Indictment Aza and Dias

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  • 8/13/2019 Indictment Aza and Dias



    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Crim. N O ~ I O ~ 3 8 ~ v. Viola t ions :Conspiracy to Obst ruc t

    DIAS KADYRBAYEV (1) and Jus t i ce - 18 U.S.C. 371;AZAMAT TAZHAYAKOV (2) , Obst ruc t ion of J u s t i c e

    18 U.S.C. 1519;Defendants . Aiding and Abet t ing -18 U.S.C. 2.



    1 . On Apri l 15, 2013, a t approximately 2:49 p .m. while theBoston Marathon, an annual 26.2 mile r ace was underway, twoexp los ions occurred in Boston, Massachuset ts , on the nor th s ide ofBoyls ton S t re e t a long the Marathon s f ina l s t r e t c h in c lose proximi tyto the f in i sh l ine .

    2. The f i r s t exp los ion occurred in the v i c i n i t y o f 671Boyls ton S t re e t and the second occurred approximately one block awayin f ron t of 755 Boyls ton S t re e t . The explos ive dev ices were placednear the meta l b a r r i e r s where hundreds of spec ta to r s were watchingrunners approach the f i n i sh l i n e . Each exp los ion k i l l e d a t l e a s tone person, maimed, burned and wounded scores o f othe rs and damagedpubl ic and p r iv a t e proper ty inc lud ing the s t r e e t s sidewalk,

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    b a r r i e r s , and proper ty owned by people and bus inesses in thel oca t ions where the exp los ions occurred . In t o t a l , three people

    were k i l l e d and over two hundred i nd iv idua l s were i n ju red .3. Immediately fo l lowing the bombings and con t inu ing un t i l

    the evening of Friday, Apri l 19, 2013 when Dzhokhar Tsarnaev wasar res ted , thousands of law enforcement personnel from loca l pol icedepar tments , the Massachuse t t s Sta t e Pol ice , and federa l agenciesconducted an ex tens ive manhunt fo r the two suspec ted Boston Marathonbombers, who were i n i t i a l l y r e f e r r ed t o by law enforcement as BomberOne and Bomber Two, and who were l a t e r i d e n t i f i e d as TamerlanTsarnaev (Bomber One) and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (Bomber Two) .

    4. The Federal Bureau of In v e s t i g a t i o n s ( FBI 's ) Jo in tTerror ism Task Force ( JTTF ) l ed the i n v es t i g a t i o n o f the bombings.As p a r t of t h i s domest ic t e r ro r i sm inves t iga t ion , numerousin terviews were conducted to , among othe r th ings : (1) uncover andthwart any othe r planned a t tacks ; (2) i d en t i f y , l oca t e , and a r r e s tthe bombers; and (3) c o l l e c t evidence.

    5. At approximately 5:00 p.m. on Apri l 18, 2013, the FBIpubl i shed video and photographic images of Bomber One and Bomber Twoon i t s webs i te . Those images were widely rebroadcas t by mediao u t l e t s a l l o v e r the count ry and the world . The FBI asked fo r thep u b l i c s help in iden t i fy ing the two men pic tu red in the video and


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    photographs. On Friday, Apri l 19, 2013, the men p i c t u r e d in thesevideo images and photographs were i d e n t i f i e d as Tamerlan Tsarnaev

    and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.6. On the evening of Friday, Apri l 19, 2013, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

    was a r r e s t ed in Watertown, Massachuset ts . His brother , TamerlanTsarnaev, was k i l l e d e a r l i e r t h a t day fo l lowing a shootout withpol i ce .

    7. Defendants DIAS KADYRBAYEV ( "KADYRBAYEV") and AZAMATTAZHAYAKOV ( TAZHAYAKOV ) are both na t iona l s of Kazakhstan whoen te red the United Sta tes on s tuden t vi sa s i n o r about September 2011.Unt i l Apr i l 20, 2013, KADYRBAYEV and TAZHAYAKOV shared an apartmenta t 69A Carr iage Drive , New Bedford, Massachuset t s ( the C arr iageDrive apartment ) .

    8. KADYRBAYEV, TAZHAYAKOV, a co-consp i ra to r known to theGrand Jury , and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev a l l began a t t end ing the Univers i tyo f Massachuset t s a t Dartmouth ( UMASS-Dartmouth ) a t the same t imein 2011. The four men were f r i ends , spen t t ime t oge the r soc ia l i z ing ,and of t en exchanged t e x t messages with each othe r .

    9. During the f a l l 2012 and spr ing 2013 semes ters , DzhokharTsarnaev and a roommate were ass igned campus hous ing a t Room 7341,Pine Dale Hall , on the UMASS-Dartmouth campus ( Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ' sdormitory room ). Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was l i v in g i n h i s Pine Dale Hal l


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    dormi tory room during Apri l 2013, the t ime per iod of the Marathonbombing.

    10. On Apri l 21, 2013, the FBI searched Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sdormi tory room pursuan t to a search warran t . Three days before theFBI executed i t s search , on the evening of Ap r i l 18, 2013, a f t e r theFBI pos ted the photographs of Bomber One and Bomber Two, KADYRBAYEVTAZHAKAKOV and t h e i r c o c o n s p i r t ~ r en t e red Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sdormi tory room, removed seve ra l i tems from the room, inc lud ingTsarnaev s l ap top computer and a backpack con ta in ing f i reworks , andbrought them to the Carr iage Drive apartment .

    11. Subsequent ly , between approximately 10:00 p.m. on Apri l18, 2013 and 1:22 p.m. on Apri l 19, 2013, KADYRBAYEV placed DzhokharTsarnaev s backpack, which con ta ined seve ra l i tems inc lud ingf i reworks and a j a r of Vase l ine , in a garbage bag and placed t ina dumpster outs ide the Carr iage Drive apartment .

    12. On Apri l 19, 2013, the Carr iage Drive apar tment complex sdumpster was emptied and ts con ten t s were moved to a l and f i l l inNew Bedford, Massachuset ts . Over the course of two days , Apri l 25,2013 and Apri l 26, 2013, more than 30 federa l agen ts searched t h i sl and f i l l fo r the evidence KADYRBAYEV had placed in the t r a sh . OnApri l 26, 2013, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev s backpack was found a t thel and f i l l . Ins ide the backpack, the agen ts recovered f i reworks , a


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    j a r of Vasel ine thumb dr ive and UMASS-Dartmouth homeworkassignment shee t .


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    COUNT ONE: (18 U.S.C. 371 Conspiracy to Obstruct Just iceThe Grand Jury fur ther charges that :

    The a l lega t ions contained in paragraphs 1-12 are herebyre -a l leged and incorporated by reference as i f fu l ly se t for thherein.

    From on or about April 18 2013 and continuing un t i l on or aboutApril 20 2013 in the Dis t r ic t of Massachusetts


    defendants herein did knowingly conspire combine confederate andagree wi th each other and wi th another conspirator known to the GrandJury to commit an offense agains t the United Sta tes to witObstruction of Just ice in v io la t ion of 18 U. S. C. 1519 by agreeingto knowingly a l t e r destroy conceal and cover up tangible objectsbelonging to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev namely a laptop computer and abackpack containing f ireworks and other i tems with the in tent toimpede obst ruct and inf luence an inves t iga t ion and properadministrat ion of a matter within the ju r i sd ic t ion of the FederalBureau of Inves t igat ion an agency of the United States Governmentand in re la t ion to and contemplation of such inves t iga t ion andmatter .

    OVERT CTSIn furtherance of the conspiracy and to ef fec t i t s objec ts


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    the defendants and t h e i r co-consp i ra to r committed over tac t s , including, but not l imi t ed to , the fo l lowing:

    a . At approximate ly 10:00 p.m. on Apri l 18, 2013, KADYRBAYEV,TAZHAYAKOV, and t h e i r co-consp i ra to r en te red Dzhokhar Tsarnaev 'sdormitory room a t UMASS-Dartmouth.

    b. On the evening of Apri l 18, 2013, KADYRBAYEV showedTAZHAYAKOV a t e x t message he had rece ived from Dzhokhar Tsarnaev,which read, I f yu [s ic] want yu [s ic] can go to my room and takewhat ' s thereO but i gh t [s ic] bra [s ic] Salam ale ikum.

    c . While i ns ide Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ' s dormitory room on theevening of Apr i l 18, 2013, KADYRBAYEV searched Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ' sbelongings and found a backpack con ta in ing fi reworks . The f i reworksconta iners had been opened and manipula ted. As a r e s u l t , some ofthe explos ive powder was v i s ib l e .

    d. While i ns ide Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ' s dormitory room on theevening of Apri l 18, 2013, KADYRBAYEV showed TAZHAYAKOV the backpackcon ta in ing f i reworks , which KADYRBAYEV had found with DzhokharTsarnaev 's belongings .

    e . While i ns ide Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ' s dormitory room on theevening of Apri l 18, 2013, KADYRBAYEV showed TAZHAYAKOV a j a r ofVasel ine he had found among Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ' s belongings andKADRYBAYEV t o ld TAZHAYAKOV t h a t he KADYRBAYEV) bel i eved Dzhokhar


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    Tsarnaev had used the Vasel ine to make bombs o r words to t ha te f f e c t .

    f . When they l e f t Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ' s dormi tory room on theevening of Apri l 18, 2013, KADYRBAYEV and TAZHAYAKOV removed severa li tems, which they be l i eved belonged to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev , inc lud inga backpack, f i reworks , a j a r o f Vasel ine , and a laptop computer fromthe room and, t oge the r with t he i r co-consp i ra to r , took those i temsback to the Carr iage Drive apar tment .

    g . While a t the Carr iage Drive apar tment , KADYRBAYEVdiscussed wi th TAZHAYAKOV and t h e i r co-consp i ra to r g e t t i n g r i d ofDzhokhar Tsarnaev ' s backpack and f i reworks by plac ing those i temsin the garbage . TAZHAYAKOV agreed.

    h. On the evening o f Apri l 18, 2013, KADYRBAYEV and TAZHAYAKOVremoved the laptop computer from Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ' s backpack andthen KADRYBAYEV with TAZHAYAKOV's knowledge and agreement, placedDzhokhar Tsarnaev 's backpack with the f i reworks i ns ide a blackgarbage bag. KADYRBAYEV then took the garbage bag contain ingDzhokhar Tsarnaev ' s backpack and placed t i n to the garbage dumpsterouts ide the Carr iage Drive apar tment .

    i . On the evening of Apri l 18, 2013 and the morning of Apri l19, 2013, KADYRBAYEV and TAZHAYAKOV watched t e l e v i s i o n news repor t sabout the persons suspec ted o f committing the Marathon bombings.


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    These repor t s showed p ic tu r e s of a suspec ted bomber who was l a t e rp u b l i c l y i d e n t i f i e d by approximately 6:50 a.m. on Apri l 19, 2013)as Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. n the morning of Apri l 19, 2013, mul t ip lenews repor t s i d e n t i f i e d Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as one of the two Marathonbombers.

    j n Apri l 19, 2013, a f t e r Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had beeni d e n t i f i e d on news r epor t s as one of the two Marathon bombers,T ZH Y KOV and K DYRB YEV watched as a garbage t ruck came to t h e i rapartment complex and emptied the con ten t s of the dumpster where\T ZH Y KOV knew K DYRB YEV had discarded Dzhokhar T sarn aev sbackpack.

    All in v io la t ion o f 18 U.S.C. 371.

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    COUNT TWO: (18 U.S.C. 1519 Obstruct ion o f Justice(18 U.S.C. 2 Aiding and Abett ing)

    The Grand Jury fu r the r charges t ha t :The a l l eg a t i o n s con ta ined in paragraphs 1-12 are hereby re -

    a l leged and incorpora ted by re fe rence as i f fu l l y s e t fo r th here in .Between on o r about Apri l 18 2013 and on o r about Apri l 20

    2013 in the D i s t r i c t of Massachuset tsDIAS KADYRBAYEV andAZAMAT TAZHAYAKOV,

    defendants here in d id knowingly a l t e r des t roy concea l and coverup t ang ib le ob jec t s with the i n t e n t to impede obs t ruc t andin f luence an inves t iga t ion and proper admin i s t ra t ion of a mat te rwi th in the j u r i s d i c t i on of the Federa l Bureau o f Inves t iga t ion anagency of the United Sta tes Government and in r e l a t i on to andcontemplat ion of such i n v es t i g a t i o n and mat te r .

    Al l i n v i o l a ti o n of 18 U.S.C. 1519 and 2.


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    B. STEPHANIE SIEGM NNAssis tant United Sta t e s Attorneys

    DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS, Boston, M August 8, 2013

    Returned i n to the Dis t r i c t Court by the Grand Jurors and f i l ed


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