o c 1WW w ry h f 4 1q 0 t f I FOUR THE OCALA EVENING STAR WEDNESDAY MARCH 18 1908 r j 1 a EVENING STAR- C II L fTINGER d CO > I C L Bittinger and R R Carroll I Proprietors and Publishers- C I t L BITTINGER r Editor and General Manager t F R R CARROLL City Editor and Business Manager t I March 18 In History 1782 John Caldwell Calhoun Amer- ican ¬ statesman and leader In the i old south born in the Abbeville district died in Washington 1850 i f1ohn Home Took Knish po- litical ¬ I 5 writer and grammarian lied horn lTi 1903 General Schuyler Hamilton r I grnudKon of Alexander Hamilton i and veteran of the Mexican and t civil wars died In New York city born 1820 ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS t Tonight and Tomorrow Morning- Sun sets 005 rises 001 moon rises 644 p m 12 midnight planet Mer- cury ¬ at descending nodeI e crossing- suns path downward r Thc Colliiiwood Ohio school lire that nearly cost the lives of two hun- dred ¬ school children has aroused a de- mand ¬ all over the land for the inspec- tion ¬ of all school buildings and pub- lic ¬ 4 places to see that the means of xit i art properly supplied that do rs shut tintr inward are made to open outward and in case of lire eiusing a panic that the inmats of such buildings r may get out in safety The Sttr has referred to the armory and how its windows ae halTed Tho only i- ltraneis ¬ through the front tout and there is extreme dangr for a large audience should the building catch t f tire It is the duty of the city council too see that this danger trap is cor- rected ¬ Have we heard a word about the doors at our public school that open vimvard 7 Our trustees should look this matter and the principal- of the school never let up on his de- mands ¬ 4 until the error and danger is corrected I a It is easily to see that Harry Brown I who guitiey the destiniefc of the St Au- gustine ¬ Record has a touch of Irish I 1n his veins tS the paper on St Pat ¬ i ricks Day was a sure enough wearer I of tin green and what has been said t of Drown is almost equally applicable to W ljli Powell of the SI Peleisbug Intcpendent the onl MtYerotie i that the Irish in Willis veins is not as thigh as that of Brown as Villis green is of a vrry mild and pale type but thj sentiment is all right The Tampa Tribune says it bus nov I or been able to understand why the cttixens of th various counties of Florida are required by hv to ay certain officeholders an annual uni of money from thre to six tims in ex- cess ¬ of ttitt Ihey eirn For instinc- a < I jjdge oi the eirerit court receives ll salary of u00 a year while the cler = l in his court is paid by fees which air greg rte from t 00oo to 1000 It is S tho same with the othI county ofti- ern who are pair by the fee system notably the county treasurer who re- ceives ¬ a from pI 000 to SOOO a year It- t i Is safe to say that froth 2000 to 2f 00 a year would be ample compensation for any of thi county officers in any of the counties and even a much 1 lower salary would be sufficient in counties with a small population Yet every effort to modify the salary or lJt I feo li < t has proven a failure the legis- lature ¬ declining to pass a law of an economical nature Metropolis Cliatten Chum the spirited and interesting Grahamville correspondent of the Ocala Banner never gave a a wiser admonition than for home folks to do their trading at home We ask 14 I C every one of those who live here and spend their money for domestic sup- plies 1 abroad where do they make their living here or in the towns and cities- to which they send their money Nine out of ten will tell you right here at homo is given them the opportunity to earn their bread and butter and i here is where they should spend their- s money Mr Henry Stevens the Lakeland jeweler who spent a half day with his parents Mr and Mrs Isaac Stevens returned home this afternoon He is pleased with his new home and says t business is very satisfactory E I FLAGLER AFTER CUBAN MAIL I I Tampa is stirred as it has never j IHn bt fore because Henry M Flakier t is sifter carrying th uban mail over j his East Coast Railway to Knight Key and then by th Peninsular I Occidental Hteamsiip Co to Havana The expected has coop to pass be- cause the contract would fiive the Klatflr 31818 ISOmil haul and to malt this possible the P O S F- Co it is estimated will ask 3Oo40 a year over its last four years contraet which was 3 0000 and to mak the snatch a KO will tell the gCl vernment j that it will discontinue its steamship line between Tanpa and Key Yet j This would be a disastrous thrust at j Tampa big Cigar industry which nov employs 10000 men makes three hund- red millions of cigars employing a I capital of ejjjln millions of dollars iThe information came as an extreme surprise A hoard of trade meeting 1 I was instantly called and three of its I I active members were named to go to 4 I Washington and see the state delega i tion there and avert the catastrophe I if possible The contract will not br > I I let before next February but then there is nothing like being in the sad1 die in time Tampa cant afford to1 lose it and if the worst comes she can institute a steamship line between Tampa and Havana and make a bid for i the Cuban until contract that will land t it n I I ACME SVAPLER FOR 3ALE The Star Ocala Fla has for sale a 1 j 515 Acme Staple Hinder almost as I good as new with lot of staples lo I Lot of 10em mailing galleys almost I i luw at half price A rotary lead and rule utter 50 for tiI0 Mustang mail I er in good shape fI less than half j I price i I i i A TRIBUTE TO MR SUTPH1N I I I j Pig Jim Sutigill was one uf isle best produce men traveling ill the I east He was about fifty y ars old and hal been in the trade for a num- ber ¬ of > fr s He vas always held in the very j highest esteem Me was conscientious i and absolutely honest in all his deal irus with his fellow men lie has as many friends probably as any produce I man in the business He was a man of magnificent physique good ntured and always smiling and his death will I be receiver by dealers all over the country with much regret When the blind men from tiP St Augustine Deaf and hind Asylum I gave a performance in Ocala ISIr Silt j ph in rented the hall fur then paying- for the same out of his own pocket kejt the tnnrfnr them and paid their hotel bills fur them while there He hId a hiirt in him as tender as a womans and as big as an elephants Big Jim St > hin is entitled to the bouquet that th Packer races on his uasi etfeu York Packer The deceased <1 was yell known and liked in Ocaa and among the truck- ers ¬ whose farms are tiibuUiry to thi city He v as a welcome guest th- li > of every gathering i t boon c m- amo aid a ale f > I4W veil lit There is no a truelvr in >7 ron who i dealt with bun hot will ni ie the iews of his luth wiih s rrow- r 1 1 i J A Campbell the effiitntf- aithful 11111 nunifger of till cala Water Co is macinj some very desirable im- provements ¬ j it his Holly Spripirs farm He is installing mit hinery so that Iv may use the water from his tint spring land distribute it to any part of the premises Mr Claude Campbell the I Standard fH distributor is the fanner j in the Campbell family and a gout one i too He is busy putting in fortyfive iacres of corn with other crops that I gives him no time to loaf at the cor nor grocery store and whittle boxes i Claude is not that kind I Mrs Jake Brown with her sister I Mrs Goldberg Mrs R G Blake and her guests Miss Askew and Miss Gray- of Savannah Ga and Alfred Beck and Bob Mathews were a party of jolly people who invaded the delight- ful ¬ I shores of Silver Springs yesterday and enjoyed a very pleasant outing I I FIVE DOLLARS FOR INFORMATION I I I will pay Sf for the name of the persons who took seven white and three blue Dutch hyacinths from my lot in Greenwood cemetery said flow ¬ ers being taken between March 10th and 11th and lIarch 14th and 15th C R Tydings- You I can get a pound of firstclass linen writing paper and two packages of envelopes to match for 50 cents at the Ocala News Co f Beautiful Spring i1 were not quite sure whether shes s here or not arc you but when I you conic in out of the rain youd lrr y i better take a nip of the good old k to ward off cold or malaria 6r- E The good goods here by the bottle l < D gallon or barrel KEATING CO- T Nwber 22 Ocala Florida r Vra 1 I BAD WRECK AT LAKELAND i I Some tinge before daylight this I morning a northbound through plan tic < oast Lme freight train out of i Lakeland was wrecked and burned at j a big trestle a short distance this side j of that city Knuineer Du5ose well J known in this city was fatally injured i A negro braki man and a negro train p were killed The fireman jumped and sad his I if TIlt trestle had prac t- tically b i Iesrayed by lire The I train tTIW saw the > moke and thought i it trash burning beside the track alhil did not slow down until to late The trait plunged into the depression and I mot of it was burned up after being i badly smash1 Kniriiieer r DuBose waj found forty feet from his engine in an unconsciot < condition 110 was terri bly brnifd and scil < le l and will prob- ably ¬ die M J DuIJose i < well known in Ocala having run the Ocala and Homosassa train for a long time sev- eral ¬ years ago He is past middle age has two grown sons one of whom is an engineer and two daughters whi I with his wife life in Lakeland The company maintained a watchman at the trestle until lately but dispensed- with his services in a spirit of econ- omy ¬ The loss in property alone would hire several watchmen for they terns of their natural lives It will be- at least fortyeight hours until traffic can be resumed over that portion of the road NO MORE JUPS FOR GEORGIA Xo more will the little brown ji r bring whisky Jnd other liquids from tin oases of Chatanoogn and Jackson vide to the desert wastes of Georgia says the Savannah News The South- ern ¬ Hxpivss Company has issued an ordr to each of the companys offi- cers ¬ in tile county prohibiting tilt agents from receiving jugs for ship- ment ¬ The order becomes effective Sunday I The cause fur this order was tin many claims made for breakage It lots not follow that whisky will no longer be shipped to Georgia It only i denotes that the packages trill hat another name than whisky on the bill of lading I I MEETING OF ATHLETIC CLUB I I Quite a number of our citizens in- terested in the formation of an ath 1 club met in the courthouse last inight Mr Duval acted as temporary chairman and Mr Royal Cole as tem- porary ¬ secretary The wowing committees were appointed To Draft Constitution and IyLaws Messrs G H Harrison Frank Har- ris ¬ Jr C C Carroll H C Dozier L- TV Duv1 On XoiiiihIn Mtssrs George II Ford C V iriitcr K K Cole A K- Gerig F C leriett On Apparatus Messrs IL U Paln C 1 J MchuoHh rda IIaughton C AV Hunter D S Woodrow holler meeting will he held at tile courthouse Thursday evening to effect 1 a permanent Olganizttonahisslittl- ge Sinuns recital which I jook place last night art the armory WMS well attended and the program I an interesting vile Those taking putt I t eVe Misses Viviin Dame Eloise mal Mabel Akin Sallic Spurlin I- Llluiio Kemx Myrtle Vhitliekl aunt Krin Yongo The Teddy lUtir drill I vis line and tie little girls taking I I part were laid May CarroM A valet IM wards Martha Kate and Louie i Rcntx Rose VohT Margaret Kd wards and Marie Burnett C K ioy Ocala adive awl successful 51d manipula- tor ¬ I touched the fiddle in a manner I that stamped him a player of much I I power It was a very pleasant and in- teresting ¬ I evening of enjoyment l HOUSE FOR RENT I A residence in good lo- cation ¬ I entirely rebuilt with bath city I and cistern water good corner lot I Will be ready for occupancy about April 1st Apply to F V Ditto Mr M Fishel Is in New York buy- ing ¬ spring goods t I I NOTICE i I I Beginning Sunday March 15th we- I will charge 10 cents for ice cream sodas chocolate and fruit sundaes milk shakes and egsr drinks- AntiMonopoly Drugstore Hunter Drug Company- T W Troxler I I NO QUORUM OF CITY COUNCIL I I There was no quorum at the city I council last night and President J D Robertson adjourned the meeting to 9 I oclock tomorrow Thursday morning I The Star nominates Asher Frank as the Arch Booster for Ocala and a pap I ulation of 10000 in 1010 If we will all join in and give the Arch Booster our united support and adopt his plans we will land sure Who will join Asher I Franks Ocala Boosters Club I A PORCH SCREEN I Is an article of comfort these warm days You need one and can find- it Mclver MacKays They are imported and pretty designs in green yellow and drab As soon as you see them you will feel like buying one Come and look at them BUSINESS IS BUSINESS I Walls arej never too cracked and broken for me to finish in an A No 1 style with Alabastine All colors and tints J A Morris Jr Decorating thats my business Just a Word to the WISE I r 1 OURV New Spring Line- of the Seasons Latest Offerings In- DRESS GOODS J i are arriving daily I f17u 1 I REGARDING CONTAGIOUS DISEASES- The attention of the public is re- spectfully ¬ called to the following sec ¬ tion of the city health ordinance and I the are notified that the provisions I of the ordinance will be strictly en- forced ¬ I i Section 24 Concealing Contagiou- sDiseaseIt I shall bo unlawful for any j person to wilfully or knowingly hide I conceal or prevent the discovery of or assist in hilling concealing or pre- venting ¬ the discovery of any case of i yelow ftvrr smallpox cholera or other infectious or contagious disease within the city or Oala Xo person shH hinder piev nt or iwjtnue the re- porting I of the xistenc1 of any case j of yellow fever scarlet fever small- pox 1 cholera or any other contagious I 01 infectious disease in the city of Ocula u the city Board of Health Xo- Ierson shall secrete or conceal or as- sist in secreting or concealing iron i tit health inspector lily person ef feetv clothing bedding or other arti- cles ¬ which lave lu use in or alvuit pny eie n f infectious or contagious j riiscase whereby contagion or infec lion may be conveyed or imparted City Board of Health i A pound of paper and two tacks of l ie g to match all of the ver- yhst J quality HOe at the 1ostoffice- env Drugstore i EARLY BREAKFASTS- You can get an early breakfast at the Elks Cafe if you ate going out of town FOR RENT Two story house fur- nished ¬ 28 North First street near ex- press ¬ office > Mrs F 1i Strunk If you want t- oFICHT I I IT OUT WITH NATURE ALL RIGHT Millions have clone so before you SENSIBLE people submit to the dic ¬ tates of nature and when there is in ¬ dication of eye trouble go to a COM- PETENT ¬ optician and have the proper correction made to their vision- I I GIVE TESTS THAT CANNOT FAil I I 4 1- t I I > U I rlt < A t 11 1 r J q i- Jy I 1 e I DR D M BONEYEY- ESIGHT SPECIALIST OCALA FLORIDA- I Make a Specialty of Correcting Fail- ing ¬ I Vision Where Others Have Fail- ed ¬ Satisfaction guaranteed or Your Money Refunded Office Hours 8 to 12 a m and 130 to 430 p m Optical Office and Labatory Rooms 2 and 4 Gary Block t SHORTHAND AND TOUGH SYSTEM OF TYPEWRITING Taught privately Either day or even- ing lessons Terms reasonable Ad- dress ¬ a Bertha Williams city Nl REGISTRATION OFFICER BECK Gives notice that he will be in Ocala Thursday Friday and Saturday of 1 each week beginning Thursday 2nd of April for four consecutive weeks front date of April 2nd prior to elec J lion KENDRICK- The perleau given by Mr Shelly rack at his home Tuesday night was greatly enjoyed by all present rIhoseit present were Mr Carl Wislmrt Itfr- T m VTishart Mr E C Boone Mr Harry Waters Mr Jesse Meadows j Yt WILL CONTlrUE BUSINESS The Florida Llectrica Plumtyns Company has decided to continue their business in Ocala and will be pleased to bid on all work in tholr line Per- sons entrusting business to this com- pany ¬ 1 WM1 be assured of prompt ser- vice gol work and reasonable prices Office at the Ocala Music Cos > I store FOR SALEThe hest paying mo > ing picture theater in the South For information address Box 85 Ybor City Tampa Fla ELECTRICAL WORK- If you are contemplating having electrical veil done of any kind elec- tric lights put In call bells or any wiring in the electrical line be sure to get my estimate before placing the order No job is too large for me to do and none too small to receive my best and careful attention I carry f a full line of electrical supplies Ii stock Respectfully Walter Tucker SPECIAL DfNNERS I The dinners at the Elks Cafe for 50 cents are the best in the city I ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE OF FINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that on the Second day of June A D 1908 the undersigned administrator of the estate of A H Frederick deceased will make my final settlement with Hon Joseph Bell judge of probate at his office in Ocala Marion county Fla and wil apply for my discharge j as administrator of said estate- R T Frederic- kA of Estate of A H Frederick deceased t- ov 19th 1907 Mr M Fishel is in New York buy ¬ ing spring goods L ALEXANDER Practical CARPENTER AND BUILDER Careful estimates made on alf ontract work Gives more and better work for the money than any other contractor J i

J i r F- sad New Spring Line-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00798/0522.pdfwindows ae halTed Tho only i-ltraneis ¬ through the front tout and there is extreme dangr for a

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Page 1: J i r F- sad New Spring Line-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00798/0522.pdfwindows ae halTed Tho only i-ltraneis ¬ through the front tout and there is extreme dangr for a

o c 1WW w ryh f 41q0t f







C L Bittinger and R R Carroll I

Proprietors and Publishers-




r Editor and General Manager


City Editor and Business Manager


I March 18 In History1782 John Caldwell Calhoun Amer-


statesman and leader In thei

old south born in the Abbevilledistrict died in Washington 1850

i f1ohn Home Took Knish po-



5writer and grammarian lied

horn lTi1903 General Schuyler Hamilton

r I grnudKon of Alexander Hamiltoni and veteran of the Mexican and

t civil wars died In New York cityborn 1820

ASTRONOMICAL EVENTSt Tonight and Tomorrow Morning-

Sun sets 005 rises 001 moon rises644 p m 12 midnight planet Mer-


at descending nodeI e crossing-suns path downward

r Thc Colliiiwood Ohio school lirethat nearly cost the lives of two hun-dred


school children has aroused a de-


all over the land for the inspec-tion


of all school buildings and pub-lic

¬4 places to see that the means of xit

i art properly supplied that do rs shuttintr inward are made to open outwardand in case of lire eiusing a panicthat the inmats of such buildings

r may get out in safety The Sttr hasreferred to the armory and how itswindows ae halTed Tho only i-


through the front tout andthere is extreme dangr for a largeaudience should the building catch

t f tire It is the duty of the city counciltoo see that this danger trap is cor-rected


Have we heard a word aboutthe doors at our public school thatopen vimvard 7 Our trustees shouldlook this matter and the principal-of the school never let up on his de-


4 until the error and danger iscorrected


a It is easily to see that Harry Brown I

who guitiey the destiniefc of the St Au-gustine


Record has a touch of Irish I

1n his veins tS the paper on St Pat ¬ i

ricks Day was a sure enough wearer I

of tin green and what has been saidt of Drown is almost equally applicable

to W ljli Powell of the SI PeleisbugIntcpendent the onl MtYerotie i

that the Irish in Willis veins is notas thigh as that of Brown as Villisgreen is of a vrry mild and pale typebut thj sentiment is all right

The Tampa Tribune says it bus novI

or been able to understand why thecttixens of th various counties ofFlorida are required by hv to aycertain officeholders an annual uniof money from thre to six tims in ex-


of ttitt Ihey eirn For instinc-a


I jjdge oi the eirerit court receives llsalary of u00 a year while the cler = lin his court is paid by fees which airgreg rte from t 00oo to 1000 It is


tho same with the othI county ofti-ern who are pair by the fee systemnotably the county treasurer who re-


a from pI 000 to SOOO a year It-ti Is safe to say that froth 2000 to 2f 00

a year would be ample compensationfor any of thi county officers in anyof the counties and even a much

1 lower salary would be sufficient incounties with a small population Yetevery effort to modify the salary or

lJt Ifeo li <t has proven a failure the legis-lature


declining to pass a law of aneconomical nature Metropolis

Cliatten Chum the spirited andinteresting Grahamville correspondentof the Ocala Banner never gave a

a wiser admonition than for home folksto do their trading at home We ask


C every one of those who live here andspend their money for domestic sup-plies1 abroad where do they make theirliving here or in the towns and cities-to which they send their money Nineout of ten will tell you right here athomo is given them the opportunityto earn their bread and butter and

i here is where they should spend their-s


Mr Henry Stevens the Lakelandjeweler who spent a half day with hisparents Mr and Mrs Isaac Stevensreturned home this afternoon He ispleased with his new home and says

t business is very satisfactoryE




Tampa is stirred as it has never j

IHn bt fore because Henry M Flakier t

is sifter carrying th uban mail over j

his East Coast Railway to KnightKey and then by th Peninsular I

Occidental Hteamsiip Co to HavanaThe expected has coop to pass be-

cause the contract would fiive theKlatflr 31818 ISOmil haul and tomalt this possible the P O S F-

Co it is estimated will ask 3Oo40 ayear over its last four years contraetwhich was 3 0000 and to mak thesnatch a KO will tell the gCl vernment j

that it will discontinue its steamshipline between Tanpa and Key Yet j

This would be a disastrous thrust at j

Tampa big Cigar industry which novemploys 10000 men makes three hund-red millions of cigars employing a I

capital of ejjjln millions of dollarsiThe information came as an extremesurprise A hoard of trade meeting


I was instantly called and three of its I

I active members were named to go to 4

I Washington and see the state delega i

tion there and avert the catastropheI if possible The contract will not br>



let before next February but thenthere is nothing like being in the sad1die in time Tampa cant afford to1

lose it and if the worst comes she caninstitute a steamship line betweenTampa and Havana and make a bid for i

the Cuban until contract that will landt





The Star Ocala Fla has for sale a1


515 Acme Staple Hinder almost asI

good as new with lot of staples loI

Lot of 10em mailing galleys almostI

i luw at half price A rotary lead andrule utter 50 for tiI0 Mustang mail

I er in good shape fI less than halfjI





j Pig Jim Sutigill was one uf islebest produce men traveling ill the

I east He was about fifty y ars oldand hal been in the trade for a num-ber


of > fr sHe vas always held in the very

j highest esteem Me was conscientiousi and absolutely honest in all his dealirus with his fellow men lie has asmany friends probably as any produce

I man in the business He was a manof magnificent physique good ntured

and always smiling and his death willI be receiver by dealers all over thecountry with much regret

When the blind men from tiP StAugustine Deaf and hind Asylum


gave a performance in Ocala ISIr Silt j

ph in rented the hall fur then paying-for the same out of his own pocketkejt the tnnrfnr them and paid theirhotel bills fur them while there HehId a hiirt in him as tender as awomans and as big as an elephants

Big Jim St > hin is entitled to thebouquet that th Packer races on hisuasietfeu York Packer

The deceased <1 was yell known andliked in Ocaa and among the truck-ers


whose farms are tiibuUiry to thicity He v as a welcome guest th-li > of every gathering it boon c m-

amo aid a ale f > I4W veil litThere is no a truelvr in >7 ron who

i dealt with bun hot will ni ie theiews of his luth wiih s rrow-


1 i J A Campbell the effiitntf-aithful


nunifger of till cala WaterCo is macinj some very desirable im-


j it his Holly Spripirs farmHe is installing mit hinery so that Ivmay use the water from his tint spring

land distribute it to any part of thepremises Mr Claude Campbell the

I Standard fH distributor is the fannerj in the Campbell family and a gout onei too He is busy putting in fortyfiveiacres of corn with other crops thatI gives him no time to loaf at the cornor grocery store and whittle boxes

i Claude is not that kind

I Mrs Jake Brown with her sisterI Mrs Goldberg Mrs R G Blake andher guests Miss Askew and Miss Gray-of Savannah Ga and Alfred Beckand Bob Mathews were a party ofjolly people who invaded the delight-ful


I shores of Silver Springs yesterdayand enjoyed a very pleasant outing




I I will pay Sf for the name of thepersons who took seven white andthree blue Dutch hyacinths from mylot in Greenwood cemetery said flow ¬

ers being taken between March 10thand 11th and lIarch 14th and 15th

C R Tydings-


can get a pound of firstclasslinen writing paper and two packagesof envelopes to match for 50 cents atthe Ocala News Co

fBeautiful Spring

i1were not quite sure whether shess

here or not arc you but whenI

you conic in out of the rain youd


ibetter take a nip of the good oldk to ward off cold or malaria



The good goods here by the bottle

l < D gallon or barrel

KEATING CO-T Nwber 22 Ocala Florida






Some tinge before daylight thisI

morning a northbound through plantic < oast Lme freight train out of i

Lakeland was wrecked and burned at j

a big trestle a short distance this side j

of that city Knuineer Du5ose well J

known in this city was fatally injuredi

A negro braki man and a negro train pwere killed The fireman jumped andsad his I if TIlt trestle had prac t-

tically b i Iesrayed by lire The I

train tTIW saw the > moke and thought i

it trash burning beside the track alhildid not slow down until to late Thetrait plunged into the depression and I

mot of it was burned up after being i

badly smash1 Kniriiieer r DuBose wajfound forty feet from his engine in anunconsciot < condition 110 was terribly brnifd and scil < le l and will prob-ably


die M J DuIJose i < well knownin Ocala having run the Ocala andHomosassa train for a long time sev-eral


years ago He is past middle agehas two grown sons one of whom isan engineer and two daughters whi


with his wife life in Lakeland Thecompany maintained a watchman atthe trestle until lately but dispensed-with his services in a spirit of econ-omy


The loss in property alonewould hire several watchmen for they

terns of their natural lives It will be-

at least fortyeight hours until trafficcan be resumed over that portion ofthe road


Xo more will the little brown jirbring whisky Jnd other liquids fromtin oases of Chatanoogn and Jacksonvide to the desert wastes of Georgiasays the Savannah News The South-ern


Hxpivss Company has issued anordr to each of the companys offi-cers


in tile county prohibiting tiltagents from receiving jugs for ship-ment


The order becomes effectiveSunday


The cause fur this order was tinmany claims made for breakage Itlots not follow that whisky will no

longer be shipped to Georgia It onlyi denotes that the packages trill hatanother name than whisky on the billof lading



I Quite a number of our citizens in-

terested in the formation of an ath1 club met in the courthouse last

inight Mr Duval acted as temporarychairman and Mr Royal Cole as tem-porary


secretary The wowingcommittees were appointed

To Draft Constitution and IyLawsMessrs G H Harrison Frank Har-


Jr C C Carroll H C Dozier L-

TV Duv1On XoiiiihIn Mtssrs George II

Ford C V iriitcr K K Cole A K-

Gerig F C leriettOn Apparatus Messrs IL U Paln

C 1 J MchuoHh rda IIaughton CAV Hunter D S Woodrow

holler meeting will he held at tilecourthouse Thursday evening to effect 1

a permanent Olganizttonahisslittl-ge

Sinuns recital whichIjook place last night art the armory

WMS well attended and the programI

an interesting vile Those taking puttIt eVe Misses Viviin Dame Eloise

mal Mabel Akin Sallic Spurlin I-

Llluiio Kemx Myrtle Vhitliekl auntKrin Yongo The Teddy lUtir drill I

vis line and tie little girls taking I

Ipart were laid May CarroM A valetIM wards Martha Kate and Louie

i Rcntx Rose VohT Margaret Kd wardsand Marie Burnett C K ioy Ocalaadive awl successful 51d manipula-tor


I touched the fiddle in a manner I

that stamped him a player of muchI

I power It was a very pleasant and in-


I evening of enjoymentl


A residence in good lo-


I entirely rebuilt with bath cityI and cistern water good corner lotI Will be ready for occupancy aboutApril 1st Apply to F V Ditto

Mr M Fishel Is in New York buy-ing


spring goodst



I Beginning Sunday March 15th we-I will charge 10 cents for ice cream

sodas chocolate and fruit sundaesmilk shakes and egsr drinks-

AntiMonopoly DrugstoreHunter Drug Company-T W Troxler




I There was no quorum at the cityI council last night and President J DRobertson adjourned the meeting to 9

I oclock tomorrow Thursday morning

I The Star nominates Asher Frank asthe Arch Booster for Ocala and a pap

I ulation of 10000 in 1010 If we will alljoin in and give the Arch Booster ourunited support and adopt his plans wewill land sure Who will join Asher

I Franks Ocala Boosters ClubI


Is an article of comfort these warmdays You need one and can find-it Mclver MacKays They areimported and pretty designs in greenyellow and drab As soon as you seethem you will feel like buying oneCome and look at them

BUSINESS IS BUSINESSI Walls arej never too cracked andbroken for me to finish in an A No 1style with Alabastine All colors andtints J A Morris Jr

Decorating thats my business

Just a Word to the WISE Ir


OURVNew Spring Line-

of theSeasons Latest Offerings



i are arriving daily

I f17u




The attention of the public is re-


called to the following sec ¬

tion of the city health ordinance andI

the are notified that the provisions I

of the ordinance will be strictly en-




Section 24 Concealing Contagiou-sDiseaseItI shall bo unlawful for any j

person to wilfully or knowingly hide I

conceal or prevent the discovery of orassist in hilling concealing or pre-venting


the discovery of any case of i

yelow ftvrr smallpox cholera orother infectious or contagious diseasewithin the city or Oala Xo personshH hinder piev nt or iwjtnue the re-


of the xistenc1 of any case j

of yellow fever scarlet fever small-pox


cholera or any other contagious I

01 infectious disease in the city ofOcula u the city Board of Health Xo-

Ierson shall secrete or conceal or as-

sist in secreting or concealing iron i

tit health inspector lily person effeetv clothing bedding or other arti-cles


which lave lu use in or alvuitpny eie n f infectious or contagious j

riiscase whereby contagion or infeclion may be conveyed or imparted

City Board of Healthi

A pound of paper and two tacks of l

ie g to match all of the ver-yhst


quality HOe at the 1ostoffice-env



You can get an early breakfast atthe Elks Cafe if you ate going out oftown

FOR RENT Two story house fur-nished


28 North First street near ex-


office > Mrs F 1i Strunk

If you want t-




Millions have clone so before youSENSIBLE people submit to the dic ¬

tates of nature and when there is in ¬

dication of eye trouble go to a COM-PETENT


optician and have the propercorrection made to their vision-








I > UI

rlt < At 11 1

r J qi-

Jy I 1





I Make a Specialty of Correcting Fail-ing


I Vision Where Others Have Fail-ed


Satisfaction guaranteed or YourMoney Refunded

Office Hours 8 to 12 a m and 130 to430 p m Optical Office and

Labatory Rooms 2 and 4Gary Block t


SYSTEM OF TYPEWRITINGTaught privately Either day or even-ing lessons Terms reasonable Ad-

dress¬ a

Bertha Williams cityNl

REGISTRATION OFFICER BECKGives notice that he will be in OcalaThursday Friday and Saturday of 1

each week beginning Thursday 2ndof April for four consecutive weeksfront date of April 2nd prior to elec Jlion


The perleau given by Mr Shellyrack at his home Tuesday night wasgreatly enjoyed by all present rIhoseitpresent were Mr Carl Wislmrt Itfr-T m VTishart Mr E C Boone MrHarry Waters Mr Jesse Meadows

j Yt

WILL CONTlrUE BUSINESSThe Florida Llectrica Plumtyns

Company has decided to continue theirbusiness in Ocala and will be pleasedto bid on all work in tholr line Per-sons entrusting business to this com-pany


WM1 be assured of prompt ser-vice gol work and reasonableprices Office at the Ocala Music Cos > I


FOR SALEThe hest paying mo >

ing picture theater in the South Forinformation address Box 85 Ybor CityTampa Fla


If you are contemplating havingelectrical veil done of any kind elec-tric lights put In call bells or anywiring in the electrical line be sure toget my estimate before placing theorder No job is too large for me todo and none too small to receive mybest and careful attention I carry fa full line of electrical supplies Ii

stock RespectfullyWalter Tucker


The dinners at the Elks Cafe for 50cents are the best in the city I


Notice is hereby given that on theSecond day of June A D 1908

the undersigned administrator of theestate of A H Frederick deceasedwill make my final settlement withHon Joseph Bell judge of probate athis office in Ocala Marion countyFla and wil apply for my discharge jas administrator of said estate-

R T Frederic-kA of Estate of A H Frederick

deceased t-

ov 19th 1907

Mr M Fishel is in New York buy¬

ing spring goods



Careful estimates made on alfontract work Gives more andbetter work for the money thanany other contractor

