Integrate Twitter with Your Blog 14 - Amazon S3Wizard.… · BWP Google XML Sitemap The BWP Google XML Sitemap will create a sitemap and ping search engines individually. This is

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Page 1: Integrate Twitter with Your Blog 14 - Amazon S3Wizard.… · BWP Google XML Sitemap The BWP Google XML Sitemap will create a sitemap and ping search engines individually. This is
Page 2: Integrate Twitter with Your Blog 14 - Amazon S3Wizard.… · BWP Google XML Sitemap The BWP Google XML Sitemap will create a sitemap and ping search engines individually. This is


Wordpress Wizard ....................................................................................... 3

Section 1 – Wordpress 101 ......................................................................... 4

Getting Your Domain ................................................................................... 4

Get Your Hosting Plan ................................................................................. 5

Updating Your Name Servers in NameCheap .......................................... 6

Using Your Hosting Account ...................................................................... 6

Keyword Research ...................................................................................... 7

Adding WordPress to Your Website .......................................................... 8

General Settings .......................................................................................... 9

About Me Page ............................................................................................. 9

Write Your First Post ................................................................................... 9

Add Your Theme ........................................................................................ 10

Section 2 – Wordpress Plugins ................................................................ 11

All in One SEO Pack ............................................................................... 11

Google Analytics ..................................................................................... 11

WPTouch .................................................................................................. 11

BWP Google XML Sitemap .................................................................... 12

Google Translate ..................................................................................... 12

Section 3 – Social Plugins ......................................................................... 13

Integrate Your Blog with Facebook...................................................... 13

Official Facebook Plugin ........................................................................ 13

Simple Facebook Connect Plugin ........................................................ 14

Integrate Your Blog with Your Autoresponder ................................... 14

Page 3: Integrate Twitter with Your Blog 14 - Amazon S3Wizard.… · BWP Google XML Sitemap The BWP Google XML Sitemap will create a sitemap and ping search engines individually. This is


Integrate Twitter with Your Blog........................................................... 14

Simple Twitter Connect ......................................................................... 15

Add Twitter Follow Button ..................................................................... 15

Integrate Your Blog with Google+ ........................................................ 16

Page 4: Integrate Twitter with Your Blog 14 - Amazon S3Wizard.… · BWP Google XML Sitemap The BWP Google XML Sitemap will create a sitemap and ping search engines individually. This is


Wordpress Wizard

In this training, I will explain how to master Wordpress. The training consists of

three sections. In Section 1, I’ll provide you with an introduction to Wordpress. In

Section 2, I’ll go over WordPress plugins, and in Section 3, I’ll talk about integrating

Wordpress with your social networks and autoresponders.

Let’s begin with Section 1.

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Section 1 – Wordpress 101

In this section, I will explain how to set up your website and blog. Before you can

set everything up, you need to get a domain name. Your domain name will be your

site’s URL.

Getting Your Domain

While there are lots of places that sell domains, I recommend using NameCheap.

Once there, you’ll see a search box. Type an idea for your domain into the search

box. The idea should be related to your niche. For example, if you’re in the “weight

loss” niche, you will be promoting offers related to weight loss. Thus, you might

want a domain name like “WeightLossSecrets.”

Once you find a domain name you want, click “Add to Cart” and purchase the

domain. Then, you’ll be ready to sign up for hosting.

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Get Your Hosting Plan

You can host your website with a variety of companies. I recommend using

HostZilla. Go to HostZilla and click “Sign up Now.” Then, you’ll need to choose your

plan. You can sign up for the Starter Plan. Just find the plan and click “Order


Then, you’ll be able to purchase a domain or transfer your domain. You should

already have a domain with NameCheap, so you will need to transfer your domain.

Thus, you’ll need to use the “Transfer My Domain” box.

Select “I’ll Update my DNS Settings.” Then, type the domain name in and click


Next, you’ll need to enter your billing information and select the payment plan.

Look through the extras that are checked and remove the domain privacy, since

you’ll get it for free when you purchase a domain name from NameCheap.

Finish filling the form out and then click “Continue.” Then, HostZilla will email you

with your account information. The email will include your name servers. You’ll

need to input those servers into your NameCheap account. Once you do that, your

domain name will point to your hosting account.

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Updating Your Name Servers in NameCheap

Sign into your NameCheap account and click on “Domains.” Then, select “Manage


Select the correct domain and then click “Transfer DNS to Webhost.”

Then, put your hosting information into the boxes and save your changes. Once you

do that, your NameCheap domain will point to your hosting account.

Using Your Hosting Account

Go to your cPanel and log into your hosting account. HostZilla will send you a link

to the cPanel in your welcome email.

Once you log into your hosting account, you can create an email account. Just click

“Email Accounts” and create a professional account.

After your email account is created, you can start adding files to your website. Go to

“File Manager” and select the website. Then, you’ll go to a new page, where you can

upload files for your website.

You can also go to your cPanel and click on the link that says “Set up Your FTP.”

Once there, you will need to download and install FileZilla. Then you’ll be able to

log in remotely and transfer files.

Once you install FileZilla, you will need to open it up and type in your website

address, username and password. Next, you’ll need to select “Quick Connect.” Then,

it will pull up your website so you can add files.

If you only want to use your site as a blog, you can skip this step and just add your

blog. First, I want to go over keyword research, and then I’ll tell you how to add a

blog to your site.

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Keyword Research

You need to use keywords in your blog post. That will help people find your blog.

You need to choose keywords that are related to your niche. For instance, if you’re

in the weight loss niche, you will need keywords related to weight loss.

You will use the Google Keyword Tool to conduct you keyword research. Go to

Google and search for the Google Keyword tool. Then, click on the corresponding


Once you arrive at the tool, type in a word or phrase that’s related to your niche.

Then, type in the CAPTCHA and search for keywords.

A list of results will come up. Your search phrase will be the first result. Look at the

keyword’s global monthly searches and competition. You want to find keywords that

have at least 3,000 global monthly searches and low to medium levels of


Next, look at the related keywords. Make a list of keywords that meet your criteria.

Then you can use those keywords in your blog post.

Now it’s time to add a blog to your site.

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Adding WordPress to Your Website

You can either add a blog to your existing website so it will show up as an extra

page on your site, or you can make the blog your main site. Regardless of your

choice, you will need to log into Hostzilla’s cPanel and scroll down to the “Fantastico

De Luxe” icon. Click on the icon.

Then, select “WordPress” and click “New Installation.”

Next, select your website. Add a new directory if you want the blog to show up as an

extra page on your site. You can name the page anything you want, but make sure

the name is related to the blog’s purpose.

Fill out the rest of the form and then click “Install WordPress.”

Fantastico De Luxe will install Wordpress for you. Once it’s competed, click “Finish


You’ll be taken to a new page. Enter your email address. Your installation

information will be sent to this email address. You’ll also receive a link to the

control panel. Click on the link and log in to your blog’s dashboard.

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General Settings

Once you arrive at your dashboard, go to “Settings.” Then you can change your site

title to something that’s relevant to your niche. You can also add in a tagline.

About Me Page

Then, go to your dashboard and delete the blog’s sample page. Once you do that,

click “Create an About Me Page.”

Click “Add New.” Then, you will need to title the post “About Me.” At that point, you

can create your page and publish it.

Write Your First Post

Then, go back to your dashboard and click the hyperlink that says “Write Your First

Post.” This will redirect you to a new page, where you can upload your first blog


Add a title for your post. It needs to be something that will grab people’s attention.

Then, you can write the body of the post. Keep it around three paragraphs. It should

be about 300-500 words. One to four percent of those words need to be keywords.

Also, use bullet points and sub headers so the blog will be scalable.

Since this is your first post, you can use it to welcome your readers. In later posts,

though, you will want to include some links to your offers.

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Add Your Theme

After you write your first post, you’ll want to add a theme to your blog. Go to your

dashboard and click on “Appearance.” Then, click “Themes.”

Search for the type of theme you want. Once you find the theme you want, install it

and activate it.

Then, you’ll be ready to add your plugins.

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Section 2 – Wordpress Plugins

In this section, I’m going to go over some popular plugins you can use for your blog.

In order to install a plugin, you will need to go to “Plugins” on the left hand menu

and click “Add New.” Then you will search for the plugin you want. After you find it,

you will need to follow the on screen installation and activation instructions.

All in One SEO Pack

The All in One SEO Pack is an essential plugin. This plugin will handle a lot of your

on page SEO. It will optimize your blog for search engines. It will also generate

META tags automatically, avoid duplicate content, and do much, much more.

Google Analytics

The Google Analytics plugin is another great tool. This will allow you to keep track

of visitor statistics. You need to have this plugin so you will know how your blog is



WPTouch will make your blog mobile friendly. That way, people will be able to view

your blog from their cell phones. This is essential, considering how many people use

their phones to get online.

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BWP Google XML Sitemap

The BWP Google XML Sitemap will create a sitemap and ping search engines

individually. This is a very useful tool that you don’t want to miss.

Google Translate

Finally, you should add Google Translate to your page. Then, people can translate

your page to their language. This is essential if you’re going to market products

outside of the United States.

Now you’re ready to move on to the next section, where I will go over some plugins

you can use to integrate your blog with social networks and your autoresponder.

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Section 3 – Social Plugins

You want to integrate your blog with Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and AWeber.

Fortunately, you can accomplish this easily.

Let’s begin by integrating your blog with Facebook.

Integrate Your Blog with Facebook

While there are lots of ways you can integrate your blog with Facebook, I’m going to

cover the most popular. They are the Official Facebook plugin and the Simple

Facebook Connect plugin.

Official Facebook Plugin

The Official Facebook plugin makes it simple to integrate your blog with Facebook.

You can use it to add “Like,” “Send,” and “Subscribe” buttons to your posts. People

can also recommend content, and you can mention Facebook friends and pages in

posts. On top of that, you can enable the Facebook Comments Box social plugin with

this application.

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Simple Facebook Connect Plugin

Simple Facebook Connect is another great option. It is similar to the Official

Facebook plugin, so you will only need to install one of the two.

If you use this, be sure to enable the sidebar widget. Then, go to the widgets page

and drag the Facebook Fan Box into the sidebar. At that point, you will be able to

see what’s happening on your Facebook page when you’re on your blog. You can look

at “Likes,” status updates and other information right from your blog.

Integrate Your Blog with Your Autoresponder

Next, you will need to integrate your blog with your autoresponder. I will show you

how to add AWeber to your blog.

First, install and activate the plugin. Then, go to the widgets page and slide the

AWeber widget over to the sidebar. Next, you will need to put your JavaScript

snippet into the widget.

In order to get your code, you will need to sign into your AWeber account and go to

your lists. Choose the list you want to use. Then, go to “Web Forms” and click

“Publish” next to the form you want. Copy the JavaScript snippet.

After you put the code in, go back to your form and click on it. Go over to Step 2 and

click “Enable Facebook Registration Form.” Then, if someone who is logged into

Facebook comes to your blog, he will see an automated Facebook login. He will be

able to use that login to register for your list.

Integrate Twitter with Your Blog

Now, you’re ready to integrate Twitter with your Wordpress blog. You will do this

by adding the Simple Twitter Connect plugin and a follow button.

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Simple Twitter Connect

Simple Twitter Connect makes it easy to integrate Twitter with your blog. The

plugin allows people to:

On top of that, the plugin has a lot of features that will make it easy for you to stay

connected to your audience.

Now, you’re ready to add a Twitter Follow Button.

Add Twitter Follow Button

Go to Wordpress and click on the “Appearance” tab. Go to “Widgets.”

Add the Twitter Follow Button to your blog. Just drag the button over to the right

hand side of the page and then put a title on it. Your title should be something like

“Follow (username) on Twitter.” Then, save it.

Once you do that, you’ll be ready to integrate your blog with Google+.

Login with Twitter Comment Tweet your posts

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Integrate Your Blog with Google+

You can integrate your blog with Google+ by adding the Simple Google Connect


It’s important to note that right now, this plugin is still a work in progress. Some

features work, while others don’t yet. Still, it’s a good option for adding a +1 button,

Google login and Google+ badges to your blog.

Go through the steps to install and activate the plugin. Then, set everything up.

Now you’re ready to start blogging. Set your blog up and start using it to connect

with your audience and market your offers.

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Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the

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