Java Programs - Www.itstudentjunction

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  • 7/31/2019 Java Programs - Www.itstudentjunction


    java programs

    Starting java program - hello world

    classHelloWorld {

    public static void main(String[] args)


    System.out.println("Hello World!");



    Saving java programs

    Every java program should be saved as name of java class

    example the above program should be saved as

    Compiling java programs

    Compliling java programs check the program for syntax errors and once no errorsare detected, byte code is created as a class file . 'javac ' command is used to

    compile java programs

    eg. for compling HelloWorld program (in command prompt)


    Executing java programs

    Executing java program interprets the byte code created

    eg. Running a HelloWorld program

    ava HelloWorld

    Java programs list

  • 7/31/2019 Java Programs - Www.itstudentjunction


    ava program to add two numbers

    ava program to check a number is armstrong or not

    ava program to check prime numbers below range

    ava program to check a number is prime or not

    ava program to find a string is palindrome or not ava program to connect to mysql database

    ava program to connect to oracle database

    ava program to count characters, words lines in a string

    ava program to copy one file into another

    ava program to find factorial of a number

    ava program to find fibonacci series

    ava program to find palindrome of a number

    ava program to find roots of quadriatic equation

    ava program to find simple interest

    ava program to implement stack

    ava program to list files in a directoryava program to multiply two matrices

    ava program to print pascals triangle

    ava program to read a file

    ava program to read a file line by line

    ava program to reverse a given number

    ava program to show arithmetic operations

    ava program to show current current date and time

    ava program to show maximum of two numbers

    ava program to sort list of strings

    ava program to find area of rectangle

    Java program to show example of arthemetic, logic & relational operations

    Java program to explain break and continue statements.

    Java program to find average marks

    Java program to find multiplication of matrices

    Java program to find sum of digits of integer

    Java program to create objects of a class .

    ava program to show constructor overloading.

    ava program to compare two stack variables

    ava program to show private member of superclass

    ava program to show inheritance

    ava program to show polymorphism

    ava program to calculate charges of various trunk calls using polymorphism

    ava program to import package and access method in it

    Java to show the usefulness of Interfaces as a place to keep constant value of the


    ava program to show method overriding

    ava program to show implementation of program to show Array

    index out of bound Exception

    Java program to show divide by zero exception.
  • 7/31/2019 Java Programs - Www.itstudentjunction


    ava program to throw number format exception

    ava program to avoid vehicle collision of vechicle coming in opposite direction

    ava program to show thread priority

    ava program to launch multiple threads and count them.

    ava program to generate 2 threads, one for printing even numbers and the other

    for printing odd numbers.ava program to show thread synchronisation.

    ava program to read text and display length in textbox

    Write a program in Java for String handling which performs the following:

    i) Checks the capacity of StringBuffer objects.

    ii) Reverses the contents of a string given on console and converts the resultant

    string in upper case.

    iii) Reads a string from console and appends it to the resultant string of ii.

    ava program to find first and last occurance of char substring in a string

    Java program to read a statement from console, convert it into upper case and

    again print on console.ava program which takes the name of a file from user, read the contents of the file

    and display it on the console

    Java program to copy a file into another file.

    ava applet to read text and display length in textbox use colors

    ava applet which displays a rectangle/string with specified colour & coordinate

    passed as parameter from the HTML file.

    ava applet which will display the calendar of a given date.

    java program to displaystudents detail using Card Layout

    ava applet to add scrollbars to textarea and find a word in a text.

    Java program to find the numeric address of web sites

    ava applet to accept name age and display message and url

    avaprogram to test Socket functionality for appropriate hostname and port


    Java program to connect to a database and perform operations of Selection,

    Insertion and Deletion on the database.
  • 7/31/2019 Java Programs - Www.itstudentjunction
