Knowledge Creation for Breakthrough Innovation: 2013 UPDATE Karen A. Kreutz, Retired P&G 2012 [email protected] ILUMINOV LLC Phoenix Chapter February 26, 2013

Knowledge Creation for Breakthrough Innovation: 2013 UPDATE

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Knowledge Creation for Breakthrough Innovation: 2013 UPDATE. Phoenix Chapter February 26, 2013. Karen A. Kreutz, Retired P&G 2012 [email protected] ILUMINOV LLC. Karen Kreutz. Product Design. Technical Marketing. Innovation Capability. ILUMINOV LLC www.iluminov.com. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Knowledge Creation  for  Breakthrough Innovation: 2013 UPDATE

Knowledge Creation for

Breakthrough Innovation: 2013 UPDATE

Karen A. Kreutz, Retired P&G [email protected]


Phoenix Chapter

February 26, 2013

Page 2: Knowledge Creation  for  Breakthrough Innovation: 2013 UPDATE

Karen Kreutz

Technical MarketingProduct Design

Innovation Capability

ILUMINOV LLCwww.iluminov.com

June 2012

Page 3: Knowledge Creation  for  Breakthrough Innovation: 2013 UPDATE

Table TalkDiscover something NEW that YOU have in common with 2 of your table neighbors …… thenFind one thing in common for a group of 4 or more!

Page 4: Knowledge Creation  for  Breakthrough Innovation: 2013 UPDATE

The Challenge: Innovate Productively

=PEffectiveness of

Output to Create Value

Efficient Use of Input Resources

(People, Money, Time)

Page 5: Knowledge Creation  for  Breakthrough Innovation: 2013 UPDATE

PDMA Toolbook 2 (2004)

Page 6: Knowledge Creation  for  Breakthrough Innovation: 2013 UPDATE

Organizational Knowledge Creation

Breakthrough Innovation requires Tacit Knowledge Exchange.The sharing of tacit knowledge is an ‘extremely fragile process’.The speed of tacit knowledge exchange depends on the degree to which the environment is collaborative


Organizational Factors


Tools & Capabilities

• Competency Mapping

• Communities of Practice

• Intranet

• Vision

• Culture of Collaboration

ForBreakthrough Innovation (2004)


Page 7: Knowledge Creation  for  Breakthrough Innovation: 2013 UPDATE

PDMA Toolbook 3 (2007)

Page 8: Knowledge Creation  for  Breakthrough Innovation: 2013 UPDATE

PDMA Toolbook 3: Ch. 13 Recap


Page 9: Knowledge Creation  for  Breakthrough Innovation: 2013 UPDATE

Knowledge and its Creation

Tacit knowledge: lies beneath the surface of conscious thought and is derived from a lifetime of experience, practice, perception and learning. It is context-specific, personal, hard to formalize and stored semi-consciously and consciously in peoples’ heads. Aka it is ‘second nature’ to each.

Explicit knowledge: can be transferred through language(speech, writing and graphics). It is codified, structured, accessible to people other than the creator of that knowledge.

Knowledge is information combined with experience, context and reflections that may be used to make decisions and take actions. Its creation is a human act and for an individual it is the interpretation of the information based on their mental models.

From Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline


Page 10: Knowledge Creation  for  Breakthrough Innovation: 2013 UPDATE

Relevant TACIT Knowledge from the Individuals’ MENTAL MODELS

EXPLICIT Representations of the Team’s Collective TACIT Knowledge

2013 Update: Boost the Robustness of Tacit Knowledge Exchange

Visual Thinking TechniquesFacilitated

Group ProcessKnowledgeModeling


any coat ing imper fecti on

am ong ta blet s has

impa ct

deg rees of fr eedom i ncl ude

perm eab ili ty, mix coat ing s ,

l ayer co at i ngs

st r ateg i es t o t ar get t o s ite

de sig n sy ste m to ac h ie v e

s ite ta rg et stra te g y

su bt l e m an ipulat ions, fai rly l imi t ed (p lu s /m inus 20 % of wh at it is su pposed

to b e)


b ig imp act, co atin g tends

t o b e t hi n nes t at t he cor n er s

wh ich im pact s r elease

u su ally s om e

ge ne ra l c orrela tion

Su st ain ed or Co nt rolled Deli very

me an s man ip ula tio n o f de live ry o f a c tiv e

ing red ie nt to a ch iev e pre de te rmine d b lo od

lev els or d ura tio n

Type s

co nve ntio na l or a l (2 4 hours )

tra n sd e rm al

Pare nte ral(inje ctio n)

F requen cy

lim ite d by GI tra n sit tim e

4,2 , 1 p er a day1 p er week

co at ed act ive, pill or tab let sused for

tre at disea ses

of t h e colo n

siz e and sh ap e o f pill or t abl e t imp act c oa ting a nd

th us p ropert ies

Ta rget ed d el iv ery of drugs t o d iff eren t segment s of G I t ract

sma ll inte sti ne

l arge inte sti ne

dru g s react t op ical l y so i t i s i mp ort a nt to t a rget

th e pa rt o f GI t ract t ha t d ru g i s n eeded

t o t he si t e o f act i on

inf lamm at ory bo we l

Dr ug del ivere d t o sit e of acti on

pac king an d dist r ib uti on

coa ting

app roved an d extens ively v ett ed pol ym ers

pr oduce po ly mer coati ng syst em

imp ac ts tes ting, cl i ni cal qual i ty contr ol

Diffe re nt sy s tem s s we ll a t diffe re nt rate s , re ac t to

differe n t p H,p oly me r d e g ra d es in the co lon , . . ..

Ve tted addit ives

Go al s et ba s e d o n dis ea s e a nd

ac tiv e ing red ien t mo de o f a c tio n

Pa pe r ex e rc is e

di ffe re nt chemi cal classes wit h

di ffe re nt ph

trig ge rs

use a l ot of the m et hyl ac ryl ic aci d co-

poly mer s

suppl ier manipu lat es the s ide g rou ps to m ake th em pH sensit i ve

m ak e imp erme able

to water

5 to 10 cl asses

thic kn e ss is a d e g re e o f fre e do m to im pa c t

p ro p erties of rele a se

can im pact wa te r solubil ity

pro cess fo r ap ply in g co at in g t o make mo r e

un i fo r m

Wh atev er is th in n es t par t of th e co at in g d riv es t h e r el ease

act i o n

t heo ret icall y if we coul d coat a sphe re th at would b e gr ea t

pi ck the sh ap e t hat m in im izes angles , m ore a cu te more of a

pr ob lem

simple d is s olutio n te s ting , ph to s cr e en a nd

e sta blis h pre lim inar y th ickne ss

rel ea se mu ch m or e com pl ex in hum ans, som et im es depends o n dise ase s tat e. ul tim ately m ust

te st in v ivo.

wa nt a s unifo rm a s pos s ib le

ca n't make tabl et s i nto spher es

L oo k f or poly me rs t hat sur vive the s tomach bu t

rele ase i n GI (

ot he r poly mers will

re lea se in sto mac h and won 't ma ke it

to t he GI

Ma ybe 15- 2 0 diff erent poly mer coat ings

are not i deal f or ou r app l ic at i on be ca use i f it was we wo ul d

suppl iers not wo rki n g on new pol ym ers but putt ing t og ether pol ym er syste ms

been a round 25 y ea r s

better co rr e latio n to dig e stio n

re lea s e

ma n y p ara me ters , ne w m od els ou t th e re bu t h av e n ot b ee n

va lida te d a nd no bu s in e s s mo d el to d riv e va lid a tio n , mo s tly do n e

Will not use new ch emcia l "re lease "

syst ems

must k ee p eve ryt hi ng as si mpl e as po ssi ble

focus sho ul d be o n ac ti ve i ngredie nt

Do n't want to compl icat e re gu lator y fi lin gs , s tabi lit y .. ..

We do not wan t t o be the fi rst to use some th ing

som et hin g c ou ld ch ang e about i t and th at woul d undo what

we have wo rked on.

air can g et entr a pp ed and

mechani ca l agit ati on in

im pa ct s co at ing relia bi lit y (Al l t able ts in batc h need t o be g ood, ev en very low defe ct

rate c an cause issu es)

co a ting de sig n is us ua lly ta r ge te d to g e t thro ug h in

vitro a nd inv iv o te sting

solvent s can

de sig n is us ually a ba la nc e be tw ee n a re lia ble c oa ting and a c oa ting tha t ha s

the r ig ht inv ivo re lea s e pro per ties





Harder fo r othe r compani es to m atch our prod uc t

Page 11: Knowledge Creation  for  Breakthrough Innovation: 2013 UPDATE

Facilitated Group Processes

Page 12: Knowledge Creation  for  Breakthrough Innovation: 2013 UPDATE

Graphic History of P&G New Story for 2015

Strategic Visioning-Future Culture for Winning


Smart Risk Takers

Spirited FamilyOpen-minded

& agile - curious


Passionately Purposeful

Courageous with humility




May 2012 Action Planning

Page 13: Knowledge Creation  for  Breakthrough Innovation: 2013 UPDATE

Interview Subject Matter Experts


Relevant Tacit Knowledge+

Causal Linkages+

Common LanguageElucidated Context


Team’s Collective Tacit Knowledge Represented


Created Knowledge Empowering Decision

Making & Aligned Action



ELMap Share

SMThe Process

Knowledge Modeling Process

Page 14: Knowledge Creation  for  Breakthrough Innovation: 2013 UPDATE

Project Dilemma

Breakthrough Technology

Strategic Decisions:1) When ready to place clinical?

2) Which formula to place to win?

P&G Knowledge Modeling Case

Formula Historical

Competitive Test 1 Test 2



Pre Clinical

Clinical known known ? ?

ConsiderationsRespected Subject MatterExperts

Complex Technology/Biology Interactions

Different degrees of familiarityIn the product category

Frequent VP run meetingsNot getting nearer to answers

Product Test Formulations

Target ConsumerBrand Context

Feasibility Aspects


Decision Sequence


Data Integration


Knowledge Modeling

Page 15: Knowledge Creation  for  Breakthrough Innovation: 2013 UPDATE

Knowledge Creation for

Breakthrough Innovation: 2013 Update

Phoenix Chapter

February 26, 2013

Breakthrough Innovation requires effective Tacit Knowledge Exchange

Organizational vision, collaborative culture and tools / team start-up techniques taught by PDMA Tool books are supportive for the knowledge creation process.

Newer-- yet vetted-- methods of proactive Visual Thinking approaches bring the potential to further augment productivity despite innovation’s complexity.

Thank YOU!