Installing and Configuring Tivoli Monitoring for Maximo 1. Introduction This purpose of this paper is to help you install and configure the IBM Tivoli Monitoring agent for Maximo. The document serves as a supplement to the information posted at this URL: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/mydeveloperworks/blogs/a9ba1efe-b731-4317-9724- a181d6155e3a/entry/ibm_tivoli_monitoring_for_maximo1?lang=en 2. Environment Tivoli Service Request Manager is installed in a distributed configuration on Redhat 5.3 64bit as shown in the figure below: VM4 Windows 2008 32bit ITM for Maximo Agent 7.1.1 On ITM 6.2.2 FP5 VM3 Redhat 5.3 64bit WebSphere 6.1 Maximo 7.1.17 TSRM 7.2.1 VM2 Redhat 5.3 64bit IBM Directory Server (LDAP) 6.1/ DB2 9.5 VM1 Redhat 5.3 64bit TSRM 7.2.1 Remote Deployment Figure 1: ICOC TSRM stack 1

Installing and Configuring Tivoli Monitoring for Maximo - IBM · Installing and Configuring Tivoli Monitoring for Maximo 1. Introduction This purpose of this paper is to help you

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Installing and Configuring Tivoli Monitoring for Maximo

1. Introduction

This purpose of this paper is to help you install and configure the IBM Tivoli Monitoring agent for Maximo. The document serves as a supplement to the information posted at this URL:


2. Environment

Tivoli Service Request Manager is installed in a distributed configuration on Redhat 5.3 64bit as shown in the figure below:

VM4Windows 2008 32bit

ITM for Maximo Agent 7.1.1On ITM 6.2.2 FP5

VM3Redhat 5.3 64bitWebSphere 6.1Maximo 7.1.17

TSRM 7.2.1

VM2Redhat 5.3 64bit

IBM Directory Server (LDAP) 6.1/DB2 9.5

VM1Redhat 5.3 64bit

TSRM 7.2.1 Remote Deployment

Figure 1: ICOC TSRM stack


TSRM and Maximo are administered through remote deployment on VM1. You will need to rebuild and redeploy the Maximo EAR files in order for the Maximo agent to communicate with WebSphere; this will be described in a later section below.

VM2 contains the database instance for TSRM and the user repository for LDAP which is installed on VM2.

VM4 contains the remote agent which monitors Maximo on VM3. The ITM agent is part of an ITM 6.2.2 FP5 infrastructure.

3. Installing the ITM for Maximo Agent and Support Files

In this section, we cover some of the details on installing the agent and its support files on the Tivoli Portal server and Tivoli Enterprise Management server.

3.1 Installing the agent:

In our test cases, we installed the agent to remotely monitor TSRM. Note that the agent is only available for Windows.

After extracting the agent archive to a temporary location, change directory to:

<TEMPORARY SUBDIRECTORY>\ITM Agent for Maximo\agentbuilder\install\agents\maximo

Ensure that CANDLE_HOME is set. For example, CANDLE_HOME=C:\IBM\ITM. Then run the following command:

installIraAgent.bat C:\IBM\ITM

The command will indicate success or failure.

3.2 Installing the Support Files:

The support files for the Maximo agent are available for all ITM supported platforms including non-Windows. On the TEPS and TEMS machine, extract the agent archive to a temp location, and change directory to:

<TEMPORARY SUBDIRECTORY>\ITM Agent for Maximo\agentbuilder\install\agents\maximo

In order to successfully run the TEMS and/or TEPS support scripts, you will need to make sure environment variable CANDLE_HOME is defined (e.g. /opt/IBM/ITM) and ensure the PATH environment variable includes $CANDLE_HOME/<arch>/ms/bin. For example:

export PATH=/opt/IBM/ITM/li6263/ms/bin:$PATH


To install TEMS support, run the following command:

installIraAgentTEMS.sh /opt/IBM/ITM

Then recycle the TEMS.

To install TEPS support, run the following command:

installIraAgentTEPS.sh /opt/IBM/ITM

Now, recycle the TEPS.

4. Configuring the ITM for Maximo Agent

In this section, we explain how to configure the agent and how to work-around some of the issues.

4.1 Create the Instance:

After installing the agent and support files, create an instance of the agent. Do not use the word “maximo” in the name; this will cause some serious agent anomalies. We used “SRM” as the name of our instance during our tests.

4.2 Configure the Agent:

After configuring the ITM base parameters (TEMS host and port), configure the Maximo specific parameters. In the figure below, we show the parameters that we used in our tests:


Figure 2a: Log Configuration tab

The Log file directory should contain the logs directory for MXServer in application server profile (e.g. ctgAppSrv01) as shown.


Figure 2b: Maximo Configuration tab

Choose HTTP or HTTPS protocol. In our tests we used HTTP.

The host should contain the hostname where WebSphere is running.

The default port for the agent (7001) is the default port for Weblogic. If using WebSphere, use the HTTP or HTTPS port (depending on what you selected as protocol). In our tests, we used the default HTTP WebSphere port 9080. If using WebSphere with HTTPS , then the default port is 9443.

In our tests for the user, we used maxadmin. This user will be used to remotely access Maximo and requires at least Maximo read-only authorization (e.g. maximouser). Note: user wasadmin will not work unless it’s assigned to role maximouser .

The Java home directory should be the java directory on the Maximo agent machine (not the remote WAS server). The java version can be IBM or Sun Java 1.5 or greater.



5. Configuring for WAS Security

If only using Maximo security, you will see data in the agent workspaces. However, if your Maximo environment is configured with Application Server Security for authentication and authorization, you will not see data in your agent workspaces. There are extra steps needed to make the agent work with WAS security.

5.1 Modify the Maximo MBO web module:

On the Maximo administration server (in Figure 1, VM1), change directory to: <SMP_DIR>/maximo/applications/maximo/mboweb/webmodule/WEB-INF.

For example:

cd /opt/IBM/SMP/maximo/applications/maximo/mboweb/webmodule/WEB-INF

Edit the file web.xml, and add the following in bold within the security-constraint block:



<web-resource-name>MAXIMO Report Tool</web-resource-name>

<description>pages accessible by authorized users</description>






<web-resource-name>MAXIMO Monitoring Agent</web-resource-name> <description>pages accessible by authorized users</description> <url-pattern>/toolclient/*</url-pattern> <http-method>GET</http-method> <http-method>POST</http-method> </web-resource-collection> <auth-constraint>


<description>Roles that have access to MAXIMO Report Tool</description>




<description>data transmission guarantee</description>




Save the file, and now you will need to rebuild the EAR file and redeploy it.

5.2 Rebuild and Redeploy the Maximo EAR File

Change directory to <SMP_DIR>/maximo/deployment. For example:

cd /opt/IBM/SMP/maximo/deployment

Run the following command:


After the ear file is built, now you must redeploy the EAR file to the WAS server. Change directory to <SMP_DIR>/ jacl/solutions. For example:

cd /opt/IBM/SMP/jacl/solutions

Run the following command:

DeployApplication.sh WASAdminUserName WASAdminPassword "MAXIMO" WASNodeName WASApplicationServerName <SMP_DIR>\maximo\deployment\default\maximo.ear WASVirtualHost WASWebServerName

IMPORTANT NOTE: For WASVirtualHost do not use a real hostname. Use the literal string “maximo host”

For example:


DeployApplication.sh wasadmin tvt2test MAXIMO ctgNode01 MXServer /opt/IBM/SMP/maximo/deployment/default/maximo.ear maximo_host webserver1

After a successful deployment, recycle the MXServer on the WebSphere application server (e.g. VM3 in Figure 1).

6. Verifying the Agent

In this section, we will validate the ITM for Maximo agent configuration.

6.1 Validate the Maximo Log Files:

Start the ITM for Maximo agent from the MTEMS console. The agent will create a directory %CANDLE_HOME%\TMAITM6\logs\maximo. If this directory is not created after starting the agent, check the Java home parameter in the agent configuration. The MOSWOS log files are written to this sub-directory. If opening a PMR against the Maximo agent, then you will need to attach those log files to the PMR.

6.2 Validate the Agent Workspaces:

Log into the TEPS console and navigate to the Maximo agent workspaces. Go to the Performance Object Status. The figure below shows the agent is running correctly with all objects status shown as active:

Figure 3: Performance Object Status


Each workspace should look similar to figures below:

Figure 4a: Background Processes (no escalations errors available on server)

Figure 4b: System Information view


Figure 4c: User Information view (fly-over shows 3 users)

Figure 4d: System Performance


Figure 4e: Maximo agent main view

Figure 4e shows the line graph workspaces for the main view of the Maximo agent. If you’re not getting data and receiving error “KFWITM217E Request error: SQL_Open Request failed rc=300” , please refer to the following technote:


In summary, you will need to re-load the predefined queries. In addition to re-loading the query, you will also need to reselect the column in the filter tab for each workspace (Database connections, Free Memory, and User Sessions). The figure below shows the filter tab for the properties of the Database connections workspace. Check the ConnectionsUsed, Users, and FreeMemory for each workspace, respectively.


Figure 5: Check mark the column in filters tab


Appendix A. Acronyms

Acronym Definition

ITCAM IBM Tivoli Composite Application Monitoring

ITM IBM Tivoli Monitoring

TEP Tivoli Enterprise Portal

TEPS Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server

TEMS Tivoli Enterprise Management Server


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