Installing and Configuring SQL Server 2012

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  • 7/23/2019 Installing and Configuring SQL Server 2012


    Module 3: Installing and Configuring SQL Server 2012


    Lesson 1: Preparing to Install SQL Server

    Lesson 2: Installing SQL Server

    Lesson 3: Upgrading and Automating Installation

    Lab 3: Installing and Configuring SQL Server

    Module Overview

    In the previous module, you sa ho to pre!stress your hardare systems to ensure

    they "an run Mi"rosoft# SQL Server#$ In this module, you ill see the steps involved

    in installing SQL Server$ %s ith almost all pro&e"ts, good planning is "riti"al$ 'ou ill

    see ho to prepare for an installation and then loo( at ho to perform the


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    )here is a "ommon need in larger enterprises to install many SQL Server instan"es *ut

    to ma(e sure that the installations are performed in "onsistent ay$ 'ou ill see

    options for automating the installation of SQL Server, hi"h "an also *e useful for

    silent installations of the produ"t here SQL Server needs to *e installed in the

    *a"(ground to support a softare appli"ation$


    %fter "ompleting this lesson, you ill *e a*le to:

    + repare to install SQL Server$

    + Install SQL Server$

    + -pgrade and automate the installation of SQL Server$

    Lesson 1 : Preparing to Install SQL Server

    .efore starting the installation pro"ess for SQL Server, it is important to have

    dis"overed ho ea"h of the re/uirements for a su""essful installation "an *e met$ In

    this lesson, you ill "onsider the spe"ifi" re/uirements that SQL Server pla"es on the

    hardare and softare platforms on hi"h it runs, determine here data*ase files

    should *e pla"ed, and ho to "onfigure servi"e a""ounts$ )he aim for servi"e a""ounts

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    is to ma(e sure they have enough privileges to operate *ut to minimie the allo"ation

    of any other privileges to the servi"e a""ounts$ %ppli"ations might re/uire spe"ifi"

    "onfiguration of "ollations$ 'ou ill investigate ho "ollations operate and ho the

    "hoi"es you ma(e for "onfiguring a server "ollation "an affe"t your later usage of the



    %fter "ompleting this lesson, you ill *e a*le to:

    + es"ri*e the general hardare re/uirements for SQL Server$

    + plain the memory re/uirements for SQL Server$

    + es"ri*e the operating system re/uirements for SQL Server$

    + es"ri*e other softare that is re/uired to support SQL Server$

    + etermine here to pla"e data*ase files$

    + etermine appropriate permissions and privileges for SQL Server servi"e a""ounts$

    + Configure "ollations$

    Hardware Requirements - General

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    Key Points

    In earlier versions of SQL Server, it as ne"essary to fo"us on minimum re/uirements

    for pro"essor, dis( spa"e and memory$ 4oadays, dis"ussing minimum pro"essor

    speeds and dis( spa"e re/uirements for the SQL Server "omponents is pointless$ ven

    the sloest pro"essor in a ne laptop is no fast enough to meet the minimum

    re/uirements for SQL Server$


    In nterprise environments, the num*er of pro"essors is no a mu"h more signifi"ant

    issue$ 5hile it might seem desira*le to add as many C-s as possi*le, it is important

    to "onsider that there is a tradeoff *eteen the num*er of C-s and li"ense "osts$6urthermore, not all "omputer ar"hite"tures support the addition of C-s$ %dding

    C- resour"es might then re/uire ar"hite"tural upgrades to "omputer systems, not

    ust the additional C-s$

    5hile support for the use of Itanium pro"essors eisted for some "omponents in

    earlier versions of SQL Server, SQL Server 2012 does not support the use of Itanium



    )he hardare re/uirements for SQL Server list the re/uired dis( spa"e to install the

    produ"t$ )hese values are usually not relevant, hoever, as the sie of user data*ases

    generally ma(es the spa"e o""upied *y the produ"t irrelevant$

    is( su*system performan"e, hoever, is "riti"al$ % 7typi"al7 SQL Server system todayis I89 *ound, if it is "onfigured and or(ing "orre"tly$ 4ote that a *ottlene"( is, in

    itself, not a *ad thing$ %ny "omputer system that has any tas( that it needs to perform

    ill have a *ottlene"( somehere in the system$ If another "omponent of the server is

    the *ottlene"( rather than the I89 su*system;, there is usually another underlying

    issue to resolve$ It "ould *e a la"( of memory or something more su*tle li(e a

    re"ompilation issue that is, a situation here SQL Server is "onstantly re"ompiling

    "ode;$ Memory re/uirements for SQL Server are dis"ussed in the net topi"$

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    )here is a strong resistan"e to SQL Server virtualiation in the mar(etpla"e$ 5hile this

    resistan"e is rapidly de"reasing, mu"h of the resistan"e is outdated and misguided$

    9ften, the resistan"e is *ased on assumptions a*out virtualiation of the entire I89

    su*system$ 5hile virtualiing the server "an provide a good out"ome, virtualiing the

    entire I89 su*system ould rarely *e a good solution hen or(ing ith SQL Server$

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    !" bit and #$ bit %ystems and emory

    )he ma&ority of servers *eing installed today are ?@ *it servers$ )he ?@ *it servers have

    a single address spa"e that "an dire"tly a""ess large amounts of memory$

    )he *iggest "hallenge ith 32 *it servers is that memory outside of the @>. 7visi*le7

    address spa"e that is the memory that "an *e dire"tly a""essed; is a""essed via

    %ddress 5indoing tensions %5;$

    Note5hile earlier versions of SQL Server alloed the use of %5!*ased

    memory for the "a"hing of data pages, SQL Server 2012 no longer supports

    the use of %5!*ased memory$

    Question: Can you suggest a reason hy a 32 *it server might still need to *e


    %o&tware Requirements ' O(eratin) %ystems

    Key Points

    )he list in the slide shos a general summary of operating systems that are supported

    for SQL Server$ 5hile a version of SQL Server "an *e installed on many different

    operating systems, not all editions of SQL Server "an *e installed on ea"h operating


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    *lient %ystems

    ven though is it possi*le to install versions of SQL Server on the "lient operating

    systems, su"h as the 5indos A# S1; and 5indos

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    + SQL Server Setup "annot "reate se"urity groups or provision SQL Server servi"e

    a""ounts on a read!only domain "ontroller$ In this s"enario, Setup ill fail$

    %o&tware Requirements ' General

    Key Points

    In earlier versions, the installer for SQL Server ould preinstall most re/uirements as

    part of the installation pro"ess$ )his is no longer the "aseB the $4) 6rameor( and

    oershell need to *e preinstalled *efore running setup$ )he installer for SQL Server

    ill install the SQL Server 4ative Client S4%C; and the SQL Server setup support files$

    oever, to minimie the installation time for SQL Server, parti"ularly in *usy

    produ"tion environments, it is useful to have preinstalled these "omponents in

    produ"tion environments during any availa*le planned dontime$ Components su"h

    as the $4) 6rameor( often re/uire a re*oot after installation so the pre!installation

    of these "omponents "an further redu"e dontime during installations or upgrades$

    General %o&tware Requirements

    )he SQL Server installer is *ased on the 5indos Installer @$D te"hnology$ 'ou should

    "onsider installing 5indos Installer @$D prior to the installation of SQL Server, to

    minimie SQL Server installation time$

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    Several "omponents of SQL Server have a re/uirement for the Internet plorer#

    *roser$ )hese "omponents in"lude the Mi"rosoft Management Console MMC; add!

    in, SQL Server Management Studio SSMS;, .usiness Intelligen"e esign Studio .IS;,

    the Eeport esigner in .IS, and any use of )ML elp$

    SQL Server "ommuni"ations "an *e *ased on the Shared Memory, 4amed ipes, or

    )C8I proto"ols$ )he

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    5hile one large dis( might *e "apa*le of holding your data, it "an only perform a

    single I89 at a time$ .e"ause of this, you need to "onsider not only ho mu"h dis(

    spa"e is availa*le *ut ho many physi"al drives or 7spindles7; are needed to a"hieve

    the num*er of I89 operations per se"ond that are re/uired for your appli"ations$


    )he tempd* data*ase is used to hold temporary o*&e"ts in a SQL Server system$ la"e

    the tempd* data*ase on a fast I89 su*system to ensure good performan"e$ Stripe the

    tempd* data*ase a"ross multiple dis(s for *etter performan"e$ If possi*le, ma(e sure

    that the tempd* data*ase is lo"ated on separate dis(s to user data*ases$ 5hile the

    tempd* data*ase "an *e lo"ated ith the data in many situations, larger systems that

    ma(e heavy use of tempd* should "onsider putting tempd* on a separate set of

    dis(s, to a"hieve etra performan"e$

    In general, you should mat"h the num*er of tempd* files to the num*er of pro"essors

    in the system up to a reasona*le limit of a*out eight;, as this avoids "ontention

    issues ith system stru"tures in the files$

    ,ransaction o)s

    Create the transa"tion log on a physi"ally separate dis( or E%I array$ )ransa"tion

    logs are ritten se/uentiallyB therefore, using a separate, dedi"ated dis( allos the

    dis( heads to stay in pla"e for the net rite operation$ 6or this reason, smaller

    systems ill do ell *y using a single mirrored dis( for the transa"tion log$ % single

    mirrored physi"al dis( should support up to approimately 1,000 transa"tions per

    se"ond, depending on the speed of the dis( itself$ Systems re/uiring more than that

    should stripe the transa"tion log a"ross a E%I 10 array for maimum performan"e$

    Question: o ould you plan drives and file pla"ement for your organiation=

    %ervice .ccount Requirements

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    Key Points

    )here is no single rule for ho to *est "onfigure servi"e a""ounts for use ith SQL

    Server *ut there are a general set of prin"iples that should typi"ally *e folloed$

    Princi(le o& east Privile)e

    )he overar"hing prin"iple is that servi"e a""ounts should not *e allo"ated any more"apa*ility than they re/uire$ 5hile it is easy to ma(e ea"h servi"e a domain

    administrator a""ount, it is not sensi*le to do this from a se"urity!related perspe"tive$

    If you "reate an a""ount ith lo privilege, the SQL Server installer ill automati"ally

    "onfigure the a""ount ith the ne"essary permissions and privileges needed *y the

    servi"e a""ount$ SQL Server does this *y "reating groups, assigning the re/uired

    permissions to the groups, and then adding the servi"e a""ounts as mem*ers of the


    Domain vs/ ocal .ccounts

    In most "ases, you should use a domain a""ount$ )here are "ir"umstan"es though,

    here a lo"al a""ount might *e more appropriate$ )his ould involve situations here

    you ished to spe"ifi"ally limit the a""ountFs a""ess to the lo"al "omputer$

    If you do de"ide to use a lo"al a""ount rather than a domain a""ount, it is importantto realie that the Lo"al Servi"e a""ount is not the same as the Lo"al System a""ount$

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    )he Lo"al Servi"e a""ount is "onfigured ith the same permissions as other

    authenti"ated users, hereas the Lo"al System a""ount has administrative privileges,

    and should generally not *e used as the servi"e a""ount for any SQL Server servi"es$

    0orkin) wit1 *ollations

    Key Points

    Mi"rosoft SQL Server 2012 supports many "ollations$ % "ollation en"odes the rules

    governing the proper use of "hara"ters for either a language, su"h as >ree( or olish,

    or an alpha*et, su"h as Latin1G>eneral the alpha*et used *y 5estern uropean


    %erver *ollation %election

    5hen you install SQL Server, you designate a "ollation and sele"t sort order rules$ )he

    term "ollation refers to a set of rules that determines ho data is "ompared and

    sorted$ Chara"ter data is sorted *y using rules that define the "orre"t se/uen"e of

    "hara"ters$ 'ou "an spe"ify the sensitivity to "ase, a""ent mar(s, (ana "hara"ter types,

    and "hara"ter idth hen sorting data$

    6or eample, should the ord 7%dventure5or(s7 *e sorted as though it as identi"al

    to the ord 7adventureor(s7= 6or a slightly more su*tle eample, should the ord7"afH7 *e sorted as though it as identi"al to the ord 7"afe7=

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    % parti"ular impa"t of in"orre"t "ollation setting o""urs hen or(ing ith temporary

    o*&e"ts that are "reated in the tempd* data*ase$ If an appli"ation data*ase is

    "onfigured ith a different "ollation to the server, "are must *e ta(en ith the use of

    temporary o*&e"ts su"h as temporary ta*les$ In emonstration 1%, you ill see the

    effe"t that "ollations "an have on the a*ility to ee"ute /ueries involving temporaryo*&e"ts$

    Changing the server "ollation after installation is not a simple pro"ess$ a"h system

    stru"ture that has *een sorted perhaps as part of indees; needs to *e re*uilt$ %ll

    system data*ases need to *e re"reated$

    5hile it is possi*le to "hange the default "ollation for a user data*ase after it has*een "reated, the eisting "olumns and data in the ta*le are not affe"ted$ )he default

    "ollation setting ill only affe"t ne o*&e"ts that are "reated$

    SQL Server supports to types of "ollations: 5indos "ollations and SQL Server


    0indows *ollations

    5hen you designate 5indos "ollations, the operating system defines a set of rules

    for storing and sorting "hara"ter data that is *ased on the rules for an asso"iated

    5indos lo"ale$ 5indos "ollation rules spe"ify hi"h alpha*et or language is used

    hen di"tionary sorting is applied and the "ode page used to store non!-ni"ode

    "hara"ter data$

    %2 %erver *ollations

    5hen you designate SQL Server "ollations, SQL Server mat"hes the attri*utes of

    "ommon "om*inations of "ode page num*er and sort order that may have *een

    spe"ified in earlier versions of SQL Server$ SQL Server "ollations "ontrol the "ode page

    used for storing non!-ni"ode data and sort rules for *oth -ni"ode and non!-ni"ode


    a"h SQL Server "ollation spe"ifies three properties:

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    + )he sort order to use for -ni"ode data types su"h as n"har, nvar"har, and nvar"har


    + )he sort order to use for non!-ni"ode "hara"ter data types "har, var"har, and


    + )he "ode page used to store non!-ni"ode "hara"ter data$

    SQL Server "ollations are maintained primarily for *a"(ard "ompati*ility$ 5hen you

    are designing ne appli"ations, "hoose the appropriate 5indos "ollation$

    SQL Server 2012 also introdu"ed some ne "ollations that support supplementary"hara"ter sets$ )hese are (non as SC "ollations and support a mu"h ider variety of

    "hara"ters$ )he SC "ollations are not supported as server "ollations *ut "an *e used

    ithin data*ases$ 'ou "an identify an SC "ollation as it name ends ith an GSC suffi$

    Question: 5hat is the differen"e *eteen an a""ent!sensitive "ollation and a

    non!a""ent!sensitive "ollation=

    Demonstration 3.4 5sin) *ollations

    Demonstration %te(s

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    1$ Eevert the virtual ma"hines as per the instru"tions in :10AAD%GLa*sEevert$tt$

    2$ In the virtual ma"hine, "li"( Start, "li"( All Programs, "li"( i!rosoft SQL

    Server 2"12, "li"( SQL Server anagement Studio$ In the Conne"t to Server

    indo, type Prose#areand "li"( Conne!t$ 6rom the $ilemenu, "li"( %pen,

    "li"( Pro&e!t'Solution, navigate to

    (:)1"**+A,Labs)1"**+A,"3,P-.)1"**+A,"3,P-./ssmsslnand "li"( %pen$

    3$ 6rom the 0ie#menu, "li"( Solution plorer$ 9pen and ee"ute the ""

    Setup/s4ls"ript file from ithin Solution plorer$

    @$ 9pen the 11 (emonstration 1A/s4l s"ript file$

    D$ 6ollo the instru"tions "ontained ithin the "omments of the s"ript file$

    Lesson 2: Installing SQL Server

    9n"e the de"isions have *een ta(en a*out ho SQL Server should *e "onfigured, you

    "an pro"eed to installing SQL Server$ In this lesson, you ill see the phases that

    installation pro"eeds through, and then you ill see ho SQL Server "he"(s your

    system for "ompati*ility using a tool (non as the System Configuration Che"(er$

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    6or most users, the setup program ill report that all as installed as epe"ted$ 6or

    the rare situations here this does not o""ur, you ill also learn ho to "arry out

    post!installation "he"(s and trou*leshooting$


    %fter "ompleting this lesson, you ill *e a*le to:

    + es"ri*e the phases of the SQL Server installation pro"ess$

    + plain the role of the System Configuration Che"(er$

    + Condu"t post!installation "he"(s$

    Overview o& t1e 6nstallation Process

    Key Points

    'ou "an install the re/uired "omponents of SQL Server 2012 *y running the SQL

    Server 2012 Setup program$ )he e"eptions to this are StreamInsight and Master ata

    Servi"es, hi"h need to *e installed separately$ StreamInsight and Master ata

    Servi"es ship ith separate installer programs$

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    )he main SQL Server 2012 installation pro"ess "onsists of to "ore phases: the

    "omponent update and the SQL Setup MSI pa"(age$ -nderstanding the installation

    pro"ess ill help you plan and perform SQL Server 2012 installations$

    *om(onent 5(date

    uring the "omponent update phase of installation, the SQL Server 2012 Setup

    program "he"(s for the folloing "omponents:

    + 5indos Installer @$D

    + )he $4) 6rameor(

    + SQL Server 4ative Client s/ln"li$msi;

    + 5indos oerShell

    + 9ther SQL Server Setup support files

    %2 %etu( %6

    %fter the "omponent update phase, 5indos Installer is used to install the SQL Setup

    MSI pa"(age$ uring this phase, Setup performs the folloing tas(s:

    + etermines the installation type default instan"e or named instan"e;$

    + %nalyes the "omputer using the System Configuration Che"(er$

    + etermines the features to *e installed in"luding the need for automati" updates if

    re/uired; and performs the appropriate installation$

    )he Instan"e I field "ontrols the name of the dire"tories for here the features ill

    *e installed$ .y default it is the name of the instan"e *ut it "an *e "hanged$ Changing

    to a 4amed Instan"e does not automati"ally "hange the Instan"e I field if you have

    already typed in an Instan"e I$

    %erver *on&i)uration

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    )he .-IL)I4%dministrators group no longer gets administrative "ontrol in SQL

    Server, as it did in earlier versions$ It is often a""epta*le hoever to add

    .-IL)I4%dministrators as a group that should have administrative permissions, hi"h

    means all administrators on the "omputer$ %nalysis Servi"es is "onfigured in a similar


    % "ommon re/uest from users is for the a*ility to *lo"( a""ess to SQL Server for

    "omputer administrators$ 5hile avoiding the in"lusion of the .-IL)I4%dministrators

    group "an prevent "asual attempts to a""ess the serverFs "ontents, you should not

    assume that "omputer administrators ill not *e a*le to a""ess SQL Server if they are

    determined to do so$

    uring the server "onfiguration phase, you also have the opportunity to set a num*er

    of system "onfiguration options su"h as hether or not the filestream feature should

    *e ena*led, and the default folders for use ith user data*ases$

    %ystem *on&i)uration *1ecker

    Key Points

    %s part of SQL Server Setup, the System Configuration Che"(er SCC; s"ans the

    "omputer here SQL Server ill *e installed$ )he SCC "he"(s for "onditions that

    prevent a su""essful SQL Server installation$ .efore Setup starts running the SQL

    Server Installation 5iard, the SCC retrieves the status of ea"h "he"( item, "ompares

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    the result ith re/uired "onditions, and provides guidan"e for removal of *lo"(ing

    issues$ If a result ould not *lo"( the installation of SQL Server *ut ould limit the

    "apa*ilities of the produ"t on"e it as installed, you ould *e arned a*out the


    %o&tware Requirements

    In the Softare Ee/uirements phase, many aspe"ts of the softare "onfiguration are

    "he"(ed, in"luding hether the operating system present is a supported operating

    system for the version and edition of SQL Server *eing installed$ )he operating system

    servi"e pa"( level is also "he"(ed and any unsupported operating system ould *lo"(

    the setup from pro"eeding$

    %lso, as part of the softare re/uirements phase, the SCC "he"(s for the presen"e of

    the 5indos Management Instrumentation 5MI; servi"e$ )he 5MI servi"e must *e

    availa*le$ % failed "he"( on this item ill also *lo"( Setup$

    Hardware Requirements

    )he SCC ill arn the user *ut ill not *lo"( Setup if the minimum or re"ommended

    E%M "he"( is not met$ Memory re/uirements are for SQL Server only, and do not

    refle"t additional memory re/uirements of the operating system$

    )he SCC ill arn the user *ut ill not *lo"( Setup if the minimum or re"ommended

    pro"essor speed "he"( is not met$

    %ecurity Requirements

    )he user running Setup must have administrator privileges on the "omputer on hi"h

    SQL Server is *eing installed$

    %ystem %tate Requirements

    SQL Server Setup "annot run if files re/uired *y Setup are lo"(ed *y other servi"es,

    pro"esses, or appli"ations$ % failed "he"( on this item ill *lo"( Setup$


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    %fter "ompleting these "he"(s, the SCC generates a report that "an *e vieed or

    saved$ )his report in"ludes information a*out any issues that ill prevent installation

    and re"ommends solutions$ It also in"ludes arnings and re"ommendationsJsu"h as

    re"ommended hotfies or se"urity "onfigurationsJfor issues that ill not prevent

    installation *ut might "ause pro*lems$ In most s"enarios, you should resolve theseissues and run Setup again rather than attempt to resolve them after installation is


    Post-installation *1ecks

    Key Points

    9n"e SQL Server has *een installed, the most important "he"( is to ma(e sure that all

    SQL Server servi"es are running, *y using the SQL Server Servi"es node in SQL Server

    Configuration Manager$

    NoteSQL Server servi"es have names that differ slightly "ompared to their

    displayed names$ 'ou "an vie the a"tual servi"e name for a servi"e *y loo(ing

    on the properties page for the servi"e$

    %dministrators typi"ally do not need to "he"( the "ontents of the SQL Server setup

    log files, after installation, as the installer program ill indi"ate errors that o""ur and

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    ill attempt to reverse any of the SQL Server setup that has *een "ompleted to that


    Note5hen errors o""ur during the SQL Server Setup phase, the installation of

    the SQL Server 4ative %""ess Client and the Setup Components is notreversed$

    )he setup log files are lo"ated here:

    %programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Setup Bootstrap\Log

    %dministrators typi"ally only need to loo( at the setup log files in to situations:

    + hen trying to or( out hy setup is failing if not enough error information is

    provided *y the installer$

    + hen or(ing ith Mi"rosoft rodu"t Support to trou*leshoot a setup failure$

    )he log files have details for ea"h of the three "ore phases$ .oo(s 9nline has details

    on hat is "ontained in ea"h se"tion of the log files$

    Question: If you dis"over after installation that you have used an in"orre"t or

    inappropriate servi"e a""ount for SQL Server, hi"h tool do you use to "orre"t

    the a""ount=

    Demonstration $.4 5sin) %ystem *on&i)uration *1ecker

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    Demonstration %te(s

    1$ Eevert the virtual ma"hines as per the instru"tions in :10AAD%GLa*sEevert$tt$

    2$ In the 0irtual a!5ineslist in yper!< Manager, right!"li"( the 1"**+A6IA6

    SQL1virtual ma"hine and "li"( Settings$

    3$ In the Settings for 10AAD%!MI%!SQL1 indo, in the 7ard#arelist epand I(Controller 1, and "li"( (0( (rive$

    @$ In the (0( (riveproperties pane, "li"( Image file8and "li"( bro#se$

    D$ 4avigate to the file C:)Program $iles)i!rosoft

    Learning)1"**9A)(rives)1"**+A6IA6SQL1 )0irtual 7ard

    (iss)SQL$ULL,NU/isoand "li"( %pen$

    ?$ In the Settings for 10AAD%!MI%!SQL1 indo, "li"( %;$

    A$ In the

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    10$ Cli"( on the arning in the Status"olumn for the i!rosoft /N< Appli!ation

    Se!urit= rule$

    11$ In the Eule Che"( Eesult indo, read the details of the arning and "li"( %;$

    12$ In the Setup Support Eules indo, "li"( %;$

    Lesson 3: Upgrading and Automating Installation

    Eather than installing SQL Server, the produ"t often needs to *e upgraded from

    earlier versions$ In this lesson, you ill see the *enefits and limitations of the availa*le

    methods for performing upgrades$

    4ot every installation of SQL Server is performed individually *y an administrator$ In

    larger enterprises, there is a need to *e a*le to install many instan"es of SQL Server

    and to *e a*le to install the instan"es in a very "onsistent manner$ -nattended

    installation options are provided for SQL Server and "an *e used to satisfy the

    re/uirements of this s"enario$ -nattended installations "an also *e performed in a

    silent mode$ )his allos the installation of SQL Server to *e performed during the

    installation of other appli"ations$


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    %fter "ompleting this lesson, you ill *e a*le to:

    + -pgrade SQL Server$

    + %pply SQL Server hotfies, "umulative updates and servi"e pa"(s$

    + erform unattended installations$

    5()radin) %2 %erver

    Key Points

    )here are to *asi" ays that SQL Server upgrades "an *e performed$ )here is no

    single preferred ay to perform the upgrades$ a"h method has *enefits and

    limitations, and is appropriate in "ertain "ir"umstan"es$

    6n-(lace 5()rades

    In!pla"e upgrades o""ur hen the installed version of SQL Server is dire"tly repla"ed

    *y a ne version$ )his is an easier and highly automated method of upgrading *ut is

    ris(ier$ If an upgrade fails, it is mu"h harder to return to the previous operating state$

    )he ris( of this "annot *e ignored for most "ustomers$

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    Note5hen you are "onsidering ris(, you need to "onsider that it may not *e

    the SQL Server upgrade that fails$ ven if the SQL Server upgrade or(s as

    epe"ted, *ut then the appli"ation fails to operate as epe"ted on the ne

    version of SQL Server, the need to re"over the situation /ui"(ly ill *e &ust as


    In!pla"e upgrades have the added advantage of minimiing the need for additional

    hardare resour"es and in!pla"e upgrades avoid the need to redire"t "lient

    appli"ations that are "onfigured to or( ith the eisting server$

    %ide-by-side 5()rades

    Side!*y!side upgrades are a safer alternative as the original system is left in pla"e and

    "an *e /ui"(ly returned to produ"tion should an upgrade issue arise$ oever, side!

    *y!side upgrades involve more or( and more hardare resour"es$

    )o perform a side!*y!side upgrade, you ill need enough hardare resour"es to

    provide for *oth the original system and the ne system$ )o "ommon ris(s

    asso"iated ith side!*y!side upgrades relate to the time ta(en to "opy all the user

    data*ases to a ne lo"ation and the spa"e re/uired to hold these "opies$

    5hile most side!*y!side upgrades are performed on separate servers, it is possi*le to

    install *oth versions of SQL Server on the same server during a side!*y!side upgrade$

    oever, side!*y!side upgrades of versions ith the same ma&or *uild num*er ie:

    SQL Server 200K E2 and SQL Server 200K; on the same server are a spe"ial "ase$

    .e"ause the ma&or version num*er is identi"al, separate versions of the shared

    "omponents "annot "o!eist on the same server$ Shared "omponents ill *eupgraded$

    4ot all versions of SQL Server are supported hen installed side!*y!side$ Consult

    .oo(s 9nline for a matri of versions that are supported hen installed together$

    Hybrid O(tions

    It is also possi*le to use some elements of an in!pla"e upgrade ith elements of aside!*y!side upgrade$ 6or eample, rather than "opying all the user data*ases, after

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    installing the ne version of SQL Server *eside the old version, and migrating all the

    server o*&e"ts su"h as logins, you "ould deta"h user data*ases from the old server

    instan"e and reatta"h them to the ne server instan"e$

    Note9n"e user data*ases have *een atta"hed to a neer version of SQL

    Server, they "annot *e reatta"hed to an older version again, even if the

    data*ase "ompati*ility settings have not *een upgraded$ )his is a ris( that

    needs to *e "onsidered hen using a hy*rid approa"h$

    %2 %erver %ervicin)

    Key Points

    %s ith all softare produ"ts, issues "an *e en"ountered ith SQL Server over time$

    )he produ"t group is very responsive in fiing issues that are identified$ If you haveissues that you ish to notify Mi"rosoft of, or suggestions for ho the produ"t might

    *e improved, please visit the site 5ttp:''!onne!t/mi!rosoft/!om/

    )he simplest ay to (eep SQL Server up to date is to ena*le automati" updates from

    the Mi"rosoft -pdate servi"e$ Larger organiations or those ith strong "hange

    pro"esses should eert "aution in applying automati" updates$ It is li(ely that the

    updates should *e applied to test or staging environments *efore *eing applied toprodu"tion environments$

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    SQL Server updates are released in several ays:

    + otfies also (non as Q6 or Qui"( 6i ngineering; are released to address

    urgent "ustomer "on"erns$ ue to the tight time "onstraints, only limited testing is

    a*le to *e performed on these fies, so they should only *e applied to systems thatare (non to *e eperien"ing the issues that they address$

    + Cumulative -pdates or C-s; are periodi" roll!up releases of hotfies that have

    re"eived further testing as a group$

    + Servi"e a"(s or Ss; are periodi" releases that full regression testing has *een

    performed on$ Mi"rosoft re"ommend applying servi"e pa"(s to all systems after

    appropriate levels of organiational testing$

    + SQL Server 200K E2 and later "an also have produ"t servi"e pa"(s slipstreamed into

    the installation pro"ess to avoid the need to apply servi"e pa"(s after installation$

    5nattended 6nstallation

    Key Points

    In many organiations, s"ript files for standard *uilds of softare installations are

    "reated *y senior I) administrators and used to ensure "onsistent installationsthroughout the organiations$

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    Demonstration %te(s

    1$ If emonstration 1% as not performed:

    + Eevert the virtual ma"hines as per the instru"tions in


    + In the virtual ma"hine, "li"( Start, "li"( All Programs, "li"( i!rosoft SQLServer 2"12, "li"( SQL Server anagement Studio$ In the Conne"t to Server

    indo, type Prose#areand "li"( Conne!t$ 6rom the $ilemenu, "li"( %pen,

    "li"( Pro&e!t'Solution, navigate to

    (:)1"**+A,Labs)1"**+A,"3,P-.)1"**+A,"3,P-./ssmssln and "li"( %pen$

    + 6rom the 0ie#menu, "li"( Solution plorer$ 9pen and ee"ute the ""

    Setup/s4ls"ript file from ithin Solution plorer$

    2$ 9pen the 31 Configuration$ile/inifile$

    3$ Eevie the Configuration 6ile, in parti"ular note the values of the folloing


    + I4S)%4CI

    + %C)I94

    + 6%)-ES

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    + Q-I)

    + Q-I)SIML

    + I4S)%LLS%EIE

    + I4S)%4CIE

    + I4S)%4C4%M

    + %>)S

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    1$ Eevert the virtual ma"hines as per the instru"tions in :10AAD%GLa*sEevert$tt$

    2$ In the virtual ma"hine, "li"( Start, "li"( All Programs, "li"( i!rosoft SQL

    Server 2"12, and "li"( SQL Server anagement Studio$

    3$ In the Conne"t to Server indo, type Prose#arein the Server nametet *o$

    @$ In the Aut5enti!ationdrop!don list *o, sele"t >indo#s Aut5enti!ationand

    "li"( Conne!t$

    D$ In the $ilemenu, "li"( %pen, and "li"( Pro&e!t'Solution$

    ?$ In the 9pen ro&e"t indo, open the pro&e"t


    A$ 6rom the 0ie#menu, "li"( Solution plorer$ In Solution plorer, dou*le!"li"(

    the /uery ""6Setup/s4l$ 5hen the /uery indo opens, "li"( e!ute on the


    K$ 9n the host system, in the 0irtual a!5ineslist in yper!< Manager, right!"li"(

    the 1"**+A6IA6SQL1 virtual ma"hine and "li"( Settings$

    $ In the Settings for 10AAD%!MI%!SQL1 indo, in the 7ard#arelist epand I(

    Controller 1, and "li"( (0( (rive$

    10$ In the (0( (riveproperties pane, "li"( Image file8and "li"( bro#se$

    11$ 4avigate to the file C:)Program $iles)i!rosoft Learning)1"**+

    )(rives)1"**+A6IA6SQL1 )0irtual 7ard (iss)SQL$ULL,NU/isoand "li"(


    12$ In the Settings for 10AAD%!MI%!SQL1 indo, "li"( %;$

    ab %cenario

    )he development group ithin the "ompany has ordered a ne server for the or(

    they need to do on the roseare system$ -nfortunately, the ne server ill not arrive

    for a fe ee(s and the development group "annot ait that long to start or($

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    )he ne server that as provisioned *y the I) Support department already has to

    instan"es of SQL Server installed$ )he support team has determined that the ne

    server ill *e a*le to support an additional instan"e of SQL Server on a temporary

    *asis, until the server for the development group arrives$

    'ou need to install the ne instan"e of SQL Server and if you have time, you should

    "onfigure the memory of all three instan"es to *alan"e their memory demands, and

    you should "reate a ne alias for the instan"e that you install$

    %u((ortin) Documentation Required %2 %erver 6nstance


    Item Configuration

    Instan"e 4ame MP)>< for user data*ases and tempd*

    Log 6ile 6older L:MP)>< for user data*ases and tempd*

    Servi"e %""ounts %dventure5or(s5Servi"e for all servi"es

    Startup .oth SQL Server and SQL Server %gent should start automati"ally

    Server Collation SQLGLatin1G>eneralGC1GCIG%S

    %uthenti"ation Mode Mied

    %dministrative -ser %dventure5or(s%dministrator

    6ilestream Support isa*led

    4ote that a0rd is used for all passords in the "ourse$

    Required emory *on&i)uration 85sed in 9:ercise " only;

    + 1$0>. reserved for operating system$

    + @0R of the remaining memory as the maimum value for the %dventure5or(sserver instan"e$

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    + 30R of the remaining memory as the maimum value for the roseare server


    + 30R of the remaining memory as the maimum value for the 5ev server


    + Configure minimum memory as ero for all instan"es$

    9:ercise 34 Review 6nstallation Requirements


    'ou ill revie the supporting do"umentation that des"ri*es the re/uired

    "onfiguration for the ne instan"e$ 'ou ill also "reate the re/uired folders to hold

    the data and log files for the instan"e$

    )he main tas(s for this eer"ise are as follos:

    1$ Eevie the supporting do"umentation prior to installation$

    2$ Create the folders that are re/uired for the data and log files$

    ,ask 34 Review t1e su((ortin) documentation (rior to installation

    + Eevie the supplied re/uirements in the supporting do"umentation for the


    ,ask $4 *reate t1e &olders t1at are required &or t1e data and lo) &iles

    + .ased on the supplied re/uirements, "reate the folders that are re/uired for the

    data and log files of the ne SQL Server instan"e$

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    -esults:%fter this eer"ise, you should have read the re/uirements and "reated the

    to folders that are re/uired$

    9:ercise $4 6nstall t1e %2 %erver 6nstance


    In this eer"ise, you need to perform an installation of another instan"e of SQL Server

    on the eisting server *ased on the supplied spe"ifi"ations$ In the setup steps for this

    la*, you have mounted an IS9 file that "ontains an image of SQL Server that ill *e

    used to install the instan"e$ re!re/uisites have already *een installed as there are

    eisting instan"es of SQL Server$

    )he main tas( for this eer"ise is as follos:

    1$ .ased on the re/uirements revieed in er"ise 1, install another instan"e of SQL


    ,ask 34

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    9:ercise #4 Per&orm Post-installation %etu( and *1ecks


    'ou need to ma(e sure that the servi"es for the ne instan"e are running and youneed to "reate a ne alias for the instan"e you have &ust installed$ 9n"e the instan"e is

    "reated, you should "onne"t to the instan"e using SQL Server Management Studio to

    ma(e sure that the instan"e or(s$

    )he main tas(s for this eer"ise are as follos:

    1$ Che"( that the servi"es for the ne SQL Server instan"e are running$

    2$ Configure *oth 32 *it and ?@ *it aliases for the ne instan"e$

    3$ Conne"t to the ne instan"e using SSMS$

    ,ask 34 *1eck t1at t1e services &or t1e new %2 %erver instance are runnin)

    + -sing SQL Server Configuration Manager, ma(e sure that the nely installed

    servi"es are running$

    + Ma(e sure that the named pipes proto"ol is ena*led for the ne instan"e$

    ,ask $4 *on&i)ure bot1 #$ bit and !" bit aliases &or t1e new instance

    + Configure a 32 *it alias "alled 5ev for the ne instan"e using named pipes$

    + Configure a ?@ *it alias "alled 5ev for the ne instan"e using named pipes$

    ,ask #4 *onnect to t1e new instance usin) %%%

    + Start SQL Server Management Studio and "onne"t to the ne instan"e to ma(e

    sure it is or(ing$ Ma(e the "onne"tion using the 5ev alias$

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    -esults: %fter this eer"ise, you should have "he"(ed that the servi"es are running,

    "reated a ne alias, and "onne"ted using SSMS$

    Challenge Exercise 4: Configure Server Memory (Only if time permits) Scenario

    )here are no three SQL Server instan"es installed on the Mar(eting server at

    %dventure5or(s$ In this eer"ise, you need to "onfigure the amount of memory that

    is allo"ated to ea"h instan"e$

    )he main tas(s for this eer"ise are as follos:

    1$ Eevie the "urrent memory availa*le on the server$

    2$ etermine an appropriate memory allo"ation for ea"h instan"e$

    3$ Configure ea"h instan"e appropriately$

    ,ask 34 Review t1e current memory available on t1e server

    + Eevie the "urrent memory availa*le on the server$

    ,ask $4 Determine an a((ro(riate memory allocation &or eac1 instance

    + Eevie the re/uired memory proportions as spe"ified in the supporting


    + etermine an appropriate memory allo"ation for ea"h instan"e$

    ,ask #4 *on&i)ure eac1 instance a((ro(riately

    + Configure ea"h instan"e *ased on the values you have "al"ulated$

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    -esults:%fter this eer"ise, you should have modified the memory allo"ation for

    ea"h SQL Server instan"e$

    Module "eview and #a$eawa%s

    Review 2uestions

    1$ 5hy is the "hoi"e of "ollation for a server so important, hen you "an "hoose

    individual data*ase "ollations anyay=

    2$ Should all SQL Server servi"es use a single domain!*ased servi"e a""ount=

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    -se SQL Server Configuration Manager to "hange servi"e a""ounts as it ill

    ensure that the "orre"t permissions and %CLs are "onfigured$

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