faktor

biaya dan waktu. Data yang tidak akan diolah atau tidak terkait dengan tujuan penelitian tidak perlu


Mengingat bahwa butir-butir instrument penelitian terfokus pada permasalahan dan tujuan penelitian,

maka penjabaran secara sistematis dan terinci sangat diperlukan sebelum menyusun butir-butir

instrument penelitian. Disamping itu perlu juga digarisbawahi disini bahwa setiap butir (item) yang

disusun merupakan sampel dari aspek-aspek yang ingin diketahui.

Dalam menyusun instrument ada 8 pertanyaan yang perlu mendapat perhatian peneliti, yaitu:

1. Apakah item itu diperlukan ?

2. Apakah item itu akan dianalisis ?

3. Apakah item itu relevan ?

4. Bagaimanakah caranya pertanyaan itu akan diolah ?

5. Teknik manakah yang cocok untuk itu ?

6. Apakah dengan pertanyaan yang ada pokok masalah yang diajukan telah terjawab ?

7. Apakah masing-masing sub-sub variable sudah terwakili ?

8. Apakah kuesioner itu sesuai dengan responden penelitian ?

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Suatu hal yang harus selalu harus diingat peneliti berkenaan dengan instrument penelitian adalah

kuesioner yang disusun dan digunakan dalam penelitian hendalah mempunyai validitas dan reliabilitas

yang tinggi. Karena itu tentukan terlebih dahulu validitas dan reliabilitas instrument sebelum digunakan


A. Jenis-jenis Kuesioner

Dari segi isi, kuesioner dapat dibedakan :

1. Pertanyaan fakta dan informasi

Pertanyaan fakta dan informasi berkaitan dengan pengetahuan siap yang diketahui tentang

sesuatu yang ingin diselidiki. Pertanyaan ini menekankan pada fakta dan informasi yang

tersedia, seperti pertanyaan tentang jumlah penduduk, jumlah keluarga, karakteristik social

ekonomi individu, informasi tentang karir, jabatan, keputusan, peraturan, dan sebagainya.

2. Pertanyaan pendapat dan sikap

Pertanyaan berupa sikap seperti pertanyaan tentang perasaan, kepercayaan, dan preposisi serta



1) Yang manakah diantara guru itu yang mengatakan kamu tidak boleh sekolah lagi ?

2) Bagaimanakah pendapat kamu tentang pemilihan itu ?

3) Apakah anda tidak setuju tentang letak tanda gambar itu ?

3. Pertanyaan prilaku

Pertanyaan prilaku mengacu pada perbuatan dan tindakan seseorang dalam kaitannya terhadap

yang lain.


1) Saya keperpustakaan untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang baru

2) Apakah anda yang mengendarai mobil itu ?

3) Apakah anda memukul bola itu ?

Dari sisi bagaimana kuesioner itu diadministrasikan kepada responden, kuesioner dapat pula

dibedakan :

1. Kuesioner yang dikirimkan dengan pos (mail questionare)

2. Kusioner yang dibagikan langsung kepada responden

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Baik kuesioner yang dibagikan langsung maupun yang dikirimkan kepada responden, perlu

dirancang sebaik mungkin sehingga dapat mengumpulan data dan informasi secara tepat dan

akurat, sesuai dengan apa yang ingin dikumpulkan.

Masing-masing bentuk instrument merupakan suatu set pertanyaan, yang dapat berupa fakta dan

informasi, sikap dan prilaku responden yang telah dipilih berdasarkan criteria yang telah

ditetapkan. Instrumen yang dikiriman dengan pos harus dikembalikan oleh responden dengan pos

atau langsung kepada peneliti kalau memungkinkan; sedangkan untuk yang dibagikan hendaklah

dikumpulkan kembali sesuai dengan waktu yang telah disediakan.

Kuesioner cocok dan tepat dimanfaatkan apabila:

1. Peneliti familiar terhadap semua rentangan kemungkinan jawaban pada semua pertanyaan

yang digunakan

2. Peneliti percaya bahwa responden akan mau menerima peran yang relative pasif terhadap

semua jawaban yang diajukan kepadanya.

3. Peneliti bersedia menerima data yang diberikan responden tanpa perlu ditindak lanjuti dengan

pertanyaan tambahan atau dengan interviu

4. Sampel kuesioner lebih luas dan tersebar pada lokasi yang luas pula.

Menurut jenisnya kuesioner dapat pula dibedakan atas jenis, yaitu: yang bersifat tertutup, yang

bersifat terbuka, dan yang bersifat terbuka dan tertutup.

1. Kuesioner Tertutup

Dalam kuesioner yang berbentuk tertutup, alternative jawaban yang sudah ditentukan terlebih

dahulu. Responden hanya memilih dari alternative yang telah disediakan.


- Apakah anda puas dengan pekerjaan yang sekarang ?

a. Puas

b. Tidak puas

- Merurut pendapat anda, bagaimakah kualitas hidup sekarang ?

a. Sangat baik

b. Baik

c. Sedang

d. Kurang

e. Kurang sekali

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Keuntungan penggunaan kuesioner tertutup, yaitu:

1) Alternative jawaban yang diberikan terstruktur dan sama antara yang satu dengan yang lain.

Kontaminasi aspek lain dapat dikurangi

2) Peneliti dapat mengcover lokasi yang luas dan tersebar

3) Mempunyai instruksi yang seragam sehingga mengurangi subjektivitas peneliti pada saat

pengumpulan data

4) Kuesioner lebih mudah diadministrasikan daripada instrument yang lain, seperti tes dan


5) Biaya yang digunakan relative lebih mudah daripada instrument yang lain

6) Dapat dibandingkan jawaban antara satu responden dengan responden yang lain

7) Jawaban yag diberikan responden mudah diproses karena alternative jawaban lebih


8) Arti pertanyaan yang dikemukan dalam kuesioner lebih jelas bai responden, karena dibantu

oleh alternative jawaban yang disediakan

9) Lebih sedikit jawaban yang kurang relevan, baik ditinjau dari segi isi maupun dikaitkan

dengan kondisi responden

10) Lebih mudah responden menjawabnya

11) Mudah diberi kode

Beberapa kuesioner tertutup adalah:

1) Cara menentukan validitas dan reliabilitas instrument masih terbatas

2) Rendahnya pengembalian instrument akan menyebabkan ancaman terhadap validitas


3) Validitas instrument tergantung pada kemampuan dan kemauan responden dalam

menyediakan informasi

4) Ada kemungkinan terjadinya salah tafsir terhadap pertanyaan oleh responden

5) Menghilangkan atau membatasi hal-hal yang bersifat personal dari responden sehingga

sering menimbulkan kekecewaan. Kadang-kadang jawaban yang disediakan tidak berkenan

di hati responden

6) Mudah diterka oleh responden

7) Terlalu banyak kategori jawaban sehingga banyak yang membutuhkan tempat dan fasilitas

8) Perbedaan interprestasi tentang pertanyaan tidak dapat diketahui dengan jelas karena tidak

adanya tindak lanjut tambahan klarifikasi dan interprestasi

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9) Perbedaan jawaban di antara responden yang ada menjadi hilang dengan menciptakan

situasi artificial dan alternative respon yang terbats

2. Kuesioner Terbuka

Bentuk ini memberikan kesempatan kepada responden untuk mengemukakan pendapatnya

yang sesuai dengan pandangan dan kemampuan masing-masing. Dengan kata lain dapat

dikatakan bahwa alternative jawaban tidak ditentukan terlebih dahulu

Contoh :

- Faktor-faktor apakah yang menyebaban meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat terhadap

pembangunan ?



- Menurut pendapat anda, faktor-faktor apakah yang menyebabkan meningkatnya harapan

hidup warga masyarakat dewasa ini?



Beberapa keuntungan penggunaan kuesioner dalam bentuk terbuka adalah sebagai berikut:

1) Dapat digunakan walaupun kemungkinan jawaban belum diketahui oleh peneliti semuanya

2) Dapat digunakan sebagai persiapan untuk menyusun kuesioner dalam bentuk tertutup

3) Responden dapat menjawab menurut keadaan dan kemampuan yang sebenarnya

4) Memberi kesempatan kepada responden untuk mengembangkan penalaran dan kreativitas


5) Dapat digunakan untuk mengantisipasi respon yang luas dan kompleks

6) Dapat menggali motivasi yang lebih mendalam dari responden

Disamping itu, kuesioner dalam bentuk terbuka mempunyai beberapa elemahan antara lain:

1) Sulit untuk diberi kode karena terdapat bermacam jawaban yang berbeda dari responden,

tentang butir atau item yang sama

2) Sukar dalam memproses dan menganalisis data

3) Banyak terdapat informasi yang kurang relevan dengan tujuan penelitin

4) Banyak menggunakan tempat dan waktu

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5) Kadang-kadang menghilangkan kekhususan data

6) Data yang diberikan tidak standard an tidak seragam

7) Membutuhkan keterampilan menulis dan mengeluarkan pendapat

8) Waktu yang digunakan lebih lama dari kuesioner dalam bentuk tertutup

3. Kombinasi bentuk terbuka dan tertutup

Kuesioner yang menggunakan kombinasi bentuk tertutup dan terbuka, dapat menggunakan

kelemahan kelemahan kuesioner terbuka dan juga kuesioner dalam bentuk tertutup. Namun

dalam pemerosesan data, jauh lebih sukar dari menggunakan kuesioner tertutup. Dalam

bentuk gabungan ini, alternative jawaban sebagian besar disediakan peneliti. Pada bagian

tempat yang dikosongkan sehingga responden mempunyai kesempatan untuk mengisi jawaban

yang sesuai dengan keadaanya, kalau alternative yang disediakan belum sesuai dengan yang



- Bagaimana cara anda mendapatkan informasi tentang pekerjaan yang sekarang? (Boleh cek

lebih dari satu)

a) Dengan melamar langsung

b) Melalui teman yang bekerja di kantor itu

c) Melalui departemen tenaga kerja

d) Melalui media masa

e) ……………………………………………………………..

- Berapa lamakah anda bekerja dalam seminggu (dalam jam)

a) 30 – 34

b) 35 – 40

c) 40 – 44

d) ………………………..

Penggunaan bentuk kuesioner yang tepat dalam suatu penelitian tidalah dapat diabaikan karena

instrument yang benar akan mengungkapkan sesuatu masalah dengan baik. Sehubungan dengan

itu ada beberapa criteria yang dapat digunakan:

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1) Apabila peneliti ingin mengumpulkan informasi tentang bsesuatu dengan menekankan bahwa

responden akan memberikan persetujuan atau tidak setuju tentang seseuatu yang dinyatakan

maka bentuk tertutup lebih baik, tetap kalau ingin sampai pada proses bagaimana responden

sampai pada suatu alternative maka bentuk terbuka lebih cepat digunakan.

2) Seandainya peneliti ingin mengetahui perbedaan atau kekurangan informasi yang diusulkan

responden tentang topic yang dibicarakan, maka bentuk terbuka lebih baik, tetapi kalau tidak

maka sebaiknya digunakan kuesioner dalam bentuk tertutup

3) Bentuk terbuka lebih baik digunakan apabila responden telah memiliki opini yang terkristal

tentang topic yang dibicarakan, sedangkan penggunaan benuk tertutup mengandung resio

bahwa responden memilih sesuatu yang tidak sesuai dengan opininya. Dalam bentuk tertutup,

responden sering melakukan proses memanggil kembali dan mengevaluasi pengalaman masa


B. Beberapa Kriteria dalam Menyusun Kuesioner

Kesahihan dan keterandalan alat pengumpul data merupakan salah satu modal dalam

mengungkapkan dan mencari penemuan yang lebih berarti dalam penelitian. Penjabaran yang

dilakukan menurut kategori aspek yang akan diukur dan penjabaran variable menjadi sub variable

dan sub-sub variable yang lebih spesifik adalah langkah awal yang perlu dilakukan sehingga

memungkinkan peneliti melihat sedari dini komposisi dan bobot masing-masing item. Di samping itu

keterwakili tidaknya aspe-aspek yang diteliti secara keseluruhan sangat menentukan pula

keberhasilan penelitian yang dilakukan.

Instrumen adalah sampel dari variable yang diteliti . Kelemahan dalam penentuan sampel dari

variable tersebut, secara langsung akan mempengaruhi ketepatan hasil penelitian dikaitkan dengan

disiplin ilmu dalam arti yang lebih luas.


Pengaruh Motivasi terhadap keberhasilan kerja

Dalam contoh tersebut konsep motivasi yang harus dirumuskan terlebih dahulu

- Apakah yang dimaksud dengan motivasi ?

- Apakah semua motivasi akan diteliti ?

- Apakah motivasi instrinstik saja ataukah juga termasuk motivasi instrinstik ?

- Andaikata motivasi instrinstik saja, jenis motivasi instrinstik mana sajakah yang akan


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Andaikata telah ditetapkan, umpanyan motivasi berprestasi saja, maka barulah dijabarkan menjadi

sub-sub variable dan selanjutnya baru disusun kisi-kisi (blue print) dan instrumennya sesuai dengan

luas bidang, komposisi atau perbandingan yang seimbang diantara kelompok butir pertanyaan yang

disusun. Jangan lupa bahwa pertanyaan yang disusun merupakan sample dari aspek yang

sebenarnya. Andaikata tidak dibatasi secara spesifik dan operasional sebelum menyusun

instrument, maka instrument yang disusun akan mengambang dan valliditas isi (content validity)

menjadi rendah.

Langkah-langkah berikutnya dalam menyusun instrument adalah sebagai berikut:

1) Tinjau kembali secara tuntas apakah hubungan antara masalah, tujuan, variable dan hipotesis

sudah jelas. Apakah tujuan yang akan dicapai betul-betul telah dituangkan dalam

hipotesis/pertanyaan penelitian yang benar sehingga jelas data yang akan dikumpulkan. Apaah

variable sudah benar, baik menurut jenis maupun logika urutannya. Apakah sudah dijabarkan

dengan cara yang tepat sehingga mudah dipahami.

2) Formulasikan pertanyaan dengan bai dan benar, serta sesuai dengan data yang dibutuhkan.

Beberapa petunjuk yang perlu diperhatikan dalam memformulasikan butir pertanyaan itu


a. Tanyakan data dan informasi yang dibutuhkan dan terkait dengan tujuan penelitian, tetapi

jangan kumpulkan data yang tidak berguna dan yang tidak akan diolah.

Dalam setiap penelitian telah ditentukan sejak dini: masalah, ruang lingkup dan tujuan

penelitian. Namun masih banyak peneliti yang mengumpulkan seakan-akan semuanya perlu

bagi dia.

Mengumpulkan data dan informasi diluar patikan yang telah ditentukan adalah mubazir,

menambah waktu, tenaga dan fasilias, sedangkan manfaatnya tidaklah banyak untuk tujuan

penelitian. Karena itu menyediakan instrument yang terbatas, tepat dan akurat sanat

penting dan perlu mendapat perhatian peneliti.

b. Gunakan bahasa yang baik dan benar sesuai dengan kaidah yang berlaku dan tingat

kemampuan responden

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Hal ini sangat esensial karena kuesioner pada prinsipnya diisi sendiri oleh responden (self

report). Apabila responden tidak mampu memahami bahasa yang digunakan peneliti, maka

yang bersangkutan sulit pula untuk mengerti isi instrument. Hal itu akan membawa dampak

bahwa yang bersangkutan tidak mampu menafsirkan secara benar apa yang dimaksudkan

peneliti sehingga data yang diberikan tidaklah sesuai dengan kenyataan yang sebenarnya.

Usahakan menggunakan kata-kata yang mempunyai arti yang sama untuk semua

responden. Di samping itu gunakan bahasa yang sederhana dimana responden bterbiasa

dengan bahasa dan kata-kata tersebut. Hati-hati menggunakan kata-kata baru yang sedang

dalam proses pembakuan

Instrumen yang disusun hendalah mudah dibaca, cepat dipahami dan banyak direspon oleh

responden sesuai dengan keadaanya.


- Yang kurang baik

Ini bulan telah terjadi revance antara juara dunia dengan penantangnya

a. Ya

b. Tidak

c. …………

- Dapat dirubah menjadi

Bulan ini telah dilaksanakan pertandingan tinju juara dunia versi WBC antara A dan B

a. Ya

b. Tidak

c. …………..

3) Nyatakan pertannyaan dengan baik dan spesifik

4) Hindarilah pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang panjang, tetapi kabur

5) Tetapkan kerangka rujukan pertanyaan dalam pikiran anda (peneliti), sehingga menyumbang

kepada hasil penelitian

6) Jangan apriori mengasumsikan bahwa responden anda mempunyai informasi factual atau

mempunyai pendapat dari tangan pertama.

7) Tentukan terlebih dahulu apakah peneliti akan menggunakan pertanyaan langsung atau tidak


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8) Tentukan terlebih dahulu, apakah yang dibutuhkan pertanyaan umum atau pertanyaan khusus

9) Tetapkan terlebih dahulu apakah akan digunakan bentuk pertanyaan tertutup atau kombinasi

keduanya. Sebaiknya dalam satu set atau dalam satu sub set hendaklah seragam dan konsisten

10) Lindungi ego responden anda, dengan mengajukan pertanyaan yang tidak melibatkan dirinya

11) Hindari kata-kata yang meragukan atau kata-kata yang tidak ada gunanya

12) Setiap butir pertanyaan hendaklah dinyatakan dengan ringkas , jelas dan utuh

13) Susun pertanyaan yang tidak memaksa atau mengarahkan responden untuk menjawab ke satu

arah. Hindari pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang bersifat menuntut pada jawaban tertentu. Upayakan

dengan baik agar responden tidak digiring ke jawaban tertentu dikehendaki peneliti

14) Hindari kata-kata yang bersifat emosional dan sentimental

15) Dalam setipa pertanyaan hanya terdapat satu konsep atau suatu ide yang ditanyakan.

Pertanyaan yang mengandung lebih dari satu ide, hendaklah dipecah menjadi beberapa


16) Tanyakan dulu yang lebih sederhana, kemudian secara bertahap lnajutkan dengan yang lebih


17) Jangan jawabab dipengaruhi oleh gaya bahasa atau bentuk jawaban tertentu

18) Andaikata peneliti ingin menanyakan sesuatu yang spesifik dalam suatu pertanyaan, sebaiknya

kata-kata itu digaris bawahi, dimiringkan atau diberi kode yang lain.

19) Kategori respon hendaklah mudah dipahami

20) Usahakan pengetikan dan perbanyakan yang baik dan bersih sehingga mudah dibaca

21) Upayakan perwajahan kuesioner menarik perhatian

22) Jangan lupa member pengantar dan menunjukkan patokan-patokan yang digunakan, kalau

peneliti menggunakan pertanyaan dalam bentuk penguasaan, satuan maupun skala

C. Susunan dan Perwajahan Alat Ukur

D. Surat Pengantar

Surat pengantar dalam suatu instrument merupaan bagian pertama dari suatu instrument. Tanpa

ada surat pengantar yang memberikan berbagai penjelasan kepada responden tentang instrument

tersebut, akan menyebabkan responden ragu-ragu dalam mengisi instrument. Secara umum dapat

dikatakan bahwa surat pengantar itu mempunyai bermacam fungsi. Dari satu sisi, surat pengantar

hanya mengantarkan instrument kepada responden. Dari sisi lain, surat pengantar yang benar akan

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memberikan penjelasan tentang tujuan penelitian, perannya dalam pengembangan ilmu serta

meningkatkan keyakinan responden bahwa apa yang diberikannya akan terjamin kerahasiaannya.

Karena itulah surat pengantar yang kabur akan menyebabkan responden bertanya-tanya dan

mendorong mereka untuk mengisi setepat mungkin sesuai dengan keadaan mereka yang


Dalam surat pengantar yang baik akan terdapat beberapa hal sebagai berikut:

E. Petunjuk

Pada awal setiap instrument sesudah surat pengantar terdapat petunjuk umum bagaimana mengerjakan instrument tersebut. Pada setiap Kelompok pertanyaan hendaklah diberian pula petunjuk khusus yang jelas bagaimana mengisi setiap butir pertanyaan dalam kelompok tersebut. Andaikata instrument yang digunakan hanya satu jenis, cukup petunjuk diberikan pada awl instrument dan terpisah dari butir-butir pertanyaan.

Petunjuk yang dibuat hendaklah:

a. Jelasb. Singkat tetapi lengkapc. Sebaiknya diberikan contoh mengerjakannya.

Untuk pertanyaan yang bersifat menjaring (contingency question) petunjuk tambahan langsung diberikan pada akhir jawaban.

F. Waktu Pengambalian

Rancangan yang tepat dengan mempertimbangkan bermacam faktor yang akan mempengaruhi penyelesaian instrument sangat perlu mendapat perhatian peneliti. Waktu yang terlalu pendek atau karena komunikasi dan transfortasi yang belum lancer akan menyebabkan pengisian instrument secara tergesa-gesa. Tetapi waktu yang terlalu panjang juga tidak menguntungkan kalau ditinjau dari ketepatan dan kebenaran data yang dikumpulkan.

Pertimbangkanlah waktu seefektif mungkin, dengan memperhatikan:

1. Penyebaran responden2. Kelancaran komunikasi dan transfortasi sebagai wahana pengiriman instrument3. Tingkat kemampuan responden4. Panjangnya instrument yang digunakan

Sehingga instrument yang diirimkan atau dibagikan dapat diselesaikan dengan sebaik mungkin.

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Kuisionare derived from the Latin: Quistionnare, which means suattu series of questions related to a particular topic, given to a group of individuals with the intent to obtain data. The questionnaire is more popular in research compared with other types of instruments because by using this method can be gathered more information in a relatively short time, with a lower cost compared with other researchers using interviews or other techniques. The main purpose of using the questionnaire in the study were: 1. Obtain information more relevant to the purpose of research 2. Collecting information with high reliability and validity In preparing the questionnaire should depart from the objectives and hypotheses that have been prepared in advance (if any) or from the research questions that terjabar completely in the lattice formulation instrument, so that what you want to search will be revealed clearly. On the other side must also consider the efficiency factor in the preparation of instruments and in data collection. This means that researchers in designing research instruments need to consider the cost and time factors. The data will not be processed or not related to the purpose of research do not need to be collected. Given that grain research instrument focused on the problem and research purposes, then a systematic and detailed elaboration is required prior to ordering the items of research instruments. Besides, should also be underlined here that each item (item) made a sample of the aspects that we want to know. In preparing the instruments there are 8 questions that require attention of researchers, namely: 1. Is the item needed? 2. Is the item will be analyzed? 3. Is the item relevant? 4. How can the question be processed? 5. Which technique is suitable for it? 6. Is the question that there are fundamental problems posed have been answered? 7. Does each sub-sub variables are represented? 8. Does it fit with the respondent questionnaire study? One thing that should always be remembered researchers regarding research instrument was a questionnaire prepared and used in research hendalah have high validity and reliability. Therefore, first determine the validity and reliability of the instrument before use in the field. A. Types of Questionnaires In terms of content, the questionnaire can be distinguished: 1. The question of facts and information The question of facts and information related to the knowledge ready known about something you want investigated. This question focuses on the available facts and information, such as questions on population, number of family, individual socioeconomic characteristics, information about careers, positions, decisions, regulations, and so forth.

2. The question of opinion and attitude The question of attitude like the question about feelings, beliefs, and prepositions and values. Example: 1) Which of the teacher who said you should not be school again?

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2) How do you think about the election? 3) Do you disagree about the location of the sign that picture?

3. Questions behavior The question refers to the behavior of one's deeds and actions in relation to the other. Example: 1) I keperpustakaan to get something new 2) Whether you are driving a car? 3) Do you hit the ball? In terms of how the questionnaire was administered to respondents, the questionnaire can also be distinguished: 1. Questionnaires are sent by post (mail questionare) 2. Questionnaire that were distributed directly to the respondents Both questionnaires were distributed directly or sent to the respondents, should be designed so that the best possible data and information can be collected on the precise and accurate, according to what you want collected. Each form of the instrument is a set of questions, which may include facts and information, attitudes and behaviors of respondents who have been selected based on predetermined criteria. The instrument dikiriman with heading must be returned by respondents with a post or directly to the researcher if possible, while for the distribution shall be collected again in accordance with the time that has been provided. Suitable and appropriate questionnaires used if: 1. Researchers familiar with all the range of possible answers to all questions used 2. Researchers believe that the respondent would be willing to accept a relatively passive role of all the answers submitted to him. 3. Researchers are willing to accept the data provided respondents with no need to be followed up with additional questions or to interview 4. The sample questionnaire wider and spread on a wide locations as well. By type questionnaire can also be divided into types, namely: that is closed, which is open, and which is open and closed. 1. Closed Questionnaires In the questionnaire in the form of a closed, alternative answers that have been determined in advance. Respondents simply choose from the alternatives that have been provided. Example: - Are you satisfied with present job? a. Satisfied b. Dissatisfied

- Merurut your opinion, bagaimakah quality of life now? a. Very good b. Good c. Medium d. Less e. Less so The advantages of using a closed questionnaire, namely: 1) Alternative answers provided structured and equal to one another. Another aspect of

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contamination can be reduced 2) The researcher can cover a wide and scattered locations 3) Having a uniform instruction, thereby reducing the subjectivity of the researcher during data collection 4) The questionnaire is more easily administered than other instruments, such as tests and interviews 5) Costs that are used relatively more easily than other instruments 6) Can be compared to answers from one respondent to another respondent 7) The answer given respondent yag easily processed because the alternative is more structured answers 8) The meaning of questions in the questionnaire more clearly dikemukan bai respondents, as assisted by the alternative answers provided 9) There are fewer answers that are less relevant, both in terms of content and associated with the condition of the respondents 10) It's easier to answer respondents 11) Easy coded Some questionnaires covered are: 1) How to determine the validity and reliability of instruments is still limited 2) The low return of the instrument will cause a threat to the validity of the instrument 3) The validity of the instrument depends on the ability and willingness of respondents in providing information 4) There is a possibility of misinterpretation of questions by respondents 5) Eliminate or limit the things that are personal of the respondents so often lead to disappointment. Sometimes the answer provided no pleasure in the heart of respondents 6) Easily guessable by respondents 7) Too many categories that need answers so many places and facilities 8) difference in interpretation of questions can not be known for certain because there was no additional follow-up clarification and interpretation 9) The difference between the respondents answer that is lost by creating artificial situations and alternative responses terbats

2. Open Questionnaire This form provides the opportunity for respondents to express opinions in accordance with the views and abilities of each. In other words we can say that the alternative answers are not predetermined Example: - What factors are menyebaban increasing public awareness of development? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

- In your opinion, what factors led to increased life expectancy of citizens today? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

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Some of the benefits of an open questionnaire in the form are as follows: 1) Can be used even if the likelihood the answer is not known by researchers all 2) Can be used as a preparation to prepare the questionnaire in a closed form 3) The respondent to answer according to the actual circumstances and capabilities 4) Give the opportunity for respondents to develop reasoning and creativity of each 5) Can be used to anticipate the vast and complex response 6) Can dig deeper motivation than respondents In addition, the questionnaire in an open form has some elemahan among others: 1) It is difficult to be coded because there are many different answers from respondents, about the same item or items 2) It is difficult to process and analyze data 3) There are many missing information relevant to the purpose penelitin 4) Many of the place and time 5) Sometimes data rid of specificity 6) The data provided no standards and no uniform 7) It takes skill to write and to express opinion 8) When used for longer than the questionnaire in a closed form

3. The combination of open and closed forms The questionnaire used a combination of closed and open forms, can use the vulnerabilities of an open questionnaire and also the questionnaire in the enclosed form. However, in the processing of data, far more difficult than using a closed questionnaire. In this combined form, the alternative answers provided most of the researchers. On the spot vacated so that the respondents have the opportunity to fill out the appropriate answers to the condition was, if the alternative is not provided in accordance with what he wanted. Example: - How do you get information about current job? (Can check more than one) a) By applying direct b) Through a friend who works in the office c) Through the department of labor d) Through the mass media e) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

- How long do you work in a week (in hours) a) 30-34 b) 35-40 c) 40-44 d) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

Use the correct form of questionnaires in a research tidalah can be ignored because the correct instruments will reveal a problem with something good. Accordingly there are several criteria that can be used: 1) If the researcher wants to collect information about bsesuatu by stressing that the respondents would give consent or do not agree about seseuatu who declared it a closed form is better, still if you want to come to the process of how respondents arrive at an alternative to the open form is faster to use.

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2) If researchers want to know the difference or lack of information about the topic proposed by the respondent in question, then open the form better, but if not then you should use the questionnaire in a closed form 3) The form opens better used if the respondent has had terkristal opinions about the topic in question, whereas the use of closed benuk contain resio that respondents chose something that is not in accordance with his opinion. In closed form, respondents often make the process of calling back and evaluate past experiences

B. Some Criteria in Developing Questionnaire Validity and reliability of data collection tool is one of the capital in expressing and seeking a more meaningful findings in the study. Translation is done by category aspect which will be measured and the translation of variables into sub variables and sub-sub-specific variables is the first step that needs to be done to enable researchers to see early on the composition and weighting of each item. In addition keterwakili aspe least-studied aspect of overall well determine the success of the research undertaken. Instruments is a sample of the variables studied. Weakness in sampling of these variables, directly affects the accuracy of the results of research associated with scientific disciplines in a wider sense. Example: Effect of motivation on job success In this example the concept of motivation that must be formulated in advance - What is the motivation? - Are all the motivation to be studied? - What is motivation alone or also included instrinstik instrinstik motivation? - If motivation instrinstik course, the kind of motivation instrinstik Which will be researched?

If established, umpanyan achievement motivation only, then only then are converted into sub-sub new variables and then compiled the lattice (blue print) and instruments in accordance with the broad field, or composition of a balanced comparison between the group that prepared the questions. Do not forget that the question is a sample drawn from the actual aspect. If not specifically restricted and operational prior to ordering the instrument, the instrument that is prepared will float and valliditas content (content validity) to be low.

The next steps in preparing the instrument are as follows: 1) Review thoroughly whether the relationship between problem, objectives, variables and hypotheses are clear. Is the purpose to be achieved has really been poured in the hypothesis / research question that really so clear data to be collected. Apaah variables are correct, either by type or logical sequence. What is already translated in a timely way so easily understood.

2) Formulate questions with bai and correct, and in accordance with the required data. Some guidelines to consider in formulating the questions are: a. Ask the data and information required and related to the purpose of research, but do not collect data that are not useful and that will not be processed. In each study have been determined from an early age: problems, scope and purpose of research. But there are many researchers who collected as if everything necessary for him. Collecting data and information outside predetermined patikan is redundant, adds time, effort

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and Facility, while the benefits are not much for research purposes. Because it provides a limited instrument, precise and accurate Sanat important and require attention of researchers.

b. Use language that is good and right in accordance with the applicable rules and the degree to the ability of respondents It is very essential because, in principle, self-completion questionnaire by the respondent (self report). If the respondent is unable to understand the language used by researchers, it is concerned also difficult to understand the contents of the instrument. This will bring the impact that the person concerned is unable to interpret correctly what the researchers intended that the data provided is not in accordance with the actual reality. Try using words that have the same meaning for all respondents. In addition, use simple language in which respondents bterbiasa with language and words. Be careful using new words that are in the process of standardization Instruments are arranged hendalah readable, understandable and much faster response by the respondent in accordance with the condition was. Example: - What is less well This month there have been revance between world champion challenger a. Yes b. No c. ... ... ... ...

- Can be converted into This month has been implemented world boxing champion WBC between A and B a. Yes b. No c. ... ... ... ... ..

3) State the specific questions arise with good and 4) Avoid long questions, but blurry 5) Set the frame of reference the questions in your mind (researcher), thus contributing to the results of research 6) Do not assume a priori that the respondents you have factual information or have first-hand opinion. 7) Determine in advance whether the researchers will use a direct or indirect questions 8) Decide beforehand whether you need general questions or specific questions 9) Specify in advance whether to use closed questions or a combination of both. Preferably within a set or in a sub-set of let uniform and consistent 10) Protect your ego respondents, by asking questions that do not involve themselves 11) Avoid words that are dubious or words that is useless 12) Each item should question expressed with concise, clear and intact 13) Develop a question that does not compel or direct the respondent to answer in one direction. Avoid questions that are demanded in a specific answer. Strive well for the respondent not led investigators to a specific answer desired 14) Avoid words that are emotional and sentimental 15) In order to each question there is only one concept or an idea in question. Questions that

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contain more than one idea, should be split into several question 16) Ask a simpler first, then gradually with more complex lnajutkan 17) Do not jawabab influenced by the style of language or form a specific answer 18) If the investigators want to ask something specific in a question, should the words underlined, tilted or given other codes. 19) Category response should easily understood 20) Try typing and multiplication of good and clean, so easy to read 21) Strive appearance of interest questionnaire 22) Do not forget to member introduction and show standards are used, when researchers use the questions in the form of mastery, as well as scale unit

C. The composition and appearance of Measure Tool

D. Covering letter The cover letter in an instrument merupaan first part of an instrument. Without any letter of introduction that provides a variety of explanations to the respondents about these instruments, would lead respondents hesitate in filling instrument. In general it can be said that a letter of introduction that have various functions. From one side, cover letter only to deliver the instrument to the respondent. From the other side, the right cover letter will give an explanation of the purpose of research, its role in the development of science and increase the confidence of respondents that what is given will be confidential. That's why the vague cover letter will cause the respondent to wonder and encourage them to fill in as accurately as possible in accordance with their actual circumstances. In a good cover letter will have more of the following:

E. Guide At the beginning of each instrument after the introductory letter contained general instructions how to do those instruments. In each group of questions should diberian also special clear instructions how to fill each of the questions in the group. If the instrument used only one type, just the instructions given to the AWL instruments and separate from the question items. Instructions are made must: a. Clear b. Brief but complete c. Should be given examples of work. For questions that are netted (contingency question) direct additional instructions given at the end of the answer.

F. Time Pengambalian The design of appropriate by considering various factors which will affect the completion of the instrument is very necessary to get the attention of researchers. The time is too short or because of communication and that has not been lancer transfortasi will cause the charging instrument in a hurry. But time is too long is also not profitable when viewed from the accuracy and correctness of the data collected. Consider the time as effectively as possible, taking into account: 1. The spread of respondents 2. Smooth communication and transfortasi as a vehicle for delivery of the instrument

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3. Ability level of respondents 4. The length of the instrument used So the instrument can be completed diirimkan or distributed with the best possible.

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The questionnaire comes from the Latin: Quistionnare, which means a series of questions related to a particular topic, given to a group of individuals with the intent to obtain data. The questionnaire is more popular in research compared with other types of instruments because by using this method can be gathered more information in a relatively short time, with a lower cost compared with other researchers using interviews or other techniques. The main purpose of using the questionnaire in the study were: 1. Obtain information more relevant to the purpose of research 2. Collecting information with high reliability and validity In preparing the questionnaire should depart from the objectives and hypotheses that have been prepared in advance (if any) or from the research questions that terjabar completely in the lattice formulation instrument, so that what you want to search will be revealed clearly. On the other side must also consider the efficiency factor in the preparation of instruments and in data collection. This means that researchers in designing research instruments need to consider the cost and time factors. The data will not be processed or not related to the purpose of research do not need to be collected. Given that grain research instrument focused on the problem and research purposes, then a systematic and detailed elaboration is required prior to ordering the items of research instruments. Besides, should also be underlined here that each item (item) made a sample of the aspects that we want to know. In preparing the instruments there are 8 questions that require attention of researchers, namely: 1. Is the item needed? 2. Is the item will be analyzed? 3. Is the item relevant? 4. How can the question be processed? 5. Which technique is suitable for it? 6. Is the question that there are fundamental problems posed have been answered? 7. Does each sub-sub variables are represented? 8. Does it fit with the respondent questionnaire study? One thing that should always be remembered researchers regarding research instrument was a questionnaire prepared and used in research hendalah have high validity and reliability. Therefore, first determine the validity and reliability of the instrument before use in the field. A. Types of Questionnaires In terms of content, the questionnaire can be distinguished: 1. The question of facts and information

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The question of facts and information related to the knowledge ready known about something you want investigated. This question focuses on the available facts and information, such as questions on population, number of family, individual socioeconomic characteristics, information about careers, positions, decisions, regulations, and so forth.

2. The question of opinion and attitude The question of attitude like the question about feelings, beliefs, and prepositions and values. Example: 1) Which of the teacher who said you should not be school again? 2) How do you think about the election? 3) Do you disagree about the location of the sign that picture?

3. Questions behavior The question refers to the behavior of one's deeds and actions in relation to the other. Example: 1) I to the library to get something new 2) Whether you are driving a car? 3) Do you hit the ball? In terms of how the questionnaire was administered to respondents, the questionnaire can also be distinguished: 1. Questionnaires are sent by post (mail questionare) 2. Questionnaire that were distributed directly to the respondents Both questionnaires were distributed directly or sent to the respondents, should be designed so that the best possible data and information can be collected on the precise and accurate, according to what you want collected. Each form of the instrument is a set of questions, which may include facts and information, attitudes and behaviors of respondents who have been selected based on predetermined criteria. The instrument dikiriman with heading must be returned by respondents with a post or directly to the researcher if possible, while for the distribution shall be collected again in accordance with the time that has been provided. Suitable and appropriate questionnaires used if: 1. Researchers familiar with all the range of possible answers to all questions used 2. Researchers believe that the respondent would be willing to accept a relatively passive role of all the answers submitted to him. 3. Researchers are willing to accept the data provided respondents with no need to be followed up with additional questions or to interview 4. The sample questionnaire wider and spread on a wide locations as well. By type questionnaire can also be divided into types, namely: that is closed, which is open, and which is open and closed. 1. Closed Questionnaires In the questionnaire in the form of a closed, alternative answers that have been determined in advance. Respondents simply choose from the alternatives that have been provided. Example: - Are you satisfied with present job? a. Satisfied b. Dissatisfied

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- In your opinion, how is the quality of life now? a. Very good b. Good c. Medium d. Less e. Less so The advantages of using a closed questionnaire, namely: 1) Alternative answers provided structured and equal to one another. Another aspect of contamination can be reduced 2) The researcher can cover a wide and scattered locations 3) Having a uniform instruction, thereby reducing the subjectivity of the researcher during data collection 4) The questionnaire is more easily administered than other instruments, such as tests and interviews 5) Costs that are used relatively more easily than other instruments 6) Can be compared to answers from one respondent to another respondent 7) The answer given respondent yag easily processed because the alternative is more structured answers 8) The meaning of questions in the questionnaire more clearly dikemukan bai respondents, as assisted by the alternative answers provided 9) There are fewer answers that are less relevant, both in terms of content and associated with the condition of the respondents 10) It's easier to answer respondents 11) Easy coded Some questionnaires covered are: 1) How to determine the validity and reliability of instruments is still limited 2) The low return of the instrument will cause a threat to the validity of the instrument 3) The validity of the instrument depends on the ability and willingness of respondents in providing information 4) There is a possibility of misinterpretation of questions by respondents 5) Eliminate or limit the things that are personal of the respondents so often lead to disappointment. Sometimes the answer provided no pleasure in the heart of respondents 6) Easily guessable by respondents 7) Too many categories that need answers so many places and facilities 8) difference in interpretation of questions can not be known for certain because there was no additional follow-up clarification and interpretation 9) The difference between the respondents answer that is lost by creating artificial situations and alternative responses terbats

2. Open Questionnaire This form provides the opportunity for respondents to express opinions in accordance with the views and abilities of each. In other words we can say that the alternative answers are not predetermined Example: - What factors are menyebaban increasing public awareness of development?

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... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

- In your opinion, what factors led to increased life expectancy of citizens today? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Some of the benefits of an open questionnaire in the form are as follows: 1) Can be used even if the likelihood the answer is not known by researchers all 2) Can be used as a preparation to prepare the questionnaire in a closed form 3) The respondent to answer according to the actual circumstances and capabilities 4) Give the opportunity for respondents to develop reasoning and creativity of each 5) Can be used to anticipate the vast and complex response 6) Can dig deeper motivation than respondents In addition, the questionnaire in an open form has some elemahan among others: 1) It is difficult to be coded because there are many different answers from respondents, about the same item or items 2) It is difficult to process and analyze data 3) There are many missing information relevant to the purpose penelitin 4) Many of the place and time 5) Sometimes data rid of specificity 6) The data provided no standards and no uniform 7) It takes skill to write and to express opinion 8) When used for longer than the questionnaire in a closed form

3. The combination of open and closed forms The questionnaire used a combination of closed and open forms, can use the vulnerabilities of an open questionnaire and also the questionnaire in the enclosed form. However, in the processing of data, far more difficult than using a closed questionnaire. In this combined form, the alternative answers provided most of the researchers. On the spot vacated so that the respondents have the opportunity to fill out the appropriate answers to the condition was, if the alternative is not provided in accordance with what he wanted. Example: - How do you get information about current job? (Can check more than one) a) By applying direct b) Through a friend who works in the office c) Through the department of labor d) Through the mass media e) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

- How long do you work in a week (in hours) a) 30-34 b) 35-40 c) 40-44

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d) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

Use the correct form of questionnaires in a research tidalah can be ignored because the correct instruments will reveal a problem with something good. Accordingly there are several criteria that can be used: 1) If the researcher wants to collect information about bsesuatu by stressing that the respondents would give consent or do not agree about seseuatu who declared it a closed form is better, still if you want to come to the process of how respondents arrive at an alternative to the open form is faster to use. 2) If researchers want to know the difference or lack of information about the topic proposed by the respondent in question, then open the form better, but if not then you should use the questionnaire in a closed form 3) The form opens better used if the respondent has had terkristal opinions about the topic in question, whereas the use of closed benuk contain resio that respondents chose something that is not in accordance with his opinion. In closed form, respondents often make the process of calling back and evaluate past experiences

B. Some Criteria in Developing Questionnaire Validity and reliability of data collection tool is one of the capital in expressing and seeking a more meaningful findings in the study. Translation is done by category aspect which will be measured and the translation of variables into sub variables and sub-sub-specific variables is the first step that needs to be done to enable researchers to see early on the composition and weighting of each item. In addition keterwakili aspe least-studied aspect of overall well determine the success of the research undertaken. Instruments is a sample of the variables studied. Weakness in sampling of these variables, directly affects the accuracy of the results of research associated with scientific disciplines in a wider sense. Example: Effect of motivation on job success In this example the concept of motivation that must be formulated in advance - What is the motivation? - Are all the motivation to be studied? - What is motivation alone or also included instrinstik instrinstik motivation? - If motivation instrinstik course, the kind of motivation instrinstik Which will be researched?

If established, for example, achievement motivation only, then only then are converted into sub-sub new variables and then compiled the lattice (blue print) and instruments in accordance with the broad field, or composition of a balanced comparison between the group that prepared the questions. Do not forget that the question is a sample drawn from the actual aspect. If not specifically restricted and operational prior to ordering the instrument, the instrument that is prepared will float and valliditas content (content validity) to be low.

The next steps in preparing the instrument are as follows: 1) Review thoroughly whether the relationship between problem, objectives, variables and hypotheses are clear. Is the purpose to be achieved has really been poured in the hypothesis / research question that really so clear data to be collected. Apaah variables are correct, either by

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type or logical sequence. What is already translated in a timely way so easily understood.

2) Formulate questions with bai and correct, and in accordance with the required data. Some guidelines to consider in formulating the questions are: a. Ask the data and information required and related to the purpose of research, but do not collect data that are not useful and that will not be processed. In each study have been determined from an early age: problems, scope and purpose of research. But there are many researchers who collected as if everything necessary for him. Collecting data and information outside predetermined patikan is redundant, adds time, effort and Facility, while the benefits are not much for research purposes. Because it provides a limited instrument, precise and accurate Sanat important and require attention of researchers.

b. Use language that is good and right in accordance with the applicable rules and the degree to the ability of respondents It is very essential because, in principle, self-completion questionnaire by the respondent (self report). If the respondent is unable to understand the language used by researchers, it is concerned also difficult to understand the contents of the instrument. This will bring the impact that the person concerned is unable to interpret correctly what the researchers intended that the data provided is not in accordance with the actual reality. Try using words that have the same meaning for all respondents. In addition, use simple language in which respondents bterbiasa with language and words. Be careful using new words that are in the process of standardization Instruments are arranged hendalah readable, understandable and much faster response by the respondent in accordance with the condition was. Example: - What is less well This month there have been revance between world champion challenger a. Yes b. No c. ... ... ... ...

- Can be converted into This month has been implemented world boxing champion WBC between A and B a. Yes b. No c. ... ... ... ... ..

3) State the specific questions arise with good and 4) Avoid long questions, but blurry 5) Set the frame of reference the questions in your mind (researcher), thus contributing to the results of research 6) Do not assume a priori that the respondents you have factual information or have first-hand opinion. 7) Determine in advance whether the researchers will use a direct or indirect questions 8) Decide beforehand whether you need general questions or specific questions 9) Specify in advance whether to use closed questions or a combination of both. Preferably

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within a set or in a sub-set of let uniform and consistent 10) Protect your ego respondents, by asking questions that do not involve themselves 11) Avoid words that are dubious or words that is useless 12) Each item should question expressed with concise, clear and intact 13) Develop a question that does not compel or direct the respondent to answer in one direction. Avoid questions that are demanded in a specific answer. Strive well for the respondent not led investigators to a specific answer desired 14) Avoid words that are emotional and sentimental 15) In order to each question there is only one concept or an idea in question. Questions that contain more than one idea, should be split into several question 16) Ask a simpler first, then gradually with more complex lnajutkan 17) Do not jawabab influenced by the style of language or form a specific answer 18) If the investigators want to ask something specific in a question, should the words underlined, tilted or given other codes. 19) Category response should easily understood 20) Try typing and multiplication of good and clean, so easy to read 21) Strive appearance of interest questionnaire 22) Do not forget to member introduction and show standards are used, when researchers use the questions in the form of mastery, as well as scale unit

C. The composition and appearance of Measure Tool

D. Covering letter The cover letter in an instrument merupaan first part of an instrument. Without any letter of introduction that provides a variety of explanations to the respondents about these instruments, would lead respondents hesitate in filling instrument. In general it can be said that a letter of introduction that have various functions. From one side, cover letter only to deliver the instrument to the respondent. From the other side, the right cover letter will give an explanation of the purpose of research, its role in the development of science and increase the confidence of respondents that what is given will be confidential. That's why the vague cover letter will cause the respondent to wonder and encourage them to fill in as accurately as possible in accordance with their actual circumstances. In a good cover letter will have more of the following:

E. Guide At the beginning of each instrument after the introductory letter contained general instructions how to do those instruments. In each group of questions should diberian also special clear instructions how to fill each of the questions in the group. If the instrument used only one type, just the instructions given to the AWL instruments and separate from the question items. Instructions are made must: a. Clear b. Brief but complete c. Should be given examples of work. For questions that are netted (contingency question) direct additional instructions given at the end of the answer.

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F. Time Pengambalian The design of appropriate by considering various factors which will affect the completion of the instrument is very necessary to get the attention of researchers. The time is too short or because of communication and that has not been lancer transfortasi will cause the charging instrument in a hurry. But time is too long is also not profitable when viewed from the accuracy and correctness of the data collected. Consider the time as effectively as possible, taking into account: 1. The spread of respondents 2. Smooth communication and transfortasi as a vehicle for delivery of the instrument 3. Ability level of respondents 4. The length of the instrument used So the instrument can be completed diirimkan or distributed with the best possible.