Jan 3rd English Notes Nerd Language Edition

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  • 8/2/2019 Jan 3rd English Notes Nerd Language Edition


    English Notes


    -Ralph Waldo Emerson

    -Philospher/speaker poet

    -Harvard graduate at 14-Concord, Mass. , lived with David Thoreau

    -1830's, 1840's group met to discuss philosophy

    -Transcendental Club-Stressed: Intuition, Individuality, Self reliance

    -Official Statement of beliefs


    -Henry David Thoreau

    -Born and raised in Concord, Massachusetts

    -Moved into Emerson's house-Self built cabin at Walden pond

    -Nothing in the cabin

    -Tested Trancendentalism life by Walden's pond-Walden is now regarded as the supreme work of trancendentalism literature

    -Looking into water reflection is reflection of self

    -Nathaniel Hawthorne

    -influenced by cruelty of Puritan ancestors

    -Believed evil is the dominant force in the world

    -Related to Judge Hawthorne-Gloomy vision on the world

    -Uncle was judge in Salem witchcraft trials

    -Secluded for 12 years in his mothers' house-Believed he inherited the guilt of his ancestors' sins and responsibilities

    Joseph Moody (The Black Veil)-felt guilt at killing his best friend

    Herman Melville-Not recognized during his life

    -Explored south seas as a sailor at 19

    -Typee and Omoo (Polenisian Islands)

    -Lived on an island for a year and a half-Whaling ships

    -Befrended Hawthorne (Anti-Trancendentalist neighbors)

    -Moby Dick

    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

    -Born in Portland, Maine-Attended Bowdoin

    -Was classmate with Nathaniel Hawthorne

    -Got a position at Harvard University

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    -Very involved in his social issues

    -Parents were quakers

    -educated himself by reading

    -Became deeply involved in the abolistionist movement-Did not gain credit until after the civil war

    -Depicts tha warmth and simplicity of life in New England

    -Came back to Hampton Beach to reflect on his life-nature and good times on Hampton Beach-Died at Hampton beach while reflecting

    Emily Dickinson-During the last 10 years of her life she refused to leave her house or garden

    -Only dressed in white and wouldnt let anyone see her

    -known for eccentric use of punctuation in her poems-the extent of her talent was not widely recognized until a complete edition of her poems were


    -For the first time, her unique style, concrete imagery, and her simple but forceful language

    were appreciated-compares hope to a bird in her poem because she takes an intangible quality and makes

    it tangible by comparing it to something that is concrete.


    1) Human senses can know only physical reality

    -you can only understand what you observe2) Truths of the universe can only be grasped by intuitio

    -one can only apply intuition when unemcumbered

    3) Focus on human spirit/not the senses

    4) If you explore Nature you will know yourself5) Universal truths

    6) We exist through

    -God -Nature -Humanity

    Figurative Thread

    God-------------------Nature---------------------Humanity| | |



    Apostrophe-liteterary device in which a writer directly addresses an inanimate object, abstract idea, or an

    absent person.

    Anti-Trancendentalism-writing focused on the limitations and potential destructiveness of the human

    spirit rather than its possibilities.

    Allegory-a work of literature in which events, characters and details of a setting have a symbolic


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    Stanza form- a division of poetry; a paragraph in prose; groups of lines of poetry

    Couplet-two lines

    Quatrain-four lines

    Faith-the believe one has in someone or something

    Hope-the quality of wishing for something



    Allusion-A reference to a well know person, place, literary work, event, or work of art

    Apostrophe-A figure of speech which a speaker directly addresses and absent person or object/idea

    Assonance-Repeated vowel sound in the middle of the word

    Ballad-A song-like poem that tells a story of adventure and romance

    Blank Verse-A poem that does not have rhyme

    Conceit-An unusual or suprising comparison between two very different things

    Concrete Poem-A poem with with a shape that suggests its subject

    Connotation-A word that calls to mind an association or feeling

    Consonance-A repeated consonant sound at the end of a word or accented syllable

    Couplet-A two line stanza

    Elegy-A solemn and formal lyric poem about death

    Folk Ballad-A ballad that originated in the oral tradition and passed from gen to gen by word of mouth

    Free Verse-Poetry that lacks a regular pattern

    Hyperbole-A deliberate exaggeration or overstatement

    Irony-contrast between stated and what is meant, and what is expected to happen/what happened

    Mood- The feeling created in the reader by a literary work or passage

    Ode-A long, formal lyric poem with a serious theme that may have a traditional stanza structure

    Paradox-A seemingly contradictory statement that actually presents a truth

    Rhyme Scheme-A regular pattern of rhyming words in a poem

    Rhythm-A pattern of beats or stresses in spoken or written language

    Similie-A figure of speech that makes a direct comparison using like or as

    Sonnet-A fourteen line lyric poem focused on a single theme

    Stanza-A group of lines in a poem that are to be considered a unit

    Style-A writer's typical way of writing

    Symbolism-Expressing emotions using a pattern of symbols

    Narrative-A story told in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or drama

    Lyric-A poem that expresses the observations and feelings of a single speaker

    Tone-The writer's attitude toward his or her subject, characters, or audience

    Rhymes-The repetition of sounds at the ends of words

    Rhyme Scheme-A regular pattern of rhyming words in a poem

    Repetition-The repeated use of any element of language (sound, word, phrase, clause, sentence, etc.)

    Parallelism-The repetition of grammatical structure

    Alliteration-The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words

    Onomatopoeia-The use of words that imitate sounds

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    Figurative language-writing or speech not meant to be taken literally

    Images-Words or phrases that appeal to one or more of the five senses

    Personification-A figure of speech in which a nonhuman subject is given human characteristics

    Similies-A figure of speech that makes a direct comparison between two things using like or as

    Metaphors-A figure of speech in which two things are compared without using like or as

    Extended metaphors-Metaphors that are drawn out**

    Symbols-Anuthing that stands for or represents something else


    -Moby Dick is Nature and Nature is Moby Dick-Moby Dick is an allegory

    Whale: All that is paradoxical and uncontrollable in nature

    Ahab is chasing nature in order to find its meanings-Moby Dick represents all the questions and answers to the universe

    Ahab does not capture Moby because one can never understand the problems of the universe

    ON EXAM: If Emerson had written Moby Dick, how would the outcome of the story be

    different?A. Emerson would have captured Moby Dick and found the answers the the


    Nature is indifferent (Doesn't Care)Ex: tsunami at Japan could not be controlled

    Moby Dick is immortal

    Both nature and Moby Dick are:

    -massive and threatening -beautiful and inspiring -powerful and graceful

    -nourishing and destructive -whale/indestructible and immortal

    White symbolizes purity and goodness, and emptiness and death

    30 members on the boat, 30 states