Chapter 32: Teachers as Researchers in Mathematics Education KATHRYN CRAWFORD AND JILL ADLER University a/Sydney, Australia and The University a/Witwatersrand, South A/rica ABSTRACT This paper explores the ways in which teaching, learning and research are conceptualised by various members of the mathematics education communi- ty and makes an argument for research-like activities by teachers as a means to professional development. Such development is viewed as a prerequisite for changes in the processes and quality of mathematics education for school students. Examples from Australia and South Africa, two different ex-coloni- al contexts undergoing rapid social change, are used to illustrate the need for change and the importance of active participation of teachers in research ac- tivities associated with their professional practice. 1. INTRODUCTION Mathematics teachers are involved in the practice of the construction of knowledge. Their knowledge is generated through their participation in the established educational practices of which they are both products and partic- ipants; and, through their efforts to support, in their chosen role of 'teacher' , the knowledge oftheir students. Through their activity, mathematics teachers form and are formed by the educational institutions in which they work. Tra- ditionally, learning by means of activities such as questioning, problem defi- nition, reflection and systematic investigation of chosen aspects of education and mathematics has been the province of university academics. There is lit- tle evidence that much of the knowledge generated by research at universities is embodied in the teaching and learning practices in schools. It seems possi- ble that if teachers and student-teachers act in generative, research-like ways, they may learn about the teaching/learning process, and about mathematics, in ways that empower them to better meet the needs of their students. 1187 A.J. Bishop et al. (eds.), International Handbook oj Mathematics Education, 1187 - 1205 © 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers,

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Page 1: International Handbook of Mathematics Education || Didactics of Mathematics and the Professional Knowledge of Teachers

Chapter 32: Teachers as Researchers in Mathematics Education

KATHRYN CRAWFORD AND JILL ADLER University a/Sydney, Australia and The University a/Witwatersrand, South A/rica


This paper explores the ways in which teaching, learning and research are conceptualised by various members of the mathematics education communi­ty and makes an argument for research-like activities by teachers as a means to professional development. Such development is viewed as a prerequisite for changes in the processes and quality of mathematics education for school students. Examples from Australia and South Africa, two different ex-coloni­al contexts undergoing rapid social change, are used to illustrate the need for change and the importance of active participation of teachers in research ac­tivities associated with their professional practice.


Mathematics teachers are involved in the practice of the construction of knowledge. Their knowledge is generated through their participation in the established educational practices of which they are both products and partic­ipants; and, through their efforts to support, in their chosen role of 'teacher' , the knowledge oftheir students. Through their activity, mathematics teachers form and are formed by the educational institutions in which they work. Tra­ditionally, learning by means of activities such as questioning, problem defi­nition, reflection and systematic investigation of chosen aspects of education and mathematics has been the province of university academics. There is lit­tle evidence that much of the knowledge generated by research at universities is embodied in the teaching and learning practices in schools. It seems possi­ble that if teachers and student-teachers act in generative, research-like ways, they may learn about the teaching/learning process, and about mathematics, in ways that empower them to better meet the needs of their students.

1187 A.J. Bishop et al. (eds.), International Handbook oj Mathematics Education, 1187 - 1205 © 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers,

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In a systemic and dialectical view of human learning and development (Vy­gotsky 1978; Valsiner 1994; Crawford, Gordon, Nicholas & Prosser 1994) the actions of people and the meanings and purposes that they attach to an ac­tivity, the relationships between people and the arena in which they think, feel and act, and the presence of culturally significant artefacts, all become impor­tant as determinants of multiple consciousnesses. The subjective and personal views of individuals, their location in a context, and their conceptions derived from past experience all shape their conceptions of needs and their interpre­tations of the goals of an activity. They also determine individual interpreta­tions of the 'reality' of the experience and their choices about thought and action. Thus the terms 'teaching' and 'research' have meanings that are expe­rienced and formed through social activity.1 Similarly, 'learning' is another closely related phenomenon that is understood at a personal level through cul­tural experience - usually in relation to teachers. However, researchers also 'learn' through systematic investigation, inquiry and reflection in a socio-cul­tural context.

Learning Teaching


Figure 1. Learning, Teaching and Research

As shown in Figure 1 above, the three activities are related in complex ways. Learning is an expected outcome of both teaching and research activities.

The work of Brousseau and others (Douady & Mercier 1992) provides an account of the ways in which scholarly knowledge is transformed through di­dactical transposition in institutionalised educational contexts. As Brousseau (1992, p.22) says:


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The effort made in order to obtain knowledge independently of situations where it works (decontextualisation) has as a price the loss of meaning and performance at the time of teaching. The restoration of intelligible situations (recontextualisation) has as a price the shift in meaning (didactical transposition).

The above researchers take an anthropological view of the ways in which the social context of teaching and learning and the nature of institutional settings in which education occurs shape the meaning of knowledge. In the case of mathematics, they stress the qualitative differences between knowledge that enables people to do mathematics and knowledge about mathematics derived from teaching in traditional forms.

From the perspective of neo-Vygotskian researchers all knowledge and consciousness has a social ontogeny. The nature of awareness or knowledge - the developing consciousness of people - is formed and reformed through action in a social context. For them, scholarly knowledge is the form of knowledge derived from scholarly activities. Different scholarly activities such as reflection or empirical research result in different forms of knowl­edge. Similarly, teachers' knowledge of both their specialist discipline and of educational processes is a result of their experience of learning and teaching activities. For students also, the nature of their knowledge reflects the nature of their learning activity within a socio-cultura1 context. From such a perspec­tive knowledge or meaning is not so much transposed as constituted through activity within a socio-cu1tura1 context.

Learning may be experienced through investigation and inquiry, through reading about someone else's research, or through being taught. In each case the quality of the resulting knowledge will be different (Rogoff 1994). That is, the quality of the social context in which learning occurs - including the relationship between the learners and the social context in which they act and the ways in which they relate to the subject that is the focus of their attention - shapes the quality of their activity-the ways in which they think, feel and act - and the resulting knowledge. Knowledge is constituted in the relation­ship between the knower and the subject and mediated through action in a so­cial context.

Students taught and assessed in traditional ways, learn to demonstrate that they have encoded the culturally approved knowledge and can reproduce it. Those who learn about teaching through reading about educational research develop knowledge of a similar kind. In neither case is the knowledge neces­sarily a basis for further action or a changing personal view of reality. Sys­tematic investigation and reflection undertaken with the aim of resolving a dilemma or answering a personally meaningful question - research activity­results in knowledge of a different kind. Knowledge derived from research activity is necessarily personal. That is, a researcher takes action to research stimulated by an interest or perceived need that is based on personal aware-


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ness and goals. Even when the research activity is carried out using culturally approved techniques, the researcher defines a problem from a personal per­spective, hypothesises about possible outcomes, selects strategies to test hy­potheses and possibilities, gains insights and evaluates the outcomes of the research activity with reference to a selected and thus also personal view of the world. In forms of research that investigate ways to make a change, such as action research, there is a potential for knowledge about how to act so that change occurs. The resulting knowledge of the researcher forms the basis for capabilities of problem solving and acting to produce change. This form of knowledge seems particularly important for teachers who are, after all, pro­fessionally responsible for change and development through learning.

In the field of mathematics education a fourth socially constructed concept must be considered - mathematics.

Learning Teaching

Research Mathematics

Figure 2. Teaching, Learning and Mathematics

In this paper we explore the possibility of mathematics teachers learning about teaching and mathematics through research activities. Thus the focus of the paper is on the possibilities of the intersection sets, in Figure 2 above, and the extent that conceptions of teaching, learning, mathematics and re­search - beliefs and expectations about power relationships, qualifications to carry out these activities and have access to resulting knowledge - constrain or enhance possibilities for research by practising teachers of mathematics. We have used two different contexts to exemplify the social nature of expe­rience and resulting knowledge. Examples from Australia and South Africa also highlight educational and political tensions that occur as teachers seek to meet the needs of their students for mathematical knowledge in rapidly changing societies.


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3.1 Student teachers learning about mathematics and education.

Mathematics teachers are widely viewed as those who 'know mathematics'. In traditional teaching they play the role of 'the one who knows' - the 'expert' in mathematics. Implicit in teacher education and school organisation, partic­ularly at the secondary level, is a transmission model ofleaming and teaching whereby approved mathematical knowledge is passed from the expert to the novice. At university, student-teachers receive and memorise mathematical knowledge and demonstrate to experts through tests and examinations that they have successfully encoded the culturally approved axioms, rules and techniques. For the vast majority, these capabilities constitute scholarly math­ematical knowledge - they have no other experience.

In most teacher education courses, education theories, including recent theories of learning, are taught by lectures and assessed in traditional ways through essay-writing and examination. Little attention is paid to providing experiences designed to ensure that student-teachers develop a working ra­tionale for educational decision making and are able to apply educational the­ories in their professional practice. Even during practical experience in schools, in most cases, student-teachers play the role of apprentices - they are required to 'fit in' and show that they can 'teach' in the ways in which it has always been done. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that most 'qualified' teachers teach mathematics in the same way as they were taught.

3.2 Australian mathematics teachers' professional experience.

The quality and appropriateness of mathematics education in Australia has been widely questioned. In the report of The Discipline Review of Teacher Education in Mathematics and Science, Speedy (1989, p.16) suggested that:

Mathematics on the whole, as a school subject, or as a higher education course, is not sufficiently related to the developing needs of our society which is being driven to respond to, and interact with, more technologically advanced countries.

The report recommended a shift away from 'chalk and talk' methods towards providing experience of application of mathematical knowledge to 'real life' situations. Since that time, government policy and most curriculum docu­ments have advocated increased attention to problem solving, investigation and inquiry in mathematics education, where problems include those outside and inside of mathematics. These changes are similar to mathematics curric­ulum reform initiatives elsewhere (e.g. the Curriculum and Evaluation Stand-


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ards in the USA, (NCTM 1989)), and are echoed in new aims for school mathematics in South Africa.

Public criticism and pressure for change create tensions and contradiction in the professional lives of teachers. Many primary teachers, and a large number of secondary teachers, have little understanding of mathematics or capability for mathematical modelling, application of mathematics to solve problems and evaluation of the results of research, investigation or inquiry. They have no experience of these activities. Even those with experience of mathematical research have often been constrained to carrying out approved techniques to test the idea of the leader of the research team. Many of those with undergraduate qualifications in mathematics have merely survived the examination system at some time by demonstrating their capacity to carry out mathematical techniques in culturally approved ways. Further, the quality of their mathematical knowledge, at the level at which they are expected to teach, is strongly influenced by their own experience of schooling. As Ball (1988) says teachers need to unlearn old conceptions of mathematics derived from schooling experiences. They need to have learning experiences in math­ematics similar to those we expect them to foster as teachers before we can expect them to act in different ways.

In large Australian school systems, the limitations of teachers' knowledge is recognised, though little attempt has been made in universities to make ap­propriate changes in pre-service learning experiences in mathematics or edu­cation. The usual response of educational administrators tends to consolidate the situation and makes change more difficult to achieve. Externally set cur­ricula, set text books and other teaching aids are made mandatory as a means to maintain standards and support teachers. In many cases, teaching in schools is practically defined as merely supervising culturally approved edu­cational activities because they are in the curriculum. In an age of quality management, and hierarchical administrative structures, teaching activities are increasingly circumscribed by requirements for planning, documentation and measurable outcomes. In such a strongly regulated environment teachers play an educationally powerless and unprofessional role. They are not sup­posed to make decisions about how best to meet the changing needs of their students, even in cases when they have developed the professional knowledge to do so. As one teacher remarked poignantly during a post-graduate profes­sional development course:

What I have learned here merely widens the gap between what I would like to do, and now am able to do, and what I know must be done in my school.


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3.3 Embracing Change?

In the information era, mathematical techniques are increasingly used in re­search in all fields, from archaeology to astro-physics, as computerised infor­mation becomes most prevalent. The paper and pencil techniques that still dominate mathematics education in schools are now widely carried out by machines at all levels of our highly technologically oriented society. As Wil­lis (1990, pp. 12-13) suggests:

Computing technology has changed the way mathematics is produced and also the way it is applied at all levels of mathematical sophistication. Some things will now be done differently than they were in the past, some things will be done that previously were not possible or at least not practicable, and some things done in the past may no longer be necessary. This is as true of everyday arithmetic as it is true of the mathematics of tradespeople, technicians, and technologists; shop assistants accountants and economists; social, physical and biological scientists; and professional mathematicians.

The rapid change poses problems for experts educated in the past. First, there are indications that learning in traditional ways at school results, even for the most successful students entering mathematics courses at university, in a fragmented conception of mathematics for most students (>80 per cent) and little capability or inclination to apply mathematical knowledge in problem solving, interpret mathematical information, develop mathematical models or evaluate solutions (Crawford, Gordon, Nicholas & Prosser, 1993, 1994). Sec­ond, teachers' conceptions of mathematics and their experience as learners of mathematics lead them to expect that students will learn mathematics through copying and practising with an intent to reproduce approved techniques in as­sessment tasks. Again, as has been argued above, their learning about teach­ing through experience as students and through observing teachers in schools, reinforces a transmission model of learning. During practical experiences as apprentices in schools, they learn to act in an expert role that assumes power relations with respect to students that are inconsistent with collaboration and the tentative and uncertain processes of seeking new knowledge, investiga­tion, and creative problem posing and solving. Although many have intellec­tually espoused recent theories of learning and the need for problem solving and inquiry, after reading set texts and completing assignments, most have no experiences through which they could learn how a teacher acts to create a learning environment in which such activities are fostered.

In short, for a large majority, mathematics teachers' conceptions of math­ematics, teaching and learning, learned from their educational experiences, make it difficult or impossible for them to act in new ways to foster a different quality of mathematics learning for students. Their low status and lack of


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power in most education systems further reduce their capacity to act as agents of change.


From the perspective of new theories of learning and teaching (Vygotsky 1978; Lave 1988, Lave and Wenger 1990, Val siner 1994, Rogoff 1994; Wert­sch 1994) knowledge has a social ontogeny and is inextricably related to ex­perience. From such a view teaching and learning are parts of an interactive process and both result in the formation of knowledge of particular kinds.

Research is another activity through which people learn. Research also oc­curs in a social setting according to culturally approved rules that govern who should do research and how it should be done. Traditionally, research has been a learning activity restricted to university staff and others with approved qualifications. The positivist conception of a researcher as an objective and impartial seeker of the truth through systematic investigation according to ap­proved techniques remains widely accepted - particularly in scientific fields, and despite significant developments informed by interpretivist conceptions. Positivist research seeks to provide a description and an explanation for 'what is'. Facts are reported by the media as 'scientifically proven'. With the advent of systems analysis and advanced modelling techniques, more dynamic theo­retical models of educational processes are now tested by purposefully changing variables. Moreover, in most educational research, participation in the intellectual activities of systematic investigation, reflection, analysis and reporting about conclusions -learning - are restricted to a 'researcher' apart from the educational settings, people and processes under investigation. Al­though much educational research makes recommendations for change, the 'subjects' of research usually remain unaware of the conclusions and recom­mendations.

The notion of 'teacher as researcher' can be traced back to Stenhouse (1975, p.42) and the curriculum debates of the time between the objectives and the process models. The latter was considered to entail a reconceptuali­sation of curriculum development as belonging to the teacher.

The term action research is now widely used to describe investigation and inquiry processes undertaken with an intent to change professional practice or social institutions through the active and transformative participation of those working within a particular setting in the research processes. A major aim of most action research projects is the generation of knowledge among people in organisational or institutional settings that is actionable - can be used as a basis for conscious action. In action research the traditional lines be­tween researchers and the subjects of their investigation are blurred. The re­sulting knowledge is constituted in the changed practice and awareness of the


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researcher/practitioners. This form of research seems particularly appropriate for teachers who are professionally responsible for change through learning.

To elaborate, inquiry, investigation, reflection, interpretation and creative application are appropriate activities for both teachers of mathematics and their students. As Duckworth (1983, p.173) states: 'Action and point of view are central in the development of knowledge'. Action research activities present possibilities for teacher learning and professional development in re­lation to mathematics, the processes of teaching and learning and the more particular cultural views, needs and goals of their students. Action research processes can be designed to facilitate reconceptualisation and the develop­ment of an actionable and accountable rationale for practitioners. This is pos­sible only when traditional cultural rules about authority and qualifications to carry out research activities are set aside - when clear shared goals are nego­tiated within a research team, and opportunities are provided for an inclusive, systematic, cyclical and evolutionary process in which ideas and theories are tested, and results are analysed and reflected on.

The International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) has provided a forum for research reports by teachers and teacher ed­ucators working in the field (e.g. Geeslin & Graham 1992; Hirabayashi, No­heda, Shigematsu & Lin 1993; De Ponte & Matos 1994). Many contributions describe innovations in teacher education and run connter to Bennett's (1993, p. 4) charge that:

In an era when teacher educators and researchers have been exhorting teachers to engage in action research on their own practice, they have singly failed to heed their own prescriptions.

As in any area of social change and knowledge production, partiCUlarly in the socio-political arena of education, there is conflict and contestation. At this time, control of the research agenda tends to remain in academic hands. Dif­ferential access to training, skills, experience, time and institutional support account for the differences in activity and awareness. Nevertheless academic hegemony runs counter to the goal of teacher ownership of the research agen­da and of the knowledge generated as they learn through research activity.

Teacher research has been reported in the United Kingdom, United States, Australia and South Africa (Elliot 1988; Lerman 1990; Crawford 1992; Mou­sley 1992; Adler 1992; Walker 1993). However, from a South African per­spective, teacher-based curriculum development and research have developed organically from teacher cultures receptive to notions of innova­tion, reflection and curriculum theorising where teachers viewed themselves as autonomous professionals. As Walker (1993) points out when writing about the situation in South Africa,


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... far from there being an existing culture on which to build such research and development endeavours in township schools, the dominant teaching culture ... has been shaped by the legacy of Bantu education, authoritarian practices and working relations.

Thus for an inclusive and generalised argument for research activity by math­ematics teachers, our exploration needs to extend to mathematics teaching and learning activity in the South African context where rapid political change and democratic ideals are juxtaposed by historical inequalities and significantly limited human, material and financial resources, the latter a con­dition in education in much of the world.

4.1 Inservice Mathematics Teacher Development in South Africa

South Africa is a special case which illustrates powerfully the impact of po­litical and social forces on learning and teaching in mathematics (ANC 1994; Edusource 1994; Adler 1995). Over and above the pervasive racial inequality which historically allocated four times as much per capita to 'white' as to 'black' children, apartheid education has left in its wake serious teacher short­ages in mathematics, onerous and demoralising work conditions for the ma­jority of teachers, authoritarian practices, and a system of teaching and learning lamentably deficient in its quantitative and qualitative practices.

Under apartheid, teacher education was institutionally fragmented in uni­versities, technikons and colleges of education broadly organised along eth­nic lines. The majority of South Africa's teachers have been trained in racially segregated colleges of education most of which are academically iso­lated, small, poorly equipped and ineffective in the provision of quality teach­er education (NEPI 1993, p.237). The dominant ideology in these colleges is Fundamental Pedagogics, where a particular brand of pervasive authoritari­anism in social relations and knowledge production disguises itself by posit­ing education as a 'science' separate from politics and human values (Enslin 1990). This particularly perverse form of positivism in teacher education is not dissimilar from those described earlier. This qualitative dimension is cou­pled with a quantitative one through a system which has produced enormous variation in teacher qualifications. Whereas 'white' secondary mathematics teachers have a degree with some tertiary mathematics, the vast majority of 'black' secondary mathematics teachers have a three year post school teach­ing diploma - often with very little post secondary mathematics. Overcrowd­ing in schools and classrooms is common, particularly in rural areas where primary classes can have as many as 100 pupils. Facing over 50 pupils, with a debilitating lack of confidence in subject knowledge (induced by little or no tertiary mathematics experience) is the living reality for large numbers of sec­ondary teachers in African schools. In order to reach the targeted average


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teacher-pupil ratio of 1 :35, the projected overall need is to train an additional 135000 primary and 95000 secondary teachers over the next ten years.

While apartheid produced this inexcusable picture of quantitative and qualitative educational neglect, it simultaneously stimulated a great deal of oppositional and developmental educational activity, including inservice pro­fessional development of mathematics teachers and action research projects. South African literature about teachers and their research ranges from debates about general initiatives in action research projects (Flanagan 1991; Walker 1993; Davidoff 1993), reports on small, individual mathematics teachers' ac­tion research projects (Adler 1992; 1993), reports on primary and secondary teachers' reflective practice (Coombe et al. 1995; Orpen et al. 1995) and to project facilitator reports on supporting mathematics teacher development (Breen and Coombe 1992, Goldstein et al. 1994, Davis 1995).

'Teachers' Voices' (Orpen et al. 1995) is a collection of reflective journal writings from primary teachers who attend the intensive primary mathematics inservice course run by the Mathematics Education Project (MEP) in Cape Town in 1994. In Teachers' Voices we are introduced to teachers' struggles and astonishing enthusiasm in thinking about and working on their practice in seriously overcrowded and under resourced classrooms in squatter areas and black townships in Cape Town. As an example, Tshego Senamelo is a primary school teacher in the vast squatter area ofKhayelitsha in Cape Town. Tshego trained in one of apartheid's impoverished black colleges of educa­tion and has 6 years teaching experience. She has 53 pupils in her grade 3 class. Writing of her frustration while teaching in Khayelitsha, where aside from severe lack of resources, impermanence, violence and instability are de­fining characteristics ofthe community, Tshego says:

I never deal with the same children year after year. This is because many people in Khayelitsha come from rural areas and often the children go back there, and new children come into the school. Some children go and come back twice in the same year. There are very few people who live in this area for a long time.

This in tum affects my ability to use teaching aids. Often children don't know how to handle the teaching aids, one finds that they get broken or destroyed. I feel that if! had the same children every year this might not happen as I will be able to build up a relationship with them .... the school has no funds it does not provide us with technical aids ... So it is up to the teacher herself to buy these things, and this is very difficult for us ...

Sometimes one feels this is a hopeless situation and it is difficult not to become demotivated. Teaching aids help our teaching a lot, they certainly help the children to remember and understand what they are being taught. However, we try to make use of what we already have such


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as bottle tops for counting adding and subtracting. We also use pieces of fruit to demonstrate halves, quarters and other fractions .... (in Orpen et al. 1995)

In terms of the university-based definitions of research these writings reflect on practice but lack the usual requirements for intentional and systematic in­quiry. There is also little, if any, explicit use of evidence or building of a the­ory (Bishop 1992, p. 711). However, reflection on problems and issues within a context is one aspect of research. The point of Tshego's story is not to pa­thologise nor patronise squatter communities, nor Tshego as teacher, but to pose and consider this question: If research is arguably a means for teachers' learning and professional development, then how can teachers like Tshego, and large numbers like her throughout the world, be included in research and inquiry about mathematics education?

In her writing about her project, Walker (1993) confronts the fact that her collaboration with teachers focussed on curriculum development. She under­took research on her own practices in the project. The teachers did not. She had research skills. There was no explicit attempt to impart these to the teach­ers beyond discussions about reflection and while their reflective ability grew their research skills did not. In her own reflection on this experience, Walker states that it was over-ambitious to have expected both teacher-based curric­ulum development and research activity in the same time frame of the project. Davidoff reiterates the importance of realistic expectations in the conditions that pertain to many teachers:

... when basic skills and materials are often not part of teachers' daily repertoires, how much less would be their ability to reflect upon their practice, and then within the broader social concerns of equality,justice and freedom?

Davidoff suggests that such a situation requires people to 'think big and start small'. Both authors argue for a continuum of activity by teachers from re­flection to research as it is defined by university academics. Tshego has had an introduction to reflective practice through supportive and encouraging ex­periences with the Mathematics Education Project. She has benefited from the inquiry towards her own teaching, for this is how learning about teaching occurs. And, as a result, she has made changes in her own practice, however limited these steps may appear. In Davidoffs terms, Tshego has taken some real steps. She, and others like her, would benefit from further participation in communities of inquiry into teaching, from ongoing learning about teach­ing and mathematics which over time become more extensive, building re­flective capacity and research skills.

Tshego's story is one of many diverse teacher research stories in South Af­rica. Teachers fortunate enough to work in different conditions have different


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experiences of professionalism. Small action research projects for post grad­uate mathematics teachers offer very different possibilities from those avail­able to Tshego (Adler 1992). But it is this instance of teacher inquiry in the South African context that forces a contextual awareness for any activity -there is no one form of research-like activity suited to all teachers in all situ­ations and contexts. Simultaneously, however, it supports the argument de­veloping in this paper that inquiry into teaching is appropriate learning activity for all teachers.

To consolidate our argument, we now explore an Australian example that examines research-like activity among student teachers, that is, in pre-service education. The belief that practicing teachers and student teachers have dif­ferent histories and experiences of teaching and learning is often accompa­nied by notions that student teachers do not have sufficient teaching experience to reflect on, that they do not yet have burning questions, and hence research-like activity is less appropriate in preservice education.

4.2 Student Teachers Learning to Act Through Research

At the University of Sydney, final year student-teachers work in groups to construct an educational environment in which children from local primary schools take part as active and reflective learners of mathematics (Crawford & Deer 1993, Crawford 1992). The program supports the student-teachers as they create, implement, adapt and evaluate a program of work on a mathemat­ical topic in which the focus shifts from solely teacher-directed reproduction of existing knowledge and techniques to a context in which children partici­pate actively and creatively in meaningful investigation, inquiry and reflec­tion - for the children, the generation of mathematical knowledge.

The student-teachers also become active learners in the role of action re­searchers of applied education. They work in small groups and each group has a responsibility to make decisions, try out new ideas, explain strategies and choices in educational terms, review their practice and reflect on and evaluate their solutions. Later they use their own experiences as a basis for further analysis, reflection, theory building and theory testing. The experi­ence initially confronts student-teachers with their own deep seated beliefs about:

The nature of mathematics The roles of a teachers and learners The power relationships within a classroom The capabilities of young children The ways in which children learn The nature of mathematical knowledge.


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Learning through action research is a new experience for all of them. Their skills in encoding and reproducing the content of a course, which have been a mainstay in their school and university careers, are less useful in a context where they are asked to demonstrate new capabilities for defining problems, decision making about strategies for inquiry, gathering of evidence and ex­planation, creatively changing habits of practice, reflection and self evalua­tion. Since the course was initiated in 1991, none of the students have reported prior experiences as active and independent learners of mathematics or of active and independent decision making about educational matters.

They are generally confronted by tensions and inconsistencies between the recent theories oflearning that they have been told about, and that most have espoused intellectually, and the transmission model ofleaming that is implied in their habits and inclination to act as 'teacher'. They know about learning through investigation and inquiry, by reading set texts and research articles, but few have experienced it either in mathematics or in their education cours­es. These experiences of other peoples knowledge have not prepared them for the very personally challenging activity of learning through creating and in­vestigating their own practice. At a deep level, they still conceptualise learn­ing in terms of their own experience of being told. Most initially feel a need to tell children about the mathematics before asking them to solve problems or investigate. All are initially focussed on their own teaching behaviours, needs and goals with little attention to or awareness of the students' learning processes and outcomes. All are accustomed to working professionally as in­dividuals in isolation. They find collaboration and group planning difficult. Most importantly, all have internalised the usual power relationships in the classroom. They begin by being in charge, setting clearly defined tasks, dem­onstrating how they should be completed and ensuring that all the students are compliant and follow the standard techniques. In such a setting there is little evidence of learning through inquiry among their students as a basis for ob­servation, reflection and evaluation.

Over several weeks each group works in a different school context and de­velops a program of mathematical activity that reflects the interests and needs of the children in their care. Most choose aspects of mathematics that are in­teresting or challenging to them such as probability or ratio. They learn a great deal about mathematics as they work with their students to define and refine mathematical ideas and use them actively as a means to inquiry. Each group research project is carried out in a different educational setting. How­ever, experiences are shared within and between groups. This process is crit­ical in the development of a more abstract and generalised rationale for educational processes. Advice and support from an experienced tutor are available on request. For all student-teachers the project requires them to change existing classroom practice and create a learning environment and demonstrate professional behaviours that they have not seen in local Austral­ian schools. Then they are asked to reflect upon the processes occurring and


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continuously evaluate them and review their plans, goals and strategies in the light of observations of the students' learning of mathematics.

The process of actively and transformatively participating in change is a powerful learning experience for student-teachers. In all cases the experience results in:

Widening of attention from a focus on teaching to include learning processes and the learners' needs, goals and emerging mathematical awareness. Awareness of the distinction between teachers' needs and goals and those of the students. An appreciation of the dialectic nature of teaching and learning. Awareness of the importance of trust and a capability to share authority and power as well as responsibility. A heightened awareness of the extent of individual differences. A view of mathematical knowledge which includes capabilities for problem posing, problem definition, modelling, investigation inquiry and self evaluation. Demonstrated capabilities for educational decision making, explanation, creative development of a new learning context and effective assessment of the learning of mathematics that occurs within it.

In a situation where it is very difficult to provide professional images of teachers applying recent theories of learning in schools, the action research approach is effective in widening student awareness of the practical implica­tions of educational theory (and the wider possibilities for teaching and learn­ing in mathematics) and in supporting them in the development of their own professional rationale for decision making about the teaching and learning processes in mathematics in various school contexts. In addition, after such experiences, they have the confidence that comes from experiences of effec­tive practical action using mathematics.


If teachers are to learn about their profession in the active ways that are now known to be empowering and recommended in curriculum documents, then they will need opportunities to explore, investigate, create, reflect and solve problems and answer research questions for themselves. Only through active engagement with problems and questions that are personally meaningful to them will they develop a rationale for action. Only through understanding their own learning through research, inquiry, investigation, and analysis will they come to understand such processes among students in their care. As Vy­gotsky describes it:


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Thought itself is engendered by motivation, i.e. by our desires and needs, our interests and emotions. Behind every thought there is an affective volitional tendency, which holds the last answer to why in the analysis of thinking. A true and full understanding of another's thought is only possible when we understand its affective-volitional basis.

(Vygotsky 1962, p. 150).

The gap between research knowledge and teaching practice has long been recognised (e.g. Stenhouse 1975; Speedy 1989, p.6). Clearly, research carried out by academics and from their point of view does not of itself enhance teachers' capabilities in schools. The knowledge generated by researchers generally rests with the researchers. Reading and talking about published ac­counts of other people's research does not necessarily provide a rationale for personal action. Rather, traditional educational processes have produced stat­ic forms of knowledge and capabilities for routine techniques and procedures that are now the province of new information technologies and unsuited to the learning needs of people.

Unlike traditional forms of teacher education in preservice or inservice courses, learning through research results in knowledge that is actionable - a basis for professional action. Further, in an era of rapid change in the nature and uses of information that challenges traditional education practice, learn­ing through research provides a means for:

less authoritarian experiences of learning through investigation, collaboration and inquiry among peers as a basis for facilitating similar experiences for their students. an opportunity to review and extend their knowledge of mathematics -in particular of the practical applications of mathematics in society.

- professional empowerment through the development of a practical understanding of the dynamic social interactions that mediate knowledge generation in educational settings as a basis for educational decision making. opportunities for continuous learning throughout a professional career and a basis for responsive adaptation to the changing educational needs of students in changing societies.

In the information era many of the paper and pencil mathematical activities that have dominated the curriculum in the past now seem less appropriate. For teachers the pressures for a change to more active and reflective forms of learning mathematics through processes of investigation and problem solving present a challenge. Action research has the potential to both support change in professional practice and provide appropriate active learning opportunities for teachers.

South Africa and Australia are both countries in which there are large so­cial, cultural and vocational changes in progress. In times of change new


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fonns oflearning are needed that allow for the reflection, problem definition, experimentation and problem resolution that is a necessary part of human ad­aptation. For the survival of democratic fonns of social organisation in the twenty first century, it is imperative that the cultural constructions of teaching and learning are changed to include a range of more active, flexible and meaningful activities for many more people. The intellectual processes asso­ciated with research of various kinds need to be more widely practiced out­side the university system. In an era when infonnation technologies have mathematised all fonns of activity, including structures determining social opportunity, more active, reflective and meaningful mathematical activity by more people is particularly important. A key element in achieving such changes will be changes in the learning experiences of teachers through their active involvement in a process of research-based change in educational in­stitutions.


1. Some contemporary theory uses the tenn social 'practices' in order to include sets of discourses which also shape and are shaped by persons thinking, feeling and acting (Evans & Tsartsaroni, 1994). Foregrounding discourses as opposed to activities is not unsimilar to the agency-structure debate. Our view is that these are mutually constitutive, and that either tenn can and should imply persons acting both with intentionality, and within sets of social constraints.


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