Information session for parents and carers Transition Evening

Information session for parents and carers Transition Evening

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  • Information session for parents and carers Transition Evening
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  • Aims of the meeting Explain common routines and procedures for the start of the Autumn term Identify key staff for communication some old, some new .some just different! Ensure that you have an improved knowledge and understanding of how the curriculum will evolve and progress your child Sharing some key messages on our journey and identity as a school and how this translates to our culture of learning Strategies to support your child at home, including reading and homework
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  • Key Stage One routines Reception and Key Stage One: every morning, 2KM line up in the Key Stage One playground, near the door and 2MC line up in front of the window, near the office entrance. Meal choices: at the start of the day, the picture menu for the day is displayed on the interactive whiteboard. Children state the colour meal they would like; they collect their colour sticker before lunch.
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  • Key Stage One Teaching staff Mrs Liddington 1KL (Assistant Headteacher and Phase Leader) Mrs Glosek 1JG Mrs Mitchell and Miss Christy 2MC Miss Marsden 2KM
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  • Communication Staff on doors every morning and at the end of the day for quick communication Communication with Phase Leader School website http://www.talbot.leeds.sch.uk/http://www.talbot.leeds.sch.uk/ Report and parents evening in the Autumn term Class assembly Parent Mail Newsletters Head and Deputy on the playground before and after school Communication with the office these will be directed to the class teacher, phase leader or senior leaders as appropriate to support efficient action where required
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  • What do we stand for? Fundamental review of the curriculum and teaching and learning philosophy undertaken this year to ensure it is line with our school values What does this mean? Teaching and Learning based around Courage, truth and loyalty, i.e. supporting children with: Courage with their learning taking a risk extending learning and showing this creatively Truth i.e. being true to yourself as a learner, trying even when something is challenging Loyalty to my class, my peers, school and community
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  • Curriculum coverage Creating a buzz! Daily timetable will include a daily English, Maths, handwriting and Spelling and Grammar skills focus. The Long term overview for each year group will be available to view on the school website (see Parent/Carer tab) Application enhanced with Computing, Guided Reading, RE, PE and other foundation subjects such as History, Geography and DT Routines for spellings and PE will be shared with your child in the first week back and subsequently shared with parents
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  • A little taster of what is to come Could a loaf of bread destroy a whole city? Where will Mr Benn travel next? Who is that reading in the dark? Which road should I take? Bollywood or Swing? Who needs Wall-E?
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  • Teaching and Learning More detail on our Teaching and Learning approach will follow in September. As a school will be focusing on how we can intertwine our school values with Growth Mindsets Simply put, Growth Mindsets are about thinking about your learning. There is an understanding that effort and strategies equal success, rather than ability. Save Thursday 17 th September, 6.30pm-7.15pm in your diary for a parent briefing
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  • How can we help at home? Support with uniform and PE kits i.e. black shoes, logo jumper, black or grey tights for girls if worn, blue logo t- shirt, black shorts and pumps. Please put names in everything and ensure PE kits are in school at the start of each half term. Referring back to the end of year expectations leaflet provided today (also available on the website) Homework policy Sept. 2015 Reviewed after consultation with parents, staff, children and governors. The reviewed policy which will take effect from September 2015. Key features include: graduated expectations by year group, homework to be done in books, higher standards of presentation expected, open-ended Learning Logs with real choice for Year Two pupils.
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  • Core subject support Reading: Encourage different reading strategies Reading together whenever possible and for enjoyment Make it fun! Questioning about the text, i.e. Why? What? When? How? Who? Encourage children to use Bug Club in September (an online reading programme) Writing: Writing for a purpose, e.g. lists, letters and notes. Does it make sense? Pencil hold and letter formation Punctuation expectations as highlighted in the end of year expectations leaflet The same expectations for typed work Practise spelling high frequency and tricky words Maths: Key mental maths fact recall, e.g. number bonds, times tables, bingo games, race around the track Problem solving in context, e.g. calculating change using , measures and baking Logic problems which encourage children to verbalise their problem solving strategy, this can range from Snakes and Ladders, rubix cubes to 3D shape puzzles Encourage children to bring in home learning and activities to share with the class during Show and Tell Fundamentally Courage, Truth and Loyalty
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  • Change to Parents Evenings Parents and children invited to Parents/Carers evenings. These will be an opportunity for the children to share their books with you, explain how our marking and feedback policy supports their learning and allows for more empowerment of the children in every aspect of their learning An additional information session will be held in the Spring Term to share some key messages on how the school will carry out the statutory end of Key Stage One assessments