Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. इंटरनेट मानक !ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-णSatyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफJawaharlal Nehru “Step Out From the Old to the New” जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकारMazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” !ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह Bharthari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 8323 (1977): Palm Oil [FAD 13: Oils and Oilseeds]

IS 8323 (1977): Palm Oil - Public.Resource.Orgtest for palm oil derived from the fleshy mesocarp of the fruit ofthe oil palm ( Elaers guineensis ) tree by the process of expression

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Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

इंटरनेट मानक

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda

“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”Jawaharlal Nehru

“Step Out From the Old to the New”

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार”Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan

“The Right to Information, The Right to Live”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता है”Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam

“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”

“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”


IS 8323 (1977): Palm Oil [FAD 13: Oils and Oilseeds]


IS I 8323 • 1'77( Reamnnecl19M )


ThIrd Reprint JULY 1998

( JDcorporaung Amendment 1\0 1,)

UDe 665.353.4:543.05

@ C,p.1,i,1&I 1983


NBW DBlJII 110002



IS 8323: 1977 SPECIFICATION FOR PALM OIL( PtlB~ 2, Foreword ) - Add tbe following clause 0.7 Ifter 0.' and

fenumberthe subsequent clause:

'0.7 A scbeme for JabeJliDg environment friendly pmelucIS to be known I. ECOMlrk bas beea intmelua:d It tbe instance of the Ministry of Environment andForests ( MEF). TheEoo Mark shall be administered by tbe Bureau of IndiaDStandards ( SIS) under tbe BIS Ad, 1986 as per the ResolutionNo. 71 dated 20Febnalry 1991 IS published in tbe Gazetteof tbe Governmentof IDdia vide GSR8S(E) dated 21 FebNlry 1991. For a plOduct to be eligible for .arld. with tbeECO Mlrk it 1...11 Ilso carry the Standard Mark of SIS for quaUty besid~

meeting additional optio..1environment friendly ( EF ) requiremen". 1be EFrequirements for palmoUare tbereforebeing included throughID lme.ment.

This amendment is based on the Gazette Notification No. 678 dated 30 August1994 for Labelling Edible Oils, Tel and Coffee IS environment friendlyproducts, published by tbe Ministryof Environment Ind Forests. t

(Page 3, clause 4.4 ) - Add tbe followingclausm I(ter "4:

'4.5 Optlo.8. Requnments for ECO Mark

4.5.1 Generd' Rf!IIuiremt!llts The product shall conform to tbe .equiremenls of quality prescribedunderclluses 41.1 to 4•••

• .5.1.2 The IIIIftuucture.. shall produce to SIS environmental consentclelraace from tbe concenaecl State Pollutioa CoDtroI Board as per the BOrms laiddown uDder abe Water ( Preve",iDft and COIIIroi of Pollution) Act, 1974;Air ( Praalioft Gild COIIIroi ofPollutio" ) Act, 1981; Welter ( Prevenlioll andCDlllrolofPoUutitm) Cas Act, 1917IapeetiYely, 110. witlathe latboriation,if Jequired uDder tile E""ir,.".", ( Prot«,iDIt ) Act, 1986, while applying forECOMart.

4.5.J Spcciftt:R~ The plOd_a ...0 apt coatll. aaatoxi, IIlOIe tlaall 5 IDIIt& wIIeatested~y tile IRC60cI plllCrilJed ia Appelldix A.


Amend No. Z to IS 8313 : 1m

4.5.2.Z The pesticide residues, if Iny, 111111 BOt ex~ed the toJellDCe limits I.pJaCribeci in tile PrwalioN of Food Adullcrtltioll Act, 1954 IDd Ru.la madetllereunder. Only pennitted antioxidants DOt excecdiag the qUiadtia .pecified.pinst each I. prescribed under the PreventioN 01Food AdultertUioll Act, 1954andRilla made tbereunder, .blD be used, if required. ne plOcluet shaD not COnlain Iny of the toxic metals ia ex~ of theqUlatities plaCn1Jed illTable2.






SLNo. ClMltAcTnls1lC

i) lAacI. mAMa

ii) Ar..ic, mAMa

iii) Cad.... IDNMa

iv) MOlary (kUI)aNNa

-Mel...of_pliIIlad _, forfood001...(MUM IWi.JiD,e ).


15of IS 1699 : 1995­




(Page 3, clause5.1 ) - Addtbe following clauseS.t.llfter 5.1:

5.1.1 For Eoo Mark tbe product shall be packed in such packages which a~

mille from recyclable ( tbat is which can be Ie-processed to manufacture InyusefulplOdUd ) or biodegradable materials.'

(Pille 5, cltlue ,.z)- Add the folJowiIll cllulC ,.3 after'.2:

"'-3 For ECO Mlrk tbe coatllnell lball be marked with the followillliDfolD1ltioa:

I) Ust of identified critical iltpedieDti ill daceadilll order of q.llltity,paceld by ....11, wbida.ball iacllde ' ....de fio. palmoil';

b)· ne brief criteria for which the product baa been labelled for EooMart;••

c) slacIr life of die prodUd."


Alaead No. J to IS 1323 : 1'77

( Pilge 5, clalUe 1.1 ) - Add the followingAppendix after ,.2:




A-l.1 A~tone,70 Peftent - 700 mlacetone ill 300 mI distilled Wlter.

A-I-Z Aeetoae, ZO Percent - 200 mI acetone in 800 ml distilled water.

A·l.3 Lead A~etate,20 PelUDt - 200 g neutrll acetate in distilled water and3 mJ glacialacelie acid, diluted to one litle. '


A-2.1 Dissolve30 g Simple in 100 mI hexane.

A·2-Z Extlld with 3 )(SO mI70 percent acetone.

A.Z.3 To the extllet acid 60 mI distilled Wlter and 20 mlleld acetate.

A·2A Boilto reducevolume to 150 mi. Cool to about 20°C.

A·2.5 Filter alldWIsh witb 20 percenllcctone.

A·Z.' ExtIlCl filtrate aDd washings with3 )( SO 1111 chloroform.

A-Z.7 PISS chloroform layer throughanhydroussodium sulphate.

A·2.1 CoDCeDtmte to SO wand spot on TLCpllte.


It. ft-to· ....ftlll,. V)( S )( 1 000ft,I_ XlD, ••aer-e •

" )( IIIwhere

V ~ volume of extract ill mI,

" • volulRe of extrId JiviaI mimDlulD obselYlbie Ouorac:ence ill pi,

........OfA..,1e ia" ...

I .......... toxla pviaallliaim••obIervabie flUCJIaCeIllCe i. f&8.'




IS 8323: 1'77 SPECIFICATION FOR PALMOIL(Amendment No.2. pa,e 1.cia",. - Substitute '5 JlWkI' for

'5 mglkl '.

(FAD 44 ) Repropapby Unit. 81S. New DelhI. India

IS : 8323 • 1977(Rean1nned 1994)



0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian StandardsInstitution on 15 February 1977 as an emergency standard, consequent toa specific request made by the Government of India for its preparation.Subsequently, the emergency standard has been reviewed by the Oils andOilseeds Sectional Committee and the emergency character of this"standard removed through Amendment No. I to this standard.

0.2 Palm oil is obtained Crom the fruits ofoil palm ( Etaeis guineensis ) trees.Realizing the importance of this new source of oil, efforts have been madeto grow oil palm plants in different parts of the country. Such plantationshave already been started in the States of Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, andAndaman and Nicobar Islands. Presently substantial quantities of palmoil are being imported into the country.

0.3 The fruits of oil palm contain two parts, the outer fleshy part or pulp,called mesocarp and the inner seed or nut called stone. The latter consistsof hard shell and kernel inside. The pulp forms about 40 to 70 percentof the fruit and contains 60 to 75 percent of the reddish coloured oil.Palmitic acid is the characteristic fatty acid ( 35 to 50 percent) of the oil.The other major fatty acids are oleic and linoleic ( 45 to 60 percent ).

O.~ This standard covers the requirements for imported as well asindigenous palm oil. In so far as the edible grade is concerned, it isexpected that the requirements prescribed in this standard would beadopted shortly in the Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1954, asmodified from time to time.

0.5 This' standard has been prepared on the basis of technical dataobtained from .the Oil Technological Research Institute, Anaruapur andHindustan Lever Limited. Bombay. Reference has also been made to thedraft specification for palm oil prepared by Codex AlimentariusCommission of the World Health Organization and the Food andAgriculture Organization. The assistance derived is gratefullyacknowledged.

0.6 This standard has been processed by Oils and Fats Subcommittee,CAFDC 5: 1 of lSI composed of representatives of Hindustan Lever 14td,Bombay; .Director of Marketing & Inspection, Nagpurj.The V..inaspari

IS , 8323 • 1977

Manufacturers' Association of India, Bombay; Bombay Oilseedeand OilsExchange Ltd, Bombay; Directorate General of Technical Development,New Delhi; Ministry of Defence ( DGI), New Delhi; Indian Soap and ,Toiletries Makers' Association, Bombay; Tata Oil Mills Co Ltd, Bombay;"Regional Research Laboratory, Hyderabad; Directorate of Sugar &.•Vanaspari, New Delhi; rrhe Indian Paint Association, Calcutta; OilTechnologists' Association of India, Kanpur; Oil Technological ResearchInstitute, Anantapur; Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi;Khadi and Village Industries Commission, Bombay; 'Directorate ofOilseeds Development, Hyderabad; and Godrej Soaps Pvt Ltd, Bombayalong with the Directorate General of Health Services (Ministry ofHealth ), New DeJhi.

0.7 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of thisstandard is complied with, the finn l value, observ ed or calculated,expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accor­dance with IS : 2-1960·. The number of significant places retained in therounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in thisstandard.


1.1 This standard prescribes requirements and methods of sampling andtest for palm oil derived from the fleshy mesocarp of the fruit of the oilpalm ( Elaers guineensis ) tree by the process of expression.


2.1 For the purpose of this standard, the definitions given under 2 ofIS: 548 ( Part I )-1964t and the following shall apply.

2.1.1 Raw Palm Oil - Palm oil obtained by the. process of expression.

2.1.2 Rtjined Palm Oil - Palm oil obtained by the process of expressionwhich has been neutralized with alkali, bleached with bleaching earth oractivated carbon or both, and deodorized with steam, no other chemicalagents being used. Alternatively deacidification, bleaching and deodoriza·tion may be done by physical means.

3. GRADES3.1 The material shall be of the following two grades:

a) Raw grade, andb) Refined grade.

-Rulf" Corrounding off numerical values ( r,vis,d).t Method. of sampling and telt for oila and rata: Pan I SampJiol, play.cal ADd

chemical tesh ( ,.rns,tI).


IS I 8323 • 1.77

3.1.1 The material of raw grade is suitable for making YAN.dSPATI,bakery shortening, margariDe and refined oil only. and Dot for directedible consumption.

3.1.2 The material of the refined grade is suitable for direct edibleconsumption.


4.1 De.erlpdoD - The material shall be obtained from the fleshymesocarp of the fruit of the oil palm (Elaeu ,uinltw) tree by .. theprocess of expression.

4.2 The material shall be clear on melting and free from adulterants,sediment, suspended and other foreign matter, separated water, and addedcolouring or flavouring substances and shall have acceptable taste andodour. It may contain permitted antioxidants in specified quantities uprescribed under Prevention of Food Adulteration (PFA) Rule. ofGovernment of India.

4.2.1 The clarity of the material shall be judged by the ab.nce ofturbidity after keeping the filtered sample at 500e for 24 houn.

4.3 Admixture with Other OU. - The material shall be free fromadmixture with mineral or other oill of vegetable or animal origlD whentested according to the methods prescribed in IS: 548 (Part II )-1976·.

4.t The material shall also comply with the requirement. giveD inTable I.


5.1 The mat~ial shall be packed in suitably sealed and well-closedcontainers. The refined palm oil shall be packed in Dew tin containen.


6.1 The containers thall be marked with the fallowin, particulan:

a) ~ame and grade or the materi,al;b) Net maSSj

c) A statement that permitted antioxidant. have beeD used, ifadded; .

d) Manufacturer'. Dame aDd his recoanized tr.de·~ark, if .D~;

e) Batch No. or lot No. in code or ortherwise; andf) MODth aDd year of manufacture.

*Methoda olaampllaa and Cat for oUt and rata: Part II Purity te... (I_~"""").


IS I ~1.1t77


(ClaI, 4.4)

Sr. CBAJaAm-DJlna R.QVJB....'l' .0. OBADB MftJlODOI'No. , • " "'T. a... 'ft) CL

Raw RefiDed No_ I1f IS: 548( Part I )_I9Me

tl) (2) (3) (.) (S)

.i) MoIIIture aDd iBIo1uble O·~ ~10 S&6impuriti.. percent bymau,Ma

ill Colour Ina riD cell OD 50 ISLoviboad seaIe exprell-ed .. r+ 5R, DOldeeper tIwa

in) lt.efractlve ind••t at SO-C 1-4491 to 1·455 2 1·4491 to 1-4552 10

iv) Saponification value 195 to 20S 195 to 205 15y) lodlao nht- ( Wijl ) 45 to 58 45 to 56 14-

wi) Acid va1ue~. AI. 10·0 0-5 7

vii) Uuaponifiable mat t e r , 1-2 i-2 8perCent by mAlI, MD.

viii) Mellin. point, OC, Ma '¥I 57 9

ai) Peroxide value, ezpweued 10 10AI milliequival~DtI ofOXYSeD per q. Ma

eMethods of lampl" .ad ••, lor on. aad rata: Part I Samp'''' pby..l &Delchemical teta (....,).

tThii corlftPOada to Butyro Refru:tomet. ( B. R. ) FadiDr or '5·5 to 44-0.

JTbe cor...-poDdiai fipft iD terms or free Catty acid. ( FFA ) wbeD exprelled u oleicac· shall be maximuw;n S·O aDd 0-25 perceat by IDUI r. raw aQd nIDed 1I*l.- ormaterial respectively_ t

6.1.1 'TIleprocIuc:t mayallo~ IDIIbcI widaS.....1dMark.

&.1.11. TIIe..e 0( tile Studud Mark II~ bJ tbepm'-' of~- ojllldltm SIIuttJiIrd.rA~ 1986 aad tbe Rulel aDd ReplatioM -.de tIIe_ader.TIle cletaiJI of coMitio. ader w1dcIl .. licearJe for 1Iae ... of StIIICIajd Mart1D11be paated 10mIIIfacI_ orplOd....., be obIaJaed Imm tile_­ofbid••S1Qdardl.

IS I 8323 • 1977

6.2 In addition, in the case of raw grade of the material, the followinginformation shall be suitably marked, either printed on the label affixedto the container or lithographed or stencilled thereon with indelible ink ina type size not less than that used for the name and grade of thematerial:



7.1 Representative samples of the material shall be drawn as pescribedunder 3 of IS: 518 (Part I )-1964*.


8.1 Tests shall be carried out in accordance with the methods prescribedin 18:548 (Part 1)-1964· and 18:548 (Part II)-1976t reference towhich has been given in 4.3 and col 5 of Table 1.

8.2 Q,aal1ty or Reale.t. - Unless specified otherwise, pure chemicalsand distilled water ( se« IS : 1070-1960: ) shall be used in tests.

NOTE - 'Pure chemieals" Ihall mean chemicals that do not contaiD impuritieswhich affect the reluhs of analysis•

• Metboda of ..mpH.. and teat Cor oU. aDd fat.: Part I Sampling, phylical aod(hemical teah ( rIrIiI~).

tMethod, or lampllng and teat ror oU.and rut: Part)1 Purity telt. ('hirll ","",. ).*SpecUlcation for water, cliltilled quality (,IIIi,ItI).


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550 13 48


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23523 15




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309 85 28